VTU MBA Syllabus Copy 2005-08

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Contact: Visvesvaraya Technological University,
"Jnana Sangama ", BELGAUM

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Visvesvaraya Technological University,
"Jnana Sangama", BELGAUM

© Copyright 2005-2006
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Sub Code : 05MBA 11 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I f' (06 Hrs)
Management theory and practice - definition of management - nature,
purpose and functions - management: science or art - systems approach to
operational management - the functions of managers - systems model of
management - factors responsible for increasing significance of management
- managerial roles - Fredrick Taylor and scientific management - Fayol:
father of administrative management theory - the emergence of behavioral
sciences - the Hawthorne studies - recent contributions to management
thought - Peter Drucker - social responsibility of managers
MODULE 2 ✓ (06 Hrs)
PLANNING - the nature of planning - types of plans - steps in planning -
the planning process - objectives - MBO - the process of managing by
objectives - strategies - policies - planning premises - decision making -
search for alternatives - evaluation of alternatives - selection of an
alternative - programmed and non programmed decisions - modem
approaches to decision making under uncertainty - decision trees
MODULE 3 ( 05 Hrs)
ORGANIZING - nature of organizing and entrepreneuring - formal and
informal organizations - organizational structure and departmentation - span
of control - decentralization - delegation of authority - the art of delegation
- matrix organization
MODULE 4 (04 Hrs)
STAFFING - definition - the systems approach to human resources
management - overview of staffing function
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
LEADING - human factors and motivation - motivation and motivators -
the carrot and stick theory of motivating - basic theories of motivation -
McGregor's theory X and Y - Maslow's need hierarchy - hygiene approach
to motivation - relative analysis of theories - Leadership - definition -
ingredients - trait approaches to leadership - leadership based on the use of
authority - Likert's four systems of management - the managerial grid -
Robert Blake and John Mouton model - committees - nature of committees
- reasons for using committees - types - merits and demerits
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
CONTROLLING - the basic control process - critical points and standards -
control as a feedback system - requirements of effective control

MODULE 7 (07 Firs)
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - nature - scope - perspectives and
challenges - perception and individual decision-making - foundation of
individual behavior
LEARNING - definition - theories of teaming - some specific
organizational applications
Personality - definition - determinants - personality traits - types - from
concepts to skills - personality attributes influencing OB
Perception - meaning - factors influencing perception - the link between
perception and individual decision making - creativity and innovative
behavior - decision making in organizations

MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
Values - definition - importance of values - sources of our value systems -
types of values - loyalty and ethical behavior
Attitudes - definition - sources of attitudes - types of attitudes - cognitive
dissonance theory - from concepts to skills - changing attitudes
Job satisfaction - meaning - measuring job satisfaction - determinants -
effect of job satisfaction on employee performance
MODULE 9 (06 Hrs)
FOUNDATION OF GROUP BEHAVIOR - defining and classifying groups
- stages of group development - internal influence of group - group
structure - group decision making.
Case Analysis on Management & Organizational Behaviour
The syllabus is divided in the ratio of 60:40 for management and behavioral
process respectively and as such in the examination, the paper should be with
section A and section B with 5 questions in section A and 3 questions in
section B with instructions for answering any 5 questions choosing minimum
of I from each of the sections.
`1. Management - A Global Perspective - Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich
- TMH 6" edition, 2004
,l. Management - Hellierigel - Thomson Learning, I0/e, 2004
?Organizational Behavior ( Concepts, Controversies, Applications) -
r 3 ! Stephen Robbins - Pearson Education / PHI, I1/e, 2005
4. Organizational Behavior , Fred Luthans, McGraw Hill, 10th edition,
1. Management : Tasks, Responsibilities , Practices - Peter F Drucker -
Harper Business , Harper Collins Publishers

2. Modern Management - Samuel Certo - Pearson Education / PHI, 9/e,
3. Management - Richard Daft - Thomson Learning, 5e, 2002
4. Principles And Practices Of Management - L M Prasad - Sultanchand
And Sons, 2003
5. Principles of Management - Tripathy & Reddy - TMH Publications,
3/e, 2005
6. Understanding Organizational Behaviour , Udai Pareek - Oxford, l/e,
7. Management - Robbins - Pearson Education / PHI, 17/e, 2003
8. Organizational Behavior - Human Behavior At Work - John W
Newstorm, Keith Davis - Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishers, I I /e, 2004
9. Management And Behavioral Processes - K Shridhar Bhat - Himalaya
Publications, 1/e, 2005
10. Management - Ricky W Griffin - Biztantra, 8/e, 2005
11. Management - Stoner, Freeman, Gibert - Pearson Education / PHI, 6/e,

Sub Code : 05MBA 12 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
(07 Hrs)
Introduction to Economics: Managerial Economics- Nature, Scope, &
significance. Role of Managerial Economist in decision making-
Relationship of Managerial Economics with functional areas of business
07 Hrs)
Concepts, Objectives of the firm, alternate objectives of firm, firm &
Theories of firm, Managerial theories: Baumol's model, Marris's Theory,
Williamson's theory.
Behavioural theories: Satisfying Behaviour, Simple model of Behaviourism.
07 Hrs)
Fundamental Principles Of Managerial Economics: Opportunity Costs,
Incremental, Time perspective, Discounting and Equimarginal principles.
4 (07 Hrs)
V Demand analysis, Law Of Demand, Exceptions to law of demand, Elasticity
of demand- Price, Income & Cross elasticity. Uses of elasticity of demand
for Managerial decision making. Measurement of elasticity of demand.
Advertising and promotional elasticity of demand.
Demand forecasting: Meaning & Significance.

07 Hrs)
Production analysis: Concepts, production function: Single Variable & Two
variable Function. Total, Average, & Marginal Product. Law of diminishing
returns, returns to scale.
( 07 Hrs)
Costs & Revenue functions, Short run and long run cost curves, combination,
expansion path.
Economies and diseconomies of scale. Law of supply, Elasticity of supply.
(07 Hrs)
Market Structure: Perfect Competition, Features. Determination of pricing
under perfect competition.
Monopoly: Features, Types of monopoly, monopoly power, Pricing under
monopoly, Price discrimination
Oligopoly: Features, Kincked demand Curve, Cartels, Price leadership.
Monopolistic Competition: Features, Pricing Under monopolistic
competition, Product differentiation.
Descriptive Pricing Approaches: Full cost Pricing, Product Line Pricing,
Pricing Strategies: Price Skimming, Penetration Pricing, Loss leader pricing.

(07 Hrs)
Profits- nature, measurement, break even analysis.

1. Dominick Salvotore: Managerial Economics in Global economy 4' ed
kw Thomson Publication, 2004
'Qr 4 ^c Dr D M Mithani: Managerial Economics Theory apd Application
" d Himalayan Publication, 2/e, 2005 -^ 70 jo C.xw`'rd
3. Craig Peterson & Cris Lewis Managerial Economics 4th edition Pearson
Education / PHI, 2003
2, 9(' D N Dwivedi Managerial Economics, 6" ed, Vikas Publication, 2005
5 Managerial Economics - Varshney & Maheshwari - Sultanchand, 2003

I. Managerial Economics - M.L.Trivedi - TMH
2. Managerial Economics, Yogesh Maheswari, Prentice Hall, 2nd ed
3. Economics for management texts and cases - Misra and Puri, HPH
4. Micro Economics Theory & Application - G S Maddala, TMH, 2d ed
5. Micro Economics, Dominick Salvotore, Oxford publishers, 4/c, 2004
6. The New Managerial Economics - William Boyes - Biztantra, 2005
7. Managerial Economics - Keating & Wilson - Biztantra, 2003-2004

Sub Code : 05MBA 13 IA Marks :50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs :56 Exam Marks : 100
✓ODULE 1 (06 Hrs)
Introduction to Statistics : Definition of Statistics - Importance and Scope
of Statistics - Functions of Statistics - Statistical Investigation - Limitations
of Statistics - Distrust of Statistics - Statistical Data: Primary and Secondary
data - Sources of Data - Types of Classification of data - Frequency
Distribution: Discrete or Ungrouped Frequency Distribution, Grouped
Frequency Distribution, Continuous Frequency Distribution. - Diagrammatic
and Graphic Representation: Line Diagram, Bar Diagram, Rectangle
Diagram, and Pie Diagram -Choice of a suitable Diagram - Graphs:
Histograms, Frequency Polygon, Cumulative Frequency Curves or Ogives -
Advantages and Limitations of Diagrams and Graphs

ODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Measures of Central Tenden : Average: Concept, Types - Mathematical
Averages: Arithmetic Mean, eometric Mean, Harmonic Mean - Position or
xLocational Averages: Median, Mbde - Partition Values: Quartiles, Deciles
and Percles - Comparison of the Various Measures of Central
Tendencies. )

MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Measures of Dispersion : Range - Quartile Deviation - Mean Deviation -
Standard Deviation - Variance - Coefficient of Variance - Comparison of
various measures of Dispersion
ODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Correlation and Regression : Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson's coefficient of
Correlation, Rank Correlation, Concurrent Deviation - Regression: Method
of Least Squares, Curve Fitting.
MODULE 5 ( 07 Hrs)
Time Series Analysis & Index Numbers: Introduction, Objectives of
Time Series, Identification of Trend - Variations in Time Series: Secular
Variation, Cyclical Variation, Seasonal Variation, and Irregular Variation -
Methods of Estimating Trend; Index Numbers: Definition; uses; types;
Simple Aggregate Method and Weighted Aggregate Method - Laspeyre's,
Paasche's, Fisher's and CPI.

MODULE 6 ( 07 Hrs)
Probability : Concept and Definition - Relevance to Management Decisions
- Sample Space and Events - Relevance of Permutations and Combinations
to Probability - Rules of Probability, Random Variables and Concept of

Probability Distribution. Theoretical Probability Distributions: Binomial,
Poisson and Normal.
06 Hrs)
Sampling and Sampling Distribution : Concept and Definitions - Census
and Sampling - Probability Samples and Non-Probability Samples.
Relationship between Sample size and errors.
12 Hrs)
Testing of Hypothesis and Inferences : Introduction to Hypothesis Testing,
Procedure of testing hypothesis, Type I and Type 11 Errors. Z-Test, t-test, F-
test, Chi-Square test; Analysis of Variance - One-Way and Two-way
1. Fundamentals of Statistics, S. C. Gupta, Himalaya Publishing House, 6/e,
2. Statistics for Management, Richard I Levin, Pearson Education / PHI,
17/e, 2000
3. Complete Business Statistics 6/e, Aczel and Sounderpandian, Tata-
McGraw Hill, 2005
I. Statistics - Concepts and Applications, Nabendu Pal and Sahadeb Sarkar,
PHI, 1/e, 2005
2. "Statistics for Business and Economics", Anderson, Sweeney, William,
Thomson Publishing, 8/c, 2002
3. Statistical Methods, S. P. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2002
4. Business Statistics, J. K. Sharma, Pearson, 1/e, 2004
5. Business Statistics for Contemporary decision-making, Ken Black, 4"
Edition, John Wiley, 2004
6. Statistics for Business and Economics, JIT S Chandan, Vikas Publishing
House, 2/e, 2004


Sub Code : 05MBA 14 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture firs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
otal no. of Lecture firs :56 Exam Marks :100
(07 Hrs)
Principle of double entry book keeping : Importance & scope of
accounting, Accounting concepts, conventions, GAAPS & accounting
standards. Accounting equations, Users of accounting statements.

ODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
Preparation of books of original records: Journals, subsidiary book,
problems on cash book and petty cash book, Ledgers & trial balance.
MODULE 3 ( 12 Hrs)
Preparation of final accounts /statement : Sole traders with basic
adjustments, Preparation of final accounts / statement of companies (Both
horizontal & vertical form of financial statements).
0( MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Depreciation & Inventory valuation : Concepts & methods of depreciation,
Problems on straight line & WDV methods, Inventory-concepts & methods,
Problems on LIFO, FIFO & weighted average.
MODULE 5 ( 04 Hrs)
Nature and incidence of window dressing : Determination of EBDIT,
EBIT, EDT, EAT, EPS, DPS, Payout ratio- P/E ratio, Net cash accrual,
ROCE, RONW, BV and Entity Value, (This concept to be introduced using a
financial statement)
MODULE 6 ( 04 Hrs)
Provisions of the companies act 1956: Provision affecting preparation,
presentation & analysis of Audit reports & directors reports. (Students should
be exposed to reading of annul reports of companies both detailed &
summarized version)
MODULE 7 ( 10 Hrs)
Analysis of financial performance of a firm : Different tools, Ratio
analysis- Different types of ratio's, Inter-relation between Ratio's, Due-point
analysis, Common size statement of inter firm and infra firm.
MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)
Statement of changes in Funds: Funds Flow Statement, Cash Flow
Statement, Problems with basic adjustment on FFS & CFS.
1. Financial Accounting _ A Managerial Prespective - R. Narayanaswamy -
- Prentice Hall India, 2/e, 2005
2. Financial Accounting For Management-N. Ramachandran & Ram Kumar
Kakani- TMH Publications, l/e, 2005
Financial Accounting-P.C.Tulsian -Pearson Education India, l/e, 2002
1. Accounting For Managers - Jawaralal -Himalaya Publishing House, 4/e,
2. Financial Accounting for Management: An Analytical Perspective -
Ambrish Gupta, Pearson Education, I/e, 2005
3. Financial Accounting for Business Managers, Asish K Bhattacharya,
PHI, 2/e, 2005
4. Financial Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis - Ashok Banerjee, Excel
Books, 2003

5. Financial & Managerial Accounting, Belverd E Needles Jr., Marian
Powers, Susan V Crosson, Biztantra Wiley Dreamtech, I" Indian reprint,
6. Advanced Accountancy- R.L. Gupta & M. Radhaswamy -Sultan Chand
Publications, 2002
7. Accounting for Managers-Bhattacharya - Vikas Publications, 3/c, 2004
8. Corporate Accounting - Maheshwari S.N. -Vikas publishing House,
New Delhi, 4/c, 2005
Introduction to Accountancy -- S.N. Maheshwari & S.K. Maheshwari -
Vikas Publications, 9/e, 2005
10. Accountancy - Vol I& Vol 11, B.S. Raman -Universal Publishers, 2002
11.Accounting Theory - T.S.Porwal - TMH Publications


Sub Code : 05MBA 15 IA Marks 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
iota[ no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks :100
Introduction to Information Systems (04 Hrs)
Foundation Concepts: Information Systems and Technologies, Business
Applications, Development and Management
Information Technology Concepts ( 07 Hrs)
Hardware, Input processing and output devices, Software - System software
and Application Software, Managing data Resources, Telecommunication
Networks, The Internet, Intranets and Extranets; Overview of Programming
Languages - COBOL, C, JAVA.
Business Information Systems (09 Hrs)
Major Types of Systems in organisations, Systems from a Functional
Perspective, Enterprise Applications: Enterprise Systems and Systems for
Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management and
Knowledge Management, Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), Expert
Systems - Components, Applications, Developing and the Value of Expert
System Development (08 Hrs)
Introduction: The need for system analysis, system analysis of the existing
system, System Analysis of a new requirement, system development model,
Structured Systems Analysis and Design (SSAD), Computer system design,
Management Information System and the system analysis, Redesigning the
organization with information systems : systems as planned organizational
change, business process re-engineering and process improvement.

Choice of Information Technology (06 Hrs)
Nature of IT decision, strategic decision, configuration design, evaluation,
information technology implementation plan, Choice of information
technology and Management Information System,
Applications in Manufacturing Sector (08 Hrs)
Introduction - Personnel management, financial management, production
management, materials management, marketing management, corporate
Applications in service sector (08 Hrs)
Introduction to service sector, creating a distinctive service, MIS applications
in service industry, MIS: service industry
Enterprise Management Systems (06 Hrs)
Enterprise Management Systems (EMS), Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) System, ERP Basic features, Benefits of the ERP, ERP Selection, ERP
Implementation, EMS and MIS, Customer Relationship Management,
Supply Chain Management.
Laboratory session for Computer Applications in Management
10 Hrs
Session Exercises Duration
I Create resume of a student using Word Package 1 Hour
Create a covering letter to be forwarded to 10 companies
2 Create a database of addresses of 10 companies 1 Hour
Create 10 letters using mail - merge facility
3 Create a replica of marks sheet of VTU exam (one 1 Hour
semester) using Excel.
Create a format for keying in the subject wise marks of
students and to create total marks and % marks (Entries:
(USN, IA MARKS, EXT MARKS) for 7 subjects,
calculate total marks for each USN & Average marks,
4 Using MS - Access, create a database of students of I Hour
your class giving details like USN, Name, address, Date
of birth, De ee, year of passing, % marks.
5 Create a power point presentation with at least 12 slides 1 Hour
giving details about MBA course you are studying. Use
features to give special effects.
6 Create a e-mail message about a cultural programme 1 Hour
your class is conducting and send it to ten addresses.
7,8,9,10 Use of Tally (or any other accounting package) to 4 Hours
generate accounting statement and MIS.
Two assignments on applications of MIS in manufacturing sector and service
Out of 50 marks of Internal Assessment , 25 marks based on internal tests and
25 marks based on laboratory exercises and assignments.
yb t, Y "Management Information S stems", Kenneth J Laudop Jan P. Laudon,
, Pearson/PHI, S/e, 2003 2 o 'z c$ (z mOA)
1--> ' . "Management Information ystems " Jam -A. 0' Brien , Galgotia/Tata
-, McGraw Hill , 6 Edition , 2004
3. "Management Information Systems ", W. Jawadekar, Tata McGraw
. O Hill Edition, 2/e, 2004
V1 4. "Principals of Information Systems", Ralph M. Stair, George W.
2„ro1 Reynolds, Thomson Course Technology, 6/e, 2004
I. "Management Information Systems", Effy Oz, Thomson Course
Technology, 3/c, 2003
2. "Information Technology for Management", Turban, McLean, Wetherbe,
3. "Management Information Systems", Mahadeo Jaiswal, Monika Mital,
Oxford University Press, I/e, 2004
4. , "Management Information Systems", C.S.V. MurthyHimalaya
Publishing House, 3/e
5. "Management Information Systems", S.Sadagopan, PHI, I/e, 2005
6. "Management Information Systems", Gupta, Malik, Firewall Media,
7. Computer Applications in Management, Ritendra Goel & D N Kakkar,
New Age International, 2004

Sub Code : 05MBA 16 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 (05 Hrs)
ntroduction to Marketing Management
Marketing Management - Meaning, evolution, importance, concepts
Nature & importance of Services Marketing, Characteristics of Services
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Marketing Environment
Gathering Information and scanning the environment, meaning and concept
of Macro / Micro Environment TI
Intro uc on to ar ceting Research
Objective, scope, limitations and applications -A

MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Identifying and selecting market
Consumer Buying Behavior
Consumer Decision Making process
Business market & Buying decision process,
Market segmentation: targeting, segmenting consumer markets & business
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
Product planning and development
Product concept, Product hierarchy, New Product development, Product Life
Cycle, Product Mix Strategies,
Branding, Packaging and labeling
MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
Importance of pricing, objectives, special pricing strategies and situations
MODULE 6 (06 Hrs)
Distribution (Placing)
Channels of distribution, selection of channel for consumer and business
market, factors influencing channel selection, channel design, channel
conflicts and channel control
MODULE 7 (06 Hrs)
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), introduction to personal
selling, sales management, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and public
Basics of Customer Relation Management (CRM), focus on customer
relationship, building customer relationship, an insight into CRM and ECRM
MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)
arketing planning
Nature, concepts and scope of strategic, tactical and operational marketing
Contents of annual marketing plan
Organization Structure, type
Marketing au
Case study : ( 05 Hrs)
Based upon Indian context
J Fundamentals of Marketing Management, M J Etzel, B J Walker,
William J Stanton, TMH, 13t' Edition, 2005
Principles of Marketing, Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Pearson / PHI
12ih Edition, 2005

3. Marketing Management: The Indian Context, Ramaswamy & Namakemi
- McMillan India Ltd, 2004
4. Customer Relationship Management by Peru Mohamed Vikas
Publication (Module 7), 2/c, 2004
5. Case studies in Marketing by S Ramesh Kumar, Vikas, I/e, 2003
1. Marketing by Lamb, Hair, McDaniel - Thomson, 7/e, 2004
2. Marketing Management by Rajan Saxena - TMH, 3/e, 2005
3. Marketing Management, Subhash G Jain Thomson-, A" Edition, 2004
4. Marketing Management by Zinkota & Kotbe - Thomson, 2/e, 2001
5. Marketing by Zigmund / Amico, Thomson, 7th Edition, 2001
6. Marketing by Evans & Berman, 2/e, Biztantra, 2005
7. Marketing in the New Era by J S Panvar
8. Ethical issues in Marketing
9. Marketing - Concepts, strategies by William M Pride, 0 C Fewell,
Biztantra, 12/c, 2005

Sub Code i 05MBA 17 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
. /4ODULE 1 (06 Hrs)
Role of communication - defining and classifying communication - purpose
of communication - process of communication - characteristics of successful
communication - importance of communication in management -
communication structure in organization - communication in crisis
ODULE 2 (06 Hrs)
What is oral communication - principles of successful oral communication -
barriers to communication - what is conversation control - reflection and
empathy: two sides of effective oral communication - effective listening -
non-verbal communication
ly, MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Purpose of writing - clarity in writing - principles of effective writing -
approaching the writing process systematically: The 3x3 writing process for
business communication: Pre writing - Writing - Revising - Specific writing
features - coherence - electronic writing process
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Introduction to business letters - writing routine and persuasive letters -
positive and negative messages - writing memos - what is a report -
purpose, kinds and objectives of reports - writing reports
MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Understanding the case method of learning - different types of cases -
overcoming the difficulties of the case method - reading a case properly
(previewing, skimming, reading, scanning) - case analysis approaches
(systems, behavioral, decision, strategy) - analyzing the case - dos and
don'ts for case preparation
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
What is a presentation - elements of presentation - designing a presentation
What is negotiation - nature and need for negotiation - factors affecting
negotiation - stages of negotiation process - negotiation strategies
Introduction - writing CVs - Group discussions - interview skills
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Principles of graphic excellence - types of visuals - tables - graphs -
pictographs - geographies - pie graphs - 3D graphs - Gantt charts - charts -
drawings - diagrams - maps and photographs - media selection -
preparation and usage - impact of technological advancements on
Communication networks - Intranet - Internet - e mails - SMS -
teleconferencing - videoconferencing
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
Purpose of meetings - common complaints about meetings - planning
meetings - objectives - participants - timing - venue of meetings - leading
meetings - media management - the press release - designing the content,
critique, using intemet, video press releases - press conference - need,
location, time, media interviews - seminars - workshops - conferences
Case Analysis (short cases not exceeding 500 words)
1. Business Communication : Concepts, Cases And Applications - P D
Chaturvedi, Mukesh Chaturvedi Pearson Education, 1/e, 2004
2. Business Communication , Process And Product - Mary Ellen Guffey
- Thomson Leaming, 3/E, 2002
3. Basic Business Communication - Lesiker, Flatley TMH 10/E, 2005
4. Advanced Business Communication - Penrose, Rasberry, Myers -
Thomson Learning, 4/e, 2002
1. Excellence In Business Communication - Bovee, Thill - Pearson
Education, 2003

2. Communication - C K Rayudu - HPH 2004e, 2/e
3. Communication Skills For Effective Management - Owen Hargie,
David Dickson, Dennis Tourish - Palgrave, 2004
4. Business Communication Strategies - Matthukutty M Monipally -
TMH, l/e, 2003
5. Contemporary Business Communication - Scot Ober - Biztantra, 5/c
6. Communication In Organizations - Dalmer Fisher - Jaico Publishers,
7. Business Communication - Krizan, Merrier, Jones - Thomson
Learning, 6/e, 2005


Sub Code : 05MBA 21 IA Marks :50

No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 (04 Hrs)

Introduction to Operations Research
Origin, Development, Meaning and Definition of Operation Research;
Scope, Techniques, Characteristics and Limitations of Operation Research;
Methodology and Models in OR (only theory)
MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)
Linear Programming Problem (LPP)
Application of LPP in Management, Advantages of LPP (only theory)
Formulation of LPP, Solution of LPP by Graphical method: Infeasible and
Unbounded Solution, Formulation of Dual of a LPP.
MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
Transportation Models
General Structure; Various methods for finding initial solution:
Maximization and Minimisation problems North West Comer Method, Least
Cost Method, Vogel's Approximation Method; Finding Optimal Solution:
Modified Distribution method; Variations: Unbalanced Transportation
Problem, Degenerate Solution (Theory only); Assignment problems ; General
Structure; Finding Optimal Solution; Variations: Non square matrix,
Maximization problem , Restrictions on Assignments, Alternate Optimal
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
Network Analysis
Terminology; Networking Concepts; Rules for drawing network diagram;
CPM Computations: CPM Terminology, Finding critical path - Different
Floats; PERT Computations: Computation of earliest and latest allowable
times, Probability of meeting the scheduled dates ; difference between PERT
and CPM, Crashing of a Project (Theory only)

( no H rs)
Theory of Games
Terminology; Two person zero sum game; Solution to games: Saddle point,
dominance rule, Value of the game, mixed strategy, Graphical method of
solving a game - (2 x n) and (m x 2) games.
06 Hrs)
Replacement Theory
Replacement policy for gradually deteriorating items and for suddenly failing
08 Hrs)
Queuing Models
Introduction; Characteristics of Queuing models, Models for Arrival and
Service Times; Single Poisson arrival with Exponential Service Rate;
Applications of Queuing models.
06 Hrs)
Simulation of Management Systems
Terminology, Process of Simulation, Monte Carlo Method, Waiting Line
Simulation Method, Inventory Management Simulation, Marketing
Management Simulation, Financial Management Simulation
I. "Operations Research", J.K.Sharma, McMillan India
2. " Quantitative Techniques in Management", N. D. Vohra, Tata McGraw
Hill Publications, 2/e, 2003
3. Operations Research, Wayne L Winston, Thomson, 4/e, 2004
1. Anand Sharma, Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making Himalaya
2. P. K. Gupta, D. S. Hira, "Operations Research", S. Chand & Company
Ltd, New Delhi
3. S. D. Sharma, "Operations Research", Kedar Nath and Ram Nath & Co.
4. Gupta and Khanna, Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, PHI
Publication, 2005
5. S. Kalavathy, Operations Research, Vikas Publishing House, 2/e, 2004
6. Render and Stair, Jr. Quantitative Analysis for Management,
Pearson/PHI, 8/c, 2003
7. Natarajan, Balasubramani, Tamilarasi, "Operations Research", Pearson
Education, I/e, 2002
8. C. R. Kothari, "Quantitative Techniques", Vikas Publishing House, 3/e,
9. K. Shridhar Bhat "Operations Research and Quantitative Techniques",
Himalaya Publishing House.
10. Terry Lucey, Quantitative Techniques, Thomson Learning, 6/c, 2004
11. Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions - U K Srivastava -
New Age International


: 05MBA 22 IA Marks : 50
Sub Code
:04 Exam Hours :3 Hours
No. of Lecture Hrs / week
Total no. of Lecture Firs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
(07 Hrs)
Business Environment: Environmental scanning - meaning, nature and
scope, economic and non-economic environment, interaction between
internal and external environments, overview of political, socio-cultural,
legal, technological and global environment.
07 Hrs)
Macro economic policies in India: Industrial policies of the past 1948, 1956,
1977, 1980, 1991. Monetary policy: Objectives, credit control tools.
Fiscal policy: Objectives, budget, direct and indirect taxes, revenue and
expenditures of the union and the state, Rajachellaiah committee
recommendations on taxation.
Trade Policy: New foreign trade policy 2004-06
Exim policy 2002-07
07 Hrs)
Economics of Development: Determinants, major issues of developments,
India as a developing economy, contribution of different sectors(primary,
secondary and tertiary) to Indian economy, growth in tertiary sectors in
recent years, price stability - inflation, price indices, business cycle -
features, phases, indicators - lead, lag, coincidental.
4 (07 Hrs)
National Income Accounting: National income estimates in India - trends in
national income - difficulties in measuring national income - methods of
measurement - income method, product method and expenditure method.
GNP, GDP, Circular flow of income, consumption, savings and investment.
( 07 Hrs)
Structure of industries: Industrial development under five year plans,
changing structures, private, public and joint sector. SSI, MNC and TNCs.
07 Hrs)
Financial System in India: Money market, Capital market, Forex market,
sources of industrial finance - internal and external.
07 Hrs)
Money and Banking: RBI - role and functions, monetary systems, measures
of money supply, commercial banking structure in India - Nationalisation,
classification, banking structure reforms, Narasimhan committee
recommendations. (
07 Hrs)
Current economic issues - planning commission, finance commissions,
public accounts committee, comptroller and auditor general , public
investment board, disinvestments board, centre and state financial relations.

1. Economic Environment, Misra & PuriHimalaya Publishing Co.
2. M Adhikari, Economic Environment, S.Chand & Co.
3. Rudder Dutt and K P M Sundaram, Indian Economy, 49/e, S. Chand &
1. Rudiger Dorn Bush, Stanley Fisher and Richard Startz - Macro
Economics, 9e - TMH, 2005
2. G S Gupta, Macro Economics - Theory and Applications, TMH, 2/e,
3. Misra and Puri, Developmental issues in Indian economy, HPH, 4/e
4. Misra and Puri, Economics for Management -texts and cases, HPH, 1/e


Sub Code : 05MBA 23 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Mrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (05 Hrs)

Financial Management - Introduction to finance, objectives of financial
management - profit maximization and wealth maximization. Changing
role of finance managers. Organisation of finance function. Indian financial
system Time value of money.

MODULE 2 ( 10 Hrs)
Cost of capital - basic concepts. Cost of debenture capital, cost of
preferential capital, cost of term loans, cost of equity capital. CAPM model
(covering only the final result). Cost of retained earnings. Determination of
Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and Marginal cost of capital.

MODULE 3 (10 Hrs)

Investment decisions -- Investment evaluation techniques - Net present
value, Internal rate of return, Modified internal rate of return, Profitability
index, Payback period, Discounted pay back period, Accounting rate of
Estimation of cash flow for new project, replacement projects - depreciation
tax shield.
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Working capital management - factors influencing working capital
requirements. Current asset policy and current asset finance policy.
Determination of operating cycle and cash cycle. Estimation of working
capital requirements of a firm.(Does not include Cash, Inventory
&Receivables Management)

MODULE 5 ( 10 Hrs)
Capital structure decisions - Planning the capital structure. (No capital
structure theories to be covered) Leverages - Determination of operating
leverage, financial leverage and total leverage.
Dividend policy - Factors affecting the dividend policy - dividend policies-
stable dividend, stable payout. (No dividend theories to be covered).

MODULE 6 ( 05 Hrs)
Sources of long term funds in India - Issue of shares, debentures, term loans
and other instruments. International Financing instruments - long term and
short term. Financing through leasing and hire purchase (Only Theory)
Institutional finance available in India.

MODULE 7 ( 04 Hrs)
Derivatives - Introduction, Basic concepts of derivatives, types of
derivatives - Forward, Futures, Options, Swaps (Only Theory).

MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)

Financial planning - Basis of financial planning, sales forecast method, pro-
forma P & L account method, pro-forma balance sheet method,
determination of External Financing Requirement (EFR).

I. Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management (TMH), 6/e, 2004
2. 1. M. Pandey - Financial Management (Vikas), 9/e, 2005
3. M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain Financial Management (TMH), 4/e, 2004
4. Brigham, Houston - Fundamentals of Financial Mgmt., Thomson
Learning, l0/e, 2004
5. Damodaran, Corporate Finance - John wiley & Co., 2/e, 2004

I. Stephen A. Ross, Wester Field, Jordan - Fundamentals of Corporate
Finance (MacGraw Hill), 6/e, 2003
2. Vanhome & Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management -
Pearson / PHI, 12/e, 2003
3. Litman, Principles of Managerial Finance, Pearson Education / PHI,
10/e, 2004
4. Brealy and Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance - Theory & Practice
TMH- 7/e, 2003
5. Vanhorne, Financial Management & Policy, Pearson / PHI, 11/e, 2002
6. Sathyaprasad & Kulkami, Financial Management - HPH
7. Sharan, Fundamentals of Financial Management - Pearson, 2/e, 2005
8. Paresh P Shah, Financial Management - Biztantra, 1/e, 2005
9. Cost Accounting & Financial Management - M E Thukaram Rao - New
Age International


Sub Code 05MBA 24 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / week 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs 56 Exam Marks :100
MODULE 1 ( 07 Hrs)
Law of Contract: Definition, essentials and types of contracts, offer -
definition and essentials, acceptance - definition and essentials,
consideration - definition and essentials , exceptions to the rule, no
consideration, no contract, doctrine of privity of contract, capacity of parties,
free consent, quasi contract, legality of object, performance of contract,
termination of contract, remedies for breach of contract.
MODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
Law of Agency: Essentials, kinds of agents, rights and duties of agent and
principal, creation of agency, termination of agency
Bailment and Pledge - Bailment, definition, essential elements, rights and
duties of bailor and bailee. Pledge - essentials, rights and duties of pledger
and pledgee
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
Negotiable instruments act 1881, Nature and characteristics of Negotiable
instruments, kinds of negotiable instruments - promissory notes, bills of
exchange and cheques. Parties to negotiable instruments, Negotiation,
presentment, discharge and dishonour of negotiable instruments / Law of
insurance - general principles of insurance, life, fire and marine.
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
Sale of goods Act: Essentials, sale v/s agreement to sell. Condition v/s
warranties, rights of unpaid seller.
Arbitration: objectives and scope, Arbitral Tribunal, arbitral reward, modes
of arbitration. Appointment, remuneration and termination of arbitrator.
MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
Companies Act: definition, characteristics and kinds of companies, steps in
formation of company. Memorandum of association, articles of association,
Shares: Kinds of shares, kinds of debentures.
Directors: appointment, power, duties and liabilities. Meeting and
resolutions: types of meetings. Auditor: Appointment, rights and liabilities.
Modes of winding up of a company.
MODULE 6 (07 Hrs)
Law of partnership: Definition, essentials of partnership, formation of
partnerships, kinds of partners, authorities, rights and liabilities of partners,
registration of partnership, dissolution of partnership firm.
MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
FEMA: Objectives, scope and provisions.
Consumer Protection Act: Objectives, definition, consumer protection
council and state consumer protection council

MODULE 8 (07 Hrs)
Factories Act, Shops and establishment act.
1. Saravanavel & Sumathi - Busines Law for Management - HPH
2. N D Kapoor - Elements of Mercantile Law - Sultan Chand
3. Manmohan Prasad - Principles of business law and Management - HPH
4. M C Kuchhal - Business Law -Vikas, 4/e, 2005
5. Gulshan - Business Law - Excel Books
6. Students Guide to Merchantile & Commercial Law - Rohini Aggrawal -
Taxmann, 2004


Sub Code : 05MBA 25 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 (08 firs)
Nature and scope of HRM and HRD - introduction - definition - human
resource management - personal v/s HR - meaning of HRM - features of
HRM - role of FIRM - managerial functions and operative functions -
objectives of HRM policies - procedures and programmes - organization of
HRM - line and staff and personnel management - role of personnel
manager and HR manager - qualities of HR / personnel manager
MODULE 2 (06 Hrs)
HR planning (HRD) - introduction - objectives of HRP - linkage of HRP to
other plans - definition and need for HRP - benefits of HRP - factors
affecting HRP - process, problems and limitations of HRP -job analysis -
job evaluation -job description
MODULE 3 (04 Hrs)
RECRUITMENT - definition - objectives - subsystems - factors affecting
recruitment policy - centralized and decentralized recruitment - recruitment
techniques - recruitment process
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
SELECTION, PLACEMENT AND INDUCTION - meaning - definition of
selection - essentials of selection procedure - significance of selection
process and organizational relationship - selection procedure - recruitment
application form - written exams - preliminary interview - various types of
tests (aptitude, achievement, situational, interest, personality) - different
types of interviews and interview process - means to make interview
effective - medical exams - reference checks - final decision - employment
- placement and induction
MODULE 5 (10 Hrs)
& D - importance of training - benefits of training - need and objectives -
assessment of training needs - areas of training - training methods - on-the-

job and off-the-job training - advantages of training - training procedures -
final evaluation
Performance appraisal (PAS) - introduction - meaning - need - purpose -
objectives - contents of PAS - appraisers and different methods of appraisal
- uses of performance appraisal - limitations and problems of performance
appraisal - 360° Appraisal

MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
meaning - need, career development actions - promotion - meaning -
purpose - bases of merit - seniority - merit cum seniority - benefits -
problems - promotion policy - transfer - meaning - purpose - types -
reasons - benefits - demotion - meaning - need for demotion policy

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Introduction - definition - need for sound salary administration - objectives
- factors affecting wages / salary levels - wage salary survey - wage
incentives - merits and types of incentive plans - profit sharing - bonus
concepts - ESOPs - pay for performance
MODULE 8 ( 06 Hrs)
HR records - HR accounting - FIR audit - HRIS

1. Personal And Human Resource Management - P Subba Rao -
Himalaya Publication, 2002
2. Human Resource Management - Biswajeet Patnayak - PHI 3/E, 2005
3. Managing Human Resources - Bohlander, Snell, Sherman - Thomson
Learning 13/E, 2004
4. Human Resource And Personnel Management - Text And Cases - K
Ashwatappa - TMH 4/E,
5. Human Resource Management - Cynthia Fisher, Shaw - Wiley
Dreamtech / Biztantra, 5/e, 2005
I . Human Resource Management - Gary Desler - Pearson Education 9/E
/ PHI, I0/e Pearson, 2005
2. Human Resource Manag e ment - John M Ivancevich - TMH 9/B, 2004
3. A Hand Book Of Human Resource Management - Michael
Armstrong - Kogan Page India Ltd.
4. Human Resource Management - fan Beardwell, Len Holden -
Mcmillan India Ltd
5. Human Resource Management - Robbins, D' Cenzo - John Wiley &
6. Managing Human Resources - Gomes Mejia, Bakin Candy - Pearson
Education / PHI, 4/e, 2005

Sub Code : 05MBA 26 1A Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 (lours
Total no . of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 ( 06 Hrs)
Introduction to Business research - research methodology scientific
methods - research process
RESEARCH OF METHODOLOGY - Meaning of research - types
objectives - criteria of good research - research methods and methodology
in physical science and in marketing -- distinction between scientific and
nonscientific methods - difficulties in applying scientific methods in
MODULE 2 ( 05 Hrs)
Fundamentals of marketing research - introduction - evolution -- emerging
MODULE 3 ( 05 firs)
BUSINESS RESEARCH PROCESS - research problems - designing the
study - steps in research design process - types of research design
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
Sources and collection of data
Secondary data - sources - advantages - limitations - methods of collection
of data Primary data - sources - advantages - methods of collection of data -
questionnaire design - scales of measurement used in research
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Sampling methods: types - probability and non probability samples - types
of sample design - random, stratified, area, systematic - non probability -
convenience, judgment, quota - advantages sampling - limitations -
determination of sample size and estimating proportions - application of
sampling in marketing
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
PLANNING AND DATA ANALYSIS: processing of data with statistical
analysis (hypothesis testing) and using computer packages.
MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
Data processing and interpretation -- editing - coding - tabulation - cross
tabulation - correlation and regression - concepts of discriminant analysis -
factor analysis - cluster analysis - conjoint analysis - multi dimensional
scaling - perceptual mapping
MODULE 8 ( 07 Hrs)
REPORT WRITING - methods of report writing - oral, written, advantages
and disadvantages of oral and written reports - components of written
research reports - presentation of reports - audio-video presentation

Case Studies (05 Hrs)
* 4 hours of computer lab - to demonstrate the application of software
package - SFSS
Note: (Numerical problems on the above modules excluded)
1 . Business Research Methods - Cooper And Schinder - TMH, 8/c, 2004
2. Marketing Research - Naresh Malhotra - Pearson Education / PHI, 4/c,
3. Marketing Research : Text and Cases - Rajendra Nargundkar - TMH,
2/e, 2004
I . Research Methodology - C R Kothari - Vishwa Prakashan, 2002
2. Business Research Methods - William G Zikmund-Thomson, 7/c, 2003
3. Research Methods - William M C Trochim- Biztantra, 2/c, 2003/04
4. Marketing Research - David Luck, Ronald Rubin - PHI, 2000
5. Marketing Research - G A Churchill, lacobucci -Thomson, 8/c, 2004
6. Marketing Research - A Parasuraman, Dhruv Grewal - Biztantra,
2004, reprint
7. Methodology Of Research In Social Sciences - 0 R Krishnaswamy -
Himalaya Publishers
8. Research Methods - Paneerselvam R - PHI, 2004


Sub Code : 05MBA 27 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs :56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 (08lirs)
Introduction to International Business -. Globalisation of markets and
production -• fhe emerging global economy - Drivers of Globalisation.
Modes and entry strategies of international business -the globalisational
debate: arguments for and against - trends in international trade. Differences
between domestic and international business.
MODULE 2 (1011rs)
International Business Environment - Cultural aspects - values and norms -
social structure - religious and ethical systems - language - education -
implications of cultural differences on business, International business
environment - Political and legal factors - political systems -- legal systems,
International bu: ncss environman- Ecommnic factors -the determinants of
economic tevelopnrcnt - Ethical issues in international business
MODULE_ ( 06 Hrs)
International Trade Theory - Mercantilism - Absolute advantage -
Comparative advantage - Heeksher - Ohlin theory - The new product life
cycle theory - The new trade theory - Porter's diamond model -
implications for nicmational business.
06 Hrs)
Instruments of International trade policy - tariffs, subsidies, local content
requirements, administrative policies, anti dumping policies - political and
economic arguments for intervention - Development of the world trading
system - GATT - the Uruguay round of negotiations -WTO - the future of
MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
Regional Integrations - Trading Blocks - nature and levels of integration -
arguments for and against regional integration - Trading blocks - European
07 Hrs)
Multinational corporations - Organisation, design and structures - head
quarters and subsidiary relations in multinational corporations.
06 Hrs)
International productions and logistics -country factors - technological
factors - product factors - locating manufacturing facilities - make or buy
decisions - sourcing purchasing and supplier relations - relevance and
significance of global marketing.
(06 Hrs)
International Monetary System (IMF), Foreign Exchange Market - functions
- nature of foreign exchange market - the trading mechanism - exchange
rate determination - balance of trade - stability of exchange rate - currency
convertibility - Funding facilities and strategies of IMF and World Bank -
HR in the global scenario - Expatriation and Repatriation.
1. Charles W L Hill. International Business: competing in the global market
place, Me Graw-Hill., 51h Edition, 2005
2. John D.Daniels Lee H Radebaugh, International Business: Environments
and Operations. Addison Wesley
3. Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen, Michael H. Mofett
International Business Sixth Edition - Thomson South-Western, 2003

I. Oded Shenkar Yadong Luo : International Business - John Wiley & Co.,
2. Francis Cherunilam : International Business Text and Cases - PHI, 3/e,
3. Charles W.L. Hill : Global Business Today - Tata McGRAW Hill, 4/e,
4. Wild J. John, Wild L. Keneth and Han C. Y. Jerry, International
Business: An integrated approach, Prentice Hall International
5. Alan M. Rugman and Richard M.Hodgetts - International Business by
Pearson Education, 3/e, 2004

6. Ashwathappa K., International Business , Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition,
7. P. Subba rao : Interational Business Text & Cases - Himalaya Publishing
8. Justin Paul - International Business - PHI, 2/e, 2005

Sub Code : 05MBA 31 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (05 Hrs)
Self awareness - self analysis - self efficacy - self esteem - organizational
roles - making organizational roles effective and role efficacy
MODULE 2 (07 Hrs)
Organizational change - definition - nature - types - forces - models of
organizational change - perspectives on change - understanding the change
process - leading the change process
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
Organizational culture and change - designing the strategy for a cultural
change - transglobal and cross-cultural contents - change architecture
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
Change management - dealing with individuals and groups - resistance to
change and overcoming it - building effective change initiatives
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Organizational change - organizational change process - model of
organizational change - force field analysis - managerial options for
implementing change - top down approach - Laisserfaire approach -
collaborative approach - intervention strategies - facilitating change -
creativity and innovations - blocks in creativity

MODULE 1 (07 Hrs)
INTRODUCTION - evolution - need - drivers - scope - approaches in
organizations - strategies in organizations - components and functions -
understanding knowledge - Learning organization - five components of
learning organization - knowledge sources - documentation

MODULE 2 ( 08 Hrs)
Essentials of knowledge management - knowledge management techniques -
systems and tools - organizational knowledge management architecture and
implementation strategies - building the knowledge corporation and
implementing knowledge management in organization
MODULE 3 ( 07 Hrs)
Knowledge management system life cycle - managing knowledge workers -
knowledge audit - knowledge management practices in organizations - few
case studies
Note : The syllabus is divided in the ratio of 60:40 for change management
and knowledge management respectively. In the examination the question
paper should be with section A with 5 questions and section B with 3
questions with instructions for answering any five questions choosing
minimum of one question from each section A and B.
Part - A
I. Management Of Organizational Change - K Harigopal - Response
Books 2001
2. Managing Organizational Change - V Nilkant, S Ramnarayan -
Response Books 2004
3. The Change Management Tool Kit - Colin Carnal) - Thomson
Learning 2003
I. Conquering Organizational Change - Pierre Meatier - Jaico 2003
2. Managing Change - Adrian Thornhill Et Al - Pearson Education 2000
3. The Essence Of Change - Adrian Buckley, Liz Clarke -Phi 2002
4. Change Management - Robert A Patton, James Mc Calman -
Response Books
5. Successful Organizational Change - Colenso - Pearson Education
6. Managing Radical Change - Sumantra Ghoshal Et Al - Viking
Penguin India 2000
7. Revitalize From Corporate Culture Franklin C Ashby Phi 2000
8. The Fifth Discipline Field Book - Strategies And Tools For Building
A Learning Organization - Peter Serge Et Al - Nicholas Brealey 1994
9. Creativity In Organizations - Pradeep Khandwala -
10. Making Organizational Roles Effective - Udai Pareek - TMH
11. Implementing Strategic Change, Steven M Hoisington, S A
Vaneswaran, TMH
Part - B
1. Knowledge Management - Sudhir Warier - Vikas 2003
2. Knowledge Management - Elias M Award, Hussain M Ghazini -
Pearson Education 2004

3. Knowledge Management - Enabling Business Growth - Ganesh
Natarajan And Sandhya Sekhar - TMH 2000
4. Knowledge Management Tool Kit - Amrit Tiwana - Pearson
Education 2005
1. Leading With Knowledge - Madan Mohan Rao - TMH 2003
2. Fifth Discipline And Field Book - Peter Serge - Random House
Business Books
3. Knowledge Management Systems: Theory And Practice - Stuart
4. The Knowledge Management Field Book - Wench R Bukowitz, Ruth L
Williams - Prentice Hall / Pearson Education 1999
5. Knowledge Management , A New Dawn - ICFAI Books 2002
6. The Executive ' s Role In Knowledge Management - Carla 0' Dell -
1'MH 2004


Sub Code : 05MBA 32 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / week : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 ( 09 Hrs)
Basic concepts, goals, and strategic key variables in management control
systems. Management by objectives. Management Control - Operational
Control - Task Control. Concept of cost centers, profit centers and
investment centers. sources for cost information, Cost units- classification of
costs- cost analysis for management decision making.
MODULE 2 (07 Hrs)
Determining product costs: cost elements for product costing- - accounting
for factory overheads- principles of allocation and absorption - determining
product costs. Mechanics of ascertaining product costs under job order
costing and process costing (Does not include Equivalent production,
Byproducts). Theoretical concepts of Activity Based Costing (ABC)
MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
Cost-volume - profit (CVP) Relationship: Profit planning- behavior of
expenses in relation to volume- CVP model- sensitivity analysis of CVP
Model for changes in underlying parameters- assumptions of the CVP
Model- Utility of the Model in Management Decision Making.
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
Variable costing: Concept of variable (Marginal) costing. Comparison
between variable costing, - advantage of variable costing. Decisions
involving alternative choices: cost analysis for decision making like
discontinuing a product, accepting a special order, make or buy, Sell or
Process further, Product Mix

MODULE 5 ( 05 Hrs)
Pricing policies:- objectives of pricing policies- marginal analysis and
pricing - full cost pricing-R01 pricing - contribution approach to pricing -
concepts of transfer pricing.( only theory)
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Budgeting and budgetary control: - Budgeting as a tool of management
control-steps in budget preparation-Functional budget (simple Problems on
Sales, Production, Material), flexible budgets. (does not include Master
budget & Cash budget)
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Standard costing and variance analysis: Need for setting standards-
development of standards for material and labour costs- variance analysis -
breakup of material and labour cost variances- analyzing overhead variance
(only theory)

MODULE 8 ( 03 Hrs)
Cost control and cost reduction: introduction to cost control- cost reduction-
fields covered by cost reduction- tools and techniques for cost reduction.
Cost Audit: Scope of cost audit - Types, Advantages, limitations.
1. Robert.N. Anthony & Vijay Govindrajan - Management Control system-
(TMH), I1/c, 2005
2. Introduction to Mnagement Accounting - Charles T Homgren -
Pearson/PHI, I 1/e, 2003
3. Lynch& Williamson: Accounting for Management- Planning & Control-
4. Khan & Jain- Cost Accounting-(TMH), l/e, 2003

T. Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice-Bhattacharya -PHI, 2004
2. Cost Accounting - Jawaharlal - TMH, 3/c, 2003
3. Practical Costing- P C Tulsian - Vikas, I/e, 2004
4. Cost Accounting - M.N Arora - Vikas, 7/e, 2004
5. Management Accounting - Sharma, Sashi K Gupta - Kalyani
6. P. Saravanavel- Management Control System- (HPH)
7. Cost Accounting -Charles T Homgren -Pearson/PHI, I 1/e, 2003
8. Khan& Jain- Management Accounting -(TMH), 3/e, 2003
9. Management Control Systems - Merchant- Pearson
10. Management Accounting - Atkinson - Pearson / PHI, 3/e

Sub Code : 05MBA 33 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture firs l week : 04 Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks :100
MODULE 1 ( 04 Hrs)
Introduction to Production & Operations Management (POM):
Nature of production & Operations, Systems approach to POM, Factors
affecting POM today, types of Production and Production systems,
Productivity and competitiveness, Production/Operations Strategy.
MODULE 2 (06 firs)
Product, Process and Service design:
Product design and development, Process planning and process design,
Production processes, Service operations, Production Technology,
(Numerical problems should be worked out in selection of process)
MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Facility, Capac,ky, Location and Layout:
Manufacturing facility planning, Long range capacity planning, Facility
location and Facility layout (Problems in Facility Location, Layout and
Capacity Planning)
MODULE 4 ( 08 Hrs)
Capacity Management:
Job Design, Ergonomics, Methods Study and Work Measurement, Employee
Productivity, Learning Curve, Short-term Capacity Planning, Aggregate
planning and Capacity requirement planning (Problems in Work
Measurement and Short term Capacity Planning)
MODULE 5 ( 10 Hrs)
Materials Management:
Scope of Materials Management, functions, information systems for
Materials Management, Purchasing functions, Stores Management, Inventory
Management, Materials requirement planning, Just in Time (JIT) and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), (Problems in Inventory Management
and Vendor Selection)
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Production scheduling:
Master Production scheduling, detailed scheduling, facility loading
sequencing operations, priority sequencing techniques, line balancing and
line of balance (LOB),
(Problems in Priority sequencing, Johnson's rule and Line Balancing)
MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Quality Management:
Inspection and Quality control, Statistical Quality Control Techniques
(Control Charts and acceptance sampling), quality circles, Introduction to
Dotal Quality Management (TQM), (Problems in Control Charts)

MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)
Technology Management:
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Automation and Robotics, Managing
Technological Change, Applications of Information Technology in POM,
Maintenance Management and Total Productive Maintenance.

1. Production & Operations Management - Prof. K Ashwathappa, K
Sridhar Blurt - HPH
2. Operation Management - Norman Gaither, Greg Frazier - Thomson
Learning, 9/e, 2002
3. Production and Operations Management - Martin K Starr - Biztantra,
2004 Indian Reprint
4. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage - Chase, Jacobs,
Aquilano-TMH, 10/e, 20

1. Operations Management - Lee J Krajewski, Larry P Ritzman - Pearson
Education/PHI, 7/c, 2005
2. Operations Management - Roberta S Russel, Taylor - Pearson/PHI 4/e,
3. Operations Management William J Stevenson - McGraw Hill, 7/c,
4. Production & Operations Management: An applied modem approach -
Joseph Martinich - John Wiley & Co
5. Production & Operations Management - Kanishka Bedi - Oxford



Sub Code : 05MBA MM311 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56 Exam Marks : 100
Lecture Hrs

MODULE I ( 05 Hrs)
Dimensions of Industrial Marketing : Nature of Industrial Marketing,
Industrial marketing Vs. Consumer Marketing, Economics of Industrial
Demand -- The resellers market - The industrial Marketing concept,
Understanding Industrial markets, Types of Industrial markets, Classifying
Industrial Products, Organizational Procurement Characteristics - The
Industrial Marketing Environment, Environment effect on industrial Market
with special reference to government Rule.

MODULE 2 ( 08 Hrs)
Organizational Buying and Behaviour : The nature of Industrial buying,
Organizational buying activity, Buying models and buying center concept -
Inter personal Dynamics of Industrial buying behaviour, Influencers and
Decision makers influence in Industrial buying process conflict resolution in
Decision making - Value and Vendor analysis, value analysis, Nature of the
system, Operation of the system, Vendor analysis, Evaluating vendor
capacity, rating vendor performance, vendor analysis and marketing.
MODULE 3 ( 10 Hrs)
Strategy formulation in Industrial Markets: Development of Strategic
plans, Strategic planning process - Assessing market opportunities,
Marketing research for industrial products, Standard industrial classification
(sic) of industrial products - industrial market, Use of marketing Decision
Support systems in Segmentation - Target marketing and positioning,
Differentiated and undifferentiated Markets, Concentrated market and Niche
markets, Positioning Strategies.
CRM in B2B : Relationship Marketing, Buyer - Seller Connector,
Managing Buyer - Seller Relationships, Customer Relationship
Management, Advantages of gaining a Customer Relationship
MODULE 4 (06 Firs)
Formulating Product Planning : Developing product strategy, analyzing
industrial product life cycle, developing strategies for existing and new
Service strategy : Standardization v/s nonstandardization parts, types of
technical assistance and organization for technical assistance and difficulties
in rendering technical assistance.
MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)
Formulating Channel Strategy : Industrial distributors - Definition,
Geographical distribution, size characteristics,, operating characteristics, role
of sales agent and their drawbacks, choice of the right distributors,
participation of the other channel members in industrial distribution -
Channel Logistics - relationship of logistics and physical distribution, total
cost approach, customer service , assessing the customer service, identifying
the cost centers such as transportation and warehousing.
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Pricing strategies : Price determinants, factors that influence the pricing
strategies, concept of learning curves, pricing strategies, competitive bidding,
MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
The Promotional Strategies : Advertising in Industrial markets, uses,
message formulation, policies, media, budgetary support, evaluation of
advertising - Sales Promotion - use of sales promotion in industrial markets,
trade shows and exhibitions.

MODULE 8 ( 10 Hrs)
Planning, Organizing, Staffing and controlling of sales function:
managing the industrial sales force, organizing and controlling the sales force
activity, planning for the sales force development. Personal selling -
selecting and recruitment of industrial sales person, sales training, directing,
motivating, task assignment, compensation, measuring the effectiveness of
the sales force, art of negotiation skill by sales personnel.
E-Commerce strategies for Business Marketing : Defining F-Commerce,
Key Elements Supporting E-Commerce, The Strategic Role of F.-Commerce,
Crafting an E-Commerce Strategy, Internet Strategy Implementation.
Case Study
I. Industrial Marketing, Robert R Recdcr & Reeder- PHI
2. Business Marketing Management, Michael D Hutt, Thomas W Speh -
Thomson, 8/e, 2004
3. Industrial Marketing, Richard Hill, Alexander, James S Cross - AITBS
4. Industrial Marketing, Krishna Havaldar - TMH, 2/c, 2004
1. Business to Business Marketing, Vitale Giglierano - Thomson Learning,
I /e, 2004
2. Industrial Marketing, Robert Dwyer, John F Tanner Jr. - TMH, 3/c, 2005
3. Industrial Marketing, Prof.P K Ghosh -- Oxford


Sub Code : 05MBA MM312 IA Marks :50
No. of Lecture : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Lecture llrs
MODULE 1 ( 08 Hrs)
Introduction to sales management : Meaning, Evaluation, Importance,
Personal Selling, Emerging Trends in Sales Management, elementary study
of sales organization, qualities and responsibilities of sales manager.
Sales forecasting: Meaning, Purpose, Techniques
MODULE 2 ( 05 Hrs)
Selling skills & Selling strategies : Selling and Business Styles, selling
skills, situations, selling process, sales presentation, Handling customer
objections, Follow-up-action.
MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
Management of Sales Territory & Sales Quota : Sales territory, meaning,
size, designing, sales quota, procedure for setting sales quota. Types of sales
quota, Methods of setting sales Quota.
Recruitment and selection of sales force, Training of sales force.

MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Sales force motivation and compensation : Nature of motivation,
Importance, Process and factors in the motivation. Compensation - Meaning,
Types of compensation plans and evaluation of sales force by performance
and appraisal process.


MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)
Retail Management : Introduction, meaning, characteristics, Retail industry
in India, role of retailing, Trends in Retailing, Emergence of organizations of
retailing, Retail Location and Layout plan, careers in Retailing.

MODULE 6 (05 Firs)

Retail Market segmentation : Introduction to Market segment, criteria for
effective segmentation, Dimensions of segmentation, customer profiles.
MODULE 7 (07 Hrs)
Retailing Channels : Products and merchandise management, structure,
nature and channel, criteria for selection of suppliers.
Channel choice, product movement, Merchandising plans.
Retail Pricing: factors and pricing, Retail pricing strategies, Retail promotion
strategies, Retail Advertising strategy, sales promotion, publicity.
MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)
Relationship Marketing in Retailing : Management of Relationship,
Evaluation of Relationship Marketing, Relationship Marketing in organized
and unorganized retail sector, Retail Research and Retail Audits
Case Study (05 Hrs)
1. Sales Management,Charles Futrell - Thomson Learning, 6/e, 2003
2. Sales and Distribution Management, Tapan Panda - Oxford
3. Retail Management, Barry Berman - PHI, 9/e, 2005
4. Retail Management Levy & Weitz TMH 5/e 2002
I. Sales management: Decision, Structure & Cases
2. Retail Marketing Management, David Gilbert - Pearson Education, I/e,
3. Management of Sales force, Rosann Spiro - TMH, I I/e, 2004
4. Integrated Retail Management, James Osden - Biztantra, 2005 Indian
5. Retailing Environment and Operations, Andrew J Newman - Thomson,
I/c, 2002
6. Sales Management, Douglas J Dalrymple, William L Crowe - John
Wiley & Co
7. Retail Management, Chetan Bajaj - Oxford
8. Retail Management - Rosemary Varley, Mohammed Rafiq - Palgrave


Sub Code : 05MBA MM313 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56 Exam Marks : 100
Lecture Hrs
MODULE 1 (04 Hrs)
Introduction To The Consumer Behavior : The diversity of consumer
behavior - why we study consumer behavior - why was the field of
consumer behavior developed - ethics in marketing - business school
education - the consumer movement - ethics and corporate environment -
qualitative research - need and types
MODULE 2 (06 Hrs)
Consumer as an individual : Consumer needs and motivation - what is
motivation - motivation needs - goals - positive and negative motivation -
rational versus emotional motives - the dynamic nature of motivation -
needs and goals - frustration - arousal of motives - types and systems of
needs - diversity of need systems - the measurements of motives -
motivational research - development - motivational research today
Consumer modeling - the economic model - learning model -
psychoanalytical model - sociological model - the Howard Sheth model -
the Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
Determinants of consumer behavior : Consumer imagery and perceived
risks - consumer innovativeness and personality traits - brand
personification - elements of consumer learning - relationship between
attitude and consumer behavior
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
Consumption and post purchase behavior : Nature of consumption -
consumption effects on consumer satisfaction - purchase associated with
cognitive dissonance - post purchase behavior (chapter 4 - Jay D Lindquist,
MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)
Communication and persuasion : Components of communication - the
communication process - the message initiator (the source) - the target
audience (the receivers) - feedback - the receivers response - designing
persuasive communications - communication strategy - media strategy -
message strategies - crisis communication strategies
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Consumers in their social and cultural setting : Consumer relevant
reference groups - family decisions making and consumption related roles -
family life cycle - social class and consumer behaviour - influence of culture

on consumer behaviour - marketing services across cultures-relationship
marketing in cross cultural context.
MODULE 7 (07 Hrs)
Consumer decision making process : Personal influence and the opinion
leadership process - what is opinion leadership - dynamic of the opinion
leadership process - opinion leaders are persuasive - the motivation behind
opinion leadership
Diffusion of innovations - the diffusion process - the innovation - the
channels of communication - the social system time - the adoption process -
stages in the adoption process - the innovation decision process - the
adoption process and information sources
Consumer decision making, choosing and consuming - what is a decision -
levels of consumer decision making - extensive problem solving - limited
problem solving - routinized responsive behavior - models of consumer four
views of consumer decision making - an economic view - passive view -
cognitive view - emotional view - model of consumer decision making -
input-process-out put - consumer gifting behavior - beyond decision:
consuming and possessing - online decision making in consumer purchase
process (Chapter 12 - Sheth and Mittal - Consumer Behavior)

MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
CRM in consumer marketing : Focus on customer relationship - building
CRM - an insight into CRM and E-CRM - the CRM process - CRM

Case Studies with Indian Context

1. Consumer Behavior - Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk - Pearson /
PHI, 8/e
2. Shopper, Buyer And Consumer Behavior - Dana Nicoleta, Jay
Lindquist - Biztantra, 2/e, 2003/04
3. Cross cultural marketing - Robert Rugimbana and Sonny Nwankwo -
Thomson Learning, I/e, 2003
4. Customer Relationship Management - Peeru Ahamed & Sagadevan -
Vikas Publishing
5. Consumer Behavior - Hawkins, Best, Coney - TMH, 9/e, 2004

1. Consumer Behavior In Indian Perspective - Suja Nair - Himalaya
Publishers, 2004
2. Customer Behavior - A Managerial Perspective - Sheth, Mittal -
Thomson, 2/e, 2004
3. Conceptual Issues In Consumer Behavior Indian Context - S Ramesh
Kumar - Pearson, l /e, 2002

Sub Code : 05MBA MM314 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 : 3 Hours
Exam Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 ( 05 Hrs)
Introduction to services : What are services? Why service marketing?
Services & Technology Differences between goods v/s services, The services
marketing mix, The gap model of services quality

MODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
Consumer behaviour in services: Search, Experience & credence
properties. Categories in Decision Making Process, Role of culture and
services, Meaning and types of services expectations, Factors that influence
customer expectation, Model of customer service expectation Current issues
involving customer service expectations, Customer Perception, customer
satisfaction, service quality, service encounters, strategies for influencing
customer perceptions

MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Understanding customer expectation through marketing research -
Using marketing research to understand customer expectations, Elements in
effective Market Research, Types of service research, analyzing and
interpreting Market Research, Relationship Marketing, Customer
profitability segment, levels of relationship strategies
MODULE 4 ( 09 Hrs)
Customer defined service standards - Factors necessary for appropriate
service standards, customer defined service standards, Process of developing
customer defined service standards, Physical evidence and service scape:
Physical evidence, types of service scapes, role of service scapes, framework
for understanding service scapes, guidance for physical evidence strategy.

MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)

Employee 's role in service delivery - The critical importance of service
employees, Boundary - Spanning roles, Strategies for closing GAP 3,
Service culture, The importance of customers in service delivery, Customer's
roles, Self service technology, Strategies for enhancing customer
participation. Service intermediaries, strategies for effective service delivery
through intermediaries

MODULE 6 ( 04 Hrs)
Managing Demand & Capacity - Lack of Inventory Capability,
understanding demand patterns, strategies for matching capacity and
demand, waiting line strategies

MODULE 7 (07 Hrs)
The need for co-ordination in marketing communication - Four category
of strategies to match service promises with delivery, Exceeding customer
MODULE 8 (04 Hrs)
Pricing of Services - Approaches to pricing services, pricing strategies,
closing the customer's gap
Case studies with Indian context (05 Hrs)
1. Services Marketing, Valarie A Zeithmal & Mary Jo Bitner - TMH, 3/e,
2. Services Marketing, Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz - Pearson, 5/e,
3. Services Marketing, Rajendra Nargundkar - TMH, I/e, 2004

1. Services Marketing, Kenneth E Clow, David L Kurtz - Biztantra, 2/c,
2. Essentials of Services Marketing, K Douglas Hoffman, John E G Bateson
- Thomson, 2/e, 2002
3. Services Marketing, Govind Apte - Oxford
4. Services Marketing, R Srinivasan - PHI, 2003
5. Steve Borten & Kim Harris, Services Marketing - Palgrave, 2004
6. Ravishankar, Services Marketing, Excel Books.



Sub Code 05MBA FM321 I A Marks : 50
No. of Lecture : 04
Exam Hours :3 Hours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Lecture Hrs
MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)
Working capital management - Determination of level of current assets.
Sources for financing working capital. Bank finance for working capital.
(No problems on estimation of working capital)
Working capital financing: Short term financing of working capital, long
term financing of working capital. Working capital leverages
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Cash Management - Forecasting cash flows - Cash budgets, long-term cash
forecasting, monitoring collections and receivables, optimal cash balances -

Baumol model, Miller-on model, stone model. Strategies for managing
surplus fund.
MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Receivables Management - Credit management through credit policy
variables, marginal analysis, Credit evaluation : Numerical credit scoring and
Discriminate analysis. Control of accounts receivables, Factoring.

MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)

Inventory Management : Determinations of inventory control levels
ordering, reordering, danger level. EOQ model. Pricing oferaw material.
Monitoring and control of inventories, ABC Analysis.
MODULE 5 ( 10 Hrs)
Capital structure decisions - capital structure & market value of a firm.
Theories of capital structure - NI approach, NOI approach, Modigliani
Miller approach, traditional approach. Arbitrage process in capital structure.
Planning the capital structure: EBIT and EPS analysis. ROI & ROE
analysis. Capital structure policy.

MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Dividend policy - Theories of dividend policy : relevance and irrelevance
dividend decision. Walter's & Gordon's model, Modigliani & Miller
approach. Dividend policies - stable dividend, stable payout and growth.
Bonus shares and stock split corporate dividend behavior. Legal and
procedural aspects of dividends Corporate Dividend Tax.
MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
Divisional performance appraisal: Meaning of divisions - reasons for
divisionalisation - management of investment in division. Measurement of
divisional performance - return on investment - residual income approach.
Inter-divisional relationships - transfer pricing (basic problems only).

MODULE 8 ( 10 Hrs)
Corporate financial modeling - Agency problem and consideration. Effect
of inflation on ; Asset value, firm value, returns, corporate governance,
Relevance of Clause 49 of SEBI listing agreement.
Financial Management of sick units: Definition of sickness, causes,
symptoms, predictions, revival strategies, institutions for revival of sick
Economic Value Added (EVA) - concept, components of EVA. Market
Value Added (MVA)
1. Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management, (TMH), 6/e, 2004
2. M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain - Financial Management, (TMH), 4/e, 2004
3. I.M. Pandey- Financial Management (Vikas), 9/e, 2005
4. Brigham & Ehrhardt, Financial Management - Theory & Practice,
Thomson Learning, 10/e - 2004

1. Vanhorne, Financial Management & Policy, Pearson / PHI
2. Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, Corporate Finance- TMH - 7/e, 2005
3. Keown,Martin,Petty.Scott,Financial management :principles and
4. Brearly and Myers, Principle of Corporate Finance- TMH- 7/c, 2004
5. Ashwath Damodaran, Corporate Finance - Theory & Practice - John
Wiley, 2003
6. Pandey & Bhatt, Cases in Financial Management - TMH, 2/c, 2003


Sub Code : 05MBA FM322 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture : 04
Hrs / week Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of : 56
Lecture Hrs Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 ( 04 Hrs)
Introduction: Concepts of investment- Financial and non-financial forms of
investment - Objectives of financial investment, investment methods -
Security and non-security forms of investment - Sources of investment
information- Investment Instruments
MODULE 2 ( 05 Hrs)
Financial markets - primary and secondary markets - major players and
instruments in secondary market - Functioning of stock exchanges, trading
and settlement procedures at NSE & BSE. Stock markets guidelines on
primary & secondary markets.
MODULE 3 ( 10 Hrs)
Valuation of securities - bond and fixed income instruments valuation -bond
pricing theorems, duration of bond and immunisation of interest risk, term
structure of interest rate, determination of yield curves, valuation of equity
and preference shares (Dividend capitalisation & CAPM).
MODULE 4 ( 07 Hrs)
Analysis of risk & return, concept of total risk, factors contributing to total
risk, systematic and unsystematic risk, default risk, interest rate risk, market
risk, management risk, purchasing power risk. Risk & risk aversion. Capital
allocation between risky & risk free assets-Utility analysis
MODULE 5 ( 09 Hrs)
Fundamental & Technical Analysis of equity stock. Concept of intrinsic
value. Objectives and beliefs of fundamental analysts. Economy-Industry-
Company framework, Economic analysis and forecasting. Theory of
Technical analysis, points and figures chart, bar chart, contrary opinions
theory, confidence index RSA, RSI, Moving average analysis, Japanese

MODULE 6 ( 07 Hrs)
Behaviour of stock market prices - The market mechanism, testable
hypothesis about market efficiency , implications of efficiency market
hypothesis for security analysis and portfolio management . Asset pricing
theories, CAPM & Arbitrage pricing theories.
MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
Modem portfolio theory - Asset allocation decision. Dominant & Efficient
portfolio - simple diversification, Markowitz diversification model, selecting
an optimal portfolio - single index model, Treynor - Black model.
Determination of corner portfolio. Process of portfolio management -
International Diversification.
MODULE 8 ( 07 Hrs)
Portfolio performance evaluation - Sharp & Treynor & Jensen' s measure.
Portfolio revision - Active and passive strategies & formula plans in
portfolio revision. Mutual funds- types, performance evaluation of mutual
funds, functions of Asset Management Companies.

I. Investment Analysis and Portfolio management - Prasanna Chandra -
TMH - 2nd Edition, 2005
2. -Investments - Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane & Alan J Marcus - TMH - 6d'
Edition, 2005
3. Security Analysis & Portfolio Management - Fisher and Jordan (PHI),

1. Investment Management - VK Bhalla ( S.Chand & Co)
2. Alexander, Sharpe, Bailley - Fundamentals of Investment - Pearson /
PHI, 3/e, 2001
3. Portfolio Management - Barua, Verma and Raghunathan (TMH), l/e,
4. Portfolio Management -S. Kevin - Prentice Hall India.
5. Reilley & Brown - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt. - Thomson
Learning, 7/e, 2004
6. Ranganathan & Madhumathi - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt. -
7. V A Avadhani - Securities Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt. - HPH
8. Punithavathy Pandian - Security Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt. - Vikas,
2/e, 2005

Sub Code : 05MBA FM323 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture 04
Exam Hours :3 Hours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Lecture lirs
MODULE I (08 Hrs)
Mergers: types and characteristics - motives behind mergers - theories of
mergers - operating, financial and managerial synergy of mergers - role of
industry life cycle - value creation in horizontal, vertical and conglomerate
mergers - change forces contributing to M & A activities

MODULE 2 ( 09 Hrs)
M & A - A strategic perspective
Merger Process: Five-stage model - due diligence (detailed discussion) -
methods of financing mergers - cash offer, share exchange ratio - mergers as
a capital budgeting decision

MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Corporate restructuring - different methods of restructuring -joint ventures
- sell off and spin off - divestitures - equity carve out - leveraged buy outs
(LBO) - management buy outs - master limited partnerships - employee
stock ownership plans (ESOP)

MODULE 4 ( 08 Hrs)
Valuation - valuation approaches - discounted cash flow valuation - relative
valuation - valuing operating and financial synergy - valuing corporate
control - valuing of LBO
MODULE 5 ( 05 Hrs)
Process of merger integration - organizational and human aspects -
managerial challenges of M & A

MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Accounting for amalgamation - pooling of interest method, purchase method
- procedure laid down under Indian companies act of 1956

MODULE 7 (05 Hrs)

Take over defenses - financial defensive measures - Coercive offers and
defense - anti-takeover amendments - poison pill defense

MODULE 8 ( 05 Hrs)
Legal and regulatory frame work of M & A - provisions of company's act
1956, Indian Income Tax act 1961 - SEBI take over code, Provisions of
Competition Act.

1. Fred Weston, Kwang S Chung, Susan E Hoag - Mergers, Restructuring
And Corporate Control - PHI
2. Such Sudarsanam - Value Creation From Mergers And Acquisitions -
Pearson Education, I/e, 2003
3. Ashwath Damodaran - Corporate Finance-Theory And Practice - John
Wiley & Sons
4. Shukla & Grewal- Advanced Accounts Vol 2 - S.Chand & Sons
I. Weston, Mitchel And Mulherin - Takeovers,Restructuring And
Corporate Governance -Pearson Education, 4/c, 2003
2. Shiv Ramu - Corporate Growth Through Mergers And Acquisitions -
Response Books
3. P Mohan Rao - Mergers And Acquisitions - Deep And Deep
4. Machiraju - Mergers And Acquisitions - New Age Publisherss
5. Ramanujameta]-Megers-TMH,2003
6. Handbook Of International Mergers & Acquisitions - Gerard Picot-
Palgrave Publishers Ltd.


Sub Code : 05MBA FM324 / IA Marks :50

05MBA B1374
No. of Lecture : 04
Exam flours : 3 flours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56
Exam Marks :100
Lecture Firs

MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)

Merchant Banking-- Nature of services , structure of merchant banking firms-
Financial Markets: Capital markets--Money market. Forex markets.
Linkages between the markets.
MODULE 2 (10 firs)
SEBI guidelines for merchant bankers, Issue Management--equity issues,
rights issues, debenture issues, Book building, Private placement : Pre issue
and post issue activities-- Raising of capital from international markets:
Loan syndication,ADRs, GDRs, EDRs, ECB, IDR Design of Capital
structure-pricing of issues.
MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)
Financial services: fund based and fee based services;
Credit rating: Definition: Process of credit rating of financial instruments:
Depositary services: role of depositories-a brief discussion on performance
of NSDL and CSDL. Stock Broking Services including SEBI guidelines:
MODULE 4 ( 06 Hrs)
Money markets: Instruments with their features including treasury bills,
commercial bills, commercial papers, certificate of deposits and gilt-edged
securities. Money Market Mutual Funds. Bills Discounting, Factoring,
Forfeiting. Consumer finance, credit cards, vehicle financing and consumer
durable financing.

MODULE 5 (10 Hrs)

Lease financing-meaning and types, historical perspective, present
legislative frameworks of leasing, lease & taxes. Lease evaluation form
lessor and lessee's point of view (including problems)

MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)

Hire Purchasing_ concept and characteristics, hire purchase Vs Lease,
condition and warranties in leasing and their implications, tax implications of
hire purchasing. Evaluation of hire purchasing from hirer & hiree's angle.
(including problems)

MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
Securitization of debt: Meaning, Features, Special Purpose Vehicle, Pass
Through Certificate & mechanism.

MODULE 8 (05 firs)

Marketing of Financial Services - Conceptual framework -- distribution -
pricing - promotion - attracting & retaining customers - segmentation -
positioning - development and launching of new products - behavioural
profile of customers.

1. Financial Services-M.Y.Khan-TMFI, 3/e, 2005
2. Indian Financial System--M.Y. Khan - TMH, 4/e, 2004
3. Merchant Banking J.C.Verma
4. Financial Services - Gorden & Nataraju - HPH
5. Financial Services & Systems- S.G.Guruswamy - Thomson Learning,

1. Merchant Banking Principles and Practice : H.R,Machiraju - New Age
2. Financial Institutions and Markets L.M.Bhole - TMH, 4/c, 2004
3. Financial Markets & Institutions-S.G. Guruswamy-Thomson
1 Learning, I/c, 2004
4. Services Marketing --S.M.Jha-HPH
5. Indian Financial System - Machiraju - V i kas, 2/e, 2005



Sub Code : 05MBA IS331 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs /
: 04 Exam Ho urs : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam M arks : 100
MODULE I (06 Firs)
JAVA as a programming tool, advantages of JAVA, JAVA & Internet, Short
history of JAVA, Common misconceptions about JAVA
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
JAVA programming environment, developing environment, using command
line tools, using an integrated development environment, compiling and
running programs using a text editor.
MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)
Fundamental programming structures in JAVA, a simple JAVA program,
comments, data types, variables, assignments and initialization, operators,
strings, control flow, arrays
MODULE 4 ( 06 Hrs)
Objects and classes - vocabulary of OOP, Objects, relationship between
classes, static fields and methods, method parameters, object construction,
documentation comments
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Inheritance, extending classes, cosmic super class, reflection, interfaces,
object classes, inner classes, proxies, applets- applet basics, applet HTML,
Tags and attributes, multimedia, applet context
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Event handling - basics of event handling, AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)
event hierarchy, semantic and low level events in AWT, Actions,
Multicasting, Event Queue, graphics programming, introduction to Swing,
creating frame, frame position, displaying information in a panel, 21) shapes,
colours, texts & fonts, images
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
User interface components with swing - Introduction to layout management,
Text input, making choices, menus, sophisticated layout management, dialog
MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
Exceptions and debugging, dealing with errors, catching exception, tips on
using exception, debugging techniques, using a debugger, streams and files,
putting streams to use, object streams , File Management, Introduction to
JAVA Scripting and JAVA Beans.

1. Core JAVA Volume I - Fundamentals - Cay S Hortsmann, Gary Comel
- Pearson Education Asia, 7/c, 2005
2. Comdex Computer programming course kit - Vikas Gupta - Wiley
Dreamtech - 2004
Laboratory Exercises for Object Oriented Programming with JAVA
1. Write a program in JAVA to read two numbers from keyboard and
display the larger value on the screen
2. Write a JAVA program to evaluate the following investment formula
V= P (1 + R)**N and print the table that would give value of V for
different values of P, R , N.
3. Write a program that reads 10 numbers from key board and calculates
the Sum,
Average, Maximum and Minimum values.
4. Define a class to represent a bank account with following data members :
Name of Depositor, Account number, Type of account, balance amount
in account & Member functions - to assign initial values, to deposit an
amount, to withdraw an amount after checking balance and to display
name and balance for an account no.
5. Write an interactive menu driven program to read the telephone details
file with each record having name and telephone number:
- to find the telephone number for a given name
- to find the name for a given telephone number
- to update telephone number whenever there is a change
2 assignments based on Object oriented concepts, design and programming
Out of 50 IA marks 30 marks is based on internal assessment tests, 10 marks
based on assignments and another 10 marks based on laboratory exercises.


Sub Code : 05MBA IS332 IA Marks :50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture :
56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
Early information systems - problems, Organisation of Database,
Components of Database Management Systems, Data Models, Database
Architecture, Schema, Entity Relation model, dataflow diagram
MODULE 2 (06 Hrs)
Basic file systems - File organization - Serial, Sequential, Indexed
Sequential, Creation and Manipulation of Indexed Sequential files, Hashing,
Key to address transformation, overflow management in hashed files, B-Tree
based files

MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Conventional Data Models - Hierarchical Model, Network Model, Database
Architecture, Data modelling, data definition, data dictionary, data
manipulation, Database administration function, Data Security, back up and
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Relational data model, Basic definition and terminology, Codd's 12 rules for
relational database management, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus,
Operations in Relational Model.
MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Relational database design, integrity constraints, functional dependencies,
normalization, second and third normal form, boyce - codd normal form,
multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form, join dependencies and
fifth normal form.
MODULE 6 (06 Hrs)
SQL - the database language, Simple queries in SQL, Products & Joins in
SQL, Database modification in SQL, View definition, constraints, triggers in
MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Database Security, Transaction processing, Concurrency control, locking
techniques, database back up and recovery, database security issues, access
control, authorization, Distributed databases
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
Oracle server, Oracle client, Oracle forms, Oracle reports, Oracle office,
SQL +, Simple application using Oracle database.
1. A first course in Database System - Jeffrey D Ullman & Jennifer Widom
2. Database Management System - Arun K Majumdar & Pritimoy
3. Introduction to Database System - C J Date
4. Fundamentals of Database System - Elmasri & Navathe
5. ORACLE-A Beginner's guide-Micheal Abbey & Micheal J Corey
Laboratory Sessions of Applications using database management System
A mini project on ORACLE OR SQL SERVER by a team of two students
/each to carry out following activities
Application requirement definition
.• Entity Relation ship model
Creating table structures to cover entities
• Normalisation of the records & relationships
Creation of sample data records
o Loading in database
• Sample queries using SQL
Documentation of project

List of Typical Mini projects , (Representative)
• 4Hotel room booking & front office management
Railway reservation
Bus reservation
Airline Reservation
Sales management of consumer products
Library management
Tourist assistance service
• and services management in hospital
Management of Placement center
Examination system Management
General Enquiry Services
Front office management of Car dealers
Out of 50 IA marks 30 marks will be based on internal tests and 20 marks
will be based on the completion of mini project evaluating the mini project
report and conducting internal Viva voce


Sub Code : 05MBA IS333 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)
ERP as Integrated Management Information System, Evolution of ERP,
Benefits of ERP. ERP vs Traditional Information Systems
MODULE 2 (06 Firs)
Business Process Reengineering- need and challenges, Management
concerns about BPR. BPR to build business Model for ERP.
MODULE 3 ( 06 Firs)
ERP & Competitive advantage, Basic Constituents of ERP, Selection criteria
for ERP Packages. Procurement process for ERP Package
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
Overview of ERP packages - PEOPLE SOFT, SAP-R/3, BAAN IV,
SurGey of Indian ERP Packages regarding their Coverage, performance &
MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
ERP Implementation- issues, Role of Consultants, Vendors, Users, Need for
training, customization. ERP implementation methodology and post
implementation issues and options.
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Basics of Supply Chain Management - Order Management, Logistics. SCM
- basic principles, tasks and competencies , interfaces and complexities

MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Types of SCM, potential benefits of SCM, possible obstacles, Application
systems supporting SCM - engineering, Product Data Management, Sales,
Procurement, Production, MRP, Distribution.
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
1. Enterprise Resource Planning - Concepts and Practices by Vinod Kumar
Garg & N K Venkatakrishna, PHI
2. Enterprise Resource Planning by S Sadagopan - PHI
3. Enterprise Resource Planning - Alexis Leon Tata McGrew Hill, l/e,
Assignments : (4 out of 5)
1. Advantages of ERP
2. Features of various modules of ERP
3. Parameters to evaluate ERP Packages
4. Comparison between different ERP packages
5. Demand potential foe ERP (Survey Based )
Out of 50 IA marks 30 marks will be based on tests and 20 marks based on
completion of 4 assignments.


Sub Code : 05MBA IS334 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I ( 07 Hrs)
Introduction to E-Commerce, Benefits, Impact of E-Commerce,
Classification of E-Commerce, Application of E-Commerce Technology,
Business Models, Framework of E-Commerce., Business to Business,
Business to Customer, Customer to Customer

MODULE 2 (07 Hrs)

Network Infrastructure - LAN, Ethernet ( IEEE 802.3), WAN, Internet,
TCP/IP reference model, Domain names, Internet Industry Structure, FTP
applications, Electronic Mail, W W W.

MODULE 3 ( 05 Hrs)
HTTP, Web Browsers, HTML, Simple exercises in HTML, Common
Gateway Interface, Multimedia objects

MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
Securing Business on Network: Security Policy, Procedures and Practices,
Site Security, Firewalls, Securing Web Service, Transaction Security,
Cryptology, Cryptological Algorithms, Public Key algorithms,
Authentication Protocols, Digital Signatures, Security protocols for Web
MODULE 5 ( 06 Hrs)
Electronic Payment Systems: Online Electronic Payment Systems, Prepaid
and Post Paid Electronic Payment Systems Information Directories and
Search Engines
MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Internet Advertising, Models of Internet advertising, Sponsoring Content,
Corporate Website, Weaknesses in Internet advertising, Web Auctions.

MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
Launching Your E business- Marketing an E-Business, Search Engines and
Directories, Public Relations, Consumer Communication, News Groups &
Forums, Exchanging Links, Web Rings, E-Business Back end systems,
Business Record Maintenance, Back up procedures and disaster Recovery
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
Building a Corporate Website: Practical issues on servers and Application
Software. Management issues related to Web Server Setup. Case Study
discussion on a Corporate Web Site. E-Commerce legal issues and Cyber

Laboratory Sessions in E-Commerce:

I . Simple execises using HTML
2. Create a Web Site with minimum Details
3. List out the Web sites dealing with F-Commerce
4. Log on to Web Sites dealing with E- Commerce and list out the facilities
5. Log on to a trade web site and make a trial order for purchase of an item.

Assignments can be on live case studies in various facets of E-Commerce.

Out of 50 internal assessment marks 30 marks will be based on internal tests,

10 marks based on Laboratory Exercises and 10 marks based on Seminar and

I. Electronic Commerce -Framework, technologies and Applications -
Bharat Bhasker TMH Publications
2. World Wide Web Design with HTML : C Xavier
3. Creating a winning E-Business : Napier, Judd, Rivers, Wagner- Course
Technology- Thomson Learning, 2001

1. E-Commerce - Cutting Edge of Business- Kamlesh K Bajaj, Debjani
Nag - Tata McGraw Hill, 1/e, 2003
2. Global Electronic Commerce- Theory and Case Studies J Christopher
Westland, Theodre H K Clark- University Press
3. E-Commerce - an Indian perspective - P T Joseph - Prentice Hall, 2/e,
4. E-Commerce concepts, Models, Strategies - C S V Moorthy - Himalaya
5. Electronic Commerce - Gari P Schneider - Thomson Course
Technology, 4/e, 2004
6. Strategic Management of e-Business Stephen Chen John Wiley& Co.



Sub Code : 05MBA HR341 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (05 Hrs)

ORGANIZATION: Nature and scope - definitions - overview of various
components and structure - evolution of organization theory - organizational
theories - images of organization
MODULE 2 ( 05 Hrs)
ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: Definition - importance and
approaches to organizational effectiveness - the goal attainment approach -
the systems approach - the strategic approach - constituencies approach -
the competing values approach - relative comparison of approaches
MODULE 3 ( 05 Hrs)
ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES: Organizational work flow processes /
business processes - process re-engineering - work flow as the basis for
organizational design
MODULE 4 (10 Hrs)
ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN: determinants of organizational design -
components of organizational design - complexity - formulization -
centralization - types of organizational structures - technological
determinants of organizational design - nature of technological influences -
technology and organizational structure - job design - organization -
environment - interface - environmental impact on organizations - strategies
for managing environment

Organizational strategy and structure - strategy * structure link - strategic
choices - strategic failures
MODULE 5 ( 10 Hrs)
Significance of power and politics in organizations - structural determinants
of organizational power - power imbalances - sources of organizational
Labor - management conflicts - low formalization - dependence on
common scarce resources - differences in evaluation criteria and reward
systems - participative decision making - heterogeneity of members - status
in congruence - role dissatisfaction - communication distortions - managing
organizational conflicts - five major conflict resolution techniques - super
ordinate goals - reducing interdependence between units - expanding
resources - mutual problem solving approach systems - formal authority -
increasing interaction - organization wide evaluation criteria and reward
systems - merging conflicting units - conflict stimulati on techniques
MODULE 6 ( 07 firs)
FORMULATION : organizational decisions - operating decisions -
strategic decisions - administrative decisions - influences on organizational
decisions - approaches to organizational decision making - the normative /
rational approach - the entrepreneurial approach - the political approach -
the consensus building approach
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
organizational culture - definition - functions - types - characteristics -
creating - sustaining and transmitting culture - strong and weak cultures -
organizational culture and strategy - when cultures collide - mergers and
acquisitions - the effective organization culture - culture and organizational
MODULE 8 ( 06 Hrs)
of organizations - changing environment - information / communication
technology - globalization and competition - customer and quality -
managing growth and decline - corporate restructuring - mergers and
acquisitions - human face of mergers and acquisitions - cultural and
structural adjustments - restructuring designs and implementation -
organizing for the future
1. Organization Theory - Structure, Design And Applications - Stephen
Robbins - Pearson / PHI, 3/e
2. Understanding Organizations - Madhukar Shukla - PHI

3. Organization Theory And Design - Richard Daft - Thomson Learning,
8/e, 2004
4. Organization Theory -Mary Jo Hatch - Oxford Publication, 2005
5. Organization Theory - Richard Hall - Pearson/PHI, 7/e, 1999
1. Designing Organizations - Philip Sadler - Kogan Page India Ltd
2. Organization Behavior - Concepts, Controversies And Applications
- Stephen Robbins - Pearson/PHI, I l/e
3. Organizations : Structure , Processes And Outcomes - Richard Hall -
4. Organization Theory And Behavior - R A Sharma - TMH, 2003
5. Managing Radical Change - Sumantra Ghoshal, Gita Piramal - Viking
Penguin India, 2004
6. Re-Engineering The Organizations - Jeffery N Lowenthal - TMH,
7. Corporate Restructuring : Strategies And Implications - Aima - Excel
8. Reengineering The Corporation - Michael Hammer And James
9. Fourth Eye - Excellence Through Creativity - Pradip N K Khandwalla
- Wheeler Publishers


Sub Code : 05MBA HR342 IA Marks 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture 56 Exam Marks :100
MODULE 1 (03 Hrs)
Indian Industrial Relations - An overview - A general survey, need,
objectives and principle of legal environment. IR in the post Independence
period, Importance and objectives of Industrial Relations , Main approaches
to IR.
MODULE 2 (03 Hrs)
Labour and Indian constitution, special features of Indian Industrial
Relations, policies and practices in India, code of Discipline and historical
initiatives for harmonious IR, Government policies relating to labour in 5
year plans, Legal Enactments, ILO and its influence on Legal Enactments in
MODULE 3 ( 03 Hrs)
Collective Bargaining in India: Definition, Essential conditions for the
success of collective bargaining, functions of collective bargaining,

collective bargaining process, prerequisites for collective bargaining, trends
and conclusions, Techniques of negotiation.
MODULE 4 (03 Hrs)
Trade Unions: Meaning, Historical perspective of trade union movement in
India, functions of trade unions, objectives of important trade unions, union
structure, problems of trade unions, measures to strengthen trade union
movement in India, Rights and responsibilities, future trends of trade union
movement in India.
MODULE 5 (05 Hrs)
Grievance procedure and Discipline management: Grievance, meaning and
forms, approaches to grievance machinery, Grievance procedures, model
grievance procedure. Discipline - Judicial approach to discipline, Domestic
enquiries, Disciplinary procedures, approaches to manage discipline in
MODULE 6 (02 Hrs)
Industrial Conflicts: Nature of conflicts and its manifestations, causes and
types of Industrial conflicts, prevention of Industrial conflicts, settlement of
Industrial conflicts.
MODULE 7 ( 02 Hrs)
Employer's federations and their role in IR
An overview of the following labour enactments covering the definitions,
applicability, provisions, registers and returns; penalties for non-
implementation and other major provisions including the schedules and latest
I. Factories Act' 1948
2. Employee's provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act' 1952
3. Shops and commercial Establishments Act
4. Payment of Gratuity Act' 1972
5. Maternity Benefit Act' 1961
6. Trade Union Act
7. Payment of Wages Act
8. Industrial Disputes Act
9. Workment's Compensation Act
10. Employee's State Insurance (E.S.I) Act
11. Payment of Bonus Act' 1965
12. Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act' 1970
13. Industrial Employment standing order's Act' 1946
14. Minimum wages Act' 1948 (35 Hrs)
Note: The syllabus is divided in the ratio of 40:60 for Legal Environment
and Industrial legislation respectively and as such in the Examination, the
paper should be with section A and B with 3 questions in section 'A' and 5


questions in section 'B' with instructions for answering any 5 questions
choosing minimum of 2 questions form each of the sections 'A' and `B'.

1. Mamoria & Mamoria - `Dynamics of Industrial Relations', Himalaya
Publishing house, Mumbai, 2004
2. Arun Monappa - Industrial Relations, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, 1/e, 2002.
3. P R N Sinha et at Industrial Relations, Trade Unions & Labour
Legislation, Pearson Education
1. P Subba Rao - Essentials of Human Resource Management and
Industrial Relations (Text, Cases and Games), Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai
2. Dr.M V Pylee and A Simon George - Industrial Relations and Personnel
Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2/e, 2003
3. R S Davar - Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Vikas
Publishing House, Mumbai, 10/e, 2005
4. Myers, A Charles and Karnnappan S - Industrial Relations in India, Asia
Publication House, Mumbai.
5. Dale Yoder and Paul D, Standohar - Personnel Management and
Industrial Relations, Prentice Hall of India, EEE/Pearson Education
6. Allan Cowling and Philip James - The Essence of Personnel
Management and Industrial Relations, Prentice Hall of India,
EEE/Pearson Education.



Sub Code : 05MBA HR343 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 : 100
Exam Marks
Micro Perspective
MODULE I ( 04 Hrs)
Introduction: The Behavioural approach, Challenges, Past and contemporary.
Theoretical framework, Contributing disciplines to the OB field.
MODULE 2 (06 Hrs)
Personality: Values, Emotions, Attitudes and Job related outcomes

MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)

The Perception Processes: Definition Nature, Factors influencing and
Individual Decision Making, Implications in the Organizational Context.


I j
MODULE 4 (05 Hrs)
Motivation - Concepts and Application, Definition, Early and Contemporary
theories, From Concept to Applications - Job design, goal setting and other
MODULE 5 (04 Hrs)
Learning Processes: Objectives, Principles, Organizational Systems and
Macro Dynamics
MODULE 6 (04 Hrs)
Foundations of Group Behaviour: Nature, types, Stages, Framework for
analysis, Organizational Context, Structure, Process and Decision-making.
The Emerging Team concept, Groups and Teams difference, Effective
MODULE 7 (04 Hrs)
Conflict, Transition Process: Levels: Individual, Interpersonal, Intergroup,
Organizational. Conflict Resolution Approaches at various levels, Functional
/ Dysfunctional skills, including negotiations.
MODULE 8 (04 Hrs)
Stress: Meaning, Nature and levels of stress, causes, effects and coping
MODULE 9 ( 04 Hrs)
Power and Politics: Meaning, bases of Power, implications, Dependency and
Defensive Behaviour, Managing Power, Contrasting Power and Leadership
MODULE 10 (04 Hrs)
Employee Counseling: Meaning - need - Manager's role in changing
MODULE 11 (03 Hrs)
Negotiation Skills:
Creating Climate - Opening Process - Conducting the negotiation -
Preparing for Negotiation - Styles of Negotiating - Rules of Negotiating
MODULE 12 (02 Hrs)
Managing Diversity in Behaviour:
The Nature of Diversity, Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity,
Characteristics of Diversity, Work force Diversity, Managing Diversity,
Developing the Multicultural Organization, Individual Approaches to
Managing Diversity, Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity
MODULE 13 (02 Hrs)
Behaviour Assessment Tools - Psychological Tests - Big Five Factors, Type
A & B, Self-monitoring etc.
MODULE 14 (04 Hrs)
Developing Competencies: Meaning, definition and history of competency
method. Characteristics of competencies. Types of competencies.

Competency mapping: Meaning, definition, purpose and approaches of
mapping. Tools for mapping: behavioural event interview, repertory grid,
critical incident technique, subject expert discussions, survey method and
participant observation. Competency Assessment: Meaning, definition and
purpose of assessment . Tools for assessment : Assessment Center, 360-degree
feedback, performance records, tests and interviews.
I. Hellerigel et.al. Organizational Behaviour, Thomson Learning, l0/e,
2. Stephen P Robbins Organizational Behaviour, Pearson / PHI, I 1/e, 2005
3. Udai Pareek, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford 2003
4. Shermerhorn Hunt, Osborn, Organizational Behaviour, John Wiley &
Co., 7/e, 2001
5. Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, TMH, 10/e, 2005
I. Gregory Moorehead & Ricky W Griffin, Organizational Behaviour -
Managing People and Organizations, Biztantra, 7/e, 2005
2. Negotiation Hand book - PHI
3. Essentials of Negotiation, HBS, 2003
4. Hersey Paul and Kenneth Blanchard H. Management of Organizational
Behaviour - Utilizing Human Resources - Pearson Education/PHI, 6/c
5. The Handbook of Competency Mapping, Seema Sanghi, Response
Books, 2004
6. Bill Scott, The Skills of Negotiating, Jaico, 2003
7. Patrick J Cleary, The Negotiation Handbook
8. Competence at work, Spencer M Lyle & Spencer M Signe, John Wiley &
Co, 1993
9. Competency based HRM, Ganesh Shermon, TMH, 1/e, 2004
10. Udai Pareek, Training Instruments in HRD and OD, TMH, 2/e, 2004
11. Organization Behaviour - Sharma - TMH, 2002
12. Behaviour in Organizations - Greenberg / Robert A Brown -
Pearson /PHI/Biztantra, 8/e, 2003
13. Organizational Behaviour - Hartman & Harris - Jaico


Sub Code : 05MBA HR344 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks 100
MODULE I ( 07 Hrs)
Meaning - Personal Growth, Concepts of Personal Growth, Personal Life
style choices, Personal Growth and Training Individual conflict.

MODULE 2 ( 05 Hrs)
Individuals and organization, individual and inter-personal behaviour, Nature
of values and attitudes, Job satisfaction, Job involvement, Organizational
MODULE 3 ( 07 Hrs)
Feeling, thinking and behaviours. Personality theories, Carl Jung's theory of
personality types and Myers Briggs type Indicator (MBTI) Trait theories -
Guilford Peogut, Emotional intelligence - Nature and scope for personal

MODULE 4 ( 05 Hrs)
Pedagogy and Androgogy, Adult Learning Process; learning styles and its
relatedness to personality development.
MODULE 5 ( 09 Hrs)
Interpersonal relations and personal growth, Interpersonal needs, motivation
and behaviour - FIRO - B and Johari Window. Defense Mechanism in

MODULE 6 (07 Hrs)

Micro perception of organization behaviour, Perception process, importance
of sensation versus perception, Personality and attitude, interactive conflict
and negotiation, Personality - meaning, Definition of how personality is

MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
Interpersonal behaviour, Nature of conflict, Levels of conflict, Source of
conflict, Effects of conflict, Assertive Behaviour, Transactional Analysis,
Ego status, Types of Transaction, Life position, Application of T.A in
Organizational context with cases.
MODULE 8 ( 05 Hrs)
Emotional Intelligence - Nature and Scope - Working with emotional
intelligence - self mastery - people skills - Emotionally intelligent
The seven habits of highly effective people . (04 Hrs)
I. Organizational Behaviour - Human Behaviour at work - by
John.W.Newstrom and Keith Davis Tata McGraw Hill, I l/e, 2003
2. Organizational Behaviour - Concepts, controversies and applications-
Stephen P Robbins - Prentice Hall International, 11/e
3. Wallace & Masters Personal Development for Live and Work, Thomson
Learning, 8/e, 2004
1. Organizational Behaviour - By J S Chandan
2. Training Instruments in HRD & OD - Udai Pareek - TMH, 2/e, 2004

3. Organizational Behaviour - Fred Luthans, TMH, 10/e, 2005
4. Enhancing Personal Effectiveness - Surabhi Purohit, TMH, 2003
5. Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Coleman, Bantam Books.
6. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey,
Simon & Schuster.
7. Choices in Ethical Behaviour - R C Shekar.



Sub Code : 05MBA PM351 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Tota1 no.
fL o ectore •56 : 100
Exam Marks
MODULE 1 (07 Hrs)
Introduction - scope of materials management - primary and secondary
objectives - integrated materials management - relation with other functional
areas of organization
MODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
Organizing for materials management - basis for forming organizations -
conventional and modem approaches to organizing materials management

MODULE 3 ( 05 Hrs)
Materials identification - classifying of materials - codification of materials
- standardization - simplification and variety reduction of materials

MODULE 4 (05 Hrs)

Inventory control - techniques - FSN, VED, ABC - working capital
management with reference to inventory

MODULE 5 ( 06 Hrs)
Management of stores - location - different types of stores - methods of
storing - safety and security of materials - stores equipment - materials
handling equipment - factors affecting materials handling
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Stores issues and receipts - procedures - forms and policies in stores
transactions - stores accounting - stores organization - materials safety and
MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
Management of surplus obsolete and scrap materials - reasons for
accumulation of surplus obsolete and scrap materials - methods of disposal -
regulations and procedures

MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
Purchasing - planning purchasing materials - norms of vendor rating - CEI
methodology, Japanese industry - selection and development - purchasing
procedures and methods - legal aspects - insurance of materials - supply
management - sources of supply - out sourcing

MODULE 9 ( 06 Hrs)
Sub contracting - reasons for subcontracting - criteria for selecting sub
contractors - rating - factors affecting subcontract rate fixing - internal and
external subcontract
1. Integrated Materials Management - A K Datta - PHI
2. Purcahsing And Supply Management - Dobbler, Burt D N - TMH,
7/e, 2004
3. Materials Management - P Gopalakrishnan - PHI, 2002
4. Purchasing And Materials Management - Leenders Fearon -
Universal Book Stall
5. Purchasing And Invento ry Control - K S Menon - Wheeler Publishers
6. Materials Management - Varma M M - Sultan Chand And Sons
7. Purchasing And Inventory Management - Westing - Wiley Eastern
8. Contemporary Auditing - Kamal Das Gupta
9. Modern Internal Auditing - Anil B, Roy Chowdhary
10. Auditing: A Systematic Approach - Messier
11. Statement On Standard Auditing Practices - Institute Of Chartered
Accountants Of India
12. Standards For Professional Practice Of Internal Auditing


Sub Code : 05MBA PM352 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Hrs / week
Total no. of : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Lecture Hrs
MODULE 1 (08 Hrs)
Linking organizational objectives to production and operations objectives -
development of production and operations strategies - basic manufacturing
processes used in engineering and non engineering industries - metal
working - metallurgical - chemicals - fertilizers - textiles - power
generation and distribution

MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)

Need for product design and re design - designing for customer - designing
a standard product for manufacturing and assembly - types of processes -


process flow structures - specific equipment selection - process analysis -
product design and process selection in services - product process matrix for
MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Process of product development - idea generation - prototype building -
provisional design - producibility studies - commercialization - design of
facilities - advanced models in facility planning - assembly line balancing -
developing group technology layout - systematic layout planning - problems

MODULE 4 ( 08 Hrs)
Just in time production systems - the Japanese approach for elimination of
waste - JIT implementation requirements - JIT in services - equipment
selection - reasons for selection methods - financial and non financial -
financial methods - ROI, ICCR - PCQ rating methods - MAPI methods

MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Job design and work measurement -job design decisions - approaches to job
design - work measurement - standards - learning curves and its
applications - value analysis - value engineering concepts to be incorporated

MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Aggregate planning - aggregate units of production - overview of aggregate
planning problem - costs in aggregate planning - chase demand strategy -
level of production strategy - mixed strategies- mathematical models -
linear decision rule - problems

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
MRP systems - Master production schedule - MRP concepts - terminology
- MRP II - embedding JIT into MRP - advanced MRP systems - simple

I. Production And Operations Management - Humid Noori, Russel
Radford - Mcgraw Hill International
2. Production And Operations Management - James Dilworth - Mcgraw
Hill International
3. Production And Operations Management - Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs -
TMH, 10/e, 2004
4. Production And Operations Management - Rogerto Russel, Taylor -
Prentice Hall, 4/e
5. Production And Operations Management - Roger Schmenner -
Prentice Hall
6. Production And Operations Analysis - Steven Nahmias - Mcgraw
Hill, 5/e, 2005
7. Materials Requirement Planning - Joseph Orlicky

Sub Code : 05MBA PM353 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture :56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 (07 Hrs)

Technology management - introduction - definitions - concepts - main
technologies and their characteristics

MODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
Technology development and acquisition - forecasting - generation and
MODULE 3 ( 07 Hrs)
Technology absorption and diffusion - absorption - assessment - evaluation
- diffusion
MODULE 4 (09 Hrs)
Selection and implementation of new technologies - automation decisions -
strategic decision models - project management in adoption and
implementation of new technologies - strategic cost analysis
MODULE 5 ( 09 Hrs)
Managing new generation technologies - commercializing new and
innovative technologies - invention - innovation - intellectual property

MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Knowledge based techniques - role of artificial intelligence techniques -
knowledge management techniques for technology management

MODULE 7 ( 09 Hrs)
Competitive advantages through new technologies - product development -
from scientific breakthrough to marketable product - mechanism for
technology transfer and acquisitions

I. Management Of New Technologies For Global Competitiveness -
Christian N Madu - Jaico Publishing House
2. Handbook Of Technology Management - Gaynor - Mcgraw Hill
3. New Production Systems - Isao Shinohara - Productivity Press India Pvt
4. Technological Systems And Development - James - Allied Publishers
5. Technology Transfer - Nell Sullivan - Cambridge University
6. Management Of Technology Change - Rao A S - Global Business Press


Sub Code : 05MBA PM354 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (15 Hrs)

Forecasting - definitions - methods - characteristics of forecasting problems
- subjective forecasting methods - objective forecasting methods - time
series analysis - simple and moving averages - exponential smoothing
methods - correction for trend - linear and non linear regression techniques
- analysis of seasonal demand - seasonal demand with growth pattern -

MODULE 2 ( 12 Hrs)
Inventory control with known demand - inventory costs - EOQ models -
quantity discount models - instantaneous and gradual - supply and demand
cases - problems

MODULE 3 ( 12 Hrs)
Operations scheduling - production scheduling - job shop scheduling
problems - sequencing problems - scheduling tools and techniques -

MODULE 4 ( 10 Hrs)
Supply chain management - make or buy decisions - JIT purchasing -
global sourcing - information flow - problems

MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)

Synchronous manufacturing and theory of constraints - performance
measurement - capacity constraints - implementing a synchronous
operations system

I . Production And Operations Management - Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs -
TMH, I0/e , 2004
2. Production And Operations Management - Hamid Noori, Russel
Radford - Mcgraw Hill International
3. Production And Operations Management - James Dilworth - Mcgraw
Hill International
4. Production And Operations Management - Rogerto Russel, Taylor -
Prentice Hall, 4/e
5. Production And Operations Management - Roger Schmenner -
Prentice Hall
6. Production And Operations Analysis - Steven Nahmias - Mcgraw
Hill, 5/e, 2005

Sub Code : 05MBA IB361 IA Marks :50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 ( 07 Hrs)
An Overview of International Business Environment - Economic
environment - political and regulatory environment - demographic
environment - social, cultural and technological environment
MODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
International Economic Environment - Regional integration and trade blocks
- Types of integration - theory of customs union, European union - regional
groupings - integration of developing countries - SAARC, SAPTA,
international commodity agreements - quota agreements - Cartels - Bi-
lateral & Multi lateral contracts - Economic institutions - International
Monetary Funds (IMF) - World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNCTAD,
UNIDO, International Trade Centre, WTO, GATT, CATS, TRIM, TRIPS.
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
International Trade and Investment Theory - Historical developments of
Modern Trade theory - Investment theories - Theory of capital movements -
Market imperfections - Internationalisation - Appropriability - Location
specific advangage - eclectic.
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
International Trade and Payments:
Government Influence on Trade: Trade in merchandise - Trade in services -
Global sourcing - degree of dependence - balance of payments - trade and
BOP of India. Cultural contacts of global management - Understanding the
role of culture - communicating across cultures - cross cultural negotiations
and decision making.
MODULE 5 ( 07 Hrs)
International Investment : Types and significance of foreign investments -
factors affecting international investment - growth and dispersion of FDI -
cross border mergers and acquisitions - foreign investment in India - The
New Policy - EURO/ADR issues - M & A - Indian companies going global.
MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Multi National Corporation : Definition and Meaning - Importance and
dominance of MNCs - Code of conduct - MNCs in India - Transfer of
Technology - global competitiveness - indicators of competitiveness -
competitive advantage of nations - Technology and Global competitiveness.

International Operations - Global supply chain management - global
manufacturing strategies - factors affecting international HRM and staffing
policy - International negotiations - international asset protection -
Protection of IPRs.

MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange Marketing: The Pre-
Bretton Wood's period, Break down of Bretton Wood system and emergence
of EMS, EU and EURO.

MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
Social Responsibilities and Ethics, MNE Social Responsibilities,
Efficiencies, Perspectives, Ethics, Technological Perspective, Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act, Case
I. The International Business Environment by Arrant K. Sundaram / J.
Stewart Black- Prentice Hall
2. International Business environments and Operations John D Daniel, Lee
H Radebaugh, Daniel P Sulivan- Pearson Education, 10i° ed, 2004
3. The International Business Environment Janet Morrison Mac Millan
Palgrave, 2004
4. International Business Environment by Francis Cherunilam - Himalaya
Publishing House, 2004
1. International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures
Fourth Edition by Helen Deresky - PHI
2. Dynamics of successful International Business Negotiations by Robert T.
Moran, William G. Stripp - JAICO
3. The International Environment of Business by Gerald M. Meier - Oxford
press, 2004

Sub Code : 05MBA IB362 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (05 Hrs)

Introduction - Causes of international differences - some major differences
in financial reporting
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
International classification of financial reporting - international
harmonization of accounting - the requirements of international accounting

MODULE 3 ( 09 firs)
Financial reporting in USA, UK, Australia and France

MODULE 4 (09 Hrs)

Financial reporting in Germany, Netherlands, Japan and Third world
countries with special emphasis on legal issues, accounting standards and
consolidation of accounts

MODULE 5 ( 09 Hrs)
Issues in International accounting - Consolidation - foreign currency
translation - segmental reporting - foreign exchange risk management

MODULE 6 ( 07 Hrs)
Harmonization in Financial reporting - Standardization and Harmonization -
role of international accounting bodies (IASC) in harmonization
MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
Multinational Transfer Pricing - Objectives of transfer pricing - selecting a
transfer price - internal revenue code and transfer pricing
MODULES (04 Hrs)
Ethical issues in international accounting - Incidence and implications of
window dressing (cases)

1. Christopher Nobes & R H Parker - Comparative International
Accounting, 7/e - Pearson/PHI
2. Frederick D S Choi & Gary K Meek - International Accounting -
3. Helen Gernon & Gary K Meek - Accounting: An international
perspective - McGraw Hill, 5/e, 2000
4. Richard E Caves, Jeffry A Frankel - World Trade and Payments -
Pearson Education, 2004

1. Frederick D S Choi - International Finance & Accounting Hand book -
John Wiley
2. Arne Kinserdal - Financial Accounting: An International Perspective, 2/e
- Financial Times Management
3. Kwabena Anyane-Ntow - International Handbook of Accounting
Education and Certification - Pergamon Publishers
4. James A Schweikart - International Accounting: A Case Approach -
McGraw Hill
5. Paul E Holt - International Accounting, 6/e - Dame Publications

Sub Code : 05MBA IB363 IA Marks :50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture :56
Exam Marks :100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
Foreign Trade of India. Foreign Trade Policy. EXIM Policy 2005-07. Trade
and BOP of India.
MODULE 2 (10 Hrs)
Institutional infrastructure for Exports . Institutions for financing exports-
EXIM Bank. ECGC. Other types of support- packing , marketing etc.
Commodity Boards. Export Promotion Councils. IIFT.IIP Federation of
Indian Export Organisation. Indian Council of Arbitration. Export
Development Authority. Agricultural and Processed Foods Export
Development Authority. ITPOs. STCs. Advisory Boards.

MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)

Export Promotion - Duty Drawback- Eligibility, Conditions, Types. Special
Economic Zones. EPZ/EOU

MODULE 4 ( 06 Hrs)
The Customs Act, 1962.Definitions. Appointment of Customs Port. Air Port.
Warehousing Stations.
MODULE 5 ( 10 Hrs)
Notified and Specified Goods. Prohibition on Importation and Exportation of
Goods. Levy of and Exemption from Customs Duties. Preparation of
Invoices. Advance Rulings. Surveillance on Conveyances. Clearance of
Goods. Goods in Transit. Warehousing. Baggage, Postal Parcels and Stores.
Coastal Goods.
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Searches. Seizures and Arrest. Confiscation of Goods and Conveyances etc.
Settlement Commission. Appeal and Revision. Miscellaneous.
MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
Export Procedure and Documentation.- Registration, Pre-shipment,
Shipment, Post -shipment, Pre-shipment Inspection. Claiming Exemption.
Excise Clearance. Shipping and Customs Formalities. Marine Insurance.
Import - Pre-import procedure. Legal Documentation of Import Procedure.
Retirement of Import Documents. Customs Clearance.
MODULE 8 ( 06 Hrs)
Customs Valuation.(Determination of Price of Imported Goods) Rules 1998.
Customs and Central Excise (Drawback) Rules 1995. The Baggage Rules
1995. The Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Classification- Interpretive Rules.
Import-Export Tariff Structure. Classification- Judicial Principles.

1. Indirect Taxes Made Easy-Prof. N.S. Govindan. C.Sitaram & Co Pvt Ltd.
2. Export Marketing-Rathpr and Rathor- HPH
3. Export- Import Procedures and Documentation. HPH, 1/e, 2003
4. International Marketing- Francis Cherunilam. HPH
1. Indirect Taxes- V.S. Daley. Taxmann
2. International Trade and Export Management.- Francis Cherunilam. HPH,
3. Export Management-D.C. Kapoor- Vikas


Sub Code : 05MBA IB364 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Intercultural Business Communication
MODULE 1 (07 Hrs)
Introduction to International business communication : Languages in
business communication, universal systems, contrasting cultural values,
cultural shock, language and business communication.
MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)
Issues of environment and technology in business organization
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
Oral and non-verbal communication, written communication pattern, global
etiquette, business and social customs, non verbal communications.
MODULE 4 (04 Hrs)
Inter-cultural negotiation process, intercultural negotiation strategies.
Information Technology in Global Business
MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
Basis of IT: Information age - Information system; Infrastructure and
Architecture - IT support for organizations - Types of Information systems -
Basic of computer hardware and software for IT infrastructure - Introduction
to world wide web - Internet applications of commerce.
Computer database technology and telecommunication networks - Different
categories of Information system - Roles in different management levels in
organizations - Organizational and Managerial support systems - Planning,

MODULE 6 (07 Hrs)
Applications of IT: Information system - GIS EDI, EDI application in
Business - EDI & E-Commerce - Implementation and EFT-Extranets -
Implementation - Data, Knowledge and decision support - Decision making
and support systems.

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
E-Commerce: Definition - Business applications - Market research and
customer support infrastructure, payments and other support-E-business-E-
markets-E-payments-Enterprise application integration-ERP-CRM-B2B-
B2C - Consumer Oriented E-Corn-Network, infrastructure for E-Com.

MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)

Tools for Managers : Managing information system experience and Using
Information technology for management tasks - Updating knowledge day-to-
day in business - Data warehousing - Data Mining (DM) and knowledge
data discovery - Document Management - Digital Libraries - DM
techniques and data visualization.

Part - I
1. Lillian H Chancy, Jeanette S Martin - Intercultural Business
Communication - PHI
2. Linda Beamer - Inter cultural communication in the global market place
Part - 11
1. E Turban et al, IT for Management - Making connections for strategic
advantage 2/e - John Wiley and sons
2. Dennis P Curtin et al, IT, The Breaking Wave - TMH, 1/e, 2003
3. Steven Alter, IT - A Management Perspective
Part - I
I. Victor - International Business Communication - PHI
2. John Mattock - Cross Cultural Communication - Essential Guide to
International Business - Kogan Page
3. Herbert W Hilderbrandt - Effective Business Communication, MacGraw
Hill, 7/c, 1997
4. Axel Satzger, Gina Poncini - International Perspective on Business
Communication: From Past Approaches to Future Trends, Peter Lang
Publications Inc., 2003



Sub Code 05MBA BI371 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / :04 Ex
am Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture :
56 Exam Marks :100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
Origin and kinds of Banks - Unit and Branch banking-Universal Banking -
Banking system in India - RBI - Commercial banks - Cooperative banks -
Development Banking - NBFC's - unorganized sector - Nationalization and
social responsibility of banking - Privatization and infusion of financial
MODULE 2 (09 Hrs)
Central bank - evolution - functions - control of credit - Role of RBI -
organization and management.

MODULE 3 ( 10 Hrs)
Commercial Banks - Functions of commercial banks - Agency services -
General utility services - credit creation and limitations of credit creation.
Practice of Banking - Banker - Customer relationship - Special relationship
- Law of limitation - Banker as a trustee and an agent - Appropriation of
payment - Right of lien and setoff - Obligation to maintain secrecy -
Garnishee order.

MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)

Electronic Payment Systems - Teller machines - cash dispensers - ATMs -
Anywhere Anytime banking - Home Banking - Online enquiry and update
facilities - Personal Identification Numbers - and their use - credit and debit
cards - smart cards - signature storage & display by electric means - MICR
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Electronic Banking and Interest Banking - Electronic Fund Transfer system
- plain messages - structural messages - SWIFT - CHIPS - CHAPS -
FEDWIRE - RTGS - Facets of Electronic banking - Bank to Bank - E-
banking - Electronic Central banking - E-banking transactions - Internet
banking - security considerations - Rangaraj or Sacraf and Schere
Committee recommendations.

MODULE 6 ( 05 Hrs)
International Banking - Exchange rate - Documentary letter of credit -
facilities for exporters and importers - correspondent banking and NRI bank
Accounts - EXIM banks - ECGC Banks - Role of FEDAI.

MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
Evaluating Bank performance - ROE model - CAMEL's Ratings -
Traditional GAAP based performance measures - profitability Analysis,
Balanced Scorecard.

MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)

Mergers and Acquisitions in Banks - Value creation through mergers -
motives behind mergers - valuation procedure - Financial and non-financial
considerations in Mergers and Acquisitions.

1. Bank Management - Timothy W. Koch & S. Scott (Thomsons)
2. Principles of Banking- IIBF Me Millan
3. General Bank Management - IIBF Mc Millan
4. Banking Technology I, 11 and III, Indian Institute of Bankers Pub.

I. Banking and Financial Systems - Mithani & Gorden (HPH)
2. Sunderaram and Varshney - Theory - Law and practice - Sultan Chand
& Sons
3. Banking and Financial System - K. Nirmala Prasad and J. Chandradas
4. Service Marketing - S. M. Jha (HPH)
5. Bank Management - George H. Hempel & Donald John Wiley & Sons
6. Managing Indian Banks - Vasanth C. Joshi and Vinay V. Joshi -
Response Books.


Sub Code 05MBA B1372 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (04 Hrs)

Introduction to treasury management - Objectives - Concept - Functions of
integrated treasury - Process of Globalization - Evolving role of Treasury as
profit centre - Organization of treasury.

MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)

Treasury products - Short term funds and investment management -
Financial marketing - Money market - Capital market - Call money -
Government securities - REPOs - Certificate of deposits - Rediscounting
bills - Commercial papers - Foreign Exchange Markets & treasury - Linkage
of domestic operations with foreign operations.

MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
Liquidity planning and managing cash assets - Measurement of liquidity -
Objectives of cash management - Reserve with Central banks - Managing
float - Managing correspondent balances - Liquidity planning - Traditional
liquidity measures.
MODULE 4 (04 Hrs)
Risk Management: Introduction - Definition of risk and risk management -
Risk management process - Risk identification, measurement, monitoring
and control - Types of risks - Business risk - Credit risk - Market risk -
Earning risk - Liquidity risk - Operational risk - Control risk - Capital.
MODULE 5 ( 12 Hrs)
Interest rate risk and management - Factors influencing interest rates -
Theories on interest rates - Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) - Fixed
income securities - pricing - Valuation - Yield on fixed income securities -
Bond theorems - Interest rate risk - Duration and immunization - Bond
Portfolio Management.
MODULE 6 (04 Hrs)
Measuring interest rate risk with Gap and earning sensitivity - Duration GAP
analysis - Simulation technique.
MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Financial futures - Forwards - FRA and interest rate swaps - Cross currency
swaps - Options - Caps - Floors and Complex swaps for managing interest
rate risk - Foreign Exchange risk management using derivatives.
MODULE 8 (07 Hrs)
Credit risk - Management in banks - Credit risk rating - Credit rate portfolio
management - Asset liability management in banks - Asset liability
management - Bank Balance Sheet - Components of assets/ liabilities and
their management - ALM implementation - RBI guidelines.
1. Risk Management(IIBF) - Mac Millan
2. An Introduction to Fund and Investment Management in Banks -
Bankers Institute of Rural development, Lucknow - R. Bhaskaran
3. Bank Management - Timothy W. Koch & Scott - Thomson pub., 6/e,
1. Bank Financial Management - IIBF
2. Credit Risk Management - S.K. Bagchi, Jaico pub. House
3. Commercial Bank Management 5E - Peter Rose, Texas A & M
University College Station.
4. Introduction to Derivatives & Risk Management Chance - Thomson
5. Introduction to Risk Management - Dorfman Pearson/ PHI, 8/e, 2005
6. Treasury Management - D. C. Gordner, Macmillan
7. Risk- The new Management Imperative in Finance Jaico


Sub Code : 05MBA BI 373 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks :100

MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)

Introduction to Insurance - Definition of insurance - Costs and benefits of
insurance - Elements of Insurance risk - Nature and structure - Insurance
industry - Players in life and non life. insurance -Insurance sector reforms-
Growth and development of the Indian Insurance Industry.

MODULE 2 (06 Hrs)

Overview of Risk - Classification of risk - Risk and insurance - Risk
evaluation - Risk management process - Selection and implementation of
risk management techniques using insurance.
MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Insurance documents - Insurance forms - Proposal forms - Cover notes -
Certificate of Insurance - Policy forms - Endorsements - Other documents.

MODULE 4 (12 Hrs)

Legal aspects of Insurance - Insurance Act 1938 - Indian Contract 1872 -
Consumer Protection Act 1986 - Insurance Ombudsman - Contract of
Agency - Special principles of insurance contract including re-insurance &
double insurance.
MODULE 5 ( 06 Hrs)
IRDA - Roles - Responsibilities - Constitution of IRDA - Objectives -
Duties & powers - Role - Other functional aspects.

MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)

Insurance Accounting- Final Account of Insurance Company - Financial
analysis, valuation - Solvency and performance measures - Ratio analysis.

MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
Banc assurance- Concept - Origin - Role - Critical issues - Functional
aspects - Indian scenario - Future prospects.

MODULE 8 ( 07 Hrs)
Marketing of insurance products - Role of development officers - Role of
insurance agents - Information Technology and insurance - E-Conunerce
and E-insurance.

I. Principles of Risk Management & Insurance - Rejda (Pearson)
2. Principles and Practice of Insurance - Dr. P. Periswamy (HPH)
3. Insurance & Risk Management -Dr. P. K. Gupta (HPH)

4. Bank assurance - An Introduction - ICFAI University Press
5. Risk Management & Insurance - Harrington & Meshaces (TMH), 2/e,
L Insurance Management- Anand Ganguly (New Age International)
2. Insurance in India - P. S. Palande, Shah & M. L. Lunawat (Response
3. Managing Indian Banks - Joshi & Joshi - Response Books


Sub Code : 05MBA BI 374 IA Marks : 50
05MBA FM324
No. of Lecture Hrs 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I ( 06 Hrs)
Merchant Banking-- Nature of services, structure of merchant banking firms.
Financial Markets: Capital markets--Money market. Forex markets.
Linkages between the markets.

MODULE 2 ( 10 Hrs)
SEBI guidelines for merchant bankers, Issue Management--equity issues,
rights issues, debenture issues, Book building, Private placement: Pre issue
and post issue activities-- Raising of capital from international markets:
Loan syndication,ADRs, GDRs, EDRs, ECB, IDR Design of Capital
structure-pricing of issues.

MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Financial services: fund based and fee based services;
Credit rating: Definition: Process of credit rating of financial instruments:
Depositary services: role of depositories-a brief discussion on performance
of NSDL and CSDL. Stock Broking Services including SEBI guidelines:

MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)

Money markets: Instruments with their features including treasury bills,
commercial bills, commercial papers, certificate of deposits and gild-edged
securities. Money Market Mutual Funds. Bills Discounting, Factoring,
Forfeiting. Consumer finance, credit cards, vehicle financing and consumer
durable financing.

MODULE 5 ( 10 Hrs)
Lease financing-meaning and types, historical perspective, present
legislative frameworks of leasing, lease & taxes. Lease evaluation form
lessor and lessee's point of view (including problems)

MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Hire Purchasing_ concept and characteristics, hire purchase V/s Lease,
condition and warranties in leasing and their implications, tax implications of
hire purchasing. Evaluation of hire purchasing from hirer & hirce's angle.
(including problems)
MODULE 7 (05 Hrs)
Securitization of debt: Meaning, Features, Special Purpose Vehicle, Pass
Through Certificate & mechanism.
MODULE 8 (05 Urs)
Marketing of Financial Services Conceptual framework - distribution -
nricing - promotion - attracting & retaining customers - segmentation -
positioning - development and launching of new products - behavioural
profile of customers.
I . Financial Services-M. Y. Khan (TMH), 3/e, 2004
2. Indian Financial System-M. Y. Khan (TMH), 4/e, 2004
3. Merchant Banking -J. C. Verma, Bharat Publications
4. Financial Services - Gorden & Nataraju, HPH
5. Financial Services & Sysytems- S. G. Guruswamy (Thomson), 1/e, 2004
I. Merchant Banking Principles and Practice : Ii. R Machiraju
2. Financial Institutions and Markets L. M. Bhole (TMIi), 4/c, 2004
3. Financial Markets & Institutions - S.G. Guruswamy -(Thomson)
4. Services Marketing --S. M. Jha (HPH)
5. Indian Financial System - Machiraju - Vikas, 2/c, 2005

Sub Code : 05MBA 41 IA Marks 50
No. of Lecture Hrs 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Ilrs .

MODULE 1 (07 Hrs)

Meaning and Nature of Strategic Management, Its importance and relevance,
Characterstics of Strategic Management, The Strategic Management Process
- Relationship between a Company's Strategy and its Business Model,
Significance of crafting and execution of Strategy.
MODULE 2 (07 Hrs)
Strategy formulation - Developing Strategic Vision and Mission for a
company - Setting Objectives - Strategic Objectives and Financial
Objectives - Balanced score card, Company Goals and Company

Philosophy. The hierarchy of Strategic Intent - Merging the Strategic Vision,
Objectives and Strategy into a Strategic Plan.

MODULE 3 ( 07 llrs)
Analysing a company's External Environment - The Strategically relevant
components of a Company's external environment - Industry Analysis -
Industry's dominant economic features - Competitive Environment Analysis
- Porter's five force modal - Industry driving forces - key success factors -
concept and implementation

MODULE 4 (06 Ilrs)

Analysing a company s resources and competitive position - Analysis of the
company's present strategies - SWOT Analysis - Value chain Analysis -
Bench marking and ethical conduct.

MODULES (08 Hrs)

Generic Competitive Strategies - Low cost provider Strategy -
Differentiation Strategy - Best cost provider Strategy - Focused Strategy -
Strategic alliances and Collaborative partnerships - Mergers and acquisition
Strategies - Outsourcing Strategies - First Mover advantages and
disadvantages - Strategies for using Internet in the Global scenario.
In.ernational Business level strategies - strategic alliances and joint ventures
with foreign farmers.

MODULE 6 (07 Hrs)

Formulating long term and Grand Strategies - Competing in the foreign
markets - Entry strategies - Quest for competitive advantage in foreign
markets - Strategic alliances, Joint Ventures and its relevance - Tailoring
Strategy to fit specific Industry and company situation - Setting and
Qualifying long term objectives for Grand Strategies - Innovation,
Integration and diversification - Conglomerate Diversification,
Retrenchment, Restructuring and turnaround for a better tomorrow - GE nine
cell planning grid and grand strategy selection at business level -
Contingency approach to strategic choice by looking back to the past

MODULE 7 (07 Hrs)

Strategy Implementation - Operationalizing strategy, Annual Objectives,
Developing FunctionalStrategies, Developing and communicating concise
Institutionalizing the strategy, Structure, Leadership and Culture.
Structural Considerations, Organisational Leadership.

MODULE 8 (07 Hrs)

Stretegic control guiding and evaluating strategies, Establishing Strategic
controls, Operational Control Systems, Monitoring performance and
evaluating deviations, challenges of Strategy Implementation.

1. Crafting and Executing Strategy by Arthur A. Thomson Jr., A. J.
Strickland III, John E. Gamble-Tata McGraw Hill, 14/c, 2005
2. Strategic Mangement - An Integrated Approach by Charles W. L. Hill,
Gareth R. Jones - BIZTANTRA, 6/e, 2004/05
3. Strategic Management Theory and Practice by John Parnell, Ph.D. -
BIZTANTRA, 2004/05
4. Stategic Management Competitiveness and Globalisation by Hitt
Thomoson Learning, 4/c, 2001
5. Strategic Management by John A Pearce II & Richard B Robinson Jr -
6. Strategic Management - R Srinivasan - PHI, 2/e, 2004
I. Strategic Management Concepts & Cases by Fred R.David - Pearson
2. Strategic Management Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage
by Robert A. Pitts, David Lei. - Thomson South - Western, 3/e, 2002
3. Exploring Corporate Strategy Text and Cases by Garry Johnson, Keven
Scholes - Prentice Hall India, 6/e
4. Business Policy and Strategic Management Lawrence R Januch &
William I Glueek
5. Competitive Advantage by Michael E Porter, Free press, NY
6. Strategic Management by David Hunger
7. Business Policy and Strategic Management by Sukul Lomash P K Mishra
8. Strategic Management by Garth Saloner, Andrea Shepard, Joel Podolny -
9. Strategic Management - L P Rajan - Jaico


Sub Code 05MBA 42 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Firs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I ( 04 Hrs)
Introduction to total quality management
Concepts of quality and total quality, costs of quality, organizing for quality
control, statistical quality control, concepts of quality assurance , total quality
control & management, benefits of TQM.
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Quality management philosophies
Evolution of TQM, Quality philosophies, Deming philosophies, Deming
cycle, Deming's 14 points, Juran philosophy, quality trilogy & universal
break through sequence, Steps for quality improvement, Philips Crosby's

tenet, quality is free, absolutes of quality, 14 steps for quality improvement,
Taguchi's quality loss functions, Feigenbaum's philosophy.
MODULE 3 ( 12 Hrs)
Managing for quality and high performance
Top management commitment and involvement, customer involvement and
focus, designing product and process for quality, developing supplier
partnership, customer services, employee involvement and empowerment,
quality at the source, quality circles, TQM models, quality standards and
awards - ISO 9001 - 2000, ISO 14000, QS 9000, Deming Price, Malcolm
Baldrige Quality awards, European quality awards , designing high
performance work teams, training, team work and cooperation, compensation
and recognition, overcoming resistance to change, employee motivation and
performance, appraisal for achieving high quality performance.
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
Process management and quality control tools
Tools for quality planning, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), concepts
and techniques, six sigma concept, Deming's PDCA cycle, Poka Yoke and 7
QC tools
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Strategic management for Total Quality
Total quality and competitive advantage, strategic planning and total quality
improvement strategies, quality planning process, strategy development,
management tool for implementing policy deployment, quality culture and
leadership, organizing for total quality, TQM organization, recognizing
organizations for TQM.
MODULE 6 (05 Hrs)
Evolution of benchmarking, concepts, advantages, limitations of
benchmarking, areas to bench mark, levels and types of bench marking,
bench marking process, role of benchmarking in TQM.
MODULE 7 (04 Hrs)
Business process reengineering
Principles, concepts, applications, benefits and limitations of reengineering,
reengineering process and its relevance to TQM
MODULES (04 Hrs)
Concepts of Capability Maturity Models
Case studies with Indian context (05 Hrs)
1. Total Quality Management Prof K Shridhar Bhat HPH, 1/e, 2004
2. Total Qualtty Management - Dr B Janakiraman, Prof R K Gopal -
PHI, 2005
3. Total Quality Management - James R Evans - South Western
Publishers, 2/e, 2000
4. Total Quality Management R P Mohanty, R R Lakhe Jaico,2003

1. Management Guide To Quality And Productivity - M R Gopalan,
John Bicheno - Biztantra, 2/e, 2004
2. Quality Management - Kaniska Bedi - Oxford Publication, 2004
3. Quality Management Creating And Sustaining Organizational
Effectiveness C S Summers - Pearson/PHI, 2004
4. Total Quality Management - Poornima M Charantimath
5. People CMM - Nandyal - TMH, 2004
6. Total Quality Management - Dale H Besterfield, Carol Besterfield,
7. Total Quality Management - Hubert Rampersad - TMH, 2005


Sub Code : 05MBA 43 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no . of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100


MODULE 1 (04 Hrs)
Introduction to logistics management
The concept of logistics - scope - objectives - logistics activities - role of
logistics in supply chain management - logistics costs - integrated logistics
management - systems approach - integrated logistics information
requirements - information systems in integrated logistics

MODULE 2 (04 Hrs)

Logistics planning and strategy
Logistics strategy related to corporate strategy - logistics strategic planning -
developing logistics strategy - demand management - customer services

MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Logistics system design and administration
Logistics positioning - logistics environment assessment - time based
logistics - alternative logistics strategies - strategic integration and logistics
- time based control techniques - logistics administration - organizing
integrated logistics - organizational structure - planning - costing - pricing -
performance measurement and reporting

MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)

The integrated logistics activities
Information - forecasting - inventory management - warehouse
management - transportation management - materials handling - packaging

MODULE 5 ( 06 Hrs)
Introduction to supply chain management
Understanding the supply chain - key issues - objectives - process of supply
chain management - supply chain drivers - obstacles - framework -
facilities - inventory - transportation - information - strategic decisions in
supply chain management - supply chain decisions and trade offs - customer
relationship management strategy - supplier relationship strategy
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Designing the supply chain network
Designing the distribution network - role of distribution - factors affecting
distribution - design options - distribution networks in practice - network
designs in the supply chain - role of network - factors affecting the network
design decisions - modeling for supply chain - concepts of modeling -
models on transportation - maximal flow problem - product mix model etc.
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Supply chain planning and implementation
Logistics demand and supply - demand forecasting - aggregate planning in
the supply chain - planning and managing inventories - managing
economies of scale and cycle inventory - managing uncertainty - safety
inventory - planning for optimal level of product availability - sourcing -
transporting - pricing decisions
MODULE 8 (09 Hrs)
Coordination and information technology in the supply chain
Coordination in the supply chain - managerial levers to achieve coordination
-- building strategic partnerships and trust with supply chain - information
technology and supply chain - role of IT in supply chain management - the
supply chain IT frame work - EDI - intranet / extranet - e commerce - e
procurement - bar coding - computer based information systems - computer
models - ERP and Supply Chain Management
CASE STUDIES with reference to Indian context ( 05 Hrs)
1. Logistics - David J Bloomberg, Stephen Lemay, Joe Hanna - PHI
2. Marketing Logistics - Satish Kapur, Purva Kausal - Pearson
3. Logistical Management - Donald J Bowersox , David Closs - TMH,
4. Logistics Management - K Shridhar Bhat - HPH, 1 /e, 2005
5. Supply Chain Management - R P Mohanty, S G Deshmukh -
Biztantra, 2005
6. Supply Chain Management - Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl -Pearson
/PHI, 2/e, 2004
7. The Management Of Business Logistics - Coyle, Bardi, Langley -
Thomson Sw, 7/e, 2002

1. Business Logistics / Supply Chain Management - Ronald Ballou -
Pearson Education
2. Supply Chain Management - Sarika Kulkarni, Ashok Sharma - TMH,
3: Essentials Of Supply Chain Management - Mohanty, Deshmukh -
Jaico Publication
4. Designing And Managing The Supply Chain - David Simchi, Levi -
TMH, 2/e
5. Managing The Supply Chain - Gattorna, Walters - Palgrave, 2004
6. Logistics And Supply Chain Management - Martin Christopher -
Pearson Education


Sub Code : 05MBA MM415 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs /
: 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks :100

MODULE I ( 03 Hrs)
Definition - scope of rural marketing - concepts - components of rural
markets - classification of rural markets - rural vs. urban markets

MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Rural marketing environment
Population - occupation pattern - income generation - location of rural
population - expenditure pattern - literacy level - land distribution - land
use pattern - irrigation - development programs - infrastructure facilities -
rural credit institutions - rural retail outlets - print media in rural areas -
rural areas requirement - problems in rural marketing - rural demand - rural
market index

MODULE 3 ( 10 Hrs)
Marketing of agricultural input
Consumable inputs - durable inputs - fertilizers - product - price -
distribution - promotion - SWOT analysis of fertilizer market - agro
chemicals - product - price - distribution - promotion - SWOT analysis of
agro chemicals market - seeds - cattle - poultry - aqua feeds - tractors -
power tillers - irrigation equipments - other farm machinery


MODULE 4 ( 06 Hrs)
Marketing of consumables and durables
Product - price -- distribution strategies - product redesign - modification

MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)

Marketing of agricultural produce and rural and cottage industry products
Marketing of agricultural produce - regulated markets - formation of
cooperative organizations - contract farming - agricultural exports zone
(AEZ) - marketing of rural / cottage industries - artisan products

MODULE 6 ( 07 Hrs)
Role of financial institutions in rural marketing
Agricultural credit situation - types of credit - rural credit institutions -
NABARD - commercial banks - state cooperative banks (SCB) - state
cooperative agricultural and rural development banks (SCARDB) - regional
rural banks RRB - local area banks - flow of institutional credit to
agriculture - kissan credit card scheme - impact on rural market

MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
Role of cooperative institutions in rural marketing Cooperatives as
organizations - structure of cooperative organizations - types - share of
cooperatives in national economy - impact of cooperatives on rural

MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)

Rural marketing strategies
Rural marketing segmentation - product strategies - pricing strategies -
distribution strategies - promotions strategies - social marketing
CASE STUDIES - with Indian context (05 Hrs)


1. Rural Marketing - T P Gopalaswamy - Vikas Publishing House
2. Rural Marketing - R V Badi, N V Badi -HPH , 2/e, 2005
3. The Rural Marketing Text Book - Pradeep Kashyap, Siddhartha Rant
- Biztantra, 2005

1. Rural Marketing - Habeeb Ur Rahman - HPH, 1/e, 2004
2. Rural Marketing- Sukhpal Singh - Vikas Publishers
3. Rural Marketing - C G Krishnamacharyulu , Lalitha Ramakrishnan -
Pearson Education
4. Agricultural Marketing In India- Acharya - Oxford I B H

Sub Code : 05MBA MM416 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture
Bra / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
Branding Perspective
Concept, brand identification, Brand equity, identifying and establishing
brand positioning, brand value, strong Indian Brands.
MODULE 2 (06 Hrs)
Factors that shape a brand at conception and birth, shaping a brand during
growth and maturity
MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)
Planning and implementing brand marketing programs
Criteria for choosing brand elements, options and tactics for brand elements,
legal brand considerations

MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)

Leveraging brand knowledge and building brand equity (loyalty, awareness,
quality, association, assets)
Concept of leveraging, Co branding, Celebrity endorsement
MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)
Measuring and interpreting brand performance, brand value chain, designing
brand-tracking studies, establishing brand equity management systems

MODULE 6 (05 Hrs)

Measuring sources of brand equity, qualitative research and quantitative
research techniques, measuring out comes of brand equity, comparative
methods, holistic methods

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Designing and implementing brand strategies, brand product matrix, brand
hierarchy, designing brand strategy, brand extension advantages,
disadvantages, forms of extension, consumer evaluation of brand extension
opportunities, evaluation of extension, Indian examples to be discussed

MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)

Brand imitations, assessing the brand imitations, first movers advantages,
free rider effect- Indian examples to be discussed

CASE STUDIES - With Indian context

1. Strategic Brand Management, Building Measuring & Managing
Brand Equity - 2"d Ed Phi / Pearson Education - Kevin Lane Keller

2. Brand Management The Indian Context - Y L R Moorthi - Vikas
3. Strategic Brand Management - Jean, Noel, Kapferer - Kogan Page

1. Brand Management -Chunnawalla-HPH,1/e, 2003
2. Brand Imitations - Dr S S Kaptan, Dr S Pandey- HPH, 1/c, 2004
3. What Is In A Name? Advertising & The Concept Of Brand - John
Plilip Jones - Pearson/PHI
4. Managing Indian Brands - S Ramesh Kumar - Vikas


Sub Code 05MBA MM417 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 : 3 Hours
Exam Hours
Total no. of Lecture :56 Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (05 Hrs)

Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication
Communication mix, Role of IMC in marketing communication process
Source, Message & Channel Factors
Advertising - Purpose, function, type, need & benefits - Commercial & non-
commercial advertising.

MODULE Z ( 05 Hrs)
Role of advertising agency
Types of agencies, agency compensation, evaluation, services offered by
agencies, career in agencies
MODULE 3 (04 Firs)
Advertising planning
Setting goals, objectives, deciding on methods used for advertising budgets,
DAGMAR approach

MODULE 4 (10 Hrs)

Media Planning
Media selection, planning, scheduling, strategy, print media, broadcast
media, out-door media, electronic media, Media in Indian scenario, media
evaluation, readership survey, TRP rating.
Creative Planning
Creative strategy, meaning, planning, developments, implementation copy
writing, for different media, TV, Radio, Newspaper

MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Direct Marketing
Role, development of Direct Marketing, Role of Direct Marketing in IMC,
Indian scenario in Direct Marketing
Importance & type, integration of advertising with Sales Promotion and
Public Relations
Meaning, Press release, Issuing news and information power of publicity,
corporate advertising, Integration of Public Relations into IMC
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Monitoring, evaluating, control, effectiveness of advertising, methods used
for evaluating advertising effects, evaluating print and broadcasting media,
other media, test for checking advertising effectiveness, recognition test,
recall test

MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
International advertising
Role, international environment, global v/s local advertising, advantages and
problems in global advertising

MODULE 8 ( 05 Hrs)
Event management
Introduction to events, what are events, why events, key elements of events.
Concepts of product pricing and promotions in events

CASE STUDIES ( 05 firs)

I. Advertising and Promotions IMC Perspectives: Belch and Belch - Tata
Mc Graw Hill, 6/e
2. Integrated Advertising Promotion, & Marketing Kenneth E Clow -
Pearson/PHI, 2/e
3. Foundation of Advertising Theory and Practices Chunawalla - Himalaya
Publications, 7/e, 2004
4. Event marketing and management- Sanjaya Singh - Vikas Publication,
1. Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotions - 0' Guinn, Allen,
Semenik- Thomson, 3/e, 2003
2. Promotion & IMC Richard J Semenik - Thomson, I/e, 2001
3. Advertising management Rajeev Batra - PHI, 5/e


Sub Code : OSMBA MM418 IA Marks : 50

05MBA IB468
No. of Lecture Ilrs / :04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture :56
Exam Marks 100

MODULE I ( 06 Hrs)
Framework of international marketing
Definition - scope and challenges - difference between international
marketing and domestic marketing - the dynamic environment of
international trade - transition from domestic to international markets -
orientation of management and companies
Introduction to Balance Of Payments (BOP) - definition -- scope - items
covered under BOP - relevance for international marketing - BOP
equilibrium -- instruments of trade policy
MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)
Developing a global vision through marketing research
Breadth and scope of international marketing research - research process -
problems in availability and use of secondary data- gathering primary data -
qualitative and quantitative research - problems in gathering primary data -
multicultural research - a special problem - research on intemet - a new
opportunity - estimating market demand - problems in analyzing and
interpreting research information - responsibility for conducting marketing
research - communicating with decision makers
Identifying foreign markets - classification based on demand - based on the
stage of development - other bases for division of world markets
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
Global marketing management - planning and organization
Global perspective - global gateways - global marketing management - an
old debate and a new view - planning for global markets -- alternative market
entry strategies - organizing for global competition
Products for consumers in global markets - product development - product
adaptation - product standardization - marketing of services - green
marketing and product development

MODULE 4 (06 firs)

Products and services for consumers
Quality - products and culture - analyzing product components for
adaptation - marketing consumer services globally - brands in international
Products and services for business

Demand in global business to business markets - quality and global
standards - business services - trade shows' crucial part of business to
business marketing - relationship markets in business to business context

MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)

Market entry strategies
Direct exports - indirect exports - licensing -joint ventures - wholly owned
subsidiaries - franchising - other methods
International marketing channels - distribution patterns - alternative
middlemen choices - factors affecting choice of channels - surface vs. air
transportation - advantages and disadvantages - marine transportation -

MODULE 6 (08 firs)

Pricing decisions
Pricing policies and decisions - price escalations - cost of exporting -
marginal cost pricing - its importance - price quotation - INCO terms -
preparation of quotations
Promotions - international advertising - sales promotion in international
markets - international advertising - direct mailing - personal selling -
exhibition - generic promotions in international marketing

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Recent trends in India's foreign trade
Institutional infrastructure for exports promotions in India - India's trade
policy - exports assistance - exports documentation and procedures
including different stages of documentation

MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
International retailing
(Refer to "Intemational Marketing" - Dana Nicoleta - Biztantra - chapter
International expansion of retailers - international retailing defined - retail
format - variations in different markets - general merchandise: retailing -
issues in international retailing
1. Intemational Marketing - Cateora, Graham - TMH 12/E, 2005
2. Global Marketing Management- Warren Keegan - Pearson / PHI. 7/e
3. International Marketing - Rakesh Mohan Joshi - Oxford, 2004
4. Intemati,.ual Marketing - Dana - Nicoleta, Lascu - Biztantra, 2003

1. International Marketing: Analysis And Strategy - Sak Onklisit.
Johnshavc - Pearson Education /Pill, 3/c
2. International Marketing - Varshney, Bhattacharya - S Chand
3. International Marketing - Francis Cherunillam - HPH, 7/e, 2004

4. International Marketing - Michael Czinkota , Ilika A Ronkainen -
Thomson , 7/e, 2004
5. Global Marketing Strategies - Jean Pierre Jeannet , A David
Hennessey - Biztantra, 6/e, 2005
6. International Marketing - R Srinivasan - PHI, 2/e
7. International Logistics - Pierre David - Biztantra, 2004/05



Sub Code : 05MBA FM425 I A Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 E xam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture 56 E xam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 (04 Hrs)

Planning & Analysis Overview: Phases of capital budgeting - Levels of
decision making - objective.
Resource Allocation Framework: Key criteria for allocation of resource -
elementary investment strategies - portfolio planning tools - strategic
position and action evaluation - aspects relating to conglomerate
diversification -- interface between strategic planning and capital budgeting.
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Generation and screening of project ideas: Generation of ideas - monitoring
the environment - regulatory framework for projects - corporate appraisal -
preliminary screening - project rating index - sources of positive NPV -
qualities of a successful entrepreneur - the porter model for estimation of
profit potential of industries.
Market and demand analysis: Situational analysis and specification of
objectives - collection of secondary information - conduct of market survey
- characterization of the market - demand forecasting - market planning.
Technical analysis: Study of material inputs and utilities - manufacturing
process and technology - product mixes - plant capacity - location and site -
machinery and equipment - structures and civil works - project charts and
layouts -- work schedule
MODULE 3 - ( 12 Hrs)
Financial Analysis: Estimation of cost of project and means of financing -
estimates of sales and production - cost of production - working capital
requirement and its financing - estimates of working results - breakcven
points - projected cash flow statement - projected balance sheet.
Project cash flows: Basic principles of measurement of cash flows -
components of the cash flow streams - viewing a project from different

points of view -- definition of cash flows by financial institutions and
planning commission - biases in cash flow estimation.
Appraisal criteria: Net Present Value -- benefit cost ratio - internal rate of
returns urgency - payback period - accounting rate of returns - investrenl
appraisal in practice.
Analysis of Risk.
MODULE 4 ( 10 Hrs)
Types and measure of risk - simple estimation of risk - sensitivity analysis -
scenario analysis - montecarlo simulation - decision tree analysis -selection
of project - risk analysis in practice.
Special decision situations: Choice between mutually exclusive projects of
unequal life - optimal timing decision - determination of economic life -
inter-relationships between investment and financing aspects - inflation and
capital budgeting.
Analysis of firm and market risk: Portfolio theory and capital budgeting -
capital asset pricing model - estimation of key factors - CAPM and Capital
MODULE 5 ( 05 firs)
Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA): Rationale for SCBA - UNIDO
approach to SCBA - Little and Mirle approach to SCBA.
MODULE 6 ( 04 Hrs)
Multiple projects and constraints: Constraints - methods of ranking -
mathematical programming approach - linear programming model - integer
linear programming model - goal programming model.
Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative factors in capital budgeting - strategic
aspects - strategic planning and financial analysis - informational
asymmetry and capital budgeting - organizational considerations.
Environmental appraisal of projects: types and dimensions of a project -
meaning and scope of environment - Environment - Environmental
resources values - environmental impact assessment and environmental
impact statement.
MODULE 7 (05 Hrs)
Project financing in India: Means of finance - norms and policies of
financial institutions - SEBI guidelines - Sample financing plans - structure
of financial institutions in India - schemes of assistance - term loans
procedures- project appraisal by financial institutions.
Assessing the tax burden: Frame work for deriving taxable income -
determination of tax burden - financial feasibility analysis - preparation of
detailed project report - format of application form of all India financial
MODULE 8 (10 Firs)
Project Management: Forms of project organization - project planning -
project control -- human aspects of project management - prerequisites for
successful project implementation.

Network techniques for project management - development of project
network - time estimation - determination of critical path - scheduling when
resources are limit - PERT and CPM models - Network cost system
Project review and administrative aspects: Initial review - performance
evaluation - abandonment analysis - administrative aspects of capital
budgeting - evaluating the capital budgeting system of an organization.

1. Prasanna Chandra - Project Planning : Analysis, Selection,
Implementation and Review - TMH, 5/e
2. Narendra Singh - Project Management and Control - HPH , 2003

1. Nicholas - Project Management for Business and Technology: Principles
and Practice - Pearson / PHI
2. Gray & Larson - Project Management: The Managerial Process - TMH,
3/e , 2005
3. Vasant Desai - Project Management - HPH
4. Bhavesh M Patel - Project Management - Vikas
5. Chitkara - Construction Project Management, Planning, Scheduling and
Control - TMH, 1/e
6. Choudhury - ProjectManagement - TMH, 1/e
7. Project Management - K Nagarajan - New Age International, 2004


Sub Code : 05MBA FM426 IA Marks : 50
05MBA IB466
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture 56 Exam Marks :100
MODULE 1 (04 Hrs)
International financial Environment- The Importance, rewards & risk of
international finance- Goals of MNC- International Business methods -
Exposure to international risk- International Monetary system- Multilateral
financial institution-Government influence on exchange rate.

MODULE 2 ( 04 Hrs)
International flow of funds:- Balance of payments(determination of current
account, capital account & ORA)-Intemational Trade flows-International
Capital Flows-Agencies that facilitate International flows - Equilibrium,
disequilibrium & adjustment of Balance of payment & Trade deficits.
MODULE 3 (10 Hrs)
International Financial Markets:- Foreign exchange markets-foreign
exchange trading-Cash & Spot exchange markets-foreign exchange rates &

quotation- forward markets-Exchange rate Behavior-Cross Rates-Foreign
exchange market participants-arbitrage profit in foreign exchange markets,
Swift Mechanism.

MODULE 4 ( 10 Hrs)
Forecasting foreign Exchange rate:- Measuring exchange rate movements-
Exchange rate equilibrium - Factors effecting foreign exchange rate-
forecasting exchange rates- international parity relationship: interest rate
parity, purchasing power parity & fisher effects.
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Foreign Exchange exposure:- Management of Transaction exposure-
Management of Translation exposure- Management of Economic exposure-
Management of political Exposure- Management of Interest rate exposure.

MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Foreign exchange risk Management: Hedging against foreign exchange
exposure - Forward market- Futures Market- options Market- Currency
Swaps-Interest rate Swap- Cross currency Swaps-Hedging through currency
of invoicing- Hedging through mixed currency invoicing -Hedging through
selection of supplying country.
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
International Capital Budgeting: Concept, Problems associated, Evaluation
of a project, Factors affecting, Risk Evaluation, Impact on Value.
MODULE 8 (04 Hrs)
Long term Asset & Liability management:- Foreign Direct investment -
Foreign portfolio investment- International Financial instruments
International Bond & Equity market - Country risk analysis. Short term Asst
& liability management:-Working Capital Policy-Cash management -
Receivable Management- Inventory Management- Short term Financing
decision - international Banking and money market.
I. S P Srinivasan & Dr B Janakiram - International Finance Management ---
(Biztantra Wiley Dreamteeh, 2005)
2. Eun & Resnick - International Finance Management ---(McGraw Hill),
3. Jeff Madura International Finance Management ---(Thomson), 7/e, 2004
4. P.G. Apte-Intemational Finance Management- (Tata McGraw Hill), 3/e

1. P G Apte - International Finance-A Business Pespective-TMH, 1/e
2. V. Sharan - International Finance Management- (Prentice Hall India), 3/e
3. Jain, Periyad, & Yadav - International Finance Management ---(Me
4. Mdhu Vij- Multinational Financial Management - Excel
5. V K Bhalla- International Finance Management ---(Anmol)

6. Madhu Vij - International Financial Management - Excel Books
7. David Eieteman - Multinational Business Finance - Pearson Education,
10/c, 2003
8. Allan C Shapiro - Multinational Financial Management - John Wiley,
9. Buckley - Multinational Finance - Pearson/PHI, 5/c
10. International Financial Markets - Machiraju - New Age International,


Sub Code 05MBA FM427 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture 56 : 100
Exam Marks
MODULE I (04 Hrs)
Over view of Risk, Risk identification, Risk, Insurance and Management:
Introduction to Risk and Insurance. Risk identification and Risk Evaluation,
Risk assessment & Management- Risk analysis: Exposure of physical assets,
financial assets, and Human assets, Exposure to legal liability. Risk
Man agement, Risk control.
MODULE 2 ( 10 Hrs)
Risk Management using futures and forwards differences-valuation of
futures, valuation of long and short forward contract. Mechanics of buying
&selling futures, Margins, Hedging using futures -specification offutures -
Commodity futures, Index futures interest rate futures-arbitrage
MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Risk Management using Swaps: Mechanics of interest rate swaps -volatility
of interest rate swaps -currency swaps -valuation of currency swaps.
MODULE 4 (10 Hrs)
Risk Management using Options: Types of options, option pricing, factors
affecting option pricing - call and put options on dividend and non-dividend
paying stocks put-call parity-mechanics of options- stock options- options on
stock index- options on futures - interest rate options.
MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
Hedging & Trading strategies involving options, valuation of option: basic
model, one step binomial model, Black and Scholes analysis, option Greeks.
Arbitrage profits in options.
MODULE 6 ( 07 Hrs)
Interest rate markets-Type of rates, Zero rates, Bond pricing, Determining
Zero rates, Farward rules, Farward rate agreements (FRA), Treasury bond
& Treasury note futures, Interest rate derivatives (Black model).

MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
Credit risk-Bond prices and the probability of default, Historical default
experience, Reducing exposure to Credit risk, Credit default swaps, Total
return swaps, Credit spread options , Collateralized debt obligation.
MODULE 8 ( 05 Hrs)
Value at Risk (VAR)-Measure, Historical simulation, Model building
approach, linear approach, Quadratic model, Monte Carlo simulation, stress
testing and back testing
I. Options Futures & Other Derivatives- John C.Hull - (Pearson
Education/PHI), 6/e
2. Options & Futures- Vohra & Baeri - (TMH). 2/e
3. Derivatives- Valuation & Risk Management-Dubofsky & Miller -
(Oxford University Press), 2004/05
4. Risk Management & Insurance - Harrington & Niehaus - TMH, 2/e
5. Risk Management & Insurance-Williams, Smith & Young - (MacGraw
Hill), 8/c
1. Principles of Risk Mgmt. & Insurance - Rejda - Pearson Education/PHI,
8/e, 2003
2. Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management - Chance - Thomson
Learning, 6/e, 2004
3. Introduction to Risk Management & Insurance - Dorfman -
Pearson/PHI, 2004
4. International Risk & Insurance - Skipper - (TMH)
5. Options & Futures -Edwards & Ma - (MacGraw Hill), 1/e

Sub Code : 05MBA FM428 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks :100

MODULE 1 ( 07 Hrs)
Basic concepts: assessment year, previous year, person, assesse, Income,
charges on income, gross total income, capital and revenue receipts,
residential status, receipt and accrual of income, connotation of income
deemed to accrue or arise in India, incidence of tax, Tax Planning, Tax
Evasion, Tax Management.
MODULE 2 ( 08 Hrs)
Explanation under various heads of income, income from salary (Basic
problems), income from other sources (theory)

MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
Income under capital gain, basis of charge, transfer of capital asset, inclusion
& exclusion from capital asset, capital gain , computation, theory &
problems, slump sale, Exemptions, capital gain in special cases, Securities
Transaction Tax (88E).
10 Hrs)
Income under the head profit and gains of business or professions and its
computation- basis- method of accounting- scheme of business deductions/
allowance- deemed profits- maintenance of books, Depreciation (Both
Theory & Problems) special provisions relating to 44AD, 44AE& 44AF.
Problems on computation of income from business / profession.

MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)

Setoff and carry forward of losses- permissible deductions -under Ch. VI-A

MODULE 6 (06 Hrs)

Computation of taxable income of a firm and partners - Computation of
taxable income of a company with special reference to MAT- Corporate div.
Tax, Fringe Benefit Tax .

MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
Central sales tax- objects & provisions in brief (theory) Inter state, Intra
state, Deemed exports Registration , VAT (Only basic Concept).
MODULE 8 ( 06 Hrs)
Central excise and custom acts- objects and provisions of the act in brief
(theory)- goods, excisable, marketable Concept of CenVAT- customs- Basic
definition, charge.

1. Vinod Singhania- Students Guide to Income Tax - Taxman Publications
2. V S Datey - Indirect Taxes - Taxman Publications

1. Vinod Singhania - Direct Taxes - Taxman Publications
2. Mehrotra- Direct Tax - Sahitya Bhavan
3. T N Manoharan- Students Guide to Income Tax - Snow White
4. How to deal with VAT- Kul Bushan - Pearson Education/PHI, 1/e, 2004
5. Income Tax Law & Practice, Mahesh Chandra & Shukla - Pragathi
6. VAT - Dr.Pillai - Jaico Publications, 2004



Sub Code 05MBA IS435 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs I : 04
Exam ( tours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Firs Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)

Multimedia - Media and Data Streams, Main properties of Multimedia
System, Asynchronous, Synchronous and Isochronous transmission, Data
stream characteristics for continuous media, Basic sound concepts, MIDI --
basic concepts, devices, messages, software
MODULE 2 ( 06 firs)
Speech- generation, analysis , transmission. Images and Graphics- synthesis,
analysis. transmission, Video & Animation - Video signal representation,
high definition system , computer based animation, data compression formats
MODULE 3 ( 06 firs)
Integrated Development Environment, Mcnu bar, Tool bars, Forms designer,
Form layout, Context menu, Variables, Constants, Operators, Arrays,
Functions- Input box & Msg box, Control flow statements, Loop statements
MODULE 4 ( 08 Hrs)
Working with Forms object, Adding and Removing Controls, Intrinsic
Controls, Common properties, Appearance of Form, Control menu, Form
properties, Form states, Events, Developing a Form application, Multiple
document Interface, MDI form

.MODU LE 5 (0611rs)
Common intrinsic controls, Developing an application with Intrinsic
Controls, ,Nanning Conventions, Common Events, Command Buttons, Frame
Control, Frame Properties, Option Buttons

MODULE 6 (08 If s)
Check Box Control- Properties, events, methods, Picture Box Contra -
Properties, method, Image Box Control - properties, Timer Contro' -
properties, events, List Box Control - Properties, methods, Month V:,-.w
Control Properties. methods, Date Time Picker Control, Free V_sr
List View Control (Windows Common Control)

MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Menus, Menu Editor, Menu Control Arrays, DDE, OLE, ACTI VEX Controls
and ACTIVEX documents, Dynamic Link Libraries, Microsoft Transaction

MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)

Introduction to Data Report, Data Report Control, Report Designer, Report
Creator, Extended data report, Data Access Objects (DAO), DAO Object
Model, Accessing a Database using DAO.

i. Multimedia: Computing, communication and applications - Ralf
Steinmetz & Klara Nahrstedt, Prentice Hall, 1995
2. Beginning Visual Basic-6 - Peter Wright, Apress, 1998
3. Visual Basic 6.0 in 30 days - Krishnan and Saravanan
4. Comdex -Computer Programming Course Kit, Biztantra
5. VB6 Complete Reference
6. Data Access with Visual Basic 6, Jeffery P McManus, Sams
Publications, 1999


I. Open a new standard EXE project. Place a text box and a command
button in the form. Enter a number in text box. On clicking the Command
Button, a message box is to be displayed. The message box should
display whether the number in text box is single, two, three digit nos.
2. Open a new standard EXE project. Design a form giving title of the
company, to enter. Employee number, Employee name, salary, sex-male
/ female, allowances. Text box for each field should accept only
permitted characters (number, alpha, alphanumeric etc as relevant).
When text box is clicked, it should be cleared.
3. Design a form with 19 buttons ( 0,l,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, -,-, *,/,=,%,C,CE, .)
and a text box and perform a calculator project
4. Create a database with the following fields using Visual Data Manager,
Student Register no, name, subl-mrks, sub2-mrks, sub3-mrks, sub4-
mrks, sub5-mrks.
5. Open a new standard EXE project. Design form with two screens one
consisting of details and another consisting of control arrays -- File-add,
delete, exit. On clicking add button item should be added on to file. On
clicking the item button message box should be displayed.
Out of 50 IA marks 35 marks arc based on Internal tests & assignments and
15 based on laboratory exercises.

Sub Code : 05MBA IS436 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no . of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)

Basics of Data Communication- Digital, Analog, Synchronous,
Asynchronous, Parallel, Serial, Simplex, Semi-Duplex, Full Duplex
Communication, Multiplexing, Modem, Communication Hardware &
MODULE 2 ( 08 Hrs)
Communication Channels - Wired Transmission, Telephone Lines, Coaxial
Cable, Microwave , Infrared, Laser, Radio communication, Satellite
Communication, Fiber Optics, Switching Techniques - Circuit, Message,
Packet, Network Topologies - Bus, Ring, Star, Mesh, Hybrid, Application of
Data Communications - Information Search & retrieval, Information
Transmission, Multimedia
MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
ISO - OSI seven layer communication protocol, Local Area Networks -
Private, Value added, Integrated Services Digital Network, IEEE 802
Network Architecture, CSMA/CD, Token Ring, Token Bus protocols, , LAN
Components - Work Station, File Server, Gateway, Network Interface Unit,
Active Hub, Passive Hub, LAN Cables, Network Operating Systems.
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Wide Area Network - Private Networks, Public Networks, Virtual Private
Networks, X.25 Protocol , WAN applications, Client Server Network, File
servers , Print server, Database Server, Communication Server, Routers,
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Overview of TCP/IP - TCP/IP communication architecture, Ethernet
Technology, Internet Architecture, Identifying Network Connection
planning, IP address scheme - Internet Protocol, IP addressing , MAC
addresses, Characteristics of IP address, Network Number, Host Number,
TCP/IP applications, IPV6 pocket format
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
EDI- what is EDI?, advantages of EDI, EDI strategy for competitive
EDI Components, EDI services, EDI administration, Network protocols -
Servers, PING etc.

MODULE 7 ( 06 Firs)
Security in Computer Networks - Network Security, Secure Communication,
Network Security Considerations in Internet, Firewalls, Principles of
Cryptography - Symmetric Key, Public Key Encryption, Authentication,
Integrity, Digital Signature, Network Management
MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)
Internet Services - Electronic Mail, Remote Log in - TELNET, FTP,
Bulletin Board Services , Browsing - WWW, HTTP, URL, MOSAIC,
Automated search, Common Gateway Interface , Common Search Engines.
I. Computer Networking - James F Kurose & Keith W Ross, Addision
Wesley, 2004
2. Data Communications and Networking - 3rd Edition, Forouzan, Tata
McGraw Hill
3. Business Data Communications - Behrouz A Forouzan, Tata Mcgrew
4. Computer Networks-Protocols, Standards & Interfaces-Black, PHI
5. The Internet Book- Douglas E Comer, PHI
Laboratory Exercises
1. Familiarisation with
• Network Interface Cards
o Hubs / Switches / Routers / Cables
2. Creating Email - id and Domain
3. Simple Chat program
4. Barring sending and receiving of Mails
5. Adding or deleting a peripheral to system configuration
6. Identifying and analyzing IP address of different serves.
Out of 50 IA marks, 40 marks will be out of Internal tests and assignments
and 10 marks will be based on Laboratory exercises


Sub Code : 05MBA IS437 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
System Models, Stochastic activities, Continuous and Discrete systems,
System modeling, Types of Models, Static - Physical & Mathematical,
Dynamic - Physical & Mathematical, Principles in Modeling

MODULE 2 (06 firs)
System Study, Full Corporate Model, System analysis, System Design,
System Postulation, System simulation , Techniques of Simulation, Process
of Simulation , Simulation vs Analytical methods.
MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)
Monte Carlo Method, Numerical Computation techniques for Continuous
and Discrete models, Distributed Lag models, Cob Web Models, Continuous
system simulation , Continuous system simulation languages , CSMP III,

MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)

Analog simulation, Hybrid simulation, digital-Analog Simulation , real time
simulation, feedback system, interactive system, Exponential growth models,
Exponential decay models, Modified Exponential growth models, System
Dynamics diagrams, Multi segment models, Feedback in Socio- Economical
MODULE 5 (08 Hrs)
Random number, Pseudo random number generation, tests for randomness,
Arrival pattern and service timings, poisson arrival pattern, exponential
distribution, normal distribution, queuing discipline, measures of queue,
simulation of telephone system. Simulation Of single server and two server
MODULE 6 ( 08 firs)
Comparative features of Discrete Simulation languages - GPSS, SIMSCIPT,
SIMULA, Sample Programs, Simulation applications in Inventory
Management, Finance. Production Management, Analysis of Simulation
MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Decision Support System: Characteristics of DSS, Decision making process,
Anatomy of DSS, knowledge based systems, Architecture of DSS,
Hardware, Software & User Interface for DSS, expert Systems for Decision
Support, Group Decision support system, Enterprise Support System.
MODULES (08 Hrs)
Data Warehousing - Need for data warehousing, data warehouse
components, Construction of data warehouse, data base for data warehouse,
database warehouse architecture, maintenance issues in data warehouse, Data
mining, tools for data mining, online analytical processing.
I. System Simulation - Geoffrey Gordon, PHI
2. System Simulation with digital computer- Narsing Dec
3. Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems - Efrem G Mallach
University Massachusetts Lowell, Tata Mcgrew Hill
4. Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP - Berson Tata McGraw Hill,
5. Decision Support System & Data Warehousing - B Ravindranath

Laboratory Exercises
1. Telephone System simulation
2. Simulation of a Two server queuing system
Using any programming language including VB.
Assignment to describe simulation application in the field of Marketing,
Personal, Finance, Materials and Production.
Out of 50 IA marks 30 marks will be based on tests, 10 marks based on
assignment and 10 marks based on laboratory exercise.


Sub Code : 05MBA IS438 IA Marks 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04 Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I (05 Hrs)
Introduction: What is software, What is software process, What is software
Engineering, Characteristics of Software Project, Activities covered by
Software Project Management, Problems involved, Management function
related to Project Management, Feasibility Analysis
MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Overview of Project Planning, Finalising Project Scope, Infrastructure,
Analysing Project Characteristics, Identifying Project goals and activities,
Estimating time & effort, allocating resources, Review plan
MODULE 3 (08 firs)
Project Execution Approach : Choosing Technologies, Structure VS speed of
Delivery Waterfall Model, V- Process Model, Evolutionary model, Spiral
Model, Software Prototyping, Incremental Delivery., Controlling changes
during project execution
MODULE 4 ( 07 Hrs)
Software requirement study and Analysis, Software Requirement
Specifications, Software Estimation : Need for Software Estimation,
Problems with Over and Under Estimation, Software Estimation techniques,
Expert Judgement, Estimating by Analogy, Function Point Analysis, Object
points, LOC based COCOMO model
MODULE 5 ( 06 firs)
Objectives of activity planning, project scheduling, sequencing and
scheduling activities, Network planning models, forward pass, backward
pass, identifying critical path, project crashing, Project progress review,
Software Design Concepts
MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Risk Management: Risk and its implication, types of risk, Identifying risks,
analyzing risks, prioritizing risks, -Risk avoidance, Risk containment,

Resource identification, Resource planning Resource allocation, monitoring
critical resources
MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Managing People and Organising Teams: Understanding Behavior,
Motivation, Building and Managing coherent teams, Chief Programmer
team, egoless team, Leadership challenges,
Software Quality, Product versus Process Quality management, techniques to
help enhance software quality, Software Validation and Verification, Quality
plans, Brief description of SEI-CMM.
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
Software Testing : Objectives , Black Box and White Box testing, testing of
Static and Dynamic applications, Validation testing, Integration testing,
Designing a test plan, test criterion, test data , test results analysis., Test
Oracle., Software Maintenance
I. Software Project Management : Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell- Tara
McGraw Hill
2. Software Engineering a Practitioner's approach - Roger S Pressman Tata
McGraw Hill
3. Introduction to Software Project Management & Quality Assurance : By
Ince, Dorrel, Helen Sharp & Mark Woodman
4. Software Engineering - Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley, 2004
1. Managing Software Development Projects - A formula for Success By
Whitten Neal
2. Mythical Man Month - Essays on Software Engineering
Software Project Management - From Concepts to Deployment - Kieron
Conway - Dreamtech Publications


Sub Code : 05MBA HR445 / IA M arks : 50
05MBA IB465
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
week Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks :100

MODULE I (06 Hrs)

Definition - Approaches to IHRM - Difference be tween IH RM and
Domestic HRM - Reasons for emergence of IHRM - Models of IHRM -
Matching model - Harward Model - Contextual Model - 5P Model -
European Model - Models of SHRM in Multinational Companies.

(08 Hrs)
Internationalization of HRM
Socio-cultural context - Culture and employee management issues - Linking
HR to International expansion strategies - Culture and specific HRM issues
- non-cultural influences of HRM.
MODULE 3 (08 Hrs)
International Recruitment and Selection
Different approaches to multinational staffing decisions - Advantages and
Disadvantages of different selection methods - parent country nationals -
third country nationals - host country nationals - selection criteria - use of
selection tests.
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Performance Management
Constraints in goal attainment - performance and appraisal in IHRM -
appraisal of expatriate, third and host country employees

MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Training and Development
Expatriate training - training of host country nationals - developing
international staff and multinational teams - knowledge transfer in
multinational companies

MODULE6 (06 Hrs)

International compensation
Approaches to international compensation - repatriation process
06 Hrs)
International Labour Relations
Key issues - response of labour unions to MNCs - social dumping

MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)

HRM International Joint Ventures
HRM Practices in different countries - Japan, USA, UK, Turkey, Middle
East, India and China - International HRM strategies - Differentiation or
1. International Human Resource Management - Peter J Dowling, Denice E
Welch, Randall S Schuler - Thompson South Western Excel Books -
third edition - 2005
2. International Human Resource Management - Monir H Tayeb - Oxford
University Press - 2005.
1. International Human Resource Management - Hugh Scullion, Margarel
Linehan - Palgrave McMillan - 2005

2. The Global Challenge: Frame works for International HRM -Evans-
McGraw Hill - lie , 2005
3. Hillary Harris, Christ, Brewster &Paul Spamon, - International HRM,
VMP Publishers.
4. Terence Jackson, International HRM, Sage Publication.
5. Anne Wit Harzing & Joris Van, Ruysse Veldt, International HRM, Sage
6. International HRM, Hugh Scullion, Margaret Linehan, Palgrave, 2004


Sub Code : 05MBA HR446 IA Marks 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
week Exam Hours 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks :100
(08 Hrs)
Introduction to team work, Meaning of group and team. Differences between
team and group. Scope and significance of team work. Synergy and
diversity. Classification of teams. Advantages and disadvantages of team
work. Is team work a necessity?
Importance of shared purpose and common goals
04 Hrs)
Team work as a OD intervention. What to observe in a team meeting?
Content and processes in team work. Team work as a leaming experience.
Characteristics of effective teams. Team performance curve.
08 Hrs)
Team development stages. Groupthink and Group norms. Facilitation skills
for teamwork. Feedback in team development. Team decision making
approaches. Conflict resolution and collaboration in teams. Role of
organizational culture in team work.
MODULE 4 ( 04 Hrs)
Selection and development of team members. Knowledge, skill, attitude, self
concept and personality type of members for effective team work.
Advantages and disadvantages of team work to the members.
MODULE 5 ( 04 Hrs)
Self Managed Work Teams (SMWT). Meaning and scope of SMWT.
Advantages and disadvantages of SMWTs. Objectives of SMWTs.
04 Hrs)
Virtual teams, Meaning and scope and objectives. Advantages and
disadvantages. Barriers of communication and the challenge of supervision
in virtual teams.


MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Meaning, definition, role and significance of leadership in organizations.
Theories of leadership. Types of leaders, Transactional and transformational

MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)

Leadership in 21" century. The challenges of globalization and technology to
leadership development. Change management and leadership. Leadership
functions, Development of people, processes and results.

MODULE 9 (04 Hrs)

Leadership challenges, Leader as a Change Agent, A study of contemporary
leaders in business

MODULE 10 (04 Hrs)

Strategic Leadership - Leadership succession- political power and strategic

1. Dr.B.Ratan Reddy, Team Development & Leadership, Jaico Publishing,
2. Jon R Katzenbach & Douglas K Smith, The Wisdom of Teams, Harper
Business, 2003
3. Andrew Dubrin - Leadership - Biztantra/Wiley Dreamtech
4. Hersey Paul & Kenneth Blanchard - Management of Organizational
Behaviour - Pearson Education / PHI, 8/e, 2001
5. Gary Yukl - Leadership in Organizations , Pearson Education, 5/e -2002
6. Richard L Daft - The Leadership Experience - Thomson Learning, 2/e,

1. Craig Watson - Dynamics of Leadership - Jaico
2. Leadership Through People Skills - TMH
3. Stephen Robbins - Organizational Behaviour - Pearson / PHI
4. Fred Luthans - Organizational Behaviour - TMH
5. Team Development Manual by Mike Wood cock, Productivity Press,
6. Spectacular Team Work, Robert Blake & Jane Mouton, Suchendra
Publications, Mumbai, 2003

Sub Code : 05MBA HR447 IA Marks :50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100
Conceptual framework of OD : (06 Hrs)
Overview of the field of OD, Definitions of OD, History of OD, values,
assumptions and beliefs in OD, characteristics of OD, Techno structural
approach - socio technical system, job design, job enrichment and job
enlargement, Human Processual approach - group & team processes.
Organizational change and OD: (06 Hrs)
• Dynamics of planned change, models and theories of planned charge,
force field analysis.
• Types of organizational change, triggers for change, factors leading to
resistance to change, objectives and strategies for implementing
organizational change, OD interventions to implement organizational
change initiatives.
An overview of OD interventions : (06 Hrs)
• Process of OD, steps in OD, types of OD interventions
• Classification of OD interventions, OD cube
• Organizational Diagnosis, Weisbord's (Six . Box) model for
organizational diagnosis,
• Diagnostic tools and their appropriate usage in the diagnostic process,
Bechkard's confrontation meeting.
Theory and Management of OD : (24 Hrs)
• Systems theory
• Participation and empowerment, empowerment & commitment
• Teams and team work, Broad team - building interventions, A gestalt
approach to team building, techniques and tools used in team building.
• Parallel learning structures
• A Normative re - educative strategy of changing
• Process of consultation approach to change
• Action research, a process and an approach, history and varieties of
action research, example of action research in OD
• Third-party peace making interventions
• Organization Mirror interventions
• Partnering
• Survey Feedback, Systems 1 - 4T

• Grid organization development
• Person focused OD interventions
• Role - focused OD interventions
Organizational climate - OCTAPACE Model of climate survey (06 Hrs)
Training Based OD Interventions:
• Applied behavioural science, T-Group
• Behavioural modeling
• Life and career planning
• Coaching and mentoring
• Instrumented training
Structural Interventions and the applicability of OD: (06 Hrs)
• Work redesign
• Self-managed teams: Problems in implementation
• Quality of work life projects
• TQM and OD, re-engineering organizations, large-scale systems change
and organizational transformation
The Future and OD : ( 02 Hrs)
• The changing environment
• Fundamental strengths of OD
• Implications of OD for the client
• Ethical standards in OD
• OD's future
1. Wendell L French, Cecil H & Bell Jr. - Organizational Development -
Behavioural Science Interventions for Organization improvement (6e) -
Pearson Education Asia, 1999
2. S Ramnarayan, T V Rao & Kuldeep Singh - Organization Development
- Interventions & strategies - Response Books, 2003
3. Richard Bechard - Organizational Development: Strategies & Models -
Addison Wesley Publishing.
4. Cummings & Worley Organizational Development & Change -
Thomson Learning, 7/e, 2002
I . Laxmi Devi (Editor in chief) - Organization Development
2. Warn G Bennis - Nature of Organizational Development - Addison
Wesley Publishing
3. Stephen P Robbins - Organizational Behaviour - Pearson / PHI, I l/e,
4. Marguiles N Raina A P - Organizational Development: values, process
and technology- McGraw Hill Publishing.


Sub Code : 05MBA HR448 IA Marks :50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
week Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks :100

Definition, Scope, Difference Concepts, Objectives, Benefits of training, The
role of Training in Organizations, Place of Training in organizational
structure, A training process Model, Difference between training and

Why conduct Training Needs Analysis? When to conduct a Training Need
Analysis? Where to look for Performance Discrepancies? The framework for
conducting a Training Needs Analysis: Organizational Analysis, Operational
analysis, Person Analysis, Gathering Training Needs Data, Outcomes of
Training Needs Analysis - Non training Needs, Training Needs, Approaches
to Training Needs Analysis Business. TNA and Design.

Factors, Organizational constraints, Developing objectives, why use Training
objectives, Facilitations of learning-focus on trainee, Facilitation of
Learning-focus on training design , facilitation of transfer-focus on training,
facilitation of transfer focus on organizational intervention, Design theory,
Outcomes of Design.

Approaches to Training, Matching Methods with Outcomes.
Lectures and Demonstrations - Straight Lectures, Discussion Methods,
Computer - Based Training-Programmed Instruction, Intelligent Tutoring
Systems, Interactive Multimedia, Virtual Reality.
Games and Simulations - Equipment Simulators, Business Games, In-Basket
Technique, Case studies, Role Play, Behaviour Modelling.
On-The-Job Training - Job Instruction Technique, Apprenticeship Training,
Coaching, Training The Trainer For On-The-Job Training.
Audio Visual Enhancements To Training - Static Media, Dynamic Media -
Training Aids for Training.

(06 Hrs)
Facilities - The Training Room, Off-Site Training Facilities . The Strategy,
Alternatives. Implementation - Dry Run, Pilot Program, Tips For Trainers,
Training Policy.

Attitudeknowledge and Skill Competence of Trainer, Communication Skill,
Questioning Skill, Body Language Gestures, Handling Difficult Situation,
Creativity Skills, Technical Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Self Development
and Awareness, Managerial Skills, Designing Skills, Humour, Integrity,
Credibility, Transparent, Resilence, Rapport Building, Confidence, Feedback
Personal Needs of Trainers, Different Training Styles adopted by a Trainer,
Power and influence of Trainers, Trainer's Role, Trainer and Motivation,
Training Techniques and Training Technique Checklist.

Validation concepts, Types, Methods.
Rationale For Evaluation, Need, Principles, Criteria, Objectives, Approaches,
Resistance to Evaluation, Types of Evaluation Instruments, Types of
Evaluation Data. Evaluation Designs.
Training Audit - Meaning, Features, Approaches, Functions, Model, and

Why focus on Management Development, Approaches to Management
Development, Overview of the Managerial Job, Management Characteristics,
Management Development implications, Sources of Knowledge and Skill,
Special needs of Technical Manager, Training for Executive Level

I. Dr.B.Janakiraman, Training & Development, Biztantra/Wiley
Dreamtech, 2005
2. Effective Training, P Nick and Blanchard, Pearson Education/PHI, 2/e,
3. Training for Organizational Transformation, Rolf Lynton and Udai
Pareek, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
4. Effective HR Training Development Strategy, Dr.B.Ratan Reddy, HPH,

1. Training and Development - concepts and practices, S K Bhatia, Deep
and Deep Publications (P) Ltd., 2004
2. Management of Training Programme R P Singh Anmol Publications
3. Training in Practice, A H Anderson, Infinity Books
4. Training and Development, ISTD Publications-Excel Books
5. An Introductory Course in Training and Training Methods for
Management Development - ILO Publication - Sterling Publications (P)
6. Training and Development - S True Love Sage Publications
7. ASTD Hand book of design & development of Training - Philip - TMH,

Sub Code : 05MBA PM455 1A Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs I : 04
week Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks : 100

MODULE 1 ( 07 Hrs)
Introduction - Definitions - classifications - project risk- scope
MODULE 2 ( 07 Hrs)
Project management - definitions - overview - project pan -- management
principles applied to project management - project management life cycles
and uncertainty
MODULE 3 ( 07 Hrs)
Project planning - scope - problem statement - project goals - objectives -
success criteria - assumptions - risks - obstacles - approval process -
projects and strategic planning
MODULE 4 ( 07 Hrs)
Project implementation - project resource requirements - types of resources
-men - materials - finance
MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
Project monitoring - evaluation - control - project network technique -
planning for monitoring and evaluation - project audits - project
management information system - project scheduling - PERT & CPM -
project communication - post project reviews
MODULE 6 ( 07 Hrs)
Project team management - recruitment - organizing - human resources -
team operating rules - project organization - various forms of project
organizations - project organization charting - project contracts - principles

- compilation of contracts - practical aspects - legal aspects - global tender
- negotiations - insurance
MODULE 7 ( 07 Hrs)
Closing the project - types of project termination - strategic implications -
project in trouble - termination strategies - evaluation of termination
possibilities - termination procedures
MODULE 8 (07 Hrs)
Project inventory management - nature of project inventory - supply and
transportation of materials - use of PERT & CPM techniques
I. Project Management For 21" Century - Bennet P Lientz, Kathyn P Rea
- Academic Press, 1995
2. Project Management - ChoudhuryS - TMH,lie
3. Project Management - David I Cleland - Mcgraw Hill International
Edition, 1999
4. Project Management - Gopalakrishnan - Mcmillan India Ltd.


Sub Code : 05MBA PM456 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks :100
MODULE 1 (08 Hrs)
Product development process - technology - suppliers - process mapping -
knowledge management - JIT - total quality strategies for manufacturing
MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)
Manufacturers Resources Planning (MRP 11)
MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Technological innovation in manufacturing - computer integrated
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
JIT manufacturing systems - flexible manufacturing systems - cellular
MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Factory of the future automated systems - human factors in automated
systems - optimized production technology
MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Modeling - optimizing - simulation of manufacturing systems

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Manufacturing innovations - quick response manufacturing - agile
manufacturing - rapid prototyping - concurrent engineering

I. World Class New Product Development - Dan Dimanescu, Kemp
Dwenger - American Management Association
2. M R P - George W Possel, Orliky- Mcgraw Hill International
3. Manufacturing Organization And Management - Harold T Amrine,
John, Colin Moodie
4. New Waves Manufacturing Strategies - John Storey - Simon &
Schuster Asia
5. Achieving World Class Manufacturing Through Process Control -
Joseph P Shunta - Simon Schuster Asia
6. World Class Manufacturing - Richard J Schonerger - American
Society Quality

Sub Code : 05MBA PM457 IA Marks 50
No. of Lecture Hrs : 04
/ week Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture 56
Exam Marks :100

MODULE I (08 Hrs)

Importance of maintenance - objectives of maintenance - structure of the
plant - reasons for and nature of maintenance - production - maintenance
MODULE 2 ( 09 Hrs)
Types of maintenance - maintenance systems - planned and unplanned
maintenance - breakdown maintenance - corrective maintenance -
opportunistic maintenance - routine maintenance - preventive maintenance -
predictive maintenance - condition based maintenance systems - design-out
maintenance - selection of maintenance systems
MODULE 3 ( 09 Hrs)
Maintenance planning and scheduling - establishing a maintenance plan -
items to be maintained - safety precautions - characteristics of items to be
maintained - classification of items - maintenance procedure - guidelines
for matching procedures to items - universal maintenance procedure -
establishing a new maintenance schedule
MODULE 4 ( 07 Hrs)
Maintenance organization - resource characteristics - resources structure -
maintenance control - administrative structure - training of maintenance

MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)
System operations and documentation - documenting maintenance
operations - record keeping - data collection and analysis - failure statistics
- planning and scheduling plant shutdowns

MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Depreciation & Machine Life, Replacement policies, spares and types of
spares, spares planning, maintenance control, network techniques in
maintenance activities, evaluation of maintenance performance.

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Total productive maintenance - development and scope - basic systems of
TPM - procedures and steps - productivity circles - TPM as a part of TQM
- benefits of TPM
1. Maintenance Planning And Control - Anthony Kelly - East West
Press Pvt Ltd


Sub Code : 05MBA PM458 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I (07 Hrs)

Productivity - definition - concepts - importance of productivity circles

MODULE 2 ( 09 Hrs)
Measures of productivity - qualitative and quantitative measures - three
basic types of productivity - partial - total factor - total productivity -
productivity indices - methods of recording data - man power planning -
productivity measurement at national and international levels - measures of
productivity in different organizations like manufacturing and services and R
& D etc.,
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
Managing productivity - misconceptions about productivity management -
cultural factors - human factors - automation and productivity - economics
of productivity
MODULE 4 ( 09 Hrs)
Factors affecting productivity - physical environment - technology -
materials - machine - layout - lighting - temperature - ventilation -
employment - job performance - motivation - employee ability - aptitude -

personality - experience - training - interest - education - intelligence -
variables affecting productivity - internal and external to the company
MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Productivity improvement - barriers to productivity improvement -
productivity improvement techniques - employee based - material based -
task based - product based - technology based - incentives to increase
productivity - effective team working - performance review and appraise
MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Pit falls in productivity improvement - required organizational change for
productivity improvement - top management role - crisis management -
concepts - crisis management and productivity
MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Time management - key to productivity improvement - time management at
personal and organizational levels - scheduling works - time saving
techniques - tips - using technology for saving time
1. Bhinde B T - "Basic Productivity Techniques in Manufacturing
Management" - B T Bhinde Publishers
2. Christian H Godefroy & Jahn Clark - "The Complete Time Management
System" - Judy [iatkus Ltd. Publishers, UK]
3. Iwao Kobayashi - "Keys to work place improvement" - Productivity
press India Ltd.
4. Lawrence Aft - "Productivity Measurement and Improvement" -
Prentice Hall
5. Robert Schaffer- "Managing Productivity" - Jaico Publishing House
6. Sawhney S C - "Productivity Management" - TMH, Delhi

Sub Code 05MBA IB 465 I IA Mar ks 50
05MBA HR 445
No. of Lecture Hrs I : 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no of Lecture • 56
Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
Definition - Approaches to IHRM - Difference between IH RM and
Domestic HRM - Reasons for emergence of IHRM - Models of IHRM -
Matching model - Harward Model - Contextual Model - 5P Model -
European Model - Models of SHRM in Multinational Companies.

MODULE 2 ( 08 Hrs)
Internationalization of HRM
Socio-cultural context - Culture and employee management issues - Linking
HR to International expansion strategies - Culture and specific HRM issues
- non-cultural influences of FIRM.

MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
International Recruitment and Selection
Different approaches to multinational staffing decisions - Advantages and
Disadvantages of different selection methods - parent country nationals -
third country nationals - host country nationals - selection criteria - use of
selection tests.

MODULE 4 ( 06 Hrs)
Performance Management
Constraints in goal attainment - performance and appraisal in IHRM -
appraisal of expatriate, third and host country employees

MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Training and Development
Expatriate training - training of host country nationals - developing
international staff and multinational teams - knowledge transfer in
multinational companies

MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
International compensation
Approaches to international compensation - repatriation process

MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
International Labour Relations
Key issues - response of labour unions to MNCs - social dumping
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
HRM International Joint Ventures
HRM Practices in different countries - Japan, USA, UK, Turkey, Middle
East, India and China - International HRM strategies - Differentiation or
1. International Human Resource Management - Peter J Dowling, Denice E
Welch, Randall S Schuler - Thompson South Western Excel Books -
third edition - 2005
2. International Human Resource Management - Monir H Tayeb - Oxford
University Press - 2005.
1. Intemational Human Resource Management - Hugh Scullion, Margarel
Linehan - Palgrave McMillan - 2005
2. The Global Challenge: Frame works for International HRM -Evans-
McGraw Hill - l/e, 2005

3. Hillary Harris, Christ, Brewster &Paul Spamon, - International HRM,
VMP Publishers.
4. Terence Jackson, International HRM, Sage Publication.
5. Anne Wil Harzing & Joris Van, Ruysse Veldt, International HRM, Sage
6. International HRM, Hugh Scullion, Margaret Linehan, Palgrave, 2004


Sub Code 05MBA 11 1466 / IA Marks 50

05MBA FM 426
No. of Lecture Hrs / 04
week Exam Hours 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture 56
Hrs Exam Marks 100

MODULE 1 (04 Hrs)

International financial Environment- The Importance, rewards & risk of
international finance- Goals of MNC- International Business methods -
Exposure to international risk- International Monetary system- Multilateral
financial institution-Government influence on exchange rate.

MODULE 2 (04 Hrs)

International flow of funds:- Balance of payments(determination of current
account, capital account & ORA)-Intemational Trade flows-International
Capital Flows-Agencies that facilitate International flows - Equilibrium,
disequilibrium & adjustment of Balance of payment & Trade deficits.

MODULE 3 ( 10 Hrs)
International Financial Markets:- Foreign exchange markets-foreign
exchange trading-Cash & Spot exchange markets-foreign exchange rates &
quotation- forward markets-Exchange rate Behavior-Cross Rates-Foreign
exchange market participants-arbitrage profit in foreign exchange markets,
Swift Mechanism.

MODULE 4 ( 10 Hrs)
Forecasting foreign Exchange rate:- Measuring exchange rate movements-
Exchange rate equilibrium - Factors effecting foreign exchange rate-
forecasting exchange rates- international parity relationship: interest rate
parity, purchasing power parity & fisher effects.

MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Foreign Exchange exposure:- Management of Transaction exposure-
Management of Translation exposure- Management of Economic exposure-
Management of political Exposure- Management of Interest rate exposure.


MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Foreign exchange risk Management: Hedging against foreign exchange
exposure - Forward market- Futures Market- options Market- Currency
Swaps-Interest rate Swap- Cross currency Swaps-Hedging through currency
of invoicing- Hedging through mixed currency invoicing -Hedging through
selection of supplying country.

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
International Capital Budgeting: Concept, Problems associated, Evaluation
of a project, Factors affecting, Risk Evaluation, Impact on Value.

MODULE 8 (04 Hrs)

Long term Asset & Liability management:- Foreign Direct investment -
Foreign portfolio investment- International Financial instruments
International Bond & Equity market - Country risk analysis. Short term Asst
& liability management:-Working Capital Policy-Cash management -
Receivable Management- Inventory Management- Short term Financing
decision - international Banking and money market.

I. S P Srinivasan & Dr B Janakiram - International Finance Management ---
(Biztantra Wiley Dreamtech, 2005)
2. Eon & Resnick - International Finance Management ---(McGraw Hill),
3. Jeff Madura International Finance Management --(Thomson), 7/e, 2004
4. P.G. Apte-International Finance Management- (Tata McGraw Hill), 3/e

1. P G Apte - International Finance-A Business Pespective - TMH, lie
2. V. Sharan - International Finance Management- (Prentice Hall India), 3/e
3. Jain, Periyad, & Yadav - International Finance Management ---(Me
4. Mdhu Vij- Multinational Financial Management - Excel -
5. V K Bhalla- International Finance Management ---(Anmol)
6. Madhu Vij - International Financial Management - Excel Books
7. David Eieteman - Multinational Business Finance - Pearson Education,
10/e, 2003
8. Allan C Shapiro - Multinational Financial Management - John Wiley,
9. Buckley - Multinational Finance - Pearson/PHI, 5/e
10. International Financial Markets - Machiraju - New Age International,

Sub Code 05MBA IB467 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture firs I 04
Exam Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture :56
Exam Marks :100
MODULE 1 (06 Hrs)
Introduction to Globalization
Global development and trends: A management perspective, cultural
awareness and implications, cross-cultural management, global strategic
skills, team-building skills, organization skills, communication skills,
culture, cultural dimension, cross cultural research findings, cross cultural
transitions, the global manager
MODULE 2 (07 Hrs)
Managing a Global Environment
Assessing the political, economic, legal and technological environment -
global business environment - trading blocks, information technology, work
force diversity, the global managers role, political environment - political
risk and its assessment, managing political risk and economic risk, legal and
regulatory environment, regulation of trade and investment, technological
environment and global shifts in production - E business,
telecommunication, outsourcing and off shoring, ethics and social
responsibility around the world, corporate social responsibility.
MODULE 3 (07 Hrs)
The cultural context of global management
Meaning and dimensions of culture, understanding the role of culture, culture
and its effects on organization, managing across cultures, organizational
cultures and diversity, communicating across cultures, cross cultural
negotiation and decision making.
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
International strategic management
Strategic planning - formulating strategy, international functional strategies,
managing political risk and negotiations, organizing international operations
- organizational structure, decision making and control systems
MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)
Implementation of strategy
Strategy implementation, management of change, organizational culture and
strategy implementation, leadership and strategy implementation
MODULE 6 (07 Hrs)
Global Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
Motivation across cultures, Leadership across cultures, Human Resource
selection and repatriation, training for global operations, labour relations and
industrial democracy, strategic management of international labour relations.

MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Developing a Global Management Cadre
Preparation, adaptation and repatriation, global management teams, the role
of women in international management, global multiculturism, managing
diversity, working within local labour relations systems
MODULE 8 ( 07 Hrs)
The challenges in Global Management
Developing co-ordination and control - The organizational challenge,
creating and leveraging knowledge - The world wide learning challenge,
managing across boundaries: the collaborative challenge, building multi
dimensional capabilities: the management challenge, preparing for the future,
evolution of the transnational corporations.
I . Helen Deresky - International Management - PHI
2. Richard M Hadgetts & Fred Luthans - International Management -
TMH, 2005
3. Phillipe Lessere - Global Strategic Management - Palgrave Macmillan,
4. Kamel Mellahi, Paul Frynas - Global Strategic Management - Oxford
University Press, 2004
I. Richard Mead - International Management - Cross cultural dimensions
3/e - Blackwell Publishers
2. R N Sanyali - International Management - A Strategic Perspective -
3. Seth - Global Management Solutions - Thomson Learning
4. Stewart R Clegg - Global Management - Sage Publications
5. Paul W Dearnish - International Management: Text & Cases - McGraw


Sub Code : 05MBA IB 468 / IA Marks 50
05MBA MM 418
o. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours
N Hours
Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 Exam Marks : 100
MODULE I (06 Hrs)
Framework of international marketing
Definition - scope and challenges - difference between international
marketing and domestic marketing - the dynamic environment of
international trade - transition from domestic to international markets -
orientation of management and companies
Introduction to Balance Of Payments (BOP) - definition - scope - items
covered under BOP - relevance for international marketing - BOP
equilibrium - instruments of trade policy

MODULE 2 (08 Hrs)
Developing a global vision through marketing research
Breadth and scope of international marketing research - research process -
problems in availability and use of secondary data - gathering primary data -
qualitative and quantitative research - problems in gathering primary data -
multicultural research - a special problem - research on internet - a new
opportunity - estimating market demand - problems in analyzing and
interpreting research information - responsibility for conducting marketing
research - communicating with decision makers
Identifying foreign markets - classification based on demand - based on the
stage of development - other bases for division of world markets
MODULE 3 ( 07 Hrs)
Global marketing management - planning and organization
Global perspective - global gateways - global marketing management - an
old debate and a new view - planning for global markets - alternative market
entry strategies - organizing for global competition
Products for consumers in global markets - product development - product
adaptation - product standardization - marketing of services - green
marketing and product development
MODULE 4 (06 Hrs)
Products and services for consumers
Quality - products and culture - analyzing product components for
adaptation - marketing consumer services globally - brands in international
markets Products and services for business Demand in global business to
business markets - quality and global standards - business services - trade
shows' crucial part of business to business marketing - relationship markets
in business to business context
MODULE 5 ( 08 Hrs)
Market entry strategies
Direct exports - indirect exports - licensing -joint ventures - wholly owned
subsidiaries - franchising - other methods
International marketing channels - distribution patterns - alternative
middlemen choices - factors affecting choice of channels - surface vs. air
transportation - advantages and disadvantages - marine transportation -
MODULE 6 (08 Hrs)
Pricing decisions
Pricing policies and decisions - price escalations - cost of exporting -
marginal cost pricing - its importance - price quotation - INCO terms -
preparation of quotations
Promotions - international advertising - sales promotion in international
markets - international advertising - direct mailing - personal selling -
exhibition - generic promotions in international marketing

MODULE 7 (08 Hrs)
Recent trends in India's foreign trade
Institutional infrastructure for exports promotions in India - India's trade
policy - exports assistance - exports documentation and procedures
including different stages of documentation
MODULE 8 (08 Hrs)
International retailing
(Refer to "International Marketing" - Dana Nicoleta - Biztantra - chapter 12)
International expansion of retailers - international retailing defined - retail
format - variations in different markets - general merchandise: retailing -
issues in international retailing
1. International Marketing - Cateora, Graham - TMH 12/E, 2005
2. Global Marketing Management - Warren Keegan - Pearson / PHI, 7/e
3. International Marketing - Rakesh Mohan Joshi - Oxford, 2004
4. International Marketing- Dana-Nicoleta , Lascu-Biztantra, 2003
1. International Marketing: Analysis And Strategy - Sak Onkvisit,
Johnshaw - Pearson Education/PHI, 3/e
2. International Marketing - Varshney, Bhattacharya- S Chand
3. International Marketing - Francis Cherunillam - HPH, 7/e, 2004
4. International Marketing - Michael Czinkota , Illka A Ronkainen -
Thomson , 7/e, 2004
5. Global Marketing Strategies - Jean Pierre Jeannet , A David
Hennessey - Biztantra , 6/e, 2005
6. International Marketing - R Srinivasan - PHI, 2/c
7. International Logistics - Pierre David - Biztantra, 2004/05



Sub Code : 05MBA B1475 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Ex am Hours : 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Ex am Marks : 100
MODULE I (08 Hrs)
Life Insurance Products : Elements of Life Insurance - Features of term
insurance - Features of Endowment Assurance - Role of Term and
Endowment in product designing - Types of Life Insurance policies -
Annuity & pension policies - Whole life policies - Money back policies -
Other types.

MODULE 2 ( 06 Hrs)
Health Insurance Products : Individual Medical expense Insurance - Long
term care coverage - Disability Income Insurance - Mediclaim Policy -
Group Mediclaim Policy - Personal Accident policy - Child welfare policy.
MODULE 3 (06 Hrs)
Group Insurance Products : Employee Group Insurance - Features of
Group Health Insurance - Cafetaria plans - Group Availability plan.
MODULE 4 (07 Hrs)
Fire Insurance : Fire Insurance Coverages - Reinstantamt - value policies -
policies for stocks - Consequential Loss policies.
MODULE 5 ( 07 Hrs)
Marine Insurance : Types of Marine Insurance - Marine Insurance
principles - Marine Insurance Policies - Cargo Losses & Frauds.
MODULE 6 (06 Hrs)
Rural Insurance & Social Insurance : Various rural Insurance Policies -
Project Insurance - Social Insurance - old age, survivors and disability
insurance - Types of benefits - unemployment insurance - workers
MODULE 7 ( 08 Hrs)
Motor Vehicles Insurance : Need - Types - Factors to be considered for
premium fixing.
MODULE 8 ( 08 Hrs)
Miscellaneous Products : Burglary - Jeweller's Block Insurance - Baggage
Insurance - Banker's Indemnity Insurance - Aviation Insurance - Fidility
guarantee insurance - Public liability insurance.
1. Fundamentals of Insurance - Dr. P. K. Gupta (HPH), 1/e, 2004
2. Life & Health Insurance - Kenneth Black & Horord D. Shipper
(Pearson), 13/e, 2003
3. Insurance Mangement- Anand Ganguly (New Age International)


Sub Code : 05MBA B1476 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours : 3 flours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100
MODULE 1 (08 Hrs)
Legal framework of regulation of banks - Control over organization of banks
- Regulation of banking business- Returns- Inspection and winding up -
Banking Regulation Act,1949 - RBI Act, 1934.
MODULE 2 (08 firs)
Legal aspects of banking operations - Responsibility of paying bank-
Collecting bank - Indemnities- Bank Guarantees- Letters of Credit - Bill

MODULE 3 ( 06 Hrs)
Law relating to securities and modes of charging - Types of borrowers -
Types of credit facilities - Secured & unsecured loans - Registration and
satisfaction of charges.
MODULE 4 (08 Hrs)
Banking related Laws - SARFAESI Act, 2002, Introduction - Definition -
regulation of securitisation of financial assets of banks and FIs -
Enforcement of security interest - Central Registry - and Penalties.
MODULE 5 (06 Hrs)
Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2002 - Purpose - Extent - Establishment and
powers - Procedure for redressal of grievances- Arbitration procedure -
MODULE 6 ( 06 Hrs)
Recovery of assets due to Banks and FIs Act 1993 - Preliminary -
Establishment of tribunals and appellate tribunals - Procedure of tribunals -
Recovery of Debts - Misc. provisions
MODULE 7 ( 06 Hrs)
Bankers Book Evidence Act 1891- Consumer Protection Act 1986.
MODULE 8 ( 08 firs)
Commercial Laws with special reference to banking operations - Contract
Act - Indemnity - Guarantee - Bailment - Pledge - Agency - FEMA -
Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
2. Principles of Banking- JIBE (Macmillan Pub.)
3. Legal aspects of banking operations - IIBF (Macmillan Pub.)
4. Law & Practice of Banking,.-- R. L. Varshney -( Sulthan Chand & Co)
5. Banking Theory and Practice - K. C. Shekhar & Shekhar, (Vikas Pub.
I. Banking Theory& Practice - Dr. P. K. Srivastava (HPH)
2. Banking Theory Law and Practice Gorden & Natarajan


Sub Code : 05MBA B1477 IA Marks 50
No. of Lecture firs / : 04
week Exam Hours 3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Hrs Exam Marks :100
MODULE I (08 Hrs)
Credit management in banks-Screening of applications-Appraisal of credit-
Sanction limit- Post sanction compliance - Monitoring supervision -Review-
Government policies for credit extension- Credit institutions- Principles of
good lending- Borrower study and bankers opinion- Credit policy by banks-
Government regulation of credit -Prudential norms.

MODULE 2 ( 08 Hrs)
Over view of credit policy and loan characteristics-The credit process -
Characteristics of different types of loans - Evaluating commercial loan
requests - Financial statement analysis-Cash flow analysis- Projections-
Management of the firm and other factors -Feasibility study - Fundamental
credit issues - Credit analysis-Different types of borrowers - Balance sheet
analysis for lending - Forms of advances secured and unsecured advances-
Short term and long term advances.
MODULE 3 ( 05 Hrs)
Evaluating consumer loans - Types- Credit analysis of consumer loans-
Risk-return analysis of consumer loans- Customer profitability analysis and
loan pricing- Fixed Vs floating rates.

MODULE 4 ( 06 Hrs)
Loan and advances against pledge- Hypothecation- Mortgage - Lien-
Advances against goods- Document to title to goods - Life insurance policies
- Stock exchange securities-Fixed deposit receipts -Book debts- Supply
bills- Real estates - Advance against collateral securities

MODULE 5 (07 Hrs)

Agricultural finances and Retail lending- Crop loans- Crop insurance
schemes- Dairy- Sericulture- Poultry- Animal husbandry - Horticulture -
Gobar gas - Kissan credit cards - NABARD initiatives - Lead bank schemes
- Retail banking advances - Concept - Retail banking products - Consumer
credit financing
MODULE 6 ( 08 Hrs)
Financing to small scale industries and large scale industries- Term lending-
Syndicated loan system- Role of development banks in industrial finance-
Working capital finances- Turnover method - Modified version of MPBF -
Cash budget approach- Long term finance-Project financing -Industrial
sickness and BIER.
MODULE 7 ( 05 Hrs)
Import and export credit- ECGC- EXIM Bank - Venture capital financing -
Documentation for credit extension - Charge creation - Law of limitation

MODULE 8 ( 09 Hrs)
NPA management - Introduction- Identification of NPA's- CC-OD-Term
loans-Bills purchased-Other accounts-Asset classification- Prudential norms-
Capital adequancy - International Banking Regulation-base) II - asset
classification provisioning - effect of NPA on prefetability - Assesment
procedure-Presanetion appraisal - Post sanction supervision- Monitoring
systems for existing and likely NPA's-Rehabilitation of sick NP units -
Recovery of NPA's- Compromise and Negotiated settlements-Securitisation
of Debts-Credit Drivatives-Credit Portfolio Management (Concentration

1. Bank Management - Timothy W. Koch Scott( Thomson Pub), 5/e, 2004
2. Banking Theory and Practice - Shekhar & Shekar(Vikas Publishing
3. Practical Banking Advances -H.L. Bedi & U.K. Hardikar (UBSPD)
4. Banking and Financial System- Mithani and Gordan (HPH)
5. Retail Banking (ICFAI publications)
6. Commercial Bank Financial Mangement- In the Financial Services
Industry-Joseph F Sinkey (PHI)
7. Treasury Management in India - V A Avadhani - HPH, 1/e, 2000

I. Industrial Finance - R. Vishwanathan (Macmillan pub)
2. Risk Management- IIBF (Macmillan)
3. Banking and Financial System - Dr. K. Nirmala Prasad & J.
Chandradas.(HPH), 2004
4. Managing Banking Risks -Eddie Cade (Woodhead Publishers,England)
5. Managing Non-Performing Assets in Banks- Bidani (Vision Books)


Sub Code : 05MBA B1478 IA Marks : 50

No. of Lecture Hrs / : 04
Exam Hours :3 Hours
Total no. of Lecture : 56
Exam Marks : 100

MODULE I ( 03 Hrs)
An introduction to insurance company- Type of insurance organisations-
Organisational structure- Functions of insurance company departments

MODULE 2 ( 03 Hrs)
Product design and development - Product development process - Major
concerns to product design in emerging scenario.

MODULE 3 ( 08 Hrs)
Underwriting and pricing- Basics of underwriting- Objectives and principles
behind underwriting - Underwriting life and non life insurance business-
Introduction to pricing - Pricing and rating procedure- Pricing objectives -
Basic pricing methods - Principal rating procedures
MODULE 4 ( 08 Hrs)
Insurance contract analysis- Contract analysis and claims negotiation -
Understanding contract structures- Events covered and amount of recovery -
Riders and other optional benefits in life insurance- Standard contract
provisions of life insurance.

MODULE 5 ( 12 Hrs)
Claims management- Introduction to claims management - Claim settlement
in general insurance - General guidelines for settlement of claims in case of
motor insurance , fire insurance, marine insurance, personal accident
insurance etc - Claims management in life insurance - Maturity claims -
Documents required - Death claims- Implementation and monitoring the
claim systems
MODULE 6 (07 Hrs)
Actuarial principles - Demography, survival distributions and life tables-
Rate making principles and data required - Use of probability to forecast
feature trends
MODULE 7 (09 Hrs)
Financial management in insurance companies- Management and investment
of funds - Regulation relating to investment- Asset liability management -
Management of pension funds.
MODULE 8 (06 Hrs)
Reinsurance - Role of reinsurers- Technique of reinsurance - Nature of
reinsurance risks- Property reinsurance- Marine reinsurance - Aviation
reinsurance - Life reinsurance - Legal framework.
I. Insurance and Risk Management - Dr. P.K. Gupta(HPH), l/e, 2003
2. Risk Management and Insurance - Williams, Smith and Young
(McGrawHill International), 8/e
3. Principles of Risk Management and Insurance - George E. Rejda
(Pearson Education), 8/e, 2003
4. Insurance Mangement- Anand Ganguly (New Age International)

I. Life and Health insurance- Kenneth Block and Korold D. (Pearson
2. Insurance- Julia Holyoake Weipers (CIB Pub)
3. Insurance Management -Anand Ganguly (New Age International Pub)
4. Insurance in India- P. S. Palande , R.S. Shah, and M.L. Hunawat
(Response Books).
5. Credit Risk - Darrel Duffe - New Age International
6. Insurance in India - Palande - Response Books

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