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South Point United Methodist Church Weekday School Handbook

2013 - 2014


Dear Parents, We want to welcome you to South Point United Methodist Weekday School. We look forward to a very exciting and successful school year. As the Weekday School Board of Directors, we are established to set policy and guidelines for the Weekday School Program. The following information has been validated and set forth in the Handbook for your information and future reference. Our curriculum will provide your child with developmentally appropriate, high- quality activities to help your child grow and learn. We strive to create a fun, learning-rich environment for your child. We look forward to working with you to make this an enjoyable and productive year for your child. The Weekday School Board of Directors Weekday School Staff South Point United Methodist Church


Making Great Readers Play Spanish Handwriting Without Tears Sharing Time We will get to know one another and learn how to get along with other children. We will use our imaginations and our senses to talk about the world around us, and how it changes every day. Creative Play Time We will build with blocks and boxes, dress up, have puppet shows, use manipulatives and engage in other activities that help us learn about ourselves. Music Time We will sing, dance, play instruments and use movement to interpret songs and moods. Outside Play Time We will play on our playground equipment to develop our large muscles and to strengthen our confidence and coordination. Art Time We will express ourselves in every available form. We recycle different materials into masterpieces and use our small muscle skills to cut, paste, paint, color and create! Story Time We will read and tell stories; use puppets, pictures and ourselves to dramatize. Quiet Time We will have time to rest while we listen to relaxing music, play group games and have finger plays. Chapel Time We will use Bible stories to promote character education and develop moral values. Dance and Movement Time The children will participate in dance and movement in the classroom to enhance motor skills. Included in our day will be numerous activities all designed to encourage our children in taking that giant leap from home to the outside world. We stress social development, getting along with others, Christian values and learning good health and social habits.

South Point United Methodist Church Weekday School is a ministry of the South Point United Methodist Church. It operates under the auspices of the Weekday School Board of Directors. Registration for the SPUMC Weekday School is open to all children; regardless of faith, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. Children enrolled in the Parents Morning Out Class must be at least 12 months old. Children enrolled in the 2-year-old Class must be 2 years old by August 31st. Children enrolled in the 3-year-old Class must be 3 years old by August 31st. Children must be potty trained. Children enrolled in the 4-year-old Class must be 4 years old by August 31st.

To confirm your childs place in the Weekday School, both the non-refundable Registration Fee and the non-refundable Activity Fee must be paid at the time of registration. The Activity Fee will include everything except Scholastic book orders, Pennies from Heaven, t-shirt sales, pictures and our fundraisers (all optional). For field trips including parents, these fees cover the cost of one parent. They also include a Handwriting Without Tears Workbook (3s and 4s) for your child and a monthly subscription to Scholastic magazine (4s). If you are paying in cash, money must be brought to the weekday office to receive a receipt. In order to retain your childs place in the Weekday school, tuition must be paid EACH MONTH. If a child is absent for a month, for whatever reason, tuition must be paid in order to hold his/ her place in the class. If the first of a month comes up with no payment for the previous month, the child will not be allowed to return until the payment is up to date. If a child is withdrawn from the program before the end of the month, tuition for the month is forfeited.

Weekday School begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 11:30 AM. Children should arrive no earlier than 8:25 and be picked up no later than 11:35. It is important for your child to begin his or her day at 8:30 AM. They should arrive no later than 9:00 AM if they are going to be here that day, unless the Office is notified. If you arrive early; a waiting area is available outside of the Directors office for your convenience. When children are going to be picked up by someone other than the parents, the Office or teacher must be notified in writing in the morning as children are brought to school. 704-825-0525


Children are to be loaded/ unloaded under the canopy behind the church. Drop-off is from 8:258:35. When you arrive to pick your child up, please be ready to load your child into the car. Pick-up is 11:30-11:40. Please follow this plan; it is for the safety of your child. PMOs and 2 year-olds should be brought in and picked up in the classroom. Bring babies in the side parking lot entrance of the church. Do not park your car under the canopy behind the church.

The Gaston County Public Health Department has assigned an individual to our Weekday School for public health service and information. They will review all physical forms.

All Weekday School children are required to have a health assessment (physical examination) before the first day of Weekday School. Physicals completed within the past 12 months, prior to August 31st are acceptable.

Parents are asked to send in a snack item on a regular basis. You will be informed when you are required to send the snack for your childs class. A list of appropriate snacks will be furnished. Please dont send food with your child to eat after they arrive at Weekday School. Individual eating outside of snack time is not allowed. SPUMC Weekday School is a NUT AND PEANUT FREE SCHOOL.


Items of interest and information will be communicated to all parents in a quarterly newsletter. The newsletter is distributed in a PDF format through e-mail unless a hard copy is requested by the family. The Weekday School also has a website that is updated frequently.

Parents are invited to observe Weekday School at any time. Please call and make arrangements with your childs teacher.

The 3s and 4s classes will go on several field trips during the. Parents and students are asked to meet at the school or the location of the field trip and plan to stay with their child during the field trip, unless prior approved arrangements have been made.


Children should not bring toys, games, radios, cameras, breakable items or other personal items to Weekday School. The only time children may bring something is when the teacher instructs them to do so. Weekday School offers children an opportunity to experience new toys and equipment. Guns, bow and arrows, knives or any war toys are not appropriate for children to bring at any time.

Please mark your childs jackets, coats, sweaters and hats with his or her name. This is very helpful in teaching children to recognize and keep up with their own items. Please do not send any item that is not labeled to school. Outdoor play is an integral part of the Weekday School program. As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child has a jacket, hat and gloves. We go outside every day unless it is raining, snowing or below 38 degrees. We encourage closetoed shoes or socks with shoes for comfort on the playground. Please no flip flops. Please dress your child appropriately. You will also be asked to send in a seasonally appropriate set of clothing in case of an accident. Please label each item (underwear and socks too) and place them in a Ziploc bag with your childs name on it. We will send home the clothing in exchange for warmer clothing as the season changes.

When either the parent or teacher requests a parent conference, every effort must be made to keep that appointment. The conference must be scheduled in advance by notifying the teacher or the parent. The conference must not interfere with Weekday School hours. Parent Conferences are set for the Fall and Spring.

Classroom rules are established for the safety of every child. Weekday School follows the Assertive Discipline policy. This policy gives short and simple rules, rewards and consequences. Assertive Discipline is used nationwide in public schools, churches and other organizations where a positive means of discipline is needed. Parents will be informed of any inappropriate behavior. If a behavior continues, the child may be excluded from Weekday School on a temporary or permanent basis. Weekday School staff does not allow corporal punishment.

Periodically each class will demonstrate the procedure for an emergency fire, tornado and stranger drill. Please carefully encourage your child to participate in these exercises. Please assure your child that if an actual emergency exists that you will be notified immediately.

Children are invited to celebrate their birthdays at Weekday School. Children who have summer birthdays may celebrate on the day of their choice. Please remember to keep parties simple. They may be shared by parents or handled by the Weekday school staff. Please call ahead and arrange the date with the teacher to avoid conflicts. If you would like to send birthday party invitations to classmates, please do so in the mail using our directory, unless the WHOLE class is invited to the party.

Attendance will be taken daily and will be kept as a record of your childs participation in Weekday School. If your child is absent for more than 1 day, please notify the Weekday School staff to inform them of any illness, vacation etc.

Children should never be sent to Weekday School when the chances are great that they will need to return home before 11:30. When a child becomes ill (feverish, diarrhea, vomiting, etc) after arriving at Weekday School, it is the responsibility of the parent upon notification from the Weekday School, to pick up the child. It is most important that each parent make arrangements in advance if both parents work, or if the parents are going to be away from the home during the day. This should be discussed with the child at the beginning of the school year so he/ she will know what to do in case of illness. The Weekday School knows there is a need for unlisted telephone numbers in some instances, but the Weekday School needs this number and will respect it as confidential information. In an effort to ensure all children remain healthy the guidelines stated below must be followed. Children should not be sent to the Weekday School for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea evidence of eye discharged has been resolved the child is fever free without a reducing medicine any contagious rash has been resolved the child is symptom free of any diagnosed contagious illness or condition

We realize that on occasion physicians will prescribe medication that must be taken during Weekday School hours. If this situation arises, we request that the parent be on hand to administer the medication. Weekday School staff will not administer medication, except asthma or allergy medication with a Doctors written directions. PLEASE SEE THE INIDIVIDUALIZED CARE PLAN included in the registration packet.

In case of an accident to a child at Weekday School, we will contact the family. If the accident is serious enough that medical care is needed immediately, the child will be taken to the hospital. If the parents cannot be reached in case of an accident, the next person on the registration form will be notified. Therefore, it is important that another person be listed to call in case of an emergency.

Each time that a party is planned for the month; e-mail, room parent or phone call will be used so that parents may sign up for the item that they wish to send in for that celebration. We ask that you do not send items in unless asked. Everyone will be contacted to contribute throughout the year. We will assign room parents that will be in charge of helping with various classroom tasks; holiday parties, field trips, classroom volunteering, etc

The Weekday School will be closed on the following holidays: Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day and Easter. The Weekday School follows the Gaston County Schools calendar, including teacher workdays.

Inclement weather closings follow the Gaston County School schedule with the exception of delayed openings. When public school opening is delayed, Weekday School will be closed. When public schools are closed, Weekday school is closed. When hazardous driving conditions develop during school hours, parents should come for their children before 11:30 AM, regardless of public school closings, in order to assure the childrens safety. Parents are encouraged to discuss with their child the instructions that will be followed if an early dismissal is necessary. School closings will be listed on WBTV, WSOC, WCNC, on the school website and on the school answering machine. The Weekday School does not adhere to school make-up days.


Parents will be asked to bring items to stock their childs cubby at the beginning of the school year, as well as when supplies run low. The cubby will include diapers, baby wipes, sippy cup and a change of clothes. Due to allergies, water is provided at snack time. Please label coats and change of clothing with your childs name.


Weekday School Church Office 704-825-0525 704-825-4019 Office Hours 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM

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