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Physic Form 4, Chapter 1 Physic the study of energy and the properties of the matter.

. Classical Physic heat, light, sound, mechanic, electricity Modern Physic atomic, molecular, nuclear, particle, relativity, astrophysics Physical Quantity : 1. Base Quantity cannot be defined by other quantity Eg: length, mass, time 2. Derive Quantity combined base quantity Eg: Area, volume, velocity Standard form 3.0x108 Prefix a letter placed in beginning of word, eg: kilo, mega, giga Symbol Value Prefix T 1012 Tera G 109 Giga M 106 Mega k 103 Kilo h 102 hecto da 10 deka d 10-1 deci c 10-2 centi m 10-3 milli 10-6 micro n 10-9 nano p 10-12 pico

Scalar Quantity a physical quantity has only magnitude or size Eg: length, speed, energy, volume, distance, mass Vector quantity a physical quantity has both magnitude and size Eg: Force, Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, Weight

Measurement Errors: 1. parallax error reading the ruler without perpendicular angle 2. end error the ends of the ruler(0cm) has worn out thus start measuring from 1cm to avoid end error 3. zero error- the 0 of main scale and 0 of vernier scale is not in line when fully closed 4. Systematic errors incorrect calibration of the measuring instrument, eg: zero error 5. Random errors a variety of reason: eg: parallax error, end error Consistency: the ability to have the same reading when measure repeatedly. Accuracy: the degree of how close is the measurement with the actual value Sensitivity: the ability to respond quickly to a small change of the value Eg: a micrometer screw gauge is more sensitive than vernier callipers

9 steps in Analysing Scientific Investigation 1. Making observation 2. Identifying a suitable question 3. Drawing inferences 4. Identifying and controlling variables: manipulated, responding, fixed variable 5. Formulating a hypothesis: a general statement which assumes to be true regarding relationship between Manipulated and Responding variables 6. Designing and conducting experiments 7. Tabulating data 8. Analysing data 9. Writing a report

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