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Still Waiting for mHealth?

Discover Four Ways to Jumpstart Value

According to Accenture research, mobile solutions can save the US more than $23 billion by targeting patients with chronic diseases diabetes and heart disease, and an expected $2,000-$3,000 per year in savings per disease member.1 Its clear: mobile health (mHealth) is here. Patients want it, and practitioners will need to deliver it. The explosion of smart phones, laptops, tablets and other mobile devices has opened new valves of opportunity in healthcare. mHealth better enables healthcare to be delivered cheaper and faster (if done properly). But like any trend that involves technology, its moving fast and changing every day. Those who want to unlock the value should initiate mHealth programs now, or the benefits may pass right by. Unleash the value of mHealth The numbers and experience show that mHealth can deliver abundant cost savings, but the benefits seem to extend beyond the bottom line, including components such as: 15-20% fewer hospital days 30% fewer emergency room visits Corresponding improvement in patient outcomes Promoting efficient and timely action

With such quantifiable and qualitative benefits on the table, its time to start experimenting. Organizations can take steps now to help accelerate the uptake of mHealth tools and technologies. 1. Drive adoption of mHealth tools by making it easier for patients and caregivers to use these devices. Treating patients and managing complex conditions is hard work, but mHealth tools can help make it easier for doctors and nurses to deliver highquality care. No matter what the tool, it needs to be simple to use and built with the users perspective in mind both the patient and the practitioner. Simplicity stems from seamlessly aligning with current processes. For example, French company Withings has developed WiFi-enabled scales that measure weight and body fatand also blood pressureand transmit the information to smart phones, tablets or PCs. Users can keep convenient track of their own and their families fitness levels, and tweet the updates to their doctor. Its as easy as stepping on a scalean action familiar and easy for most people. This device takes an everyday action and, through technology, yields valuable data for caregivers.


Automate portions of care management to manage by clinical exception. Remote monitoring tools are used to track the weight and heart rate of patients with congestive heart failure, or the glucose levels of those suffering from diabetes. When practitioners can monitor those with chronic conditions remotely, they can better manage by clinical exception. For example, by capturing biometrics values and storing them in the cloud, doctors can capture an expansive data set and then run real-time analytics as data become available. This information helps doctors to spot patterns or abnormal biometric values, and to proactively address the issue identified. The value for providers is twofold: they can effectively manage more patients without risking the compromise of clinical outcomes, and they are better equipped to react or intervene with patients who require care most urgently.


Get ahead of legislation. Right now, in the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is involved in the approval of most mHealth devices or cloud services which could be viewed as a medical device. It

Accenture: Insight Driven Health

can take years to get clearance to go to market for a medical device. Coupled with the need to implement compliance with data privacy and security protocols, such restrictions slow speed to market significantly. This time lag may mean the technology is outdated before the device even reaches patients. For example, Manufacturer Mobisante created an ultrasound wand that plugs into a smartphone, enabling technicians to see ultrasound images on the phones screen. Obtaining the necessary approvals took more than eight months, and by the time it hit the shelves, it connected to an outdated smartphone.2 The base station tablet is another example. This tablet used for monitoring chronic conditions, health and virtual consults passed through the legislative process before iPads and smartphone adoption skyrocketed. As a result, there was a potential missed opportunity to synch up with these ubiquitous devices. When spearheading new mHealth initiatives, organizations should conduct due diligence to better ensure that devices or services are compliant with government regulations. It may be best to work with device developers or consultants who have experience going down the regulatory road.


Accelerate program launch through strategic partnerships. Jumpstarting an mHealth program may call for looking beyond traditional partners. Just as patients seek a specialist to treat a unique condition, consider partnering with a specialist who can help drive better outcomes for your organization. By collaborating with non-traditional playerscable companies, wireless providers, high-tech companies, and established software vendorshealthcare organizations can leverage the scale, technology know-how or product maturity of these partners to accelerate mHealth programs or offerings. For example, consult with an insurance provider when developing care programs for use with mobile applications and tools. Collaborate with an established mobile device company when exploring mHealth tools and team up with cloud service providers to learn the preferred ways to store data remotely. By embracing new IT sourcing models and working with partners who have been there, done that, health organizations can achieve results better, cheaper and faster. In Egypt, Qualcomm has joined with the local mobile services provider, Mobinil, and the Egyptian government, in a pilot program that enables doctors working with the rural poor to obtain swift diagnoses of skin conditions from specialist

dermatologists by sending photographs over a 3G-enabled wireless service. If the pilot is successful, it will be rolled out to clinics across Egyptand expanded to incorporate more illnesses. Kickstart the value The value of mHealth continues to evolveand grow. Stakeholders must begin to participate in mHealth now, making it part of every day business rather than admiring it as a pipe dream. As innovations in mHealth start to engage more and more consumers, they promise to transform the way healthcare is perceived, as well as delivered. In the end, patients, doctors, payers, providers, pharmaceutical companies and even the government can all benefit from the rewards. For more information, please contact: Sumit Banerjee Senior Executive, Accenture +1 703-947-3504 Ravi Chanmugam Senior Executive, Accenture +1 917-452-2565 Manesh Samtani Senior Manager, Accenture Strategy +1 617-488-5134

Based on Accenture analysis and aggregation of early trial data of monitoring solutions in the marketplace. The Future of mHealth: Can the FDA Keep Up with Mobile? Found online at

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