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Stonegate HOA Board Executive Meeting

January 8th, 2009

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:39pm – Call to Order
i. Roll Call: Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Jennifer Scott, Amanda Gigray, Alicia
Brown, Karla Baker
2. Neighborhood Forum
a. No non-board/officer homeowners present.
3. Minutes
a. The November motion (Item 4.c.i [Motion/Action Item: Ms. Scott motioned that Ms. Gigray
contact MGM and to request a refund of all monies except for $2000 dollars from the MGM
controlled account, and to request that all 2009 bills have the return address listed as the
Stonegate HOA P.O. Box 1516. Seconded: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved]) was edited
in the December notes to reflect the modification to this motion. It was modified that all monies
in the US Bank (MGM controlled) would remain in this account and that the mailing address for
the January 2009 bills would remain MGM.
b. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned the approval of the December 2008 meeting minutes with the edits
provided by Ms. Brown and Mr. Orton. Second: Alicia. Vote: Unanimously approved.
4. Financial Report and Follow-up
a. Ms. Gigray stated that she opened the new checking account with ICB.
b. She got information on money market accounts for future reference. Mr. Porter felt the Board
should wait to look as such investments until the cost of the retention pond repairs is established.
c. Ms. Gigray visited MGM and discussed matters with Mr. Madsen.
i. She was given the Wells Fargo check register and other receipts.
ii. She also obtained bank statements and other information. She had yet to sort through all
of the information.
iii. Mr. Madsen explained that the “undeposited funds” on one of the financial statements
were indeed deposited funds.
iv. She asked Mr. Madsen about the certified mailings and he explained that Ms. Brown
gave verbal permission to send certified mailings. Ms. Gigray expressed concern that
this agreement was not in writing.
v. She noted that the second page of the bank statements (that had not been given in
previous Board Packets) did not have pertinent information.
vi. She noted that we receive two power bills from Idaho Power
1. $3.44 was for the light bill
2. 13.46 was for the sprinklers
a. The question was brought up if the HOA is on level pay.
3. Action Item: Mr. Orton will check the HOA billing.
vii. Ms. Gigray gave the “90-day service termination notice” document to Mr. Madsen, and
he signed the document with some edits.
viii. In their conversation, Ms. Gigray said MGM did not offer to reopen the January bills
and insert the Board’s additional information. Ms. Madsen said that he had asked if she
wanted the bills reopened in their December 18th, 2008 conversation, but Ms. Gigray
does not recall this. The Bills were sent out on the 29th of December 2008, but were
dated the 1st of January 2009. Ms. Gigray expressed frustration with the
miscommunication. Mr. Madsen said MGM sent out an email on November 17th, 2008
asking for a newsletter and stating that MGM needed this information by December 15th,
2008. There was an email dated November 17th, 2008 stating such that was addressed to
ix. Ms. Gigray asked how much it would cost to send out the delinquency policy, the CCNR
self checklist, and the newsletter in February (for those getting an over due bill, this

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information would be included). Mr. Madsen stated that if our information took up more
space than was available on the MGM bill, that there would be a cost. Mr. Madsen said
he was willing to reprint February statements with the newsletter and self checklist and
only charge us for the self checklist.
x. Ms. Gigray obtained the HOA’s insurance policy. There was a discussion if the HOA
could obtain cheaper coverage.
d. The question was raised if the Board wanted to use MGM to prepare the 2008 taxes
i. Mr. Porter has a copy of last year’s taxes
ii. Mr. Orton noted that if the Board is having a hard time getting a view of our financial
status, it might be a good idea to do our own taxes.
iii. Motion/Action Item: Ms. Gigray motioned that Mr. Porter fill out the HOA 2008 taxes.
Seconded: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved.
e. The question was brought up as to what to do with the 2009 assessments. It was noted that MGM
did not withdraw their remaining fee (for the duration of the contract).
i. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned that the Board leave the 2009 assessments in the MGM
account and use MGM’s services for paying regular monthly bills. All other bills should
be presented to the Board for payment. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously
ii. Action Item: Ms. Gigray will inform MGM of the above.
f. It was discussed that the Board’s documents (delinquency policy and newsletter) need to be
updated to reflect the change in date of the next homeowner’s association meeting. The Board is
required to give 15 days written notice for the annual meeting. Mr. Orton expressed that the
newsletter state the reason why the annual meeting was moved to February, as the covenants state
that the annual meeting is to be in January. Ms. Orton secured the Caldwell Public Library for the
26th of February. It was suggested that the Board ask at the annual meeting to permanently move
the annual meeting date.
g. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned that the annual meeting be changed to February 26th, 2009. Second:
Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved.
h. Motion: Ms. Scott motioned that the delinquency policy be updated to reflect the new mailing
date and annual meeting date. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved.
i. Action Item: Mr. Orton said he could create an excel spreadsheet to calculate the interest on the
new bills to be sent.
j. Ms. Gigray requested and was reimbursed $9.19 for a light fuse for the front light.
k. It was asked if the Board would have any stamps left at the end of our contract.
l. The Board will want to set up-online banking.
m. Financial Document Review
i. Ms. Gigray stated she would ask MGM why certified mailings are not on the annual
budget, and the 15-day demand letters on the open invoice sheets.
ii. Ms. Gigray stated that the Board now has no Wells Fargo accounts, and this account
shows on the Balance sheet. There was a deposit shows for 1/6/09 into the Wells Fargo
account. Also, refunds to several homeowners for overpaid HOA dues may have been
paid twice by MGM. Ms. Gigray will get this resolved.
iii. Ms. Gigray will ask Mr. Madsen if March fees will be pro-rated.
iv. The $5 charge for address verification was authorized by Ms. Brown
v. The ICB account deposit was $13,099.42, plus $1,550 in the US Bank account.
n. Ms. Gigray had not made a decision on which accounting software to buy.
o. The Board reviewed past action item lists and items were either finished or deferred.
5. Current Business
a. Ms. Scott secured the contract with JayDub for landscaping services and he agreed to monthly
b. Mr. Orton stated that the original engineer on the retention pond did not use conservative
estimates in his calculations. This will affect the amount of material to be removed from the
c. Potential Agenda for the Annual Meeting
i. Finalized budget

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ii. Vote to change annual meeting time
iii. Vote to retain MGM’s services, or any management company services
iv. Discussion of self checklist and explain that the Board will continue walk-throughs.
1. Sheds should be similar in color as your homes
2. Sidewalks need to remain clear.
v. Possibility of rewarding those who are both current with dues and have no warnings
with $10 credit towards HOA dues.
vi. Action Item: Ms. Baker will bring 10 copies of the CCNRs and Bylaws, sign in sheets,
and a timer to the annual meeting.
vii. Review of the delinquent policy.
viii. Review of the direct withdrawal payment option.
ix. Limit each person to 3 minutes so that all can have a chance to speak.
6. Close
a. The next executive meeting is scheduled at 6:30 P.M. on February 12th, 2009 at the Caldwell Free
Methodist Church.
b. Motion: Ms. Scott motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 P.M. Second: Ms. Brown. Vote:
Unanimously approved

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