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(U1 Entertainment) GU3 correct the mistakes 1 2 3 4 5 6

Two of the sentences below are correct. Tick them. The other sentences contain tense errors. Underline the mistakes and correct them. phoned ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Last week I have phoned the theatre to book tickets. We have painted all the scenery and now we are going to have a break. The actress is exhausted because she filmed for the last six hours. We have queued for ages to get tickets yesterday. Miguel says that this is the most dangerous job he ever did in his life. Harry has written six novels so far and now he is working on the next one.

Unit 2 Challenges V1 word formation credible 1 2 3 4 5 6 V2 spirits 1 2 3 4 5 V3 leader

Use the correct form of the given word. strong imaginable psychology optimistic

They risked their lives on expeditions which were often ___________________dangerous. The men who were in charge of these expeditions needed good ___________________ skills. Explorers like Shackleton and Cook had great ______________________ of character. These great explorers had to face _________________________ dangers and hardships. They had to cope with many problems, both physical and _______________________. They remained cheerful and never lost their ______________________. prepositional phrases hope Complete the phrases in bold with a word from the list. display danger horror

The explorers were sailing to Antarctica when, to their_________________, their ship became trapped in ice. They stayed on the ship, in the _________________ that the ice would soon melt. The captain tried to keep his crew in good _________________ by organising games and activities. They walked over the ice to a nearby island, but they were still in _________________ of starving to death. Today, the ship is on _________________ in a museum. verb + preposition collocations about from Fill the gaps with a preposition from the list. to

1 2 3 4

There was no water so the members of the expedition suffered _________________ thirst. The sailors tried not to think ________________ the dangers of their situation. The explorer's special clothing saved them _________________ the intense cold. We tried to make radio contact with the men, but they did not respond _______________ any of our signals.

GU1 past simple or past continuous? 1 Tom

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

was having (have) a ten-minute break from his boring office job, when he ________________

(see) an interesting advertisement in a magazine. Some people ___________________(plan) to sail around the world. They ______________________(look) for another member of the crew for their boat. Tom __________ _____________(sigh) and _____________________(look) around his office. Everyone __________________ (type) letters and the phones _______________________(ring), just as they _____________________(do) every day. He ______________________(think) about the advertisement for a long time. He knew that he ______________________(not/want) to spend his whole life working in a job like this one. He ____________ _______________(still/think) about the advertisement when his boss ____________________(come) along and _____________________(give) him lots more boring work to do. Right, he ____________________(decide), I'm definitely going to answer that advert. Sailing around the world would be much more interesting than this! GU2 past simple or past perfect? 1 2 3 The explorers (already climbed / had already climbed) a long way up the mountain when it (suddenly started / had suddenly started) to snow heavily. When one of the climbers (saw / had seen) that her friend was in trouble, she (ran / had run) to help him. By the time the climbers (reached / had reached) the top of the mountain, the sun (disappeared / had disappeared). GU3 past perfect simple or continuous? 1 2 3 4 The men wanted to discover lands that nobody else (had explored / had been exploring) yet. The men were sad because they (had left / had been leaving) their families and friends at home. The mountaineer was exhausted when he returned to the camp, because he (had climbed / had been climbing) all morning. After two months at sea, they (had eaten / had been eating) nearly all of their food supplies.

GU4 past continuous or past perfect continuous? 1 2 3 4 The men (were only diving / had only been diving) for ten minutes when they found the buried treasure. They found the wrecked ship while they (were exploring / had been exploring) the island. When they returned to their ship, their friends (were waiting / had been waiting) for them. The ship (was lying / had been lying) at the bottom of the sea for 200 years before they found it.

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