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Questions/Chat Log Audience Question: Q: is there any one? A: We'll be getting started in a little less than 10 minutes!

Audience Question: Q: Can we implement either/or logic in rules rather than both/and? This will let us more precisely auto assign tickets by e-mail address source and subject line. A: this has been requested - please vote up this request: Audience Question: Q: Will this webinar be recorded? A: Yes, the webinars are recorded and you should receive an e-mail in about a week with a link to view it . Audience Question: Q: Did you say it was audio only? A: Video is coming shortly. If you have issues seeing it please let us know. Audience Question: Q: Sorry I am late did i miss anything major? A: Not yet! Mike is currently just letting you know how to ask questions if you have them. :) Audience Question: Q: Trying to find a concensus...Which one is NOW faster/better to use for a browser? Firefox or Chrome? A: Chrome tends to be slightly faster when navigating the app. Audience Question: Q: really need to get full screen working A: It's a bug with GoToWebinar unfortunately. :( Audience Question: Q: is there a way to color code the tickets based on the priority and is it possible to assign more than one category item A: If you look in the Community, there is a plugin to color-cordinate the tickets based off priority, but unfortunately at this time only one category at a time may be selected. You should be able to find that plugin here: Audience Question: Q: Can we get a copy of the Keynote file to download? I'd love to present this to upper management. A: The entire webinar should be available to view in about a week. You will receive an email with information on how to access it when it is available Audience Question: Q: is it possible to just install the helpdesk portion, and not the full blown spiceworks suite? A: Unfortunately not at this time. Spiceworks is an all-in-one application, but you don't necessarily need to configure or enable the other peices of the application. They aren't configured by default. Audience Question: Q: Can you restirct access to just the Helpdesk portion? A: Here is a Helpdesk admin user role that only allows access to the Helpdesk section. Audience Question: Q: Your voice is cutting in and out. I can't hear much of what you are saying. A: hey jeff, im on the audio feed as well. it sounds good - try switching to the phone feed to see if that helps. Audience Question: Q: Can you have multiple user portals for different departments? A: Not at this time. You do have the ability to set up as many installations as you need as Remote Sites and configure an individual portal for each site. All of the tickets will be sent up to the Central Site and you can manage the tickets from one place, and they will be appropriately labelled.

Audience Question: Q: The assigned to list of names, where is it pulling that from? A: It pulls from the admin users that you have set up within Spiceworks. You can view and edit these users in either Inventory>People View or Settings>User Accounts. Audience Question: Q: Is it possible to assign a ticket to more than one person? A: Only one assignee at this time but, you can CC any additional personnel to the ticket Audience Question: Q: I am assuming users can email in tickets and also submit a ticket through the user portal? A: That is correct. You can set up a mailbox for tickets, and also a portal. You can use either or both depending on your needs. Audience Question: Q: If you set up a remote site for lets say (maitence) can we restrict only the people in the maitence department to get e-mails? A: if the admins on your remote site are all maintenance people, then yes. tickets created on a remote site installation will send notifications to only those admins from that remote site. or are you referring to the people who are submitting emails to the remote site? Audience Question: Q: can you add multiple attachments to the ticket? A: Yes you can attach multiple documents/files to a single ticket. Audience Question: Q: Aside from Priority, is there an 'urgency' selectable field? A: Currently there isn't a default field for urgency, but you can add a custom attribute to the tickets which you can use as an urgency field. There's more information at Audience Question: Q: Is this being presented on a Mac? or a beta version of Spiceworks. It looks very different in terms of UI than I am used too. I thought I had the latest version updated 2 days ago. A: Yes, he is using a Mac. Spiceworks is only compatible for install on Windows devices at this time, but he is simply accessing the web UI from his machine. The current version is 5.2.75667, but 5.3 will be dropping very soon. Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to auto assign tickets and copy other admins depending on the priority level? A: yes, you can use the "my ticket rules" plugin to do this - it allows you to automate actions based on priority or ticket content, sender, etc.. Audience Question: Q: Is it possible to customize the display - I sometimes find there is too much data information on the screen generally - including dashboard A: Yes, you can remove unwanted dashboard elements and you can also install plugins to modify other aspects of the UI as needed. Audience Question: Q: Do you support pick up email from Office 365? A: With 5.2 and all previous versions you shoudl be able to pull in email from Office 365 without issue. 5.3 is going to be adding a lot more functionality for Office 365, though, so I would recommend installing it as soon as it is available if that is what you use in your organization. Audience Question: Q: Are there any plans on making the "Create a new ticket" dialogue more easily configurable and more flexible? We have three sub departments that have different ticket demographic needs for info and reporting purposes. I would love to customize per department. A: We have plans on making the ticket creation fields more flexible in upcoming versions. Maybe you can elaborate with an example and we can provide a temp workaround Audience Question: Q: just realized he's on a mac. my question can be scratched.

A: i think some of the screenshots are from an older version of spiceworks, too. sorry for the confusion. Audience Question: Q: How is the history stored if a ticket gets sent to Tech 1 for some work, then onto Tech 2 for more work? Do both Techs appear in reporting for that ticket? A: Comments from both techs will appear in the ticket history, but it can only be "assigned" to one at a time. The other tech can be entered as a CC user if they want to work on it in tandem (and receive email updates) rather than handing it off to tech 2 once tech 1 is done. Audience Question: Q: can you customize how much labor is worth for each person? A: Unfortunately at this time, the labor cost is a global variable. There is a Feature Request in the Community to make this a local per admin. Please feel free to Spice it up! Audience Question: Q: Are the tickets stored in a database? A: Yes. Spiceworks uses SQLite as its database. Audience Question: Q: since we have over 30 admins, or help desk users, what can be done to improve performance? We have lately been getting a lot of server busy errors and it seems to hang for long periods. Would we be better off virtualizing this install and only giving it two CPUs? Right now we are physical with 16 CPUs (two-four core w/hyperthreading) and that doesnt seem to help any with performance. Summary Operating System MS Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit SP1 CPU Intel Xeon X5570 @ 2.93GHz 45 C Gainestown 45nm Technology Intel Xeon X5570 @ 2.93GHz 38 C Gainestown 45nm Technology RAM 23.9 A: send us an email to and we can help you with performance. we can review the app's log files to get more information on why spiceworks is having problems. it looks like your hardware is more than enough, so its probably something we need to look at within the app. Audience Question: Q: SQLite is install with the application? A: That is correct. Everything that Spiceworks needs including the SQLite database and Apache web server is installed with the Spiceworks.exe. Audience Question: Q: how long does sw store the ticket A: The ticket is stored indefinitely. It does not get automatically deleted. Audience Question: Q: How can i make sure that the tickets window is refreshing & showing the tickets as soon as they come in ? A: the ticket check interval is set to 5 minutes (300 sec) by default you can adjust this in seconds under the Advanced setting to increase the frequency. You also have a "refresh" tab on the Help Desk interface page Audience Question: Q: how can we back up the database? A: Spiceworks has an included backup function that creates zip archives. These can be stored on any directory that the host has mapped. There's more info at Audience Question: Q: 1) Programmers A: Jim, let's take this offline. Please email and we can take a look. Thanks! Audience Question: Q: Would it be possible to have the database on a real SQL server?

A: currently it is not possible to reconfigure the database backend. spiceworks uses a local sqlite database. check the community "feature requests" forum to vote up requests for allowing alternative database backends like mssql, mysql, etc. Audience Question: Q: nv mind he answered it A: haha Alright. Just let us know if you have any other questions :) Audience Question: Q: Example of ticket creation flexibility: A: hey jim, it would be helpful if you typed all of this in a single entry instead of creating separate questions for each line. :) Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to make a ticket private? Where it would not show up on any reports or on the open tickets view? A: Unfortunatey not at this time. Is there any particular reason you want tickets hidden? You may be able to allow access to tickets to only certain people if that helps. Audience Question: Q: Does the user portal support diffrent language? A: yes, you can use language packs to do this. you can control the language for the admin side, and for the user portal. check the community for existing/completed language packs, or you can create your own right from within the app (and share it to the community!). Audience Question: Q: is it possible to set the currency to ? A: Yes, different currency and time/date formats can be used. More information is at Audience Question: Q: Hi, I have a Ticket Rule that is owned by a user that has now left the company - how can i change the owner of the 'my ticket rules'? A: Hi Adnan, those ticket rules are ran by the Admin in the number 1 spot in the application (the first Admin that was created). If that user is no longer with the company you may remove that account, or change it to someone else (change the email address and name). Audience Question: Q: If the ticket is for programming for example, the questions we need answered for ticket creation is vastly different than hardward type tickets. It seems very difficult to create this type of variation in the fields for the new ticket. Need more explanation? A: At this time, this scenario will require two different tickets. Audience Question: Q: Can you archive old tickets to remove them from the main ticket database, and then import them back in if needed? A: Yes, this is possible. First you will need to export the tickets as CSV. Then you will delete them. We then have a bulk import from CSV script that will allow you to re-import them if needed. You can find step by step how-tos for all of this on Audience Question: Q: re: Ticket History again... does reporting show work done by anyone who commented on the ticket? A: This would probably take a custom SQL report to grab that information, but technically yes you could have a report that does so. Audience Question: Q: Can You say a few words about deleting tickets ? are they recoverable ? A: Once a ticket is deleted they are gone forever. Use caution when using this functionality. Audience Question: Q: We have three sub departments: A: OK and what do you want to do? You can't assign multiple admins at this time although you can CC them on relevant tickets Audience Question:

Q: Lets say I get two tickets - they are for the same issue - but have different information. I want to merge them? A: Yes, they can be merged. When viewing a ticket, you can close it as a duplicate. Then the comments from both tickets will be merged together, more info at Audience Question: Q: what about archiving tickets, how far back can you go? A: All tickets are always stored in the "closed ticket" view. True archiving is coming in a future version of the app but isn't in the current version. Audience Question: Q: I thought I used to see unlock AD account in People but iI'm not seeing it now, Where'd it go? A: it should be in People View on the right, under Tools. Do you see a Tools dropdown/button? Audience Question: Q: can you show how to add the department category? A: Custom attributes will be shown in the next webinar. Tune in next Thursday. :) Audience Question: Q: how do I delete a 'purchase' in a ticket A: You can cancel the purchase in the Purchasing tab of Inventory at the top of your screen. Audience Question: Q: We are using SugarCrm with all the customer can we interface with your helpdesk to pull out customer name etc? A: This may be possible but would be unsupported. You would need a SQLite ODBC connector in order to pull info from the Spiceworks DB into another application. Audience Question: Q: Are there any plans to allow Spiceworks to run in Windows IIS? A: Not at this time. We wanted to have one easy to install solution which is why we are using the Apache web server. There is a how-to in the Community that explains how to integrate IIS if you'd like. Audience Question: Q: how do you change the owner for a ticket rule? A: are you referring to the assignee? this would be the admin assigned to work the ticket. use the #assign command to change the assignee. you can also change the ticket's creator (who submitted the ticket) using the #creator command. Audience Question: Q: Where did the name spiceworks come from? A: The four founders wanted to "spice" up the IT software field and they wanted something that just "works" for their users. :) Audience Question: Q: how far back can you go on the "closed" tickets? A: Tickets are stored indefinitely, theoretically you can go back to the very first ticket that has been submitted. Tickets can be deleted, but once they are deleted then those will no longer be available. Audience Question: Q: Our biggest concern is the ability to extract reports without advanced scripting skills. A: The nice thing about Spiceworks is our Community of almost 2 million IT pros. If there is a report that you need, but are not very versed in SQL, I would recommend putting a request out on the COmmuntiy for what you need. Someone should be able to help! Audience Question: Q: can i somehow disable the delete ticket feature ? A: the help desk cannot be removed, it is integrated into the app. Audience Question: Q: how far back can you go on the "closed" tickets? A: As far back as your first closed ticket we don't auto archive your data.

Audience Question: Q: Are tickets searchable? A: Yes, all tickets are indexed by the application and can be reported on. Audience Question: Q: what about creating images for a system and keeping the information on a server A: Spiceworks does not have any functionality for imaging or backups at this time. Audience Question: Q: Is possible to change ticket site after is created? A: The "site" is jus the name of the computer, so you can either add DNS records to forward to the name of the machine or change the computer name. Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to add a link on our website so users can directly get into the user Portal and submit tickets? Also can this be password protected? A: yes, spiceworks allows you to setup active directory authentication, meaning users will login to the user portal with their active directory username and password. you could put a link on your main site to point to: http://spiceworksserver/portal. Audience Question: Q: Can multiple techs be assigned to the same ticket ? A: Only a single tech can be assigned as an admin, but you can CC additional admins with ticket updates. Audience Question: Q: Would it be possible to edit an entry in a ticket? For now it's not possible to modify if an error has been made. A: Currently there's not the ability to edit a comment, but there is a plugin that allows the author of a comment to remove it (useful for when you reply to an incorrect ticket). Audience Question: Q: I used to have tools there but it's not there any more. A: Mark, please send an email in to and we can help you out with this issue. Audience Question: Q: Some issues that come in may nd up being longer term projects. How do you deal with those? Particularly when you're reporting on things like backlog and ticket aging. A: This can be done in a bunch of different ways depending on what works best for your environment. I would recommend posting in the Community to see how other users are doing this so that you can get a good idea of what works best for you. Audience Question: Q: I have my Spiceworks set to pull in users from AD, but any changes are not pushed back to AD. Can I set certain users to be assigned tickets without giving them admin rights to the entire Spiceworks installation? A: You can create Helpdesk admin users to restrict access to only working tickets Audience Question: Q: Will these questions and answers be available with the recording as well? A: Yes, you can go to File > Save Questions log at the end of the webinar to save it locally Audience Question: Q: Can we get List of hash mark commands A: Yes, you can find them all at Audience Question: Q: is there a way to post tickets to twitter? A: Not at this time. Most IT professionals want to keep their ticket information private. :) Audience Question: Q: I have mine set up to send admins an email upon creation, and set to send email when assigned. It sends an on "open" but does not send an email when "assigned" why? A: check you help desk settings - are all of these checkboxes checked? these settings are global for all

admins. also note some actions will not generate notification emails when doing so would be redundant (you won't get emails for your own actions). Audience Question: Q: can I search for a particular open ticket? A: There's a search bar in the upper right that can be used to search through Spiceworks, including tickets. Also using ticket views, you can specify a view of the helpdesk with certain criteria. Audience Question: Q: About usn muktiple sites, where do I activate the field so it appears an my tickets A: If you are using Remote Sites your Central Site will display which site the data came from. This is true for tickets, devices, and users. Audience Question: Q: Does Mike know where his towel is? A: It's always on his person. He also carries an interesting "book" with a really calming "Don't Panic" on the front. Audience Question: Q: Are not all unassigned ticket open tickets? If so how do I my default to be Open Tickets when I start the Help desk? A: they are consdiered "open" just not assigned. Not a way to make this default. Audience Question: Q: Is there a trick to using #close in a ticket that I create in the web interface? It only works about 1/3 of the time A: if you're using commands just be sure the commands are at the very end of the description field when you create the ticket. commands are only processed if they are at the end. to open and close a ticket all at once, be sure to use the #close command last, as they are run in order. Audience Question: Q: Is there any way to create a knowledge base based on tickets wthin spiceworks? A: This feature is coming soon. It was officially announced at SpiceWorld in October. Audience Question: Q: no sorry, under 'Rules & Views' there is 'My Ticket Rules' if i hover my mouse over it, it says 'Mr X' i want to change that to 'Mr Y' because that previous user has now left the firm but it appears in every ticket. A: Hi Adnan, go ahead an email and we can take a look. I fear we won't have enough time to look into this during the webinar. Thanks! Audience Question: Q: WIll Spiceworks always be free? A: Yes, we have no plans charge for Spiceworks :) Audience Question: Q: Oddly, We can still hear mike and rachel when he is muted... sounds like the mic on his comp goes active when he mutes the headset A: OK thanks Audience Question: Q: Can we edit the note field? A: there is a plugin to allow for comment deletion, but you can't edit comments after they are made. Audience Question: Q: Is there any kind of integration available with Google Apps? A: Yes, in the Cloud Services section you can configure your Google Apps account and view and manage mailboxes and such from there. Audience Question: Q: i`m not talking about disabling the whole ticket functionality, just disable the abbility do delete created tickets. A: oh! sorry, yes. you can control this in the help desk settings. look under optional functionality for "allow tickets to be deleted".

Audience Question: Q: Do we need to create a 'user' for each employee to access the portal or can we 'import' from active directory? A: If you have specified an AD account for Spiceworks to use, your users will be imported and they can authenticate to the user portal with their AD credentials. Spiceworks Admins are different and will still be created in Settings -> Users Audience Question: Q: How can you exclude a workstation from sending alerts/notifications? A: exclude the machine from your network scans Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to restrict users from logging tickets? Meaning, we took away the help desk from low end users but want to disable them from logging into their portal to log a ticket A: At this time anyone with a valid email address can create a ticket, unless you integrate Spiceworks with AD. Then, only users with an AD account can create a ticket. However, the application doesn't have the ability to stop certain individuals from creating a ticket. You may need to block the User Portal for them just like you would any website. Audience Question: Q: is there a report that lists all updates of all tickets rather than the last update only? A: This is something that could be created using an SQL report. All of the data is there, it just needs to be created and formatted correctly. There is no built-in report that shows this data, though. Audience Question: Q: Can I add fields for building and room number? A: yes, use custom attributes to do this. check the community for the doc on how to set these up. its quick and easy to do! Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to track assets? A: Yes. Audience Question: Q: Is there Spiceworks App available? A: Yes, Spiceworks has both an iOS and Android app available in the respective markets. Audience Question: Q: It would be a great feature to push individual tickets to twitter for example if your exchange server is down. A: You can also use the User Portal for this similar purpose instead of Twitter. As Mike will show, you can add a "news feed" in the user portal to let your users know of certain things going on with the environment. This still keeps your data private so that the entire internet doesn't know your servers are down. :) Audience Question: Q: I have 600 users on my network will spice work have any problem integrating with AD with that many user? A: By default 500 will be imported, but that is easily changed. 600 users shouldn't be a problem. More info at Audience Question: Q: how long before this will be available online? A: 1 week Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to force someone to login in with password and not have AD? Currently they just type in email adress. Not that secure. :( A: Unfortunately at this time it's either create a ticket via email address or Active Directory credentials. I know there is already a feature request to add a third level of securty. Feel free to Spice it up! Audience Question: Q: how did he get to this section? A: It's called the User Portal. you can find it under Helpdesk > User Portal at the top of your screen.

Audience Question: Q: are we supposed to be hearing him talk? A: Yes, if you can't hear, try dialing in instead of using mic and speakers. Audience Question: Q: Hi, does anyone of the IT team have to login to the spiceworks interface and assign himself to the task there.. simply, are you going to show exactly how does it work when our IT team receive the email..- does it assign automatically to the person who will reply first? or do we have to go to the interface always? A: it will assign automatically when the notification is responded to. Audience Question: Q: is there any plan to have kind of mutltiple customer support, i'm doing supprot with like 100 different customer from differtent companies and i would like to seperate them to have report for each. Except from custom attributes is there another way? A: we recommend using remote site installations for this - however, spiceworks is not designed to scale to 100 sites. would it be possible to get this number down to 10-20 by categorizing them by region or otherwise? Audience Question: Q: what about required fields A: There is a plugin that will enable this: Audience Question: Q: Is there a webinar available for users other than IT A: Unfortunately no, these webinars are designed to help IT pros utilize the application since it's made for IT professionals. :) Audience Question: Q: for instance a message saying user your email and AD password to log in here? A: You can add a new conent block with instructions to log in. Audience Question: Q: Is there a way to use this with users not within are notwork or domain? A: Yes, you can use the portal without having AD enabled. The user's login will not be password protected, though. Audience Question: Q: Are you going to send us the Q/A from this session? A: At the end of the session, click File > Save Questions log in the GoToWebinar screen. Audience Question: Q: When ask ticket site , not look for the web site issue.But instead of the spiceworks site. At ticket time creation we are able to define from wictc A: Es usted tambin habla espaol? que tena problemas para entender su pregunta. Audience Question: Q: can you add text to an area in this panel? A: which panel? The portal ? Yes The Help Desk interface? yes you can add attributes (Settings > Advanced & International options) Audience Question: Q: can the category shown on the user portal be different from the helpdesk screen? as the descriptions i use may be more complicated than the ones the user will want to choose A: If you want to use very detailed categories on the admin side, you can hide that from the user portal or use a custom attribute to provide a more simplified list of categories for your users to choose from. Audience Question: Q: I am dialed in. call is still active - shows he's muted us out? A: It sounds okay to us. Maybe try switching to Mic instead of phone? I apologize for the inconvenience. Audience Question: Q: If I want to use the App, does my Spiceworks "server" have to available to the Internet? A: It does not have to be connected to the internet, but it must be available to be accessed by any users.

Audience Question: Q: Can I create my user portal on a test environment and once complete export it and import it into my production environment? A: Yes, Spiceworks data is pretty much able to just be "dropped in" and used. You can follow the instructions here to migrate the data: Audience Question: Q: Is possible to modify the Helpdesk site after create the ticket? We could define from witch site the ticket cames from, but how to correct it, if wrong? A: You could create a custom attribute called "Site" and that field will be editable just like all of the other fields. Audience Question: Q: how long is the webinar? A: It should end up being about an hour. We have about 15 minutes left Audience Question: Q: so the end users will see everything before they login? A: They will see the "login" field and the instructions if you choose to add them. Audience Question: Q: Really? You can't apply passwords for non-AD user portal users? A: Not at this time. Please Spice Up this feature request to show your support Audience Question: Q: is this webinar recorded & gona be downloadable ? A: the webinars are recorded and will be available on about a week afterward. Audience Question: Q: We are having trouble configuring the user protle with a *.domain_name SSL in the Apache. What is the best way address this issue with Spice works? A: Hi Rob, please go ahead and create a post in the Community and they should be able to help you out. :) Audience Question: Q: Inventory only recognizes about 5% of installed components, checked AV, etc. can you recommnd what to check A: we can help you with this - send us an email to Audience Question: Q: Can you make the most important tickets into iframes or similar so that we can display it on our intranet page? A: WIthin the portal you mean? I-frames are supported within each of the blocks on the User Portal and you can set up pretty much whatever you need in there. Does this answer your question? Audience Question: Q: Not really since they are almost all in the same city and i dont see any other way to categorize them. For now I'm using a custom attributes called Customer but it will be a big drop list.... A: i think thats your best bet for now - remote collector installations allow you to separate out each customer, but it won't perform well when there are 100 installations of spiceworks all trying to communicate with and sync to a central location. Audience Question: Q: could the announcement bar be set to automaticaly note the posted time and date? A: Unfortunately not at this time. Adding the date will be a manual process. Audience Question: Q: Can you set a life time on the Content Blocks so they disappear after a certain time? A: Not at this time. This would be good idea for Feature Request, though. Audience Question: Q: Right after create a new ticket in the user portal another page appears titled "View Help Request / /ticket#" I can remove it but I cannot find a place to edit it. Is that editable?

A: The default content blocks such as the ones you mentioned cannot be edited. Audience Question: Q: Can uses be imported from GoogleApps? A: We can help you keep tabs on your Google Apps users and mailbox sizes, but they are independent from the end users in Spiceworks Audience Question: Q: We want to create a link in the email the user gets when the ticket is closed that will give them a survey to evaluate their service. Do you have anything canned to handle that? A: you can do this using the email templates - check the help desk settings for ticket notification templates. you can add anything you want there. we don't have anything canned for this right now. Audience Question: Q: I mean taking the data from spiceworks (RSS Feed?) and putting it on another website because the users will only use the helpdesk if something is wrong A: It should be possible. Spiceworks' UI is basically a website, so you should be able to create an iframe referencing http://spiceworksurl/portal on another site to display the information. Audience Question: Q: when you change your announcement bar, they have to refresh correct? A: Correct. Just like any changes made to a website. :) Audience Question: Q: how do you publish a page for the users to access? A: Anything that is on the User Portal is automatically live. As Mike mentioned, there is no staging area. Audience Question: Q: Is it possible to setup a KB knowledgebase? A: This is coming in a future version. Audience Question: Q: on the user portal... in edit profile... is there a way to remove seeing the Start Date option? (so users can't edit that date at all) Don't need to know the details on it, just can it currently be done or not? A: You can disable the ability for users to input all of that information, but not each individual field. This is under Settings > help desk settings. Audience Question: Q: WIll the advanced class go over making the user portal available over the internet? A: Since setting this up is so specific to each environment, it most likely wont be covered. Just keep in mind this is a website, so any steps you need to take to make a website available externally should make your portal available. Audience Question: Q: What are you using your "Help Center" tab for. Is this the place you could use FAQs? A: These are just example tabs. You can input anything that you'd like on any of the tabs. :) Audience Question: Q: Most of our user "help" documentation is already in SharePoint. Can we link out to them from the portal? A: yes, you can edit the html/source of the content blocks in the user portal in spiceworks, a lot of people run with this and integrate things like sharepoint directly into the user portal. Audience Question: Q: When a user logs into portal, does it pull in their Spiceworks user info? i.e location, number, etc? A: Yes, it should. Audience Question: Q: Any tips on getting users to use the portal instead of email? I'm trying to move them away from GLPI which is mostly email based. I vastly prefer the portal. A: This is just a training issue. Perhaps you can send them out an email with a how-to guide on using the User Portal.

Audience Question: Q: for us our server is http://server1:8080 soo what would be the address for the web portal for the users? sorry if im asking silly question A: http://server1:8080/portal Audience Question: Q: How can user's access the portal from their desk? A: this link http://yourhostmachine/portal Audience Question: Q: Can you demonstrate how an email can be sent? Is it just an email queue for users to send it to you. A: you would configure the email settings in spiceworks to use a dedicated mailbox (not used by other services or admins). then any emails sent to this mailbox will automatically be read and used to create tickets by spiceworks. after being read they are permanently deleted. Audience Question: Q: any plans to add a chat to the user portal? A: Not at this time. Audience Question: Q: how does the user access the portal?? A: They'd access the portal similarly to how you access the local install. either by hostname/portal or a address. you can also make the portal be the default page rather than the admin login page so they don't have to use the /portal and only remeber something like Audience Question: Q: Ok, but i will try with some customer the remote collector and see how it goes, ill wait after the next webinar A: OK thanks Audience Question: Q: Where can I go to find: how to integrate Spiceworks into a blog site? eg A: Spiceworks is a standalone application and is only available on your own network. If you want to make it live, you will need to allow DNS port forwarding over the internet, then put the user portal in an iframe on the site. Or, you can just put a link on your webiste to the user portal for your users. Audience Question: Q: is there a preview when you click the announce button? A: Not at this time. It's all live. :) Audience Question: Q: Maybe a bit off topic but... We manage many client sites.. could we use spiceworks in this scenario where we have a master installation at our office, and slave installations at the client offices? Would we be able to see all client devices in our "master" copy at our office? A: yes - in spiceworks lingo this is "remote collector" installations, each scanning or handling a separate helpdesk. each collector syncs information back to the central site where you can view and manage everything at once. Audience Question: Q: How can we verify that Spiceworks is set up for AD? A: Settings > Active Directory Settings. Audience Question: Q: How can you keep track of the number of tickets each IT is doing? A: You can create a report to show this information. If you click the reports link that is found in various palces around the app you should be able to see this information in one of the built-in reports. Audience Question: Q: Is there escalation within the tool for none respnse? A: You can configure alerts to let you know if a ticket has been opened for more than x days. Audience Question: Q: Can users view other uses tickets?

A: No, only the ones they have created or are CC'd on. Audience Question: Q: if we want the user NOT to log in, and they submit a ticket, will we be able to see who its from? A: the incoming tickets will always have a creator, whether submitted via email (email address) or from the user portal (email address/address associated with an AD username). you should always be able to identify the creator. Audience Question: Q: Can the ticket system be used as a knowledgebase for all IT staff? (Searches) A: There is not a knowledgebase built into the tickting system currently but this is a feature we will be actively working on for the 5.5 or 6.0 release. Audience Question: Q: how do you change the email response when a ticket is opened or changed? A: Settings > Help Desk Settings > ticket notifications Audience Question: Q: Are there any plugins available (or plans to make) Advanced Call Distribution tie-ins for VoIP phones and Spiceworks Help Desk? A: Not at this time. Audience Question: Q: What about text to cell phone of pending tickets. A: There's not currently an SMS gateway, but if your provider supports something like then you can use that as an additional e-mail address for SMS notifications. Audience Question: Q: when you annouce where is it pulling the e-mails from? A: Sorry Kelly what emails please elaborate Audience Question: Q: is there a work around I really do not want to put and office product on the server A: Spiceworks does not require an email program to be installed on the system it runs on. Audience Question: Q: there is no email program set up on my server that I have Spcieworks installed on A: There doesn't need to be an e-mail client or server on the same physical machine as Spiceworks, it will use your company's email server if you set up an account in settings -> email settings. Audience Question: Q: is there a way for spiceworks to create tickets from emails users are sending ? A: yes, setup the settings -> email settings page with its own mailbox. then spiceworks will check the inbox of that mailbox for new tickets. these are read, used to create ticketes, and deleted. Audience Question: Q: scrolling through these questions is brutal - everytime a new answer is posted, I'm scrolled to the bottom! I realize this is a GotoWebinar issue, butis there another way to review all of the Q&A for this webinar? A: Rachel is going over this now. File>Save Questions Log Audience Question: Q: Is there an ad-free version? A: There is an ad-free option if you cannot have ads in your environment. There's more information at Audience Question: Q: Was this recorded by chance? I won't be able to attend tomorrow because I'll be off-site. Is there a way I can view tomorrow's webinar after the fact? A: Yes, you will receive an email in about a week with the link to the recording. Audience Question: Q: which version of spice works are you working on? A: this is probably an internal build of spiceworks 5.3 (due out soon)

Audience Question: Q: where was that again I missed how you got here A: Audience Question: Q: Can you get spiceworks to populate the people list with active directory ? A: Audience Question: Q: if a user submits a tickets WITHOUT logging in, will the ticket state who its from? A: The user cannot submit a ticket without logging in. Michael (to All - Entire Audience): Audience Question: Q: I have set up 3 required fields. 1 Charge To: list of two choices, Department or Primary Investigator. 2. Department: list of 50ish departments 3.Primary Investigator: list of 40-50 scientist names. My question is is there away to do an if/else then type command where if the user picks "Department" under "Charge To" only the Department field is required and the opposite for when " Primary Investigator" making "Primary Investigator" list as a required field. A: Unfortunately we don't that kind of flexibility yet. Audience Question: Q: oh, the user has to log in, regardless? A: yes, it can be setup to take email address or AD username/password. Audience Question: Q: Are you going to make changes to the purchase section so you can change dates if needed A: Sounds like a feature request. :) Audience Question: Q: Does the HD support single sign-on? log in to AD, it automatically logs into SW? A: No it does not. Spiceworks Webinar (to All - Entire Audience): Spiceworks Webinar (to All - Entire Audience): Audience Question: Q: Does the HD support single sign-on? log in to AD, it automatically logs into SW? A: Not at this time but there is a feature request for this. Audience Question: Q: how do you set up required fields? A: load the Portal Tweaks plugin (extension center) Audience Question: Q: hello everyone A: Hello Audience Question: Q: Can users view other tickets, beside their own? A: Users can only view their own tickets. Audience Question: Q: Thanks!! This was great!! A: thanks for joining us Audience Question: Q: when I clicked on announce a box comes up saying the link needs to be opened with an application??? A: sorry, I misunderstood. the announce link opens up an email in the e-mail client installed on your

machine with a preformatted template Audience Question: Q: I think I am like a few users just joining our emails said the join time was now not an hour ago A: The webinar will be recored and you will receive an email in about a week with a link to watch it again. :) Spiceworks Webinar (to All - Entire Audience): We'll be closing down the webinar shortly. If you want to save the Questions Log - do so now!

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