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nonome 1.

user guide v1

nonome is a monome emulator written in Max/MSP 5 for the Novation Launchpad. Getting the software you need This section assumes that you have already downloaded and installed the proper drivers for your Novation Launchpad - support/launchpad/. In order to run the nonome, you will need either a full or runtime version of Max 5. You can download the runtime version for free from - http:// After installing Max you will need to download a copy of the latest version of nonome, as well as some monome patches to use with it: The latest version of nonome can be found on the monome forums - http:// Make sure that you check the thread for the download link to the latest version that is listed on the first page. nonome is packaged with an old version of mlr but there are different/ better/more recent versions, as well as other monome apps available at

For testing and explanation purposes, download the following apps: 1. The latest version of mlrV 2. The latest version of polygom The rest of the guide assumes that you have downloaded these patches and properly installed mlrV. Basic concepts The nonome functions as an OSC > MIDI and MIDI > OSC translator. The monome via MonomeSerial sends and receives OSC messages from Max or any other program that youre using that is OSC capable. The Launchpad has no idea what OSC is, so it sends and receives its messages to and from the nonome in order to communicate with monome apps. An additional feature of the Launchpad is that it natively integrates with Ableton Live as a control surface. The nonome was designed with monome emulation in mind, so it defaults to monome emulation mode regardless of whether you are running Live or not. If you want to run nonome along with Live (while in control surface mode), you MUST press the user2 pad on the launchpad while nonome is running and AFTER Live is already loaded. If you dont do this you will see monome apps running on the session page instead of being properly quarantined to the user2 page. Overview of nonome specific functions The 8x8 grid functions the same as the 8x8 grid on the monome. The righthand, round pad column, is currently unmapped. The panic button sends an all off message to the launchpad LEDs. The top row keys are mapped as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. learn = change newly triggered LEDs to green view = change newly triggered LEDs to red page (left) = change newly triggered LEDs to amber page (right) = change newly triggered LEDs to yellow session = disable communication between monome app and launchpad user1 = disable communication between monome app and launchpad user2 = enable communication between monome app and launchpad toggles LED assisted color change menu on/off 8. mixer = disable communication between monome app and launchpad

Initial setup *Ignore the Ableton steps if you arent planning on using the nonome with Live.* 1. Open Live (Im using 8.0.9) 2. Go to the Preferences... menu choice 3. Click on the MIDI / Sync tab 4. Configure your Launchpad like the diagram you can turn on the track input if you want but it can lead to confusion if you arent careful with your midi channels 5. If everything is working properly at this point, the following pads should be lit on your Launchpad: learn, view, page (left), page (right), session 6. Launch the Max runtime application and open _nonomelaunchpad1.13a.maxpat 7. Select your Launchpad from the menu to the left of Select Launchpad - even if it already says Launchpad you may still need to manually pick yours from the list 8. Press the user2 key on the Launchpad - this

will properly toggle nonome to keep the monome emulation separate from the Live control surface mode - NOTE: You wont see anything happen or change after doing this 9. Press the user2 key again - this will light and change the colors of the learn, view, and page keys - if this doesnt happen, nonome and Launchpad are NOT connected 10. Press the user2 key again to turn off the learn, view, and page LEDs 11. If you have made it this far, your connections are probably working! Connecting to, and using a monome patch - continue from previous step 1. From Max 5, open polygom 2. Make sure that you can see the polygom window and the nonome window All communicaton between monome apps and the nonome is preceded by an OSC prefix label. The default value in the nonome is /mlr and you can change that to anything you want. You can type in the OSC prefix without the / and hit return (the slash will be added automatically). 3. In the polygom window, press the button labeled /sys/ prefix /gome 4. This will

automatically change the nonome prefix to /gome 5. Press a pad on the Launchpad and you should see the LED you pressed start moving clockwise in a 4 pad grid - you can also see the same exact event happening on the grids in the nonome and polygom windows.

6. Now, you might want to hear something when you do this, so change the MIDI output in polygom to from MaxMSP 1 and change the input in Live (or any other host) to from MaxMSP 1 7. Play! mlrV and nonome There are lots of detailed instructions on how to use mlrV here - http:// 1. Quick start to make sure that youre connected - press /mlr button

2. Pick the correct monome size

3. Keep these at 8

4. Choose your output

5. This is the ON/OFF switch - after pressing this, your top right pad should start blinking to the tempo

6. Push this if you want to use mlrV in ReWire mode - there are issues with ReWire but there is lots of really useful information on the monome forums about this - it can work, you just need to be patient with it and try every possible method until it works! Advanced tips There are 2 different versions of nonome starting from version 1.13a: 1. Regular - _nonome-launchpad1.13a.maxpat 2. Light - _nonome-launchpad1.13a-L.maxpat The only difference between these two is that the Light version wont echo on the screen what is happening on the Launchpad. Use this version if you dont need the visual feedback in nonome. There is an included Photoshop file called monome_touch.psd that is a graphic template for the nonome. If you want to create your own skin to use or share with others: 1. Close nonome 2. Rename monome_touch.jpg to something else (i.e. monome_touchbak.jpg) 3. Open monome_touch.psd in Photoshop 4. Edit 5. Flatten 6. Save as monome_touch.jpg 7. Open nonome
This is a work in progress. It may not work well... It may crash... but it probably wont hurt anything or anyone in the process. Please feel free to change anything in order to make nonome work better, or make this guide more helpful. None of this would have been possible without the hard work, determination, and vision of Brian Crabtree, Kelli Cain, and the entire monome community. Here is my email if you want to reach me directly - Matt DiFonzo -

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