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1. The president is chief of state. What does that mean? a.

The president is ceremonial head of the government, symbol of the nation. 2. The president is the chief executive. What does that mean? a. The president has the executive power that is immensely broad in both domestic and foreign affairs 3. The president is the chief administrator. What does that mean? a. The president is the director of the executive branch 4. The president is the chief diplomat. What does that mean? a. The president is the main architect of foreign policy and the nations spokes person. 5. The president is the commander in chief. What does that mean? a. The president controls our military and our nations armed forces 6. The president is the chief legislator. What does that mean? a. The president is the main architect of public policies. 7. The president is chief of party. What does that mean? a. The president is the acknowledged leader of the political party in power 8. The president is chief citizen. What does that mean? a. The president is the representative of all people. 9. What role did President Johnson fail in and what was the consequence of the failure? a. He failed in commander in chief for the Vietnam War; he didnt run for a second term of the presidency. 10. What role did Nixon fail in and what was the consequence? a. Party leader and chief citizen with the Watergate scandal, he resigned as president. 11. I am Vice President. In this I am nothing, but I may be everything Who said this? a. John Adams our nations first VP 12. What two formal duties are assigned the vice-president? a. To preside over the senate, and to help decide question of presidential disability 13. How did John Adams describe his experience as vice presidency? a. Honorable and easy, and tranquil and unoffending

14. What annoyed Theodore Roosevelt and what did he do about it? a. The sounds that came from the chandelier he moved it to the VPs office 15. What did John Nance Garner say about the Vice presidency? a. The vice presidency isnt worth a warm pitcher of spit 16. What did Alben Barkley say about the vice presidency? a. A woman had two sons, one of them went to sea and the other became vice president. Neither of them was ever heard from again. 17. How many presidents have died I office? a. Eight have died in presidency. 18. What does balance the ticket mean? a. Chooses someone who tends to be opposite of the president by virtue of ideology, geographic, gender, racial, ethnic, or other characteristics 19. How many times has the vice presidency been vacant? a. 18 20. What does the 25th amendment say about a vacant vice president? a. The president will nominate a new one and must be approved of by majority of house and senate. 21. Which president was the first to use the 25th amendment and what year? a. 1973 and Nixon used it. 22. Who is widely viewed as the most influential VP ever? a. Cheney 23. Why as no president upgraded the VP as true assistant president? a. No matter what the president can not fire the vice president.

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