Study Questions For Exam 1

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Ch. 1-5 Study Questions (9th Edition of Stallings) Ch. 1 Introduction 1.

Draw a diagram illustrating a simplified communication model and describe each key element. Include a general block diagram and an example in your figure. (See page 16.)


Source: this device generates the data to be transmitted; ex: telephones and


Transmitter: transforms and encodes the information in such a way as to produce electromagnetic signals that can be transmitted across some sort of transmission system; ex: modem 3. Transmission system: connects source and destination; ex: single transmission line or complex network 4. Receiver: accepts the signal from the transmission system and converts it into a form that can be handled by the destination device. 5. Destination: takes the incoming data from the receiver.
Source Transmitter

Transmission system



Briefly contrast WANs and LANs (page 22-24). 1. The scope of LANs are typically small, like a building or cluster of buildings. WANs are cross-country/world-wide. 2. LANs are owned by an organization whereas WANs arent. 3. Internal data rates of LANs are much greater than WANs. Ch. 2 Protocol Architecture 1. Draw and briefly describe Stallings model for TCP/IP Layers and Example Protocols (Fig.2.3)
Application Provides access to the TCP/IP environment for users and also provides distributed information services. Transport transfer of data between end points. May provide error control, reliable delivery. Internet shield higher layers from details of physical network configuration. Provides routing. May provide QoS, congestion control Network Access Logical interface to actual network hardware. May be stream or packet oriented. May provide reliable delivery. Physical - - transmission of bit stream over physical medium; deals with details of the physical medium.

2. Be able to identify the functions of the 5 TCP layers in Figure 2.3.

3. What is a protocol data unit?

the combination of data from the next higher layer and control information. 4. Which version of IP is the most prevalent today? 4

Ch.3. Data Transmission 1. What is meant by guided media? unguided media? Guided media is through cable and unguided media is through air 2. Contrast a direct link, point-to-point and multipoint link. Direct link: the transmission path between two devices in which signals propagate directly from transmitter to receiver with no intermediate devices, other than amplifiers or repeaters used to increase signal strength. Point-to-point: a guided transmission that provides a direct link between two devices and those are the only two devices sharing the medium. Multipoint: guided transmission; more than two devices share the medium. 3. Contrast simplex, half duplex and full-duplex transmission. Simplex: signals are transmitted on only one direction Half-duplex: both stations may transmit, but only one at a time Full-duplex: both stations may transit simultaneously 4. What is the formal (mathematical) definition of a continuous signal? What is a discrete signal? A continuous signal has no breaks or discontinuities in the signal. Limit from t to a for s(t) = s(a) for all of a 5. What is a periodic signal? The same signal pattern repeats over time. 6. What are the 3 basic parameters of a periodic signal? Frequency, amplitude, phase change 7. What is the relationship between the wavelength and the frequency? 8. What is the spectrum of a signal? 9. Contrast the absolute bandwidth and the effective bandwidth of a signal. 10. Give an example of devices that communicate: (see Fig. 3.14) a. analog data using analog signaling. b. digital data using analog signaling. c. analog data using digital signaling. d. digital data using digital signaling. 11. Briefly contrast analog vs. digital transmission . 12. What is meant by: a. attenuation? b. delay distortion? 13. Express the thermal noise (in watts) present in a bandwidth of B Hz. 14. What causes intermodulation noise? 15. What is meant by crosstalk? 16. If the transmission rate is 56k bps, how much data is lost if a sharp spike (impulse noise) of .01 sec occurs.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

What is Nyquist's equation for channel capacity? What is Shannon's equation for channel capacity? Why is the Eb/No ratio important? What is the equation for power ratios in dB? voltage ratios? What is the equation for dBW? dBmV?

Ch. 4 Transmission Media 1. What type of media is most often found in buildings for carrying voice and data? 2. Describe a coax cable. How does it differ from a fiber optics cable? 3. How does rain affect frequencies in the upper microwave region of the spectrum? 6. What is meant by transponder? What is a VSAT system? What are they used for? 7. What is the difference between broadcast radio and microwave? What is meant by line-of-sight transmission? 8. What are the advantages of infrared communications? Ch. 5 Data Encoding 1. Define the following terms: (Table 5.1) a. data rate b. signaling rate (modulation rate) 2. What are the classic definitions of mark and space? 3. What is meant by the bit error rate (BER)? In general what happens to the BER when a. data rate increases? b. SNR increases? 4. In general what is the relationship between bandwidth and data rate? 5. List five ways to evaluate and compare encoding schemes? 6. Describe non-return to zero (NRZ) encoding formats NRZL and NRZI.. 7. In general, what is differential signaling? 8. What is meant by multilevel binary signals? How are bipolar-AMI and pseudoternary defined? How does multilevel binary encoding compare to NRZ? 9. What are the bi-phase encoding formats, Manchester and Differential Manchester? How do they perform when compared to NRZ. 10. How does your author define the modulation rate D in baud? 11. What is the purpose of scrambling techniques used with bi-phase encoding? 12. Briefly describe ASK, BFSK, and PSK. 13. Explain how a single pair of wires can be used for full-duplex operation using FSK. 14. What is QPSK? 15. What is meant by the transmission bandwidth? What are the general equations for BT for ASK and MPSK? 16. What is a codec? 17. State the sampling theorem?

18. Describe PAM and PCM. 19. What is quantization? quantization noise? 20. What is the general equation for SNR dB as a function of n, the number of bits in the digitization process. 21. What is companding? How is it related to nonlinear quantization? 22. What is delta modulation? 23. Why is PCM used when it tends to require a very large transmission bandwidth? 24. In terms of analog data and analog signals, what is modulation? Why is modulation used? 25. In AM, what is meant by the modulation index? 26. Contrast AM and angle modulation. What is Bt for AM? FM (as a function of the peak frequency deviation? Does FM require more bandwidth than AM?

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