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Two Elephants Mobile Publishing

Data This!
Let's see: how does data play out its influence on a Congress that holds its own institutions under siege, refuses to recognize the principles embedded in its tons of data, graphed in 80,000 charts going back 80 years at FRED (at the St. Louis Federal Reserve), and screams that austerity is the only path to prosperity (when no data from anywhere, any era, any place in the world supports/proves/validates or justifies that idea; well except one Heritage study immediately taken down when the data was revealed as "fuzzy.").

Gerrymandering districts, purging voting rolls, and paying for educational vouchers has been the season's main use of data--unless you include the billions spend on winning an election in which the winning data concealed a loss. What was the data on the cost of the fireworks again? No doubt, data was involved in cutting off staff credit cards before they could hire cabs for the ride home, a paragon of efficiency for campaigns. Even Times columnist David Brooks seems to ignore the jobs data. And the Times offer to take the buy out, or may be columnists weren't included. The data about the number of Americans, young and old, killed by gun violence doesn't seem to move the dial for Congress. Maybe with the new math, we can repeal the 2nd amendment, and go straight from one to three.

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