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[4:50:22 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *After he had showered off all of his pain and zombie guts, he'd

gone out to get some nice clean, new clothes. Among the things he had discovered in the locker rooms, he'd found a nice set of a scarf, hat, and mittens, as well as a nice fluffy coat with a fur-trimmed collar. Aww yeah. He bundles up in his new warm clothes, and then heads into the sleeper rooms. Okay, it's time to unplug all the people! He goes through, starting to de-Matrixify most of the council and other peeps* [4:51:25 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: .. *He sighed, taking a deep breath.* Then explain to me, what is real? :I [4:52:42 AM] Blood: Zasha: what.. what kind of question is that? [4:53:00 AM] Blood: Eztli: *starts to stir* [4:53:08 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Just answer it will you, and not with another question. [4:54:40 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *YES GOOD, BOYFRIEND IS FIRST! He quickly goes over to Eztli's bedside, speaking softly* Eztli? Can you hear me? [4:55:22 AM] Blood: Zasha: .... i-ice...cream? [4:56:11 AM] Blood: Eztli: *frowns, tossing uncomfortably* Zee. [4:57:07 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: .... *Okay. Are you even really Zasha. What is happening. Fake world or not you, this is not how I remember you omg.* I mean in general, life. What do you remember? [4:57:18 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Oop oop. He sets a hand on the other's shoulder, trying to stop his tossing* Eztli, shhhh. It's alright. Try to open your eyes? [4:57:49 AM] Blood: Zasha: I.. I remember... *thinking hard* The library.. And then.. and then there was fire and pain... so much pain.... [4:59:22 AM] Blood: Eztli: ...s-sibbi... SIBBI? *his eyes start to open, and he stares at him in disbelief* [4:59:54 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *He frowned. Don't explain to me how you died oh my god.* .. Before that--.. Do you remember me? Do you know who I am? [5:01:44 AM] Blood: Zasha: ... I.. no... should I>? [5:01:56 AM] BakaGolly: Eztli: Is this Xibalba ) [5:02:12 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: .. No, not exactly. What else do you remember? [5:02:42 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Yes! Yes, it's me. It's alright, just breathe. *Pat pat pats the other's shoulder, trying to be soothing* I'm sure you're in a bit of shock! [5:03:56 AM] Blood: Zasha: I... I remember.. a face. [5:04:15 AM] Blood: Eztli: I'm.. I.. I died... [5:04:28 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: ..Continue. [5:05:00 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: No no no, I assure you, you didn't. Not really! *Oh gosh, how do explain this* [5:06:04 AM] Blood: Zasha: Everything's... so fuzzy... [5:06:35 AM] Blood: Eztli: you.. you were dead.. you were... *frowns* you lied to me. [5:07:32 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *He sighed a bit, stepping back forward and offering his hand.* Here, since your past isn't going to help you-- I'll just have to show you. Zombies do exist, in this world. :I [5:08:30 AM] Blood: Zasha:... ... *hesitantly takes his hand, getting up* in..this world?

[5:10:48 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: But I did not die! Not really. I told you I would always return, didn't I...? *Brushes some hair from the other's face, watching him carefully* I'm right here. Just take a few moments to get your bearings. [5:11:31 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Yeah-- *He stepped back, after helping him up.* What you remember, if you remember, is a world that was created in a dreamlike world. *Walking to the other side of the hall, he opened a room that lead to a small office cause idgaf nor do i know this layout, to bring him to a window.* Take a look outside. *Yes. Go look at the devastation that surrounds us. and the zombers.* [5:13:33 AM] Blood: Eztli: .. but.. but if you died..a nd I died.. then... I failed.. I failed... [5:14:36 AM] Blood: Zasha: *he looked out cautiously, seeing the inhuman creature wandering the streets* ... they're... *horrified* No. [5:16:11 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *He stood by the doorway, checking the hall from time to time before looking back at Zasha.* Welcome to this world. [5:16:46 AM | Edited 5:17:00 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: No! Nooo, you haven't failed anything. Listen, we are both perfectly alive. Xipili is alive too, somewhere in here. It... sounds a bit strange, but. Everything on the island, everything before that was actually a dream! *half-heartedly chuckles because aaahahah he must sound nuts* I had to wake you up to bring you here. That is how you 'died'. It's how I died, too. Do you understand? [5:17:03 AM] sunny in a strange land: hear ]] [5:17:45 AM] Blood: Zasha: I-I wanna go back. [5:19:06 AM] Blood: Eztli: *please hold. The line you are trying to call has disconnected* [5:19:26 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *omfg he broke him* E...Eztli? [5:21:55 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Don't we all. *He sighed, walking over towards Zasha.* It's reality though, least I think it is. What we remember was a dream simulated by whomever put us here. I'm not sure the entire story, but.. this is it. *Lifting a hand, he put it on the other shoulder, trying to turn him back towards the door.* Come on, I'll take you to where the rest of us are staying for now. Get you some new clothes too. *This was weird though. He's talking to /Zasha/ for crying out loud. If either world is a dream, it's this one okay. Okay. Sounds good. This Zasha is fake, he's fake, Flint is fake, everyone is fake. Sounds good. Let's play along for now.* [5:23:36 AM] Blood: Eztli: So I'm not dead... but... I died..... [5:25:20 AM] Blood: Zasha: *hangs his head, in shock and trying to take in everything that was happening. He didn't know what to think. His brain didn't allow it anyway. He followed along with wherever Lewis was pushing him though silently* [5:26:34 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Yes, something like that. Also, there are zombies. It is... apparently the apocalypse? [5:28:02 AM] Blood: Eztli: * just stares at him* I am ready to wake up. [5:29:19 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *He felt bad for Zasha- but. Well. All of us were like this at first when we. Well. Found out about the zombers. He sighed, leading him back towards the room where they all stayed, which right now idk who is there but I know Sibbi and Eztli are. He wasn't gonna talk again, unless Zasha had a question. Better to give him time to adapt.* [5:30:32 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: But you are awake! I know it sounds unbelieveable. I did not believe it either, at first. But then I was almost eaten several times today just

trying to get more clothes... *Hearing people approaching, he glances over his shoulder to see who's coming in* [5:31:03 AM] Blood: you know me? [5:32:07 AM] Blood: Eztli: *stares in the direction of the new people. Wait? What? Who was that? Was that who he thought it was?* .... clothes... [5:32:44 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Looks down towards Zasha, before up towards Sibbi and.. Eztli?* Yes, I do. [5:33:59 AM] Blood: Zasha: how? [5:34:28 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Looks back at Zasha* From the dream world which you cannot fully remember. [5:35:05 AM] Blood: Zasha:... I... I guess I see.... [5:35:31 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *WTF* Zasha! When did you get here? *He herps his derp, very confused, but tries to turn his attention back to Eztli* Y-yes, clothes. I have plenty for you, too! You can change when you feel well enough to get out of bed. *Then back to Lewis and Zasha!* [5:36:54 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *He opened his mouth to reply when Sibbi spoke up-- so looking towards him, he frowned.* I found him in a closet. *BI Sibbi. Go away. Looking back at Zasha, he lifted a brow.* Do you really not remember much from -.. the dream? [5:38:49 AM] Blood: Zasha: Only.. me working in the library. But ... it didn't feel like a dream. And that face.... *stares at Sibbi* He knows me too? [5:39:11 AM] Blood: Eztli:. . . Is he? [5:39:39 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *The fuck when did you become a librarian. Wrong dream Zasha. Looking back towards Sibbi, he nodded.* Yes. [5:40:36 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Yes, I know you! You were our captain in the dream. Err, at least, that is how I remember you.... *scratches the back of his head, this stuff is too complicated for him. He glances back at Eztli* Hm? Is he what? [5:41:43 AM] Blood: Eztli: I imagined that the pictures made him look wimpy. And that when and if I met him in person he would look much more intimidating. I am wrong. [5:41:59 AM] Blood: Zasha: . . . Captain? Captain of what? *so confuuuused* [5:42:00 AM] sunny in a strange land: OMG RUDE ]] [5:42:36 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Looks back at Zasha* Human captain of the military division, DAMMED. [5:43:41 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *MINGS* Eztli... *Casually turns his attention back to them* He doesn't remember? [5:44:57 AM] Blood: Zasha: .. ... .. *laughs then goes quiet* That's funny. [5:45:24 AM] Blood: Eztli: . . . he is cracked. [5:46:12 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Looks towards Eztli at his comment. .. Yeah probably. Looking back towards Zasha, he shook his head.* It's true though. [5:49:20 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: He isn't cracked, it just seems that his memory is a little... off! That's to be expected. Some of us have had very ill effects from the shock of waking up here. Bell is... *kinda trails off there, shaking his head* Nevermind. I'm sure his memory will come back eventually. [5:50:28 AM] Blood: Eztli: Bell is here? This is not heaven. *disappointed* Zasha: ... I... am so weak though...

[5:52:51 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Hey you sound like me Zasha. Lewis thinks the same about himself.* And that changes what I said because? Power doesn't only lie in strength. [5:55:52 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *MIIING. Must not laugh at Eztli being sassy* /Eztli/, be nice. *Tries to sound properly scolding, papping the other's face before looking back at the other two* I'm sure all of us are rather weak. Aside from not having our powers, we've apparently been asleep for a long time. Some longer than others. [5:58:53 AM] Blood: Zasha: *runs a hand through his hair* I suppose.. in this dream.. I was a lot tougher. [5:59:05 AM] Blood: Eztli: I hope so or this is disappointing. *whisper* [6:00:22 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Or maybe you just didn't show your weaker side to everyone ok. That's his first conclusion. Your title made you intimidating.* Yes, of course. [6:02:20 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Glances at Eztli like 'young man one more word...'* *Then back to Zasha* I did not know you very well there, myself. But it is nice to meet you! I am Sibbi. This is Eztli. He's just woken up. I unplugged a few of the council members, but it seems like he's the only one who came to. [6:02:52 AM] sunny in a strange land: like zasha is going to know who these council members are. ]] [6:03:42 AM] Blood: Zasha: What? Why is there a council? *confused still* what were all of you? [6:03:54 AM] Blood: Eztli: *wraps his arms around sibbi like this is mine.* [6:05:22 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Looking towards the other two, he looked back at Zasha, frowning.* The council is a different story-- but. As for what we were, currently, those awake and present were human. [6:08:13 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Glances down at Eztli, and then makes himself more comfortable by sitting on the edge of the bed. He tries to carefully lift the other, pulling him onto his lap* Not everyone was, though. Some were demons in their dream. And we all had these amazing abilities... which honestly would come in handy here. [6:09:25 AM] Blood: Zasha: ..... ... Wh-what? First... Zombies now demons? [6:09:54 AM] Blood: Eztli: He doesn't remember a bit... [6:10:17 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: .. *He laughed slightly, shrugging a bit.* Both sound quite absurd, yes. But which one sounds more real, to you. [6:12:54 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Rests his chin on top of Eztli's head* In any case, this is the real reality-- I think. And there are no demons here. Just the zombies. I do not know if that's better or worse. [6:14:14 AM] Blood: Eztli: *relaxing a bit* [6:15:12 AM] Blood: Zasha: ... more...real... *thinking* ... the demons. [6:16:26 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: .. *Yeah don't we wish. He sighed, shaking his head again.* Well they're the dream, sadly. [6:17:52 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Just nods in agreement, yup* [6:19:39 AM] Blood: Zasha:... I.. why am I sad about that. [6:21:55 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Who wouldn't be? *He lifted his hands, like a scale, the side with the zombers much lower.* Zombies.. or Demons.. Zombies who are only out to kill everything-- or Demons who we can -- and did, reason with. The answer is obvious.

[6:23:51 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Not to mention those powers that we lost. I miss those. But Zasha, perhaps you're sad because you remember things on some level? Subconciously? [6:24:54 AM] Blood: Zasha: The demons were nice? I thought demons were monsters? *stares at Sibbi* ... perhaps... but why did I forget and all of you.. [6:27:22 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Demons are only monsters to those who view them as such. They are much smarter than everyone tends to believe they are. *Looking at Sibbi for a moment, he frowned, his eyes drifting towards the ground.* Some of the "dream" might've.. been far too..tragic for your mind to want to remember. [6:30:08 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Ah... he could be right. Your mind may be protecting itself? [6:31:06 AM] Blood: Zasha:w-why?... what.. happened to me? [6:32:44 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: .. More than I would be able to tell you. [6:33:56 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Feelin' kinda awkward about that* Maybe we shouldn't tell him, then. If he's supressing it, it may be too much. [6:35:03 AM] Blood: Zasha: ... ... *frowns and finds a seat on a bed* I...see.... so this. .. this is like purgatory [6:38:48 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Just stands there, following him with his eyes now.* .. I guess you could look at it like that-- if you really wanted to. *He'd agree.* [6:42:59 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Shrugs* I wouldn't say that. But it depends on how you look at it. I do not find it so bad~ *pats Eztli's stomach* What is important is that we're safe here, for now. And we're all alive. [6:45:10 AM] Blood: Zasha: Until we die and perhaps wake up somewhere worse... [6:45:20 AM] Blood: Eztli: *comfy comfy comfy* [6:46:33 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Stares at Zasha. Yep. That's exactly what he's been thinking.* [6:49:27 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Try not to think like that. You will worry yourself too much. [6:51:40 AM] Blood: Zasha: *flops back on the bed. * yeah.. [6:53:28 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: \SEES EVERYTHING ]] [6:54:41 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Looks up at Sibbi* What isn't there to worry about in a world filled with Zombies. [6:56:32 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Oh, there's plenty to worry about. But just like I said, we are safe right now~ We have shelter, food, clothing, even running water and electricity. That's a lot to be thankful for. It may not last forever, but we have time to prepare for that. [6:58:01 AM] Blood: aZasha: how much? [6:58:08 AM] sunny in a strange land: aZasha ]] [6:58:21 AM] sunny in a strange land: RIGHT. I am the best at ignoring. ]] [7:08:40 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Continues to stare at Sibbi.* Not as much as we would want as we continue to wake more people up. Resources are limited. [7:09:02 AM] Blood: Eztli: should I have...stayed asleep? [7:11:10 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: No! Definitely not. I needed you awake. *Glances at Lewis* Think of it this way. The more people we have, the more people that will be able to scavenge together for more supplies! [7:11:38 AM] BakaGolly: sobs //will wait till okaasan is out of the room )

[7:11:52 AM] BakaGolly: ya rly ) [7:17:03 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: And what happens when we've bled this hospital dry? We do not know what is outside, or how much of a threat it is. [7:17:52 AM] Blood: Zasha: We know there's zombies. That's a pretty big threat... looked like a lot of them too... [7:18:21 AM] sunny in a strange land: no shit sherlock ]] [7:18:30 AM] sunny in a strange land: BY ]] [7:19:05 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: We will figure something out when it comes to that. For now, we should focus on getting ourselves back into good health. [7:20:09 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Of course we are going to focus on our health, but that does not require all of our attention. We should plan early, so we do not find ourselves with a problem with the time comes. [7:20:59 AM] Blood: Eztli: Even if it was a past life, a dream, whatever you would call it I was a warrior. I'm certain I still have some of those skills. [7:22:45 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Mm. You have a point there... *glances down at Eztli* I'm certain you do, too! But you've just woken up from that, sweetheart. You may not be able to even walk properly just yet. [7:25:46 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: I never said anyone was without a skill or strength, we just should not only focus on our health. We came from a world where we were much stronger, so yes, it takes time getting used to the change, but it should not take forever. There is more at stake. :I [7:26:58 AM] Blood: Eztli: There are.. things returned to us at least? [7:27:09 AM] Blood: Zasha:... *watching them from the bed* [7:27:44 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Mmhm~ Eztli is right. [7:28:22 AM] sunny in a strange land: omg what things is he talking about im confuse ]] [7:28:53 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi is confuse too he just wants to agree with him ) [7:28:55 AM] BakaGolly: LOL ) [7:28:59 AM] sunny in a strange land: PFFF ]] [7:29:19 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *herp derp* ) [7:29:19 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: Depends on what you mean by.. 'things'. [7:30:27 AM | Edited 7:30:33 AM] Kenz: (you're still rping?) [7:30:48 AM] BakaGolly: Yeup ) [7:30:55 AM] Kenz: ('re cray) [7:31:09 AM] sunny in a strange land: yep. ]] [7:32:11 AM] Blood: Eztli: I had lost Sibbi. and look now. I have him. You'd lost your captain.. whatever that meant to you, if anything. [7:33:40 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Oh, OH, Eztli was talkin' about HIM!! Gets all happy about that, squeezing him lightly* You never really lost me. I was right here with you, as promised~ *gushy gushy love gush* [7:34:45 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Oh. Yep. He has Mika back ; <; * Ah, then yes. Those we lost have been returned to us. [7:36:21 AM] Kenz: (its different Eztli....sibbi was a slave >.>) [7:36:26 AM] BakaGolly: LOL ) [7:37:12 AM] Blood: Eztli: Then I will face zombies to not lose that again [7:39:07 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Smooches the top of his head* Me, too. *Yeah he says that now wait until he's screaming like a schoolgirl while being chased again*

[7:40:35 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: And I'll do the same. I don't plan to lose the same person a second time. :I [7:42:44 AM] Blood: Eztli: Agreed. [7:42:56 AM] Blood: Zasha: *silently wondering if he had someone special* . . . [7:43:09 AM] sunny in a strange land: OMG ZASHA ; <; ]] [7:43:14 AM] BakaGolly: holds him ) [7:45:16 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: ~~ *all the happys. But then he realizes something* Speaking of getting healthy again. Are any of you hungry? The backpack I found had a few granola bars in it. It is not much, but... [7:52:02 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *He contemplates that for a moment, absentmindly lifting a hand to his stomach--.. which still had some drying zomber blood on it. Gross. He never ate much to begin with -- but he is kinda hungry.* I am-- a bit, yeah. [7:53:05 AM] Blood: Eztli: I would not mind. I feel like I haven't eaten in months. [7:53:11 AM] Blood: Zasha: *stays silent* [7:55:30 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Good! I'll get you all something to eat. Lewis, you go get cleaned up first. *gives him a stern look* Who knows how this whole zombie virus is spread? Best not to keep their blood on us. [7:59:49 AM] sunny in a strange land: Lewis: *Glancing down at himself, he shrugged a bit.* Okay.. *He walked over to the gurney Cillian brought up, going through some of the clothes. The blood on his clothes has probably already soaked through so.. gonna need to find something new. He'll go off and take a shower here soon, u can skip him for a bit.*

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