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Connor Dreichler Ms.

Wecht Honors English I 18 January 2013

By Connor Dreichler

1. Rainsford falls off of the yacht after he dropped his pipe into the water. 2. Rainsford tried to scream for Whitney, but all the water was drowning him so he swam to land after hearing gunshots and a screaming animal. Once he reaches land, he finds human footsteps, so he follows them. 3. After following the footsteps, he comes upon a mansion in the jungle and goes into it to see whats going on. 4. After going into the mansion, he meets General Zaroff and Ivan. The General tells him about how much he loves to hunt, but has grown tired of hunting animals, so he has started to hunt down and kill anyone who dares to come onto Ship Trap Island. The General is talking with Rainsford, and they come to an agreement. If Rainsford can

survive three days in the jungle without The General killing him, Rainsford may leave the
island and survive, but if he cannot, he dies. The General gives Rainsford a knife and some other supplies and Rainsford takes off into the jungle. 5. After Rainsford runs as far away from the mansion as he can, he finds a tree that he climbs into and spends the night there. 6. After he wakes up from his sleep, he climbs down and continues to run away. But while

running, he thinks he should run in a circle to trick The General and Ivan.
7. After running in the circle, the two hunter see Rainsford but let him go because they thought it had already been too easy so they gave him another chance. Rainsford setup a Burmese Tiger Pit trap. He dug a pit into the ground next to the quicksand he fell into, and put sharp pointed stakes at the bottom and covered it with leaves and other objects he

found. So when the two hunters and their hunting dog were passing by, their hunting dog fall in into the pit and died. 8. After that trap, Rainsford had built a Malay Man Catcher trap which was supposed to trap one of the two hunters, but had failed to and was a missed hit. 9. On the third day of running, he had built his final trap; the Uganda Knife Trick trap. After waiting for The General and Ivan to come by, Ivan had set off the trap and Ivan was killed by the knife stabbing him. 10. Before Ivan died, he had been traveling with The General and a pack of hunting dogs. The hunting dogs had driven Rainsford to the cliff, which he decided he must jump off and hope for the best. The General finds out that he jumped and thought to himself, he had cheated the game. 11. Even though Rainsford jumped off the cliff, he landed in water and survived. He swam

to land and made his way back to the mansion in the jungle.
12. After finding the mansion, it was night time. The General had been sleeping in his bed. Rainsford crept up to his room and woke up The General. The General said that he won and may stay in the mansion or leave. But The General also said one of us are going to be sleeping in this bed, and the other is going to be the dog food. Rainsford killed General Zaroff and said he had the most comfortable bed to sleep in that night.

1. Rainsfords Circle Walking Trick- Rainsoford had walked in circles for a little bit so it would fool General Zaroff of which direction Rainsford actually went. 2. Rainsfords Burmese Tiger Pit Trap- This was done by digging a hole in the ground and placing sharp stakes in it and covering it up so its in disguise and whoever walking over

it falls in it and gets stabbed by the stakes.

3. Rainsfords Malay Man Catcher- This trap was made by putting a fork-like object up in a tree, and when its triggered, it falls on top of the person that triggered it and traps them to the ground so they cant move around a lot or get up. 4. Rainsfords Uganda Knife Trick- This trap is made my tying a knife to a sapling, bending over the sapling, and then stabbing the knife into the ground, and when sprung, the knife flies up and stabs whoever sprung the trap.

INTERNAL Zaroffs Internal Conflict 1. Has grown bored of hunting animals so he now hunts humans. 2. Zaroff is very lonely due to the fact that he only lives with Ivan who has been killed. 1. Rainsford would keep telling himself that he would not lose his nerve. 2. Rainsford must deal with the fact that any bad moves can lead to his death. 1. Riansford is running away from General Zaroff the entire story. 2. General Zaroff had to worry about whether Rainsford is going to die or if he is going to kill General Zaroff. 1. When Rainsford fell off the boat, due to all the water, he couldnt yell for help or swim back to the boat. 2. Rainsford not knowing the island, he had to hide in places hes never been before and struggled getting to them, while Gneral Zaroff knew the whole island by heart. 1. Rainsford had to set up traps so maybe he had a chance to kill or trap the hunters. 2. Ivan had died by Rainsfords Uganda Knife Trick. 1. No one knows about this island so if Rainsford died, no one would know where his body is or even what happened. The island is nowhere on maps.

Rainsfords Internal Conflict

EXTERNAL Person vs. Person

Person vs. Nature

Person vs. Obstacle

Person vs. Society

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