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Hey Keys! It has been another wonderful month! Way to kick off the new year with such a great attitude! Member participation during events were beyond excellent. Keep up the great work and let's continue to strive for the best! New member registration has officially ended! We want to give a warm welcome to the individuals who are willing to give in their personal time for the benefit of others. Welcome to the family! Color In Motion 5K was a great hit! Whether if you participated in the actual run or volunteered, you did an amazing job. We will be signing up for this event in the future, so keep an eye out for that! The Arbor Day Volunteer event was just as successful. Great job helping out Mother Nature and giving back to our environment. Shout outs to the individuals who are still volunteering at Kids R Kids after school throughout the week! We greatly appreciate your persistence, keep up the hard work and dedication! If you have not completed last semesters required hours, please do so as soon as possible. There has been multiple chances to gather up those few extra hours; please take advantage of it and continue to actively participate in our events. Aside from completing last semester's hours, do not forget you also need to collect another 15 physical hours for the spring semester. Non-physical hours do roll over from the fall semesters! Good luck! It is never too early to think about running for an officer position! Keep your heads up for more announcements and ways to apply for a position. May the odds be ever in your favor.

UPCOMING EVENTS -Color in Motion 5K: Feb 2 -Speech and Debate Tournament Help Out: Feb 23 -Math Honor Society Food Bank Help Out: Feb 23
By: Judy Mai and Cynthia Hoang

President: Justin Lee Vice President: Sophia Le Secretary: Amber Cao Assistant Secretary: Angela Nguyen Treasurer: Allen Chen Project Coordinators: Diana Mai and Christina Tomakin Editors: Judy Mai and Cynthia Hoang Web Master: Ashley Im Historians: Vu Vo and Cindy Zarate Representatives: Anuj Singh, Angie Cortez and Angela Nguyen Sergeant Of Arms: Jason Orbita and Juan Barajas

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