Under The Black Clouds

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Under the Black Clouds


Having attained near-total control of his Earthly elements, humanity perceives itself as a master without rival. Man ignores his roots. He forgets that he himself is part of the world. How can we dare to challenge the raw powers of nature when we know so little about the universe? Yes, mankind managed to survive the first Flood. Given our technological advancement, we may have been able to survive this Second flood, too. But, this is no mere rain. Raw fury lurks within each droplet. Water that has sustained life for uncountable centuries has come to wipe the slate clean. Mankind, in his once unrivalled splendour, is forced to take shelterno different than a colony of ants during a spring shower. This is the final chapter for mankind. And it unravels before us as we stand powerless. THERE WILL NOT BE A SECOND CHANCE.

Chapter 1: The rain

Daniel rushed toward the Underground, bitterly regretting listening to the weatherman on the radio
that morning. The weatherman had predicted light rain that would pass quickly. But this was the worst rain that Daniel had experienced in years. Wind-driven raindrops struck his skin as he struggled to hold his flimsy umbrella and keep his t-shirt as dry as possible. Nobody in their right mind would have left home without a coat today if they had known what lay in store. "So much for light rain," Daniel growled, as he splashed through the water that was overflowing from the road onto the pavement. Thered been almost three centimetres of rainfall in just two hours. The drains were already overwhelmed by the deluge.

It was late spring; the time of year when the promise of summer was on the horizon. Such a downpour was completely uncharacteristic. The sky had been clear that morning, but now, dark, angry clouds had gathered. Lightning bolts had been zipping overhead for the past hour. Daniel arrived at the Underground and found it jam-packed. Hoards of people were huddled together, looking out at the rain. Their expressions ranged from awe, to perplexity, to sheer terror. Daniel pushed through the crowd and squelched his way toward his platform. The ground was covered with a thin layer of water, brought in by the thousands of feet that must have walked through the Underground station that day. In his whole twenty-seven years, Daniel had never seen rain like it. His platform was heaving with people when he got there. Rain dripped from their clothes. Women had makeup smeared around their eyes and were squeezing water from their hair. It was obvious from the lack of coats and jackets that nobody had been prepared. A train arrived, was quickly filled with a bunch of people who had arrived before Daniel, and then took off. Luckily, the next train wasnt long in coming, and Daniel managed to get onto that one. He glanced at his watch as the train departed. He was supposed to meet his girlfriend, Milena, for another of their after-work dates. But there was no way he would make it in time. Daniel suspected that he wasnt the only person on the train whose plans had been either delayed or destroyed by the rain. But Mother Nature never asked whether her actions were convenient for man. Nature lived by her own rules. Finally, Daniel reached his stop and exited the Underground. He looked up at the sky, as did some of his fellow passengers. The ominous clouds were still there, and they didnt look like they were going anywhere soon. Daniel opened up his umbrella and ran to the restaurant, the relentless rain pattering on the umbrella as he went. The restaurant wasnt far from the Underground, nevertheless Daniel was drenched by the time he got there. He closed the umbrella at the door and entered the restaurant, his eyes searching for his girlfriend. He sighted her glossy, dark hair at the farthest table in the room. She liked the corner spot. He walked over, watching her take a sip from a cup. She must have been waiting a while if shed already ordered tea, but then again, her office was only a few streets away. Milena looked up as he approached. Her soft brown eyes filled with concern. Daniel, she said rising and kissing him. Was it difficult to get here? Is it really flooding outside? Daniel asked sarcastically. He raised his hand to a passing waiter and asked for the bill. We have to leave, he told Milena. Why? she asked, taking Daniels hand. Is something wrong? If we dont leave now, we might get stuck here. Is it that bad? Well, if the rain continues at this rate for the next hour, it will be impossible to walk. Milena exhaled and picked up her handbag. Dont worry, Daniel said. Well still have our date. We just have to postpone it for now. Alright, Milena said, slinging her bag over her shoulder. We can have dinner at my place, Daniel said, putting his arm round her shoulders. Ill cook. Dinner at your place? Milena said smiling slowly as their eyes locked. Yeah, Daniel said. She shrugged his arm off. So, maybe the real reason that you want to get me out of here is so that we can hole up in your home. She crossed her arms over her chest. Tell me Daniel, whats going to happen after dinner. Are you going to try and give me dessert?

Daniel glared at her. Stop being ridiculous, Milena. Just then, the waiter returned with the bill. Daniel glanced at it and removed his wallet from his pocket. He paid, and then took Milenas hand and led her to the exit. Sorry about what I said, Danny, Milena said quietly, as they walked out. Its okay, Daniel replied. They stopped in the doorway of the restaurant and looked out. The rain was still lashing down, and a good few inches of water had accumulated. It was getting disturbing. He turned to Milena. Wait for me inside. Ill hail a taxi for us. She didnt argue. Daniel stepped outside and found that the water almost reached his calves. He didnt bother opening his umbrella this time, because doing so would be completely pointless. A strong wind was blowing, practically pushing people along as they walked. The rain was so heavy now that Daniel could hardly see more than a few feet in front of him. He jogged to the roadside to watch out for a taxi. Rain needled his skin and splattered into his eyes. Luckily, it didnt take long for a taxi without any passengers to appear. Daniel hailed it and then waved to Milena who was looking out from the restaurant doorway. She held her handbag over her head and splashed out to Daniel, her legs knee-deep in the water. She stumbled just as she reached Daniel, but he caught her and steadied her. Get in, he said, opening the taxi door. Milena jumped into the car and Daniel got in behind her, shutting the door quickly before too much water got in. They were both soaked through. Milena looked as though shed gone swimming fully dressed, and Daniel doubted he looked any better. Sorry, were going to get your seats very wet, Daniel told the taxi driver. No worries, he replied looking at Daniel in the rear view mirror. This rain is like something from a Hollywood disaster movie. Where to? Daniel gave Milenas address, but the driver shook his head. Cant go that way, sorry. All the roads on that side of town are closed. Why? Milena asked. The place is completely flooded. Milena looked shocked. Daniel took her hand in his as he gave the taxi driver his own address. We can probably get there, the driver said. But no promises. How will I get home tonight? Milena asked in a small voice as the car began to move. Daniel gave her fingers a squeeze. I dont know. The most important thing is to get somewhere where we can dry out and hope for the rain to stop. Daniels home wasnt far from the restaurant, and on any other day they would have reached it in about five minutes. However, they were still in the taxi half an hour later. They were stuck in a traffic jam, and the row of cars stretched as far as the eye could see. They crawled through the streets as the rain continued to fall, tap-dancing menacingly on the roof and windows of the car. Another half an hour passed and they had moved no more than a few feet. Do you mind if I smoke? the taxi driver asked. No, Daniel said, although he and Milena had a strong disdain for what they considered to be a dirty little habit. I wonder what is going on, Milena said, her eyes on the water that was continuing to rise outside. This is the beginning of a flood for sure. Everything will be fine, Daniel said, although he was no longer sure he truly believed that. What if God is angry with mankind and has decided to wipe us off the planet? Milena asked. Please, Milena, Daniel snapped. He smiled to take the edge off his tone. What God? Dont tell me youre thinking this is another Great Flood?

It could be, Milena said. Well thatd be good, because Noah should show up with his Ark any minute and well just hop inside. This is not a time to joke, Daniel. Well, if this is an act of God, what have we done to deserve it? I dont know. Milena sighed, looking up at Daniel, her brown eyes looking black in the twilight. Look, forget I said anything. I suppose I just havent made peace with the fact that you are not a believer. Milena, you need to get real and stop believing your cute little fairy tales. Dont say that, Milena said, turning away. If you dont believe, that doesn't mean that you need to force your ideas on me. Im not forcing anything on you. Im just saying Save it, Milena said, tossing her long hair over her shoulder. Im not in the mood for one of your anti-religion lectures right now. Daniel looked at the stiff set of Milenas slender shoulders. He knew her religion was important to her and that hed offended her many times with his atheistic rants. It would take a lot for her to change her mind, if she ever changed it at all. He should just let her believe her fantasies; she wasnt doing anyone any harm. He caressed her hand in place of an apology. Milena glanced at him. What are we going to do? We can stay stuck in this traffic jam much longer. The water is going to get too high. Hopefully well start moving soon, Daniel replied. I dont doubt well still be here, stationary in traffic, five hours from now, the driver huffed. Five hours! Milena exclaimed. She looked at Daniel, tears shining in her eyes. What are we going to do? Daniel exhaled. It looked like it was up to him to think a way out of this situation. Well walk, he said. If theyd walked in the first place, they would have been at his flat by now. Or swim, Milena said, eyeing the water outside. Maybe, Daniel said. My house isnt far now. It should only take us about ten minutes to reach it. But its freezing outside, Milena said with a slight shudder. And the wind is strong. Yeah, itd probably be better if you just stayed here, the driver agreed. The girl is right. You wont be able to walk. Youll have to swim. So be it, Daniel said adamantly. Once hed made up his mind about something nobody was able to change it. Are you sure, Daniel? Milena asked, her eyes worried. Yes, well be fine. Daniel dug his wallet out of his pocket. How much do I owe you? he asked the driver. He paid the driver then opened the car door. Water surged into the car, and he quickly jumped out, pulling Milena out with him. Daniel! she cried. Its freezing! You need to stay calm, Daniel ordered. Now was not the time for getting panicked. They both needed to maintain a clear head if they were going to make it to his flat. They passed a street that had become a river as they made their way via a shortcut. The wind had gotten strongermuch stronger than it had been when they left the restaurant. It made the water flowing along the ground to swell and trough like the sea. Milenas eyes were closed as she followed Daniel, her hand gripping his arm tightly. They werent alone in the street; it was full of people. Everybody was desperately trying to find a way to get home and hide from the monstrous phenomenon. There was chaos all around. The air was filled

with the sound of car horns blaring, expressing the exasperation of drivers that were stuck in the stream of endless traffic. The wind was so strong that it was picking up caf umbrellas and throwing them at people. It was as though a ravenous Poseidon was tossing his watery javelin. One of them almost hit Daniel, but he leapt out of the way, just in time, causing him and Milena to fall into the water. Sorry, he said standing and dragging Milena up out of the water. Lets hide from the wind over there, Milena spluttered, pointing to the entrance of an old building. No, there isn't far to go now, Daniel told her. We have to keep moving. If we stay still, well freeze. Its like winter is coming back, Milena grumbled. They, trudged on, the water level continuing to rise rapidly as though someone had left a giant tap in the sky running. It soon became difficult to walk. The wind was getting more vicious, throwing people to and fro. There were umbrellas flying in the air, their owners unable to hold on to them. The wind had picked up all sorts of different objects, rubbish, leaves, newspapers, books. It made for an unreal scene a dreamscape almost. What is going on, Daniel? This isnt normal, Milena cried. Maybe nature is angry with us, Daniel joked. A few minutes later, they reached Daniels front yard. Daniel nudged Milena. Only another few metres. She nodded. The yard, surrounded by buildings from three sides, had become a big pool. The cars in it were halfway underwater. Daniel slowed his pace, just in case there was anything under the water that he might stumble on. The water was dirty and black. He couldnt see past its surface. I cant feel my feet, Milena said. Neither could Daniel. The remaining distance was nothing compared to how far theyd already come, but the water here seemed to have a current and they kept getting thrown backwards. It didnt help that Daniels feet were numb, frozen to the core. He might as well have been walking barefoot on snow. Nevertheless, he pushed forward, dragging Milena with him. Not much left, he chanted over and over internally. He summoned up every ounce of strength he had left and continued to put one foot in front of another, and to tell Milena that they were going to make it. Weve arrived, Milena, Daniel cried when they got to the entrance. They both staggered up the steps and collapsed before the front door gasping and catching their breath. Daniel removed his shoes and socks. Milena was wearing sandals. Her bare toes must be completely frozen. Daniel rose to his feet and tried to lift Milena up, but she swatted his hand away. She was shaking. Come on, Milena. Lets go in and get warm. I cant Danny. I have no energy left. Violent sobs wracked her body. Daniel kneeled beside her and pushed her wet hair back. Ill carry you. You cant, youre too weak. Daniel rose and unlocked his front door, then he stooped and swept Milena into his arms. He kicked the door shut behind them, glancing in the direction of the lifts. They were still out of order. He grinned as he ascended the stairs. He was weak, but he had the strength to carry his girlfriend. Milena was shivering. Her lips and hands were blue. After carrying her up one flight of stairs, Daniels steps slowed. He tried to distract himself from his own weakness and Milenas weight by focusing on the sound of the rain crashing down outside, the creaks of the floorboardanything that would keep his mind off the screaming of his muscles, and the burning in his arms. He made it to the second floor. Only one more floor to go. His legs buckled as he attempted the next step, but he caught himself in time. On

any other day, carrying Milena up three floors would have been no trouble at all, but the rain had taken away his strength in just twenty minutes. Daniel gritted his teeth and continued. He wasnt giving in. He was a firm believer in the power of self and had never relied on others or on supernatural forces i.e. God. Daniel had always achieved his goals. Yes, he was prone to making mistakes, but in the end he was always able to overcome. Reaching the door of his flat, he gently lowered Milena to the floor. Youll be warm soon, he told her while he fumbled with the door. It took his numb fingers three attempts to get his key into the lock. Milena looked like she was going to pass out, yet she somehow mustered the strength to stand up. Daniel led her to the living room and she sank onto the sofa. You need to get out of those wet clothes, Daniel told her, flicking the light switch. Nothing happened. The power is out. Daniel cursed under his breath as he removed his shirt and kicked his trousers off. Milena was still trembling on the sofa. Take your clothes off, he told her. Or youre going to freeze. She nodded and made a feeble attempt to reach the buttons at the back of her dress. Here, let me. Daniel unbuttoned her dress and tugged it off over her head. Milena lowered her gaze, covering her chest with her near-blue hands. Ill get you a robe, Daniel said. He stepped into his bedroom and took a long white robe from the wardrobe. He returned to the living room and draped it over Milenas shoulders. Being back in his own flat restored Daniels sense of control and confidence. Take off your underwear, too, he told Milena. Ill leave the room to give you some privacy. He went to the kitchen to light the gas cooker. His frozen hands could barely strike the match. The gas lit, and he warmed his hands over the fire. They were still stiff and numb. Come to the kitchen, he called to Milena. The cooker works. Milena appeared in the kitchen doorway, still shaking. She joined Daniel at the cooker and held her hands out. Daniel left her to get a towel from his bedroom. When he returned, he started drying Milenas hair. Put something on, Daniel, Milena whispered. Arent you cold? Yeah, I will in a minute. Daniel opened a cupboard and took out a bottle of brandy and two cups. He filled the cups and offered one to Milena. Drink up. Itll make you feel better. Milena accepted the drink. She watched Daniel knock back the contents of his cup in one gulp. She sipped hers tentatively and made a face. Its so strong. Just drink it. Milena choked it down while Daniel poured another cup for himself and downed that too. He set his empty cup beside the sink then went to get some clothes from his bedroom. He selected an extra shirt and trousers for Milena. Have you warmed up a little? Daniel asked her when he got back to the kitchen. He handed her the clothes. A little, Milena replied, but she wasn't trembling as much as she had been a few minutes ago. She accepted the clothes. This is a mans shirt, and mens trousers! Sorry, but I dont have any size eight womens clothes. Daniel grinned. You can wear them until your clothes are dry. Milena was already removing the robe. Daniel left her to get dressed, but not before the corner of his eye caught the beauty of her naked body. He had always fantasised about how beautiful Milenas body would be, but hed never imagined that it was as enchanting as it was. He was glad that she was there with him in his home. Glad that he didnt have to wonder about what was going on outside by himself. Looking after her was giving him something to do apart from worry.

He stood outside the kitchen door, Milenas naked beauty tormenting him. It was like there was a warmth emanating from her supple core, and it was calling to him. He wanted to get closer to her virgin beauty and hold her, feel her light, her warmth. But, he just couldnt. He entered the dining room and looked through the window. It was still raining and, from the swaying of the trees, it looked like the wind was even stronger now. Daniel remembered that his mobile phone was still in the pocket of his wet trousers. He went to get it and found it soaked through and lifeless. It would never work again. Where is your phone? he called to Milena. In my bag, she called back. Daniel looked in her handbag which shed tossed beside the sofa. Her phone wasnt wet but it had no signal. Daniel fiddled with the settings, but it was useless. He went to the kitchen to check if Milena was done changing. She was dressed in his clothes and was putting on the robe. Come up to the cooker, she said. Daniel came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. Whats happened? she asked looking down at her phone. No signal. What about your landline? Milena asked. I need to call my parents and let them know that Im here. The powers out. It wont work. Daniel stood beside Milena, staring at the fire as it danced and flickered. He was trying to convince himself that there wasnt any paranormal element to what was going on outside; trying to convince himself that it was temporary, just like any other rainstorm. But the chaos hed seen through the window a few moments ago unsettled him. Even if the rain was to stop now, it would take the city a long time to recover. It had knocked out the power stations. The wind had destroyed some houses and buildings, and had picked up trees and thrown them aside like used matches. Daniel crossed the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. What are you doing? Milena asked. We need to eat. Milena joined him at the fridge and peered inside. Do you want me to cook something? No, you just sit down. She removed a packet of diced vegetables from the fridge. Daniel caught her hand. I said Ill do it, he snapped. Milena dropped the pack of vegetables, giving him a hurt look. I was just trying to help. She returned to the cooker. Daniel hadnt meant to snap, but he was on edge right now. Besides, Milena shouldnt just assume that she could cook better than him. He could cook. He lived alone so he had to. For the next few minutes, Daniel busied himself with slicing meat and potatoes. When he finished he placed them into a pot and put them on the cooker to boil. Milena started setting the table. Daniel didnt say anything, although he wanted to ask why she couldnt just keep still and let him do it. Half an hour later, they sat down for dinner. They ate in silence, not even looking at each other. Our parents will be worried about us, Milena said, breaking the silence. I know, but theres nothing we can do about that until the rain stops. What if it doesnt stop for days? It will. The sun will rise tomorrow morning and this whole nightmare will be over, Daniel said confidently, although he hardly believed his own words. Unsurprisingly, his words didnt give Milena any hope. Her eyes brimmed with tears

Daniel exhaled. He moved his chair closer to hers and hugged her. Come on, honey. Dont cry. Im scared, Milena choked out as tears spilled down her cheeks. Im so scared. Its scary, but Im here with you and I promise Ill protect you. From what? You dont even know whats going on. She was right. Daniel sighed and just stroked her back as she clung to him. Daniel noticed that the light in the kitchen was dimming. He turned his head to look at the cooker and saw that the flame was diminishing. He watched as it flickered weakly and shadows lengthened around the kitchen. Within a few moments the fire reduced to one last glimmer of orange then died out. Great! Milena muttered. Daniel extracted himself from her grip and went to try to light it again. He tried over and over. They needed to stay warm if they were going to have any chance of surviving this storm. Eventually, he gave up. Lets go to the bedroom, he told Milena. He held out a hand to her and she took it. Well be much warmer under the covers. Milena allowed Daniel to pull her to her feet and lead her to his room. She sat down on the bed and Daniel rolled back the covers. It was so dark in the room, it was almost pitch black. The darkness was like a heavy force pressing down on them. Dont you have any candles? Milena asked. Ill go check, Daniel said. *** Milena lay back on the bed, and stared up into the darkness. She didnt want to let herself think or shed completely break down. She didnt know how long she could survive this darkness. It would drive her mad for sure. The absence of light meant the absence of hope. And when there was no hope, people went crazy. The rain and the thunder werent the only reasons for Milenas fear. Daniels room, deprived of light, was like a hut with icy walls, housing nothing but evil and cruelty. How she longed for even a glimmer of light. She trembled, not because of the cold, but because of the fear that she would never see light again and would be trapped forever in that dark room. Fear was building in her heart, and Milena couldnt understand why Daniel was immune. Didnt he recognize the danger that they were in? Every second, she felt like her grip on sanity was slipping. But Daniel had always been so self-assured. It had been part of the allure when she first met him. Hed charmed her so thoroughly, but that didnt mean that she was going to give herself up to him all at once. Now that she knew him better, she found his self-assurance annoying sometimes. Plus, he wasnt great with expressing his feelings. Which, Milena supposed, had both its positive and negatives. For instance, the day hed told her he loved her, shed known he must have wrestled with the words over and over before saying them. Daniel didnt do empty expressions of love. A light flickered in the doorway and Milena turned to see Daniel holding a candle. His brown hair and dark eyes looked black in the darkness, but the flame bathed his olive skin with orange. The darkness retreated as Daniel brought the candle into the room. Daniel put the candle on the table and lay down beside Milena, drawing the covers over them both. You must be freezing, he said wrapping his arms around her. Im okay. Daniels arms felt so good around her. This will all be over soon, Daniel said confidently. Milena didnt reply. She lay her head against Daniels chest and listened to his heartbeat, her eyes on the candle which would surely light her soul. Lets try to get some sleep, Daniel said.

Milena stiffened slightly. She had never shared a bed with a man. She forced herself to relax. It was Daniel after all. Maybe we should put the candle out, Daniel said. No! Milena cried out. She bit her lip. Why was she so scared? Okay, well leave it on. Thanks. They looked at each other in the dim lighting. Daniels face glowed a muted orange in the faint candlelight. Milena closed her eyes. Youre beautiful, Daniel whispered. He touched his lips to hers. Milena opened her eyes. His kiss did nothing to comfort her. It left her cold. A slight frown marred Daniels forehead. Im sorry, she whispered. Is something wrong? Daniel asked. I-I dont know. The rain And now we are in the same bed. This isnt what I dreamed. She didnt want to be there right now, in Daniels bed. There was also the nagging thought that they could be drowned in their sleep. Daniels arms tightened around her and Milenas eyes filled with tears again. Come on, Milena, dont cry. This is the beauty of life, not knowing whats going to happen next. That was exactly what frightened her. She couldnt understand how Daniel could just approach it like it was an exciting adventure. And dont think Im trying to use you, he continued. I just want to protect you. I know, Milena said. I just feel horrible. Everything will be back to normal tomorrow. Youll see. For now, lets just catch some sleep. Ill take you home in the morning. Milena tried to believe him. She surrendered to his warm embrace, hoping that he was right. Somehow, hope was hard when thunder was booming and bellowing outside, strong enough to break the window. Nature was angry with mankind and it was lashing out, showing off its raw power. And what could these little creatures, who once thought themselves so strong and powerful, do to withstand such force? They looked like ants, holed up wherever they could find a dry space, at the mercy of powers that they could not comprehend even in the least.

Chapter 2: A meeting with the unknown

Milena, Milena, where are you? Daniels voice came from a distance.

Everywhere was dark. Even her insides were dark. A cold wind blew through her body and she froze in fear. She was barefoot, the cold, hard ground sucking the heat from her feet. The wind lifted her hair and tossed it around wildly. Milena, Milena, where are you?

There was Daniels voice again. Milena started to walk toward it. She wanted nothing more than to find him and have him take her into his arms. Im here, Daniel, she called back Milena, Milena, where are you? He must not have heard her. Im coming, Milena cried. She walked fasteras fast as she could in the darkness. She tried to figure out where she was. She must still be in Daniels flat, but maybe the roof had been blown off. That would explain the wind she felt. Milena reached what she imagined must be the end of a corridor. Daniel must be nearby, but it was so dark that it was impossible to see more than a metre ahead. Milenas feet were frozen, surely she would soon crash down from the pain. Daniel, she cried out, with all the strength she could muster. Come to me. She turned into what she supposed must be another corridor. Down here, Milena. Daniels voice was coming from below her. Milena crept forward and stumbled when her foot slipped into a hole in the floor. Im coming, Daniel, she called, and threw herself down into the unknown, hoping to land into Daniels warm embrace. Milena landed on concrete and slammed her head on the ground. She covered her face with her ice cold hands and began to weep. She hadnt any strength left to stand up, but she could still hear Daniels voice. Her legs might be broken, but she couldnt tell because they were numb to the core. Her body was frozen and her heart had slowed to the point where she could feel the valves opening and closing, pushing what warmth she had left through her veins. Daniel, please dont leave me, Milena screamed internally. She tried to raise her head but couldnt. Suddenly, she felt a warm breeze. Milena didnt understand. She tried to raise her head again, to no avail. A bright light flicked on about ten metres away. Daniel? Milena could see a door. She felt warmth and salvation emanating from it. Daniel! she yelled. But she heard no response. His voice had gone, and Milena sensed that he had left her. Or maybe she was that one that had left. She struggled to her feet. The concrete felt warm against her soles. She looked around. She still couldnt see, despite the light. She walked to the door, wondering where she was and what was going on. Her heart pounded in her chest. Walking was an effort. Milena felt the fear in the depths of her soul slowly receding. She stopped before the door and reached for the doorknob, turning it slowly. Bright light flooded in and dazzled her. Milena had never experienced anything like it before. She had to close her eyes, and as she did the darkness returned. The first thing Milena saw when she awakened was the melting candle on the table. The darkness had lifted. It must be morning. She felt behind her for Daniel and found that he wasnt there. She sat up quickly, looking around, and saw that he was at the window. Milena got out of his bed and went to join him. He didnt even turn around to look at her. Milena wondered what had caught his attention. She looked out of the window and was shocked by the scene before her. It was still raining, and the water level had almost reached the first floor of Daniels building. Cars and trees floated along in the water. It was flooding. Milena had been right to be concerned. She wondered how many people would have died already. Unlike the nightmare shed had overnight, this was a nightmare that she couldnt wake up from. Daniel, she said, her voice trembling. The rain isnt going to stop. I know. Daniel looked at her then. His eyes were filled with fear. What are we going to do?

We'll come up with something, he replied. Daniels tone was confident. But the truth was, he didnt know what to do or how long the rain would go on. This catastrophe was mind-boggling. If the rain continues, this floor will be flooded by tomorrow, Milena predicted. That means we cant stay here much longer. I know, Daniel said, pulling her in for a hug. I wont let anything to happen to you A loud knock on the door interrupted him. Daniel went to check who it was. Who is it? Milena called after him. I dont know. There was another round of impatient knocking. Whos there? Daniel asked when he reached the door. Danny, its me, Edward! Open up! Daniel opened the door. Edward lived on the top floor, and was around the same age as Daniel. The expression on his face was serious, but not at all worried, despite the circumstances. Have you seen whats going on outside? Edward asked Daniel. Im not blind, Daniel replied. Come in. What do you think of the rain? Edward asked, entering the living room. Did you watch the weather forecast yesterday evening? No. I had to go somewhere after work. How did you get home? I swamliterally, Daniel said. What did the weather forecast say? Its going to rain for at least a few days. They showed satellite footage of the way the storm has been travelling across Europe. The rain is everywhere. They were about to show other continents when the power went out. So its raining all over the world? Daniel asked surprised. Yes, so we need to have a plan, Danny. We cant stay here. Nobody is coming to our aid. Our flats will be under water by tomorrow. I know, but the rain will probably stop at some point Dont you understand that this is not ending any time soon? Edward asked in annoyance. Dont you see how serious this is? I see! Can you stop shouting? Daniel didnt want Milena to hear their conversation, but Milena had already left the bedroom and was standing in the living room doorway. Edward looked like he was going to say more, but then he noticed Milena. This is Edward, Daniel told Milena. He lives upstairs. Edward was fair-haired and handsome, although he wasnt as tall as Daniel. Nice to meet you, Milena said quietly. You too, Edward replied. You said the water will reach this floor by tomorrow? Milena asked Edward. Yes, Edward confirmed. Milena looked at Daniel. We have to do something, Daniel. Theres nothing to worry about, Daniel said. Please, Daniel, dont treat me like a child. I know youre scared. You have to be. If you dont want to show it in my presence thats fine. But, please, lets not waste time! We need to do something. Youre right, Daniel admitted. I'll think of something. I have an idea, Edward said. Lets hear it, Milena said. We need to find the tallest building that we can.

Thats not a bad idea, Edward, Daniel said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. How will we find it? By swimming around the city? No. Edward shook his head smiling. Then how? Mihran, our neighbour upstairs, is a fisherman. He has a boat. A boat, Daniel echoed. So were going to sail? Yes, Edward confirmed. Its only about five hundred metres away. Look through the window, and youll see the building I mean. Sounds like a good idea, Milena said. I dont know. Daniel sighed. Itll be too difficult to row with the wind so strong. And there are all kinds of things in the water. If we hit a car, or something, well sink. Well be careful, Edward said. No. I think were better off waiting here. We cant run the risk. The rain should stop by tomorrow. You said that yesterday, Milena reminded him. You said the rain would stop by morning. But it is still raining. Danny, this will be another Great Flood. God is angry with mankind again, Edward said. Dont be ridiculous! Daniel ground out. Next youre going to say we should start building an ark? There was silence for some moments. Milena and Edward stared at Daniel. He always got angry at the mention of God. In Daniels opinion, the Bible was just a collection of tales. He didnt believe that there was one ounce of truth within its pages. All right, then. Well stay here and wait for your flat to flood, Milena snapped. At least none of us will drown to death alone. She shot Daniel a glare, and then walked out of the living room. But not before Daniel saw a tear slip from her eyes. Daniels heart sank. He knew how sensitive Milena was. Hed promised to keep her safe. But with the danger closer than ever, he wasnt sure he could keep his promise. Are you sure that this is happening all over the world? Daniel asked Edward, moving to the living room window to look out. Yes, Edward said. The estimate is that its going to rain for eight months. Wow. We need to get out of here. Soon our block will be under water. Daniel moved to the sofa and buried his face in his hands. He had to agree with Edwards plan. As bizarre as it was, it was probably their only option. Okay, Daniel said eventually, raising his head. Lets go. Its the only option we have. Edward rose and reached out his hand to help his friend. We have to go while the going is still relatively good. Daniel stood from the couch and went to his bedroom. Milena was lying on the bed, her hands covering her face. She was crying. Daniel sat beside her, pulling her hands away from her face. Im sorry, Milena. He planted a quick kiss on her forehead. Were going. Im just going upstairs with Edward to get the boat, but well be back soon. Without waiting for an answer he stood up and was about to leave when Milena called him. Be careful, Milena said. I had a weird dream last night. Ill be careful. Daniel forced a smile, but worry was creeping into his heart. He couldnt let that show, though. Milena sat up. Her eyes were red from crying. Daniels heart melted. He drew her into a hug, and she rested her head on his chest. What if the boat is a bad idea? She shuddered. I know its our only option, but

Everything will be okay, Daniel assured her. Were not leaving yet anyway. Were just going to get the boat so that its there for when we want to leave. He kissed her lips. Prepare some food while were out. Im hungry. Okay. Milena smiled. But remember we dont have any gas or electricity. Daniel hadnt seen her smile since they got to his flat yesterday. Her smile warmed him. He kissed her lips again then turned to the door. Edward was waiting for him by the front door. Daniel followed him out of the flat and up to the next floor. Its this one, Edward said, stopping at the third door. Then knock, Daniel said. Edward had to knock a few times before they heard movement on the other side of the door. Who is it? came Mihrans gruff voice. Edward, your neighbour, Edward replied. The door swung open. Ah, Edward, Mihran said smiling. To what do I owe this honour? Look through the window and youll see, Edward joked. Can we come in? Of course, Mihran said, stepping aside. Come in, come in. This is Daniel, Edward said, inclining his head toward Daniel. He lives downstairs. Yes, I know, the old man said. How are you my boy? Good, Daniel answered stepping into the flat. Mihran closed the door. Into the living room, he said. Do you get on with all our neighbours? Daniel whispered to Edward as they entered the living room. Only the ones that can help me out, Edward said with a grin. So you knew the flood was coming and that youd need Mihran? Daniel teased.They entered the sparse living room. The only furnishings were an old sofa and a TV that were separated by a small table. Sit down boys, Mihran said, lowering himself onto the sofa. The power is out. Do you know what the problem is? Daniel and Edward exchanged a look. Could Mihran possibly not know about the rain? Mihran had sat on his sofa all day yesterday, watching TV. When the electricity went out, he went to bed. We need a boat, Edward said, changing the subject. Can you lend one to us, just for today? Oh, my boys, Mihran said, smiling widely. Are you going fishing? Yes, Edward said. Daniel looked at his friend in surprise. Hed expected Edward to tell Mihran why they needed the boat. Well only need it for a day. Certainly, Mihran said. I havent fished in a year. Im not as strong as I once was. But you are young and strong. Where is the boat? Edward asked. In my basement. I can go with you if you need help. No, well be fine, Edward declined quickly. The key is hanging over there in the corridor, Mihran said pointing. Mine is basement two. Thank you, Edward said, standing. He went out to the corridor and removed the key from the hook. Daniel stood slowly. Come on, Danny, Edward called. Lets go.

Daniel looked at Mihran. The old man grinned at him. Id love to go with you, but these old bones wont allow. Daniel forced a smile. Do you have any waterproof torches? Daniel asked. Mihran nodded. Yes, in the cupboard by the front door. Are you going to do some hand-fishing? We might. Well, help yourselves, Mihran said. Theres lots of fishing gear in the cupboard and in the basement. Take what you need. Thanks, Daniel said, while Edward opened the cupboard and grabbed the torch. Well return the key soon, Edward called as they left Mihrans flat. I doubt itll be soon, Daniel muttered as they descended the stairs. When they were out of earshot, he stopped walking and grabbed Edward. Why didnt you tell him the truth? he demanded, shoving him against a wall. What would it change, Danny? Edward asked. He can hardly walk. Theres no way hed be able to row with us? Maybe, Daniel said, releasing his friend. But we should at least have told him whats going on. Ill tell him when we return the key. They continued on their way down. After a few steps Daniel stopped. Do you have any balloons in your flat? Why? Edward asked How long can you hold your breath under water? What are you talking about? The air in the balloon, as little as it is, will help us at least for a few minutes if were thrown into the water, Daniel explained. Youre right. Edward grinned. I think I have some balloons. Daniel waited in the corridor while Edward raced up to his flat. Daniel was ashamed of the fact that they had lied to the old man. On the one hand, Edward was right. Mihran would just be a burden if they took him with them. On the other hand, what theyd done was wrong. Mihran was letting them use his boat, so they should at least tell him the truth. Here, Edward said when he returned. He was holding a medium-sized red balloon. The men continued to the ground floor. The place was completely flooded. They were going to have to swim. Daniel tried to see past the surface of the water, trying to see if there was anything in its depths that they needed to avoid, but it was useless. The water was deep black as if it had flowed straight from hell, bringing evil and torment along with it. Daniel could sense raw fury emanating from it. The water was like a living, breathing thing with a voice, calling its prey into its ravenous mouth. Its small waves were like eager arms reaching out for him. I dont think its a good idea to go in, Edward said. This was your idea, Daniel reminded him, staring at the water. I know, but Ive changed my mind. Daniel turned to face his friend. Edward was backing away, as though the water might suddenly grab him and draw him in. Listen, you managed to convince me about this, Daniel snapped. So get it together. I think well need a rope. What for? Ill tie it around my waist, and youll hold on to the end while I swim to the basement. Itll help me find my way back. Are you sure you want to dive into this water? Edward asked.

There isnt any other way. Go and find a rope, Daniel ordered. And bring me a towel, too. Edward stood motionless for a moment, then he seemed to gather himself. He started back up the stairs. Alone, Daniel tried to ignore the water, but he couldnt. He saw it even when he closed his eyes. What are you hiding in your depths? Daniel asked, crouching down and touching the water. A chill spread from his fingers all the way to his heart. It was like the water had touched him, draining him and giving him all of its cold. Daniel felt pure liquid fear coursing through his veins. He almost jumped back, but he refrained himself. He refused to fear this mysterious water, although he felt like it wanted to take him into its mouth and swallow him whole. On the surface, the water looked quiet, gentle, placidnothing to be afraid of. But Daniel knew that it was only a mask. Even Edward had felt it. Daniel had known that the rain was unusual, although he hadnt wanted to acknowledge it and had insisted to Milena that everything was going to be fine. Touching the water now, he was sure that despite all the havoc it had already wreaked, it hadnt revealed its true colours yet. Something evil was hiding beneath these still waters. Do you want to take us all into your embrace? Daniel snarled at the water. After a moment he began to laugh at himself. He was talking to water. It was just a glorified rain puddle and his mind was conjuring up all kinds of ridiculous things. Im talking to the water. Im going mad! Who is mad? Edward asked returning with a long coil of rope. Nobody, Daniel said, standing. Here, Edward said, handing over the rope. He tossed the towel onto the floor. That was quick, Daniel said. Quick? Edward looked surprised. I was gone ten minutes. Thats impossible. That felt like no more than two minutes. Edward frowned at his friend. I was gone much longer than two minutes! Okay. Daniel was surprised that ten minutes had passed so quickly. Maybe he really had gone mad. Tie the rope around my waist. Make it tight. Are you sure? Edward asked. Do it. We dont have much time. Edward took the rope and began to tie Daniel. Daniels mind drifted to Milena. The urge to protect her was stronger than his fear. He had to get the boat because he just couldnt allow Milena to swim in this mysterious water. She was counting on him to protect her and he was going to do just that. Edward finished knotting the rope. All done. What now? You hold the end of the rope and wait for me here, Daniel said. I think its dangerous to dive alone. If it is, well soon find out. Daniel handed Edward the balloon. Blow this up while Im undressing. Edward started blowing. Daniel thoughts were a jumble as he removed his clothes. What he was doing was very risky, but they had no other choice. He had to get that boat. Be careful, Danny, Edward said, handing over the balloon when he was done blowing. I will. Pass me the torch and the key. Edward removed the torch and key from his pocket and gave them to Daniel. Daniel took them from him and started walking toward the water. Whatever you do, dont touch the water, he told Edward. Theres something strange about it. Like what? Edward asked. A chemical contamination perhaps? Edward was quiet. If I tug on the rope three times, pull me out, Daniel said.

Okay. Daniel braced himself as he put a foot into the water. He turned to Edward who was looking at him as though for the last time. Its freezing cold. Like ice. The best thing was just to dive in. Daniel jumped in and the water sucked him in. It was very dark underwater. Daniel could see no more than a metre in front of him. He turned on the torch immediately. The water was cold enough to make Daniel want to jump out immediately, but he dived downwards. That water wasnt like the water of a pool or a sea. It seemed to press his head down with each metre he descended. It felt like slimy hands all over his body, all trying to squeeze him to death. But Daniel knew that he couldnt afford to dwell on that. Before long he reached the main door to the basement. He stopped, breathed some air from the balloon, and then took out the keys. There were two. One for that door, and another for Mihrans basement door. The first key that he tried was the right one. He opened the door and swam through. He made his way through a narrow corridor. The walls were dark, alive and pulsating as though this were a hallway to hell. The water filled every space with its claustrophobic all-engulfing darkness. Daniel hesitated for a moment. The light from the torch didnt reach the end of the corridor. What if something was lurking in the darkness ahead, waiting for its next victim? Waiting for him? Daniel braced himself, shaking off the thoughts. Mihrans basement was number two. He passed the first basement and then stopped before Mihrans basement. He breathed air from the balloon again, and then inserted the key into the lock. He was about to turn the key when he felt a powerful vibration. He jumped, turning the lantern toward the corridor, and losing his grip on the key in the process. It fell through the water to the floor. Daniel shone the torch into the darkness, trying desperately to see. His heart was pounding as though it wanted to burst through his chest and get far away from this darkness. Daniel could no longer feel the cold of the water because his attention was consumed by the darkness beyond the light of his torch. He was sure that he wasnt alone. Daniel felt as though he was being strangled and realised that he needed air. He took a quick breath from the balloon. He remained still for a few moments longer then decided to look for the key. It hadnt fallen far from him so he found it easily. He unlocked the basement door and opened it. Mihrans basement wasnt big, but it was filled to the brim with all kinds of things. Daniel swam in shining the torch around, looking for the boat. An inflatable boat would be large and easy to find. Daniel found it on one of the shelves. He grabbed it and then breathed some air from the balloon again, noticing that that the balloon was almost empty now. He needed to hurry. Daniel shone the torch over the other shelves, checking for anything else that may come in useful. He spotted another waterproof torch. He took it and hurried out. He slowed down as he approached the corridor, wondering about the vibration hed felt. He breathed from the balloon. Hed probably only get one more breath out of it. Yet, he took his time. There was something in the corridor. He was sure of it. He stared into the darkness, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever it was. Suddenly everything around him was bathed in light, and the light wasnt from his waterproof torch. It was brighter than any light that Daniel had ever seen. The light blinded him. He had to close his eyes. A shudder passed through him as he realised that he couldnt move. He felt warmth coming toward him. He felt at ease, calm. Not an iota of fear remained. He opened his eyes and squinted. Beyond the light was what looked like a tree. It was beautiful. It drew him closer. Closer. Daniel forgot everythingwhere he was, what he was doing. He couldnt avert his eyes. He had to get closer to what was beyond the light. He couldnt even feel himself drowning, couldnt feel the life leaving his body. The light seemed to immobilize him.

Daniel felt a sharp tug on the rope that was wrapped around his waist. He reached through the fog in his mind. Edward. Edward must be worried about him. Daniel turned away from the light and instantly regained control of his thoughts, of his body. He realised that he was choking. He breathed from the balloon and tossed it away. The empty balloon wasnt heavy enough to sink. It just stayed there, floating. Daniel stole a look at the corridor and saw that the light had gone. Maybe hed imagined it. Maybe the tree had been a mirage. Daniel tugged on the rope three times and started swimming as fast as he could, not bothering to lock Mihrans basement. He reached the main door and started swimming toward the stairs. He felt something latch on to his leg, and turned the lantern down so that he could see. A frog-like creature was hanging on to him by its teeth. A frog with fangs. Daniel had never seen such an animal. He tried to kick the little beast off his leg. He kicked again and lost his balance and fell. He needed air. He gasped and choked on a mouthful of water. When he managed to calm down he looked around and realised that he didnt know which way he was supposed to go. He gripped the boat, holding it tight as he tried to work out which way hed come. The boat was weighing him down, but he couldnt let go. He felt darkness coming on. The water contained nothing but death. The water eagerly awaited anybody unlucky enough to fall within its grasp.But he would find a way out, a way to survive. He wasnt going to give in so easily, granting his soul to this death lord. At least not this time. Back at the stairs, Edward knew something must have gone wrong and started pulling on the rope with all his might. When Daniels body finally appeared, Edward dragged him out of the water. Daniel started coughing up what seemed like gallons of water from his lungs. Edward was glad to see that he had the boat. He also had another torch. Edward tried to take the boat, but Daniel wouldnt let go Daniel, its okay, Edward said. Youre back. It took some time for Daniel to regain his senses and realise where he was. He looked at Edward and released the boat. He could hardly believe that he was still alive. Edward! he said weakly, his lips trembling. Im still alive. Yes, youre alive, Edward said, tossing the towel at him. Lets go up. Daniel tried to smile, but he couldnt. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering. Only at that moment did Daniel know what it felt like to truly freeze. He couldnt quite grasp it before, but he now knew the water for what it truly was. Hed felt nothing but raw cruelty during his nightmarish swim. Let me help you up, Edward said. Daniel was too shaken by his experience in the water to reply. He just stretched out his hand and allowed Edward to pull him up. Edward dragged the boat along with them as they started up the stairs. Ill return for your clothes later, he told Daniel. The further they got from the water, the stronger Daniel felt. As he dried, he felt a heaviness leaving him. He regained more of his strength with every step he took. Soon, he stopped stumbling and began to walk straight. He was fine. He had survived. He would keep his strange experience underwater to himself. He didnt want to worry the others. When the men reached Daniels flat, Daniel knocked on the door. Milena opened it immediately. Daniel! she said, her eyes searching his. What happened? The water was very cold, Edward said dismissively. Milena led Daniel to his bedroom and he dropped onto the bed. Milena began massaging his back while Edward took the boat and the lanterns to the living room. He joined them in the bedroom after and stood, leaning against the wall. It took a while for Daniel to stop shaking. Why did he have to go into the water? Milena asked, her eyes shiny with unshed tears.

I tried to stop him, but he wouldnt listen, Edward replied. Milena frowned. But it was your idea, Edward. I know, Milena. When we got to the water I changed my mind and tried to convince him, but he didnt agree with me. Edward sighed. I think something happened when he was in the water. He hasnt told me anything, but there is something down there. Something dark. Milena didnt reply, but she wondered whether Edward was right in the head. She looked at Daniels face and traced her finger over his lips. His eyes were closed. He looked like he was sleeping. Please, God, dont let anything happen to him, she whispered. Nothing will happen to him, Edward said. Hes a strong man. Well, hes cold. What if he gets ill? Milena tucked the covers in under Daniels chin. She looked at Edward. Are you hungry? Ive rustled up some breakfast, but it isnt warm. Oh, yes please, Edward said. Ill just go down and get Daniels clothes first. Milena kissed Daniels head, and then left the room. Edward looked at Daniel for a moment, sighed, and then left the flat.

Chapter 3: To the high-rise apartment

his is delicious, Edward said, as he and Milena ate. Thank you, Milena replied. Ive heard a lot about you, Edward said, trying to make conversation. Daniel talks about you all the time. Milena met Edwards gaze across the table. He told me nothing about his friends. What did he tell you about me? He once told me hed found a girl he could live with until his death. Well, if this rain continues, hell be right. Edward smiled. Dont give up. Do you think Daniel dove into the damned water for nothing? Well make our way to a taller building soon, and wait there until this rain finally stops. Did Daniel say that Im the only girl in his life? Milena asked. She knew Daniel was in love with her, but he never said such words to her. Yes. He didnt go into too much detail about you. He keeps his feelings to himself, and I didnt ask any more, but youre definitely the only girl. Yeah, I know what hes like. Hes pretty private. Milena looked thoughtful. What did you mean before, about the water? You said there was something strange about it? Yes, its strange. Edwards mind wandered back to the flooded ground floor. But I cant tell you what it is. Then how can you be so sure that there was something there, in the water? When we were by the water Edward trailed off, wondering how best to describe what hed felt. It was just a feeling. I felt it, and Im sure Daniel did, too. But he was braver than I was.

A shudder ran through Milena. Was Edward just imagining things or could something really be living in the rainwater? Maybe you imagined it? she supposed. You want to believe that there is something more to whats happening so you think you saw something. No, it wasnt my imagination. The water looks different. It doesnt look like normal water. Interesting. Milena pondered Edwards words for a moment, then stood up from the table. Im going to check on Daniel. Okay. Ill come over soon, Edward murmured. She left Edward eating and went to the bedroom. When she entered, Daniel was standing at the window, looking out. Hed put on a pair of trousers. Daniels mind was preoccupied with the water, fate and what the future held. He sensed the presence of someone else in the room, but he didnt turn around. Milena could tell that something was wrong. Something was bothering him. How are you feeling, Daniel? she asked, approaching him and giving him a hug. Daniel eyes were looked haunted when he turned his head. Milena backed away, scared. Whats the matter? she asked. I feel danger coming on, Daniel responded. He stared at Milena but he wasnt looking at her. He was looking through her. Something strange is happening to you, Danny, she said softly. Tell me, what is it? Yes, something isnt right here, Milena. Im sure of it. Daniel pointed out the window. What happened to you when you dived into the basement? Daniel sighed and turned to the window. He looked at the water again. The water he had battled not quite three hours ago. The water that had almost conquered him. The water is evil, Milena, Daniel said softly. There is death in the water. And it is coming for us. Who? You and me? All mankind, Daniel said in that same soft tone, as though his words didnt worry him at all. Life as we know it will end soon. Everything that we know will be gone. What are you talking about? Milena asked in annoyance. Are you crazy? Just a few hours ago, you were still insisting that the rain would stop soon and I was wrong, Daniel interrupted. I didnt understand until I met the water, so to speak, and touched it. It is horrible and attractive at the same time. Itll drive you mad and make you want to rip your own throat out, Milena. Daniel gripped her by the shoulders. I dont want to scare you, but just be prepared. And remember my words if we get into any real danger. And, please, promise me that youll never give up. Danny Promise me, Milena, that you will never give up, Daniel insisted. Milena sighed. I promise you. Edward entered the room just then. Milena He stopped short when he saw Daniel. Are you okay now? Yes. Daniel released Milena. Wheres the boat? In the living room. We must leave immediately, Daniel said, hurrying out of the room to the living room. But it is too late to move today, Edward yelled. We cant wait any longer, Daniel insisted. Edward followed him into the living room. I dont think the water will reach us until tomorrow. Edward, you know how much danger were in. You saw the water downstairs. I know, but we need to think things through. What will we need to take with us? And how are we going to get the boat onto the water?

Well throw it out through the window, Daniel supposed and went up to the window. That means we need to wait until tomorrow when the water level is a bit higher. No, we can go to the first floor and lower the boat onto the water from there. Right. What will you say to the neighbours? Hi. Can I lower my boat onto the water from one of your windows? I dont think so. A fight will break out and well ruin our only chance of getting out of here. I-I dont know, Daniel said, holding his head in his hands. But we have to leave. Danny, dont make such a decision on an empty stomach, Milena said from the doorway. You havent eaten anything all day. Daniel looked at her. He knew that something had changed in him. He knew that he must be acting like a madman. He had to keep it together and be brave, or hed be no use to Milena. He was the only one who truly knew what they were dealing with and he had to protect her. She was right. He was starving. He needed to eat and rest in order to think clearly. They could not afford to make a mistake. Daniel headed to the kitchen in silence. Milena followed him, but Edward stayed back to allow them some privacy. The situation was getting worse and none of them fully understood what danger awaited them. Each of them had their own opinion about the flood, but Daniel felt that he was the only one who really knew what they were up against. He had looked into the water and stared it in the eyes. He knew what it would take to overcome it. But now, he must prevent fear from overcoming him. For now, he must dig deep and think of a way for them all to stay alive. Pack some food, he said suddenly. Are we leaving now? Milena asked. I dont think so, not right now. But I want our things to be ready. Okay. Milena nodded. Daniel had a bite to eat, and then returned the living room. Edward was inflating the boat. He looked up as Daniel walked in. What have you decided? he asked. I agree with you, Daniel said, sitting on the sofa. Well wait. Good. Edward continued inflating the boat. Nobody can say for sure what the best option is, Daniel said, wishing he knew for sure what time would be best to leave. Edward didnt respond. He just continued to inflate the boat. Daniel watched for a few minutes then stood up. Theres something well need to take with us. I'll just go and check to see if I still have it. Okay, Edward said absently. *** It was already dark outside, and the storm was raging on, even more vicious than itd been the previous night. Edward had brought candles from his flat and he and Daniel were sitting in the living room. Milena was asleep in Daniels room. Daniel sat on the sofa, his eyes closed. Edward kept him company. The light of the candle was small and didnt reach the far corner of the room where the men had gathered the things they would be taking with them. The boat, which Edward had inflated, sat in the middle of the room. After a while, Daniel stood up went to the window. He looked through it every half an hour, or so. It was liking he was looking out for something. Edward didnt ask what, but he was curious. The rain is angrier tonight, Daniel murmured glancing out. Something isnt right. Yeah, theres a flood, Edward said sarcastically. There is silence outside. Silence? Edward gave his friend a worried look. The storm isnt very silent, Danny.

Not the storm, Edward. We havent seen anybody all day. Where are all our neighbours? Mihran was home, Edward reminded him. Only Mihran. But where are our ground floor neighbours? Their flats are flooded, but none of them have come up for help. Nobody has even checked on us. Theyve just disappeared. Edward looked thoughtful. There is nobody outside. No lifesavers or helicopters. There is only silence. Youre right, Edward said. Youd expect to see lots of rescue operations going on outside. Daniel left the window and joined Edward on the couch. He was thoughtful, looking for the answers of his observations. What are you thinking? Edward asked. Nothing, Daniel lied. Maybe we should go and knock on some of our neighbours doors? Edward suggested. Maybe tomorrow. Everything just seems so strangethis rain, the disappearance of people. But we cant be sure that they have disappeared. True. Daniel sighed. Did you return Mihrans keys? To tell the truth, I knocked at his door, but there was no answer, Edward said. He was probably sleeping. Ill return them tomorrow. The blood drained from Daniels face. He didnt open the door? Dont jump to conclusions, Edward said. He was probably just asleep and didnt hear me knocking. Hes old. Daniel didnt look at him. He was quiet, looking ahead. Whats happened to you, Daniel? Edward asked a minute later. Youre usually quite optimistic. I dont know, Daniel mumbled. I cant really explain it. But, I feel likedanger is closing in. I told you not to dive into that damned water! Edward put his hand on Daniels shoulder. But how would we have gotten the boat? What happened to you in the water? Edward asked ignoring Daniels question. Did you see anything? Daniels eyes widened and his pupils dilated as he thought of what had happened when he came out of Mihrans basement. Edward watched his face. Tell me, he pressed. Maybe it was all in my head, Daniel said in a low voice. Maybe I was just scared, but I felt like the water was forcing me down. I felt like I was surrounded by the souls of a thousand dead people. Edward suppressed a smile. What are you talking about, Danny? Thats ridiculous. Dont laugh at me, Daniel ground out. He stood up. You felt it, too. When you were standing by the water. I know you did. But Edward, Daniel said, cutting him off. Dont lie to me. I can see it in your eyes. Youre afraid of the water, too. Okay, Edward conceded. He knew his friend was right, but he wasnt ready to accept the reality of the danger they were in yet. Youre right. I felt it. But we have to realise how absurd it all is. We were probably just imagining things because we were afraid. How can the water inspire such emotions? It isnt alive, its justjust water. Yes, and that just water may be the last thing well ever see, Daniel replied. We have to be ready for anything. Even something supernatural. Youre not a believer, Danny. How can you think like this?

I dont need to believe in God to feel the danger, Edward. This rain might be the result of a failed experiment. Maybe its a bunch of scientists that are behind all this. Scientists are always doing things that are detrimental to nature. So, youre not blaming God, Edward said, leaned back on the sofa. Youre blaming mankind. Its a possibility, Daniel replied. He walked over to the candle and gazed at its flame for a moment. I dont think that every time something bad happens its a punishment from God. Why would he punish you, or Milenapeople who believe in him and have not truly sinned? Were all sinners, Danny. So, is your sin to be punished in the same way as the sin of a murderer? Would that be fair? Daniel asked. Edward just looked at him. You cant compare what minor lies we have told to horrible things like rape or murder. God cant punish us all the same way. Daniel walked back to the window Believe what you want, Edward said yawning. He laid down on the sofa. We need to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day. Yeah, Daniel agreed, staring out of the window. Edward closed his eyes and tried to leave behind everything that was going on around them. He tried to think good thoughts. Daniel continued to look outside though he couldnt see anything. It was quite dark and only by the sound of the rain could you discern what was going on outside. *** Milena was awakened by the voices coming from the living room. It was morning and she could still hear the rain. She got up and shuffled over to the living room. The men were already ready to depart. They just had to lower the boat onto the water. Mornin Milena, Daniel said from the floor where he was busy packing the last bit of supplies. Did you sleep well? Yeah. Milena bent over and kissed him. Are we leaving? Yes. The flat will be flooded within a few hours, Edward informed her. Really? Milena looked at Daniel for confirmation. Yes, Daniel confirmed. Milena walked to the window and looked out. The water had reached well past the first floor of the building. Milena wished that what she was seeing wasnt real. She wished it was just a nightmare that she would wake up from any moment. What if we arent able to reach a high-rise building? What will we do then? Milena whispered. Edward glanced at her, but left it to Daniel to reassure her. Daniel left his packing and went to hug her. We will make it. Trust me. Milena nodded slowly. Im afraid. We are too, but we cant stay here. Daniel kissed her forehead. We all have to be brave. Well be leaving soon. Milena looked up at Daniel. She needed to look into his eyes and find some strength. Daniel did seem confident, but he still wasnt back to normal. He was looking at her a little strangely. Shed noticed it yesterday, too. But she didnt know the reason for it. Ever since hed gone swimming in the water downstairs hed been different. Did you sleep well last night? Milena asked him. Yes, Daniel said, avoiding eye contact. You look tired. You didnt sleep, did you?

Im fine, Daniel said, shortly. He returned to his packing. Lets check we havent forgotten anything, he told Edward. Then well all need to get ready to leave. Milena went back to the bedroom. Edward was looking at Daniel. Is she right? he asked. Didnt you sleep? Can we focus on getting the supplies together? Daniel snapped. Youre going mad, Edward said, shaking his head. The men bound the boat with the ropes that they were going to use to lower it onto the water. Then they dragged it over to the biggest window in the living room. They opened the window and an angry gust of wind immediately invaded the living room, bringing with it drops of rain. The rain beat upon them as they bound the ropes and then tossed the boat out of the window. Soon, they were drenched, but it didnt disturb Edward as much as Daniel. When they finished, Daniel touched his face, horrified that the same water against which he had fought for his life just yesterday was on him again. He felt like the water was talking to him. It recognized the man who had managed to break away from its jaws of death. The water greeted him and invited him to a new struggle. Daniel had no option but to do battle. He would fight, not to only for his own life, but for Milenas and Edwards. Daniel! Edward yelled. Daniel snapped to attention. Ill go down first, he said. Then you can throw our things out to me. Daniel, Milena cried, entering the room just as Daniel was about to jump onto the windowsill. The men turned. Please, be careful. Daniel didnt answer. He hauled himself onto the windowsill. The boat was near enough for Daniel to step down into. The water reached to just about a foot below the window. His flat would probably be flooded within two hours. The wind was strong enough to flip the boat over, but Daniel used his weight to keep it steady. He looked around. There were no signs of life. The once thriving city was like a ghost town. The water had flooded everything that modern man had worked so hard to create. A feeling of hopelessness settled over him. He looked at the water, trying to see if anything was floating in it, but it was as black and dirty as it was in the basementconcealing its victims. Daniel looked up at his window. Edward, he yelled above the noise of the wind. Hand them over. Okay, Edward called back. He began to hand the supplies through the window. Daniel tried to sort the supplies as best he could. The boat was getting heavy and started swinging less, but there was still the danger of it overturning. Rainwater was already filling the boat, too. Daniels feet were already submerged. The rain was so heavy it was hard to see. Thats the last one, Edward yelled, tossing the last package out to Daniel. Help Milena to get down, Daniel yelled back. Edward turned to Milena. Are you ready? Milena didnt reply. How she could be ready in this Godless situation. But she had no other option. Ready or not, she had to jump out of that window. Milena approached the window, gathering that tatters of her courage. The raindrops welcomed her at once, wetting her face and hair. She felt the power of the water and the wind, and a shiver wracked her body. Milena looked down at Daniel who was waiting for her. He was completely soaked although his jacket protected him a little. Milena was also wearing a waterproof jacket, but it wasnt going to protect her from the water for long. Milena, dont be afraid, Im here, Daniel cried. Come on. Milena climbed onto the windowsill. Edward gave her a hand, steadying her from behind so that she wouldnt fall. Come on, Daniel yelled again. I wont let you fall. Be brave, Milena, Edward said in her ear. Im holding you, too.

Milena swung her feet over the windowsill, into the rain. Daniel stretched out his hands and carried her out by her waist. Sit in the corner, Daniel said peremptory, pointing. And hold on. Milena obeyed. Pass me the paddles, Edward, Daniel shouted. The paddles appeared in the window. Daniel took them and placed them on the flooded floor of the boat. The paddles disappeared under the water. Daniel turned to his friend again. Now you! Come on! Coming, Edward responded. He climbed out of the window and dropped into the boat. Cut the ropes, Edward, Daniel commanded, taking position in the middle of the boat so that he could row. Edward took out the knife and began to cut the ropes. Milenas eyes were closed. She couldnt believe that this situation was real. Daniel didnt even glance at her. He was focused on doing what needed to be done. The ropes are cut, Edward said when he finished. He could barely open his eyes in the downpour. Good. Sit down, Daniel said. Im going to start rowing and I dont want anyone falling out. He took the paddles and began rowing. Edward moved to the other end of the boat, opposite from Milena and behind Daniel. He was trying to keep his eyes open. Edward, take the rudder, Daniel called over his shoulder. Okay, Edward replied. Daniel was rowing with all his might, but he didnt feel too good. His proximity to the water was getting to him. It wasnt pressing him down as it had when he dived into it yesterday, but he could still feel its influence. It seemed that the water recognized him and was calling to him. Its voice was persistent, trying to loosen his grip on reality, calling him into its cold embrace of death. Daniel struggled against the force of the water and his own thoughts as he rowed. He knew it wasnt a normal storm. Hed worked that out the moment it started two days ago. There was more to each droplet than just watersomething terrible, although he didnt know what it was yet. Milena and Edward were not moving. Daniel had the impression that they were there physically, but their minds were far away. They looked petrified. Daniel couldnt see their eyes because they closed them. Edward was troubled, and Milena hadnt spoken since they left the flat. Daniel stopped rowing. Milena, he called. She didnt reply. Milena, can you hear me? No response. A momentary shiver of fear passed through Daniel. The thought of losing her was unbearable. He was about to stand up and go to her when her eyes opened a crack. Daniel, she said worried. Please, row faster. Milena, Daniel cried out in relief. It was good to hear her voice What happened just now? You were right, she said. This isnt normal water. I can feel it. Its almost as if invisible arms are extending from the surface, grabbing at my neck and squeezing. I cant understand how it is doing that, but I can feel it. And there are strange voices calling so loudly I cant even hear myself think! Milena pushed wet hair back from her face. We need to get away from here. Calm down. Well get there soon, Daniel said and continued rowing. He had a sudden boost of energy, and he began rowing faster than before. He forgot his own fatigue, ignored the water and rowed with all his strength. Protecting Milena dominated his mind. He had promised her. He had to protect her. Daniel glanced over his shoulder at Edward. He was stock still like a stone statue. Are you okay, Edward? he called. There was no answer. Daniel called to him several times, but got no response. He stopped rowing and looked at his friend. What is it, Danny? Milena asked.

Edward cant hear me. He got up and went to him. Edward! He removed Edwards cold hands from his face. Daniel jumped back. Edwards eyes had turned to stone. They stared blankly, not moving, not blinking. His hazel irises looked dull, and his pupils were as wide as a five pence coin. Was he dead? Daniel checked for a pulse and found it going strong. Edward was alive, but his mind wasnt there. Hes alive, he called to Milena. Then, what is happening to him? Milena shouted. This is the influence of the water. I told you. It messes with you. It gets to your head. Daniel gave Edward a slap. Come on, Edward. Youre strong, you can fight this. Daniel had to slap him a few times before Edward returned to his senses. He grabbed Daniels hands fiercely as though Daniel were his enemy. Edward, calm down, Daniel shouted at him. Its just me. Danny, Edward mumbled. Danny. Go away! And get us out of here. Get a grip, Edward. I cant have you losing it so soon! Danny, Edward cried. What happened to me? You were out of your mind. Its the waterit does that. Daniel returned to his seat. Keep talking to me. Thatll keep you grounded. Dont let your mind wander. Maybe you can tell me which way were supposed to be going. Straight ahead? Yes. Edward said, nodding his head. Straight ahead. The boat started moving again. Edward pointed to a building. Thats the one. Were not far off. Milena looked at the building. She estimated that they were about a hundred metres from it. Daniel glanced at Edward. His face was relaxed but his eyes were uneasy. Maybe hed seen something strange while he was disconnected from reality. Maybe hed seen the same apparition that Daniel had seen in the basement. He decided hed ask later. For now, he had to row another hundred metres. God, please help us to reach the building safely, Milena prayed under her breath, though her voice reached Daniel. She could no longer hold back tears. She could hardly feel her own feet as theyd been under water since she got into the boat. No sooner had the words left Milenas lips than a clap of thunder crashed through the clouds above. It sounded like an outburst of rage. It was as though someone behind the clouds was angry with them. The sound almost deafened the three friends. They forgot everything and clamped their hands over their ears. A cold North wind blew suddenly, almost blowing the boat over. Hold on! Daniel yelled. The wind had thrown Edward to the floor. The waves jumped into the boat, filling it. Someone, or something, was angry with them and trying to destroy their only chance of survival. Were going to capsize, Milena cried. Do something, Daniel! Daniel looked up at the sky wondering why things had changed so suddenly. His gaze was lost in the blackened clouds. What kind of power was behind them? Was anybody, or anything, watching them? Daniel forgot everything around himhis friends, his mission to reach the high-rise. It seemed something was happening to him now. Wake up, Daniel, Edward yelled at him. Whats happening to you? Daniel shook his head, glanced around then sat on his seat. He took the paddles. You shouldnt have mentioned Gods name, he told Milena. Youve angered him. Who? Milena asked surprised. Daniel, what are you talking about? Edward asked.

Dont distract me, Daniel snapped in annoyance. We have to reach that building soon or else well never reach it. The waves made it hard to row, and Daniel was getting really tired. His arms were aching. But he couldnt give up. We need to lighten the boat, Edward remarked. Theres too much water in it. He looked around for a container. It was then that he realised that they should have packed a bucket. Edward removed his jacket, submerged it in the water, and used it to scoop out some water. Milena saw what he was doing and did the same. They all had to work together if they were going to survive. The wind was getting stronger, tossing their boat to and fro. Daniel continued to row, although the forces of nature threatened to overpower him. Only ten metres to go, Edward announced. Just a few more seconds and they would be safe from the wind and the rain. Im numb all over, Milena yelled. Im frozen again. Nobody answered her. Daniel thrust the paddles into the water and gave one last hefty push. The boat hit the wall of the building. He stopped rowing and approached the end of the boat where Milena was sitting. Im going in, Daniel said. Milena, move to the other side of the boat. Milena obeyed slowly. She could hardly move her hands and feet. She was frozen. Daniel broke the nearest window to them with his elbow. Then, he climbed inside. He looked around. There was nobody there. He popped his head out. Edward, throw me some rope. Edward threw him the end of the rope, and Daniel tied the boat to the window panes. Milena, give me your hand, Daniel said, when he finished. Edward, help her. Milena reached out to Daniel, and Edward tried to hold her so that she wouldnt fall into the water. Daniel lifted her into the flat and set her down in the room. Edward, pass me the things, Daniel said. Edward began to pass the things theyd packed. He moved quickly, desperate to just get inside, and get warm and dry. His hands shook as he tossed the supplies. Please, Daniel, hurry up! he said. Daniel noticed Edwards fear, but he was doing his best. The men moved all the supplies into the room. Then, just as Edward was about to enter the flat, he froze. His eyes glazed over. The water had gotten to him. Edward? Daniel called. Edward was stilllost to his surroundings and trapped within an inner world. Stay here, Daniel said to Milena. Where are you going? Milena asked. Daniel climbed onto the windowsill. Something is happening to Edward again. No, Danny, it is too dangerous, Milena cried out. I cant leave him. Danny, it is calling me, Edward cried out suddenly. Edward, its only a mirage, Daniel shouted. No, Danny. Its coming to rescue me, Edward insisted, turning his back on Daniel and facing the water. Its calling me, not you. It will save me from this catastrophe. Im sorry, Danny, but I have to go. Edward, dont. Come here. You need to get into the building. Edward ignored him. It was clear that he wasnt going to go to Daniel. Give me a paddle, Daniel shouted to Milena. She handed one to him. Daniel turned to his friend and hit him with the paddle between his shoulder blades. Edward fell down into the boat and smacked his head on the bow, crying out in pain. Edward, come to your senses, and get in here! Daniel yelled. I can still hear it, Danny, Edward said, his voice frantic. Whats going on?

Edward, we need you. Are you going to come in, or are you going to listen to the water and drown? I dont know. I dont understand whats going on Look at me! Daniel shouted. Get up and let me help you inside. Edward remained lying in the boat, the cold mystical water surrounding him. He looked up at Daniel unsure of what to do. He was wrestling with himself deep within. The water was within him, controlling him. Daniel knew how strong the waters temptation was, so he understood. But he hoped that Edward would snap out of it soon. After a few moments, Edward stood up. He reached out for Daniel. The two gripped each others hands, and Daniel hauled Edward up. Inside, they sat on the windowsill, catching their breath. They exchanged a look and smiled, glad they were both still alive.

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