8.1 Consumerism

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Thats English! Module 8 Unit 1: Consumerism


own label products productos de marcas blancas Brand marca Competence competencia Competitive competitivo Consumerism consumismo Consumer consumidor Customer cliente Faulty defectuoso Guarantee garanta High-quality alta calidad Manufacturer fabricante Profits beneficios Purchase compra Refund devolucin del importe Replacement sustitucim Selling tactics tcticas de venta Staff personal supplier proveedor, distribuidor To apply for solicitar Application solicitud To browse echar un vistazo To complain about quejarse de Complaint queja To make a complaint presentar una queja / reclamacin To deal with tratar, ocuparse de To mislead engaar Misleading engaoso To order pedir Order pedido To save ahorrar To talk someone into somenthing persuadir/convencer a alguien de algo

I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

Thats English! Module 8 Unit 1: Consumerism

A. PHRASAL VERBS 1.- Features
- Verb + particle(s) [adverb/preposition] - Idiomatic meaning

2.- Types
I. INTRANSITIVE The plane takes off at 5.00 p.m. II. MOVABLE TRANSITIVE. (The direct object can be placed before or after the particle. However, if the direct object is a personal pronoun, it must always be placed before the particle.) Sheila has taken off her shoes / Sheila has taken her shoes off. Sheiha has taken off them / Sheila has taken them off. III. UNMOVABLE TRANSITIVE (The direct object is always placed after the particle) They are looking after their children / They are looking after them. IV. MULTI-WORD My mother's trying to catch up with computers

B. THE ARTICLE B.1 The Indefinite Article A / AN 1.- Form

A + consonant sound a car / a university an apple / an umbrella / an hour An + vowel sound / silent h

2.- Use
To talk about a person or a thing for the first time

She picked up a pencil To say what someone is or what job they have:

She is a doctor.

I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

Thats English! Module 8 Unit 1: Consumerism

B.2. The Definite Article The

To refer back to someone or something that has already been mentioned.

I have bought a new car. The car is black. To specify the person or thing we are talking about.

The book you lent me is wonderful To refer to something of which there is only one in the world or in a particular place.

The sun is really shining today. Generalisation (with singular nouns and singular verb)

My fathers favourite flower is the rose. Nominalisation (with adjectives plural verb form)

The rich cannot afford this either. Compound Proper Names or Plural Proper Names (especially referring to countries)

She has gone to the United States. Mountain Ranges / Rivers / Group of Islands / Seas / Oceans

The Thames With superlatives

He was the eldest.

B2.3 The Zero Article

Proper Names (people, countries, continents)

King Juan Carlos lives in Madrid Generalizations (plural countable nouns / uncountable nouns)

Life is a dream Teachers do not earn as much as doctors Lakes / Mountains / Island

Lake Geneve Minorca

I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

Thats English! Module 8 Unit 1: Consumerism

VOWELS: long and short vocalic sounds
Long /i:/

Short /I/

/e/ /3:/
Bird Bed


/ae/ /a:/
Barn Ban






I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

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