Chapter 6 Study Guide (Campbell & Reece)

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AP Bio Chapter 6 Study Guide

Why are cells important Light microscope vs. SEM vs. TEM and the differences between them 2 steps of cell fractionation Order of fractionation: nuclei, mitochondria or chloroplast, ribosomes, RNA Cells bound by plasma membrane The region between the nucleus and the plasma membrane is the cytoplasm which is made of cytosol All cells have chromosomes and ribosomes Larger organisms have more cells not larger cells Plant cells also have mitochondria Nuclear lamina is the inner membrane of the 2 membranes within the nuclear envelope; the 2 membranes are connected by pores Chromosomes which carry genetic information are made of chromatin which is a complex of protein and DNA Most proteins made by free ribosomes function within the cytosol Most proteins made by bound ribosomes are made for insertion into the membrane or export Bound and free ribosomes are structurally identical Generally all membranes but those of the mitochondria and chloroplast are part of the endomembrane system Smooth ER synthesize lipids, metabolize carbs, and detoxify drugs As a polypeptide chain grows from a bound ribosome, it is threaded into the ER lumen through a pore Most secretory proteins are glycoproteins. Secretory proteins leave rough ER in transport vesicles before being reabsorbed into the cis side of the Golgi apparatus The cisternae of the Golgi then moves from the cis side to the trans side with enzymes altering the carbs on glycoproteins (if other cargo often modified as well) Some macromolecules are manufactured by the Golgi independent of the ER ID tags are added to molecules in the Golgi Membrane for the central vacuoles are known as tonoplast Food vacuoles are created by phagocytosis Mitochondria and chloroplast have at least 2 membranes made by free ribosomes Mitochondria have infoldings in their inner membrane known as cristae The space enclosed by the inner membrane is known as the mitochondrial matrix while the space between the 2 membranes is known simply as the inter-membrane space Individual sac in chloroplast is known as a thylakoid Stack of thylakoids is a granum Fluid outside the thylakoids is the stroma

Mitochondria and chloroplast both have ribosomes in them Mitochondria and chloroplast both reproduce independent of the cell and move around and assume different shapes in the cell Peroxisomes transfer hydrogen from substrates to oxygen creating hydrogen peroxide Microtubules = most thick followed by intermediate filaments and microfilaments Microtubules grow from the centrosome where the centrioles are located Cilia + flagella = 9 +2 array Basal body = nine triplets Dynein is a large motor protein extending from one microtubule doublet to another Microtubules resist compression and microfilaments resist tension Microfilaments are made of actin Myosin is a motor protein that walks on microfilaments Movement of amoeboids through pseudopods through actin myosin interactions Cytoplasmic streaming which helps distribute nutrients around a cell are brought about by myosin actin interactions Intermediate filaments are the most permanent part of the cytoskeleton Plants primary cell walls harden as they age Between cell walls of adjacent cells there exists the middle lamella Secondary cell wall between primary cell wall and plasma membrane Only animal cells have the ECM ECM consists mainly of glycoproteins secreted by cells Most abundant glycoprotein in ECM is collagen In the ECM there is a proteoglycan network Plasmodesmata are channels between plant cell walls Gap junctions are cytoplasmic channels Tight junctions and desmosomes both fasten cells together into strong sheets but desmosomes are made of intermediate filaments while tight junctions are bound together by specific proteins

Vocabulary Organelles-subcellular structures Magnification Resolution Plastid-organelles that store pigment (amyloplast, chromoplast, chloroplast) Ultracentrifuges Prokaryotic-chromosomes in nucleoid Eukaryotic-chromosomes in membrane bound nucleus Nucleolus-dense center of nucleus where rRNA is synthesized Ribosomes-organelles that carry out protein synthesis Lysosome-membrane bound sac of hydrolytic enzymes that animal cells use for digesting macromolecules (food) and recycling damaged organelles Phagocytosis

Contractile vacuoles pumps out excess water Peroxisome-oxidative organelle Glyoxysome-contain enzymes that initiate the conversion of fatty acids to sugar Cytoskeleton Cell wall Integrins

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