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spirituality - lesson 30: wall clocks HOMEWORK SUBMISSIONS

many thanks to everybody who sent in their 'clock' designs. please look through your fellow participants work and give your feedback in the comments section below (constructive criticism only!). we will send you our feedback via e-mail in the coming days.


time is similar to luck. it's there but you can't feel it or see it, yet it has an effect on our lives. there's also something playful about the way time treats us, sometimes seeming never-ending, at other times going so quickly that we always seem to be running after it. so instinctively dice and time seem to fit together. time is what you make it. the wall-clock consists of a green metal base that recalls the color of the green baize used for covering gambling tables. the dice contain magnets so that they stick onto the base, but can be moved (or thrown) to form the numbers you

choose, wherever you want. a number of dice are given with the clock so you can make up as many numbers as you want.


my own clock peace of mind, free will and contemplation made tangible in clock function. the square enclosing the circle, seeking out organic and alive.

my own clock is made of red pottery and tempered glass. the bubble is divided into 24 parts, that relate to 24 hours a day. but you can decide you want to remind you that only written or drawn in sections circle corresponding to the time you want to use. my own clock is not an accurate clock, by contrast produces a very diffuse boundary only by the depth of water.


the 24hour loop clock will give you the time you need to enjoy each hour, day, week, month

at a glance the led screen indicates whether it is night or day. the oval face presents all 24 hours in a day visually. the red ball marker helps you to locate whether it is the first half of the day/night or the second half. the chrome disc helps you locate whether it is the first half of the hour or the second half.

this clock is mechanically precise but when you look at it, you see time as a general idea of what part of the day/hour it is. this enables you to quantify the day into larger chunks and visually understand the passing of each day. instead of worrying about there being 'not enough time' you are able to focus your energy on your task at hand-- work or play. and not to fret, if there still isn't enough time, you will always have another loop, another day, for you to enjoy your work and play!


in indian tradition and history the concept of time is cyclical,the hindu calendar is based on real months(phases of the moon),and different festivals and celebrations are thus based on specific days after or before the full moon or new moon ,as also is eater in the christian calendar. many myths are based around the waxing and waning of the moon , the full moon is called pooranvashi and the new moon is called ammavashya, a lot is said of the energy that is drawn and is available during these specific periods. in some parts of india the month generally begins with the full moon,and in some parts it begins with the new moon.

the wall clock is based on this concept . . . as time changes each day it reminds us of the importance of the eclipses and the beauty of the the clock the sun is eclipsed! the clock is constructed out of is of 2 colors.the black upper part is the hour handle and the yellow part is the minute handle.


souls time a clock designed for people on a spiritual phase of their life, a state in which they can decide what to do with their time. people who live without the rush that produces that soundwhat sound? tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc how does it work? it works gathering data from instruments incorporated inside the body of the clock: a thermometer, a barometer, an altimeter, a gps, and even data from the internet, this information is then interpreted by the internal processor which generates an image in a led screen, that shows a graphic reference to your geographical position, to the weather and light in that instant and a reference to the hour. perceptual parameters that influence rationally and irrationally.

what we do with our time. hello, this clock was designed by luisa belalcazar and david diaz, we are both in the spirituality course, we to work as a team because luisa is a design enthusiast who's about to start her industrial design career this coming year and she felt a little unexpert with software and with drawing at the time, so we decided to do it together.


bindu bindu, in sanskrit, means a dot, particle or a drop. a bindu is the start of the universe, the creation of thought. bindu is considered to be a chakra situated at the back of the head. the process of regeneration can only be carried out with the help of bindu. also, all the spiritual experiences take place when there is an explosion of bindu. this explosion can result in the creation of a thought or of anything.

the bindu manifests itself physically and is used as a decorative symbol on the body as a 'dot' placed on the third eye, ie. between the eyebrows. if the wall had a bindu, what would it be like? the bindu clock the bindu clock is an esoteric one that measures not just time, but weighs thoughts and the overall energy in a room- positive and negative, constructive and destructive.

the glass orb of the clock is the main indicator of time and energy. you read the time as with a normal clock (when the viewer faces the wall), with hands that point to the time on an imaginary face that splits the orb into two hemispheres. when positive energy fills the room, the minute hand starts moving in a spiral path in the front hemisphere (away from the wall) and the orb emits a pleasant, blue light. when the bindu senses negative energies, the minute hand takes a backward spiral path which moves toward the back hemisphere, thus emitting a red light.

when the room has reached its maximum of positive or negative energies, the minute hand at this point is perpendicular to the imaginary face of the clock, and the real time becomes unreadable. both these states are signals to the audience: when completely red, to calm themselves and keep in check their destructive thoughts, that time is no matter in this state and calming oneself is far more important; and when completely blue, to enjoy the moment of peace and calm, for these moments come rarely, and here as well time is of no essence.


Time for me is just a set of numbers that flips in a straight line to indicate the timing the speed of the changing process only matters to me when there is a dead line or something am looking forward to, this is when I see it as a race. I like to read time in a clear way if it is 5:15 I want to see the numbers clearly displayed fully so I won't need to guess if its fifteen or sixteen. I started designing my clock as a straight line with fixed minutes which are the only common thing between all the numbers of time thats why each number moves on a chain waiting for its time to come to pass their routine.

At the same time even if the next number is visible I'm still yet not sure what will happen next in my life and thats why part of the number is hidden. I added a personal touch to my clock so I can write on it whatever I want.


my opinion counting time is useless. Everything changes, but time goes on. It existed before you, it will go on after you. The only time that can be counted is the personal one. So why not stop pretending and face the fact that there is only yesterday, today, tomorrow. And that is relative too. We exist only in now, are we capable to accept it?

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