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Nicholas Jackson Action Research Thesis for MA Education through Edgehill University

Does the implementation of a flipped classroom and flipped learning affect engagement, motivation and the performance of students on an A/S Level Computing course and, if so, in what ways?

A. What is a flipped classroom/flipped learning?

Flipped learning definition:

a model of teaching in which a students homework is the traditional lecture viewed outside of class on a vodcast. Then class time is spent on inquiry-based learning which would include what would traditionally be viewed as a students homework assignment.
Overmyer J (2011)

Flipped learning infographic:

Gerstein J (2012) 1

Nicholas Jackson Action Research Thesis for MA Education through Edgehill University

B. Reasons for the research


Negative feedback on enjoying learning on similar courses

Lack of stimulus for deeper/further learning of content on similar courses

Desire to enhance independent learning in students

Flipped Learning

C. Views on flipping

Students are empowered Classroom becomes more inclusive and more active Students receive more help

Lectures are still in use Desire/ability to learn and master content Suitability for all subjects

Nicholas Jackson Action Research Thesis for MA Education through Edgehill University

D. Findings conclusion
I believe that a flipped model can be successful where there is a spectrum of types of materials produced to suit different types of learners. For example, there could be some vodcasts that students have to watch prior to class for covering some of the key points but these are then followed up with exercises allowing students to check their understanding, apply their knowledge and transfer this to other scenarios. Another example that I feel could have improved flipped learning in my research would have been to offer delivery of the theory out of lessons using a virtual classroom. Using that method, students would have had the chance to ask questions and get help with understanding. The flipped model should not be followed rigidly. A more flexible use of the model where some theory is delivered in lessons either as a summary to work done out of lessons or introduced in lessons, should be used. This could be dependent on how difficult a teacher perceives the content to be with more difficult areas of a syllabus taught in a more traditional style. Even more of a radical departure from the work championed by Bergmann and Sams and Khan, that I feel really could have improved the learning experience for students in my research would have been to have students involved in creating their learning, assessing their learning as they progressed, akin to the theory of partners in learning (Toshalis and Nakkula, 2012). However, such an approach would have required longer term development of student skills, a way of working and learning design on a much grander scale.

Thanks for listening Nick Jackson @largerama

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