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Sales portfolio

water mixable oil colour

Why invest now in water mixable oil colour? Which market position is Cobra targeting? Who is our target group? Cobra How does Cobra meet the end users needs? Support Assortment Packaging Auxiliaries Sets Features & Benefits Cobra and other sellers of water mixable oil colour POS materials Recommended Retail Price list (EU) 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 16 17 19 20 23

Why invest now in water mixable oil colour?

The WMO market is the segment within fine art of which most growth is expected in the coming years. This expectation is based on: Legislation increasingly frustrating the use of paints that require solvents; More people wanting to paint wherever they can, including indoors at home amid their families; The number of people that develop an allergy to solvents is on the rise; Improvements in WMO leading to a paint being regarded as the alternative to traditional oil colours that offer genuine oil colour results; Increasing interest in sustainability; WMO is considered to put less strain on the environment. Royal Talens has the technology and distribution in place; Introducing a dedicated WMO brand strengthens Royal Talenss objective to be a strategic business partner; The longer we wait, the harder it will be to achieve the market position we are aiming for. (Market leader in all significant areas.) To respond to these developments Royal Talens launches a new concept for water mixable oil colours:

Cobra characteristics: Water mixable Colours can be diluted with water Materials can be cleaned after use with just a little soap and water Easy to use Brush stroke remains unchanged after drying No colour change No allergic reactions for users or people around them No nasty fumes Few environmental objections

Genuine oil colour results

Recipe without using solvents

Which market position is Cobra targeting?

Cobra distinguishes itself within the current water mixable oil colour market by offering an artist a quality product at a more affordable price. This proposition will lead to a fair share in market value between Cobra and the market leader within the next 2 years.

Market situation EU 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.00- 0 -1 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 Lukas Berlin W&N Artisan Grumbacher Maxx Cobra






Who is our target group?

Artist quality
Settled Professional Student Frequent user Amateur Starter Occasional user Gift Total

Study quality
Settled Professional Student Frequent user Amateur Starter Occasional user Gift Total

Low end quality

Settled Professional Student Frequent user Amateur Starter Occasional user Gift Total

Primary target group:

Starting (water mixable) oil colour artist who has quite some years of experience in other technique(s).


Able to continue with the work for longer; further refinement Mastering the techniques of the old masters Technical support on applications of paint + auxiliaries No solvents, odourless, clean with soap and water Can therefore be used anywhere Creamy paint with which more refinements can be achieved Oil colour-like results: brush stroke, degree of sheen, brilliance, etc. Quality product which gives result for life, with materials that put less strain on the environment

Support Convenience

Result like real oil colours


Market research has shown that the current users of water mixable oil colours:

Are full of praise about the tinting strength, degree of sheen and the distinct brush stroke. It is a real oil paint! Value this product for its wide reach. With water mixable oil colours you can paint in various techniques from water colour technique to all possible oil paint techniques (incl. glazing, alla prima, layered). See painting using water mixable oil colours as a next step to working professionally. Are prepared to study the materials. Have a need for a stable quality product with a uniform degree of sheen and drying time.


Cobra water mixable oil colour was named after the post-war artist group of the same name. Cobra, named after the origins of the different members (Copenhagen, BRussels, Amsterdam) was formed in 1948 in Paris and is considered a milestone in the development of abstract expressionism. This avant-garde movement pursued complete freedom of colour and form, basing their working method on spontaneity and experimentation. This pursuit is of a similar extent to what Cobra WMO offers oil painters when it comes to freedom of location, application and expression. Cobra WMO offers freedom to make anything you want the way you want to make it. Freedom to paint anywhere you like, freedom to experience the sensation of oil painting, freedom to apply it in any way you prefer. Cobra offers infinite freedom.

How does Cobra meet the end users needs?

Unique Buying Reasons What does the end user want?
Oil colour results without the use of solvents geared to the artists level of experience.

In what unique way does Cobra meet this need?

Cobra offers the most balanced range of WMO (in colour, auxiliaries and technical support) on an AQ level, whereby the specific properties of oil paint are not compromised. Cobra appeals to the modern artist due to its contemporary colour palette, modern design and appropriate style of communication. Cobra offers a platform where technical support, examples and inspiration from Royal Talens can be found, but also where artists can exchange experiences with one another. Cobra colours have a uniform drying time and hardly any intrinsic differences between the colours. Cobra is the only WMO that combines an artists quality paint with a comprehensive range of technical support. All Cobra tubes have a true to life colour sample that covers a large part of the label. The customer buys the colour instead of the tube.

Wants to identify with a modern image.

Wants to continue developing and looks for support and practical advice.

Wants a stable and reliable product.

Is looking for a clear reference within the technique in the absence of a standard. Wants to be able to use the right colours easily.

Cobra is supported by Royal Talens in three areas: Live Master classes, training shop staff, visits to academies Online Technical explanation through film, up-to-date FAQs, Forum, Gallery, etc. In store Brochures, flyers, colour charts, etc.

Artists selected by Royal Talens will give demonstrations to artists, cultural centres and academies. We also arrange master classes for teachers. With this train-the-trainer approach we can pass on our Cobra philosophy and keep it vibrant.

Online is an experience website with a great deal of interactivity. In addition to product information consumers can expect the following: - Own exhibition space in Cobra Gallery; - Following weblogs of well-known artists; - Questions & answers possibilities; - Tips and tricks during painting (with videos).

There is also a retail portal. As a reseller you can login here and have access to the following materials: - Web2Print; an application with which reresellers make their own advertisements accompanied with their own logo and company details incorporated in the Cobra corporate style; - Display solutions; - Video clips for training your shop personnel; - This sales manual; - Information on promotions and other relevant offers; - Order forms.

In Store
See page 20.

Zinc white Titanium white Titanium buff Cadmium yellow lemon Permanent lemon yellow Primary yellow Transparent yellow +++ PY128 medium
3 272

Permanent yellow +++ PY154 light

2 283

Cadmium yellow +++ PY35 medium

4 271

Permanent yellow +++ PY154 medium

2 284

Indian yellow

Naples yellow +++ PW7/PY154/PBr24 light

3 222

Naples yellow deep

Permanent yellow +++ PY154/PO43 deep

2 285

Cadmium yellow deep

Cadmium orange +++


4 211

Permanent orange +++


2 266

Naples yellow red +++


3 224


Cadmium red light

Pyrrole red light

Transparent red medium

Cadmium red +++ PR108 medium

4 314

Pyrrole red

Pyrrole red deep +++


3 345

Cadmium red +++ PR108 deep

4 306

Carmine +++

3 318

Madder lake

Primary magenta

Persian rose

Permanent red violet light

Permanent red violet +++


3 567


Permanent blue violet +++


3 568

Blue violet +++

3 548


Greyish blue +++


2 562


Cobalt blue

Cobalt blue +++ PB29/PB15 (ultram.)

3 512

Kings blue

Prussian blue +++


3 508

Cerulean blue

Cerulean blue +++ PB15/PW7 (phthalo)

2 535

Phthalo blue +++


3 570

Primary cyan +++


2 572

Turquoise blue

Phthalo turquoise blue

Yellowish green

Permanent green light

Emerald green +++


2 615

Phthalo green

Permanent green +++ PG7/PY154 deep

3 619

Sap green +++


3 623

Olive green +++

3 620


+++ PG17 green

Chromium oxide

4 668

Yellow ochre +++


2 227

Raw sienna +++


2 234

Light oxide red

Burnt sienna +++


2 411

Transparent oxide +++ PR101 red

3 378

Transparent oxide +++ PY42 yellow

3 265

Raw umber +++


3 408

Burnt umber +++


2 409

The colours illustrated correspond with the real colours as much as possible.

+++ PR101/PBk11

Vandyke brown

2 403

+++ PBk9/PB15/PV19

Paynes grey

2 708

Ivory black +++


1 701

Lamp black

Silver +++

3 800


Light gold +++

3 802


Deep gold +++

3 803


Product range:
Colours Auxiliaries 70 6 (40 ml, 150 ml aluminium tubes) (9 SKUs)

No. of colours Series 1 No. of colours Series 2 No. of colours Series 3 No. of colours Series 4

40 ml
4 20 36 10

150 ml
3 14 13



Series 1 contains blacks and whites Series 4 contains the exclusive pigments (cadmiums, cobalts, chromium oxides)

35 colours (50% of the product range!) are mono-pigmented


Col. no.
104 105 207 210 211 222 223 224 227 234 244 254 265 266 271 272 275 283 284 285 291 303 306 311 314 315 317 318 330 339 340 345 369 378 389 403 408 409 411 504 508 511 512 517 522 534 535 536 548 562 565 567 568 570 572 577 615 617 618 619 620 623 668 675 701 702 708 800 802 803

Colour name
Zinc white Titanium white Cadmium yellow lemon Cadmium yellow deep Cadmium orange Naples yellow light Naples yellow deep Naples yellow red Yellow ochre Raw sienna Indian yellow Permanent lemon yellow Transparent oxide yellow Permanent orange Cadmium yellow medium Transparent yellow medium Primary yellow Permanent yellow light Permanent yellow medium Permanent yellow deep Titanium buff Cadmium red light Cadmium red deep Vermilion Cadmium red medium Pyrrole red Transparent red medium Carmine Persian rose Light oxide red Pyrrole red light Pyrrole red deep Primary magenta Transparent oxide red Madder lake Vandyke brown Raw umber Burnt umber Burnt sienna Ultramarine Prussian blue Cobalt blue Cobalt blue (ultram.) Kings blue Turquoise blue Cerulean blue Cerulean blue (phthalo) Violet Blue violet Greyish blue Phthalo turquoise blue Permanent red violet Permanent blue violet Phthalo blue Primary cyan Permanent red violet light Emerald green Yellowish green Permanent green light Permanent green deep Olive green Sap green Chromium oxide green Phthalo green Ivory black Lamp black Paynes grey Silver Light gold Deep gold

Price series
1 1 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 2 3 3 3


PW7 PW6 PY35 PY35/PO20 PO20 PW7/PY154/PBr24 PW7/PY154/PBr24 PW7/PO43/PBr24 PY42 PY42/PBk11 PY110 PY184 PY42 PY154/PO43 PY35 PY128 PY184/PY154 PY154 PY154 PY154/PO43 PW7/PY42/PBk9 PR108 PR108 PO43 PR108 PR254 PR207 PR176 PW7/PR202 PR101 PR254/PO43 PR254/PR264 PV19 PR101 PR264 PR101/PBk11 PY42/PBk11 PR101/PBk11 PR101 PB29 PB27 PB28 PB29/PB15 PW7/PB29 PW7/PB15/PG7 PB35 PB15/PW7 PW7/PR122/PV23 PW7/PB29/PV23 PW7/PB29/PBk9 PB15/PG7 PV23/PR122 PV23/PR122 PB15 PB15/PW7 PR202/PW7 PW7/PG7/PY154 PG7/PY154 PG7/PY154 PG7/PY154 PG7/PY110/PR264 PG7/PY110 PG17 PG7 PBk9 PBk9/PB29 PBk9/PB15/PV19 PW6/15/20/PBk11 PW6/20/PR101 PW6/20/PR101

70 ml 2105.
1040 1050 2070 2100 2110 2220 2230 2240 2270 2340 2440 2540 2650 2660 2710 2720 2750 2830 2840 2850 2910 3030 3060 3110 3140 3150 3170 3180 3300 3390 3400 3450 3690 3780 3890 4030 4080 4090 4110 5040 5080 5110 5120 5170 5220 5340 5350 5360 5480 5620 5650 5670 5680 5700 5720 5770 6150 6170 6180 6190 6200 6230 6680 6750 7010 7020 7080 8000 8020 8030

150 ml 2107.
1040 1050

2270 2540 2660 2750 2830 2850 2910 3110 3150

3450 3690 3890 4090 4110 5040 5120 5170 5220 5360

5670 5700 5720 5770 6150 6180 6190

7020 7080






Recognizable C on top.

Colour information: colour number, opacity, lightfastness. Pay off: Infinite freedom

Large colour sample area. Represents the real colour well. Orange ribbon: Made in the Netherlands and makes it extra noticeable on the shelf. Aluminium tube; Exudes quality and invokes associations with oil paint.


Mediums 24281091 24301091 24281092 24301092 24061087 24081087 Varnishes 95164103 95164118 95164102 Cobra painting medium 75 ml Cobra painting medium 250 ml Cobra glazing medium 250 ml Cobra glazien medium 75 ml Cobra painting paste 60 ml Cobra painting paste 200 ml Cobra varnish matt 400 ml Cobra varnish satin 400 ml Cobra varnish gloss 400 ml

Well-balanced range Odourless varnish

Cobra auxiliaries
Working with Cobra is even more fun and easy with those mediums and varnishes that are especially geared to (water mixable) oil paint techniques. Mediums affect the properties of the paint and are often indispensable for a durable build-up of your painting. A varnish, for example, can protect a painting for a long time.

Cobra painting medium

If you use painting medium the paint becomes smoother and fatter. This allows the paint to be spread easily and the brush stroke to become less distinct. Adding the medium does not affect the drying time. It does, however, increase the degree of sheen and the durability of the paint film. You can mix the medium with water and it can be applied in the layered painting technique perfectly well. Cobra painting medium is based on vegetable oil, synthetic resin and water.


Cobra glazing medium

Cobra glazing medium makes the paint flow better. The added amount affects the degree of transparency. This technique making coloured transparent paint layers without a brush stroke is referred to as glazing. Cobra glazing medium is very fat and may only be applied in the last few layers of a painting. The medium increases the degree of sheen and the durability of the paint film, but does not affect the drying time of the paint. Cobra glazing medium is based on vegetable oil. It can also be thinned with water.

Cobra painting paste

Cobra painting paste is a colourless medium that can be mixed with water mixable oil paint in any ratio. The paste is as thick as the paint and can therefore be described as a water mixable oil paint without any pigment. Cobra painting paste has various uses: - Increasing the amount of paint Painting paste can be mixed with water mixable oil paint in any ratio. For example for impasto techniques (applying pure paint in thick strokes with a painting knife) using the more expensive colours, you can increase the amount of paint without there being any colour difference. The more paste you add, the more transparent the paint becomes; depending on the type of pigment, however, this will not or hardly be visible in thicker layers. - Decreasing the colour intensity The colour intensity of the paint will decrease as more painting paste is added. This may be particularly important with the alla prima (wet-on-wet) technique when mixing colours with a highly divergent colour intensity. By adding more painting paste to a stronger colour, this becomes less prominent.

Cobra painting varnishes

Cobra varnish: - offers protection against aging of the paint, dust, dirt and the like; - gives the painting an even sheen; - adheres well to the underlying paint layer; - does not turn yellow; - does not crack; - can be easily removed if necessary (also after many years). Cobra painting varnishes, with the exception of the gloss varnish, are based on synthetic resin, odourless white spirit and matting agents. There are three types of varnishes in the Cobra range: matt, satin and gloss.


Design packaging in line with the colour range:


21820505 21820510 21820511 Cobra starter set 5 x 40 ml Cobra value pack 10 x 40 ml Cobra gift set 10 x 40 ml + accessories

Starter set

Value pack

Gift set


Features & Benefits

Feature Benefit Channel Partner
Compact yet sufficient product range for an artists quality paint. Wide choice in colours in more economic tube sizes. Well-balanced product range carrying the most sold colours, based on an artist quality oil assortment.

Benefit End User

Is able to make a better choice based on lower or higher demand per colour, so more efficient purchasing. Wide but comprehensive choice, not too many nuances that are limited or unclear. Efficient composition of the product range enables a more attractive buying price. Both traditional and modern colours available. More affordable basic colours. Highlights the difference with higher qualities (cadmiums, cobalts). Work with proper artist quality features and products. Users can choose between genuine cadmium shades or more economically priced alternatives within Cobra. Product appeals to painters that live and work here and now.

Product range
70 colour in 40 ml, 30 colour in 150 ml

Price Series

Further support of the artists quality image and more specialist knowlegde of the reseller -> more added value. Enhances the artist quality image of the shop Higher cash outlay and margin.

Use of exclusive pigments (cobalts, cadmiums, chromium oxides and transparent oxides)

21st Century identity product

Easy to sell as the next step in getting to the real thing (oil painting) without the usual disavantages. Appealing and contemporary design creates a modern image that new oil painters prefer to identify with. Allows resellers to distinguish themselves by means of quality and added value. Enhances a resellers image of reliability No negative effects when stories about production failures in China occur (i.e. Mattel).

Selective distribution

End user can expect proper advice from skilled and trained staff at the moment of purchase. Guaranteed quality coming from years of experience, extensive R&D and in-depth knowledge of the product. Produced at a reliable source (Royal Talens). Provides after sale support that end users indicated they needed. Advantages of Cobra are clearly explained using different media. Large quantity of information is available (colours, packaging and product-intrinsic specifications).

Made in The Netherlands

Wide range of communication to end users (flyers, brochures, posters, internet)

Massive support available for the reseller for his commercial activities to explain the concept as clearly as possible and be succesful with Cobra.

Product - Colour
Using the product results in an oil painting Retailer can sell what will lead to whatever the end user wishes to achieve: the real thing (his own oil painting). Clear presence of brush strokes after drying as with oil colours. Allows the artist to use specific techniques as if it were an oil colour. By using Cobra the artist can make a genuine oil colour painting without the usual disadvantages. No solvents required when applying the paint Brushes can easily be cleaned using soap and water. Freedom in choosing where to paint - no harmful fumes. Allow artists with an allergy to solvent to keep on producing oil paintings. Faster drying time compared to regular oil colours. Using water mixable oils reduces the carbon footprint and the quantity of toxic waste a painter produces.

Water mixable

Reseller can offer alternatives to banned products (ie. in academies) due to regulations and safety hazards. Water mixable oil colours is the market most likely to expand in the next decade. Stepping in now makes the reseller future-proof. Increasing demand for WMO; better serving your customers. Autonomous growth in turnover without cannibalisation.


Versatile paint

Benefit Channel Partner

Benefit End User

Allows artists to use a wide range of techniques; from water colour washings to specific oil colour features. Clean mixing. User will not experience a drop in quality; colour will be according to expectation.

35 mono-pigmented colors Similar colour strength and consistency to traditional oil colours Modern and up to date colour pallette Fresh look in the display.

Less need for mixing more contemporary colours. All colours can be expected to behave similarly.

Uniform drying time amongst colours Better product-intrinsic features compared to other suppliers Reseller offers the best value to its customers.

Buy superior product features at a reasonable price point. Available test results provide more confidence at the first time purchase. Users can get information and inspiration through a wide range of comprehensive videos which can be watched or downloaded from the Web and will be regularly updated. A summary of these videos, along with key illustrations, can be downloaded and printed for offline use during painting. No need to operate a computer when painting.

Interactive support is available

Reseller can offer this support to his customers at point of purchase, leaving the artist in trusted hands. Support leads to more use and as a result to repeat purchases from the end user.

Comprehensive range of auxiliaries is part of the concept Reseller offers a complete solution in one brand. Users can adjust colour specifications to their own specific needs using painting medium, glazing medium or painting paste. Dedicated WMO varnish is available in gloss, matt and satin. Freedom to use it anywhere they please. Solvent allergy does not stop the ability to make oil paintings. Freedom of choice between more economic purchases or smaller quantities.

Mediums do not contain hazardous solvents

Less dangerous goods in a shop.

All mediums are available in both small and large containers

Offer more value and choice to the end users. Comprehensive and compact range; no unnecessary items that will not sell. Great feature to sell varnish on.

Varnishes are odourless Varnishes are not water based

No nasty fumes when applied. Although this seems to be not in line with the Cobra water mixable principle, this choice was made because water-based varnishes need more agressive solvents to be removed than these types.

Varnishes are available in spray can; gloss, satin or matt

Offer customers a wide choice based on their own personal preferences.

Select the varnish type you prefer. The use of spray cans is perceived as convenience.

The label on the tube shows an accurate representation of the colour inside. Specific Cobra cap More shelf power by stronger presentation (we sell colour, not tubes). Clear representation of the colour - what you see is what you get. Easier to recognize the Cobra tubes amongst other types of paint. Increased recognizability of the Cobra section. Easy to recognize Cobra in the shop. Enhances the quality proposition (Made in NL by Royal Talens).

Orange vane is recurring element in communication


Cobra and other sellers of water mixable oil colours

Laboratory test
Thin water + +/ ++ = bad Cleaning brush ++ + ++ Durability paint film +/ ++ = very bad

Pigmentation W&N Artisan Holbein Duo Aqua Oil Lukas Berlin Cobra ++ = very good ++ ++ ++ ++ + = good

Brush stroke +/ + ++ ++ +/ = fair

Blind test among end users

We have had our Cobra formula blind tested with three of our competitors during which the following was tested: consistency of the paint, degree of water mixability, degree of pigmentation and ease of cleaning with soap and water. Below are two striking results. Which quality do you think has the finest pigmentation? Cobra Lukas Berlin Holbein Duo Aqua Oil W&N Artisan 0% 21% 21% 57%

Explanation: the colour intensity of a pigment determines how much of this pigment is needed to achieve a certain colour concentration. Furthermore, the grinding of a pigment affects the tinting strength of the paint. Pigments are ground in a binder. The finer the grinding, the greater the colour intensity.

With which paint on the whole did you enjoy painting most? Cobra Lukas Berlin Holbein Duo Aqua Oil W&N Artisan 0% 7% 36% 57%


POS materials
Cobra water mixable oil colour - colour card
70 original colour samples Sturdy quality paper (350 g / m2) Size: 30 x 63 cm, folded to A4 Art. no. 88390030

Cobra water mixable oil colour - brochure

36 page brochure Consists of complete information on: Cobra paint Painting techniques Use of auxiliaries Colour mixing Grounds and brushes Etc. Printed on sturdy paper Expandable colour card Packed per 10 pcs. Art. no. 88390014


Cobra water mixable oil colour flyer leaflet

Expandable flyer; size 21 x 50 cm; folded to 21 x 10 cm Including colour card Packed per 25 pcs. Art. no. 88390024

Cobra water mixable oil colour sample tube

10 ml Pyrrole red (315) Luxury packed, incl. booklet with colour card Multilanguage Art. no. 88009023


Cobra water mixable oil colour display carrousel

Suitable to hang in 45 cm wooden display unit Also available in stand alone version (if no 45 cm display is available) Colour card consisting of 70 real canvasses painted with original Cobra paint Shows level of opacity Pure Cobra paint Cobra paint mixed with white Eye catcher in display Leaflet holder included Samples of all Cobra auxiliaries Art. no. carrousel 88009019 Art. no. foot (if no 45 cm display is available) 88009020


Cobra water mixable oil colour colour strip set

Every set contains colour strips for 40 ml, 150 ml and auxiliaries assortment Colour names are included Purpose per auxiliary is included Colours are ranked by colour shade, not by number Additional positions for titanium white 105 and lamp black 702 Art. no. 88009017

Cobra water mixable oil colour display header

Suitable to place into wooden display system Available in two sizes: 44,5 cm and 89,0 cm Art. no. 44,5 cm: 88009021 Art. no. 89,0 cm: 88009022


Display solutions
The Cobra range is suitable for various display solutions. All possibilities are based on the Royal Talens wooden display system. Below are three configurations:

Article group Cobra auxiliaries Cobra water mixable oil colour 40 ml Cobra water mixable oil colour 150 ml

Number of colours 14 facings 70 (72 facings*) 88009022

Components required Cobra header 89 cm 2 Wooden cabinets 45 cm (left & right) 4 x 88008961 3 x 88008999 1 x 88008019 2 x 88007176 1 x 88007009 1 x 88009020 88009019 88009020 1 x 88009017 Shelf rack tube 40 ml Shelf rack tube 150 ml Union shelf / base 89 cm Back panel 44,5 cm Wooden shelf 89 cm Cobra colour chart Carrousel Foot Cobra colour strip set

30 (36 facings**)

* extra facings: place titanium white 105

** 105 + 702 3X

Article group Cobra auxiliaries Cobra water mixable oil colour 40 ml

Number of colours 7 facings 70 (72 facings*) 88009021 88007005 8 x 88008964 88009019 1 x 88009017

Components required Cobra header 44,5 cm Wooden cabinet Shelf rack tube 40 ml Cobra colour chart (carrousel) Cobra colour strip set

* extra facing; extra titanium white 105 * extra facings: extra titanium white 105

Article group Cobra auxiliaries Cobra water mixable oil colour 150 ml

Number of colours 30 88009021 88007005 5 x 88008966 88009019 1 x 88009017

Components required Cobra header 44,5 cm Wooden cabinet Shelf rack tube 150 ml Cobra colour chart (carrousel) Cobra colour strip set


Recommended Retail Price list (EU)

Art. no.
2105...0 Serie 1, 40 ml Serie 2, 40 ml Serie 3, 40 ml Serie 4, 40 ml Serie 1, 150 ml Serie 2, 150 ml Serie 3, 150 ml Cobra starter set 5 x 40 ml Cobra value pack 10 x 40 ml Cobra gift set 10 x 40 ml + acc. Cobra wmo painting medium 75 ml Cobra wmo painting medium 250 ml Cobra wmo glazing medium 75 ml Cobra wmo glazing medium 250 ml Cobra wmo painting paste 60 ml Cobra wmo painting paste 200 ml Cobra wmo varnish matt 400 ml Cobra wmo varnish satin 400 ml Cobra wmo varnish gloss 400 ml

No. of colours
4 20 36 10 3 14 13

6,95 7,75 9,95 14,95 14,75 16,45 19,95 40,00 70,00 82,00 6,55 13,55 6,55 13,55 8,60 18,00 14,45 14,45 14,45

3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 5 1 3 1 6 6 6


21820505 21820510 21820511 24281091 24301091 24281092 24301092 24061087 24081087 95163103 95163118 95163102

* subject to change


ROYAL TALENS, P Box 4, 7300 AA, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands .O.

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