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Q-1 What are the responsibilities of the management of an organization with respect to implementation of training programmes?

Employee training is the responsibility of the organization. Employee development is a shared responsibility of management and the individual employee. The responsibility of management is to provide the right resources and an environment that supports the growth and development needs of the individual employee. For employee training and development to be successful, management should: Provide a well-crafted job description - it is the foundation upon which employee training and development activities are built Provide training required by employees to meet the basic competencies for the job. This is usually the supervisor's responsibility Develop a good understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the organization will need in the future. What are the long-term goals of the organization and what are the implications of these goals for employee development? Share this knowledge with staff Look for learning opportunities in every-day activity. Was there an incident with a client that everyone could learn from? Is there a new government report with implications for the organization? Explain the employee development process and encourage staff to develop individual development plans Support staff when they identify learning activities that make them an asset to your organization both now and in the future For employee development to be a success, the individual employee should:

Look for learning opportunities in everyday activities Identify goals and activities for development and prepare an individual development plan

Q-2 What are the key issues that should be addressed in the design, conduct and evaluation of training programs Design:A design of a training programme is a blueprint to show the entire programme at a glance and help us in thorough preparation. Designing is a crucial part of the training programme and an important responsibility of the trainer. Ideally a design should contain training objectives;contents and their sequence; training methods; time plan for each session;identification of requisite learning materials and their resources; ongoingmonitoring during the programme; post-programme evaluation and a broad establish and formulate objectives of the training programme; determine the content/topics to be included in the training programme; choose the most appropriate training methods; decide the training/learning materials required;

determine the time duration required for each session and for the entire training programme; and

Design:Feasibility of the topic to be taught.Target Audience.resources required for the training program. Conduct:appropriate faculty.good coverage of topic based on topic split up on per day/hour basis.clear picture presenttion to the audience regarding the program.monitoring punctuality Evaluation:Criteria on which to evaluate the to be scheduled Q-3 What steps would you take to identify the right training requirements? How
do you intend to measure your success or failure?

Identify Employee Training Needs

Conduct a job task analysis of the employee (or group of employees) for whom you are identifying training needs. In order to provide effective training, it's necessary to know exactly what the expectations are for the job. You can gather some of this information by observation and by asking employees to provide you with either verbal or written descriptions of what their jobs entail. Compare employee performance to the job expectations and identify the areas in which there are discrepancies. Identify whether the discrepancy is due to work process issues, such as not knowing how to complete a specific task, or personnel issues, such as not wanting to complete a specific task. Work process issues can be addressed with employee training, while personnel issues are better addressed by an employee review process. Schedule a meeting with all of the employees involved, asking them to bring with them lists of what they consider to be the top five areas in which they feel more training is needed. Share the lists as well as your own observations. Group training issues by category. For example, learning a new computer program would fall into the same category as learning how to use a new piece of equipment, but reviewing customer service strategies would be better categorized with other policy review issues. Prioritize training needs as a group, taking into account that those that have an immediate effect on business performance or employee safety are the most important. Discussing your business goals with your employees can also be helpful in this process. Knowing the desired outcome can assist employees in telling you what they need to know in order to help the company achieve its goals.

Q-4 Which training methods would you recommend to enhance career

development? Which employee retention methods would you recommend? job rotation takes on different perspectives. The employee is usually not simply going to another department. In some vertically integrated organizations, job rotation might be to the supplier to see how the business operates from the supplier point of view learning how the organization is perceived from the outside broadens the executives outlook on the process of the organization. Or the rotation might be to a foreign office to provide a global perspective. For managers being developed for executive roles, rotation to different functions in the company is regular carried out. This approach allows the manger to operate in diverse roles and understand the different issues that crop up. If someone is to be a corporate leader, they must have this type of training. The single most significant factor that leads to leaders achievement was the variety of experiences in different departments, business units, cities, and countries.

An organized and helpful way to develop talent for the management or executive level of the organization is job rotation. It is the process of preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. It is generally done for the designations that are crucial for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization. Benefits of Job Rotation Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:

It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments, business units, functions, and countries Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required It determines the areas where improvement is required Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for filling the position

Employee Retention Strategies

The basic practices which should be kept in mind in the employee retention strategies are: 1. Hire the right people in the first place. 2. Empower the employees: Give the employees the authority to get things done. 3. Make employees realize that they are the most valuable asset of the organization. 4. Have faith in them, trust them and respect them. 5. Provide them information and knowledge.

6. Keep providing them feedback on their performance. 7. Recognize and appreciate their achievements. 8. Keep their morale high. 9. Create an environment where the employees want to work and have fun. These practices can be categorized in 3 levels: Low, medium and high level.

Q-5-a -what are the factors which affect the evaluation design? Evaluation is most important element training process. Every organisation is investing huge money and time on employee development, so that employees are required to be

evaluated after imparting training. It is a process of data collection, analysis of collected data to infer the judgement of effectiveness of training. Data collection is toughest part of evaluation because it depends on reliability and validity. During designing evaluation, designer has to take care all factors those affects the evaluation design. These factors are Change potential of design, i.e. assess if the data collected will be useful for implementing changes in training design. Scale of evaluation, i.e the number of trainees in the training program which need to be evaluated Objective of training i.e whether the training is focussed on skills, knowledge or attitudes Expertise available with organisation to conduct such an exercise The cost of conducting evaluation exercise The time duration available for conducting the evaluation Q-5-b- What are the outcomes used for evaluating training
Training evaluation is ongoing process and also it is not limited to end of training event assessment. Trainers evaluate trainees during session at the end of training event

and also after the trainees report to jobs. But outcome is different from training evaluation. Outcome evaluation is concerned with identifying from evidence changes have occurred as a result of training. Training outcomes classified into 5 categories.
Cognitive outcome:-it measures the knowledge of trainees after getting training. It

measures the trainees understanding concept of subject, principles, procedures and process which are discussed in trainings session. Outcomes are measured by using pencil/pen paper tests like multiple choice or questionnaire.
Skill-based outcomes:- it refers to measuring of skills which are learnt during

training. It is used for evaluation of technical skills, presentation skill. Also measured the transfer of knowledge/ skills to the job and is mostly measured by observation.
Affective outcomes: - these are outcomes related to motivation, attitude and reaction.

It is used for measuring the reaction outcome of trainees. Reaction outcomes measure trainees response to event such as training facilities, trainer performance etc. after training event, information on training aspects are collected. This information is used to understand the factors that contributed to learning and identifying the barrier to learning. Other affective outcomes that might be collected in an evaluation are a trainees motivation to learn.
Results :- it refers training benefits of the training for organization. Results outcomes

include improved safety at work site, increased production, decrease in behaviour etc.
Return on investment. It refers to comparing the benefits training with cost of

training. The cost-benefit analysis looks at the total cost to produce a training program and attempts to quantify the benefits.

Q-6 Define the purpose of having objectives in lesson plans? How would
you go about training a new employee? They provide the teacher with the goal of the teaching-learning process. In

other words, you know your destination when you begin instruction. They answer the questions, What are the students supposed to know or be able to do once the unit or lesson is completed?

They provide a clear framework for assessment. Assessment is, after all, an effort to determine to what extent students have reached or achieved the objectives. better opportunity to stay the course when they know the goal of the learning.

They provide the students direction and a goal for learning. Students have a

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