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Society committee meeting Minutes of a meeting Date: Wednesday 10 October 2012 Venue: Students Union Activities Centre From:

17.00 To: 18.45 Committee meeting number: 004

1.0 Members of the meeting 1.1 Present Laura Jones (LJ) (Chair) Adam Khan (AK) (Secretary) Mark Bircumshaw (MB) (Treasurer) Jazz Farmer (JF) (Bisexual Representative) Claire-Rose Charlton (CRC) (Womens Representative) Charlie (Charlie) (Observer) Mani (Mani) (Observer) Calvin Cheng (CC) (Observer) Charlotte Ervin (CE) (Observer) Dominique Katier Scott (DKS) (Observer) Elizabeth Crampin (EC) (Observer) Hasan Kurtarici (HK) (Observer) James Mamox (JMX) (Observer) Jennifer Mason (JM) (Observer) Jessica Sweetman (JS) (Observer) Jordan Kiefer (JK) (Observer) Samm Jones (SJ) (Observer) 1.3 Absent without apologies N/A 1.2 Absent with apologies Laura Philipson (LP) (Lesbian Representative)

1.4 Others in attendance Hannah Smart (HS) (BSL Interpreter)

2.0 Welcomes and notes from the chair LJ welcomed those in attendance to the fourth committee meeting of the society year. Pleasantries were exchanged and LJ noted and approved the attendance of non-committee members with observer status. LJ further noted the amount of attendees could facilitate good discussion about the committee and thanked HS for agreeing to interpret for the meeting. 3.0 Minutes of the last meeting Noted: The minutes of the last meeting were read, LJ noting 6 typographical errors. Upon correction, the minutes were unanimously approved by the committee. 1|Page

4.0 Matters arising from the last meeting Noted: Action points would be logged in a separate document available upon request by any society member. Noted: DKS joined the meeting at 17.10. LJ noted and approved the attendance of DKS with observer status. 5.0 Committee member updates Chairs ruling: Any present person, committee member or not may give submissions to section 5.0 as this may feed in to committee member updates. Noted: CC joined the meeting at 17.20. LJ noted and approved the attendance of CC with observer status. LJ informed the committee that herself and a few members of the society/wider LGBT community had attended an equal marriage protest in Birmingham on Monday 08 October 2012. The protest had been attended by >100 people to generally disrupt C4M (the Coalition for marriage). LJ further informed that she had given a speech about the societys campaign on equal marriage and had received applause for the societys efforts. JF informed the committee that since election she had started planning for Bi-Con 2013 and had considered joining relevant Bi-orientated networks and groups to pool together information streams. JM informed the committee of her post on the societys Facebook group about the idea of hosting film nights and informal, inter-friendly socials. The idea was greatly received by the committee. AK; MB; CRC; Charlie; Mani; CC; CE; DKS; JMX; JS; JK declined to provide updates citing no relevant information for this section. 6.0 Committee discussion Noted: the substantial discussion of all committee meetings will be noted under the committee discussion heading. 6.1 Community events MB informed that the local LGBT survey was now live via https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LGBTSurvey2012 and encouraged those present to take part explaining that it focused on lifestyle based questions and experiences of homophobia. JF noted that the survey was anonymous. 2|Page

MB further informed that he intended to have a meeting in the near future with the head of the LGBT Network Wolverhampton (Martha Bishop) to expand on links built between the network and the society. Action. MB to liaise with the head of the LGBT Network Wolverhampton (Martha Bishop) to expand on links built between the network and the society. MB informed that he was happy to have a presence in organising the local socials but requested that the rest of the committee help him in his roll. Action. All committee members to liaise with MB, Re: planning and organising of local socials. LJ requested of those present ideas for socials the committee could work on; the result of which being: MB-Bowling; CRC-anything non-drinking; JF-Build-a-bear; Iron bridge Gorge; Wolverhampton Grand Theatre JMX-Sea life center; Mani-Cinema (LJ and JM noting that the Light House Cinema was possibly best due its accessible nature);

LJ thanked those present for their suggestions. Noted: DKS left the meeting at 17.30. Action. JF to research accessible performances at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre and post them on the societys Facebook page. 6.2 Freshers week 2012 LJ requested of all those in attendance information; Re: their thoughts on the successes or failures of the society during Freshers week 2012. MB (with the agreement of JF) informed that is was his opinion that this Freshers week was the best one in his experience in terms of presence across the week; events and offers for students and that the successes should be re-shared. Action. LJ to bring the Flashmob video back to the top of the society page. JM requested information as to whether the Flashmob video would be subtitled; Re: disability access.


LJ informed that there was intention to subtitle the video and all further videos issued by the society. Action. LJ to make sure all LGBT+ videos are appropriately subtitled. AK stated the opinion that there were times when persons on the stall had a lack of information as to the society and that this could be something for the society to improve upon in the future. JK stated the opinion that the society showed too much obvious bias to certain sects by inviting in representatives from the LGBT Network Wolverhampton and the Gorgeous night club. LJ responded that this issue had previously been addressed with JK outside of the committee meeting. JS stated the opinion that it would have been and would be nice for the future if society activities for approximately one month post Freshers week had have been available on the stall. JMX stated his liking of the individual Micro Pride badges that were given out on the stall and the fact that they catered for a wide variety and range of diversities including but not limited to Asexual minorities. LJ informed the reasoning behind the use of Micro Pride badges (not minuted). JF stated that there seemed to be a positive reception to the Gorgeous free bags and free copies of Midlands Zone magazine. JM queries as to whether a Re-Freshers Fayre was to take place and if the society was to be including itself in it (to which she received the response of yes and yes from LJ). Noted: SJ joined the meeting at 17.40. LJ noted and approved the attendance of DKS with observer status. 6.3 Structure of the semester LJ deferred further discussion of Structure of the semester to a subsequent meeting. 6.4 Union Council LJ deferred further discussion of Union Council to a subsequent meeting. Action. JF to email LJ; Re: policy for Union Council. 6.5 Society campaigns


LJ restated that there was an informal agreement in place to share campaigns with the Staff LGBT Network. 6.5.1 NUS National Demo LJ informed the committee that she was expecting an answer of whether or not the Students Union would be at any of the upcoming demonstrations and that she would keep the committee informed of further developments when known. Action. LJ to update the committee when known; Re: National Demo Attendance LJ further stated that without support, the society would not have the requisite finances to attend demonstrations. 6.5.2 Ally Week LJ informed the committee of the historical significance of Ally Week noting its purpose to bring together the LGBT+ with the straight and cisgender communities; also informing that the society potentially was the first to hold such an event in the UK. LJ further informed that the current plans for Ally Week were to use a canvas for an art project, as a pledge card for all to decorate and to host a games night on the Wednesday of Ally Week. LJ then asked those in attendance for suggestions of further activities. Noted: LJ passed around a sheet; asking all present to indicate any availability they would have to supervise the canvas during the art project. JF suggested an idea considered by previous committees with the working title bring a token straight person to university day. The premise of the event being that each LGBT+ attendee brings a non-LGBT+ attendee forming a human circle and having photos taken of the inter-laced love. LJ put this suggestion to a vote; the result of which was unanimous approval. The date was set for Friday 19th October between 11am and 11.30am in the university quad. Action. All committee members to encourage attendance of bring a token straight person to university day and if possible to attend themselves. Action. CRC to bake cakes for Ally Week. Noted: EC joined the meeting at 17.55. LJ noted and approved the attendance of EC with observer status. Noted: JK left the meeting at 17.55.


Mani suggested holding a parallel coming out week; CC confirmed that in the USA this was held on October 11 annually. MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that this should be added to the LGBT+ History Month campaign in February 2013. CE stated that the society could borrow a PlayStation 2 console for the games night. MB queried as to promotion of Ally Week citing the use of posters as a valuable tool for promotion. JS offered her artistic abilities in the design of posters and similar promotional material. Action. JF to get a higher resolution version of the society wolf logo. Action. LJ to liaise with Martin Evans (Staff LGBT Chair); Re: obtaining an easel for the art project. Action. JF through JS to design posters for Ally Week and forward them to LJ by Sunday 14 October 2012, midday. MB queried as to the prevalence of flags and Straight Ally Micro Pride badges at Ally Week; LJ confirming both would be in attendance. MB further suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that the art project should tour local venues ending with the Darlington Street night club on Saturday 20 October 2012. Action. X Committee contact member to contact X; Re: displaying/touring the Ally Week art project: MB-the White Hart public house and the Darlington Street night club; JF-the Giffard Arms bar and the Royal London bar; LJ-the LGBT Network Wolverhampton; AK-the Gorgeous nightclub and the Divine bar; CRC; the Wolverhampton Art Gallery.

Noted: CC realised he was wearing (coincidentally) the Ally Week 2010 T-shirt; LJ suspended the meeting to hug CC. The meeting was then restarted. CC queried as to whether the society would have t-shirts for Ally Week; LJ stating that there were plans to produce some. CC further queried as to whether the society could conduct Raise And Give (RAG) activities during Ally Week; LJ responding that this was not feasible and that the nearest RAG event would be for World Aids Day. Noted: LJ received back the sheet with details of availability on; concluding availability thus: 6|Page

Monday 15 October 2012 (unknown-5pm) JF-(unknown time) (responsible for set up) MB-(unknown time) (responsible for set up) CRC (unknown time) AK-1pm onwards LJ 4-5pm (responsible for take down)

Tuesday 16 October 2012 (unknown-5pm) JF-(unknown time) (responsible for set up) MB-(unknown time) (responsible for set up) SJ-12-2 LJ-2pm-5pm (responsible for take down) AK 12pm onwards JM (unknown time)

Wednesday 17 October 2012 (9am-4pm) LJ 9am onwards (responsible for set up) (responsible for take down) JS-9am-11am CRC (unknown time)

Thursday 18 October 2012 No canvas activity during the day. Friday 19 October 2012 (12pm-4pm) LJ 12pm onwards (responsible for set up) (responsible for take down) SJ (unknown time) JS (unknown time) JM (unknown time) AK-2.30pm onwards

6.5.3 LGBT+ History Month LJ deferred further discussion of Union Council to a subsequent meeting. Action. LJ to email Peter Tatchell; Re: availability for LGBT+ History Month. Action. All committee members to bring ideas for LGBT+ History Month to subsequent meetings. 7|Page

Action. All committee members bar LJ; AK and MB to collect a list of dates of events nationally or internationally within their respective representation group. AK noted the Walk a mile in Womens shoes event on Sunday 14 October 2012. Action. AK to post on the societys Facebook and Twitter; Re: the Walk a mile in Womens shoes event. Action. LJ to post the link to Shoes of Prey on the societys Facebook and Twitter. 6.5.4 Its ok to be gay at WLV LJ informed of the history of other university societies putting up homophobic language posters for shock value (not minuted). LJ further informed that the society could create a set of LGBT+ alphabet posters. MB suggested this could link in with the LGBT+ History Month event taking place in February 2013. Action. All committee members to think of ideas for the LGBT+ alphabet. Action. MB to form a poster design sub-committee. 6.5.5 World Aids Day LJ informed those in attendance of the plans by the Welfare VP (Iwuese Nyager) to hold a World Aids Day Event (as first discussed in Committee Meeting 001). LJ further informed that the society was going to engage in RAG Activities and to do so they had to create red ribbons. Action. LJ to request help from society members; Re: the creation of red ribbons. MB suggested that the society could hand out condoms. Action. MB to liaise with Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust; Re: Dental Dams. Noted: EC left the meeting at 18.30. 6.6 International Day of People with Disability LJ informed the committee that she had been approached by Kelichi Chioba (Disability Representative to the Students Union) requesting support in the form of materials for her campaign.


LJ noted that Kelichi Chioba was effectively solely planning this campaign lacking the formative support the UWSU LGBT+ Society now received due to its committee. JF suggested that the society should support Kelichi Chioba during this campaign. LJ put this suggestion to a vote; the result of which was unanimous approval. 6.7 Committee Structure amendments LJ informed the committee that she had been asked by several members of the society to introduce a Plus Representative to the committee and requested those present to give feedback on this as an idea. AK suggested that it was a good idea as it supported the definition of the society as all incorporative. JF queried as to whether the position would actually be filled if advertised; MB responding that there was supportive interest. CC queried as to the purpose of the societys + status; MB responding that it made the society more inclusive for those who do not self-define traditionally as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Trans. CRC confirmed that the role would have to speak for all + students if added to the committee. LJ put this suggestion to a vote; the result of which was unanimous approval. Action. LJ to advertise the Plus Representative position for election at the games night event during Ally Week. 6.8 Further Flashmobs Due to time constraints, LJ deferred further discussion of Further Flashmobs to a subsequent meeting. 6.9 Socials (dates document) MB informed those in attendance that: Post the committee meeting at 8pm the society was due to visit the White Hart public house; The grand opening of the Darlington Street night club was Saturday 13 October 2012 and that if requested, a society walking group could be organised to the venue; The society had secured favourable discount cards for the White Hart public house and was working on similar cards for the Gorgeous Night Club and the Darlington Street Night Club; The Midlands Big Gay Night Out was due to take place on Saturday 13 October 2012 and that the details were on the societys Facebook group; 9|Page

That the New Inn public house (formerly the Pink Flamingo bar) was no longer an LGBT+ venue and that the landlord did not know the acronym LGBT; That James bar was the same as the New Inn but seemed more friendly.

Action. MB to visit the Greyhound public house. JF informed those in attendance that the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar was set to take place on Sunday 21 October 2012. 7.0 Any other business Noted: HK joined the meeting at 18.45. LJ noted and approved the attendance of HK with observer status. LJ thanked HS for her attendance and Stirling efforts to interpret what had been a seemingly long and productive committee meeting; nothing that this was the highest attendance in living memory of any society meeting or activity. There being no further business, LJ closed the committee meeting and thanked those in attendance. The date of the next meeting TBD.

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