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Have you ever noticed that when a disaster or tragedy happens we feel a strong urge to protect ourselves and

others by: 1. seeking shelter and safety; 2. looking to our community for assistance, or seek to assist others; and 3. hoping and praying. Now, understanding that a number of people consider prayer a religious act, I see it as anything we say or think that seeks intention for a particular (generally positive) outcome. This week while Superstorm hurricane Sandy approached the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, there was, no doubt, a lot of hoping and praying happening among the residents of these areas for the hurricane to be kind to their families, homes, trees, coastal areas and the towns they live in and I was one of them.

Calm in the Midst of the Storm

While listening to the wind ripping through the numerous trees in my yard, I knew I needed to remain calm and present, as well as open to whatever outcome the storm would bring to my surroundings. Thanks to my yoga and meditation practices staying calm and present was something I had practiced a great deal. However, the day of the storm, I felt even more compelled to focus on what I had trained to do, to be and think.

So what better time to meditate with a mantra that protects than during a threatening force of nature like a hurricane?
To lessen stressful thoughts of the storm, I continued with my daily meditation using my favorite rose quartz mala and a japa meditation with the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. While doing my round of 108 mantra repetitions, I could actually feel the gusts of wind as they heightened during the storm. In my mind there was a surge of colors, in my body I felt a surge of intense energy flowing around me.

Meditation for Protection & Healing

In yoga, similar to prayer, we use mantras which are words of the ancient Sanskrit language that are specifically linked together bring about powerful intent through their sounds and meanings. In fact, the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is regarded as one of the most powerful mantras for protection and healing. It is said that by chanting this mantra, vibrations are produced which envelope the body like a protective shield and protects form evil forces and misfortunes of any kind. This mantra is said to also have healing powers, and is capable of warding off negative influences and granting peace.

After the storm finally passed my home, I felt very fortunate that I had experienced only minor power outage, downed branches and leaves and the loss of one small tree. My home, family and community were safe. While I consider myself lucky, I cant help but wonder if my ongoing faith in meditating with the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra helped. I can only assume so knowing the real power and intention of this mantra.

Helping Those in Need with Mantra

The mantra also has healing powers that can help our own body as well as those who are suffering. Therefore meditating or repeating the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra at this time, is a perfect way to send healing energy the communities that have been affected by hurricane Sandy. So, next time you meditate, intently send some Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra energy to people affected by a this hurricane, or any other life threatening situation, to help transform negative energy and feelings into more positive vibrations of healing, prosperity and protection.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Om. Tryambhakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat The literal meaning of this mantra is:Om. We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Siva) who is fragrant and who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of Immortality, even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage (of the creeper).

GAYATRI MANTRA CLASS & INITIATION CEREMONY ( *The Gayatri Mantra Class is the first class in our mantra series and forms the basis for all of the Vedic Healing Institute & Temple's activities). Gayatri Mantra is the key to opening the door of cosmic consciousness. Gayatri mantra creates illumination, awakens inner powers, and brings blessings. Gayatri mantra makes the practitioner "brighter" and more able to manifest his/her personal path. The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be the most powerful Sanskrit chant, balancing mind, body and spirit simultaneously. It is a chant that evokes magical, mystical energies and helps those chanting it accelerate on their spiritual journey. The Gayatri mantra clears negative energies and purifies our beings, making us more powerful and illuminated. Gayatri mantra works with feminine energies so that we open to receive blessings. In India it is said that you are born twice--once when you enter the body and once when you are initiated into Gayatri, the Queen of all mantras. Benefits of chanting Gayatri Mantra: Attain higher spiritual awareness, clarity and inspiration; Raise your vibration to attract prosperity and blessings; Awaken intuitive, psychic powers; Sharpen your ability to manifest desires and needs; Increase your prana or life-force energy and personal charisma; Help you achieve greater health, balance, wellbeing, and inner peace; Create a powerful, positive force-field offering protection from negativity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MAHA MRTYUNJAYA MANTRA CLASS & INITIATION CEREMONY Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra is a dynamic, powerful energy that lies at the core of the VedasIndias spiritual texts. Maha Mrtyunjaya mantra works with Shiva (male) energies to create action, healing and movement; destroy negative influences; and to speed manifestation. Maha Mrtyunjaya is the great mantra for overcoming fears, negative energy, and ultimately death, helping our souls transition to the next phase on the path. The Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra is considered to be the "companion" chant to the Gayatri mantra. Whereas the Gayatri mantra opens the energy field and empowers the chanter through feminine energies, the Maha Mrtyunjaya mantra moves energies through masculine energies, instigating new, positive conditions. Maha Mrtyunjaya mantra is considered to be a healing mantra that awakens dormant abilities within the one chanting. Where Gayatri cleanses the system, Maha Mrtyunjaya strengthens it. Maha Mrtyunjaya works with masculine energies so that action on the physical plane may occur. For these reasons, Gayatri and Maha Mrtyunjaya are often used in conjunction with one another to open the energy field, clear unfavorable conditions, and bring about powerful change, movement and awakening. Benefits of chanting Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra: Remove obstacles in your life and destroy illusions Move energies on the inner and outer planes for manifestation Strengthen inner powers for healing and replace stagnant energy with new, vital energy Unleash enthusiasm, courage, willpower and determination Clear lack of energy, grief, illness, depression, and prevent accidents Raise your vibration to create prosperity and blessings Create fearlessness, hope, courage, inspiration, and action Move through the process death, and eventually get off the wheel of reincarnation

Yoga, Mantra and the Power of Prayer

Swami Satyaprakash Saraswati (UK)

Many of us started to practise yoga at a time in life when our overt connection with institutional religion had long since passed. Maybe we grew up in families where adherence to religious practices was a must, perhaps we attended convent schools as part of the family pattern. Or maybe as teenagers we had a private quest and a passionate relationship with God, before launching into higher education and its fashionable agnosticism and attendant social life. Typically, our religious observances lapsed, to be resumed only on the occasion of births, marriages and deaths, and major festivals in our religious calendar. A few of us were undoubtedly more stalwart in adhering to the faith of our childhood, which, in its turn, maybe gave rise to conflict as we encountered the more esoteric aspects of yoga. It is fitting here to remember the etymology of the word religion. Re- is defined as return to a previous condition, or restoration, and ligare, from the Latin, means to bind, or to yoke firmly. Thus it is apparent that the true meaning of religion is very similar to the acknowledged definitions of yoga. Many yoga practitioners will recognize (re-cognize) this, from those precious glimpses of stillness and unity that occasionally arise during practice.
Believing nothing, and letting the experience come

Perhaps you remember the first time you chanted the mantra Aum in a yoga class what was your reaction? What is this? Do I want to do this? This belongs to some foreign religion it is not for me. Superstitious nonsense! Nice sound, but so what? Then gradually, over the months and years you were introduced to other mantras: So Ham, the Gayatri and Mahamrityunjaya mantras, and maybe similar responses arose within. Then you heard or read about particular mantras for snake bites, etc. and thought, Wow! Now were really approaching witchcraft! Does the power of mantra depend on the naivete or the beliefs of the practitioner? Do you have to believe in the mantra for it to have an effect? Most of us have found that mantra affects the person who chants. We feel calmer or more energized (according to the mantra chanted), and more centred and whole after we chant. It is perhaps best to believe nothing, just do the practice and decide on the basis of your own experience. It is also important to be open to the possibility that your experience will change. Sometimes people ask about the chanting of the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for healing, Do you believe that this works? To this, my spontaneous response is, I know it works, because thats my experience.
Being open to possibility

Larry Dossey, an American doctor practising in mainstream hospitals and clinics and author of Healing Words: the power of prayer and the practice of medicine, speaks of alighting on a single Western scientific study that strongly supported the power of prayer in getting well. The author explores ancient and modern paradigms of medicine, the nature and effects of prayer, the relationships between prayer and healing, doctor and patient, and much more. He concludes, Over time I decided that not to employ prayer with my patients was the equivalent of deliberately withholding a potent drug or surgical procedure.

So whatever our faith, inclination or life philosophy, whatever our understanding of God, the absolute or universal spirit, let us review it. Long-held beliefs hold us captive in mind-sets that can become obstacles to our spiritual evolution. The spirit of yoga is to be open to new and different information and ideas, to weigh these intelligently with that which we already know, and to be willing to loosen our attachment to the old patterns of mind.
Mahamrityunjaya mantra: for destruction of attachment

There are three principles at work in the universe creation, maintenance or continuation, and destruction. In order for harmony to prevail, all work equally together and each is necessary. Without destruction, there is no space for creation, without creation there is no need for maintenance. We only need to look at the garden through the seasons to observe the verity of this. The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is an invocation to the principle of destruction in the universe, in which we ask that our attachments in this life be broken or destroyed so that, at the point of death, we may move over as easily as the cucumber separates from the vine. We may reasonably ask, Do I want to break my attachments in this life? Why would I want to? What are these attachments anyway? So we start to explore the question of attachments. What are these attachments? To my home? To my family? To my work and the status it affords me? Yes, all of these and probably more! We gradually realize that it is okay to have these things and relationships, and to enjoy them in the present moment; this is the very fabric of mundane life. The problem started when we became attached to them, because then we began to fear their loss, either consciously or unconsciously. Will this person leave me? Will that item I own be ruined or stolen? Most of us are strongly attached to the continuation of our life in this body, of the personality, of this person as we know ourselves that is, we fear death. When we look a little more deeply, we begin to recognize that it is our attachments that cause us to suffer. The suffering arises from our mental patterns surrounding the things we own and the relationships we enjoy, not from the having of them per se. Do we need to break these attachments now? Yes, for two reasons. First because, as Swami Satyananda says, Joy is your heritage, not suffering. We can learn to live without suffering. Secondly, because we know that life is fragile, as delicate as a drop of water on a leaf, and therefore we need to be prepared to die at any time as easily as the cucumber separates from the vine. So when we chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra, we are invoking assistance for ourselves in overcoming or breaking our own attachments.
For healing and relief of suffering

In Satyananda Yoga ashrams and centres all over the world, the tradition of chanting the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for the relief of suffering is maintained on a weekly or monthly basis. Each session begins with the remembrance of particular individuals who are known to be sick or suffering. Here, it is important to understand the difference between relief of suffering, healing and cure. When we chant for another person, it is not possible to change the destiny of that person if they are destined to have an illness or to die soon, then so they will. Some people would call this the divine order. We cannot expect that they will always be cured of the illness. However, when we chant or pray for such a person, we are asking that their attachments be broken, their fear be lessened, so that their suffering is relieved. And if this comes about, then the person truly experiences healing, whether in this body or not.

Chanting the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for other people is a great tool for us too. It can relieve the feelings of impotence we experience, typically when a friend is seriously ill, or when a marriage breaks down and children are involved. Our power to help in this type of situation varies enormously sometimes we can be a pillar of support to the family, but often we dont have the time or the skills, so we send cards, give comfort and worry about them all perfectly normal and very human responses. However, frequently we feel that we are not doing enough. One of the most powerful ways in which we can serve the person and their family is to chant for them daily. How? Sit quietly, centre yourself, focus on the person or situation with all the aligned energy you can bring to the moment, then chant, maybe 9 rounds, or 27 it takes only five to ten minutes. We emerge from the practice feeling more positive, less burdened and more able to bring light to those around us. Similarly, when through the media we learn of wars, famine and natural disasters, we can all too easily succumb to despondency about the state of the world and mans inhumanity to man. Sometimes we channel that energy into social action or fiscal support. But more often, we just ruminate on it and feel gloomy. Once again, chanting the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for the situation and for the people involved can transform that negative energy into something positive and uplifting.
For protection

The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is used for protection too. In any situation where you feel vulnerable, nervous or at risk, chanting the mantra aloud or repeating it silently will change your vibration. How does it work? Probably because the fear evaporates, we walk taller and we are not perceived as easy prey when we change our vibration to a strong, positive one. To expand our experience, we can all try to believe nothing, and simply do the practices, chant the mantras, watch the results and decide on the basis of our own experience. Now is the time to go and harvest some ripe cucumbers or courgettes! The power of Mantras ? Always wondered about Mantras. When I was a child i was asked to recite the Gayatri Mantra every night with my parents. I thought it was a prayer more than combinations of sounds created in a rhythm designed to provoke the universe to give in to intention. Well .. I guess that is what a prayer is too, except that a lot of research says that the seed sounds of the universe, starting with AUM have the capacity to accelerate intention into something far deeper. Does that mean that Mantras can provoke the universe beyond intention ? After all, as a child, what intention is contained in the Gayatri Mantra, the true meaning of which I am still grappling with. For if I did manage to experience the true meaning of it, I would not be asking these questions would I ? I asked my friend Sanjeev Verma, a well known astrologer in Canada on what he believes Beej (Seed) Mantras are do we all have a Seed Mantra that is aligned to our astrological charts ? I have a completely open mind still. . Ah the age of reason ! CREATING A LIFE OF HARMONY THROUGH YOUR OWN SEED MANTRAS AS PER YOUR ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS.

Beej Mantra is a combination of two words Beej and Mantra. Beej is a seed which when sown grows into a fruitful tree, whereas Mantra is an invocation that produces a set of vibration in the surrounding atmosphere. Thus Beej Mantra can be defined as sound vibrations which when performed with full faith results into a fountain of Shakti or Powerful energy. It is an interesting fact to know that in 360 degrees of Cosmic Universe there are 108 sound vibrations which are always active. These vibrations are an active constituent of not only the cosmic universe but also every individual is born with these sound vibrations which we also call as Beej mantras. There can be up to seven of them having the power to affect different aspects of our life like health, wealth, relationships etc. These Beej mantras are different for each Individual. In order to create a harmony between an individual and the cosmic universe one needs to connect with it through these vibrations only. This synchronization with the cosmic universe can take place either through deeper and higher levels of meditation or by knowing our own sound vibrations or Beej mantras and chanting them and becoming one with them. Beej mantras given or identified are for the purpose of matching cosmic sound vibration and the vibration of the person with which he or she is born. Once we have identified our own sound vibrations and we start chanting that sound over and again, each sound goes in the cosmic universe and hits at least one of the 108 sound vibrations which is same as itself and harmony takes place. The harmony between the individual and the Cosmic vibrations results in the overall prosperity and well being of an individual, be it in terms of health, wealth, relationships or any other aspect of an individuals life. I have noticed that the Beej mantras normally given are matching the mind vibrations only. But there can be Beejas for every aspect of our physical and spiritual existence. By repeating these Beej Mantars one can create harmony with any aspect of life. Essentially it would tune your vibrations to match the cosmic vibrations to lead a thriving life. I have been researching and experimenting on the Beej Mantras for quite a long time And found them to be extremely effective and life transforming. The best way to find out ones seed sound or alphabet is by making a birth chart. A Seed Mantra is combination of three words OMyour seed soundNamah. OM (pronounced AUM) is the most important of all mantras. All mantras generally begin and often also end with OM. OM is the mantra of assent and energizes whatever we say after it. That is why all mantras begin with OM. OM is also the mantra of ascent and causes our energy to rise upward into the infinite. Individual seed sound It both calls the divine down into us and offers our soul upward to the Divine for transformation. Namah is to bow to the energy of the mantra and thanking it. There can be up to seven seed mantra for an individual depends on the birth chart. There is one base mantra which is for material and spiritual uplift and there are mantras which are for improving or creating harmony in particular aspect of life like health, wealth, relationships etc. Sanjeev Verma
Mrityunjaya (Bija) mantra

The Bija mantra is given by Kahola Rishi; The mantra is in Gayatri channdah; The mantra devata (deity) is Sri Mrityunjaya (form of Shiva). This mantra is to be used for meditation and at all times for protection from all evils.


There are many mantra for warding off evils like death and other suffering given in the sacred literature of the Hindu's. These mantra are of various types but the Mrityunjaya mantra has been extolled in sacred literature as being the best. This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva and is taught in the Rig Veda (7 mandala 59 Chapter) as well as the Yajur Veda (3-60) showing that it is a Sruti having been received by Maharishi Vasistha, the Kula Guru of Bhagavan Sri Ramachandra. This Maha-mrityunjaya mantra is from the Rig-Veda (7th Book or Mandala, 59 Chapter) and needs initiation for attaining siddhi. Anybody can recite this mantra and attain good health, release from bondage and other problems. This is the greatest panacea for all evils and can be recited at any time like any other Maha-mantra.
Rishi-adi Nyasa

The preparatory rites should be learnt from any book on Karma-kanda (pooja method). However we give the simplest method of reciting this mantra to overcome the greatest of evils. Nyasa is the method of protecting the self by placing the parts of the mantra on five body parts. These body parts are the crucial centers for the spiritual energy.

Rishi (Guru/teacher of the mantra) - siras (head). In this case the Rishi is Maharishi Vasistha. Channdah (meter, which is technically very specific for each mantra) - mukha (mouth). This vedic mantra is in Anusthub channdah. This is a meter having four pada (feet) of 8 phonemes each making the entire Anusthub metre as composed of 32 (8 x 4 = 32) syllables. It maybe noted that any change in the metre shall cause a distortion in the channdah and the mantra vibration shall be ruined. Devata (the deity of the mantra) - hridaya (heart). In this case the devata is Lord Shiva addressed as "Sri Mrityunjaya Tryambakeswara devata", the Jyotirlinga. Bija (the seed syllable that created the mantra and contains the mantra within itself, like the seed that creates the tree) - Liinga (sexual organ). There are some opinion on this, but the most appropriate one is given by Kahola Rishi as "haum". Shakti (the physical power of the mantra like the mother) - pada (feet). It is the giver of gati or direction. In this case the shakti is Devi Amriteswari, addressed as 'hriim'.

Sukracharya's Penance & teaching Jyotish teaching

The Mahamrityunjaya mantra was taught by Lord Shiva to Sukracharya the preceptor of the demons after he succeeded in the impossible test of hanging upside down from a tree for twenty years (Vimsottari dasa period) with smoke blowing into him from a fire lit beneath. Even Brihaspati was shocked at the prospect of such a terrible penance and calmly settled to observe Sukracharya accept the challenge of Indra and succeed. Tapaswi Yoga definition: Since Sukracharya (Venus in astrology) passed the penance he was glorified as the Tapaswi Raja (the king of the spiritual discipline and penance). The definition of Tapaswi Yoga comes from this penance as Saturn (punishment, hard toil), Ketu (smoke blown into the nose and other forms of self inflicted torture) and Venus (desire and its renunciation) must come together to define the personal ability of the Tapaswi. After the penance Lord Shiva taught the Mahamrityunjaya mantra to Sukracharya, who under very compelling circumstances had to teach this to the son of Brihaspati and that is how the devas also got the mantra. This mantra was given (sruti) to Vasistha Maharishi for the welfare of this world. The mantra and explanation given by Sukracharya to Rishi Dadhicha when the latter's body was cut and thrown by Raja Kshuva is recorded in the Shiva Purana. Sukracharya said "O! Dadhicha, I pray to Lord Shiva and give you the upadesa (advise/wisdom/teaching) of the highest Maha Mrityunjaya mantra." The mantra is in Anusthub Channdah and accordingly, is divided into four padas composed of eight syllables each. Sukracharya said "The first pada is and means - we worship or sing the praise of Lord Trayambaka. Tryambaka is the name of Lord Shiva as the father of the three worlds - bhu, bhuva and svarga lokas. He is the father and lord of the three mandala's Surya, Soma and Agni mandala. He is Maheswara, the lord of the three Guna's - Satva, Rajas and Tamas. He is the Sadashiva, the teacher of the three tatvas - Atma tatva, Vidya tatva and Shiva tatva. He is the father (cause and source) of the three energies (agni) - Aavahaniya, Garhapatya and Dakshinagni. He is the father of all physical creation through the three murti bhuta - Prithvi (solid), Jala (liquid) and Tejas or agni (energy). He is the lord of the three heavens created by the dominance of the three Gunas - Rajas (Brahma), Satva (Vishnu) and Tamas (Shiva). Know Him to be the nirakara (formless) Sadashiva as He is above this physical mode and is their Maheswara. This is the first foot of the mantra (composed of eight syllables)." "The second pada of the mantra," continued Sukracharya, "is . Sugandhim refers to the fragrance of the flower that spreads in all directions, and in a similar way Shiva is present in the entire creation, both animate and inanimate. In all the bhutas (modes of existence), in the three Gunas (nature of creation as being Satva, Rajas or Tamas), in the ten indriyas (five gyana-indriyas or senses and five karma-indriyas or organs of action), in all the devas (33 devas are the source of all illumination and enlightenment) and the ganas (hosts of demi-gods), Shiva exists and pervades as the illumine atma (soul) and is their essence. Pustivardhanam is now being explained. That inward dwelling spirit (atman), the Purusha Shiva is the real sustainer of Prakriti (and not vice-versa as all people perceive). Starting with the mahatatva (primordial state of matter/energy) to the individual parts of

creation, the entire sustenance of the physically created beings (both animate and inanimate) is done by the imperishable Purusha. You, I, Brahma, Vishnu, the Munis and even Indra & devas are maintained/sustained (by the atma and that is Him). Since the Purusha (atma Shiva) is the granter of sustenance to prakriti (body/nature), he is 'Pusti-vardhana'." Having explained the first two pada of the mantra, Sukracharya continued to explain the remaining two pada. He said " the next two pada (consisting of sixteen syllables) is meaning - Prabhu! just as the ripe cucumber is severed from the bondage of the creeper, in the same manner may we be delivered from death for the sake of immortality (moksha). Rudra deva is like amrita (nectar of immortality). Those who worship Him with good karma, penance and repentance, meditation, contemplation, prayer or praise, will surely renewed life and vigor. The strength of truth force (in this mantra) is such that Lord Shiva shall definitely free the worshipper from the bondage of death because Shiva alone is the giver of bondage and moksha. This is the Mritasanjivani mantra and has the power to give back life and rescue from death and great evils. You should adore Lord Shiva and recite this mantra. Water sanctified with this mantra should be drunk all the time. [Authors note: It is well known that the rudraksha bead is placed in a glass of water after being held in the palm during the recitation of the mantra. this water is drunk during the day.] Oblations in the sacrificial fire with this mantra is very purifying. Now I shall teach the dhyana for the mantra." Saying so, Sukracharya started reciting the shlokas for meditating on Lord Shiva.

Understanding the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

It is important to understand the meaning of the words as this makes the repetition meaningful and brings forth the results.
OM is not spelt out in the Rig-Veda, but has to be added to the beginning of all Mantras as given in an earlier Mantra of the Rig-Veda addressed to Ganapati. This Mantra is given in the prayer page of my Book "Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutra".

TRYAMBAKKAM refers to the Three eyes of Lord Shiva. 'Trya' means 'Three' and 'Ambakam' means eyes. These three eyes or sources of enlightenment are the Trimurti or three primary deities, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and the three 'AMBA' (also meaning Mother or Shakti' are Saraswati, Lakshmi and Gouri. Thus in this word, we are referring to God as Omniscient (Brahma), Omnipresent (Vishnu) and Omnipotent (Shiva). This is the wisdom of Brihaspati and is referred to as Sri Duttatreya having three heads of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. YAJAMAHE means, "We sing Thy praise".
SUGANDHIM refers to His fragrance (of knowledge, presence and strength i.e. three aspects) as being the best and always spreading around. Fragrance refers to the joy that we get on knowing, seeing or feeling His virtuous deeds. PUSTIVARDHANAM: Pooshan refers to Him as the sustainer of this world and in this manner, He is the Father (Pater) of all. Pooshan is also the inner impeller of all knowledge

and is thus Savitur or the Sun and also symbolizes Brahma the Omniscient Creator. In this manner He is also the Father (Genitor) of all. URVAAROKAMEVA: 'URVA' means "VISHAL" or big and powerful or deadly. 'AAROOKAM' means 'Disease'. Thus URVAROOKA means deadly and overpowering diseases. (The CUCUMBER interpretation given in various places is also correct for the word URVAROOKAM). The diseases are also of three kinds caused by the influence (in the negative) of the three Guna's and are ignorance (Avidya etc), falsehood (Asat etc as even though Vishnu is everywhere, we fail to perceive Him and are guided by our sight and other senses) and weaknesses (Shadripu etc. a constraint of this physical body and Shiva is all powerful). BANDANAAN means bound down. Thus read with URVAROOKAMEVA, it means 'I am bound down by deadly and overpowering diseases'. MRITYORMOOKSHEYA means to deliver us from death (both premature death in this Physical world and from the neverending cycle of deaths due to re-birth) for the sake of Mokshya (Nirvana or final emancipation from re-birth). MAAMRITAAT means 'please give me some Amritam (life rejuvinating nectar). Read with the previous word, it means that we are praying for some 'Amrit' to get out of the death inflicting diseases as well as the cycle of re-birth.


Once as K.N. Rao was analyzing a friend's chart, he noticed a planetary combination that was particularly dangerous for him in the near future. He strongly recommended that he regularly recite the maha mrityunjaya mantra, the traditional mantra of protection, over the following weeks. About a month later as the man was doing a routine inspection in a warehouse, a large support beam suddenly gave way and about 200 cement bags landed on top of him! His coworkers were quite certain that he had been killed beneath that weight. However, when they finally removed the bags they found that he was not only alive, but that the only injuries he sustained was a hairline fracture to his hip! The mrityunjaya mantra is considered one of the maha mantras or great Sanskrit mantras because of its potency to give protection and manifold blessings. Maha mrityunjaya literally means the great victory over death. It is associated with Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance, and the liberator from the cycle of death and rebirth. It is therefore a life giving mantra that not only protects the physical body and gives health, but purifies the mind at a deep level.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam urvarukamiva bandhanan mrityor mukshiya mamritat.

"I bow down to that three-eyed Lord Shiva, who is full of sweet fragrance, who nourishes all living beings. May He free me from the bondage of samsara and death, just as a ripe cucumber is separated from the vine. May I be fixed in immortality!" Shiva is said to have three eyes, because he sees the past, present, and future simultaneously. He is the lord of the three worlds - physical, astral, and causal. He is also beyond the three gunas - sattva, rajas, and tamas - or creation, sustenance, and destruction. As we chant the maha mrityunjaya mantra we identify with Shiva, develop his attributes, and receive his blessings. In the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, sage Parashara prescribes the maha mrityunjaya mantra as an astrological remedial measure on at least 24 separate occasions. For instance, in Chapter 55 verse 52 he says, "In this critical period, with the recitation (japa) of mrityunjaya mantra the evil effects will get mellowed down (reduced) with the blessings of Lord Shiva."

Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mrityunjaya mantra

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Hi all, I am new to this hub.Just wanted to share my thoughts about gayatri mantra and maha mrityunjaya mantra and some general info. This is a rather long post.If u have patience plz read.if not then I have nothing to say. Disclaimer:.I am not advertising any philosophy,or product,just sharing what I know for the benefit of all. Gayatri Mantra addresses to the sun god(savita) and maha mrityunjaya mantra addresses to Lord Shiva.Its also called the Moksha mantra of shiva. These mantras being very powerful,shud be chanted with correct pronunciation and if possible with vedic intonation.Then only they show their full effect on the individual who chants them. To obtain the siddhi of these mantras,one shud chant them 1.25 lakh times in a course of 40 days.This is known as madhyam anushthan(middle sized discipline ).Other two forms of anushthans are laghu and uchcha anushthan wherein one chants one of these mantras for 24000 times in a course of 9 days and 24,00,000(24 lakh times) in the course of 1 year. The best time to do laghu anushthan is during the Navratri festival,wherein one shud devote his time during these auspicious days to complete the discipline.These mantras are powerful enough to grant liberation to the chanter who chants them with full faith.These anushthans can also be done during anytime of the year.Once the discipline is started it shud be completed and shud not be left in the middle,otherwise great harm comes to the person. Purascharana is one more discipline which grants immense spiritual potential and power to the person who does it.I am not stating any details about it here,but they can be obtained from a guru who himself has done this kind of massive japa of the mantras.In purascharana one has to chant the mantra a certain number of times.Gayatri has 24 syllables, so 1 purascharana of gayatri amounts to chanting 24x1,00,000 = 24,00,000 times in a year.Maha Mrityunjaya mantra has 33 syllables so 1 Purascharana amounts to chanting it 33,00,000 times in a year.It may sound similar to doing an uchcha anushthan but its different in the sense that,one has to do some other things like offering some part of the purascharana to guru,to homa(sacred fire) etc. I have heard at many places that these mantras work only if the chanter of the mantra is initiated by a guru(who himself has undergone such penance),chanting without initiation may be fruitless.But as a personal question ,these mantras are available to everyone(sarva sulabha),and everyone may not have access to such a guru,so how can they chant the mantra,without initiation,and reap benefits??If anyone can answer this question,he shud surely do it ,to clear my doubts and others who have the same. One more thing which people might not know-Gayatri mantra though available to everyone is said to be "keeled" ie. locked by ancient sages(Vasishtha,Vishwamitra,Shukracharya and Lord Bramha) bcoz of its misuse in ancient times.Anybody who chants the gayatri as a routine discipline shud know that the chanting will have marginal or no effect or even negative effect if it is not unlocked.There are special nyasa mantras addressing to these sages

and deities which are to be chanted before doing any amount of japa,these will unlock the mantra and will thus release its full potential,and will prove beneficial to the chanter. Mahamrityunjaya mantra is also very powerful.It is basically a "death conquering" mantra.I am not sure whether this is also locked or not,but to my current knowledge its not.This mantra is very powerful in curing various ailments of the body,mind and soul.Being the "Moksha mantra" of lord Shiva,if chanted for a long time,it connects one to their own inner divinity and increase the positive and divine vibrartions in the chanter.It also creates a protective shield(kavacha) which protects the chanter from negative influences and ills. These mantras are no doubt powerful,but a true devotee will only benefit if he conserves the power generated by these in his body,mind and soul.Abstinence from any kind of sexual activity,pornography etc.,controlled food habits,having more natural foods than artificial ones,minimal usage of tamasic foods like garlic,onion,vinegar,and other pungent eatables,non-alcoholism etc .are very necessary for conserving the power generated by these mantras.One cant chant mantras and also indulge in an undisciplined lifestyle and expect to derive benefits out of the chant.Mind shud be kept pure,avoiding any kind of unpleasant,distressing or useless thoughts in order to conserve the power.Loud music,rock,pop,film music,and any kind of agitating or exciting music(western and these days indian movie music too) shud be avoided to reap complete benefits.These are some rules to be followed to really gain benefit. To get more information on the gayatri sadhana one can visit the gayatri parivar website "".There one can find gayatri mantra(in mp3 format) chanted by gurudev shri ram sharma acharya,who himself was an exponent of gayatri sadhana and one of the most powerful sages of 20th century.Another good audio chant is by "Sathya Sai Baba" on his website(just google it).These can be played everyday ,if possible thruout the day and all family members shud keep chanting them along with their work.One can also carry them in their ipods and mp3/mp4 players and listen them continuosly while they travel to work or even during working hours.This wud be beneficial compared to listening defiling movie songs,and other such stuff. Another good source of any kind of mantra information is a person by name "Thomas Ashley Farrand".He has written many books on mantra vigyan,4 of which are very appealing-Mantra Sacred words of Power,Healing mantras,Shakti Mantras and Chakra Mantras.In these books and their audio companion CDs he has described at length about how to undertake a 40 day discipline of various mantras.He is one of the foremost authorities of mantra science in the western world.Unfortunately ,we do not have indians spreading such wisdom so we need to depend on the westerners for our own things.Anyway one can get these books and cds from and improve their lives. If anyone can provide a genuine answer to the question asked above I wiil be very thankful. Thanks for reading... chinchin85.

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