Collected Poems 3

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Could be

friends squared, rooted, busted or once and for all, lovers, ripped off and on and on. How much difference would that make on this uncompromising globe? Would it rewrite history or make monkeys out of fish? Could it pollinate flowers or blush you ruddy and ripe? Can you rattle on about some hare-brained scheme or other and still touch your toes, still sense bliss blind with striving? Can you lead the way filled with sorrow and accept such uproarious bonds loosing perplexing affections mysterious, influences elusive clues abound, dos and donts hardly matter much if, in the long run, were all made of food? Isnt everyone a luminous pin-up incandescent symbol of sex or some kind of longing, the comrade of intent animal body eyes the scoreboard, obvious enough for eyeing the score; must we shake hands right now or attend instead to actual events waiting for a time all-to-easy to refuse, a time that trips our imaginations up, a time that tiptoes little by little,

delaying our beginning, a time that forestalls futures and shreds fond reminiscence of sweethearts and family pets, rope swings sunny days and delicate wreckage never meant for our understanding. Still we get it

this time nevertheless at once too tough and too tiny for chit chat, too dangerous and too sly for thursday nights at the bar, for parties or coffee dates, movies or newspapers or well-meaning acquaintances who matter as much as blind dates, as Orcas beached by the harsh sonar of spies, as much as undiscovered invertebrates sleeping forever, as much as fossils of long gone proto-amphibians. How much do you suppose that is?

so then
Do I matter that much to you? Could we after all be friends? Would it make

a difference if we were lovers just like that? What difference would it make? Lips, fingers and skin? Phone calls tension and calculated avoidance? If we let go of ten thousand years just sink into a simple warm embrace, with all its here-you-are this and all-good that, would it burst the bubble at last? Would it dam the Ganges? Would the geese stop flying south, the humpbacks suspend their migrations? Would you flip out and make a feral noise, carry wild oats westward? Would you sweat with anticipation as we announce the winner would the inside of your brain turn around and greet me? Would you spill your guts for the truth

and nothing but? Would you dip me in mythical rivers just to find my feet? dear Sarita dear Jana dear Carolyn dear Genie dear Nil dear Wendy dear Kiri dear Jen, dear babys baby, I am fine, how are you? Should I stay or should I go? Is the intimate privacy of this body so vulnerable? Yes, yes, but isnt infinite attention an ally of adventure? Doesnt birth itself expose us so to one another?

Life doesnt last long enough for secrets and veils its so-called meaning steadily. Answer as we may the world wont stop turning. Answer as we may, the moon wont stop reflecting the light of the sun onto the earth at night I feel warm enough to huddle and tie knots. Jumble clump I feel

tender and ready.

Testament and Influence

If monk or trane ever came around here and heard these necessary phrases of fury and nerve heard the way such strings vibrate on this particular night time spilling out from this very porch into wet streets secret open air hed probably give me a bit of advice. I hope he would in fact I believe he has. Then again, I believe my grandfather issues stern warnings when Im half asleep I believe mom still passes through to tell how handsome Ive become. I believe my music teacher laughs gently when I make a mistake I believe we are not dead to the world just yet. I believe my feet are giant melons and I will eat them if you dont love me

or at least my feet believe it. Then again my feet really do believe love is the most powerful force in the universe, now dont they? Turns out they do. O.K. Ill just come out and say it then: I am visited by relatives, ex-lovers and friends yes but also unborn spirits of the long-gone on the lookout, souls of departed musicians for sure all visit, stopover, call on me and stay; just so long they linger awhile leaving footprints traces of advice in my fingers heart brain and stomach doing it right now as we sit stand crouch slump lean and lye saying this prayer well be something like that ourselves some day too. Wont we be drawn to the living after were gone somehow choose to be best friends

with a girl or a boy we never met breathing seeing jumping loving seek out the warmth of life somehow? Wont we also pay a visit now and then? Just so do I imagine myself making friends once again.

Land and sea and nightmares feel it. Daydreams vie for its blessing hefting its measure forever mid-summer afternoon exposes lucid blue busy insects calculate messages astronomical speed everywhere noticing lakes sculpted long ago rivers feed on ice comes from the sky is made of flesh water bone tissue earth wind and fire displace unyielding plaintiffs sense families ache daring friends of wisdom rack their brains reckoning instants gauging eras it long ago felt these everyday tremors alchemical transitions distilleries and dissolution smelting metals refining combinations substances spinning gold from straw great explosive baths of aeriform

activity stunning stupid metallurgy in the heart affects its appearance shows signs of favoring the emergence of immanent love vociferous devotion throughout its limitless midst connotes oblique purpose manifest gist. Thus let us call it out: Fire walk with us earth abide sky fly by wind flesh move revolution and water in our dry souls stubborn perceptions. Skin be our friend everlasting let us acknowledge even understand your resilient abundance. We invoke you

and ask for the magic of your mud voice gaze immovable hear us when we holler seeking company help courageous trickster gesture assist outspoken refusal with supreme assurance it raises faces with inspiration it exhales generations receive our laughter the sorrow of a thousand years dispatches envoys puzzled by the immovable stars so swaying ludicrous trawling for firmament one night eternal duration we invoke it again: petitioners all, we summon you appeal to your magnanimity inexhaustible benefit conveyed bursting with boons justly dispersed

powers free easy to conceive unguarded gifts everywhere fortune surfaces smiling we entreat you betray decreed iniquity deceive absurd overlords loveless in their citadels of malice unseen; mislead bigwigs bosses unkind bigots bereft of significant song or mindful poise. We relish what you will not withhold bounty beautiful rather bestow momentous plenty diverse OKs vital provision deliver promise attain tremendous

consent astounding miraculous dance surprising heart over and over and over and over and over again.

The Saying Game

All Im saying is dont be so long winded, come to the point, stop kidding yourself. You always said it would come to this. You said it wouldnt be easy. You said playthings come and go but only if were in just the right place at just the right time will anything ever wander our way or notice how incredibly gentle we can be. You said you were right, and you were. And finally we gave up on trying impress each other . . . . Man, was that a relief!! They say that before you become a professional baseball player, you have to die or at least start a band called I almost died playing professional baseball. They say that depression just might be better than anti-depressants, and they say the blind dont really miss light as much as you might think. They say if youre deaf you really feel the bass. Willy says Please. He says, Thats the magic word . . . Actually, there are several magic words. He says he likes to say words like sword, groceries and circumlocute. I love saying that word, he says. He doesnt say if its magic or not.

Lani says newspaper articles should not end with a quotation. She says she gave birth to a cat. She says bbrrrrrr!!! Its fuckin cold. She says Yaaawwwwwwn. Lets take a nap. Lizi says totally whatever. She says, Yeah, that is good whisky, isnt it. She says I do and never looks back. Forever is a long, long time, she says . . . and she means it. People Magazine says that either George Clooney or Brad Pitt is the sexiest man alive . . . . I say Fuck that. I say my friend Alejandro is the sexiest man alive. I say any of my friends are sexier than your average movie star. I say The gayer the better, fool. Ive been saying that for a long time. The weatherman says theres a twenty percent chance of rain. The weatherman sometimes says Welllll . . . take a chance, who knows what might happen in a little while. If the weatherman were honest completely honest with himself hed say, look at the sky. My 3-year-old nephew says Corn Pooh!! He says Donny Ebaugh-bowp!! Whosat? and I say I dunno, who isat? He says, Whadya doin unkoo Taze? Sometimes he says SHIT! I say, Shit? Wusat? and he says, What is at? And then, without even pausing, he says Corn Pooh! again.

So I say Dilly-Billy, whos the sexiest man alive? and he says TVDDD Less turn at off. He says No when I ask him what time it is. He says dead end when I ask him what comes after eleven, but if you ask him if he wants to take bath around six thirty at night he usually says ya. The Bible says Blessed are the poor in spirit. It says Wise men never make a pet of a badger . . . Or does it? . . . I say it oughta.. It definitely says that Jesus went up into a little town and was received by a virgin who was his wife. It says the just will live forever. It says that all things that are alike love one another and would never sell each other down the river. The Bible says Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee. It also says that Jonathon made a covenant with the house of David, saying let the Lord even require it and it shall be done.. And it goes on to say, Thou shalt not cut off the kindness from my house. [repeat] Man . . . I say thats pretty deep. Whatdya say? Should we go outside or should we stay here? [Anybody? . . . ] Should we sink or should we swim? [Anyone? . . . } I say we swim awhile. Go outside. Right? So . . .

Who ever said, Im a riddle in nine syllables without cracking up? Who ever said, the queer old balloon man whistles far and wee without bursting at the seams? Who said, By swaggering I could never thrive and lived to see it come true? Who said The sun shall glory in the glitter of glass-chips, foreseeing the salvage of the prisoned sand and never went to the beach? And who said Farewell ye Greyhound where I suffered so much, hurt my knee and scraped my hand and built my pectoral muscles big as vagina and never caught the bus? Who said Burglar! Banker! Father! I am poor once more without coming to some kind of realization? I hate to say I told you so, but I did. And so did she. Now . . . . . . . Its said that you can lead a horse to water, you can even milk a cow, a tigers just a great big cat, a lady pigs a sow Ooooohhhh animals animals animals animals animals everywhere and the animals say things too. The cow says Mooo, the duck says Quack, the pig says Oink! the dog says Woof! the sheep say Baahhh! the donkey says HeeHaw! the cat says Meow the bird says Chirp You cant say they dont, says the professor. The professor has a way of saying things like that. Hmmm . . . . . .

Well, it says here that the services provided are subject to the rates, terms and conditions of applicable federal and state tariffs as revised from time to time. [Ohh, thatll surely bring me down.] And it says here that the net credit balance, if any, is payable on demand in the normal course of business operations, irrespective of the number of accounts you have with us. [Ohh, this cant be good news.] Over here it says, All transactions are subject to the laws and regulations of the country and its political subdivisions wherein the transactions are executed. I say thats all fuckin nuts man. For what its worth, I say poverty should not be punished, and if proverbs, adages, readings, magic words and spells really worked wed all have hell to pay. Id say so, says Tina. We might as well try it and see what happens. If theres a chance in hell, says Susie, then, yeah, lets. Lauren says, Lets not and say we did! Shes always saying things like that. You say yes, I say no. You say goodbye, I say hello, Ahhho-O. The judge said, Youre free to go, but I said it seemed totally unbelievable. I said, Those who search deserve sanctuary Sir. I said and I

still say it today -- I said I cannot understate the gravity of the situation . . . give me a minute . . . give me a year or two and Ill say you dont say so. OK, I admit it I said. I rankle my ruin, irk my wreck, rile my gall and warp my woof. To make everything crystal clear, let me just say that Im very glad to be here. Let me say, for example, The future is immanent in the present by reason of the fact that the present bears in its own essence the relationships which it will have to the future. Let me say, on the other hand, oh, say, Perhaps nature ought not to be thought of as a realm of masses moving according to mathematical laws. Let me say that we surely possess all the necessary faculties to make us happy and loving towards one another. And let me definitely say Bliss delight harmony joy wonder. Let me say let me say it curiosity good fortune warmth devotion kindness intelligence, understanding and acceptance. For Gods sake let me at least say Hell No We Wont Go a few more time before everythings shattered and smashed. Say One-two-three-four. Say yeeaaahhh. Say Hell yeah. Say [beat-box] Ah-oh . . . O-o! say cant you see how not everything that glitters is gold, how a bird in the hand in worth two in the bush; if youre born with a silver spoon in your

mouth you might as well cry your eyes out. Every dog has his day, a paw in every pie, give the devil his due, honesty is the best policy. Let everybody turnover a new leaf; let every man mind his own business. Mums the word, the skys the limit, I smell a rat, and he split his sides laughing. Strike while the iron is hot, love is never lost, dont judge a book by its cover, you aint seen nothin yet, when in Argentina do as the Argentineans do, with a grain of salt; a word to the wise is never enough, unless you count twice. [2 3 and . . .] Youre always saying we flicker around aimlessly, and its true; we do, but who loves you? . . Who loves you? She says, My mom does. Kojak, Coltrane, Moses and Monk do too. Look, she says, all Im saying is dont be so longwinded, come to the point already fool, and stop kidding yourself . . . . . . . . . . And she means it . . . . . . mnhhh, she means it.

Conscience I. (fireside chat)

Memory isnt jello not yet at least. It comes in green, red, yellow and orange, it jiggles and winks I can bounce it, and cut it up into squares but I cant seem to eat it at all. Then again, jello never makes me talk to myself. Voices quiet real and lasting ask after loved ones subtle motions lead shadow bodies astray warm wet wind guides the mind to the heart of the matter, lets the skin know what time it is. But the timing is always off. Just as i might think to blink, wild animals show up scratching at the door, demanding explanations. As soon as i suppose the signals been sent, skeletons come out of the closet dancing ceremoniously right in the midst of it all, while the untamed messenger vanishes without a dime to his name restless bones

wait forever and resist; away from lopsided life. Roll the bones and let the chips fall as they may. Have a heart or two. People are built in. We come and go, yes, but were there from the start. Even the dead, especially the dead let us know right from wrong, slippery from stiff, dicey from dried up, lifeless from living, honest from not, funny from dumb our asses from a hole in the wall, a bomb from a plan. Terrible demons, screaming trees, animals cursed from birth and worse; miscarried lives, abodes broken for good essential circulation derelict, neighborhoods wrecked passage reduced to ruin bargained for rubble; rivers on fire, hearts purple and blue distressed souls expressing real trouble sensed. Shattered dawn raining down vanished inhabitants speaking actual promises suffered signed sealed delivered in detail citizens with their tongues removed casting outlines accusing habitual institutions criminal government occluding good will prevail.

Amazing how much a little bit lasts. Words are tough to mess with. All this is incorporated in the slightest intonation in the least inflection vicinities vanquished survive.

II. (Smyrna)
Once upon a time two sought sanctuary, and woke up in the evening of Brahma, up stream of Heraclitus, ahead of liberation. They lasted a while and came through hurt but happy. Happiness can bend steel. Happiness can lift boulders over its head. Happiness is better faster stronger. Happiness lasts and lasts. It comes in blue and it comes in red. It goes and goes and goes. It stands out and shines on. It revs up and gives a hundred and ten percent when it can happiness lets loose flips out takes a leave of absence even goes out of its way to let them both know just how much it hurts, just how far behind them liberation still is, and just how much they still dream of that river. Ah that river!

Once upon a time a little boy was banished from a village. He sought sanctuary too. He looked and looked in vain for gates and emeralds and signs he spit and frowned and burned. He struggled, sputtered and grimaced. He came across an autumn moon wise as could be and bust a gut laughing. He could not believe such a plaintive sight mourning noon and night he studied its face wept and went. Moon! You thought of nothing else as long as it lasted. You got under my skin. You left nothing to chance, almost squandered your spirit completely you danced on her grave, forgave everybody and forgot about it. Hell, you were it for a while, for a magic minute that went on for miles, you were it. When they woke up they said, Love is that way too.

Jungle gym
All my pals are loons. Goose on the loose is best for the cursed prize of course events feeling pretty turn gritty rough grainy incredible fool mute antibody insane fetish undeniable slack moose abandon cargo today unthinkable brother unite cool scattered hijinx everywhere swift monsoon feet leave gimpy doctor limping far away in place shaken but not for me to say whether together or up for gift mixing quick thinking with vinegar and wine and cry my dieing at every moment. Notice what then happens about six forty acres across vast channels last night miracle wrapped in

plastic eye glass, blue and green fruit-wild plant between speech reaches bats baskets and rougues at the station crash justice rusted, bent anchor joke looming large thrilling hot ions stop to gripe jackhammer jest twice ancient yellow birds combine elemental pyramid gender and number moot dispute spin grin then try to rebound slack dream. Gloveshine tarp trapper dangle your shingle, jingle your fang slang mambo.

What There is of Ghosts

What there is of ghosts is complex how we perceive them is part of what they are. Like in dreams where you say it looked like so and so but it wasnt so and so ghosts pop up as bundles of insight memory reluctant family meals shared in confidence congeal music and tongues past people still here whenever inevitable. So, is a ghost a rhythmic touch, an unexpected temperature

with too many suggestions? Something we hear, a taste we cant put a finger on delight in the morning friend or foe, heel or toe? Why does this sound happen only on these stairs on this night? Does it wish to harm you? Does it wish anything at all? Is it human? Was it? Can inhuman animals be ghosts too? Is a ghost the same forever or does it evolve in conjunction with our perceiving it? Can it be Jewish Moslem or Hindu

even if youre not? Why is it there? Simply to haunt you? Or to remind you of something, burden you with a mission you never chose? Or even to cheer you up, shock you out of your doldrums make you more pessimistic only to enliven you at some future moment? Perhaps a horse not yet born must win the derby and so visits you to empower that birth with mirth. Whats good for the woods

good for the duds n suds lady.

The Rules Dont Apply

Above the law, altogether outside the accepted standards make my eyes burn worse than onions the right way of doing things often benefits no one in particular to serve and protect what exactly? A well-respected pillar of sociopathic success? preemptive force doesnt work valued customer the public good aint quite the same as whats good for the people of this neighborhood. constituents of representatives keep on minus all those lawmakers. Even if we cant quite overhaul that engine maybe we can find another way to get around, make things move, stick together stay calm and grieve if someone falls out

put them back in. Above the law? Hell yes. I have no desire to break the law. Why do people think laws prevent people from doing things the laws forbid? If there were no law against murder, would you go out and start killing? If there were no law against rape would you enforce a casual fuck on the way to work? Yes? Then you are a murderous, rapacious man. Me personally, I have absolutely no desire to murder and rape, but apparently the people who do so desire are not deterred by the law, because they do it anyway. If you get a ticket for aggravated driving with less than one headlamp, you have to go to court or at least

get it fixed but still, the rules dont apply. No one was harmed, no one was protected, no ones rights were trampled, its just that the state gets to fine you to pay for its terror. Above the law? Why yes, why not? Were all above the law, over the top. We shine brighter than policies regulations, edicts and decrees pen-pushing fear cant hold this complex multifarious intricate difficult graffiti on the sidewalk says so. The twitch, yank, shudder spasm trembling dialect of this street corner says so hookers and lawyers and musicians and students say so and still, the rules dont apply. Outrageous shocking contemptible offensive despicable extreme mean what you say and say what you mean. Anarchy is not mere chaos disorder confusion bedlam commotion pandemonium

turmoil disarray muddle mess mayhem uproar upheaval tumult hullabaloo racket din clamor havoc or frenzy yet it seems I was meant to fall apart in just such a way to go so quietly, absent rage. Go ahead nyell then buddy boy dance when we shoot at your feet (shots ring out; character dances).

You can think forever. You can dig for clams on salt saturated beaches feel the moon tugging oceans particles attract planets imagine just the right lover can sleep all day and lie all night. Now and then you can be all buoyant wash windows for a living all tough like nothing matters after the rain. After all your friends tell you you got nothin to worry about you can still risk your life simply trying to grow up. The sweeping responsibility of individual

causes and effects may wobble your hammer off the beam nail the far-fetched throng of disparity onto the backside of your overheated noggin straining to seem sharp. Its very, very interesting, but somehow dulls my senses and even dawdles a bit . . . all good and all, but still I am not satisfied, you might say. Oh fuck it all anyway, you might say. I want to make love. Theres no reason it should be difficult. Do I need the right person or will anyone do? And if anyone will do then why dont we just make love? And if I need just the right person, why cant I seem to notice her when shes probably right under my nose? You might say its really not your problem. You might say This is not the kind of thing so-and- so would care about. This is not the end of the world,

you might say, What does it matter what so-and-so thinks. You may try to figure it all out this way you may lose your mind. And still, perhaps all you want is a warm embrace, one that, whatever you end up feeling is well warm. How long, then, should we wait? How long do we weep and whine and get stuck in someone elses shoes? How long do we keep tabs? When does that funny present come around and remind us of its nature? For better or worse, the founders of philosophy are all perverts, you say, everything works according to plan and everything shows off its own essence anyway. Just look at underlying affinities released or kept at bay all the live-long day. How long can this right here keep going on?

How long can we pretend whats happening is not happening? How far do we have to go until we just give in and say, My problem is, I want to do everything all the time. Even if there are twenty five hours in it a day is still just a day you cant do more in a day than you can do in a day. I think Ill dig for clams who think for themselves; its the easiest way.

The streets are crooked and the trees stay green all year sunny and raining in the great Northwest. Sharp islands by the hundreds rise ancient ideas rest in icy horizons tides wash away castles made of sand whales and seals moan and bark green and white boats signal their departure. Home at last.

She seems bent to get her groove on, but she knows her props wont last that long when the shit hits the fan and worst comes to worst. Will it be that long? She seems to squander her gumption, but really knows nothing of fear or awkward advances that end up going nowhere. She cares a lot but you cant tell. Thats my guess. Who is she? What does she really want? Is she looking at me? Does she noticehow careless I can be when its raining or how I cant stop tapping my foot when shes around? Does she notice how my shoulders hunch up even though all I want is to dance, breathe and kiss? Who is she? It looks like she just landed in a place where nobody knows her name. It looks like she could use a bath. It looks like she might blurt out profound mysteries forgetfully. It looks greener on the other side of her eyes her face her skin her perspective her quirky laugh her noble chin her prominent collar bone her pants

her undies her ankles her lips . . . her lips curve to the left and her crooked smile reveals the scar of character. Will she remember me at all? Will she say hi when she gets back from the bathroom? Will she get coke or pepsi? Whats her sign her symbol, her incantation, her warning, her mark, her emblem, her signature, her chant, her charm, her mantra,her catchword, her motto, her song, her fascination, her magic, her thumbs up, her ass on my hand . . . you never know. Who ever said that slip slidin away wasnt O.K. now and then? Who ever said fairies didnt wear boots on occasion? Who ever washed their hands in tears and didnt even notice? Who does she want to catch in a lie or dip in a barrel of fresh butter? Dont tell a chicken its a goose, just hang back and look both ways. Flip and bounce sugar. Bump and fly. Go ahead, steal my soul, fall down and die. Trust me baby, no ones gonna think twice about it. Dive in and float, just dont cry if the audience doesnt clap or jump up and down in ecstasy when Im finished imagining who you are and what you smell like. Who is she?

Breaking up is fast and easy


You should accuse me of having more than one body? Tired sighs fly all the way honey and Ive got a ticket to the park. Wiped out birds and bees roast huge happy fun friend. Sifty fine green things bounce all around and you and me make bristles bunch. Bunny love sounds right if that damned hush-puppy play turns out OK. So fine, we wont push it just so far, or give a puss-n-boots to mix magic again beautiful or even carry our dumb-luck zithers anymore. It just turned out that way we wept up and down, sticking our tongues out and flashing a patch of foolish grins.
(Wordy stand-off rattles on and on however hard they try not to wonder if this could`a been a whole nother ball game.)

She says: So find riddle dribble, have to be saved. He says: Slip shine sunny science walk my way. Great gasping falcons flip through my skin dear

dream life rusty, been long enough. Once a helping hobo dares god to cry, thats it, I guess were done for now list the places we can hip kitty swish a bit. Say we lisp and leer. Does that make lip less sweet? Fine, then try tricky shaking tacked on a door love and let me know how it goes.
(Live mini-monkies walk on the walls and whenever dead lilacs dont come around tonight sounds final . . . lights off . . . cue music)

We were saying how we wished little legends might miss fancy phonies or piss on passing naysayers. We were saying how unlike you it was to skip blue and green when this time you know well get it right. We said you left and took life with you. As if dust had debts to settle; as if wayward glitches matter once the storm hits.
Headline: flying fish quarrels with crisp nipple after all is said and done well.



She says: This voice is a body too you know. Treat it that wayfool. He says: Tried licorice license. Didnt get me in. Ice blossom breaks fun whine way and that bliss barn far enough big goofy child if you do child if you dont humble bubbles sashay likewise mushy babe. Next time around lock the door behind you extra-special something else lips avoid cool lining lush lounging outside riff spoonin that way and this bird whispering lax lullaby, freakish object resting on oddball mess of unconventional notes drifting downriver lifts burly girls skyward shouting out loud their lust and all the rest.
(Both hurry airborne now fighting fits and rusty buckets god Im hungry enough for the moment jiffy split back slide a while and theyre off . . . )

Gospel mutation loves fatty acids, says the scientist smiling.

Change sings its own tunes, frowns the clown, chance has it after all. More and more they come to find littered lots emptied of flittering spooks diving to and fro. Since insides only tag along, taking a break and guessing are not good enough for knowing the beginning of one two three for joshing about piddly sticks and pick up lovers neither thus nor then sweetie finally function follows form and sleepy giving is likely. Is it fine to say We tried so hard without wailing out loud over time ? Is it all good?
-- end

Just Because
I. Just because its on my mind doesnt mean I have to unearth giants blind trying to present myself for the time being true and real eloquent green feels inventions waking up passing out windows and eyes looking through has-been postures holding back huge massive visions yearning to let go of oversized stuffed animals jotting down epigrams speechless something for nothing composing quips ditties and odes like sweet nourishing hush make improbable vows easy to hear. II. Just because it occurs to me doesnt mean I have to say it out loud washing away other stories murmuring alternative explanations reeking of genuine enigmas barely bound in obstinate hieroglyphics leave puddles of telling quiet enables omens foreseeing

sweeping cycles soothing those who take note of obscure outpost gathering fugitive silence wise to hilltop historians speaking thoughtlessly of lost worlds encased in dead books bartered for piercing insight. III. Just because I think doesnt mean I have what I want to get across is one iota of spot on wisdom amassing evidence of stillness nurturing energy undetected precise notion summed up for the ages to consider starting over this enterprising waste turning out to be misery incomprehensible hungry humans to wipe the slate clean mop up corrupt arrangement self-destruction last on the list. IV. Just because its funny doesnt mean I have to laugh out loud careening across details unseen by run of the mill

scenarios setting up humdrum exchanges weird character for spent routine swapping mere treasure for flickering comedy only just detected catastrophe on the horizon lifts me out of the course of events mirroring ordinary universes turn raw experience into rare collective momentum. V. Just because I ride a bike doesnt mean I am balanced on the edge of a cliff waiting for girlfriends to complete me is a nice unnecessary convenience wishing for excess of gratuitous lust is my charm doomed for contentment lured out of hiding comes tongue-tied shy boy displaying his scratches wearing faces unrecognized but easily accepted as polite demons smiling the day away outfitted in the paradox of breakfast eaten and utterly honest always. VI.

Just because we get dressed doesnt mean morning is broken bread in the making rising earlier and earlier to taste distant intelligence given complete license to drive rhyme home at last intervals off the hook resonate and the slightest profession of lame deceit fools no one daring juicy elation quenching unprecedented craving dynamic multitude restoring reasons unimpaired and still figuring out a way just to be myself.

Teighe Janic

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