Introduction: An Organization Has Different Type of Work. Planning Is One of The Vital

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Organizational Behavior

Introduction: An organization has different type of work. Planning is one of the vital works that an organization has to improvise properly. The part of planning work is more sophisticated rather than anything else. The planning reflect the mission, vision, goal, of the organization. The planning usually execute by the manager of the company. An entrepreneur or owner may can invest money but he or she cant do the planning of his own. For planning a specialist or even a group of specialist may be able to work whether the organization has its activity across the globe. The spectrum of role is very wide and precise it through a short definition. The systematic way of planning is correlated with the management. Which direct the organization towards a long term planning. The short term planning may can be arbitrary but still there is a dilemma of risk for balancing necessary planning for short term versus long term planning. European, Asian and Japanese planning strategy does reflect that. In

reverse in France and south Korea the planning of an organization may be different with respect to the management level of the organization it does carry the occupational status. Here the role of planning will be described alongside of the critical evaluation of it. In every phase of task suitable example will be reflect the theoretical approach of the role of planning. An evaluation of role of planning as a primary management function: Planning has principal role for organization. For effective management sounds planning are essential as it guide to all management function. Some role of planning as a primary management function and its evaluation has been described here: Focus attention on objective: Every organization has its own objective. These objective forces the employees towards the goal of the company. Planning visualize the objective through the execution of work. It keep congruency between the work of employees and the objective of the company. Accordance with the objective it direct the organization from its production cycle to the end consumer. Planning is effective and worthy as it can forecast the action of work which tends towards the ultimate goal and which tends away. Planning provides a rational approach for predefined objective and sound planning avoid the danger of means becoming ends and irrelevant. Example: MacDonald is operating its business throughout the whole world. It has more franchise more than 119 countries and 80% of the restaurant across

the world is franchise. This franchise has been operating independently remain coherent the goal and objective of the mother company. How a multinational company can operate its business across the world and maintain its quality service and enhancing its business day by day? The answer of this question insist of the heading of that the first priority job for planning is to focus the attention on objective rather than anything else. The importance to regulate by the role and reflect the objective in planning is the only way of this successful business. It is not planning which play the vital role only here. Rather than to focus on planning and to direct it in a proper way is the source of success for MacDonald. Reduce uncertainty and change in planning: For a business organization the usual word that placed, as a prefix is risk and uncertainty. This is inevitable. Planning cannot eliminate the risk. But it is planning which enable an organization to cope with the uncertainty and change and drive it in a proper way. Planning forces help to shake off the inertia and induce the employees to look beyond those noses at the time of catastrophe. . As the future is always unpredictable and the uncertainty is the certain risk for any business so effective alternative courses of actions reduce the uncertainty. Rather than to remain behind the curve it will help to exercise judgments and proceed cautiously to take the most feasible action. It is the vital role of planning that to alert the management about the upcoming threat and execute the rational choice that what the organization has to chose for its survival. Identify threat and opportunity and analysis for proper synthesis of these is the principal role for planning. Example: At the time of world crisis and recession across the globe at 20072008 when all of the multinational company was scaled back than MacDonald accelerate more drastically rather than any other company. More precisely its business profit was higher than 2006 and 2007. In 2008 it introduce more 600 stores across the world when its nearest competitors Burger King sale falls down at 1.4%. The revenue of Burger King was dropped at 26% to $451.1 million. With compare to MacDonald Company restaurant margin fell 11.6% from 12.4%. Once again the planning and forecasting about the business gave a wings to MacDonald so that while every company has been shutting down, its sales increase rather than another time.

Coordination: Coordination, Monitoring, and execution of the task accordance to subunit plan to organizational plan is one of the vital role . To interrelate all of the activities and resource of an organization is one of the prior role of planning. To relate the internal task to the external event and forces coordination among them is relatively important than anything else. The activities of the organization have to be delegate into different division and harmonized into these for balance to keep consistency of the workflow is essential for operations. This is effective planning which keep the whole organization in the same tune and coordinate task for proper implementation. It also eliminates the misunderstanding into different division and minimize the danger of conflict. Regulate the information into various part of the organization and reduce the confusion is multi task work for planning. Example : To realize the coordination of task of planning an example of MacDonald training system has been illustrated here : At the training period of an employees the task of training is delicately coordinate among the managers of MacDonald who trained the employees about their task. First the training forum trained the employees how to increase the public relation and reflect the objective of the company. To convey the right message of company it is essential to have proper knowledge and training for employees. At the time of training the whole task is allocated into the basic shift manager and advanced shift managers. The basic shifting manager help to develop the managers ability to observe and gather facts analyze the information according to the MacDonalds policies. Whether the basic shifting managers teach how to procedures should be followed. After that restaurant leadership course and operation consultant course also provided through these managers. So this is the allocation and coordination of the duty, which is always been followed by the prominent multinational company MacDonald. Decision Making: Decision making is one of the prior task of planning process. Decision making procedure has been undertake into various level but it always has to be congruent into various level of hierarchy of the organization. Without planning the decision making would be random and it will nipped in the bud whole operational process of the organization. Here more precisely the decentralization of the power among various level of the organization is necessarily needed for the implementation of the task. To

guide the subordinate and reduce the risk involved in delegation of the authority is important to motivate the employees in every level. The vital role in terms of decision-making is the effective integration of the diverse decision making for a period of time rather than at a point of time. It has to be consistent and comprehend which expose the goal of the company. Example: The decision making process of Macdonald is exceptional rather than another company. It always use the decentralization for its innovative decision making process. Almost two third of the MacDonald restaurant are franchise are operating their business independently. These franchises always adhere to the main policy of the MacDonald when they take their decision about their business so that it will not be contradictory to the main stream of its policies. In decision making process the franchise are autonomous and reserve the fidelity. Conclusion: The role of planning has huge importance in every phase of the organization. The prospect of the organization is embedded in the planning. The proper planning is helpful for enlargement of the company. For managing the business internally and externally it is essential to make the plan sound. To predict the future of the company by analysis the past, it is planning which help the organization to cope with the adverse situation and expedite the business. The success of the organization depends in the successful planning.


Available at : [Access on: 2nd November,2012]

Available at : n.html[Access on: 2nd November,2012] Camillus,J.C. 1986. Strategic Planning and Management Control: Systems for Survival and Success. P89. New York. Morden,T. 2004. Principal of Management. 2nd ed. P.129. Ash gate Publishing Limited. England. Available at :[Access on: 2nd November,2012]

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