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Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited

KEL was incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1984, as a Public Limited
company on April 26, 1994 and listed on Stock Exchanges of Pakistan in January 1996. it
is located 33 Km South East of Lahore which is a provincial capital of Punjab and largest
populated province of Pakistan. It has been established on an area of approximate 22
acres, which includes the plant and the management complexes.
KEL is a Diesel Power Plant operation on heavy fuel oil and is capable of delivering the
net Electricity output of 124 MW to National grid. It is a joint venture of Saigols Group
of Companies (A Well-known multi-industrial group of Pakistan) and Toyota Tsusho (An
eminent consortium of multi-industrial undertakings of Japan.). The Plant feature three
ABB 63 MVA step-up Transformers converting the Electrical output from 11 KV to 132
KV, eight WARTSILA Diesel 18V46 Type Diesel Generators having rated capacity of
15.68 MV each and a Combined Cycle Heater Recovery System capable of delivering
output of 8MW through Peter Brotherhood UK Steam Turbine. This is the only turbine
used in Pakistan to generate electricity from wastage. Kohinoor Energy Limited have a
paid-up capital of Rupees 1,695 million. It is one of the pioneer projects of Independent
Power Producers in Pakistan.

KEL is situated at 35-KM Link Manga Raiwind Road Lahore. It is one of the pioneer
projects of Independent Power Producers in Pakistan. The principle activities of the
Company are to own, operate and maintain a furnace oil power station with the net
capacity of 124 MW (gross capacity 131.44 MW). WAPDA is the sole customer of KEL.
Address of the head office is given as under. Other offices addresses are also given as
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited

Satellite Picture of KEL

Project/Head Office
Near tabligi ijtima p/o Kohinoor energy,
Raiwind bypass,
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Lahore Pakistan.

Lahore Office
1 / Aziz Avenue, unit #4, canal bank
Gulberg Lahore Pakistan

Register Office
1404, 14 floor, green
Trust tower
Blue area

“To lead as an independent power producer (IPP) serving the nation through the
power industry”

To set the standards in the power industry in terms of:
Ø Reliability in responding to the customer’s dispatch for electrical power
Ø Responsiveness to the attendant social and environmental responsibilities
Ø Efficient management of processes and resources
Ø Human resource development and empowerment

The principle activities of the company are to own, operate and maintain a furnace oil
power station. The product of KEL is thus production of electricity that is ultimately sold
Net capacity of KEL is 124 MW (gross capacity 131.44 MW). All the produced
electricity is soled to single buyer that is WAPDA. Two transmission lines are used for
this purpose.

Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Executive secretariat is responsible for overall functioning of Kohinoor energy limited
and comprises of chief executive officer and chief operating officer appointed by the
board of director. It plays a pivotal role in providing the guidelines and establishing the
strategic policies for the safe and economic operations of the plant. The executive
secretariat is supported by the key functional heads managing various activities related to
effective running of the plant operations. The respective operations are further guided by
professional obligations as stipulated in agreements signed with various stakeholders e,g.
WAPDA,PSO and WARTSILA etc. the management is fully committed in implementing
the company policies in line with vision and mission statement.

Board of Directors:
Mr. M. Naseem Saigol (Chairman)
Mr. Muneki Udaka (Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. Hiroshige Uga
Mr. Shinichi Ushijima
Sheikh Muhammad Shakeel
Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Zaidi (Nominee of Tomen Power Singapore Pvt. Limited)
Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan (Nominee of Wartsila Finland Oy.)

Company Secretary
Mr. Muhammad Asif

Audit Committee
Mr. Hiroshige Uga (Chairman)
Sheikh Muhammad Shakeel
Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan

Mr. Muneki Udaka (Chief Executive Officer)
Sheikh Muhammad Shakeel (Chief Operating Officer)
Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Zaidi (General Manager Technical)
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Mr. Muhammad Ashraf (Chief Financial Officer)

Off Shore Trustee
U.S. Bank, New York
On Shore Trustee
Union Bank Limited
Faysal Bank Limited
Standard Chartered Bank
ABN Amro Bank
Bank Alfalah Limited

Percentage of Shareholding:

Name %age

Saigols Family 26%

Tomen Corporation 20%

Tomen Power (Singapore) Pte Ltd 16%

International Finance Corporation 15%

Wartsila Finland Oy 2%

General Public 21%

Total 100%
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Quality Policy:
Kohinoor Energy Limited fully recognize and realize the importance of achieving
satisfaction and confidence of their customer by providing uninterrupted Electricity
through National Grid under relevant contractual obligations.
Their commitment to quality is driven by the following guiding principles:

Meeting or Exceeding Customer Need & Expectations

Customer requirements and expectations is determined, reviewed and incorporated in
power plant operations and customer satisfaction is regularly monitored.

Compliance with Legal & Regulatory Requirements

Strict adherence is ensured to any legal and regulatory requirements that subscribe to
power plant operations and relevant activities.

Continual Improvement
Continual efforts are made to minimize our rejections and wastage, and improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of relevant processes and services.

Employee’s Development & Involvement

Employees is responsible for maintaining and improving quality in their work functions.
They are competent on the basis of their relevant qualifications and experience, and are
regularly trained to enhance their skills. Understanding of quality policy and awareness
of compliance with requirements and procedures is communicated to all employees
through appropriate means by relevant levels in the management hierarchy.

EHS Policy:
At Kohinoor Energy Limited, our commitment to environment, health & safety (EHS)
performance is an integral part of our business and achieving cost-effective EHS
solutions is essential to our long-term success.
Our EHS program is based on the following principles:
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø Eliminate accidents & incidents reduce wastes and prevent environmental
pollution use energy and natural resources efficiently.
Ø Educate & train our employees and contractors to understand how their actions
influence EHS performance.
Ø Comply with applicable standards/regulations related to Environment, Health &
Ø Communicate with our neighboring communities about our EHS program and
Ø Improve EHS performance continually through effective management system.

IT Policy:
The main objective of IT policy is to facilitate ICT (Information and Communication
Technology) usage of KEL in managing and monitoring facilities in a more professional
and effective manner. The Kohinoor Energy Ltd has the obligation to ensure that its ICT
resources are 100% Licensed (prohibition of using pirated software) & used properly
within the guidelines established by the KEL. Pursuit of organizational goals, KEL
reserves the right to monitor the system to check signs of illegal or unauthorized activity,
which may include periodic review of the systems and the POLICY that govern its use.
KEL recognizes that information is an asset, and shall establish security measures and
assign responsibilities to protect it from loss, theft, and unauthorized modification,
misuse, or disclosure

The IT Policy applies to People, Hardware Resources & all types of Software purchased
or acquired and all types of Information (Soft & Hard) of KEL. The purpose of this
policy is to define the access rights of people to the IT facility at KEL.

Custodian of the Policy

The MIS Department will maintain and update the policy and distribute it to all KEL
functions with the approval of the Executive Secretariat.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
M.I.S Software Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the M.I.S Department to provide the software, training, and
assure functionality of all utility software. This includes the operating system, network
systems, word processing software, spreadsheet, backups, and other software with
common usage across departments. Any software systems that have been developed or
modified by KEL, M.I.S. will also be maintained and supported. There will be no
software installed on KEL network or individual hard drives (whether or not the PC is
attached to the main computer network) that has not been approved by the M.I.S
Department and been virus checked. It will be the responsibility of M.I.S to register and
track all licenses required for KEL.

M.I.S Hardware Responsibility

The hardware responsibility of the M.I.S Department includes support of all computer
equipment used by the organization whether or not it is attached to the main network. The
network includes local hard and floppy disk drives in individual PC's. All computers
related equipment must be purchased through the M.I.S Department. All hardware
connected to the network must be installed and attached by the M.I.S Department. All
defaults set by M.I.S must be left as set when installed. If specific hardware is required
for a function, the departmental head will notify M.I.S of the requirement and all
appropriate steps will be taken to acquire, install, and prepare for maintenance of the
required equipment.

User Responsibility
All users are responsible for safeguarding information and the physical assets that store
the information. Users are responsible for using ICT resources in an effective and lawful
manner, consistent with the provisions of this policy.
All users understand that there is no right of privacy associated with organizational
computer equipment, the Internet, electronic mail, or any other communications devices.
In this regard, KEL has the right to monitor all communications, retain records of all
communications, and use this information in any manner permitted by law.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Users shall comply with all sections of this policy. Violations of this policy may result in
disciplinary action as per organizational HR policy.


Network Security
The M.I.S Department shall assess risks to information from network, remote, and
Internet connections and shall implement effective measures to protect KEL information.
All users shall be granted their own user account on the main network upon receipt, in the
M.I.S Department, of a written request from the Department Head, and after the
acknowledgement sheet for this policy has been signed by the user and filed with the
M.I.S Department. Users must select a secure password and shall not divulge that
password to anyone, except upon order of their department head. The password must be
changed on 90-day intervals. All computers should be “logged out or otherwise secured”
if the user is away from their normal work area for a period exceeding 30 minutes.

Software Security
Commercial Software will be used in accordance with licensing agreements and
copyright law. Noncommercial and personal commercial software will not be installed on
computers unless previously approved in writing by the M.I.S Department. Users shall
not download software from the Internet without the permission of the M.I.S Department.

It Steering Committee
KEL has established and maintains a IT Steering committee to oversee security
procedures, review supplemental department policy, and provide a forum for establishing
general direction and priorities.

Security Awareness
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Departmental Heads shall ensure that all users in their departments are aware of and
comply with security measures.

Disaster Backup
The M.I.S Department shall maintain backups of all critical data on a scheduled

Personal Use Of Computers

Information, equipment, software and any other Information Technology resources will
be used for business purposes only. It is understood that KEL computers, computer
network, and other computer resources may not be used for personal purposes without the
explicit permission of the Departmental Head and knowledge of the M.I.S Department.
No personal files will be left on either the internal hard drive or any networked disk
drive. The system may not be used for any political or personal purposes. No software
may be loaded or run on the system without first being virus checked by M.I.S

Ø It is not possible to list all behaviors that are prohibited or considered
unacceptable. This list is representative of the types of activities, which may result
in corrective action and is not intended to be all-inclusive.
Ø Use of a computer account or network in a manner, which violates organizational
Transfer or use of copy written materials through computer resources, without the
explicit consent of the Head of Department.
Ø Harassment of another user via computer and/or network facilities.
Ø Taking or altering another’s work without permission.
Ø Attempting to gain another user’s password or log on as another user.
Ø Permitting use of an assigned account by another person.
Ø Use of an account for commercial purposes.
Ø Physical abuse of KEL computer equipment.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø Use of KEL computers for any illegal activity. If evidence of such activity is
found, all legal remedies will be taken.
Ø Use of any non-licensed software is totally prohibited & violation of KEL’s rules
& regulation.

Regulations On The Use Of Information Systems

All electronic communications and data maintained by KEL personnel are protected by
security systems requiring passwords. A different password is required to be assigned to
each individual who accesses the computer system. Any Misuse or disclosure of a
person’s password is a breach of the security of the computer system, and subjects the
employee to possible disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Additionally,
any attempt to defeat the password system is an act of misconduct.

All disks that are inserted into KEL computers must first be scanned for viruses. Users
shall not obstruct or disrupt the use of any system or network. Users shall not attempt to
alter without proper authorization from M.I.S, either the hardware or software
components of KEL computing system or network. The M.I.S Department reserves the
right to inspect any and all files stored in private areas of the network to assure
compliance with the policy. The M.I.S Department must approve all users requiring
external network use, prior to execution

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)/ Internet

KEL provides e-mail facility to employees for the purpose of conducting organizational
business. The e-mail system includes messages that are generated within the network as
well as those that originate, or are sent to the Internet. Any e-mail is transmitted; both the
reader and sender should consider and assume that any e-mail could be made available to
the public.
Much of the information available on the Internet is free of charge to the user. There are,
however, a number of services that require payment for information obtained. While
certain services may claim that providing financial information is “secure”, there is no
guarantee that any confidential information such as bank account numbers, credit card
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
numbers, or other personally secured items can be protected from unauthorized use once
they are transmitted on the Internet. Employees may not transmit any confidential KEL
information over the Internet.

This includes, but is not limited to, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, financial
information, or any other confidential information regarding any department or employee
of KEL. In the event that confidential information is required for legitimate KEL
business purposes, the site must be verified for security and approved for use by the
M.I.S Department before any information is sent. The Internet can also provide access to
material, which may be deemed offensive to others. You are cautioned that information
that may be sexually explicit or otherwise offensive can be obtained.
It is strictly against KEL policy for employees to attempt to access, copy, or distribute
such offensive material. There are numerous gambling sights on the internet. Visiting
these sites is not a valid use of KEL time and under certain circumstances may be illegal.
Use of these sites is against the policy of KEL. There is also information on the Internet,
which may be protected by trademark or copyright laws. Illegal or unauthorized
duplication of material thus protected is specifically prohibited by law and by the
POLICY of KEL. Downloading of information and programs from the Internet should be
done with caution. Computer viruses can be transmitted through the downloading of
programs, and the viruses may have a devastating effect on KEL computers and
networks. If you must download information from the net, you must take all necessary
precautions to avoid downloading a virus. Contact the Network Administrator for the best
procedure to avoid duplication of a computer virus.
Department Heads may authorize the use of e-mail to send and receive messages and to
subscribe to list serves from recognized professional organizations and entities relating to
the official duties of KEL. Communication by e-mail is encouraged when it results in the
most efficient or effective means of communication. The sender of e-mail messages must
retain the primary responsibility for ensuring that the intended-receiver receives
communication. Employees should be aware that others might read e-mail messages for a
variety of valid reasons. Although this statement is true of many other types of KEL
correspondence also, the nature of e-mail can lead one to forget or ignore that e-mail
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
cannot be considered the private property of the sender or recipient, even though
passwords or encryption codes are used for security reasons. E-mail may be reviewed
without the permission of the user.

However, any internal disclosure without the consent of the sender will be limited to
those employees who have a need to access the information. In most cases, information
transmitted via e-mail through KEL system is considered public record under law. Should
employees make incidental use of e-mail to transmit personal messages, such messages
will be treated no differently than other messages, and may be accessed, reviewed,
copied, deleted, or disclosed. You should not expect that a message would not be
disclosed or read by others beyond its original intended recipients. Any use of the
Internet to obtain or send offensive or sexually explicit material is expressly prohibited.

Use of the Internet for any illegal activity is strictly forbidden, and if found, all legal
remedies will be taken. E-Mail can be used during discovery in a court of law, and KEL
will disclose any mail message to law enforcement officials if legally required. When
under legal obligation, M.I.S will review requests for access to the contents of electronic
mail without the consent of a sender/recipient.

Heavy usage or high volume activities must be kept to a minimum in order to maintain
reasonable Internet response time across the network. Examples of such activities
include, but are not limited to, listening to the radio over the Internet, live video,
downloading extremely large files, etc.

Prohibited Use Of E-Mail

It is not possible to list all behaviors that are prohibited or considered unacceptable. This
list is representative of the types of activities, which may result in corrective action and is
not intended to be all-inclusive

Ø Use of e-mail to send chain letters.

Ø Use of e-mail to send copies of documents in violation of copyright laws.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø Use of e-mail that would compromise the integrity of KEL and its business in any
Ø Use of the e-mail system for job searches & the advertisement of personal
Ø Use of the e-mail system to send messages containing offensive, abusive,
threatening, harassing or other language inappropriate for KEL.
Ø Intercepting, eavesdropping, recording, altering another person’s e-mail message.
Ø Forwarding a message sent to you without the sender’s permission.
Ø Adopting the identity of another person on any e-mail message, attempting to
send electronic mail anonymously, or using another person’s password.
Ø Misrepresenting your affiliation on any e-mail message.
Ø Using e-mail for any commercial promotional purpose, including personal
messages offering to buy or sell goods or services.

New Developments
Ø New Development will be welcome all the time purely in favor of organizational
benefits and value addition in organizational asset.
Ø User through department head will request new Development and IT Steering
committee will review the request in light of cost benefit and strategic advantages
for the organization.
Ø Complete wish list/requirements will be developed by user followed by necessary
requisition/approval before request for proposal from solution
provider/supplier through M.I.S department.
Ø Payment will be made according to agreed schedule after verification of user
department and countersigned by M.I.S department representative.
Ø Risk management and exit route will be clearly defined in the agreement /

Service & Support Agreement

Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø The critical / essential software and ICT facility will be under service and support
agreement after written request from user department and duly approved by IT
Steering Committee.
Ø The payment of these activities will be released after submission of monthly
progress report / support log duly verified by concern department and
countersigned by M.I.S department representative. The report will include
Executive summary, support log with date & time & nature of support
(through telephone, email, at site or others) and recommendations for any

This policy does not constitute a contract, and KEL reserves the right to change the
policy at any time. Violations of this policy will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and
can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

To lead as an independent power producer (IPP) serving the nation through the power

Information Collected
Electricity Produced
The main product of Kohinoor energy limited is electricity. Kohinoor energy limited
generates electricity by using furnace oil. The capacity of the of power plant is 132MV.
Electricity produced is only purchased by WAPDA.

Observations regarding premises are as below. Information is provided as available from

Total area
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Total area of KEL is about 22 acres. In this oil tanker parking, oil decanting centre, oil
storage tanks, car parking, main office and production building is included. A separate
grid is also located in this area. Organization has further purchased adjacent land.

As for as covered area is concerned, production unit main office, and laboratory are
included in it. Area of Production unit is 103*80 meters while the area of main office is
25*25 meters.

Open areas are also included at the premise of KEL. Two lawns are located on site.
Organization has further purchased some land.

One side of KEL Ihsan textile is located while on the other side no building or
organization is present. On the back side of KEL there are open fields.

Passing roads
Two way road is present in front of KEL. This road is suitable for heavy traffic. Oil
tankers bringing oil uses this road.

Any canal/river/drain
A drain in between two side road is present. Drain usually not remains full. Mostly it
reaches to half of its limit. Bridges at some distances are constructed in order to meet
both sides of the roads

Parking area
Three separate parking are available for cars and small vehicles. One of the parking is
with admin block other one is present with the main production unit. A new car parking
is constructed besides the admin block. Separate parking is available for oil tankers. Oil
tankers are parked in specific location reserved only for them.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Internal road/street network
Internal road network is quite enough. Every main part of the premises is separated by
roads. In time of emergency it can be very useful.

Assembly points
Two assembly points are also fixed in case of any emergency.

All the observations regarding entering the premise are given in this head.

No. of gate(s)
Two gates are present in order to enter the premise. One gate is only specified for cars
and small vehicles. While the other gate is fixed for only oil tankers bringing oil to be
used in production of electricity. Both these gates are fully secured.

Size of gate(s)
Sizes of gates are approximately 50 meters.

Any open space at entrance

Sufficient open space is present at the entrance of the KEL.

Approach from main city
KEL is situated at 35-KM Link Manga Raiwind Road Lahore. It is one of the pioneer
projects of Independent Power Producers in Pakistan. The principle activities of the
Company are to own, operate and maintain a furnace oil power station with the net
capacity of 124 MW (gross capacity 131.44 MW). WAPDA is the sole customer of KEL.
Address of the head office is given as under.

Approach from nearest rescue centre

Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Nearest rescue centre is located in Lahore. Organization has its own rescue service as

Nearest first aid station

Nearest first aid station is located on site. Organization has its own dispensary.

Nearest hospital
Nearest hospital is SHARIF MEDICAL CITY.

Occupation of Site:
Free movement of persons
Free movements of persons are highly prohibited on site. Only authorized persons are
allowed to enter any premise. Even management personals are also not allowed to enter
an other area.

Driver’s movement
Drivers bringing oil in oil tankers are not allowed to leave the specific area specified for
only them.

Premise is kept much clean.

No. of employees
Total number of employee is 155.

Employee contact with equipment

Employees working directly on the equipment are highly vulnerable to risks.

Nature of contact
Operation people are in direct contact with equipment.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Chances of injury
Chances of injury are much greater for the people who are directly related with

All the employees are highly trained and skilled.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited

Layout Plans
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Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited

Flow Charts
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Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited

Data Analysis
The total area of the concern is about 22 acres. On this total area a plant building is
constructed. Besides this plant building an admin block, three car parking, oil tanker
parking, oil storage tanks, and oil decanting centre is present. There are two separate but
adjacent entrance are present. One entrance is for private and small vehicles and the other
one is only reserved for oil tankers, which brought furnace oil to run the power station. In
between these two entrances a mosque is constructed. Weighting machine I installed at
the start of the oil tanker entrance gate that is used to weight the oil tanker as they enter
the premise of the KEL. In front of main gate some open space is left vacant. Two way
road separated by a waste drain is located to approach KEL.
Following are the observations that are done at the site. All the observations are
explained in the relevant heads. Risk involved and the way it is managed at the site is also
mentioned in the relevant head.

The entrance of KEL is by two main gates.
One of the gates is used by management,
employee and other private users. The other
gate used only by the oil tankers. These oil
tankers brought furnace oil that is used in the
production of electricity. High security is
present at main gates. Double security check
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
is present at the entrance. Vehicles are scanned properly and completely before allowing
them to enter the premise. On the other hand the gate used by the oil tankers is followed
by a weighting machine. This weighting machine is used to weight the oil tanker as they
enter the premise. In case of any visitor, proper security process is observed and then
allowed to enter the premise. The entrance of any organization is vulnerable to high risks.
In case of KEL high security check and proper scrutiny has reduced this risk
significantly. Secondly the main entrance is made after leaving some vacant space that is
also a plus point.

Oil Tanker Parking

As oil tankers enter the premise they have
to be parked at some place. These tankers
are parked in front of oil decanting centre.
The distance between parking and
decanting centre is not sufficient. Oil
decanting centre is high then the oil tanker
parking. Oil tanker can slip off the
decanting centre and can collide with the
other oil tanker parked in front of it. This area is highly risky.

Oil Decanting Centre

Behind the oil tanker parking, oil
decanting centre is located. It is used
to extract the oil from tankers and
transferred to an oil pit.
Modernized equipment is used in this
process. Ten oil tankers can be placed
at decanting centre at one time.
Heaters are used to up the temperature
of oil in winters. Oil extracted from
this decanting centre is then transferred to oil pit. That is built under ground. Oil moves
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
into pit by gravity. Here oil is stored for some time. It is moved from here to four large
storage tanks built above the land with the help of pumps. Decanting centre is highly
risky as the surface can become slippery by oil leakage.

Oil Storage Tanks

Four large oil storage tanks are
located just behind the decanting
centre. Capacity of each storage
tank is 90,000 tones. Oil is
transferred to these tanks from oil
pit with the help of pumps. Oil
from here is moved into buffer
tanks that from buffer tank
transferred into day tanks and then
feeded into engines. Storage tanks are surrounded by water houses and fire extinguishers.
Oil storage area is totally separated by a small wall and only authorized persons are
allowed to enter in it.

Admin Block
Admin block is present at some distance from the storage tanks. All major department
other then operation is located here. Admin block is also well constructed and secured.
Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors are installed in it.

Car Parking
Three car parking are present for use. One
right in front of admin block, other one is
with the production unit and the third one
is with lawn besides the admin block.

Main Production House

Main production building is a like a big
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
warehouse which is covered. Eight engines are installed in it that runs to generate
electricity. Oil is feeded into these engines through day tanks. Electricity generated in
these engines is then transferred to transformers that after step up transferred them to
mini grid built in the KEL. From here it is transmitted to WAPDA through two main
lines. Heat produced is again used to produce electricity by using a steam turbine.

Control Room
Control room is located within the main production house. All engines are controlled
from here. Operation department is also located here. All engines are monitored
separately here. Emergency controls are also present here.

A well maintained laboratory is
also present on the premise that is
used to check and test the standard
of oil brought by the oil tankers.
All oil used is of high quality.

Emergency Services
Two all time ready ambulances are present on the premises. Nearest hospital is SHARIF

Security Posts
Two security posts are also present at the back of KEL. These posts help in providing
complete check on the sides.

Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
The main equipment at power complex includes three ABB 63 MVA Step-Up
Transformers converting the Electrical Output from 11 kV to 132 kV, Eight WARTSILA
Diesel 18V46 Type Diesel Generators having rated capacity of 15.68 MW each and a
Combined Cycle Heat Recovery System capable of delivering an output of 8 MW
through Peter Brotherhood Steam Turbine.
Regular inspection is being carried out of all these engines.

Production Efficiency
KEL is continuously able to produce electricity with efficiency. They have been given the
target of 88% of what they can produce. Even though by shutting down one engine KEL
can produce that much electricity.

Water Reservoir
A huge amount of water is stored to be used in emergency. Two separate engines are set
on standby to be used in emergency.

As for as the process of operation sis concerned it is explained as below.
Ø First of all furnace oil is purchased. Oil is brought to the premises from Multan
and Karachi.
Ø Oil is purchased on weighting and volume basis.
Ø As oil is reached at the premises the oil tanker is weighted at the entrance.
Ø After the oil tanker is weighted a separate number is aloted to each tanker. After
allotting the number. A sample is taken from oil tanker.
Ø After the oil sample is taken, it is sent to the laboratory for test.
Ø In the laboratory, oil is put to several tests.
Ø Water contents and some other tests are included.
Ø Average time taken in testing the oil sample is about 3 hours.
Ø After the lab. Declares the oil fit for consumption then the tankers is moved to oil
decanting centre.
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø Oil tankers are brought to the decanting centre. There heaters are inserted in the
tanks to increase the temperature.
Ø Then oil is allowed to move into oil pit built underground.
Ø Oil is allowed to move freely by gravitational force.
Ø From oil pit, oil is taken to the storage tanks.
Ø Four storage tanks are built above surface to store the tanks.
Ø As oil pit is below ground, so motors are used to pump the oil into the tanks.
Ø From these oil storage tanks, oil is moved to buffer tanks.
Ø There oil is purified and its temperature is increased.
Ø From buffer tanks oil is moved to day tanks.
Ø In process of oil movement to day tank, oil is also purified and its temperature is
also increased.
Ø From day tanks oil is moved to the generators that are used to produce electricity.
Ø Oil with high temperature and pressure is moved in the generators.
Ø Generators run to produce electricity.
Ø As cooling is required because the engines got heated due to continuous
Ø Water is used to cool down the generator.
Ø Cold water is moved into the generator from one side.
Ø From other side hot water comes out by absorbing the heat.
Ø This hot water turns into steam that is also used to run a steam turbine.
Ø This steam turbine produces free electricity.
Ø Electricity produced is then transferred into step-up transformers.
Ø There the voltage of electricity is increased and wattage is decreased down.
Ø From transformers electricity is transferred to a small grid built on site.
Ø From this grid electricity is moved to CHAK 96 through two transmission lines.

Following is the description of the machinery used at Kohinoor energy limited.
Ø Weighting machine.
Ø Decanting machine
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø Heaters
Ø Wartsila diesel engine
Ø Steam turbine
Ø Step up transformer

Following is the detail of the machine used.

Weighting Machine
Weighting machine is used to weight the oil tankers as they enter the premises. As the oil
is purchased on weight basis. So it is required to weight the oil before getting it.

Decanting Machine
Decanting machine is used to decant the oil from oil
tankers. Oil is transferred into the storage pit that is
built underground.

Heaters are used to increase the temperature of the oil
inside the tanks. As the oil is viscous so in order to
allow it to move easily, it is required to heat. Separate
heaters are used in each chamber of the oil tanker.

Wartsila Deisal Engine

Wärtsilä 46 generating set Wärtsilä engine designs is
based on generations of know-how combined with
innovations in response to customer needs.

Core values:
Ø Real reliability
Ø Low operating costs
Ø Low exhaust gas emissions
Ø Easy and cost-effective installation
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Ø Proven flexible mounting technology

Steam Turbine
Peter Brotherhood Ltd specializes in
the design, manufacture, installation
and commissioning of steam turbines
with power outputs from 1mW to
40mW. They are integrated with
generators and other driven
equipment from world-leading
suppliers. The company has been
designing and manufacturing steam turbines for more than 100 years and has
considerable experience in steam turbine systems for combined cycle and cogeneration,
district heating, industrial processes, sugar mills, oil and gas production, refineries,
petrochemical plants, FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading) vessels, waste
heat recovery, marine and waste-to-energy.
The company has an extensive reference list of steam turbine sets for renewable and
sustainable energy applications with in excess of 1,000mW of installed power in this
field. In the vast majority of these applications, the prime requirements are high
reliability, low maintenance, efficient performance and a rapid return on capital
investment. All steam turbines manufactured by Peter Brotherhood are subjected to
rigorous functional test in the factory before dispatch. The testing of the turbine,
complete with its control panels ensures that all monitoring and safety systems are proved
to function correctly.

Other Risk:
Security risks
High security risk is present at the premise. As the oil storage is located at the beginning
of the premises. A premise is highly vulnerable to security risk. Kohinoor energy limited
can be targeted by militants as the situation of the country is like that.
Material damage
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Damage to material can be done if any unexpected incident occurs in the premises. Any
damage to the oil tanks or engines in main production centre can be harmful to other
materials. Oil tankers parked at the parking of the premises can also be damaged by any
incident at the storage place.

Money handling
KEL consumes oil of about Rs 17.5 million daily. Direct money mis handling is very

Business interruption
Risk of business interruption is also present at Kohinoor energy limited. As the input of
Kohinoor energy limited is oil and it is transported from Karachi and Multan. In case if
the oil is not transported to the premises the operation of the organization would be
halted. If any engine broke down then it may also cause to stop the operations of KEL.

Fire & lightening

Fire risk is very large at Kohinoor energy limited. As most areas of the premises is
covered with oil storage that may cause fire. Lightening risk is very less.

Riots & strikes

Riots and strike risks are very less. It is negligible.

Explosion impacts
Explosions impact can damage the premises badly. It can be very swear.

Risk of earthquake is negligible.

There is no storm risk at the premises of Kohinoor energy limited
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
There is no flood risk at the premises

Bursting & overflow of water pipes/tanks

Water pipes and tanks can burst at the premises. As oil is transfer from one tank into
other through pipes so there is risk of bursting.

Interpretation of Results
Risk Inspection:
Following is the inspection done at the site of Kohinoor energy limited. Inspections are
done on the basis of plant parts. Following is the detail of the inspection done on the site.

At the entrance of the premises less than the required space is present. Any oil tanker can
cause any incident there. But overall the risk present there is not of that much amount. As
for as Kohinoor management of risk is concerned they have done it in a good way.
Double security checks are done at the entrance of premises before getting into the
premise. Dispensary is also located at the side of the main entrance. There is also risk of
damage to the people in the dispensary if any incident happens.

Weighting Of Oil Tanker

As oil tankers are to weight when entering the premises. The weighting machine is very
congested. Often while weighting the oil tankers their tires burst out. This risk may cause
damage to the machine and any damage to oil tanker can lead to further incidents.

Oil Tanker Parking

As the space of oil tanker parking is not sufficient. So it also poses a great amount of risk.
The parking place is also not at suitable place. Parking with the decanting also is
vulnerable it self.

Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Decanting of oil also poses high risk. As the decanting centre is some 3 feet high. So oil
tanker may slip off from their centre. The parking is located in from decanting centre. So
the slipping off tanker can collide with the other tanker standing right in front of it.

Oil Tanker Storage

Oil storage is done in four large tankers .as furnace oil requires about 155 degree Celsius
temperature to burn so fire risk is a bit on lower side over here.

Buffer and Day Tanks

Both of these tanks contain high flammable oil. It is also of high temperature that can
catch fire very easily. So risk of fire is present here.

Oil is moved from one tank to another is pipes. So risk of leakage is also present. Due to
this leakage fire risk is also present. This oil spills can damage the surrounding

Generators also possess high amount of risk in them. They can be burst up. Can cause
damage to the surrounding,

Some Special Risk:

There are some special risks are involved in the power generation plants. They are
explained as below.
1. Vibration
2. Fatigue
3. Over Speed
4. Erosion
5. Corrosion
6. Cable Fires
7. Other Fires
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Plant resonate at various critical frequencies during start up, running and shut down
which may lead to elevated vibration. Vibration, which induces fluctuating stress into
plant, may be due to one or more of unbalance, bent shaft, misalignment, bearing wear or
mis-centering , looseness, gear noise, foundation problems, resonance and parts failure.

As the plant is load cycled. Both thermally and physically, then components are subjected
to fluctuating stresses.

Over Speed
This most commonly occurs when a turbine generator suddenly losses load and the
resistance to rotation is dramatically reduced.

Erosion is a particularly problem with fluidized bed boilers due to the particulate size in
the boiler, the gas velocity and its path.

Chemical corrosion comes from acids produced by hydrolysis of salts. Corrosion by
electrolysis may appear in pipe work as a result of normal product flow, following
ineffective isolation of nearby electrical installation or by the appearance of the cell
phenomenon. It is favored by conductive water.

Cables Fire
A power plant has extensive cabling, typically concentrated on cable trays. Cables may
run in special design basement areas and pass through various walls and fire breaks. It is
important to understand that cables passing through firewalls must pack correctly and to
recognized standard to avoid negating the effect of the separation. Cable insulation can
often be inflammable and responsible for rapid spread of fire, particularly when running
Risk Inspection Report on Kohinoor Energy limited
Other Fires
Oils are utilized throughout a power plant for both lubrication and insulation purposes.
These products will support combustion and their containment and fixed fire protections
can be a significant factor in the case of an incident.

Existing Insurance Covers

KEL has taken comprehensive insurance policy of their plant from EFU.

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