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Name: Camille S.


Author / internet source (url) Title of the article/ chapter/ etc Description/ summary

http://www.ilSTANDARDS Continuity of Care is an organized and carefully coordinated process essential to high quality OF patient/client care which involves the patient, family, and an interdisciplinary team working together of-practice PRACTICE to facilitate the transition of the patient/client from one level of care to another.

The continuity of care professional shall asses the patient/client's total care according to his /her level of expertise including educational needs; nutritional needs; special therapy needs; supply and equipment needs; support systems; financial needs; transportation needs; and home care needs. The continuity of care professional shall develop and implement a plan of care matching the patient/client's needs with available resources. The continuity of care professional would meet the educational requirements and adhere to the standards of his/her own discipline, demonstrating professional accountability by: a. maintaining current State license b. attending workshops and programs on continuity of care related issues. c. seeking and utilizing knowledge of legislative and regulatory changes d. demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and educational background of the multi-disciplinary team e. demonstrating knowledge of community f. utilizing knowledge and experience in the health care industry g. maintaining patient/client and family confidentiality h. educating consumers and professionals regarding discharge planning A written description of the program will include the philosophy and scope. Goals and objectives shall address institutional, professional and patient/client situations. Written policy, procedures and job descriptions must be updated. The discharge planning function should be assigned to a person or persons in order to assure professional accountability.

The following should be used in accordance with each specific program: a. ongoing quality assurance activities b. written and telephone surveys c. peer review

Author / internet source (url) Title of the study Name of the journal/ with volume number, edition, etc Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
/ 1 October 2006 vol. 11 no. 4

Published by: (company) The Royal Society of Medicine Journals

Date/ year

Description/ summary

1. Martin What is Gulliford, 'continuity 2. Smriti Naithani and of care'? 3. Myfanwy Morgan / m/content/11 /4/248.abstrac t

1 October 2006 vol. 11 no. 4

Continuity of care is concerned with the quality of care over time. There are two important perspectives on this. Traditionally, continuity of care is idealized in the patient's experience of a 'continuous caring relationship' with an identified health care professional. For providers in vertically integrated systems of care, the contrasting ideal is the delivery of a 'seamless service' through integration, coordination and the sharing of information between different providers. As patients' health care needs can now only rarely be met by a single professional, multidimensional models of continuity have had to be developed to accommodate the possibility of achieving both ideals simultaneously. Continuity of care may, therefore, be viewed from the perspective of either patient or provider. Continuity in the experience of care relates conceptually to patients' satisfaction with both the interpersonal aspects of care and the coordination of that care. Experienced continuity may be valued in its own right. In contrast, continuity in the delivery of care cannot be evaluated solely through patients' experiences, and is related to important aspects of services such as 'case-management' and 'multidisciplinary team working'. From a provider perspective, the focus is on new models of service delivery and improved patient outcomes. A full consideration of continuity of care should therefore cover both of

these distinct perspectives, exploring how these come together to enhance the patient-centredness of care.

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