Sharon Scanlon State Police Affidavit

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as: iunb3r

cF3# 1204478522
(Lisi tursi lvhccil. iDtilal)

Scanlon, Shai"on A.
Lr .r,,ii.':::i.-, 6 l--r,.r. ; t.l.:+:, f,.iit:;
To: A Juoge of tiie Superioi'Coui-'t of iire facis Tne unulersignec hei"eirir aoplies foi-a rrrariani for ihe air?si of il-ie ai:crre-irai'r'ted accused cn ii-re basis sei fcri-ih in ii^re : X Anicievii 3eiov't; i X-AmcfsyI(s)Aiiachao
Tycelprint nalne of Prosecuiing auihorrly
I ir:.

Tl-re unclersigrrec'aifiani, lreing duhl su,/orn, de:os=s




and has been since Thai affiani, Trooper Shawn Sequeira #1025 is a member of the Conneciicui Siais Police Disirict Major Crime squad January 2006. rhis affiant is curi-enily assigned to the Conneciicut State Police, central from personal knowledge and as a Deteciive since January 2008. The following facis and circumsiances are staied capaciiy and from official observaiions, as well as information received from orher police onicers in iheir official poiice reporis. G'A' #22, l-4 West That on Augusi 23,21t2,ihe Siaies Atiorney, Kevin Lawlor of The Milford Superior Couri, affiani of the Ccnneciicui Siaie River. St, adrrised Lleuienant Baldwin #035, and Sergeant Srr3tton #0235 and lhis police, Central Disirici Major Crime Squad of an alleged Larceny/lorgery invesiigaiion. The accused was reported ysars, scanlon io be scanlon, sharon A. (DoB 1t/LL/54) of 23 Crescent Drive, shelton, CT. For the last seventeen locaie'i at 54 haq heen emnioyed as ths AEsistani Finance Directorforihe Citir 3;shelton' Acccuniing Depai.irneni


HillSireei, Shelion, CT 06484.


Chief Thai on Augusi 23,2AL2, Li. Baldwin, Sfi. Srratron, and both affiants mei directlv wiih ihe complainanis (Private JoelHuriiman and Captain MichaelMadden of ihe Shelton Poiice Department, and David A. Cappelletti CT05525)' The auciiior.fortne Cit;r of Sneiton) of Le'.,iisi<\i and \rerner\i, P.C. (100 Bracle'r'road, $Joodbridge, i^+^^,i-!r,r-arz I1l;s= ai Chief Hurlinran's office (locaieci atShelion Police Deparirrent 85 WheeierSt', Shelion CT lil!=r vlsw LUUN was discovered 0G484). The complainanis repoired that as a resuit of an annual audit conducted by Cappelleiii it

riie nrade out to Sc:nlon from ihe Cit.,; of Shelicn iotallng ihe appi'oximaie amouni of 55i3,37i'00 over that of ihe Ciiv of Sheiion' I:qi f!r-,e '-,ears. Cappcllerti immediate!.r, repcl-ted his finCin6s to the auihoi"itles

ihattheCiiycf Shelton'sAssistantFinanceDii'ector,Scanlon,SharonA,

(DOB 1!/1L/64)wasdepositingchecks


That on August 24, ZO12 at approximateiy 1135 houi's, Trooper Connoliy and this affiant met direcily with, (who interviewed, and subsequently received a sworn statementfrom complainant,/witness Davld A. Cappalletii periormecjihe aucjii) of Leviisky & Berney P.C. iocatecj at 100 Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525. ln the
sta:e m ent, Cappel

letii reported

th e following:

(This is page 1 of a 13 page Affidavii.)


Subscribed and swonr io-befor: nle on (D:ie.J



u'td Ttre foregorng Applicarion for arr arresi warrarri, arrd aiiidavit(s)aii:ched to saici Applicaiion, l:lll!^i.::l^=l!n:::i,.io iiu u''3sy3igneC iinos'To'rt saici afrri:vii(s) :liat r' Drc:abl= caus= lo i:elierre tlrat co,is;CerEO U-y ifij uncteisisl-d, erists fottire arr orferrse has beerr corrrnriiieci ai-rd that tt-.e aicuried conrnriited it and, ihirefoi-e, ihat ilrobable cause of a tryarran'r for the arresi of ihe aboiie-tranreo accuseo'. issuance \3i'r: Ji Juil: -.Et*-ilsl ieieliE o n e d /i! a'J:.'-l1 r-dill-.,.= , I a,^, Orr rne13l l!a1^ )r,f I r3l .2 I

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i\laiie (L;si ;itsi iviirldi. !tliiEl)

I Ris o=nc:


,!'a.l ,i ;JCU:=o

Scanioi"l, Sha:'on A


] curgr.p,.i.=l J Ar:a numb:r


.fl-iclavrt - ecnii nr-ieci tam o Ceriiiied pubtic Accounioni (c.p.A.

L00 Brodley


City Hatl,54 i'littsi'' Shelton' CT-05484Jor audits otihe City Hsll, Accounting Depcrcmentwhich is locoteciatthe

Rcad, woodbridge, CT a5525.

locoted ot #13054 since 09-07-200! for Leviisky & Ezrney P'C' annual hove been conirscted by the City of shelton tc conducitheir

thetastjouryeors. TheDirectoroitheAccountingDepartmentisLouisMA4orusicondtheA'ssistqntDirectoroi qnnual oudits normclty conducted.from Moy through the Accouniing Deportment is shoran sconlon. The yecr. Below is ihe summary of rhe invesiigctive steps December of each year for ltears endec on June 30 oi thotthot t have token io this Point.
AccountinE Deoortment which revealed on 07/25/i2, I begon the audit investigotion far rhe City of shelton's ledger, Jound during the review oi hond voided checks discovered ta be used and not recorded in the General were iound, which alened us to these check's v,tritten checks. With the hetO o! employees, five csncelled checks back of the city ot' Shelton' sharon also endorsed ihe being written to sharon scanlon, assistont iinance director of

several checks.

city oi Sheiton's clerl<s as to tracinE all voided checks Three yeors oi injormation was gothered, with the help oi the to be depositeC with iotc! ranging between ta the bonk deposits. Twenty-six (25) vai4r4 chzcks were ;cund Peopies Bank' nna --) .1. iLA. Aii ciiecks were writien iramthe Vieiis Forgo Generai Fund anci Deposiieci oi JO)UUU UltU



The Moltor wos notiiied at ancz.

Arecorcoisimilardepositswas thehondsoJpeoptesbankondwaitingjortheCiryof sheltonrequestroprovide). lrequestedli notedbyPeoplesbankfor.!ttneandlu|y,2012oswe!!esjarbcckcs2007(elrliestreccrdscnfile).

Peoples bank could request the lote documentdtion'

depositing ccccuntwas Sharon's persona! iiris. {oung (peopies rJnitecj Bank representctive) coniirned rhctrhe (confirned through video ior the tosi six months' in occount ond ihat ii was Sharon depositing the fundivia ATM

Theassistantiinancedirector withonlythefinoncedirectorondossistantfinancedirectorhcvingaccess. clerk rncintained the sp'ecial revenues and reconcibd snd moinislned the genero! lund bcnk ccccunrs, a second capita! projects scccut,i and the third clerk msintsined e!! other ccccunis.
The Controt on

outhority to write checks ond maintainihe Manualchecks are nainrdined by o clerk. The Clerkwould hove the stomps of the signatures ore locked check book through the moster list oi chect( nurnbers (mointained by clerk).

of the checks (the person voided checks were the reconciliotion of siatements ond the mointoining Athirdcheckwouldbeamonthlyreviewof oll mointoiningthecheckscioesnotreconcileonybonkoccounts).

occounTs (not being Pert'ormed).

to the generol iund bank stotements' tt occurred fraud was detected through the check log not oEreeing by writing her awn checks' lnternol controls had becouse the Assistont iinonce director super vented rhe controls and accurote investigation' However' the worked in thot all the injormation wos ovoiloble to periorm o speedy internol controls hod foited in thot ii wos nat discovered in a timely monner'

On 07/27/20L2, I immediotely notified

(This is page 2 of a 13 aage Afiidavit.)



of this audit investigation to

the Chair Alderman oi the City oJ

SuUscribea ano svvorn lc before nle

Sisned fAi;an,

-4.*/\,,1 0'a1t; -.t , N

(Deie) Signed fJuogtelcierii
, t

*--' .>



RevreLr,=C ( Judc a/Jl,)a

Tizl R.aere.)

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ng io ce.



be noted thoi Shorcn Sccnlon olso had home access to

stote police consent

her urork relateC City

oi Shel'on's iincnce files'

, and all

inicrmotion, docurnents, emoils, etc.

t gove the connecticut


iniormction relating directly to

nti n g De Pa rtme nr.

of Shelion' ihis afct'enenticned annual oudit invesiigation conducied an the City


seorch ond exomine att files, docttmen'ts, copies, videos, etc


evecuied: That as a result to ihis invesiigation the following search warrants were issrled and Upon executingihe search O64g4,where the police seized Scanlon's work hard drive and bank documents. ihe accused) reported that warrant, iwo co-workers (Wendy Gatly and Patricia Carlson who repofted direcily to further reporied ihat Cappallertidid noi discoverihe frauduleni act conducteC bythe accused. Gally and Carlson desl< in her ihe frauduleni aci when obsei-ving a quesiionable check iocaied on Scanlon's 2nd and seizure warrant for address of City Hall, Accounting Depanmeni,

floor,54 Hill Sireet, Shelton'


ihey initially discovereu4


Search and seizui.e v,iari-ani for;'ecorcjs reiained by Pecple's Banl< in

ihe name of Scanlon, Sharon A'



& ss# 045-50-1454)

Seai-ch and seizure warrani

for records retained by Wells Fai'go

Banl<, reported

io be ihe accouni holderforrhe

Ciry of Shelion, CT.

Seai-chandSeizurewai-raniforSharonA..Scanlon's. (DOBtULl-154) i'esicienceof23CresceniDrive,Shelion, pi'esent .^.^^-ni.,!i VVa execuiingthe seai-ch wai'i'ani ai ihe acci.ised's i'esidence, Sl^rBrofl Scanlon was LUIITtCLLILUL ^c!,gl. Upon :nrt )rpnnried thai she had Iegal representaiion anC refuseC an interview fronr:he affiant. q,,u eyv'

6. 7.

of ihis Thai Special Agent Milan R. Kosanovich of the Federal Bureau of Investigaiion became aware invesiigaiion and offered the FBi's assistance with invesiigating'

of Thai on 0g-1C-12 at approximateiy 13+0 hours, Speciailgent Miian R. Kosanovich of ihe FederalBureau statement from lnvestigation and I met directly with, intei'vierved, and subsequently received a swcrn rrimn!:!nrnr./v.ritylsss Devid A, Cappalleiti (,,vhc pet'ormed rhe audit) of Levitsk'y & Berne'v'P.C, located ai 1C0 iv"'v'J"re'!r!/ "".::^;::; and tt"This was a .;;., CT 06525. ;;'1,;,,. , second intervieur with Cappalletii du e to the inccnsistencles Bradley Road, Woodbridge, ;';J; discrepancies wiih his initial sworn statemeni. Cappalletti reported the following:
On the obove daie ond time, t give o sworn voluntary stotement to Trooper Shov,rn Sequeiro oi the Connecticut oJ Stote police CentrolDistrict Mojcr Crime Squad ond SpeciotAgeni Miton R. Kosonovich of the Federoltsurecu provided in my iniiial sworn ststemeni I gove to the State lnvestigation. I want to stote thot ott the iniormotion I ossisteci ^^ /^ . /2.2 f OiiCe Oti U6/24/ J ot ii35 haurs was ihe truth. iviosi oi the information i provit)eci wos perlorneci anci with two of the clerks (Vlendy ond Pat), wha v,torked directty ior the suspect, Shoron Sconlon'

(This is page 3 oi a i3 page OU,d2trit.)


Sign:d fA,iiana)


Courl. A/oi3/1, Pubiic)

Sul:scribed and sworn Io beiore nle an (Daie)

R e yi-:,t e d f

yf I 7 i ..;''i ,;_ , " 5.,..._1r1 'l_ --:''



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i\arr: ffasi i/iicldle liiiial) Scanlcr:, Shal'on l',.

ea=iaar'aa i ta\'!n)

aoutr ic ll3



G=fgrselttc:l Ar.a nuntb:r


.l ii'ice'.'l



signed ond mqde out me. Airhe Boord oi Educaiion Louis revealed opproximatelstfiite cancelleC checksthoiv'tere over to the Stote Palice' Louis reported to Shoron Scanlon and other supporting informctian that t loter rurned thai one oi his clerks (tMendy) brcught this to his otiention'

iniriaily come ic ny attention from the Ciry artd then I met Louis thatthe ot' Sheyon, Finonce Director Lcuis Morusic. Louis phoned ne dit'ectly on 07/25/12 thqt tte had io show located in Shelion io discuss son'te important int'ormotion
For ocditicnal clorit,v, t woutd iike


tc repori thqt ihis oudii investigation

ai the Board oi Educatian

and etc' Pst and Wendy the my oudit independently in speoking with Pecples lJnited tsonl< regcrds to them being ihe "whistle clerk requestedfor me to keep their names out of my audit, speciiicalty in Lcuis Mcrusic. Louis also requested ior me to blov,ters,, and biinging the motter to the cttention oi their director performed

help of wendy the clerk in the accounting I intntediately begon to perform on audit ond double check with the that Louis h4orusic go\/e to me' lNendlr department. wendlt retrieved the originol bank records ircm v/ells Forgo desk ond reseorched the check' wendlt reparted, that she discovered a cancelled check on top oi Shoron scdnlon's money' from the City of Sheltan' I then then disccvered thst Shoron was possibllt deposiiing checks and stea!!ng


rest of


his nome

out oi this motter.

ond Pot (the clerks and main recson ldiscovered Scanlon steating fiom the City oi Shelton is because Wendy to cttention' The Moyor sornetirne Sconion,s suborciinotes) initiatec) titis inveitigorion anci braughi rhis mouer jinding this (referencinE to disco'tering scsnlon steoling naney loter asked me ii the clerks were o greot help in and only totd him becouse he asked' from the city. I nodled yes" I would have never lied ta the moyor g. That on Og-Lg-llzat approximately 0930 hours, SpecialAgent Milan R. l(osanovich of the Federal Bureau of sworn siaiemenifrom wiiness investigation and lmet directlywiih, interviewed, and subsequently received a place in a vacant oiiice located wenoy Gaiiy (oob 07-0g-5r.)of 27 Elderberry Lane, sheltcn, CT. The interviewiook and was inierviewed as a wiiness on the seconcjfioor of the Sheiton City Haii. Gaiiy workeci directlyfor Scanlon
vuho participaied in discovering:he alleged larceny. Gally reporied ihe following:

t have been conriucting audits ior i was interviewea by the Conneciicui State Poiice they cskei me haw iong Potice t'urther asked me what wos the City oj Shelion. t reported ior apprcximotety the lcst five yeors. The Stote was stealing from the citv' I diilerent obout this periormed audit that hetped me discover that Shoron Scanlcn I could conduct my oudit thoroughly reponed thot Sharo,n slanlon wos on vacation and let't a sloppy trai!. N/tesning this informotion and the without Scanlon being orounci io cover things up. ! dcn't know ii lwould have discovered

anditappeoredthotshehadtheMayorof iromtheMoyorsuchosworkingMondoythroughThursdayondhovingFridoysoiJ.
(This is page ti of a l3 page Afiidavi':.)

of the Connecticut FederolBureou of Stote os o port time clerk' I lnvestigotion. twas emplcyed in 2001forthe City of Shelton, Accounting Department of Shetton I hove worked ior the became o iutt iime clerk in rhe yeor 20a7, My entire time employed for the City very little monogerialskills' She wauld Assistont Finance Director Shoron Scanlon. Shoron wcs o loid bock boss wirh her direct boss (Finance Director Louis spend a lorge omouni of her time an the internet. Sharon did not tike was ciose to the Moyor iviorusic) onci oppeored not ro hove o greot reior.ionship wirh him. it seemeci iike Shsron Shettonwroppedaroundherfinger. Shoronreceivedspecialprivileges

On the

Shawn Sequeiro abave date ond time, I give a svtarn voluntory stotement io Trooper potice Centrol District Major Crime Squad ond SpeciotAgent Milan R. Kosonovich oithe


Sullscribed 2nd svr'onr io beio[:

n]. on


Sianed I -i'.)ac3/

R:vr:wec iJudg=U )ga Tliai -xa;tra.)

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a:vii - CorttL tl u*d dcingoiotoiLouis'responsibiiities. Sha;'onwculCtell theMoltorthotshedidzverythingcndlthinkthatthe wanied him tc resign fram being the Moyor knew this. I do ,ot ihink',he lvloyor tiked Louis ond I think the Ma',tor Director' Finance Direcior. lt appeared that Louis did noi worl< thot hord os the Finance
through Sharon's files on her desk when we naticed a check looked ot the monuol check on her deskfor the omount oi 57,825.00 v,rith nothing else wriite:t on the check. vle the check' Loter' to log and sow thot the check wos voicied. we wrote thot check number down and decided iollcw vtas made out pat received the bonk recordsfor thot check and we sow rhot the check in the an'tount of 57825'0a
On June


2012, rny co-warker,


and I were laoking

to Shoran Scanion bui was iistecj as voicied. i went to vveiis Forgo bank (Ciiy oi Sheiion's account -r"ir,rrrra there were checks written tc ,.,pies oi checks, Once I received the checks Pot ond I Ciscovered thot

hoider) anci

to the City of Shelton's auditar David Sharon destroyed then. Louis reported Pct cnd nyfinC:ings regct'ding Shat'cn a pcckei oifiies onc! copies Cappeiietti. Dove came into our oifice anci Poi anci icssisted Dove in pudng rcgether and I thct he would tell the praper showing Sharon steoling money jrom the City of Shelron. Dave explaineC to Pat the City of Sheltcn' ln reolitlt' authorities rhor he discovered Shoran steoling with the assistance of the cterks oi
David wouid most likely have never caught sttoron steoling ii it were nct

SheronSconlongaingbockatleostthreeyeors. Patandlputtogerherapocketin'tplicotingsharonondgoveitto We were noi comiortable giving this our Finance Director Louis Morusic and explained to him whot we discovered. We osked Louis notto gei us informotion to the Mayor because Shcron'and him appeored io be greotfriends. we were scared ond did not wont to be invoived when he reports thot Sharon wos steoling t'rom the City because implicote Sharon ior siealing so we cissttiiled thcii tabeiecl as sn jtches. vr/e cjid notfind any bonk records ihot vtould

iar Pai ond l'

this ond the oudits woulc go through without o lot our oiiice worl<ing. lt oppeors rhat Dovid Ciiy Hall ond seized Shoron,s computer, lhove seen David Cappelletti recently been in chorge by a is working on orher respansibiliiies otherthon auciiting. The Accounting Department new Finonce Director nameci Poui Hiiier.

oi how she struggled never suspected Sharon ior sieoling iram rhe Ciry. Sharcn clwoys tatked One thing thot bothered me ;s such qs her kid's co!!ege tuition. ! ho,.,e no i.lec u-,hot Shsron spenirhct nane't'an. poper ond atthe end on ihot totways v,tondered how aur Accounting Deportmeni's money never balonced on how post ouciitors never caughi acijustment v,touid aiv,toys be moae wititout reai iustiiicotion, i never unclerstooci Pclice come into o problem in this areo. Since the connecticui state

with palting bills


of ihe Federaltsureau of That on tO-Og-L2at approximaiely 0945 hours, SpeciaiAgent Milan R' l(osanovich of 52 Chelsea Street' lnvestigation and I met directlv with and interviewed Pairicia Carlson (dob 05-04-43)

Siratford,CT. TheinterviewtookplaceinavacantofficelocaiedonthesecondflooroftheShelionCiryHall' in discoveringihe alleged carlson worked directlyforscanlon and was interviewed as a wiiness who par.iicipaied
larceny. During the interview, Carlson reporied the following:
Shelton, CT' Coilson reveoled of her bosses in the Accouniing she wos involved in uncovering o fraud by Shoron Sconlon, which is one

Carlson reported thot



in the Accounting Deportment of rhe




Corlson reported thot

(This is page 5 of a 13 page A.iidavit-)
uo rs


knew Scanlon to be friencs with the City's Mo)tor Mork Louretri' Corlson described

Suirscribed and srrvorn io beior: rre on (Dei.)

)secutotid Aiiici2l)



i\erre fL;si. Firsi

Cour, io
Midcile 1Nil21) lVi

b: h:ici ai ,' j,t,[i I G:co,:::h,c:L

Sca;rion, Shai'on R.



i ^r=Jnun,b:i ZZ


have any problems' she reporied that sconlon scanlon cs somecne v,tho wos her and with whom she cid nat Carlsort reportzd Scanlon ro be e did hove problens and disogreemenis with anctrt2r co-worker ththy Zaprzalka. reporied thot it opoeoreci thct good bcss v,tho did not hove issues with onyane except for Zaprazolka. Carlson Department Louis Marusic' Cqrlson believed ihot Scanlon did not gei along wirh the Direci-or of ihe Accounting that Scanlon hod control of olmost Morusic issueci Sconlon more ouihoriry than de should hove. She sioted Mcyor Lauretti would call Sconlon instead oJ everything in ihe Accounting Deportment. Carlson reported thct lt/larusic when he needed ta discuss issues regording the Accounting Deportment'




Corlsonreporiedthatthey regordingogranipsymentinthecreooisconlon'soificedeskinshe,lionCityHall, paltee tine of the check' she ,,yellow copy" of check number 7825 without onyone listed on the discovered a Acccunting Department of Friday reported that the returned checks from wells Forgo Bonk came to the
reporteci ihot Gaity went through the monusl discovered thar check #7g25 wcs mode poyoble io sconlon, corlson jrauduleni aci. Corlscn reportea that the frcud wes ccntpieted by listing check register and discover=ci Scanlon's they were nade paycble ta Scanlcn' checks os o "void" or poltoble to other peaplz, tt.then actuo!!1t monihs work of check cclies were a Ccrlson reported that Geily onC she further discovered :hot anly iew that ofier compiling ntore iniormotion maintoined, which tikely h=tped Sconlan conceol hert'roud. She reported in\arntaiion tc Mot'usic regorcling ihe irouo, Corison ond Gcily hond deiivered aii ci their dlsccvered irouduient over ic the City of Corlsan reporied thot Mcrusic imnediately iurned the documents

Carlson reported that on 06-oi-i2 tha-, viendy Gaily (carlson's co-worker)


she were iooking far iniormotion


foir.,, Corlson reporied cio such o'n'n'-,.Y:t jinance sysieri.i to caiicei purchase orciers anci ieorneci thot the oniy person thot haci occess to expensive comper and an expensivz Mayor Loureiii. Ccrlson reporied thot she heard ihot Sccnlan purchosed cn did noi bring in ony kind of truck that Sconlon's family used for vacaiions. Ccrlson believed thot Sconlon's husbond io buy the truck and ccmper' Carlson substantial incame. Corlson wondered how Sconlon was able to ojiord reporteci thoi she wos wiiiing to assist iurther ii necessory onci wos cocperative'

reporied thot she warked with Shelton,s independent oudiror without moking any copies ior himself. Carlson ca'J!d ccme" snd thct "wcs Marusic since the lgg}s o.nd clescribzC him cs someone thot "wss honest as they get into the thot she recolted recently thot Zoprazalka (co-worker) was trying to

(Director oi Finonce).


manual check logs, individual That ihe CDMCS deieciives examined all bank records, exisiing general Iedgers/

bankchecksthaiwereusedinihecommjssionofthiscrime. Duringihisinvestigationiiwasdiscoveredihaithe evidence that would implement her in ihis accused destroyed or got rid of the majority of the self incriminaiing Depariment' The CDMCS compiled an crime that was specifically reiained by ihe City of Shelion's Accouniing
(Sharon Scanlon)frauduient check hisicry Excel spreadsheet documenting the five year hisiory of the accused's

uiilizing the Ciiy of Shelion's general fund checks'


that vendors were ofiicially paid That ihe Shelton City Hall, Accounting Depariment reported that in the event back ':p bills/r'eceipts that bvthe CitrT of Shelton, ihe Accouniing Dqoanment's reiainecl i'ecords would have with invoice and fiied away for at ieast two suppor-ied why checks were issued wiih an arrached copy of the check refleci ihe auihentic bank years. lt was ciiscovered that the files retained ai ihe Shelion Ciiy Hall did noi

(This is page

af a i3 page Afiidattit.)

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subscribed and su,orn Io oeiots are ae {)aia)


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Scanlcn, Sharor A.
:,.ai: ;-..i,', f' ^t ::. i L [-i= t] lr- ' t'!'i^,-..i,-,.:L;ttLrtsi-i

rCh^14^F lJllciLUl,







siarenrenis held by Well iargo Bank (the Citir of Shelton's acccun'i holder). Majoriiy of ihe checi':s the accused Crafted she falsely recordeC as voidec'or as a ficiiiicus name in ihe manual check log records reiained by ihe Shelton Ciiy Hall. ln aciualiiir ihe accused c'eposiied ihe checks by ATM, which was revealeC in ihe \Ai ells Fargo Bank account records. Wells Fargo mailed the Ciiy cf Shelton iheir once a monih bank siaiements. The siaiements onlyspecifyihe check numbers and check amounis, and ihaiihe checks wei-e cieai'ed. The bank

siatementsdonotreveal whoihecheckswereendorsedby,oayableioorwhoihedepositorwas. Theoncea month bank siatemenis from Welis Fargo Bank was mailed to the Shelton Ciiy Hall Accouniing Departmeni with ihe reiui'n of all original cancelled checks going to Scanlon.

a. ]-!-

TL^: dLLtrl I lidl. ^,!^,'he initial discovery of ihis crime, ilre banksiaiements ano'checks were reviewed and disccvered



searching ihe Ciry of Shekon's Accouniing Depaiiment's retaineC files of bank siatements and original cancelled checks, ii was discovei'ad ihai ihe accused inadverienily missed several of the separate cancelled checks macie payable io her ihai were founcj in rhe fiies. These originai checrs were seizecj anci documenteC by ihe CDMCS, .,,1;^L r.'*L--!nplicaies the accuseC of ih!s crirne. in reviewingihe Ciiy of Shelton Accouniing Depaftmeni's vvtilLrt IuttilEl Iil

manualcheck logs retained byihe Accouniing Depanmenttne CDMCS discovei'ed entries indicating'.'oided checks and oi' vendoi-s, wh=n in fact ihe checi<s wer= r-nade paizabie io anei ericiorsed by ihe accused. The accused's iniiials were nexi to ihese ii'ansaciions in the manual check iogs io suppori ihis infcrmation as Scanlon making ihe entry. AII supponing docuinenis were seized as evicience and documenied. It was funher reporied b1t ihs CPA ALrciiior Cappelietii ancj Shelrcn City Hail siaff, ihai in the quesiion of manuiaclui"ing and or cirafting checi<s on behalf of ihe Ciiy of Shelion, the siamps of the signatui-es are locked wiih only ihe finance director and assisianr finance director (accusecl) having access. The assistant finance dii'ector (Scanlon) reconciled and maintained ihe genei-aifi;nd bani< accourtis (tiie Vveiis Fargo accourii on which ihe fraucjuieni checics were drawn), a second clerl< mainiained ihe special revenues and capital projects account and the rhird cler"k mainiained all other accounis.


7L^i 15 - r=5 of examining Pecples Uniied Bank records (personalaccount belonging to ihe accused), ihe i rdL ^. i "^"uit Sikorsky Federal Credit Union and ihe (personai account belonging to the accuseC) and Wetls Fargo Bank i'ecords itheaccounihoicjerfortheCiiyofSheiion) iiwascjeiermjneci ihairheaccuseci sioierheioiaiapproximaie -! . r-^ amoijirt oi 5ai tj,395.00 frorn the iast five years iAZiT2i2AAS ihrough Ai l2Ai2A72j.
That on A2/L2/2OOB Sharon Scanlon deposiied a frauduieni check (check *574855,Caied0tl3L/2008 in the

1,4, 15. 15.

amountof512,000.00payabletoSharonScanlonandenciorsedbySheronScanlon) intohercheckingaccount (People's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) by ATM (locaiad ai Ri Lll Village Square, Monroe, CT).
Thai on ]3/LBI}OOB Sharon Scanlon depcsited a fraudulent check (check #575540, daied 031!412008 in ihe amouni of $9,775.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking account (Pecple's United Bank accouni 0290049807) by ATM (lccaied at 1000 Bridge port Avenue, Sheltcn, CT).

Thai cn O4/2A|20CB Sharon Scanlon deposiied a frauduleni check (check #576085, dated 04lLl 12008 in ihe amount of S9,325.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) into her checking acccunt

(This is page 7 of a i 3 page Afiidavii.)

;) -ribed anci sworn io beiore nre oD fDaaa)


fAr;arl:iauri llot2ry

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fficiii,ii - (rc,r, -lt'i i-i+::

(People's United Bank aCCoUnI0290049807)bvATN4(loca.iedai8S2BridgeportAVenue,Shelion,CT)


by sharon scanlon) inio her checking account 3n,)ouni of s9,375.00 parTable to shai'cn Scanlon anc endorsec Hawley Lana' Trumbull' cT)' (People's uniied Bank acccuni 0290049807) by ATN4 (locaied at 100

Thaton 05l30l20ogsharonScanlonciepcsitadafr-a';dulenichecl<(checl<#57658L,daied05l7l12C08in:he


(check #5158i3, daied 061c912008 in the Thai on O5l1-2/ZaOBShai-cn Scanlon Ceposiied a fi'audulent check by sharon scanlon) inio her checking account amount ofSg,g75.00 payable io sharon scanlon and endorsed she!ton' CT)' (People's Uniied Banl< account 0290049807) by ATM (locaied at 852 Bridgepot't Avenue'


Shar-on Scanlon) into her check'ing sCcoUnt amouni of S5,750.00 pa;,able io Sharon Scanlon and endor.sed by Bricgepoil Avenue' shelton' cT)' (People's uniied Bank accouni 029C049807) by ATM (iocaied at 852

Thaton a7fio/Zoo1sharonScantondeposiiedafraudulentcheck(check*5773!4,daleda7/2412008intlie

ZO. 21. zz.

in ihe check (check #578258, dated 0812s12008 That on Ogl1;l2ao1Sharon Scanlon deposiied a frauo'ulent by sharon scanlon) inio her checking accouni arrrouni of 59,350.00 payable io sharon Scanlon and endorseci Avenue' 5helion' CT)' (People's Uniied Sank account 0290049807) by ATI',1 (iocai=d ai 862 Bi'idgepoi-i (check #578495, dared 0912412008 in ihe Thai on lOlOZl2OAgSharon Scanlon cjepcsiied a fi'auciuieni clieck

amountof5g,6T0.00payableiosharonscanlonandendorseibysharonscanlon) 111 riiilage square,lvlonroe' (People,s Unired Banl< accouni 0290049807)byATll (1,:caied ai Ri


(check #579'5i6, aaied LLlaLl2008 in the Thai on iLl-laizaogsharon Scanlon cieposiieLi a frauduleni check Scanton) inio her checking accouni amount of 57,000.00 oavable io Sharon Scanlon and eno'orsed by Sharcn Avenue' Shelton' CT)' (People's Uniied Banl< account 0290049807) by ATM (locaied ai 852 Bridgepoft


(check #579317, dated 1il04/2c08 in the That on illlz/2aoesharcr scanlon cepcsiied a frauduleni check Scanlon) inio her checking account amount of $l ,22s.oopayable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon (Sikorsky FeCeral Credii Union accouni 24555L545)'


(check *579821, dated 12/01/2008 in the Thai on L1lal,l2oogsharon scanlon rieposiiecj a frauciulenr check Scanlon) into her checking account amount of 57,750.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Tr-umbull' CT)' (People's Uniiecj Bank account 0290049807)byATM (located ai 100 Hawley Lane'

zS. 26. zj.

(check #580444, daied O7l!512009 in tne That on 0L122120095haron Scanion cjeposired a fraudulent check Scanlon) into her checking account amounr of Sg,g75.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Avenue' Shelton' CT)" (Peopie's United Bank account 0290049807) by ATM (locaied ai 852 Bridgepod

(check #58c766, dated o2lLl/zoog in tr'e That on o2lL;l2oogsharon scanlon deposiied a fraudulent check scanlon) into her checking account amount of 58,175.00 payable to sharon scanlon and endorsed by sharon Siraiford' CT)' (Feopie's Uniied Bank accouni 0290049807) by aTiil (iocaied ai 88 Ryo'ers Lane' (check #5T2t2f, daied 051a512009 rn the That on o6lo6l2oogsharon scanlon deposited a fraudulent check

(This is page


oi e i3 page Afiidavit



SJoscribea arld swom to before nle on (Dei.)

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oui. Noten



x[rne 1lasr. Firsi ii,i(id|.

ltliiial) I

Scanicn. Sharcn A.




cv/nj ni aaau3ac

I 3:ogrePlrrc3l

-t:: nrn,o:t



inic her checking ac'ounI and encorsed by Sharon Scanlon) an'lount of 58,200 0O payable io Shai'on Scanlon (located ai 88 Ryders Lane, Siraiford' CT)' (People's United Bank acccuni 0290049807) ly ATM



i-' ui


zg. 29.

cn alrzzr2oogsharcn scanron deposiiec

amouni of $8,375.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon ai Ri (Peopl:'s UniieC Bank accouni 0290049807) by ATM {located

her checking aCCouni and endorsec by Sharon Scanlon) inio N4onroe' CT)' Village Square'

in ih: fraudureni check (check#582505, daiedailoSl2r-rc9


amouni of S9,500.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon

CT)' (iocaied ai 852 Bridgepori Avenue' Sneiton' (People's United Bank account 0290049807) by ATira

in the checl< (check #583105' daied 08/18/2009 on 08l74l2*0gsharon scanlon deposiied a frauduieni That inic her checking 3ccount an,d andorsed b',,Shat-on Scanlon)


datec' 091L5 2c09 in ihe a fraudulent checl< (check #583411' That cn a9l?Ll2(agsharcn scanlon ceposiiec inic her checking account anc endorsed by Sharon Scanion) amouni 0f58,675.00 payabie to Sharcn Scanlon


31,Thaionfl/a/l2oagsharonScanloncjeposiredafraudulenicheck(check#584001,datedtOl23l2008inihe accouni enijorse'l by sharon scanion) into her cnecking amouni of 57,350.00 payabie io shai'oii scariloi'r arrd (People'sUniiedBankaccount0290049807)byATM(locaiedai8S2SridgeporiAvenue'shelion'cT)'

32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

fraudulent Thai on olla7lzolosharon scanlon deposlied a '."',"61213A12009 inio her checi<ing accouni scanlon anci endorsei by sharon Scanion) anrount of 58,75C.00 payable to sharon

check (check #585057'

in ihe

cneck (check' f58-q490' date'J a! l-q12010 Thai on o?lo42olosharon scanlon deposited a fra,rduleni into her checl<ing account ancj endorsed by sharon scanlon) amount of s8,550.00 payable io shai'on Scanlon CT)' (iocateci ai 862 Bricigepori Avenue', Sheiion' (People's Uniied Sank accoi;l'ii 0290C49607) bv ATiv',i Thai
ln the

on [3/oll2o.losharon scanlon deposiied a frauduleni check account endorsed by sharon scanlon) into her checking amouni of s8,325.00 payable io sharon scanlon and

(check#585832 daieda2l2:l20L0 in the

03/3u2010 in the fraudulen'r check (check #586243' ddted accounl endorsed by sharon scanlon) inio her checking amouni of58,375.00 payable to sharon Scanlon and CT)' (located at 850 Bridgepotl Avenue' Shelton' (people's United Bank accouni 029004980i) u,

on o4l3,l2oLosharon scanlon deposited



(check #587015' on o6lo3l2oTosharon scanlon deposited a frauduient check

dated06101-12010 in ihe

amountofSg,2T5.0opayabletosharonscanlonandendorsedbysharonScanlon)intohercheckingaccount CT)'
(located at l-00 Hawley Lane' Trumbull' (People's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) by ATM


Thaton 07/o4l2[!asharonscanlondeposliedafraudulentcheck(checkt"l'.O?ldated06lL8l2010in"the her checking account encjorseci by sharon Scanion) into amouni of s8,475.Cr0 payabie io sharon scanion anci
(located at Rt (Peopie's United Bank account 0290049807) byATM


square' Monroe', cT)'

(This is page 9 oi a 13 PaQe Affidauit)

Sionad /Affani) F

Itaiary Public) .;;-'t ) t'

t'< t:-

SJbscribed ano svJorf io be'ore rr3 an tDele)


6 t. is-


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I Reviewed tJai

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.1",:ii ci a.v i',.

f: -,,rii'ii:, r,:,^l - Caliti i uie,d:



(check #58791A, dared 0l12A 2010 in the l28lZCiO,Sharon Scanion cieposiied a frauciuleni check accouni amouni of Sg,775.00 pa),abie io Sharon Scanlon and endoi'seC by Shai'on Scanlon) inic h:r checl<ing (peopis's United Bank accouni O21AO498A7) by ATM (locaied ai 850 Sridgepofr Ave, Shelicn, CT)'


oi.r OT


08/06/2010 in ihe Thai on OglLZl2Ol-1,Sharon Scanlon deposiied a frauduleni check (check #588149, daied her checl<ing account amount of Sg,125.00 parTable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharcn Scanlon) inio (locaieci ai 860 tsr-icJgepon Ave, Shelion, CT;' (people,s Uniied Bank account O2gOO+g807) by ATM


nai on uvl. lZA1O,Sharon Scanion depcsiiecj a frauciuieni check (check #588502, aaied 'Lj her checl<ing account amouni of Sg,i-00.C0 palrable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio CT)' (people's Unired Bank account OzgOCAgSOl) by ATh.a (iocated ai Rt lLl Viilage Square, Monroe,

A9l!Al20i0 in ihe


(check#589055, datedL}ll-512010 in the rh:r e'r fvlrrrur nn 1nl1-g/2A1-A,Sharcn Scanlon Ceposited a fraudulent checl< hei'checking account amouni of Sg,375.C0 payable ic Shai,on Scanion and eiidoi'sed by Shai-on Scanlor) inic
Ave, Sh:itcn, {p::ple's Unir:d gank acccunt 0290049807) by AiM {lcc='led at 860 3r'idg:pcn

42. 43. 44. 45.

LULBl20l-0 in ihe Thai on 1UZ21ZO1O,Sharon Scanlon deposiieC a fi'auduleni check (check #589671, daied accouni amount of Sg,835.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorseo' by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checl<ing CT)' (people's Uniied Bank acccunt C290049807)byATM (locaiecl ai E50 BricigepoftAve, Shelion,

!210312010 in ihe t-hat on iZlO6lZ0TO,Sharon Scanlon cleposiied a fi'auduleni check (check #589911, dated account amouni of 53,256.00 pa,vableto Sharon Scanlon and endorsed brTSharon Scanlon) inio hei'checking (people's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) by AT[/ (locatecj at 100 Hawley Lane, Trumbull, CT)'

in the Thai on Atl1Sl2o1t,Sharon Scanlon deposiied a frauduleni check (check#590207, dzied't212712010 accouni amount of 58,875.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking CT)' (people's Uniied Bank accouni 0290049807) by ATM (lccaied ai 860 Bridgeport Ave, Shelton,

in rhe That on A2/0L/ZOLL,Sharon Scanlon Ceposiied a fraudulent check (check #590299, dared 0!l3L/201-1 accouni amouni of 58,350.110 payabie io Sharon Scanion ano encjorsed by Sharon Scanion) inio her checking (peopie's u-niieci Bank accouni 0290049807) by nTivi (iocaieci ai 860 Bridgepori ave, Sheiion, CT)'

4G. 47, 48.

Thaton 02123/2013-,sharonScanlondepositedafraudulentcheck(checkt59io24,daied0217812011 inihe

amount ofS9,375.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed bySharon Scanlon) into herchecking account (people's Uniied Bank account 02900498C7) by ATM (locaied at 860 Bridgepoft Ave, Sheton, CT).

the That on O3lZ4l1AU.,Sharon Scanlcn deposited a frauCuleni check (check#591388, dat'ed03122/2011in accouni amouni of $7,635.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanion) inio her checking (people's United Bank account 0290049807) by ATM (located at L94O Black Rock Turnpika, Fairiield, CT).

ihe That on 0412512071-,5haron Scanlon deposited a frauduient check (check #59L753, daied041L512011in amount of $9,385.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharcn Scanlon) into her checking account

(This is nage 10 of a I 3 page Afiidavii.)

Dare Sign3cj

!'.( P r

,/ -,

/ {--I C i'r
c i a I)


io beforc me on fD9ie,



Subscribed ano' srarorn



t1!o ri a

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Ave, Sh=ltcn, CT)




-,a rj r-- - '--!1: l:[r:!]=Lr

(People's Unlied Banl< accouni 0290049807) by

+Tll ilocaied at 860 Bridgepoi'i


Thaicn Oll3tl}Clt,SharcnScanlcndepcsiieCafrauCulenicheck(check#592365, da+'ed05l77l2011inihe amouni of 59,375.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon anci encjorseC by Sharon Scanlon) inic her checking account



Bank accouni 0290049g07) byATM (locared at 960 Bridgepoi-t Ave, shelion,



Thai on 05124/20!1, Sharcn Scanlon deposired a frauCulent check (check ;592523, Caied aC12012011 in ihe amount af Sg,2?5.0A payable ro Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checl<ing accouni {Peonle's Uniied Bank accounr 0290049807) bv ATM llocaied ai 860 Bridg:pori Ave, Shelton, CT).


Thaion 07ll4/2olt,sharonScanloncieposiiedafraudulentcheci<(checi<#592lL8,dated07/13/2011'inthe

amount of S-q,275.00 payanle io Sharon -Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking accollni (Peopie's United Bank account 0290049807) byATM (located at 100 Hawley Lane, Trumbull, CT)

52. (?

Thai on 07l2gl2O'!1, Sharon Scanlon deposiied a frauduient check (check #5929i7, dated 0712512011in ihe amouni of 58,65C.00 payable io Sharon Scanion and endoi'sed by Sharorr Scanlon) inio her checl<ing accouni

(Pe:pie's Unit:C 3anl< ac:ou;'ri 029C349807) b'i Ar Na {locaieC at 35C 3ridgsoc:'r Av:, Shelio:,

(check#593115, C,aieda8l1.]l2011in ihe ^a/1C/2C1i, Shai'on Scanlon deposiieC a fi'audulent check amount oi )1,250.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and eno'orseo'by Sharcn Scanlon) inio her checl<ing account (ieople 's Unir:j 3ank a:c:uni 0290C498C7) byATM (lccaied ai 85C 5i'idg:pcn Ave, Sh:lton, C7).

rhr+ UII IIIGI nr



Sharon Scanion deposlieo'a fi'auciuieni check (check#533289, daiedCBl2a/2011 in ihe ^a amount of57,950.00 pavable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed bv Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking account (Peopte's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) byA.TM (locaied ai 850 Bridgepoi't Ave, Shelion, CT).
UOl. t3Al2CLlr,

rLr+ Url IlloL ar


Sharon Scanlon deposiied : frauduleni checi< (check #59-1.191, dzied C9/09/2011 in t;re payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) lnto her checl<ing account amount of 57,250.00 (People's Uniied Bank accouni 0290049807)byATM (locaied ai 850 BridgepoftAve, Shelion, CT).

Trri na t'c/""4/20!1,

55. 57. 58.


Thai on LO/07/2011, Sliaron Scanlon deposited a frauduleni check (check #5940L9, daied 10/A3l2C1L in ihe amount of 55,975.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking account (People's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) byATM (iocaied at 860 BriclgeporiAve, Sheiton, CT).

Thai on tUOt/20L1, Sharon Scanlon deposiied a fraudulenr check (check #594425, daied 1012712011 in the amount of$7,265.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) into her checking account (Pecple's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) byATM (located at 850 Bridgepoft Ave, Shelion, CT). That on

Sharon Scanlon deposited a fraudulent check (check #594678, dated !1,1L5/201,1 in the amount of58,625.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking accouni /^--.-l\ t--lt---L-J al--lr-.-, ^-.-1. -L^.^ '-\ ^7nr iieopiesui-riteobanKaccoui-lliiziuij4iiSu/)oVAj ivj iiocalyual 6ouDiiogepoiIAVtr/)ilerrurr,Lri. That on L2lL912A1L, Sharon Scanlon deposiied a fraudulent check (check #595!26, daied 12/L512011 in the


(This is page

oi a 13 paae A,iidavii.)
Signeii /,4i;anil
c. Srcned Uuca=/Cled:.

\./ _/ \ t-


i Eevr:wsC





r, I ll ra' a:

a,a \r

[]arr. fL:si Firsi itiidcjl. ltliii.l)

Scanion, Shai"ci




o",nt ci ec=ts=i


-,fi'icia'r'ir - e cr,rtt,Lreci
amouni of S8,975.00 payable tc Sharon Scanlo."r and encjorsed by Sharcn Scanlon) inio her checl<lng accouni (People's United Bank accouni 0290049807)by efM (locared:i 860 Bi'io'geponAva, Shelton, CT).


That on 0Ll!4120L2, Sharon Scanlcn deposiied a frauduleni check (check#595296, daEdAU0g/2012 in ihe amount of S8,350.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanion) inio her checl<ing account (People's United Banl< account 0290049807) by ATM (located ai 850 Bridgepoi't Ave, Shelion, CT).


That on A1/3!|2AL2, Shai-on Scanlon cjeposiied a frauduleni check (check#595468, datedAU25l2012 in the amounr of 58,575.00 pavable io Sharon Scanion and endorsecl by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checl<ing ac.ounl (Pe:cle's UniieC 3a;il< accouni 029C049807)b,1 ATI'/' (iocaia,l ai 36C Briu.lgepoi'i Av=,5heiton, CT).


Thai cn 02122/2012, Sharcn Scanlon deposired a iraudulent check (check#595351, c=tetA2/!7 2012 i;r rhe amount of 58,540.00 payable to Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) into her checking accouni (People's Uniied Bank account 0290049807) by ATM (locaied at 1000 Bridgeoort Ave, Shelton, Cl-).


l-hai on A3li2/20'!2, Siraron Scanion cJeposiied a frauduleni check (check #596038, daied A3l07l2AL2 in the amount cf S8,550.00 pavable rc Sharon Scanlcn and enCoi'sed by'Shai'on Scanlon) into hei- checking accouni (Peopie's i.jniied Bank accou;ri.l29001s807; :y nTM (iccat=C ai 850 Bridg3poi't Ave, Shelicn, CT).


That on 04/!212A!2, Sharon Scanlon deposiied a fraudulent checl< (check #595455, daied 04/0512012 in ihe :r':'rount cf SS,575.CC payable to 5na;'on Scanlcn and endors=J by Sharon Sc=nlcr,) inio i-rer cir:cking accour.r (Peopie's Unii:d Banl< accouni C230049307) by ATM (locared:t 850 Bridgepor.i Arr:, Shelion, Ci-).


Thai on 05/03/20L2, Sharon Scanlon deposiied a fraudulent checl< (check #596844, dat3d 05/0U20i2 inihe amouni of57,825.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inic her checking accouni (Peonle's UniteC Benk accouni C290049807) b'; ATl"a (located ai 850 3r'ldgepoi-i Ava, Shelrcn, CT).


l-har on 06/U/2A\2, Sharon Scanlon cieposit:d a frauduleni check (check #597328, daled 05/25/2012 in ihe amouni of 58,200.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking account (People's United Bank acccuni 02900498071 bvATN4 (located at 850 Bridgeport Ave,,shelio.r, CT),


Thai on 06/28/20!2, Sharon Scanlon deposited a fraudulent check (check #591499, daied 06/25/2012 in the amouni of S8,575.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking account (Peopie's iiniteo' Bank accouni 0290049807) by nTM (iocated at 860 Bricjgeport Ave, Sheiton, CT).


That on 07/1212A12, Sharon Scanlon deposiied a fraudulent check (check #591659, dated 01/05/201"2 in the amount of 58,450.00 payable io Sharon Scanlon and endorsed by Sharon Scanlon) inio her checking account (Peopie's United Bank account 0290049807) bry ATM (locaied at 860 Bridgeport Ave, Shelton, CT).




amouni of $7,550.00 payabie io Shai'oi-r Scai-rion a,'rd en.iorseo' by Sharon Scanion) inio her checking accouni (People's United Bank account 0290049807) byAflii (locaied at 860 Bricjgeport Ave, Shelion, CT),
(This ls page


oi a i3 page A.fftdavit.)
Sign;cj /.tfi:nr)

ubscribed anri srororn ro beiore nte on (Deie)

b{- i

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l( t.:

Sioneo /Jrdo

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l-har ihis invesiiga;ion has shown rhai ihe accused (Scanlon) made iifty-six (55) sepai"aie, frauCuleni, cieposits during ihe period encompassin g C2/1212CA8 ihrough Al l2A/2012. These frauo'uleni deposiis consisrecl of one (1) checking deposit made io an accouni held in the name of ihe accusec ai Sikorsl<y Fedei'al Credii Union forihe

amouni of $7,225.0A, and fifty-five (55)separaie checking deposits made io an accouni held in the name of ihe accused ai People's Uniiecl Bank. The results of ihis invesiigation have furihershown ihatihe accused wrongfullr,r aopropriaied approximaiely $91a,153.50 from banl< accounis belonging io ihs Ciry cf Shelton beginning in the year 2001 and coniinuing thr.ough July 20L2.



That based on the facis and circumstances stated in ihis arrest wari'ant apolicaiion this Afriant belieires that is probable cause and respecifully requesrs thai an arresi warrant be issued forthe accused, Sharon Scanlon

(d.o.b. L7-t1-54) forihe c;"imes of: One (1j count of LARCENY lN THE FiRST
(56) counts FORGERY iN THE FIRST DEGREE (C.G.S. 53a-138).

5-la-122) and Fifty-six


l-hai this arrest warrani appiicar'ion has noi been preseniecj before any other Judge or Couri.

(This is page 13 oi a 'i3 page Afiidavit.)

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Subscrlbed and sworn ro before nre on (D2ia)


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