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a dark comedy with a sad ending.

by Neil Girvan

NOTE: The film will be seen entirely in black and white until mid-way through Scene Six. At this point a heightened color will be used for the remainder of the film, except for security camera cut-a-ways which will remain black and white through out. 1. EXT: QUEEN STREET, SIDE ALLEY, BACK ALLEY, TUESDAY NIGHT. P.O.V.: of a person or persons moving quickly down the street. Its Tuesday night, cold, and Queen street is barren. We take in this atmosphere as if we are walking down Queen Street ourselves. We suddenly turn left into a side alley. We see garbage and broken glass on the ground, we move past graffiti covered walls until we reach a back alley. We take a quick left into the back alley where we suddenly find ourselves at the ominous entrance to a private night-club. We see a doorman standing in front of a huge graffiti covered metal door, we move towards him ending in a close-up on his face. The face belongs to Cue-Ball; a bald, martial-arts expert, alcoholic night-club bouncer who has no problem being an asshole. CUE-BALL (looking down into camera) Fuck. CUT TO: 2. EXT: BACK ALLEY, NIGHT-CLUB ENTRANCE, NIGHT.

Cue-Ball is glaring into the faces of Jack and Jill. These two characters are both strong representatives of their appropriate counter-cultures. Jack is a total punk-kid from Montreal; Mohawk, piercing, tattoos and anarchy symbols. Jill is a Goth; dark eye shadow, pale make-up, black lipstick. JACK (with a strong French accent) Do you have the night off, fuck? Huh fuck? (pause) Open the fucking door.

CUE-BALL (calm and bored) What? JACK We been here before fuck. We come here fuck every week fuck for over two year... CUE-BALL Do I let you in? JACK You kick me out at least three time, remember fuck? I clawed your eye and make you cry like a baby fuck... CUE-BALL (looking at Jill) I.D. You piece of fuck!!!

JACK (losing it) Fuck!!!

JILL You I.D.d me last week did you not?? CUE-BALL So? JILL You saw my I.D., you let me in... JACK She not younger... JILL You know Im fucking legal, you know this and still you ask for I.D.? Why? Why would you bother... Suddenly from around the alley corner appears two drunken trashed-out party girls. DRUNKEN GIRL #1 is carrying a large inflated rubber penis. CUE-BALL (pushing Jack and Jill aside) Having a good time tonight ladies?

DRUNKEN GIRL #1 I dont know...are we? CUE-BALL Nice penis... DRUNKEN GIRL #1 (slurring words) Dont have a fucking stag-ette on a Tuesday... CUE-BALL (friendly) Ill remember that... DRUNKEN GIRL #2 Its ladies night right? CUE-BALL (as hes going for the door) Hot girls get in for free... DRUNKEN GIRL #2 You make ugly girls pay??? CUE-BALL I make ugly girls suck my cock. Silence. Both girls burst out laughing. Drunken Girl #1 pokes Cue-ball with the rubber penis. DRUNKEN GIRL #1 (flirting) Youre dirty! CUE-BALL (smirking) I should hope so. (opens the door) Have a good night ladies. We hear loud dance music and see strobe lights. The two women enter the club laughing. Cue-Ball closes the door, turns to Jack. JACK You think were piece of shit to fuck with fuck... CUE-BALL

Hey!!! Everyone and everything stops. Im just having some fun with you. A beat. Jack stops ranting and stares emotionless at Cue-Ball. JACK Joking? CUE-BALL Im just having some fucking fun man, I know you guys. (Laughing) I know shes nineteen, were cool, weve kissed and made-up. JILL (defensive about Jack) Hes not a fag!!! Im tired of everyone thinking your queer... JACK No, no fuck he mean everything ok. Jack looks to Cue-Ball for assurance. CUE-BALL Peaches and cream, bro. JILL Good, cause its colder than a witchs tit out here... JACK Were made-up with kiss, right fuck? Cue-Ball calmly opens the door to the night-club. As soon as the door opens again we hear loud dance music coming from inside. This music will act as a sound track for the rest of the scene. CUE-BALL (above dance music) Youre lucky! Im in a good mood tonight!

Jill enters the club.

Jack cant help himself.

JACK Why you in a good mood tonight, fuck?? CUE-BALL (drunk, almost laughing) Its my birthday... JACK (above dance music) What??? CUE-BALL Its my birthday!!! Hey!!! old... JACK Happy fucking birthday!!! How CUT TO: 2b. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Before Jack finishes his question, Cue-Ball does a quick martial arts move, knocking Jack out cold. A beat, we see Jack unconscious on the ground, we see Jill run out of the club. CUT TO: 2. ( CONTINUED ) Camera pulls up from Jill screaming profanities while comforting Jack and rests in a close-up on Cue-Balls face. CUE-BALL (above the music) Fuck off!!! CUT TO: CREDIT SEQUENCE: Quick-cut to black. We hear Weve only just begun by Karen Carpenter. We listen to the song for a few verses while movie title GARBAGE is shown with appropriate credits, suddenly we hear the long sound of a needle

scratching the record. We hear the voice of a very drunk and bored D.J. D.J. DOUG (V.O.) Ok... thats enough of that... go eat a fuckin sandwich will ya! That will end another Fore-Play Tuesday at Garbage; the alternative to the alternative night-club. Im D.J. Doug reminding you to ALWAYS drink and drive... good night everybody!!! CUT TO: 3. INT: NIGHT-CLUB, BURTS OFFICE, AFTER HOURS Hes in being a after need be trying to

Extreme close-up on Burt, the owner of GARBAGE. his late twenties, good looking to the point of model if hed wanted. He is in his office. Its hours and Burt is about as coked up as a person before you call an ambulance. He is desperately enjoy the company of an escort. BURT (almost at orgasm)

Fuck, fuck, fuck...

V.O. CELESTE Thats where its good? BURT Yeah, yeah, yeah just keep... fuck! Just keep... pullin, pullin it... pullin...fuck!! V.O. CELESTE Baby Im gonna pull it off it you dont cum soon. BURT How... fuck... how much time? Camera pulls back to reveal Celeste; an escort dressed in a school girls uniform i.e. kilt, tie, knee-socks and an unbuttoned white shirt. Its late, shes tired and she cant wait for this date to be over.

CELESTE You got... ahh (looking for a clock) BURT Dont fucking stop! NOTE: any sexual acts are to be implied not shown. CELESTE (resumes jerking him off) You got... ten minutes. BURT How, how... much more? CELESTE Ten minutes... BURT Dont stop pullin! how much to stay? Fuck... yeah, yeah...

CELESTE (wanting to get on with her night) One hundred and fifty for another half-hour. Burt awkwardly reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a wad of cash and stuffs it into her bra. BURT Theres gotta be a grand there... youre stayin til I get-off. CELESTE Whatever. BURT (Furious) Fuck whatever! fucking job! Just do your

Silence, she bends lower down and starts sucking him off. A beat, she stops. CELESTE (almost feeling sorry for him) Honey, Im sucking a slug, youre too high...

BURT Whats your name again? CELESTE Celeste. BURT Real or agency name? CELESTE (sensing shes in trouble) Agency.

BURT ( getting up, angry) Speed-dial it up, cause I want to talk to your boss... CELESTE (pause) Youre kidding, right? BURT Youre paid to get me off and youre not doing your fucking job. Silence. He relaxes back into the chair. CUT TO: 3b. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) She starts sucking him again. Burt closes his eyes and rests his head back in the chair. Fuuuuuuck... Im fucking close... just stroke it at the same time... We see Celestes head bob in and out of frame. Mother fucker, mother fucker... CUT TO: 3. ( CONTIUED ) We see her head bobbing in and out of frame faster and faster. She hurts her neck.


CELESTE (sitting up, holding her neck) My neck, I pulled something in my neck, fuck! Owwww... Celeste stands up, the date is over. BURT Where are you going?? CELESTE I hurt my neck, fuck! BURT Did you hurt your hand? CELESTE (pause) What??? BURT If you cant slurp, you better jerk... CELESTE (trying to stay calm) I hurt my neck... BURT So... CELESTE So Im stopping. BURT I havent gotten-off yet... CELESTE (losing it) Youre not going to... Ive been sucking and pulling for two hours, youre too fucking high!! She starts to button her shirt and collect her things. BURT What are you doing? CELESTE


Im done. CUT TO: 3c. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) BURT (grabbing at her) I dont think so... CELESTE (shoving him away) Fuck off!!! ( to her self) All cute guys.... BURT Im calling your agency. CELESTE (beats him to it, on her cell) Vicky? Its Celeste... BURT Give me the phone... CELESTE Fuck off!!! CUT TO: 3. ( CONTINUED ) (into phone) No, Im ok... Ive got a total meltdown here. (pause) two hours... psycho... thanks. (to Burt) Im outta here. BURT Look, look we can work this out... CELESTE Dont touch me!! You want your ass kicked, mother fucker!?!? BURT This, this isnt right... this is a bad side of me. CELESTE Save it for the next girl. Yeah,


She storms out of the office, slamming the door. BURT Cunt!!! Burt sits at his desk, slams some things around and notices that hes out of coke. Ahhhh Fuck!!! Burt rubs his fingers along the desk, picking up crumbs of coke and puts them in his mouth. He grabs his cell and speed-dials his dealer. Hey Bob, its Burt... yeah I know... come on... ahhh its 3:30... thats perfect... see you... youre saving my life, man. CUT TO: 4. EXT: BACK ALLEY, NIGHT-CLUB ENTRANCE, AFTER HOURS.

We see Cue-Ball standing in front of the night-club door. Hes cold, drunk and pissed off. Its early morning, and the last customer left two hours ago. CUE BALL (long silence) Its five... A...fucking...M...come-the-fuck-on! Fuck!!! (pause, fed-up speaks into his walkie-talkie) Burt, Cue-Ball to Burt. We hear a garbled response from the walkie-talkie. What?? Burt??

More garbled response from the walkie-talkie. (into that, show. up in walkie-talkie) Ahhh... I didnt get look... I dont think hes going to (Laughing) I mean, the Sun is coming like an hour...

Long angry garbled response from the walkie-talkie.


(to himself) Settle the fuck down will ya, prick. (into the walkie-talkie) Copy that Burt, Ill wait. Bob shows up. dealer. He is in his early thirties, a drugBOB (friendly, relaxed) man... CUE-BALL About fucking time. Burt, hes here.

Hey C.B., whats up

(into walkie-talkie)

We hear a short garbled response from the walkie-talkie. BOB He sounds pissed. CUE-BALL Hes been waiting awhile. BOB It aint good unless you wait for it. CUE-BALL Waiting is shit. BOB Why shit? Usually youre a happy drunk, why all this anger... CUE-BALL Look, just go do what you have to do so I can go the fuck home. BOB (pause) Usually youre a happy drunk, why all the anger? CUE-BALL (pause) Its my birthday. BOB And that makes you angry?


CUE-BALL Standing out here all night, missing my goddamned Birthday, dealing with that prick and waiting on your sorry ass makes me angry, ok...I fucking missed it...that Birthday is fucking gone!!! Long pause as Bob takes this rant in. BOB How old are you? CUE-BALL Thirty-fucking four. BOB Happy Birth... CUE-BALL Too fucking late!!! (calms down)I have friends you know, I have a life, I have stuff I want to do and Im fucking wasting it. I have potential... BOB Potential to do what? CUE-BALL Whatever... stuff, you know. BOB Ive never seen you do anything other than this. CUE-BALL I do lots of things...fucking karate... BOB Stealing shots and standing out here doesnt seem like much of a life. CUE-BALL I dont steal fucking shots! Burt comps them for me, he knows the outside guy needs a few warm-me-ups now and then. BOB


I thought you were the inside-guy? CUE-BALL There is no more inside-guy!!! Can you believe that horse-shit??? Hey Cue-Ball, as a reward for three years of dedicated service Im going to throw your bald ass outside in the fucking cold!!! BOB Whos the inside-guy? CUE-BALL Some fucking kid Burt hired. Hes like a busser or something... supposedly not experienced enough to work out here. How experienced do you have to be to stand out in the fucking cold Bob??? BOB Its a dummys job... CUE-BALL It is a dummys job!!! (calms himself down) Whatever... Look, Burts waiting, you should go inside... BOB In a sec...what would you do if this shitjob wasnt an option? CUE-BALL I dont want to talk about this to you right now. BOB I got dreams too... CUE-BALL Like what? BOB I dont know, going to Paris.... CUE-BALL Going to Paris?


BOB Yeah, to travel, go places and see things. CUE-BALL Why? BOB Kill time in a beautiful place til I die, I guess. CUE-BALL (laughing) Thats fucking pathetic. BOB Why pathetic? CUE-BALL It just is. At least I would want to accomplish something, leave some kind of mark that I was fucking here. BOB (interested) What kind of mark do you want to leave behind? CUE BALL Something that makes a difference, like... curing cancer or... or... freeing fucking Tibet... BOB Curing cancer?!? ( laughing ) CUE-BALL (talking over Bobs laughing) I didnt mean I was going to find a cure for cancer... BOB Meet a girl, buy a house, have a kid and put all your lifes expectations on him. Thats what most guys do... CUE-BALL Have a kid?? Youre out of your fucking...


We hear a long angry garbled rant on the walkie-talkie. You gotta get in there. CUT TO: 4b. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) BOB Oh, here. Bob pulls a prescription bottle out of his jacket and gives Cue-Ball a pill. A little birthday present. CUE-BALL What is it? BOB That little pill contains a full bottle of tequila without all the sloppiness. CUT TO: 4. ( CONTINUED ) CUE-BALL Ill feel drunk but I wont be drunk? BOB The magic of science, happy birthday. CUE-BALL have more of these? BOB As many as you want. CUE-BALL Ill let you know how it goes. BOB I already know how it goes, just let me know if you want to buy any. CUE-BALL


(opening door for Bob) Cool. BOB (enters club) Talk to ya. Cue-Ball shuts the door and stares a long time at the pill in his hand before he pops it into his mouth. CUE-BALL (to himself) Happy fucking birthday to me. CUT TO: 5. INT: NIGHT-CLUB, AFTER HOURS.

After hours house lights are on full. We cover Bob as he closes the door behind him and makes his way through the after-math i.e. garbage on the floor, empty beer cups everywhere, overflowing ashtrays, etc... As Bob makes his way to Burts office he gets stopped by a young man sweeping garbage. Its Carl, hes the new busser. Carl is in his early twenties a step away from being a street kid and this is his second night on the job. CUT TO: 5b. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Bob passes in front of another video camera CUT TO: 5. ( CONTINUED ) CARL (with authority) Hey, sorry man were closed. BOB Good, cause Im here to rob the place. CARL (long pause) What? BOB


Im here to rob the place and while Im at it you might as well give me all your money too. CARL (in shock) Ahhh... I dont have any... BOB Jesus Christ... CARL (lost) What? BOB Im just kidding, Im a friend of Burts... CARL (still confused) Oh.

BOB Im here to see him. CARL Hes in his office. BOB I know. (pause) Why are you doing this? CARL Ahhh... What? BOB Cleaning. Doesnt Burt have... like, Mexicans to do this shit? CARL Im the Mexicans he sends the other guys home early to save money... BOB I guess its better than standing outside. CARL Fuck, that job sucks. BOB


You find any money on the floor? CARL Tonight I found twenty bucks!! BOB Yeah? CARL (he pulls a wet twenty from his pocket) Its kind of fucked-up, but its still good. BOB Lets see. Carl hands over the twenty, Bob looks at it than puts it in his own pocket. Thats for lying to me. CARL (angry) What do you mean lying to you?? BOB (calm but serious) I told you to give me your money and you said that you didnt have any... when you did. CARL You were joking. BOB You didnt know I was joking. So?? CARL Its mine.

BOB (serious) Take it from me. Long pause, Carl does nothing. Im teaching you a lesson... whats your name? CARL



BOB Im teaching you a lesson Carl. People get killed for shit like this, for lying to the wrong people. CARL You lied to me... BOB I was only joking, you lied to me. If this was a real situation, Id torn your fucking head off if Id found out you had something when you said you didnt. Understand? CARL (pause, wants out of this situation) Yeah, I understand. BOB Good...finish up and fuck-off. Carl turns his gaze away from Bob and starts to sweep again. Bob stares at Carl working for a beat then continues on his way to Burts office. CUT TO: 6. INT: NIGHT-CLUB, BURTS OFFICE, AFTER HOURS.

We see Burt in his office, sitting at his desk, emotionless, holding a walkie-talkie and staring at his closed office door. We hold on this image for a couple of beats. Burt suddenly speaks into the walkie-talkie. BURT (angry into walkie-talkie) is he?? Where the fuck

We hear a short garbled response from the walkie-talkie. What??


We hear another short garbled response. I dont understand a fucking thing... There is a sudden knock at the office door. Burt quickly gets up from his chair and opens the door. Its Bob. CUT TO: 6b. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) BOB Hey man... BURT (in a panic) Thank God, get in here... Burt ushers Bob into the office and shuts the door. I cant feel my face. BOB Thats not a good thing... BURT What are you talking about... fuck Im sorry man, here, sit down. Burt hastily cleans off a chair for Bob. Sit, sit... CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED ) BOB You alright? BURT Yeah, yeah I just cant feel my face. These walkie-talkies cost five hundred dollars and they work like shit. I didnt even get a deal on em, I paid full fucking price and theyre shit! BOB


Cells are better... BURT I know that... BOB And cheaper... BURT I know that now, but Im in the hole five hundred for these so Im gonna fuckin use em... BOB You playing around on me? BURT (taken back) What? BOB Youre already buzzing and its not from me... BURT (pause) Its left over from the other night. BOB (laughing) BURT No, no, no... its the other eight-ball I got off you while you were leaving... BOB (more serious) Bullshit. BURT No... BOB My stuff doesnt fuck up your face. Whatever youre on is cut with Novocain. BURT (pause, bewildered) I... ahhh...


BOB I dont cut with Novocain, youre lying. BURT (pause, confesses) It was too early to call you and a buddy of mine knows this dentist... BOB You got ripped-off by a dentist? BURT I didnt get ripped off... BOB (scolding him) Stay away from dentists!! If you cant feel your face, you got ripped off... BURT Yeah, but Im really high. BOB You just think your really high, half the shit you put up your nose is Novocain. A dentist will fuck you every time... BURT Novocain??? BOB Dentists use it to numb your gums, its a white power... BURT So what do I do? BOB Next time wait, Im always worth the wait. (pause) BURT Im waiting...

Bob pulls a bag from his jacket filled with pink powder and tosses it to Burt.


BOB Thatll set you back a grand. BURT Its pink... what do you mean a fucking grand?!? BOB You ever see pink coke before? BURT Pink coke?? BOB Ninety-seven percent pure Bolivian pink flake. BURT Is it dyed? BOB This is the shit the Bolivians hide away for themselves. The pink is some flower extract they cut into it. Its like... Magic Powder. BURT Magic Powder? BOB Yeah, thats what they call... do you want it or not? BURT Of course I want, magic powder... just I dont have that kind of cash on me right now... BOB (points to the safe) You got it in there. BURT Thats the bar floats. BOB


Lets be clear on something. Youre holding probably the best coke on the fucking planet that I can get maybe once in a lifetime and you dont want it? BURT You cant front me? BOB Front you??? That shits worth more than gold, you dont front gold. Give me a grand or Ill take it back. BURT Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck He opens the safe, takes out a cash-box, counts out a thousand dollars in fifties, then puts the cash box back in the safe. We see that Burt has forgotten to shut the safe door. (counting out the money) Seven-fifty, eight, eight fifty, nine, nine fifty, a grand. BOB Youre a good man... BURT (opening the bag) Lets try this shit. CUT TO: 6c. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) We see Burt dump the coke out onto his desk then proceeds to cut two huge lines. Burt and Bob snort the lines.

Burt grabs at his nose and face, Bob takes his bump in stride.


BOB I told you... BURT (hyperventilating) I cant... I cant...

BOB (calm) Breathe into your hands, take deep breathes into your hands. Burt cups his hands over his face and breathes deeply. BOB Youre cool, you just shocked your system, thats all. Its like snorting pure powdered Gorilla adrenaline We see Burt breathing deeply into his hands until he calms down. He looks up at Bob. CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) As Burt looks up at Bob we notice that the film has gone from black and white to a full, saturated color. From this point on, except for the black and white security camera cut-a-ways, the heightened color will continue to the end of the film. BURT (smiling like a mad man) Thats the best fucking bump Ive ever done In my life. BOB You deserve it...( laughing ) after what Gary did to you. BURT (cutting another couple of lines) Why dont you just talk about the Devil? Huh?? That guy almost killed me.. BOB What was that he sold you?


BURT (snorting another huge line) what it was..

You know

BOB (laughing) Rat poison. You did the whole fucking bag. BURT I didnt...(rubbing his face, reacting to the coke) Holy-fucking-moly!!! Man!! Its hard to get pink coke in lock-down... BOB Gary didnt just fuck over you, some of those guys didnt make it out of the infirmary. BURT (still rubbing his face) The thing is... the thing... the thing... BOB The what? BURT The thing is... Gary was a son-of-a-bitch that deserved everything that happened to him, even boiling tar wasnt enough for that bastard. BOB (rubbing his nose) Like Rasputin. BURT Who? BOB Some friend of a Russian Czar that you couldnt kill. BURT (pause) You know the tar made him catch fire, eh. Still wouldnt die, so they had to brain him with a shovel.


BOB (does another line) Thats exactly what hell must be like; having boiling tar dumped on you, catching fire and getting brained with a shovel for eternity.

BURT Not much worse than that... (snorts a huge line) still, the fucker deserved it. Piece of shit... BOB That caught on fire. Both men laugh hysterically. During the laughter, Bob picks up an elastic-band off the desk and forms it to the shape of a gun over his finger and suddenly points it at Burt. CUT TO: 6d. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Burt reacts as if a real gun was being pointed at him. BURT (flinching) What the fuck are you doing?? BOB (enjoying this) Youre scared of a fucking elastic? BURT (squirming and flinching) Stop pointing it at me!! BOB (still pointing elastic at Burt) Are you serious... BURT Stop it!! Stop pointing it at me, stop it!!!


BOB (still aiming)

What a little pussy... CUT TO:

6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) We see Bob un-cock the elastic from his finger and toss it to Burt. BOB(continued) Point it at me... BURT (greatly offended) Im not a pussy... BOB Aim the fucking thing at me... BURT Im not like that anymore... BOB Point it at me, right in my face. Burt hesitates for a moment then picks up the elastic, forms it to the shape of a gun and points it within inches of Bobs face. Bob shows no reaction. BURT (pointing elastic at Bob) See? Huh, its not fun is it... While Burt is pointing the elastic at him, Bob calmly lowers his head down and snorts a line. BOB (rubbing his nose, not reacting to the elastic ) What a pussy... BURT Im not... BOB Your fucking hand is shaking. BURT (noticeably shaking) Its the coke...


BOB My hand wasnt shaking. BURT Ill shoot you in the face... BOB (not afraid) Fire-away pussy. BURT Ill fucking do it! Bob reaches out to steady Burts hand then rests his forehead at the end of Burts finger. BOB Im right here at the end of your finger, fire-away. BURT Fuck, fuck... Im not afraid... BOB Pussys are always afraid. Burt un-cocks the elastic, tosses it to Bob then sits back in his chair confidently. BURT Point it at me. BOB OK. CUT TO: 6e. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Bob calmly cocks the elastic over his finger and points it within inches of Burts face. We hold on this image for a moment. Burt is now not flinching. Bob fires the elastic into Burts forehead point-blank. Burt reacts instantly, cupping his hands over his forehead. BURT


OWWWW, FUCK!!! CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) BOB Jesus Christ youre stupid. BURT (rubbing his forehead) fucking hurt!



BOB Same dumb bitch you were inside BURT You shoot me in the face with an elastic and Im supposed to pretend it doesnt hurt?? BOB Whyd you let me shoot you in the first place??? BURT I didnt let you... BOB You got shot didnt you? BURT I dont... BOB You had it pointed at me and that should have been it, game over, but you pussyedup, like the little bitch that you are, and gave me the elastic to shoot you. BURT I didnt know you were going to shoot me... BOB


Basically you shot yourself, I was just the trigger man. BURT (pause, in shock) BOB Dont blame me because you got shot in the face with your own gun. Bob cuts a large line of coke for himself. (snorts the line) You gave up your gun... BURT Im not the same guy. I changed, Ive accomplished something. From the two hundred grand my dad gave me I built this place into a million dollar business... BOB (laughing) If a pussy accomplishes something hes still a pussy... BURT Im not a pussy... BOB (matter of factly) a pussy... A pussy is a pussy is

BURT (trying to stay calm) I admit that I had a less than manly reputation, alright. I admit this, but you do what you gotta do to survive... BOB You did what you did to have a good time... BURT (calm, observing himself) right now... BOB Im so mad


It was a Roman holiday for you. I was inside three years before you ever got there, and I swear to Christ Ive never seen anyone pussy-up as fast as you... BURT Ok, ok...

BOB There was so much crying coming out of our cell that I wanted to give you a saucer of milk to calm you down... BURT (enraged) Thats ... (stands) I dont have to... BOB (mocking Burt) meow... Meow? Meow, meow, meow,

BURT Stop calling me a pussy!!!! Bob continues to meow during Burts outburst. There is a quick knock at the door. Carl opens the door and enters the scene. He is holding a punch-out time card. CARL Hey Burt, sorry to bother you guys, but I noticed when punching out that the punchout clock said it was yesterday instead of today, so it printed over yesterdays punch-out time. (uncomfortable pause) Oh, and it didnt add the hours from yesterday to today, so todays hours arent there, so I need you, if you dont mind, to write the hours on my time-card so things arent confusing for pay-day, if thats ok? (pause) BURT I dont know what time it is.


BOB (laughing) CARL I wasnt asking... I just need... BURT Who the fuck are you? CARL Im the new inside-guy. BURT Who?? CARL I work downstairs... inside... BURT What the fuck do you want? Im trying to have a moment here with my friend and you barge in here out of nowhere demanding me to do things for you?? CARL I asked... BURT I dont give a rats ass what... ahhh whatever. BOB Cut him a line. BURT (pause) Fuck Im sorry... (doesnt know his name) CARL Carl... BURT Carl. Its been a long night. Come here, do a line. CARL


That shit will keep me up Burt, so I think Ill pass. If you could just fix...

BURT You are gonna pass on ninety-seven percent pure Bolivian pink flake? I dont think so, get over here and just try this stuff. CARL (pause) Its pink. BURT Dont make me a pusher, kid. BOB Thats my job. Both men laugh. Carl gives into the pressure. CARL Fuck, ok. Just one. Burt cuts three lines of coke. You guys have quite the party happening here. I mean, Ive never seen pink coke before... BURT This is the stuff the Bolivians keep for themselves. CARL Yeah? (pause) gotta bolt. Ill just do this then I

BURT Fuck, whatever. Just enjoy yourself. CUT TO: 6f. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) As Carl bends down to snort the line, Burt stands behind him, quickly puts his fore-arm around Carls neck and


begins to choke him violently. After a short, violent struggle Carl goes limp. Burt holds him up briefly then throws his life-less body down to the floor. Burt stands over Carls body. CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) BURT ( continued ) Whos the pussy now Bob, me or him?


BOB (in shock) Well... ahhh, it appears to be him. BURT Youre goddamn right its him. (yelling at Carls body) Fuck you!! Im the boss, you dont demand anything from me!!! BOB Burt... Burt... that doesnt mean anything. I know fifty guys who could of taken that kid out. BURT What are you talking about??? He almost got away from me. BOB Thats what Im talking about. He almost got away from you and you got at least fifty pounds on him. BURT What are you saying? BOB Im saying that Im not too impressed. A guy like you needs bigger game, that was easy. If youre gonna spend the rest of your life in prison you might as well make it worth it. BURT


Im not going back to prison. Bob walks over and checks out Carls life-less body. BOB Oh... youre going back to prison. (pause) BURT What do I do? How do you feel right

BOB Make it worth it. now? BURT I... ahhhh... I... BOB Feel like a pussy? BURT Im not a pussy!!!

BOB Make it worth it! (calmly) I bet you cant take C.B. out. BURT Who? BOB Cue-Ball, the guy out front. BURT I can so take him... BOB I dont think so... Burt gets on the walkie-talkie right away. walkie-talkie. Speaking into

BURT Burt to Cue-Ball, Burt to Cue-Ball... We hear a garbled response from the walkie-talkie.


BURT(continued) Can you come up here for a moment... We hear a short garbled response. Burt bends down, does his line of coke then hands the bill to Bob. Bob snorts his line then points to Carls body. BOB C.B. might find that distracting. BURT (never thought of this) him? Where do I put

BOB Hide him behind the desk and throw something on top of him. CUT TO: 6g. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Burt bends down and begins to drag the body into frame. BURT Come-on and help me... BOB This is your fucking mess, you killed him, you drag him. Burt drags Carls body behind the desk then throws a coat over the body. There is a quick knock at the door. CueBall enters the scene. CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) We see a much different Cue-Ball than we did in the earlier scenes. Hes happy, positive and beaming, basically the drug that Bob gave him earlier has kicked in.


CUE-BALL (out of breath from running up the stairs but super hyper and happy) Im really glad you called me up here cause I just wanted to thank you for putting me outside cause once everyone leaves its really peaceful out there... oh, everything ok? BURT Yeah, everythings... CUE-BALL You should see the stars, Burt. This is probably the best birthday of my life, Im not fucking around here, it is. Im glad to have this job cause theres a lot of people out there that dont have anything. Im glad to be alive, you know? As long as youre breathing you got a chance to make a difference, to make the world better cause when you really look at it, the worlds a real fucked up place. I mean, who knows why anybody does anything, you know??? Were basically a bunch of smart monkeys trying to make our way through the forest, you know, at night... BOB A bunch of dumb monkeys. CUE-BALL (laughing) Youre right! Were stupid monkeys, even comparing us to monkeys is an insult to monkeys... BURT Cue-Ball... CUE-BALL You guys got to come downstairs and look at the stars... BURT Cue-Ball...


CUE-BALL Theyre fucking amazing! BURT Cue-Ball!!! CUE-BALL (pause) Burt. BURT Earlier, on the walkie-talkie, I was mean and un-owner like to you and I would like to apologize. CUE-BALL Fuck Burt, everyone has a bad day... BURT As peace offering to you... fuck... Ive known you... CUE-BALL Almost four years... BURT Almost four years... as a peace offering to you, as a friend, I would like you to join the little party Bob and I are having... CUE-BALL (noticing the pink coke) You guys snorting chalk? BURT Its coke. CUE-BALL Pink coke? BOB Best coke in the world BURT From Bolivia.


CUE-BALL Bolivian pink coke? BURT Yeah. CUE-BALL What a fucking score! I can have some??

BURT Ill cut you a nice slice. Burt cuts a giant line of coke for Cue-Ball. BOB (to Cue-Ball) I gave you? Howd you like that present

CUE-BALL Fucking awesome, I got to talk to you about getting more... Cue-Ball notices the size of the line that Burt has cut for him Jeeze, thats a fucking pencil!! BURT Pay-back for all your hard work. Burt hands Cue-Ball a rolled up bill. CUE-BALL (about to snort the line) Happy Birthday to me, oh, that little fuck disappeared. BURT Who? CUE-BALL The little shit you gave the inside-guy job to. BURT The kid?


CUE-BALL Yeah, the little puke. BURT Sent him home. CUE-BALL Fired im? BURT History. CUE-BALL Fucking justice. Cue-Ball bends down to snort the line. Burt stands behind him, wraps his forearms around Cue-Balls neck and tries to choke him, a massive struggle ensues. CUT TO: 6h. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) The fight stumbles in and out of security camera frame, ending out of frame. CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) We see close-up of Bobs face staring in disbelief. BOB Fuck me... Camera turns from Bob to reveal an exhausted Cue-ball standing over Burts dead body. CUE-BALL What the fuck just fucking happened? BOB (matter of factly) Listen to me. Burt just tried to kill you, you defended yourself and in doing so killed Burt.


CUE-BALL Self-defense? BOB Absolutely. CUE-BALL Why, why all this... BOB Because Burts a pussy He was a fucking nutcase... CUE-BALL A bomb waiting to go off. BOB That went off. Its not your problem. CUE-BALL Right, right... BOB Get out of here.. CUE-BALL (still in shock looking at Burts body) Sure BOB Get out of here!!! Cue-Ball quickly exits the office. CUT TO: 6i. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Bob alone. He cuts a large line of coke and snorts it then begins scrapping the remaining coke into a bag. He calmly begins to rummage through Burts desk and finds a Rolex and some change. He then walks out of security camera frame.


CUT TO: 6. ( CONTINUED, COLOR ) Bob kneels down to Burts body, begins rummaging through Burts clothes. He finds a wallet and pockets the money and credit cards. He steals Burts rings off his fingers and rips an ear-ring from Burts ear.Bob takes a moment to survey the room. He notices that the safe that Burt opened earlier in the scene was left open. Bob calmly walk over to the safe and proceeds to clean the cash out of it. Bob takes a moment to survey the room again. Confident there is nothing left to take, Bob walks out the office door. CUT TO: 7. INT: NIGHT-CLUB, EARLY MORNING, COLOR.

We cover Bob as he walks through the freshly cleaned night-club, heading towards the exit. CUT TO: 7b. ( BLACK AND WHITE SECURITY CAMERA ) Bob passes quickly through security camera frame. CUT TO: 8. EXT: BACK ALLEY, NIGHT-CLUB ENTRANCE, EARLY MORNING, COLOR. We cover Bob as he exits the club. He stops for a moment to take in the scene unfolding in front of him; Jack from the opening scene has re-appeared to seek payback against Cue-Ball. We see Jack repeatedly hitting an unconscious Cue-Ball with a baseball bat. JACK (to Cue-Ball as hes hitting him) You think Im some fuck to fuck with, fuck? Huh, fuck? Huh??? We stay on this scene for a moment. We pan to find that Bob has run down the alley towards Queen Street. We see Bob turn the corner and disappear. We slowly pan back to


Jack beating Cue-Ball. We hold on this image for a moment, then slowly pan up into the early morning sky. Hold for a beat on early morning sky. Run credit sequence with music. The end.

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