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Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet


February , 2013


Chris Spivey
The World Put Right


Camerons Closet
Posted by adm in On February - 5 - 2 01 3

Christopher Spiv ey

Dav id Cameron! Who the fuck is he? I mean, what do we really know about our Prime Minister? Good question. At the moment he is the gate keeper to Parliamentary Lala Nonceland. And make no mistake about it, protecting a powerful paedophile ring is ex actly what the slimeball is doing. Y ou can in fact link Cameron to ev ery single one of the Big Tory Nonces from Slaggy Thatchers gov ernment, right up to present day . But did y ou know that the posh twat is related to Bizzy Lizzy ? Cameron is in fact a direct descendent of King William IV . To be ev en more specific, he is King Willies great-great-great-great-great grandson, which Debretts say s makes him fifth cousin, twice remov ed, to the Queen. We know he is a cruel bastard who enjoy s Fox Hunting and shooting Stags etc on his stepfather-in-laws 20,000-acre Tarbert estate on the 1 80-population Hebridean island of Jura. Then again, his Roy al relations are also fond of killing animals just for the fun of it. I think we all know by now that he was good friends with the ex tremely dangerous, predatory paedophile Derek Laud. Why Cameron is now try ing to distance himself from the scumbag is any ones guess Not a v ery hard guess, but a fucking guess all the same. Fuck me, Laudy boy , the v ile child rapist and in all likely hood child murderer, ev en paid for Scameron to go on a Junket to South Africa in 1 989: In April 2009, The Independent reported that in 1989, while Nelson Mandela rem ained im prisoned under the apartheid rgim e, David Cam eron had accepted a trip to South Africa paid for by an anti-sanctions lobby firm . A spokesperson for Cam eron responded by saying that the Conservative Party was at that tim e opposed to sanctions against South Africa and that his trip was a fact-finding m ission. However, the newspaper reported that Cam erons then superior at Conservative Research Departm ent called the trip jolly, saying that it was all terribly relaxed, just a little treat, a perk of the job. The Botha regim e was attem pting to m ake itself look less horrible, but I dont regard it as having been of the faintest political consequence. Cam eron distanced him self from his partys history of opposing sanctions against the regim e. He was criticised by Labour MP Peter Hain, him self an anti-apartheid cam paigner. Source Wikipedia Course, if accepting a freebie holiday from a paedophile who was, and no doubt still is, so v iolent and sadistic that many of his y oung v ictims ended up in hospital with internal injuries wasnt bad enough; Slaggy Thatcher also had an illegal motiv e for letting Cameron go. The following is from the Ey re International website: The trip by Mr. Cam eron in 1989, when he was a rising star of the Conservative Research Departm ent, was a chance for him to see for him self and was funded by a firm that lobbied against the im position of sanctions on the apartheid regim e. What they did not reveal was that this trip (where he was accom panied by Sir Ken Warren) was to purchase three highly illegal nuclear bom bs that had been produced by the RSA & Israel and have them shipped to Om an where they were stored in an insecure com pound pending possible use against Iraq during the early stages of that conflict.
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This extrem ely fraudulent deal not only m isused British Taxpayers Money but also m anaged to siphon off another 17.8 m illion that went straight into the Tory Party Election Fund. It was also fact that these sam e three nukes were re-stolen by the sam e fraudulent arm s dealer (John Bredenkam p) who then sold them on the black m arket. Read More So, not only does Cameron accept an all ex penses paid holiday to apartheid South Africa from a predatory paedophile, he also uses that holiday to illegally buy nuclear bombs which are later stolen, nev er to be seen again Ex tremely worry ing. But, forget that he has the question that we all should be asking ourselv es is: Why would a man who has fathered 4 children want to protect paedophiles? I think Dav ey boy s wife, Sam Cam might know the answer to that. Howev er, I will return to Mrs Cameron in due course. So, as y ou may well hav e already guessed by now, the odious twerp who likes to be called Dav e, was born into money . His Father, Ian Donald Cameron was a Stockbroker who made a lot of the stuff v ia means of ex tremely dubious business practices tax av oidance etc. Furthermore, it was these ill gotten gains that allowed y oung Cameron to be educated at the elitist school, Eton. Once there, the pampered prat was inv ited to join the elite Bullingdon Boy s Diners club (BBDC) the UK equiv alent to the USAs Skull & Bones secret society . Admission to the BBDC is strictly by inv itation only . So, needless to say then that those who did get an inv ite had already been earmarked as potential for future high office. Course, with the y oung elites hav ing an ov er inflated sense of self worth, in their tiny minds being a member of the BBDC gav e them Carte Blanch to do whatev er the fuck they pleased, to whoev er the fuck they liked. I hav e in fact, read some v ery , v ery dodgy things about the BBDC, such as the Kray Twins prov iding y oung boy s for the toffee noses cretins to use and abuse. If that sounds farfetched to y ou, then y ou really need to read up on how life is for a boarder at a rich mans public school. Nev er the less, at best the BBDC is a continuous secret society for groups of spoilt, rich, pasty faced teenagers getting up to no good. Alway s has been and alway s will be. In fact, when Cameron was a member, he was one of four out of a party of six , who escaped being nicked after a night of drunken v andalism which ended up with dustbins being thrown through a restaurant window. Nowaday s, Cameron refuses to talk about his time in the BBDC for obv ious reasons. On the other hand, the May or of London, Boris buffoon Johnson, who was in the BBDC with Cameron appears to relish the fact that they were all mindless v andals. And to think that the pair had the fucking cheek to criticise the rioters in 201 1 . The following is from the Guardian Newspaper: An excessive sense of entitlem ent was what the m ayor of London ascribed to those looting their way across our sceptred isle but he could have been referring to him self. In the m id-to-late 80s, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson not to m ention David Cam eron and his now chancellor George Osborne were m em bers of the notorious Bullingdon Club, the Oxford university dining clique that sm ashed their way through restaurant crockery, car windscreens and antique violins all over the city of knowledge. Not unlike a certain section of todays youth, the Bullers have little regard for property. Prospective m em bers often have their room s trashed by their new-found friends, while the club has a reputation for ritualistic plate-sm ashing at unsuspecting country pubs. It has been banned from several establishm ents, while contem porary Bullers are said to chant, at all hours: Buller, Buller, Buller! Buller, Buller, Buller! We are the fam ous Bullingdon Club, and we dont give a fuck! This behaviour was crim inal behaviour, said Johnson of the recent riots but in the past his attitude to vandalism has been m ore nuanced. In his and Cam erons day, the Bullingdon was m ost notorious for heaving a weighty flowerpot through the window of a distinguished Oxford eaterie. Cam eron, it is said, had already left the scene, but Johnson was so proud that for a tim e he claim ed he was arrested for his part in these exploits. In fact, he sim ply hid in the shrubbery at the citys botanical gardens. Lucky there were no 24-hour m agistrates courts in those days. Unsurprisingly , Johnson and Cameron are also related. At least, that is according to the Telegraph: When the incorrigibly shy and reclusive Boris appeared on the fam ily research television program m e Who Do Y ou Think Y ou Are? in 2008, one of the revelations that surfaced was Boriss descent from Adelheid, Baroness de Pfeffel (his full nam e is Boris de Pfeffel Johnson), illegitim ate daughter of Prince Paul of Wrttem berg, him self a great-greatgrandson of King George II. Since George II was also Daves eight-greats-grandfather, that m akes Dave and Boris cousins. That would of course ex plain why they are both corrupt, thiev ing, toffee nosed arsewipes. Johnsons ex tra marital affairs are of course well documented. One of them ev en cost him his job in Michael Howards shadow Tory Gov ernment. Not that Michael Howard can claim to be whiter than white, by a long chalk. And, just like Boris the buffoon, Dav e the rav e also likes to put it about a bit. In fact, according to the Daily Mail, our hy pocritically moralistic Prime Minister once felt the need to visit a sexual diseases clinic but not, as has been suggested, for an HIV test. Therefore, if it wasnt for a HIV test, it must hav e been because he had a dose of the clap. Neither do the pair hav e any qualms about helping themselv es to our money . The following is what Wikipedia has to say about the racist May or Boris: In June 2009, it was revealed that Mayoral expenditure on taxi fares had risen by 540% under Johnsons adm inistration, from 729 in 2007/08 to 4,698 in 2008/09. Several expense claim s for very short taxi journeys were subm itted by the Mayor, m any which included charges for taxis to wait several hours for the Mayor to use them with the m eter running (for exam ple, a return journey from City Hall to Elephant and Castle a

Former Ukip y outh leader asks: What is wrong with necrophilia? Hey there Georgie Girl Operation Y ewtree: Man, 65, arrested in London Oh what a gay day . Duke and Duchess jet off to 1 9,000-a-week Caribbean v illa on final holiday before baby arriv es








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journey of 3 m iles which cost 99.50). There are questions about whether som e of this expenditure was allowed under GLA rules, which state taxis should be used only when there is no feasible public transport alternative and which ban paying taxis to wait m ore than 20 m inutes.



Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Moreov er, according to the Telegraph, the piss taking Pillock ev en tried to claim 1 6.50 for a wreath he laid on the Cenotaph during the 2008 Remembrance Sunday : The form er Conservative MP for Henley was told by the fees office that claim s for wreaths were not allowed and his expenses paym ent was reduced accordingly. Mr Johnson said yesterday the cost of the wreath had been m istakenly added to his expenses and he had happily paid for it out of his own pocket when it was pointed out by the fees office. Between 2004 and 2008, Bugger all Boris also claimed 85,299 on his second home allowance for his constituency home in Henley on Thames. In fact, in his last two y ears as an MP, the ponce claimed the max imum allowable second homes allowance V ile cunt.

As for the cunt Camerons ex penses? Well, lets just say that in light of the proposed Bedroom Tax , the following from the Daily Mail should raise a few ey ebrows: As does gossip of his alleged personal fam ily fortune, helped by the Mail on Sundays disclosure that he paid off the 75,000 m ortgage on the 1.5 m illion hom e in North Kensington, London, that he owns with his wife Sam antha, after they took out a 350,000 taxpayer-funded HSBC m ortgage on his designated Oxfordshire constituency second hom e. While within the rules, this is precisely the kind of financial jiggery-pokery for which other MPs have been criticised in recent weeks, as details of the way they have abused their second hom es allowances have been m ade public.



Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

For his part, Cam eron claim s he was able to pay off the m ortgage on his London hom e by selling shares. But he is still open to the charge that som eone whos clearly worth a few bob was playing the system by claim ing m ore than 21,200 from taxpayers in 2005-6, for the m ortgage interest paid on his constituency hom e. Howev er, the man gets ev en more nauseating when y ou learn this, also from the Daily Mail: David Cam eron has splashed out nearly 700,000 of taxpayers cash to revam p Downing Street this year, a sum that even m em bers of his own party will find hard to stom ach given the cuts the governm ent is asking the British public to endure. The Prim e Ministers expenditure on his historic residence includes 30,000 for upgrading the larger flat above Num ber 11 where he and wife Sam antha and their children live. Mr Cam eron has ordered all departm ents to rein in their expenditure and has even resorted to buying his own Christm as tree to cut costs. WHAT! Y ou mean we ev en usually pay for the good for nothing, useless, fanny wipes Christmas tree Where the fuck do these poncing pile of shit cunts get off? Breath Christopher, breath. Sorry about that. Please, do carry on Daily Mail: Even council house tenants have been encouraged by the governm ent to pitch in and carry out their own repairs, to save m oney on costly contractors. But it seem s that the fam ily has not refused the annual grant available to prim e m inisters to do up their grace-and-favour apartm ent. Since the election, taxpayers have had to fund a refurbishm ent of Num ber 10 totalling at least 683,102.34. The expenditure is revealed in Cabinet Office lists which only record any spending above 25,000. Even m ore m ay have been spent on individual works, however, as only item s costing m ore than 25,000 are listed. Michael Dugher, a Labour MP who used to work inside Num ber 10, said he was astonished at the costs. He said: It is not as though the place was falling down, I am not sure what the m oney is being spent on. At the sam e tim e as they are asking ordinary people to tighten their belts, the Cam erons are splashing taxpayers cash on doing up their own flat. Meanwhile people in council houses are seeing their repairs cut. Tom Watson, the Labour MP for West Brom wich East, who has been a prom inent voice in the fight for greater governm ent transparency, added: When David Cam eron entered Downing Street last year he heralded the new age of transparency. Y et when we ask sim ple questions about what walls he has dem olished in a grade one listed building and how m uch the taxpayer has paid to do this, he refuses to answer. Good Prim e Ministers lead by exam ple. Im afraid he has failed his own transparency test. They do indeed lead by good ex ample. Unfortunately , Cameron is any thing but a Good Prime Minister. Then there is the question of drugs. Again, Boris Johnson seems almost proud of his onetime ex cessiv e intake of Marijuana, where as Dav e the rav e gets v isibly irked when questioned on the subject. That could hav e something to do with the fact that during his time at Eton, the future Prime Minister was disciplined after being caught smoking Cannabis. Howev er, the hy pocrite didnt limit his drug taking to just Class B. The following from Wikipedia: During the leadership election, allegations were m ade that Cam eron had used cannabis and cocaine recreationally before becom ing an MP. Pressed on this point during the BBC program m e Question Tim e, Cam eron expressed the view that everybody was allowed to err and stray in their past. During his 2005 Conservative leadership cam paign he addressed the question of drug consum ption by rem arking that I did lots of things before I cam e into politics which I shouldnt have done. We all did. Doesnt make for good reading does it? And it gets worse Much worse. In 1 984, hav ing now left Educational Lala Ponceland, Dav e started a nine-month gap y ear. He spent the first 3 months of his gap y ear working as a researcher for his Godfather, the then Conserv ativ e MP for Lewes, Tim Rathbone. Throughout the duration of this three month period, Cameron attended debates in the House of Commons. After that, thanks to his fathers business connections, the teenage y ob was employ ed for a further three months as a ship jumper- an administrativ e post in Hong Kong by Jardine Matheson . Jardine Matheson, a Scottish firm (Cameron is a Scot with a lot of Jewish blood) were originally suppliers of Heroin to China. An offshoot of the company is Jardine Fleming, the Fleming being the same family as Ian Fleming of James Bond fame. Returning from Hong Kong, Dav e v isited the then Sov iet Union, where he was approached by two Russian men who spoke fluent English. Cameron was later told by one of his professors that this approach had definitely been the KGB sounding him out with a v iew to recruiting him as a double agent. Now, it is important to remember that nothing happens in politics by accident, including who becomes Prime Minister or President. Furthermore, none of our elected leaders past & present are in power to serv e our interests. Our leaders are nothing more than puppets for the banking cartels and big corporations.



Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Course, back in the day , the UK PMs and US Presidents were blackmailed into doing the Bank and Corporations bidding. Two prime ex amples are the Ex US President, Deadwood Wilson & the Ex UK Premier Dead Heath. I hav e already written at length about Heath, and hav e no desire to repeat what I hav e said about the wholly corrupt, child murdering smeghead. As for Wilson! Well, the following is from the Real Jew News website: During this tim e period in Am erica, President Woodrow Wilson was cam paigning for his re-election in 1916 on his popular cam paign slogan, He Kept Us out of War. But on April 2, 1917, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war against Germ any. What m ade Wilson change his m ind? Shortly before Wilsons re-election, he received a visit from a Jew nam e Sam uel Unterm eyer. The Jew Unterm eyer was a prom inent New Y ork City attorney of the Law Firm , Guggenheim , Unterm eyer, & Marshall. The Firm had as one of its m ain clients, Kuhn Loeb Bank, of which Jacob Schiff, an agent of Walter Rothschild, was the head. Both Unterm eyer and Schiff contributed generously to the National Dem ocratic Com m ittee that installed President Wilson in the White House in both of his elections. Unterm eyer inform ed President Wilson that he had been retained to bring a Breach of Prom ise action against President Wilson. Unterm eyers client was the form er wife of a professor at Princeton University at the sam e tim e that Wilson was a professor at Princeton University. Unterm eyer inform ed Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of com m encing the Breach of Prom ise action. Unterm eyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket written by President Wilson to his colleagues wife when they were neighbors at Princeton University. These letters established the fact that an illicit relationship had existed between Wilson and the wife of his Princeton colleague. Wilson im m ediately acknowledged his authorship of the letters. Unterm eyer then inform ed Wilson that his form er sweetheart was in dire need of $40,000. President Wilson inform ed Unterm eyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackm ailer. Unterm eyer then volunteered to give Wilsons form er sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket but on one condition: that President Wilson prom ise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Suprem e Court, the Zionist and Talm udic Jew, Louis Dem bitz Brandeis. Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Unterm eyers generous offer. Then on June 5 1916, nearly one year before Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germ any, Wilson appointed the Zionist Jew, Louis Brandeis, to the Suprem e Court. Interestingly enough, Woodrow Wilson also signed the Federal Reserv e act, which effectiv ely gav e the Rothschild dy nasty control of the USAs money supply . There are only 3 countries in the world left now that dont hav e a Rothschild controlled Central Bank. The following is what Wilson said about his decision to sign the act: I am a m ost unhappy m an. I have unwittingly ruined m y country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few m en. We have com e to be one of the worst ruled, one of the m ost com pletely controlled and dom inated Governm ents in the civilized world no longer a Governm ent by free opinion, no longer a Governm ent by conviction and the vote of the m ajority, but a Governm ent by the opinion and duress of a sm all group of dom inant m en. And while we are talking about the Rothschilds, Im sure y ou wont be surprised to learn that the Cameron Clan were also inv olv ed with the Monsters. The following is taken from a Daily Mail article: The other great-great-grandfather is Sir Ewen Cam eron, who cam e south from Invernesshire in the 1860s to work for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. He helped arrange the all-powerful Rothschilds selling war bonds during the Russo-Japanese war. The line of ancestors down from these wealthy figures continues through the City. Both Cam erons grandfather, also called Ewen, who died in 1958 leaving 57,000 (around 1m illion in todays m oney), and his father Ian, a form er High Sheriff of Berkshire, were stockbrokers. The article then goes on to say : This tradition of m aking m oney in finance goes back to his two great-great-grandfathers. One was Em ile Levita, who was brought up in a fam ily of Sephardic Jews. Married to a non-Jew, he cam e to Britain as an im m igrant from Germ any in the 1850s and was granted citizenship in 1871. Em ile enjoyed considerable financial success and becam e a director of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, which had offices in Threadneedle Street in the City. Once y ou make these connections, its not hard to figure out that Cameron is a Zionist and as such he is prepared to take his orders from Israel. Nev er the less, the mug still tries to hide the fact. The following is from the Guardian: David Cam eron has stepped down as a patron of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in a m ove pro-Palestinian cam paigners claim is a result of pressure but which Downing Street insists is part of a general review of the prim e m inisters charity connections. Course, nowaday s there is no need for Blackmail. Future Presidents and Prime Ministers are chosen by the Banking Cartels and Big Corporations y ears in adv ance and manoeuv red into power when the time is right. As I say , nothing happens by chance in politics all angles are cov ered. And y et, the dumbed down, apathetic population still think that they v oted the chosen candidate into power.



Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Cameron was no different. The odds are that he would hav e been earmarked for PM while still in the BBDC. And as coincidence would hav e it or not as the case may be just like he is related to Bizzy Lizzy , so are 42 of the 43 American Presidents. Then there is the question of Wiv es who are needed to giv e the chosen top dogs an air of respectability . After all, the v ast majority of those earmarked for top positions in gov ernment are chosen because they hav e flaws in their personalities. And believ e me; the idle rich are inherently flawed. The majority are all Psy chopathic, usually Gay or Bisex ual and all hav e the potential to be child molesters. These flaws in their genetic make up hav e been passed down through centuries of inbreeding. This means that the freaks are more or less incapable of finding a decent wife in the first place. Now, I am all too well aware of how far fetched that will sound to those not fully aware of how the elite bloodlines work. Howev er, it is actually perfectly logical when y ou think about it. If those earmarked for the top had depth, integrity , and strength of character, they certainly wouldnt agree to do the bidding of the Banksters and Corporate Fat Cats. They all come from rich backgrounds so they are hardly in it for the money Although that doesnt stop the robbing cunts thiev ing the publics money ev ery chance that they get. Psy chopaths on the other hand, make for ex cellent candidates. The following is from the About.Com website: The study of the psychopath reveals an individual who is incapable of feeling guilt, rem orse or em pathy for their actions. They are generally cunning, m anipulative and know the difference between right and wrong but dism iss it as applying to them . They are incapable of norm al em otions such as love, generally react without considering the consequences of their actions and show extrem e egocentric and narcissistic behaviour. Still not conv inced? Need a second opinion? Try Wikipedias take on psy chopathic traits: Cold heartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm , m anipulativeness, irresponsibility, im pulsivity, crim inality, antisocial behaviour, a lack of rem orse, a parasitic lifestyle and Prom iscuous sexual behaviour. Sound familiar? Thought it might. Moreov er, the fact that none of our leaders ev er attended the local comprehensiv e school also play s a part in awakening these flaws. All our leaders were educated at the Country s finest schools and all belonged to Secret Societies. Now, I feel sure that y ou will all hav e heard rumours about what takes place in Educational Lala Ponceland. These rumours usually consist of tales about bigger boy s torturing and sodomising the y ounger boy s. Unfortunately , the rumours are true and it is accepted by Parents and Teachers alike as being all part of growing up within the warped world of the elite. The only trouble with that acceptance is the end products, namely ; a new generation of smartly turned out, rather posh, psy chopathic sex ual dev iants, incapable of forming deep and meaningful relationships Hence, those in power hav e their wiv es chosen for them. Nev er the less, if I were to tell y ou that Sam Cam was chosen to be Dav es wife, a lot of y ou wouldnt believ e me. After all, with his Looks, Social status and Bank Balance, y ou would hav e thought that y our man there would hav e been able to hav e more or less any woman he wanted. By the same token, Sam Cam appears an ideal choice for a man of Dav es standing. Nev er the less, howev er outwardly suitable Sam Cam may appear to be, she certainly wasnt chosen by Dav ey boy . And there was y ou thinking arranged marriages only happened in Asian cultures. I will return to this matter in due course. So, who is Sam Cam? Sam Cam is in fact a million miles remov ed from the mumsy ty pe character that she likes to portray herself as being. It is in fact, fair to say that if y ou think Cameron is posh, he has fuck all on his wife. Sam Cam, like her husband is also descended from roy alty . She is in fact, a direct descendant of Nell Gwy n, mistress to Charles II, and her stepfather is V iscount Astor. The Aristocratic Astors are well known for being heav ily embroiled in Dev il Worship. That fact became public knowledge v ia Dr Stephen Ward who liv ed in a cottage on the Astors Estate. Ward, who was also heav ily into the Occult, had up until his death, been a v ery good friend of the Roy al Family especially Phil the Ducks. Despite that fact, all the ev idence points towards Wards untimely demise being brought about by him being suicided, which was most likely carried out on the orders of The Duck.



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Course, the Roy al Parasites are also heav ily into Dev il Worship, so it isnt hard to see how these scroungers are all bonded together. Nev er the less, with Ward being caught up in the Profumo Affair which brought down the British Gov ernment, the roy al family were not prepared to suffer the same fate He had to go. Y ou see, what had happened is that Ward, who had a nice side line going for himself as a society pimp, with a stable of high class prostitutes had been charged with liv ing off immoral earnings following the Profumo scandal. Included in this stable of girls were the MI5 agent Mariella Nov otny , who had affairs with both John & Robert Kennedy , Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in Britain, Mandy Rice Dav is and Christine Keeler the latter of which, the Duck also happened to be shagging. Any way , the scandal came about after Keeler was caught out shagging John Profumo, who at the time was a married man and the gov ernments Secretary of State for War. At the same time, Keeler was also shagging a Russian Spy And the Duck, who was a Nazi Spy . The following is taken from Mandy Rice Dav iss Wikipedia page: While giving evidence at the trial of Stephen Ward, charged with living off the im m oral earnings of Keeler and Rice-Davies, the latter m ade a fam ous riposte. When the prosecuting counsel pointed out that Lord Astor denied an affair or having even m et her, she replied, Well, he would, wouldnt he? (often m isquoted as Well he would say that, wouldnt he?). By 1979 this phrase had entered the third edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Course; giv en that Mandy Rice Dav is had no reason to lie, where as Lord Astor, who was Dr Stephen Wards landlord, had ev ery reason to lie, I know whom I believ e. Now, as I said earlier, the Astors are well known for being Satanists. They are also one of the 1 3 Families, who rule the world, as are the Rothchilds and the Parasitic Windsors. In fact, the Astors hav e been inv olv ed in just about ev ery ty pe of skulduggery that y ou can think of. Y ou can find the in depth story of the Astors at the following Link: http://www.bibliotecapley Howev er, here is what www.whale has to say about William Astor: Lord William , 3rd viscount Astor, was to hold sex and black m agic parties at his grand house, where Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies seduced the rich and fam ous The society osteopath and healer Stephen Ward, was a m aster occultist who at these orgies would conjure weird spirits to visibly appear, which sound identical to those at Bilderberg cerem onies. ..Attendees at these parties told of Sir Anthony Blunt asphyxiating young boys to death while a naked m asked m an sodom ised him , this m an was said to be royalty or a rothschild and always wore his socks, but in killing the boy in this way his body m uscles would suddenly contract bringing on the sexual clim ax of the predator.The top catholic exorcist Dom Robert Petit-Pierre claim ed the exorcism s he had to perform at the Astors huge estate and Wards cottage, contained the m ost potent satanic entities he had ever com e across, including the spirits of several m urdered boys; the evil spirits were sim ilar to the entities surrounding the devils chim ney, the Aleister Crowley wartim e rituals on Britains south coast for Winston Churchills occult Black group experim ents. [2010] ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT COMING SOON by T. Stokes So, to get back on track y ou may be interested to learn that Sam cams step-father,V iscount William Astor the 4th, is the son of William Astor the 3 r d AKA the Lord Astor that Mandy Rice Dav is was shagging. See, y ou can connect all these in-breds together, easy as Pie On second thoughts, perhaps I shouldnt use PIE as an analogy .



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Sam Cams step-father was at one time a prominent Conserv ativ e MP in John Majors gov ernment and as such, also knew all the Paedophiles from Slaggy Thatchers gov ernment. Samanthas mother Annabel A 1 960s it girl is also the step daughter of her husbands Uncle, Michael Astor Gets fucking complicated doesnt it. Course, like all MPs, Astor couldnt stay faithful if his life depended on it. He had an affair with a high powered slapper named Rachel Whetstone. Now, this is where it gets ev en more complicated, not to mention sordid. The following is from Ian Bones website: David Cam erons best fem ale friend Rachel Whetstone, Queen Bee of theNotting Hill Set and Michael Howards form er chief of staff has been shagging his wifes stepfather while hes m arried to his wifes m other! Rachel Whetstone has been having a sordid affair with Viscount Astor form er Tory leader in the House of Lords who is Sam antha Cam erons stepfather. But theres m ore All this tim e Rachel Whetstone was the partner of Steve Hilton Cam erons chief of staff! Sam s m other and Steve Hilton wont be best pleased this is out Ho! Ho! Hilton was educated at Christs Church College and Oxford but only first generation posh so his girlfriend just had to get her legover with an ageing old aristo as well! And if he was m arried to the future prim e m inisters m other-in-law so m uch the better. The Toffs have fucked each other stupid this tim e Talk about incestuous Tories! The Astors hom e at Cliveden was central to the Christine Keeler/Profum o scandal in the 60s and the Astors were of course keen Daily Mail supporters of Herr Hitler in the 30s


Toodle Pip! Got that? Good!

Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

I hope y ou noticed the mention of the Astors being Nazi sy mpathisers which is another close connection with Phil the Duck, and his in-bred German family . It is also worth noting that Hilton and Whetstone were Godparents to the Camerons son Iv an. As for Sam Cams biological father, Sir Reginald Adrian Berkeley Sheffield, its safe to say that he too is a member of the Aristocracy . The following is from the Daily Mail: With his cut-glass vowels, tweed jacket and collection of stately hom es, he is a textbook toff. A direct descendant of Charles II, Sir Reginald lists his recreations in Debretts Peerage as shooting and stalking. He can trace his bloodline back to the Knights Tem plar and the Fifth Crusade, and owns 3,000 acres of prim e Lincolnshire farm land. Much of the furniture at his country hom e once graced Buckingham Palace which was the fam ilys London pad, before they passed it on to the Queen. This is Sir Reginald Adrian Berkeley Sheffield a colourful old-school Baronet, who just happens to be m an-of-the-people Tory leader David Cam erons father-in-law.

Dav id Cam erons father-in-law Sir Reginald Sheffield has a line going back hundreds of y ears T o the potential em barrassm ent of the new-look Conserv ativ e high com m and, Sir Reginald has just erupted in anger at the peasants on his estate, who were getting out of



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He is said to hav e becom e enraged during a heated dispute ov er a strip of land at his m agnificent country seat. John Kilm artin, who liv es in a sem idetached form er council house adjoining the estate in Norm anby , Lincolnshire, said that 61-y ear-old Sir Reginald ranted at him before pushing him out through the door and blowing m e off the prem ises. He described the encounter as a clash between nobility and the com m on m an and said Sir Reginald is a big bully m ulti-m illionaire landlord who shouted: Get orf m y property . Kilm artin said: It was so degrading. It has all been v ery distressing. For his part, Sir Reginald an Old Etonian whose fam ily crest is a boars head fram ed by two arrows was pictured with his hands thrust defiantly into his pockets, in front of priceless antiques. It is not the first tim e he has been in trouble with locals he sparked widespread anger by chopping down an historic lim e tree in the centre of Norm anby v illage green, and is described as a throwback to feudalism . T his, of course, is the silv er-spoon background that Dav e Cam eron would rather the com m on m an did not see.

Dav id Cam eron (left) is descended from King William IV Indeed, his wife Sam antha is aristocratic on both sides of her fam ily . Creativ e director of the upm arket stationery com pany Sm y thson of Bond Street, she is a direct descendant of Nell Gwy n, m istress to Charles II, and her stepfather is Viscount Astor. Meanwhile, Call m e Dav e him self com es from a fam ily which m akes the bulk of the British landed gentry seem positiv ely nouv eau riche. Cam eron is William IVs great-great-great-great-great grandson, which Debretts say s m akes him fifth cousin, twice rem ov ed, of the Queen. As Patrick Cracroft-Brennan, of the guide Cracrofts Peerage, say s: Mr Cam eron is the m ost aristocratic leader of the Conserv ativ e Party since Alec Douglas-Hom e. But as well as being im peccably connected, Dav id Cam eron is also ex trem ely wealthy . Sunday T im es Rich List com piler and wealth watchdog Philip Beresford has v alued the T ory leader for the first tim e. He say s: I put the com bined fam ily wealth of Dav id and Sam antha Cam eron at 30m plus. Both sides of the fam ily are ex trem ely wealthy . T hey certainly hav e no need to worry about pov erty or pay ing school fees. Cam eron is, of course, keen to play all this down. Although it has been said that he ex udes Eton from ev ery pore, he is acutely conscious that his elite education and topdrawer relativ es are a v ote-loser. He was em barrassed by photographs showing him dressed in form al attire attending the Bullingdon Club at Ox ford, an ex clusiv e dining society notorious for Hooray Henry high jinks. He has adm itted shooting the odd pigeon, but neglects to m ention that he is a regular v isitor to the 20,000-acre estate in Scotland owned by his stepfather-in-law, Viscount Astor, where he shoots stag. T he Astor fam ily trusts own a property com pany called Sableknight, with m ore than 140m of net assets, so they can afford to be generous hosts. His lineage is fascinating: he is related to William IV through the Kings illegitim ate


daughter, Lady Elizabeth FitzClarence.

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She is one of at least ten children he had out of wedlock with the actress Dorothea Jordan, his long-term m istress. T he roy al connection com es through Cam erons paternal grandm other Enid, who m arried his grandfather Ewen Donald Cam eron. Enid can be traced back directly v ia a couple of knights and a brace of earls to William IVs daughter. A spokesm an for Debretts say s of Cam erons illegitim ate ancestor: It was a scandal, but the 18th century was less prudish about these m atters than we are. It wasnt a secret. With such a pedigree, it goes alm ost without say ing that the fam ily has been wealthy for hundreds of y ears. An early forebear went to Chicago and m ade a fortune in the grain business, before returning to Scotland in 1880 to build the ancestral hom e, Blairm ore House in Aberdeenshire. T hen there is their long and lucrativ e history in finance. Dav id Cam erons great-great grandfather Sir Ewen Cam eron helped the Rothschilds sell war bonds during the RussoJapanese war. Cam erons father, Ian, and grandfather, Ewen Donald, were both Eton-educated senior partners at stockbrokers Panm ure Gordon. Here, they m ade serious m oney . Philip Beresford say s: Ian would hav e reaped the rewards of the Big Bang, 21 y ears ago, when genteel stockbroking partners sold out for a fortune at places like Panm ure Gordon. He will also hav e m ade som e serious m oney as director at the upm arket estate agent John D. Wood. I v alue him at 10m plus. Som ething of a character, Cam eron Senior frequents Whites, the m ost aristocratic of London gentlem ens clubs, where he was chairm an. Fellow m em bers include not only Cam eron Junior but also Prince Charles who held his stag night at the club two day s before m arry ing Diana and Prince William . As a form er High Sheriff of Berkshire, Ian Cam eron is a leading light in rural circles, and the fam ily hom e is a solid rectory in the quintessentially English v illage of Peasem ore, near Newbury . Last y ear, the Cam erons held an auction of 200,000-worth of fam ily antiques, one table alone fetching 30,000. T he y oung Cam erons early childhood was one of nannies, m atrons and tennis courts. His m other, Mary Fleur Mount, is the second daughter of Sir William Malcolm Mount, 2nd Baronet, and is descended from a long line of T ory MPs. At the age of sev en, he was sent to Heatherdown preparatory school in Berkshire, attended by Princes Andrew and Edward. It is said that at sports day , the school prov ided three separate lav atories: one for the ladies, one for the gentlem en and one for chauffeurs. His biographers, Francis Elliott and Jam es Hanning, note that the other parents included eight honourables, four sirs, two captains, two m ajors, two princesses, two m archionesses, one v iscount, one brigadier, one com m odore, one earl, one lord, and one queen (the Queen). In the late Sev enties, the grandson of the oil billionaire John Paul Getty asked four of his classm ates to Am erica to celebrate his birthday . Cam eron was one of them . As they tucked into cav iar, salm on and beef bordelaise on board Concorde, the m aster accom pany ing the boy s recalled turning towards the 11-y ear-old Cam eron, who raised a glass of Dom Perignon 69 and ex claim ed: Good health, Sir! All in all, Cam eron is used to m ov ing in wealthy circles. His first flatm ate, Pete Czernin, was the heir to a 1.5bn property fortune, and in this world, priv ilege is taken for granted. T he Cam erons know how to work their connections, too. Dav id Cam eron got his first job as a researcher for T im Rathbone, his godfather and Conserv ativ e MP for Lewes. T hree m onths later he went to Hong Kong to work at the conglom erate Jardine Matheson Daddy was stockbroker to the chairm an, prov iding a fast-track into the business world. When the y oung Cam eron was due to attend a job interv iew at Conserv ativ e Central Office, a phone call was receiv ed from Buckingham Palace. I understand y ou are to see Dav id Cam eron, said the caller. I am ringing to tell y ou that y ou are about to m eet a truly rem arkable y oung m an. It has been speculated that the m y stery call was from Captain Sir Alastair Aird, Equerry to the Queen Mother and husband of Cam erons godm other. T he Airds v igorously denied it. Others hav e suggested the caller m ight hav e been Sir Brian McGrath, a fam ily friend who was priv ate secretary to Prince Philip. But he, too, though nam ed as a referee for the job, denies it firm ly . No m atter the tale prov ides an illum inating insight into the fam ily s env iable social standing, and how the am bitious Cam eron was helped by well-placed friends and fam ily . And as we hav e seen, there is no shortage of pedigree on Sam anthas side of the fam ily , with Sir Reginald Sheffield tracing his lineage back to the 13th century .



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She herself triggered giggles at the 2005 T ory Party Conference for say ing she grew up in Scunthorpe, neglecting to m ention that hom e was 3,000-acre Norm anby Park, purchased in 1590. Sir Reginald now liv es in nearby T healby Hall an im posing hom e with form al gardens with his second wife, Victoria. He also owns Sutton Park, near Y ork, and m anages the Norm anby estate. His land m akes him a m illionaire m any tim es ov er. Beresford say s: As a Lincolnshire grain baron, he is quids in. T hese are the richest farm ers in Britain, with m oney to burn. With world food com m odity prices soaring, they are set for y ears of huge increases in their incom es as grain prices soar. T he v alue of his land will also be going up as the City bonus brigade tries desperately to buy rolling acres and m agnificent country houses. Sir Reginald is sitting on a 20m -plus fortune. He also has im peccable connections. His cousin, Dav ina, was one of the Prince of Waless earliest girlfriends and another, Jane, was lady -in-waiting to Princess Margaret. T he Sheffields accum ulated their v ast wealth through a concerted cam paign to m arry Lincolnshires richest landlords, becom ing the wealthiest fam ily in the area by the 15th century . T hereafter, the fam ily history reads like an Arthurian dram a, com plete with kings, battles and bloody plots. One ancestor, Robert Sheffield, was knighted by King Henry VIII only to die a prisoner in the T ower of London after offending Cardinal Wolsey . Another m et a grisly dem ise, being poisoned in 1568 by the Earl of Leicester, who was after his wife, one of the great court beauties. In tim e, Leicester poisoned her too, after tiring of her she liv ed but the potion m ade her lose her hair and nails, destroy ing her looks. T he wealthiest and m ost powerful Sheffield of all was John, who becam e the Duke of Buckingham and Norm anby . He built Buckingham House, as it was known then, and bestowed the first baronetcy on his son Sir Charles Herbert Sheffield, who later sold Buckingham Palace to George III in 17 62. A later Sheffield m arried a descendant of one of the illegitim ate sons of Nell Gwy n, the actress and m istress to Charles II. Sir Reginald is the eighth baronet, who m arried Annabel Jones, Sam antha Cam erons m other, but they div orced after only six y ears, and she went on to m arry the ex trem ely wealthy and aristocratic Viscount Astor. Jones herself is descended from the 10th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh and works as the director of a hom e furnishings com pany , based in London. She is now, by m arriage, Viscountess Astor. READ MORE That sort of blows any notion that any one may hav e had of the Camerons being down amongst the people right out of the water, dont cha think? Course, with the pair of in-breds both descending from Roy al stock, y ou wont be surprised to learn that they too are related to each other: The blue-blooded origins of Dem otic Dave were already fairly well known. Som e tim e ago, a com m enter on the Spectator blogsite pointed out that David and Sam antha Cam eron are 11th cousins twice rem oved, through their com m on descent from Jam es I: he via William IV and Mrs Jordan, she through Charles II and Nell Gwyn. This assertion appeared to reference research by the well-known genealogist Leo van de Pas, which I have been unable to access online; but the standard reference works would appear to bear m uch of it out. Source-The Guardian As with the Roy al Family , inbreeding has also play ed hav oc with the Cameron family . Both Dav e the Rav es Father, Ian Cameron and his eldest son Iv an both now deceased suffered genetic problems. The following is taken from the Daily Mail: The late Mr Cam eron, who died aged 77 after suffering a stroke on holiday in France in Septem ber, was born with unusually short legs and a total of just seven toes. Even after num erous childhood operations to lengthen his legs he was just 5ft 2in tall. Despite severe health problem s, he built up an im pressive fortune in the City that helped fund Davids years at Eton. The late Mr Cam eron is assum ed to have decided that transferring the fam ily hom e to Alex, 47, a barrister, m eant he was already well catered for, so he was left nothing in the will. Nev er the less, Ian Cameron could, I suppose consider himself lucky in comparison to his Grandson Iv an Cameron. The following is from the Esoteric blog spot. The underlining is mine: The Cam erons m arried on June 1, 1996, in Oxfordshire, with golden prospects. Their charm ed life was profoundly altered by the birth of their eldest son, Ivan Reginald Ian Cam eron on April 8, 2002. The discovery that he suffered from a rare com bination of cerebral palsy and epilepsy m eant he was unable to walk, talk or feed him self hit the couple like a freight train, in David Cam erons words Sharing her husbands fear that Ivans condition im plied a genetic inheritance that would be perpetuated if they had m ore children, Sam antha lost som ething of her carefree spirit but, after counseling, was elated at giving birth to a healthy daughter, Nancy Gwen born on January 19, 2004, and a son, Arthur Elwen on February 14, 2006. Currently, she


is expecting a fourth child in Septem ber 2010.

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In the early hours of the m orning of February 25, 2009, Ivan died. Though in poor health, Ivans death cam e as a shock. Sam antha spent tim e in the village where he is buried, joining the fam ily in putting flowers on his grave and kissing his cross. According to a friend, Ivan rem ains part of the fam ily. They talk about him constantly.



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Returning now to what I was say ing earlier about Cameron and his ilk being incapable of finding wiv es for themselv es a result of their early aristocratic indoctrination and trauma based rituals that they were forced to take part in while in the BBDC and other such Secret Societies. As I also pointed out, I can quite understand that many people will find it hard to swallow that Dav e the Rav e didnt marry Samantha Sheffield through choice. Course, those who already know about the Aristocracy and the elite bloodlines will fully understand what I am talking about. Nev er the less, it is perfectly normal for these psy chopaths to hav e arranged marriages be it by consent or blackmail. All heirs to the throne hav e their spouses chosen for them from an ex tremely y oung age where as those earmarked for high office such as Cameron hav e their spouses chosen as and when the time comes the difference being that those such as Cameron do not need to marry a v irgin. Nev er the less, any potential brides for these head-cases hav e to hav e certain qualities. For instance, they hav e to be of good stock, and ex tremely intelligent, not to mention dominating. Course, these arranged marriages differ greatly to marriage in the conv entional sense of the word. That is to say , infidelity is to be ex pected. More often than not, the person earmarked for high office will hav e little interest in women any way Men and Children usually being the order of the day . Remember, these Psy chopaths being manoeuv red into power hav e to be controllable by the Banksters and corporate Fat Cats. Therefore, they hav e to hav e that dev iant side to them. The cardinal rule is, fuck who y ou like, whatev er y ou like, whenev er y ou like, but dont get caught.



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The same applies to their spouses, who apart from official engagements hav e to spend precious little time with their husbands, for which they are handsomely rewarded. According to the Abel Danger website all these women are either Lesbians or hav e Lesbian tendencies meaning they hav e a lesser desire for Male Company and as such, less room for the press to speculate on ex tra marital affairs. Field McConnell & Dav id Hawkins from the Abel Danger website, call these women the Crown Agents Sisters. For a list of those inv olv ed in this Sisterhood, click HERE. For me to ex plain how these Crown Agents Sisters operate would take me hours and as such, y ou will either hav e to inv estigate for y ourself or take my word for it. Howev er, I will tell y ou that the Crown refers to the City of London and not Bizzy Lizzy . The City of London is the financial Hub of the NWO and just like Washington DC is not subject to the same laws as the rest of the country . To understand what I am talking about, y ou can find an in-depth ex planation HERE. The following is a definition of Crown Agents: Crown Agents is exactly what its nam e im plies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and m anagem ent of what British historians call the Third Em pire Crown Agents printed the stam ps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial m onetary authorities, governm ent officials, and heads of state; served as arm s procurers, quarterm asters, and paym asters for the colonial arm ies Her Majestys Murder, Inc Crown Agents range of servicesarm s procurem ent, border controls, offshore bankingalso nicely fit the adm inistrative requirem ents of the worlds organized crim e cartels. review of som e of the m ore sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crowns highly sensitive patronage of global organized crim e what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc. Read More The Crown Agents Sisters are like the whore house side of the branch albeit v ery , v ery intelligent. They get up to some v ery , v ery sleazy practices and are ex tremely well rewarded. Sam Cam is allegedly a Crown Agent Sister (CAS) as was her ancestor, Nell Gwy n, her Mother and her Grandmother. Other notable CASs are Sarah Brown, Miriam Clegg, Cherie Blair, and Ffion Hague. Across the pond, y ou hav e Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton. Y ou will note that the afore mentioned ladies are all Ex tremely Clev er, Ex tremely Rich in their own right, Ex tremely dominating and all had/hav e high powered jobs. Moreov er, all their husbands were/are Party Leaders. Not conv inced? Lets look at the ev idence then. I should also say , if y ou hav ent already read my article Parliamentary Paedophiles, now would be a good time. William & Ffion Hague: As planks go, they dont come much stiffer than Silly Willie Hague. Hague is most definitely Gay and more than likely a paedophile. He certainly protects them hav ing cov ered up the Waterhouse Inquiry into child abuse in care homes. He was also the man tasked with sacking Leon Brittan following allegations of Child Rape. The sacking took place on Brighton Beach at 6 AM in the morning. Hague also shared a hotel room with his Driv er/Adv iser Chris My ers a scandal that ended with My ers hav ing to step down. The following is taken from Guido Fawkes website: William Hagues statem ent adm itting that he shared a hotel bedroom with a m ale aide but is not a hom osexual will only increase speculation over his private life, Max Clifford has said. But Mr Clifford, a Public Relations guru, said that the form er Conservative leader had turned a sm all problem into a huge problem . Speaking on Radio 4s Today program m e he added that Mr Hague had been given poor PR advice and there was no reason why he couldnt have rem ained quiet indefinitely. Mr Clifford said that the vast m ajority of people in Britain would have had no doubts about Mr Hagues sexuality if they had been asked last week. Now people are asking why a m ulti-m illionaire needs to share a bedroom , he said. Then there was also the matter a Hagues friendship with the Gay MP AIan Duncan The following is from the Daily Mail: But Labour, which purported to be the gay friendly party, was m erely exploiting rum ours doing the rounds in the Com m ons tea room over Mr Hagues friendship with Alan Duncan. Mr Duncan was to becom e the first Tory MP to openly declare his hom osexuality a decade later. Mr Hague had been a lodger in Mr Duncans Westm inster house in the unfortunately nam ed Gayfere Street. Interestingly enough, Dav e the Rav e often slept there too. The following is from Wikipedia. Y ou will notice how the homosex ual connotations hav e been remov ed: During the cam paign, Cam eron was one of the young brat pack of party strategists who worked between 12 and 20 hours a day, sleeping in the house of Alan Duncan in Gayfere Street, Westm inster, Ffion on the other hand is ex tremely intelligent and ex tremely attractiv e. She is rarely seen with Bald Willie these day s. Could that be something to do with the fact that the Cretin is no longer Tory Party Leader? The following is also taken from the Daily Mail: She is rarely seen in public these days, preferring to spend m ost of her tim e in their hom e in Y orkshire. The couple joke that the driveway to the m ansion house, where they have a 1m apartm ent, is one of the longest in Y orkshire and therefore affords them m axim um



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Safe to say then, that it isnt hard to imagine Ffion rogering Willie up the arse with a 1 2 inch strap-on.



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Gordon & Sarah Brown: Brown has long been ex posed as being a paedophile. If y ou took my adv ice and read my article, Parliamentary Paedophiles y ou will already know that. Howev er, here is what Sean Copeland has to say on the matter: Brown is known for sexually abusing num erous boys, as well as girls. He is known for a particularly vile rape in Aberdeen in the 70s, when he and 2 others paid a prostitute for access to her 9 year old daughter. They all raped her several tim es, and som e years later the girl went to court to get custody of her little brother because of her m others abuse, and drug use. She won the case and has had custody of him ever since. The records have vanished from court, but the victim still rem em bers what happened, and who did it. And this from the On-line publishing Company : Although Labour Suprem o Peter Mandelsons alleged role in the kidnapping of young girls and boys for the pleasuring of the European Unions elite com m issioners in Brussels was the subject of intense speculation long before the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, I can now bring to a close all speculation as to the nam e of Tony Blairs m ost highly placed and senior politician who fell not only under the scrutiny of Scotland Y ard for crim es against children, but was also identified by the FBI as an active m em ber of the paedophile ring run by Thom as Ham ilton. That nam e was first revealed to m e by Norm an Lam ont at a private party in Clapham in 1986, during which tim e I worked as a scriptwriter for the British television m edia. Lam ont later becam e Chancellor of the Exchequer under John Majors Conservative adm inistration. Following investigations in 2003 on both m y and Bob Kearleys part, that nam e cropped up tim e and tim e again, and I passed the details to Internet journalist Paul Joseph Watson. Gordon Brown, the current British Prim e Minister, is a practising paedophile whose activities are known not only to the British, Am erican and Israeli intelligence services, but also by Rupert Murdoch and his senior editor at the Sunday Tim es. For her part, Sarah Brown hardly bothers to hide the fact that she is a Lesbian these day s not that she did much to hide that fact in the past: Sarah Brown, the wife of the prim e m inister Gordon Brown m ade a surprise guest appearance at the Duckie gay club night in Vauxhall, South London last night. READ MORE Tellingly , the Browns didnt get married until Gordon was 49 y ears old. They too, rarely spend time together albeit his whore rarely makes public appearances with or without him. It has ev en been publicly alleged that the Money Grabber was paid 50,000 to marry the v ile perv ert and stay the course. Then again, as I hav e already mentioned, these women are all greedy and ambitious. The following is from an article that appeared in the Guardian Newspaper: Future MP? Gordon Browns wife Sarah has an increasing influence over Downing Street affairs. That aside, The Browns and the Camerons hav e another thing in common. Both of their first born died y oung. Iv an Cameron, as I hav e already said, died aged 6 and Jennifer Brown died of a brain haemorrhage at only 1 0 day s old. Interestingly enough, The Hagues hav e no children although Ffion is reported to hav e had sev eral miscarriages. The loss of these first borns and unborn has lead to speculation of Dev il worship being inv olv ed. Dev il worshippers are often asked to sacrifice their first born. Similarly , unborn foetuses are also used in satanic worship. According to the Aangirfan website, after conception: The foetus is then aborted for ritual use, or the baby is taken for sacrifice or enslavem ent. Course, we now know that Sam Cams family are heav ily into dev il worship. But, did y ou know that Dav id Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiativ e, United Nations is quoted as say ing the following: No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will m ake a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation. Now, I hav e to say that I wholeheartedly believ e that all the elites are into Dev il Worship. There is far too much documented ev idence for it not to be so. Furthermore they are all Freemasons, which the lower initiates mistakenly believ e to be a Christian organisation, but in reality is as ev il an organisation as they come. I hav e already documented this fact along with the Roy al Family s inv olv ement in the Black Occult in my article Monsters Inc.



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I also hav e to say that, while I hav e no tangible ev idence, I hav e been told on more than a few occasions that the Camerons had a hand in Iv ans death. In fact, one of those coincidences that alway s seem to happen when I start writing a major article happened. Y ou see, shortly after I started writing this Cameron Ex pos I was contacted by someone urging me to watch a Y ouTube v ideo made by Gordon Duff and Stew Webb. Unfortunately , I hav e no sound on my Comp (I keep the website going using the shittiest of computers dont cha know) so I am unable to listen to this v ideo. Howev er, I am told that at around 1 hr 25 mins into the v ideo, the talk turns to Dav e the Rav e and Rupert Murdoch. I would imagine that this is in connection with the Phone hacking scandal which I will discuss in due course. Howev er, for now, this is what I hav e been told takes place in the v ideo: I cannot really do it justice by transcribing BUT for what its worth, I will try! Basically, and put very sim ply, what they are stating here is this: Murdoch has/is the biggest SS [secret service] in the world, and due to their extraordinary ability to be able to wire tap/bug/hack, etc; they had reason to do just such a thing to the fuckpig Cam eron there were reasons! Consequently they have actually recorded him with his scabby wife talking about what they have obviously done, i.e. m urdered their own disabled child. No use us saying things like Dont be daft, thats not likely to happen cos the likes of the Cam erons would surely be wise to anything that they m ay blurt out in conversation that could incrim inate, hence how could this be possible . Its because the bottom line is that som e Dickhead like Cam eron is in reality probably NOT very bright, and certainly no m atch for som ething like a highly sophisticated [spy v spy] SS intelligence op. Hence they have got him [presum ably] well and truly by the balls, and with that sort of am m o for blackm ail, they say it is one very good reason why the Murdochs were never going to be banged up with any support from Cam eron. If all this is true, and I see no reason to think otherwise then som eone like Cam eron m ust be putty in their hands. I would agree with that assessment. Unlike my self, y ou can watch that v ideo at the following link: http://www.y =_v GrSI1 G6aM&feature=y Furthermore, y ou may recall that I quite often make mention that the MSM often resort to dropping v eiled hints as to what is really going on in the world. In my opinion, the Times also hint that Iv ans death wasnt as straight forward as others in the MSM would hav e y ou believ e. Certainly , going on their report of the little boy s death from their article published on the 26 t h of February 2009, I believ e that to be the case. Tellingly , the report doesnt say whether Iv an was concious or ev en aliv e when he arriv ed at the hospital: When the certificate is written, it will say the cause of death was acute abdom inal failure at 6.30am on February 25, 2009, at St Marys Hospital in Paddington, West London. The public record of a sm all boy stilled will tell nothing, though, of his last agonies, or of his parents final goodbyes. And yet the nam e it will bear Ivan Reginald Ian Cam eron will indicate that the death of this six-year-old boy was not sim ply a personal tragedy. Their journey from that pit of despair through long battles to win the right care for their son and to forge a fam ily life as norm al as possible has set a new direction for Conservative politics, and m ay yet put Britain on a new course. The couple m ade an early decision that they would not hide their son away. Mr Cam eron, the MP for Witney, spoke in the Com m ons of his m agical child, and he also wrote m ovingly on the subject. Ivans only self-conscious m ovem ents are to raise his eyebrows and to sm ile, he wrote in a newspaper article in 2004. And his sm ile slightly crooked, som etim es accom panied by a little m oan can light up a room . It never fails to m ake m e both happy and im m ensely proud of him . But with the sm ile com es epilepsy so powerful he can fit for an hour at a tim e, his sm all body contorted, often scream ing in agony. And with the epilepsy com es cerebral palsy so severe that Ivan cannot m ove, sit up or hold on to anything or anybody. He cannot crawl, walk or talk and never will. The next year he told an interviewer: He definitely recognises us. His eyes follow us very closely. Som etim es he sm iles. When asked whether he and his wife thought it m ight be kinder to let their son die, he said: Its difficult. That is a conversation that we have quite often. What happens if he has terrible fits? . . . Id rather not go into it. On Tuesday when Mr Cam eron bid goodnight to his sm all team at his Com m ons office and went hom e for one of his designated fam ily nights, there was no hint of what lay ahead. Indeed, he was looking forward to the next day, when he thought that he would be photographed arriving at No 10 for the unveiling of a new portrait of Baroness Thatcher. That event was also cancelled. Mr Cam eron told a friend that Ivan had had a very, very bad night. The Tory leader and his wife went with their son to hospital in the early hours yesterday, arriving at 5.45am . There had been scares before. Last April, two days after Ivans sixth birthday, Mr Cam eron had rushed with him to hospital. On another occasion, the boys hip had been broken in the course of a particularly violent episode. Despite the diagnosis, Mr Cam eron had allowed him self once to speculate publicly about what it m ight m ean for his son to reach adulthood. Speaking to The Tim es after a visit to a residential hom e for handicapped young adults, he said: I cant help but bring it back to Ivan and think what it will be like if and when hes 18.



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In another interview, he said that he was philosophical about the prospect of his sons death. Y ou know that children like Ivan never m ake it to old age. Y ou live by the day. But he doesnt want to give up. This little person just wants to keep going. Course, unless y ou know the key words and sentences to look for, there appears to be nothing ominous in that report at all. Howev er, they do ex ist and once y ou start to look for them, they are quite easy to spot. Nev er the less, if y ou do not believ e what I say about the MSM dropping subtle hints on matters that they are not allowed to mention in their reports, I will giv e y ou an in y our face blatant ex ample at the end of this article. Howev er, for now I will return to Gordon Brown. Browns third child, a second son, Fraser also has medical complications. The following is taken from the Daily Mail and is in regard to the afore mention Phone Hacking Scandal: Gordon Brown today laid bare his fam ilys anguish after Rebekah Brooks revealed she had seen his baby sons m edical records and intended to publish a story about his illness. In an extraordinary interview, the form er prim e m inister described how he and his wife Sarah had been in tears after speaking to the then editor of The Sun in 2006. Mrs Brooks had told Mrs Brown that she knew four-m onth-old Fraser had cystic fibrosis - som ething which was thought to be known only by the fam ily and m edical staff and that the paper intended to run a story. Read more Now, its quite interesting that Rebekah Brooks (a Rupert Murdoch puppet) is alluding to Dead Ey e Browns phone being tapped. Brooks was Chief Ex ecutiv e Officer of News International from 2009 to 201 1 , hav ing prev iously serv ed as the y oungest editor of a British national newspaper at News of the World] from 2000 to 2003, and the first female editor of The Sun from 2003 to 2009. Brooks married actor Ross Kemp in 2002. They div orced in 2009 and she married former racehorse trainer and author Charlie Brooks. Source Wikipedia. Course, Brown was allegedly liv id about the illegal inv asion into his priv acy . Shame thats the only illegal inv asion that the useless twat was liv id about. But I digress. So, with the abov e in mind, its quite interesting to note that Sarah Browns Wikipedia page states the following under the category of Friendships. The underlining is mine: Friends from the worlds of politics and m edia have included journalist and television presenter Mariella Frostrup, Labour spin doctor Charlie Whelan, Rupert Murdochs wife Wendi and his daughter Elisabeth, the television presenter Claudia Winklem an and newspaper editor Rebekah Brooks. There is still a lot more to be said on the phone hacking scandal, but I shall leav e it there for now and return to the Crown Agents Sisters.



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Nick & Miriam Clegg: Clegg is the least important of this bunch of reprobates but is still nev er the less dominated by his foreign wife and seemingly by ev ery one else for that matter. I do in fact, often find my self wondering just what the fuck is it that Clegg does to justify his huge tax pay er funded salary . Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, AKA Mrs Clegg she retains her maiden name on the other hand is a high powered Lawy er and is known to be v ery cutting with her comments. She was in fact, quite bitchy about Sam Cam leading up to the last General Election albeit nobody seemed quite sure where Miriam was while Clegg was on the campaign trail. Howev er, one thing is for sure about Clegg one of the poorer members of this gov ernment with an estimated fortune of 1 .9 million. He is nev er far away from misappropriated money . That fact aside, the do nothing, useless ponce still claimed the max imum in allowances and that little bit more to boot. The following from Wikipedia: Clegg allegedly claim ed the full am ount perm issible under the Additional Cost Allowance, including claim s for food, gardening and redecorating his second hom e. The Telegraph also said Clegg claim ed 80 for international call charges, a claim he said he would repay. He was also a prominent member of staff for the Paedophile Leon Brittan right up until the odious Child Rapist was forced to resign due to committing large-scale fraud. Judging by Cleggs ex pense claims and



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another matter that I reported on and subsequently appears to hav e been hushed up, he wouldnt hav e a problem with Brittans corrupt activ ities. The matter that I just referred to inv olv ed fast tracking millions of pounds of public money to his wifes fav ourite charity . Y ou can read about that HERE. Strangely enough, another of those coincidences that happen when I write major articles has just occurred. It has just been announced in the papers today (3/2/1 3) in fact, that despite a FOI request being submitted on the abov e matter, the information has now been blocked by the cabinet office. http://www.chrisspiv ey Another touchy subject for Clegg is his sons schooling. He had once famously said that his children would hav e a state education. He was full of shit of course, but blames it on his wife for the fact that his eldest is set to attend a 30,000 per y ear Priv ate school. Y ou can find the story Here.



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T ony & Cherie Blair: Psy chopath Blair is also a well-documented homosex ual and paedophile as y ou will know if y ou hav e read Parliamentary Paedophiles. If y ou hav ent; why the fuck not? That is three times that I hav e giv en it a plug now. Cherie, hated by the press and public alike is rarely seen with Miranda Tony B-Liars nickname at Univ ersity . Blair was apparently well known as being a Transv estite, back in the day . See He who pay s the piper by T Stokes for more information. Cherie, who is the daughter of Actor Tony Booth, once posed naked for for what appears to hav e been, Lord Derry Irv ines sex ual gratification: Som e bits of Cherie Blairs m em oirs strike all the wrong notes, as m any reviewers have pointed out. The tone is toxic at tim es. That is true. But there is a charm ing account of Mrs Blairs tim e as a nude m odel in the late seventies, knitting tea cosies as gifts for the artist, Euan Uglow. As she describes the scene, the two m et at a dinner party of Derry Irvine, her legal boss, later Lord Chancellor, who was a serious art collector and, as she less than adm iringly describes, an even m ore serious consum er of fine wine. More startling still is the fact that she is alleged to be a v ictim of CIA mind control. At least that is the case according to the Aangirfan website. Certainly , the Blairs strange marriage will hav e contributed towards their childrens problems. Six teen y ear old Euan Blair was famously found drunk as a skunk laid out in the gutter in July 2000. This incident occurred just day s after Blair announced tough new measures for being drunk and disorderly in public. The following is from the Telegraph: Referring to the fact that Euan lied to police about his identity and age, he said that he had been trying to save his fam ily em barrassm ent. Mr Blair was challenged to justify his suggestion of on-the-spot fines on young people for disorderly behaviour an initiative dropped after police chiefs dism issed it as unworkable and asked whether he thought that it would have deterred his son. Ev en more worry ing was the fact that Blairs daughter Kathry n tried to commit suicide at the tender age of 1 6. Blair all but managed to keep this story out of the papers but v arious sources claim that his daughter died 3 times on the way to hospital Without being flippant, She obv iously wasnt fucking about. The following is from e/index .htm#Tony On or around Thursday 13th May 2004 Tony Blairs 16 year old daughter Kathryn attem pted to com m it suicide. She is in the m iddle of exam s, believed to be GCSEs and took an overdose of unknown pills. She was rushed to hospital and a news blackout was requested by the PMs office and adhered to by the British Press. Kathryn is believed to be studying at the Sacred Heart school in Ham m ersm ith, West London, a Rom an Catholic state secondary school. News about the suicide attem pt was confirm ed by Alan Johnson, Labour MP for West Hull and Hessle. So, was this a sudden pang of conscience from the British tabloids over sensitive reporting of the PMs fam ily? Or the establishm ent press (yes even the tabloids are owned by the establishm ent) kow-towing to protect the flagging public im age of the m ost disastrous Prim e Minister this country has ever seen just before local and European Elections? In a dem ocracy, the public have a right to know about the fam ily failings of anyone in public office it enables them to judge whether to vote for that individual or not. When that failing fam ily is the Prim e Ministers the press have a duty to inform the public not to protect politicians im ages from public scrutiny. This news blackout has in turn led to speculation that the real reason for Kathry ns suicide bid was that Blair had tried to rape her. Y ou can find more on this by clicking HERE. Quite worry ingly , Blair is reported to be acting as an adv iser to Dav e the Rav e. Then again, that would ex plain an awful lot.



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Barak & Michelle Obam a: The United States President has been dogged for y ears by rumours that hes gay . http://www.chrisspiv ey 30. Moreov er, his wife Michelle, who is forev er fucking off on holiday without him was disbarred from practising law in 1 993 for what was described as Malpractice. Or, put another way , she was allegedly ex torting money from wealthy clients. Obama is said to hav e once frequented Male Bath-houses cruising for sex . He is also alleged to hav e had an affair with the Actor Kal Penn. Penn is said to hav e dated Obama between 2008 2009. The actor was ev en giv en what was described as being a my sterious role in the White House, which Penn abruptly left after being dumped by the President. The President is also said to hav e had an affair with a Pakistani Room-mate during his college y ears. Y ou can read more at: . The website looks into Obamas alleged homosex ual relationships and poses the question; Is Barack Obama our first down-low, closeted gay President and is Michelle Antoinette Obama our first fully -complicit beard of a First Lady ? Bill & Hilary Clinton: Im sure I dont need to say much about Wild Bill, since his indiscretions are already well documented. Howev er, Hilary has been dogged for y ears by rumours about her penchant for y oung women. She, like all the rest of these Monsters, is a practicing Satanist. I think that I hav e giv en y ou enough food for thought there on the question as to whether or not our leaders hav e their spouses chosen for them. Y ou might like to note that I purposely av oided using the ev idence that the Abel Danger websites puts forward to make their case for the claim. The reason for that is to demonstrate just how much ev idence that there actually is to support the fact. Believ e me, I could hav e added a lot more.



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Before I mov e on, I would just like to add a postscript to Iv an Camerons death. It is indeed an indication of his fathers warped morals that he now appears hell bent on bringing the NHS crashing down. Y ou see, despite hav ing 30 Million in the bank, being married into one of the richest families in the world, and hav ing houses here there and ev ery where as is partly ev idenced here: Mr Cam eron, 44, is currently living in Downing Street with wife Sam antha and their three children but he still owns a 1m illion country hom e in Oxfordshire and a 1.5m illion hom e in North Kensington, West London, which is rented out to a tenant.



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Mr Cam eron has paid off the m ortgage on his North Kensington house and used taxpayerfunded MPs expenses to help pay the 350,000 m ortgage on his sizeable second hom e in his Oxfordshire constituency. He suggested he used shares to pay off som e of the m ortgage but his wife Sam antha, 39, is also independently wealthy. When asked about his wifes properties, Mr Cam eron once fam ously said dism issively that his wife had no hom es of her own, but owns a field in Scunthorpe. He seem s to have been referring to the fact that Mrs Cam erons father Sir Reginald Sheffield, 63, owns som e 3,000 arable acres in north Lincolnshire that have been in the fam ily since the 16th century. Source- The Daily Mail. Back in 2002, the fucking ponce was still happy to entrust Iv ans round the clock care to the same NHS that he is, ten y ears down the line, try ing to destroy . The following is from the Times Newspaper in 2009: Their constant exposure to hospitals, respite nurses, social services and all the other apparatus of state-funded support wrought in Mr Cam eron a deep and genuine respect for a service that his party had tended to treat with suspicion. Addressing the Tories during his first party conference as leader, he chose to confront head-on those who com plained that Britain could not afford the NHS. In a speech that Sam antha Cam eron helped to craft, he said: I believe that the creation of the NHS is one of the greatest achievem ents of the 20th century. When your fam ily relies on the NHS all the tim e day after day, night after night you really know just how precious it is. From the first day of his leadership he has been clear that an adm inistration led by him would protect and nurture the NHS. What a, absolute prick that man is. I think that if nothing else, that snippet from the Times and Camerons subsequent actions demonstrate the kind of integrity the cunt possesses. Nev er the less, it is fair to say that the Camerons hav e a fairly successful marriage. That said, it doesnt alter the fact that it was arranged. And, Like all arranged marriages; some are more successful than others. Hav ing said that, ev en the MSM were forced to admit that Sam Sheffield was a strange choice for Dav e the Rav e. The following is taken from the Daily Mail: Cam eron, who had just turned 26, had never been in any doubt what sort of wom an he was getting involved with. She was far rem oved from the m ould of his usual girlfriends, but he had seen som ething special in her. Last m onth, The Mail on Sunday revealed how a 15-year-old Cam eron narrowly avoided being expelled from Eton after he was forced to adm it he had sm oked cannabis. And now, following m onths of research and interviews with friends and colleagues, we can disclose how Sam anthas steely resolve, plain-speaking advice and intuitive, if untutored, political instincts have been instrum ental in helping him clim b to the top of the Conservative Party. The story of a powerful wom an urging on a brilliant young politician m ay have a fam iliar ring, but that is where the parallel ends. READ MORE Indeed it is where the parallel ends. Y ou see, Sam Cam was a bit of a wild child who frequented illegal rav es and mix ed with the notorious gangster turned Hip Hop Star, Tricky . She ev en acquired the nickname Snowy Snow being a slang name for Heroin & Cocaine. The following is from the Esoteric blog spot: She did an art foundation at Cam berwell College of Arts and then went on to study Fine Art at Bristol Polytechnic (now the University of the West of England. It was here, that she gained som ething of a wild reputation at Bristol Polytechnic, where her studies in fine art were em bellished with playing pool at the Montpelier pub with Tricky, the trip hop star Trying to shake off an aristocratic upbringing by getting a dolphin tattoo on her ankle, and hanging out with the likes of the m usician and actor Adrian Thaws, known as Tricky, who was heavily into drugs. And then there is this from the Abel Danger Website: However, in her youth the then Sam antha Sheffield had a taste for the wilder shores of Bristol, where she was an art student, according to a biography called Cam eron: The Rise of the New Conservative by journalists Jam es Hanning and Francis Elliott. This included socializing with Adrian Thaws, who later becam e fam ous as the rapper Tricky [of Massive Attack group allegedly transported by Menzies to New Y ork with bleached passports for snuff-film spoliation team on 9/11]. Her nicknam e was Snowy. [allegedly dealing in heroin]). Tricky told the Mail on Sunday newspaper that he and the baronets daughter m ade unlikely friends, saying: I was robbing houses, robbing stores, selling weed [m arijuana] by the tim e I was 15. Dubbed Sam Cam by the tabloids, the new prim e m inisters wife sports a tattoo of a dolphin on her ankle and reportedly attended illegal rave parties [allegedly involving pedophile oath-taking cerem onies] in her younger days. Hmmm, may be a bit more than y our normal posh wild-child then. The fact that Sam Cam also got her future husband into the Rav e scene could hav e cost the then rising star in gov ernment a few problems. Fortunately for Dav e the Rav e, which in turn was unfortunate for us, his future was already assured by that time: Cam erons first job in the governm ent m achine cam e to a juddering halt when Lam ont



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was sacked as Chancellor in May 1993. He then m oved to be special adviser at the Hom e Office under Michael Howard. But Sam antha and his private life occasionally were at odds with his work. The crackdown on raves struck him as illiberal not least because his girlfriend was attending the sort of dance events the Tories wanted to ban. Read more Y ou see, what y ou hav e to understand is that Camerons future rise up the Political ladder had already been guaranteed by order of the highest authority in the land i.e. The Duck of Edinburgh: After graduation, Cam eron worked for the Conservative Research Departm ent between Septem ber 1988 and 1993. A feature on Cam eron in The Mail on Sunday on 18 March 2007 reported that on the day he was due to attend a job interview at Conservative Central Office, a phone call was received from Buckingham Palace. The m ale caller stated, I understand you are to see David Cam eron. Ive tried everything I can to dissuade him from wasting his tim e on politics but I have failed. I am ringing to tell you that you are about to m eet a truly rem arkable young m an. Source Wikipedia Now, if y ou receiv e a phone call like that prior to interv iewing someone, then y ou just know that y ou are going to giv e that job to that person, y es? And then there is this from the Daily Mail: As his friend Nicholas Boles says, Cam eron worked his way up on the inside floor by floor. He has enjoyed m uch good fortune. On alm ost every landing there has been luck or the helping hand of a fam ily friend to assist the next ascent. Michael Green, seen by som e as som ething of a tyrant, believes Cam eron can be ruthless. He says: Im sure hes got what it takes to be Prim e Minister. Nev er the less, that rise wasnt helped much by his wife to be. Fair to say that Sam Cam didnt hav e any respect for any one in politics, in particular Camerons boss Norman Lamont. Then again, these rich tossers dont hav e any respect for any one. The following is from the independent: One of the first stories told about Sam antha in the biography of David Cam eron, by Francis Elliott and Jam es Hanning, is of the telephone ringing when they were trying to enjoy a quiet weekend in Bristol. Sam antha called out from the bed: If thats Norm an Lam ont, tell him to fuck off. To be perfectly honest, ev ery thing that I hav e read about Sam Cam indicates that she was a strange match for Dav e the Rav e. She was certainly nothing like his prev ious girlfriends, thats for sure. The Daily Mail said this: And then cam e Sam antha Sheffield. Daughter of a baronet and stepdaughter of Lord Astor, she was initially a friend of Cam erons sister Clare. He first set eyes on her at a party at his parents Berkshire hom e in 1987 when she was just about to go to Marlborough on an arts scholarship, and according to his affectionate m em ories was a sulky 16-year-old who thought: Whos this crashing bore who is your friends older brother? By 1992, when she was invited to holiday with the Cam erons in Tuscany, he realised she was for him , even though with her penchant for roll-your-own cigarettes and hippy interest in pop concerts as well as her youth she was only 22 to his 27 she did not fit the obvious profile of a Prim e Ministers wife. He was so sure she was the right one, he waited till 1996, by when she had becom e a businesswom an in her own right, to walk her up the aisle. One of the wedding photos now hanging in the Cam erons Notting Hill hom e says it all. The bride is her custom ary com posed and sunny self, while tears stream down the groom s face. In regard to that last sentence; The bride is her custom ary com posed and sunny self, while tears stream down the groom s face. Were they tears of happiness or tears of a man blackmailed into marriage? Y ou see, I say that because according to the following which appears on both the Abel Danger and Mikiv erse Politics Blogspot websites, Dav e the Rav e had no choice in the matter. Y ou will note that I hav e taken the liberty of adding ex tra detail where necessary . The Mikiv erse Politics input is in bold: Sam antha Cam eron (nee Snowy Sheffield) wife of the allegedly extorted m an-in-them iddle Prim e Minister of the United Kingdom , David Cam eron. Evidence: she plays a centuries-old role as Mistress of the Revels or agente provocatrice for lesbian or paedophile raves where witnesses are hired to entrap and extort future leaders. Evidence: she provided such services with Trickys Massive Attack group to Cam erons Bullingdon Boys. Also see: Massiv e Attack star in child porn probe The Daily Mail. And this from hereticalsex Thus began Operation Ore. All over the UK, police began breaking dow n peoples doors at six in the morning. Among those caught in the net w ere teachers, police officers, a judge, The Who guitarist Pete Tow nshend, Robert del Naja of Massive Attack, and Ronnie Barkers son Adam. To date, around 2300 men have been convicted of child pornography related offences. Evidence: that her fam ily entrapped David Cam eron in a film ed pedophile rave at som e tim e between his introduction to a tradition of pedophile rape and torture (beatings) at Eton College, through his work as a Shipjum per with Jardine Flem ing in Hong Kong, through his drunken property-sm ashing orgies at Oxford Universitys oath taking Bullingdon Club. That then backs up what I was say ing at the beginning of this article, about what goes on at these Rich tossers boarding schools. Y ou may also like to know that Wikipedia states this: Through his father, he



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w as then employed for a further three months in Hong Kong by Jardine Matheson as a ship jumper, an administrative post. And this: While at Oxford, Cameron w as a member of the lite student dining society, the Bullingdon Club, w ith a reputation for an outlandish drinking culture associated w ith boisterous behaviour and damaging property. Ev idence: that she or her m other ordered Dav id Cam eron to orchestrate the Black Wednesday sabotage of the U.K. T reasury [Solicitor] on 16 Septem ber 1992 when the pound sterling was withdrawn from the European Ex change Rate Mechanism . Quite plausible I suppose. Indeed, he was in place to do so. Wikipedia has this to say : Cameron w as w orking for Lamont at the time of Black Wednesday, w hen pressure from currency speculators forced the Pound sterling out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism Later that month Cameron joined a delegation of Special Advisers w ho visited Germany to build better relations w ith the Christian Democratic Union; he w as reported to be still smarting over the Bundesbanks contribution to the economic crisis. Lamont fell out w ith John Major after Black Wednesday and became highly unpopular w ith the public. Taxes needed to be raised in the 1 993 Budget, and Cameron fed the options Lamont w as considering through to Conservative Central Office for their political acceptability to be assessed. How ever, Lamonts unpopularity did not necessarily affect Cameron. Evidence of a seditious conspiracy between the Treasury Solicitor, the Cam eron, Sheffield, Astor and Rothschild Fam ilies and George Soros a WWII extortionist at a m ere 14 years of age to m ake a US$1 billion profit by short selling sterling. Evidence: her m other, Viscountess Astor, provided Fag Mistress services to Lord Boothby with the Kray Twins in the Astor-Club London of the 60s. Once again, quite plausible. Annabel Astor, by her own admittance was a rebel. Amongst other things, she has admitted to smoking dope with the notorious paedophile and rapist Roman Polanski, an American film director (see my article Celebrity Paedophiles). And then there is this: But Ronnie Kray had even more reason to w ant him dealt w ith. Shortly before Christmas 1 965 the Krays had met the Richardsons at the Astor Club off Mayfairs Berkeley Square, ostensibly to discuss how their gangs could co-exist w ithout confrontation. The talks broke dow n almost immediately, but not before Cornell had called Ronnie a big. fat poof. Source Bernard OMahoney Evidence: her ancestor Nell Gwynn provided Bona Vacantia contract-killing services through the Treasury Solicitor to the court of King Charles II. Evidence: she arranged for her husband to be em ployed by Michael Green as a Haberdashers Ass from 1994 to 2001. That too rings true when y ou read the following snippet taken from the Daily Mail (click on link to read the full story ): Annabel Astor, the mother of Camerons fiance Samantha Sheffield, asked her friend Michael Green, chairman of Carlton Telev ision, whether he would employ Cameron. Shes a v ery formidable lady , say s Green. When she say s to me, Do something, I do it! Evidence: she ordered her husband to launder Carlton Com m unications pay-per-view revenues for the 9/11 Massive Attack through VideoGuard encryption networks which he allegedly integrated in the period 1990-1993 with the Bona Vacantia accounts of the Treasury Solicitor Cameron was Director of Corporate Affairs at Carlton Communications for sev en y ears. Source Wikipedia Sam antha Cam eron graduated from City & Guilds Cam berwell College of Arts; she is the form er creative director of Sm ythson where she allegedly tracked and m oved victim s of pedophile and lesbian snuff-film raves with dual-use City & Guilds bona vacantia products or services such as leather & skin passport covers (Leathersellers), Menzies Aviation weapons cargo and param ilitary-passenger handling system s (Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators and Inform ation Technologists) and Newspaper Distribution (Stationers and Newspaperm akers). She was allegedly alerted by her City & Guilds lesbian agents that Gareth William s had enrolled at Central St Martins College of Art and Design in London and appeared to have hacked into Matrix 5 AOSIS network which she had helped to set up to launder CO2e m oney through her fam ily office at D2 Banking Canada Square, Canary Wharf. Now, I can appreciate that to some of y ou, those last two paragraphs may sound a bit confusing. I will elaborate on what the likes of the Leather sellers are shortly . Howev er, they are basically a posh union that operate out of The City Of London. For those of y ou who dont know who Gareth Williams is, he was the MI6 spy found dead in a bag a couple of y ears ago. The bag was of the ty pe sold by Smy thsons (Stationers and Newspapermakers as mentioned abov e and who Sam Cam worked for) and from the Sam Cam Pink Range. Despite Williams obv iously hav ing been murdered, the official v erdict is that he committed suicide. Also see http://www.chrisspiv ey 81 So, its quite obv ious that there is a lot more to Mrs Cameron than first meets the ey e. Certainly , she is not the ty pe of lady y ou would ex pect a Prime Minister to be married to. Then again, when y ou fully realise what corrupt, twisted sickos politicians are, Sam Cam is the ideal match for the Prime Minister. Howev er, as I hav e already intimated, neither was Sam Cams mother any better. The following is also taken from the Mikiv erse Politics Blogspot: Annabel Lucy Veronica Astor, Viscountess Astor (nee 1948 Jones) [CEO of OKA Direct, a



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hom e furnishings design com pany ; form er owner and designer of Annabel Jones jewellery business in London] Mother of wife of British Prim e Minister and Conserv ativ e Party leader Dav id Cam eron, Sam antha Sheffield She is daughter of T im othy Angus Jones and his wife Patricia Dav id Pandora Clifford. Her m other m arried secondly in 1961 to Michael Astor, habitu of the Astor Club alleged used by the Kray T wins to take control of the Metropolitan Police and House of Lords through a pedophile protection racket. Astors are considered to be the m ost powerful of the thirteen fam ilies or bloodline groups heading up the World Gov ernm ent plan. Astors allegedly portray ed as one of the 13 stars on the SES flag. Indiv iduals from the 13 fam ilies are m entioned in Dope Inc. [Crown Agents] as inv olv ed in som e aspect of the drug trade: the Astors, Bundy s, DuPonts, Freem ans, Kennedy s, Lis, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Russells; other fam ilies also play key roles in the drug trade such as the Bronfm ans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and Oppenheim ers. Now, I hav e to say , that while I appreciate that those claims may sound unbeliev able to those of y ou who hav e no understanding of how these elites work, I can tell y ou that Field McConnell (Abel Danger) has the respect of Dav id Icke and Brian Gerrish. Neither can there be any doubt that the Astors/ Sheffields are both ev il families. Y ou will all no doubt already know that Derek Laud was friends with Sam Cams family before his long association with Dav e the Rav e began. Moreov er, it is important that y ou do not get the wrong impression of Samantha Cameron in so far as she is a long way remov ed from being a drug addled hippy .



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Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Sam Cam is in fact a v ery astute business woman whose earnings once far out ex ceeding Dav e the Rav es. She is credited with turning around the fortunes of the Liv ery Company , Smy thsons of Bond Street. Liv ery Companies are what the Mikiv erse Politics Blogspot was referring to earlier in terms of Leathersellers etc. The following is from Sam Cams Wikipedia page: Cam erons work as the head of Sm ythson of Bond Street has won her a British Glam our Magazine Award for Best Accessory Designer. She has been noted as turning the com pany around and establishing it as a fashionable and popular brand. She also worked as a spokesperson for Shiatzy Chen. Two days after her husband becam e Prim e Minister, she announced she was stepping down from her full-tim e role to take on a consultancy role within Sm ythson for two days a week. She said that choice was hers alone and had been m ade after she discovered she was pregnant again and after what she described as an understandably difficult year, attributed to the death of her first child, Ivan. And, this from the Telegraph: It still sells stationery, including old-fashioned writing paper it holds three Royal Warrants as well as brightly coloured notebooks, leather key fobs and passport holders. But it is perhaps best known as a retailer of very expensive handbags, in part thanks to Mrs Cam erons cultivation of celebrity clients. According to the MSM, Sam Cam flew into New Y ork City On September the 1 0 t h 2001 with a v iew to opening a new branch of Smy thsons in Manhattan. Howev er, according to the Abel Danger website, Sammy Cammy had an ulterior motiv e for being in the USA: United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sam antha Cam erons trip on 9/10 to New Y ork to the covert transfer of Keynesian spread-bet PKI keys which allowed the Naudet Brothers to position their cam era crews to record im pact tim es of drones hitting the Twin Towers and dem olition tim es of buildings which generated scrap-steel sales for m aster servicer Wells Fargo.McConnell notes that both David Cam eron and Maynard Keynes spent tim e at Treasury learning how to operate the spread bet scam . Whether that is true or not, I cannot say . Howev er, it wouldnt surprise me. I certainly find it hard to believ e that Cameron didnt know that the twin towers were going to be taken out giv en his Zionist connections. What I do know is that the Camerons didnt let the opportunity to grab the headline pass them by . The following is from the Telegraph: David Cam eron: wife Sam antha was m issing in New Y ork on 9/11 Sam antha Cam eron was in New Y ork on the day of the 9/11 terror attacks and could not be contacted by her fam ily for five hours, the Prim e Minister disclosed. Another certainty is that Sam Cam, just like the other wiv es mentioned in this article, dominate their husbands. Furthermore, as I hav e also stated, Abel Danger maintain that these wiv es are all Lesbians or hav e lesbian tendencies. This, as I hav e also already said, would ring true seeing as their husbands are in turn, at the v ery least Bi-sex ual. So, giv ing mind to the fact that Dav e the Rav e has a reputation for say ing or doing whatev er will make him popular (at least that used to be his way ), it is somewhat strange that the cretin giv es his unflinching support to all things homosex ual. The following are just a few ex amples of this fact:



Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet /01 /dav id-cameron-attends-priv ate-pride-party / id-cameron-to-be-first-tory -to-appear-at-london-pride/ T ory leader, Dav id Cam eron has put gay politicians on a list of priority targets whom the Conserv ativ e leadership want to see in Parliam ent. According to the Independent, the Conserv ativ e Party wrote to a num ber of openly gay figures last week, asking them to apply to join an elite list of priority candidates who would hav e a m uch higher change of being selected for a winnable seat, and therefore, of becom ing an MP after the nex t Marc Shoffm an 6 February 2006, In an ex traordinary rant, the form er chairm an of the Conserv ativ e party , Lord Norm an T ebbit has said that apart from a big society gay wedding in Westm inster Abbey , he has no idea where prim e m inister Dav id Cam eron wants to take Britain. 1 /02/21 /norman-tebbit-all-dav id-cameron-stands-for-is-gay marriages-in-westminster-abbey / Reaching out to gay rights groups is one of T ory leader Dav id Cam erons top fiv e priorities, it has been claim ed. ativ e-party -toprioritise-gay -rights/ T ory leader Dav id Cam eron told a recent m eeting on education that schoolchildren should be taught about gay relationships and equality . /dav id-cam eron-say s-children-should-be-taughtabout-gay -relationships/ Prim e Minister Dav id Cam erons spokeswom an has said he fully supports William Hague after the foreign m inister issued a statem ent deny ing he was gay . I dont know what y ou think, but I hav e to tell y ou that I am a big believ er in the old say ing; Guilty by association. Cameron has certainly raised a few ey ebrows on his dogged determination to support all things homosex ual. His Mother ev en appears to be at a loss as to why her son is alienating himself on this matter. The following is taken from the Telegraph: David Cam erons m other says he just wont be told on gay m arriage The Prim e Ministers m other, Mary Cam eron, was asked why he was pressing ahead on gay m arriage despite the opposition of m any Conservative supporters. Now I am not say ing he is wrong or right to be so supportiv e of these gay issues. What I am say ing is that in doing so, it is out of character for him. Y ou need to ask y ourself why . When y ou talk about being guilty by association, Cameron has alway s had a dubious circle of friends. We know that at best, the cunt protects paedophiles. We also know that the murdering scumbag, child rapist Derek Laud is a particularly good friend at least he was until he started attracting bad publicity . Howev er, lesser known friends are just as dubious. Take this one for instance: Cam erons Big Society guru held in airport drug swoop on suspicion of sm uggling cocaine Arrested: Derrick Mitchell was held at Heathrow after being found with 3kg of cocaine in his luggage A charity worker em ployed by one of David Cam erons Big Society gurus has been arrested on suspicion of sm uggling cocaine with a street value of 120,000 into Britain. Form er US gang m em ber Derrick Anthony Mitchell was held at Heathrow this m onth after UK Border Agency officers allegedly discovered 3kg of drugs in his luggage. Mitchell, 37, is a duty m anager at the South London-based Kids Com pany founded by charity boss Cam ila Batm anghelidjh. She set it up in 1996 to care for abused, neglected or abandoned children in Londons inner-city com m unities. She has been described as Britains m ost colourful charity leader because of her style, dress sense and selfless approach to charity work. The award-winning author and cam paigner was invited to 10 Downing Street last year. She also advises form er Tory leader Iain Duncan Sm ith and is thought to be one of the inspirations behind Mr Cam erons pledge to hug a hoodie. Ms Batm anghelidjh spoke of her shock at the allegations surrounding Mr Mitchell, whom she described as a street-level youth m entor. Read More It is also interesting to note Dav e the Rav es pledge, mentioned during the course of that article (click on link to see the pledge): David Camerons Big Society aims to take pow er aw ay from politicians and give it to people. With that in mind, it would appear that the twat just cant stop himself from ly ing. The fella is a fucking cretin. And then theres this friend: A close friend of Tory leader David Cam eron was arrested and then held at a police station for m ore than 12 hours for an alleged assault on two teenagers. Read More And while Im at it, lets not forget Peter Cruddas. Howev er, most significant of all is that the Camerons are part of the Chipping Norton set. According to the Telegraph: The Chipping Norton set is a close group of powerful politicians and m edia elite who reside in and around the Oxfordshire town of Chipping Norton. Chipping Norton sits in the Cotswold Hills in West Oxfordshire. The group which includes Prim e Minister David Cam eron, form er News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks, Top Gear presenter Jerem y Clarkson and daughter of m edia m ogul Rupert Murdoch, Elisabeth, m et socially until the phone hacking scandal erupted.



Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Now, I dont giv e a fuck how forcefully and for how long Cameron continues to insist that he wasnt inv olv ed in the phone hacking scandal, but for as long as he continues to do so, he will forev er remain a ly ing cunt. He was/is far too close to, Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and the Murdochs not to be. Moreov er, according to Abel Danger, Sam Cam has been a long time friend and fellow conspirator of Rebekah Brooks and Elisabeth Murdoch. Y ou will also remember that I mentioned Dead Ey e Brown and his aherm, aherm, wife were also friends of Rebekah Brooks despite the fact that she shit on them by hacking into his phone. The following is what Wikipedia has to say about Cameron appointing Andy Coulson as his director of communications: In 2007, Cam eron appointed Andy Coulson, form er editor of the News of the World as his director of com m unications. Coulson had resigned as the papers editor following the conviction of a reporter in relation to illegal phone hacking, although stating that he knew nothing about it. In June 2010 Downing Street confirm ed Coulsons annual salary as 140,000, the highest pay of any special adviser to UK Governm ent. In January 2011 Coulson left his post, saying coverage of the phone hacking scandal was m aking it difficult to give his best to the job. In July 2011 he was arrested and questioned by police in connection with further allegations of illegal activities at the News of the World, and released on bail. Despite a call to apologise for hiring Coulson by the leader of the opposition Ed Miliband, Cam eron defended the appointm ent, saying that he had taken a conscious choice to give som eone who had screwed up a second chance. On 20 July, in a special parliam entary session at the House of Com m ons, arranged to discuss the News of the World phone hacking scandal, Cam eron said that he regretted the furore that had resulted from his appointm ent of Coulson, and that with hindsight he would not have hired him . Coulson was detained and charged with perjury by Strathclyde Police on 30 May 2012. Course, y ou will already no doubt know that Coulson and Rebekah Brooks will face trial in September this y ear ov er alleged illegal pay ments to public officials. What I want to know is what kind of pay ment Brooks made to Cameron. Since the pair of slags were sending each other intimate tex ts it isnt hard to figure out is it? The following is from the Guardian: David Cam eron is facing huge em barrassm ent after details of intim ate texts he exchanged with the form er News International chief Rebekah Brooks em erged on Saturday. The existence of the m essages has been at the centre of a row between Labour MP Chris Bryant and Cam eron for several weeks and the contents will be a thorn in the prim e m inisters side. In one m essage, Cam eron thanks Brooks for letting him ride one of her fam ilys horses, saying it was fast, unpredictable and hard to control but fun, it is claim ed. So, he definitely gav e her one. Then again, so hav e most people. Howev er, the fact that the posh twat can still deny his inv olv ement in the phone hacking scandal is proof personified of his flawed character. I will remind y ou what the traits of a psy chopath are: Cold heartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm , m anipulativeness, irresponsibility, im pulsivity, crim inality, antisocial behaviour, a lack of rem orse, a parasitic lifestyle and Prom iscuous sexual behaviour. Now, I realise that in the main I am preaching to the already conv erted, but any one who still thinks Cameron is fit to run the country needs serious therapy . The cunt needs hanging, and sooner rather than later. Hes a fucking psy chopathic megalomaniac- they all are for fucks sake! They hav e to be stopped and only we can stop them. Dont leav e it too much longer to start taking positiv e action.



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Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Finally , I made mention earlier that those in the MSM like to drop clues into their articles about what is really going on but which they are not allowed to report on in their propaganda rags. I also said that I would giv e y ou an ex ample where this clue dropping is blatantly obv ious if y ou know what to look for. What follows is an article written by Charlie Brooker for the Guardian in 2007 . The clue is in the 4 t h paragraph. I must admit that I hav ent read any other stuff by Brooker at least as far as I am aware. Howev er, going on the following article alone, I hav e to say , I like him I like him a lot Until the nex t time, Much lov e, Chris. Dav id Cam eron is an idiot. A sim pering, say -any thing, dough-faced, preposterous waddling idiot with a feeble, insincere v oice and an irritating tendency to squat near the top of opinion polls. I dont like him . And Iv e got a terrible feeling hell be prim e m inister one day . Brrr. T hese are unthinking snap judgm ents, based on little m ore than his m edia profile but since he appears to consist of little m ore than a m edia profile designed to appeal to unthinking snap judgm ents, that seem s fair enough. On that basis, lets stick to gut


instincts, shall we?

Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

T here is nothing to him . He is like a hollow Easter egg with no bag of sweets inside. Cam eron will say absolutely any thing if he thinks it m ight get him elected. If a shock poll was published say ing 99% of the British public were enthusiastic paedophiles, he would driv e through the streets in an open-top bus surrounded by the Mini Pops. Hes nothing. Hes no one. Its notoriously tricky to find out m uch about his past, in the sam e way that Morgan Freem an and Brad Pitt found it tricky to find out m uch about the serial killer John Doe in the m ov ie Se7 en. Hed m anaged to erase his entire ex istence, ev en slicing the skin off his fingers to av oid leav ing prints. Ev er seen a close-up of Cam erons fingertips? Of course not. T hink about it. T he apparently self-penned bio on Cam erons website begins, I was born in October 1966, and then leaps straight forward to 2001, m issing out the decades he spent as a guffawing, top-hatted toff in between. T he infam ous photo of Dav e posing alongside his posho chum s from the Bullingdon Club in an ex pensiv e roy al blue tailcoat is one of the few clues we hav e. It looks like precisely the sort of photo a detectiv e m ight end up study ing in a m urder m y stery , one where a group of friends accidentally killed a prostitute during a drunken, storm y night, and collaborated on a cov er-up. Im not say ing the Bullingdon boy s kill prostitutes. Im just say ing I wouldnt be surprised. And thats his fault, not m ine. Hes gone out of his way not to m ention his blue-blooded carousing, because he knows it would m ake the av erage citizen puke them selv es into a com a, and one side-effect of this is that he seem s shifty and suspicious.
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Written by me2 4 COMMENTS

Y ou can leav e a response, or trackback from y our own site.

24 Responses
1. Decency Says: I Did Note For the Cameron Regime and am Still Disgusted with the Cameron Regime
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 10:59 am

2. Decency Says: I Did Not Vote For and am Unlikely to

Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 11:00 am

3. Nancy Says: Did you know that the weapons inspector who later died in suspicious circumstances who went with him on that trip to where he sold the nukes was Dr David kelly? He knew that the containers where the nukes were supposed to have been ended up full of concrete instead of bombs.
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 11:20 am


Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 11:40 am

5. Freddy Duder Says: Some coincidence??:

Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 12:06 pm

6. Jane Says: Another brilliant article, if not the best so far if I had a hat, Id take it off to you Sir Spivey. Putting it all together like a jigsaw puzzle and making it impossible for people not to see the reality of what is really going on and how vile these bastards really are. The devil is in the detail as they say and with so much detail, these devils cant keep hiding.
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 12:53 pm

7. jeff brown Says: good call on the video freddy duder they look like cameron and his slimey mates!! lets hope one day it changes eh
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 4:04 pm

8. Chris Spivey & Camerons Closet It doesnt get much better than this. | Says: [...] the rest here. Camerons Closet by Chris Spivey, Chis, February 5 2013 Share this:TwitterFacebookLike [...]


Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 4:11 pm

Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

9. Jay Says: Yeah, whod have thought hed be worse than a mad, one-eyed Scotsman Thats the one rule in politics to remember. Just like the Spanish Inquisition the replacement always unexpectedly turns out worse. Thanks for the piece, appreciated.
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 5:53 pm

10. MrTrotskysGhost Says: GET ANGRY FIGHT BACK

Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 7:44 pm

11. Traveller Says: Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant! Well done Chris on a fascinating piece I just skimmed through it but it was riveting from start to finish now I am going to start from the top again and read down slowly some great research
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 7:48 pm

12. Steve Says: Well done, Sir! A very thorough piece of work, packed with significant and intriguing information. Excellent!
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 8:22 pm

13. justamumandanana Says: Hi Chris! Wow Im with Traveler, need to read it again to fully absorb everything. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! Well done Chris. Just a bit info that you will understand. That piece of personal research Im doing .well he was killed by an American with a libyan gun LOL .I know its not funny but if I dont laugh Im going to sit in a corner and cry .. Thanks Chris! Much Love Jx
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 9:55 pm

14. mrsworried Says: You must have balls that need a wheelbarrow. If even a quarter of this is true, we are fucked. *scared face*
Posted on February 5th, 2013 at 10:51 pm

15. Gareth Says: Wow. Chris this is an amazing piece of work, even though I have yet to read it all! 1/3rd the way through so far!. Jeez if my life was different and circumstances alowed I would love to be an intern for you. So much to learn.
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 2:30 am

16. Axiom Says: Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. ~ Plato
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 7:10 am

17. Axiom Says: The more we expose the diabolically mal-informing MSM , the closer we are to dismantling the only thing that separates us from the ruling criminal gang .
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 7:11 am

18. Axiom Says: For you Chris Spivey The Warrior Seer : Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play. -Heraclitus
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 7:12 am

19. Axiom Says: The Music for Going Down Holes . Be they Rabbit , or Black .


Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 9:18 am

Chris Spivey Blog Archive Camerons Closet

Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 9:23 am

21. Mark Says: A great article and very well researched. Yet if people are gay then so be it, its their choice, yes of course its your choice to to use words to offend some gays, but sometimes mybe a little thought should go into what we write? words can heal, words can hurt, words can kill.
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 9:44 am

22. Camerons Closet Philosophers stone | Philosophers stone Says: [...] [More...] [...]
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 12:32 pm

23. Darcy Says: We need to dismantle the whole unholy shower and their sick Castles in the air! Pull down their pedestals of pomp & ceremony and let the clean air of truth blow away the foul maisma of lying legislation that allows this blood bath of control to prosper. This dam must be broken so the waters of TRUTH can clean the land.
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 12:48 pm

24. Teresa Says: Thank you for the incredibly detailed and meticulous information. This sort of uncovering work is the only way we can ever hope to get justice for the children, and for all those suffering in conflicts caused by our leaders. It underlines just how interlinked everything in the hidden agenda is. What chance have the public got of influencing our warmongering leaders when they owe allegiance to the hidden forces above them, and not to us. It seems like the privileged school system which the sickos go through helps mould them into what they have been bred for, to use political power for carrying on the agenda. No wonder Hague is so spineless in defending Israels aggression to Syria, he was likely got at very early as a Tory party child prodigy. If only one like him would come forward and tell the truth of what they have been involved in, and consequently what political policies they have been blackmailed into carrying out, it would bring the whole lot crashing down.
Posted on February 6th, 2013 at 1:24 pm

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Welcome.My name is Chris Spivey. I am a registered Tattoo Artist & Body Piercer from Rochford in the county of Essex, UK. I am also a Features Writer for the Sovereign Independent Newspaper.I have an IQ of 127 and have nearly finished writing a book which is a spoof based on the rise to fame

Britain Fines People Who Fail On Vote * -2 0 1 2 to Ma y -2 4

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T eresa:
T h a n k y ou for t h e in cr edibly d

Slightly odd man anticipates On Dec-1 3 -2 0 1 2 record libel win

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W e n eed t o dism a n t le t h e w h ole

Devastating US Drought On Ju l-2 9 -2 0 1 2 Heralds Global Food Inflation

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andy r:


of the Sex Pistols.I firmly believe that everyone is equal and as such treat everyone with respect. However respect is a two way street so i expect to be treated with respect in return.I dont drink, which i suppose makes me boring to some peoples way of thinking.To that, i say im confident and brave enough not to need to hide behind alcohol and believe me drunk isnt a good look by anyones standards.................. Email:

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W ell sa id Mr Spiv ey . W h a t a

Darcy: T he Aliens Are Coming: Psychological On Ju l-7 -2 0 1 2 Programmers Versus T he Alternative Repor t ed by a dm in Media World War 3 Conditioning in On Sep-2 8 -2 0 1 2 La La Land: Its T ime T o Wake Repor t ed by a dm in Up People, Else You Are All Going T o Die.
T h en Pa u lin e, if w e did w h a t y





C O V E R U P S . T H E N E W W O R LD O R D E R . T H E T R U T H A B O U T T H E E U . P H O T O S .

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