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Lack of ____________ (Ps. 66:18) Lack of __________ (Mark 11:24; James 1:5-7) Lack of ______________________ (Mark 11:25-26) Lack of ____________ (James 4:2) Lack of ________________________ (James 4:3) Lack of ____________________ (Prov. 21:13) Lack of __________________ (Prov. 28:9) Lack of ____________________ (1 Pet. 3:7)

Hindrance an obstacle that prevents something from working the way it is supposed to Fellowshipenjoyment of the relationship you have with God and other believers Submissionyielding to God as your authority Compassionlove and tender care


This lesson deals with those things which hinder prayer. Certainly, since we have seen the important potential of prayer, we are concerned about avoiding things which would render our prayer life powerless. The following pitfalls should be avoided by every Christian teen.


Hindrances Identified
Identify the hindrances to answered prayer in the following verses. Proverbs 28:9 Isaiah 59:1-2 Matthew 6:5 Matthew 6:7 Mark 11:25-26 James 1:6-7; Hebrews 11:6 James 4:3; 1 John 5:14 1 Peter 3:7

Hindrances Explained
The First Hindrance
In Proverbs 28:9, to what does the law refer? Thus, a Christian who does not will not have his prayers answered.

The Second Hindrance

Why will God not answer a Christian who has sin in his life (Isa. 59:1-2)? prayer will be restored? .

Therefore, what should a person do before his communion with God in


The Third Hindrance

According to Matthew 6:5, in what way can a person pray to be seen or heard? How do people do this today?

The Fourth Hindrance

In Matthew 6:7, what is vain repetition? How could the Lords Model Prayer be prayed as a vain repetition?

The Fifth Hindrance

Is there anyone you know against whom you are holding a grudge? What is your attitude toward your parents at this time? (Be honest.) Check any of the following statements that reflect your attitude about your home and parents. I have no ill feelings of any kind toward my parents. I resent my mom. I resent my dad. I think my parents are too old-fashioned. I think my parents want what is best for me, but they dont honestly know what that is. My parents dont understand me. I get along great with my brother(s) and/or sister(s). I think my brother(s) and/or sister(s) are brats. I argue with my mom and/or dad a lot.

I wish my parents would get lost. I love my parents, and we get along great. My home life is what a Christian home ought to be. My honest feelings about my parents and our home life are: Will God answer your prayers based on your present attitude toward your parents?

The Sixth Hindrance

According to James 1:6-7, what do you think it means to waver or doubt when you pray? On which point do you often waver when you pray: that He can answer your prayer or that He will answer it? Does God answer yes to someone who is not sure God will answer his prayer?

The Seventh Hindrance

According to James 4:3, what is James trying to keep us from doing in our prayers? Does God ever answer a prayer that is against His will? Lets see. In Numbers 11:4-9, how did the people feel about the manna? What did they want in place of the manna?


Read Numbers 11:18-22, 31-34. Did they get their request? Yes No With what result?

What does Psalm 106:15 say about this event?

So does God ever answer prayers that are not in His will? Yes No With what result (as in Num. 11)? What do you think the phrase in Ps. 106:15 means?

The Eighth Hindrance

Could 1 Peter 3:7 also apply to a teenager and his parents? Yes No In what way? Defend and explain your answer. Read the heading for Psalm 51 and verse 4. Against whom had David sinnedGod or other people? In other words, your relationship to other people will affect your fellowship with God. So, if you sin against your parents, you are ultimately sinning against whom? ____________ How will this sin against your parents, then, affect your prayers to and fellowship with God?

Hindrances Applied
How many of the eight hindrances are in your life? List them below and spend the next few minutes in prayer dealing with these hindrances.

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