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THE BRIGHTONIAN December 4, 2012

s a lifetime Nuggets fan, I can tell you that I have
never thought that the Denver Nuggets have had a
better shot as making the NBA than this season. This
is a pretty bold thing for me say, considering that the Nug-
gets have made the playoffs in each of the last eight years.
Most of these years, the Nuggets playoff experience was
dominated by one central gure; Carmelo Anthony. He was
pretty much the whole team. At least the media brought
it to us that way. Since Carmelo was traded to the New
York Knicks in 2010, however, the Denver Nuggets have
changed their standard of how to build their team. Not just
one star will lead the Denver Nuggets to the NBA Finals
this year. Not even two or three as we see with the Los
Angeles Lakers or the Miami Heat. Twelve stars of mostly
equal ability, except for a couple exceptions, will take the
Nuggets there.
The new Nuggets standard includes a fast roster of non-
cocky, hard-working players. The Nuggets have picked up
players like this from all over the country to form a hard-
working team that is very different than the team of a few
years ago that relied on Carmelo Anthony to score points.
Now the Nuggets have a roster of players that evenly dis-
tribute the points. The Nuggets roster does not have one
superstar. What the Nuggets roster does have however,
twelve players (ve starters and seven substitutes) that
would make a starting roster on any other team. The Nug-
gets are not looking for fame or fortune; they are looking
for the NBA title. The Nuggets will rely on their roster to
get them their; this roster is what I like to call The New
Nuggets Standard.
Here is some analysis on ten key players on the Nuggets
roster, and why they t into the New Nuggets Standard.
This analysis is in order of how important I feel each player
is to the team.
10. Corey Brewer #13
Corey Brewer had an amazing collegiate career at Florida.
Once he transitioned into the NBA though, he was not as
dominating of a gure as he was in college. He is a great
option off the bench, and could be part of the nightly ro-
tation if there are a few injuries to the regular players.
Brewer ts the model because he is lightning-fast and is
not really thought about when talking about the Nuggets.

9. Timofey Mozgov #25
This native Russian also helped to lead his team to a bronze
medal in this years Olympic tournament. Mozgof is a 7ft
1in. center started many of the games last year except for
the time when he was out with an injury. Mozgofs post
presence is very good but his playing time decreased when
the Nuggets signed the athletic center from Washington;
JaVale McGee. McGee is the reason that Mozgof is shown
ninth on here. I believe that McGee will start at center in-
stead of Timofey Mozgof.
8. Anthony Randolph #15
Randolph was the most exciting player signed this year
by the Nuggets, in a year that the Nuggets kept most of
their team. The Nuggets are so deep that Anthony Ran-
dolph will see limited but some playing time off the bench
in 2012, only a year after starting at power forward for the
Minnesota Timberwolves. Randolph is perfect for the Nug-
gets model because he is super-fast, athletic, and a superb
dunker. At 6ft. 11in., he is fast for his size and will be a key
substitute for Kenneth Faried at power forward.
7. Andre Miller #24
Andre comes in year in and year out as one of the
most under-rated players on the team. Yet, year after
year, Andre Millers statistics at the point guard posi-
tion are very good. You want this gut on your team. He
provides leadership, experience, and most importantly
he is a very good backup point guard and has accepted
this role. Andre Miller would start for many NBA teams.
6. Wilson Chandler #21
Wilson Chandler has great talent. Unfortunately, last year
he chose to play in China for the rst part of the season.
The Nuggets were patient with him and accepted him when
he decided to come back towards the end of the season.
Wilson Chandler is a sharp-shooting forward that should be
the rst one off of the bench, especially if Danilo Gallinari
is struggling. Chandler is quick and is so talented that he
would probably be starting if it werent for his vacation in
5. JaVale McGee #34
JaVale McGee was a perfect example of the Nuggets us-
ing their new standard. McGee is a very fast seven foot
big man who can actually shoot. He is also very athletic
and has been to a dunk contest as well. The Nuggets
will succeed if JaVale McGee plays to the standard that
has been set for him. McGee will also be competing
with Timofey Mozgof for the starting center position.
4. Danilo Gallinari #8
The Nuggets fans call him Gallo. Gallo is no doubt
the starting small forward on the Nuggets roster. Gallo
can shoot very well from beyond
the arc, as well as in the mid-range
paint. Although Gallo may not be as
fast as other players on this speedy
team, Danilo Gallinari is a superb
defender. This is a great thing con-
sidering such people as LeBron
James and Carmelo Anthony play
his position, because he will ac-
cept this challenge when guarding
3. Kenneth Faried #35
Kenneth Faried was the biggest sur-
prise for the Nuggets last year. Last
year was his rookie season, and he
ended up becoming the starting
power forward. This is a pretty big
feat in todays NBA. Kenneth Faried
is the NCAAs leading rebounder of
all time, coming from Morehead
Sate University. The Nuggets were
very excited to draft him, but no-
body was expecting his instant suc-
cess in the NBA. If Kenneth The
Manimal Faried did that well in his
rookie season, imagine what this
year has in store for the Nuggets.
2. Andre Iguodala #9
This was probably the most excit-
ing signing for the Nuggets since
Allen Iverson. How this is different
though, is Andre Igoudala does not
have AIs attitude. Andre Igoudala
was recently on the United States
Olympic team. That is a big accom-
plishment in itself. Andre also put
the Philadelphia 76ers on his back
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to make the second round of the playoffs last year. Now
that Igoudala is on a team with a lot more depth, it should
be interesting to see if this NBA superstar will compliment
well with his new Denver Nuggets teammates.
1. Ty Lawson #3
Ty Lawson is the closest thing that the Nuggets have to a
face of a franchise. Lawson is only around six feet tall, but
he has the passion to lead his giant teammates on a nightly
basis. Ty Lawson is the smooth dribbling, lane driving point
guard that the Nuggets love. Lawson has also been very
clutch in a lot of games during his tenure with the Nuggets.
While Andre Igoudala may be more of a National Superstar,
Ty Lawson is surely the most important part of the Nuggets
and also yet another example of the New Nuggets Stan-
dard that is going to take them a long way.
Story by: Toby Heidt
A closer look at the 2012-2013 Denver Nuggets

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