Meeting Notes Final WEB 11-DeC-2008

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Stonegate HOA Board Executive Meeting

December 11th, 2008

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:37pm – Call to Order
i. Roll Call: Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Jennifer Scott, Amanda Gigray, Alicia
Brown, Karla Baker
2. Neighborhood Forum
a. No non-board/officer homeowners present.
3. Minutes
a. Mr. Porter and Ms. Scott had some edits to the November 11th, 2008 meeting notes.
b. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to accept the November meeting minutes as amended. Second: Ms.
Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved.
4. Financial Matters
a. Ms. Gigray informed the Board that an amended Annual Report had to be filed with the State of
Idaho in order to get the new bank account opened and for direct withdrawal. She received
paperwork from the bank and will fill out this paperwork and fax to the State. Ms. Gigray said
she needed to list all the board members and officers.
b. Action Item: Ms. Brown will contact MGM as to why they didn’t file an amendment when the
new board members were elected in August.
c. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned that the secretary, Ms. Baker, be listed as the registered agent.
Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved.
d. Ms. Gigray did not receive a meeting packet, and was not able to provide a financial report. Mr.
Porter suggested we postpone the financial report until next meeting.
e. Mr. Porter reviewed the meeting packet and said there was very little information, and that just a
few bills had been paid and that there were no bank statements.
f. Mr. Porter shared with the board that he had not found out where the Wells Fargo bank
statements were being sent. He did get to see the check register with the check stubs in a black
binder with receipts, but MGM refused to give them to him.
g. Ms. Brown said she thought Ms. Nightingale has the Wells Fargo bank statements sent to MGM.
h. Mr. Porter commented that MGM was not helpful in answering his questions.
i. Ms. Brown closed the Wells Fargo bank accounts and got two cashiers checks for the account
balance. These cashier checks were given to Ms. Gigray. The historical bank statements have not
been found yet.
j. Ms. Gigray said we have statement data dating back to September 30th, 2008 for the savings
account; and October 20th, 2008 for the business market account on the paperwork Ms. Brown
provided to her.
k. Ms. Gigray went to open the new bank account and that is when she found out about the forms
that needed to be amended (see 4.a.)
l. Action Item: Ms. Brown will call Wells Fargo and find out where the statements are being sent,
and to have them changed to the Stonegate HOA P.O. Box.
m. Mr. Porter thanked Ms. Brown and Ms. Gigray for all their work on the bank accounts.
5. Old Business
a. Motion: Ms. Scott motioned that the Board make no changes to the Stonegate HOA dues for
2009. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved.
b. Action Item: Ms. Baker will email MGM with the above motion information.
c. Review of Action Items: Summary List from November 13th, 2008
i. One – No statements have been sent out yet. These items are tabled for now
ii. Two – Done
iii. Three, Four, Seven, Ten, Thirteen – Not done yet
iv. Five – Done.
v. Six – Done
vi. Eight – Mr. Orton has not obtained the information he needs for the second estimate (see
vii. Nine – This item will need to be addressed in the spring.
viii. Eleven – Done (6.c.).
ix. Twelve – Done
x. Thirteen – This item was amended to leave money in MGM controlled account and to
leave MGM as the billing address for 2009 bills (January bills).
6. Current Business
a. Retention Pond – Mr. Orton informed the Board that we will need City approval of the pond
modifications. The pond must still follow the storm drain policy of when the pond was
constructed (100 year storm capacity). He has contacted the Engineer of Design, and has worked
with this engineer to go over the pond calculations. Mr. Orton was unable to obtain a second bid,
as he does not have the quantities of material to be removed. He also needs to make sure his
actions are not a conflict of interest with his position with the City.
b. Irrigation manhole – Mr. Orton has no new news to update this item. Ms. Baker will get an
update for the next meeting.
c. Ms. Scott obtained two more bids for landscaping. Of all the calls she made, only two responded.
i. Dales lawn mowing – (Cooks in phonebook) quote of $250 a week.
ii. Greenthumb – quote of $160 a week for mowing only. All other services would be extra.
iii. After reviewing these and previous bids, the Board agreed that JayDub had the best
iv. Ms. Scott suggested extending JayDub’s bid through the off-season to provide monthly
checks of the common areas including picking up garbage and weeds.
v. Ms. Gigray noted the Board will need to check on fixing the sprinklers at the front
landscape light, and to ensure the roses are pruned regularly.
vi. Mr. Orton suggested a monthly fee for this
vii. Ms. Scott suggested that we pay year round.
viii. Motion/Action Item: Mr. Orton motioned the Board authorize Ms. Scott to negotiate
the contract with JayDub, to optionally increase to total annual quote by up to $600 for
extra attention in the winter months, including monthly walkthroughs for weeds and
trash; and to make arrangements with JayDub on how he wants to be paid (seasonally or
monthly); and to execute this agreement, with or without the winter walkthroughs as
described on the quote dated September 9th, 2008, to secure landscaping services for
2009. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved.
d. Ms. Scott distributed the draft January-March 2009 newsletter.
e. The next annual Stonegate HOA meeting is set for Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at the Caldwell
City Public Library at 7:00 P.M.
f. Discussion of MGM services:
i. Discussion of MGM
ii. Discussion of direct withdrawal options
iii. Discussion of proposed letter of intent to terminate
iv. Ms. Scott asked if the Board was sure they are ready and willing to conduct
walkthroughs, mail bills, and to consider that if in the future, the Board becomes
dysfunctional, there might be a need to revisit the use of a management company.
v. There was general consensus that the Board was prepared.
vi. Motion/Action Item: Ms. Scott motioned that direct withdrawal be set up with the new
ICB checking account that Ms. Gigray will open. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote:
Unanimously approved.
vii. Motion/Action Item: Ms. Gigray motioned that the Board give MGM written
notification of the intent to terminate services at the end of the current contract; and to
do so by either certified return receipt mail, or by hand delivering the letter that has been
provided by Mr. Orton. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved.
viii. Motion/Action Item: Mr. Orton motioned that the Board authorize Ms. Gigray to
purchase accounting software up to $225. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously
ix. The proposed 2009 budget will be tabled until the Board gets more information from
MGM, and it will be voted on at the January 8th meeting.
x. Action Item: Ms. Gigray will shred the blank checks from the closed Wells Fargo
7. Close
a. The next executive meeting is scheduled at 6:30 P.M. on January 8th, 2009 at the Caldwell Free
Methodist Church.
b. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 P.M. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote:
Unanimously approved

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