Shot Number Detailed Breakdown of Shot Exact Location Time Actors Involved

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Shooting Schedule Shot number Detailed breakdown of shot Establishing shot of a car leaving a big house.

Medium pan of camera following car down the road The car passing the camera on the right and drive into the distance. The car turning right and the camera is on the T-Junction. A shot of the 3 guys in the car, and a shot of the time. The car slowing down where the house entrance is. A close up of the gate opening Close up of the car wheel spinning and driving forward than parking. Close up of the driver and passenger. Close up of the outside light turning on. Close up of the time in the car. Close up of the cars dial and time A close up of Zachy in the car mirror Exact Location Time Actors Involved

Taken 1km up the road from my house. It will be taken on Marlston Road going past some rugby pitches. Along the road passing my house

4:00 pm


4:30 pm when it gets a little darker


4;45 pm


Just at the TJunction by Marlston Farm Driving towards Clergy House

4:50 pm- getting a little darker


4:55 pm

Charlie, Michael and Zachy

Just by the gate of the house.

5:10 pmprogressively darker 5:15 pm 5:20 pm


7 8

At the house At the house

George- Camera man Charlie

At the house

5:25 pm

Charlie and Michael George- Camera man George- Camera man Charlie Zachy


At the house

5:30 pm

11 12 13

At the house At the house At the house

5:35 pm- nearly dark 5:40 pm 5:45 pm


15 16 17

18 19



22 23


Charlie holding the ignition- close up Close up of key being turned off. Rear lights turning off Close up of Michael- car passenger Close up of Charlie the driver Close up of the car handle opening Medium shot of the left hand side of the car, doors opening Medium of the three men walking away from the car. Close up of the garage opening Close up of a dark figure in the garage sitting down. 3 men step over the camera towards the garage.

At the house

5:50 pm


At the house At the house At the house

5:55 pm 6:00 pm 6:05 pm

Charlie George- Camera man Michael

At the house At the house

6:10 pm- by now its dark 6:15 pm- Need to use artificial light 6:20 pm

Charlie George- Camera man Michael and Zachy

At the house

At the house

6:30 pm

Charlie, Michael Zachy.

At the house In the garage

6:35 pm 6:50 pm

George- Camera man George

In the garage

7:00 pm

Charlie, Michael and Zachy

DRINKS BREAK 25 26 Close up of the hostage. Close up of the spot light turns on. A medium shot of the 3 men. The 3 men raise there guns up. Michael loads his gun Close up of Michaels face. Close up of Zachys face. Shot from the In the garage In the garage 7:15 pm 7:20 pm George Michael- Camera man Charlie, Michael and Zachy Charlie, Michael and Zachy Michael Michael Zachy Charlie, Michael

27 28 29 30 31 32

In the garage In the garage In the garage In the garage In the garage In the garage

7:30 pm 7:40 pm 7: 43 pm 7:45 pm 7:47 pm 7:50 pm

33 34


ground looking up at the 3 men. Close up of Charlies Pistol. Close up of George with a pillow case over his head. All 3 guns raised at George. The guns are shot at George. Michael kicks the chair over with dead George on it. Edit blood coming out of george while he lies on the ground. Close up of George dead on the floor. Shot of Michael, Charlie and Zachy turning away Medium shot of the 3 men walking away with there guns down at there side Close up of the wheel spinning and the men drive off.

and Zachy In the garage In the garage 7:53 pm 7:55 pm Charlie George

In the garage

7:57 pm


In the garage

8:00 pm


In the garage

8:03 pm

Charlie, Michael, Zachy and George. Charlie, Michael, Zachy and George. Michael and George


In the garage

8:05 pm



In the garage

8:07 pm



In the garage

8:10 pm

Charlie, Michael and Zachy Charlie, Michael and Zachy


At the house



At the house


Charlie, Michael and Zachy

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