Jack Welch

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The leadership style of Jack Welch


During his reign as CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch has made a name for himself as the best manager in corporate America, generating billions in wealth for shareholders along the way. why he can do this? I think is he has a very good leadership and management style.In this pager i will interduce 3 ways about jack welchs leadership and management style. 1.Jack Welchs four E leadership style are Energy, Energize, Edge, Execute. Energy: Jack saidGo, Go, Gois the maxim of supermen. Their energy is inexhaustibility, due to want finish their work quickly, get up early every day. if the worlds speed of operation is 50km/h, well then these supermen are running in 90km/h in the world. Energize: The people who good at excavated energy know how to excavated other people work hard. They can paint foreground, embraced all the people work hard for the foreground. These sponsors know how to make the people throw their self in one enterprise. If the company develop so good, they will get the achievement for other people, but when the company develop badly, they will take on the liability. Why? Because they know only these can excavated the staffs energy. Edge: Edge man is competitor. they know how to decision-making in a very hard way, never make the trouble bar their foot. Execute The front 3 E are very important, but they dont have special effects, they are not necessary to the enterprise. The executive business man knows energy and energize are not one thing. The most executive leader understands how to change energy and energize into action and effect. They are the best executive businessmen. 2.Jack Welchs leadership style is also imaged in FORCE. F-Flexible: Jack Welch often uses the flexible mode to lead his staff. For example: When the employees create many achievements, he will give them many awards. When they bring few achievements, he will give them a little encouragement or few awards. Or, when they bring many losses, he will give them many serious punishments. When they make few mistakes, he will give them few light

punishments. O-Organizational: Jack Welch usually makes everything became very organizational. For example: He divide the things into important things and unimportant things, and at first, he will deal with the important things, and then to deal with the unimportant things. R-Rustle-oriented: He thinks the result can show the whole process and care about the result can make the leaders responsibility became more specific. For example: If the result is showed in the front of him, he will know what the process is and where the problems are and how to solve the problems. C-Communication: He thinks the communication between the leaders and the staff is very important. Communicating with the staff usually can help the leaders to know their problems and needs. For example: In the process of communicating with the staff, the leaders will know how to motivate them and make many leading ways to lead them. E-Education: He often uses the educational ways to lead his staff. It is important to educate the staff. For example: Education will influence the development of the science, and the science will also the innovation of the whole company. So, the staff must be giving more specialist education and training. 3.He also put forward three tenets when he was leading GE. First, Improve the IQ of organization. Second, Reduce many repeated labors. Third, Avoid the organization make mistakes. These three tents play an important part to the development of organization.

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