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Which of the believers are the most INTELLIGENT??

Compiled by Warda Tsurayyah Bint Mohamed Bin 'Alee As-Singafuriyyah Who is the most intelligent among the believers?

From the extremely intelligent people regarding Intelligence....

Which of the believers are the most intelligent? [1] On the authority of Ibn 'Umar (radhi-yallaahu 'anhumaa) who said: I was with the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) when a man from the Ansaar came up to the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and greeted him with the salaam and then said: "O Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) which of the believers are the best?" He replied:"Those who are best in character". Then he asked: "Which of the believers are the most intelligent?" He relpied:"Those who remember death the most, and those who are best prepared for what comes after it. These are the intelligent ones". Declared hasan by Shaykh al-Albaanee in Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah by virtue of all its different chains of narration. [2] It is reported that Sufyan b. Uyainah Allah have mercy on him said, The intelligent person is not one who merely knows what is good and what is bad. The intelligent person is one who, when he sees what is good, follows it, and when he sees evil, shuns it. Ab Nuaym, Hilyah Al-Awliya`, Vol. 4 p16. [3] The intelligent one is he who understands the ways of Allah, not him who has understood the ways of this world. - Wakee ibn al-Jarrah

[4] Imam Ahmed rahimu Allah related from Wahab ibn Munabbah rahimu Allah "It is written from the family of Dawood alayhi salam "An intelligent person should not be distracted on four occasions; when he is supplicating to his Lord, when he is auditing himself, when he is being informed by his friends about his shortcomings, and when he is alone with himself." Hilyatul Awliya', by Abu Nu'aym

[5] It is reported that Abdullah b. Al-Mubarak Allah have mercy on him said: It is right that an intelligent person does not undervalue three [types of people]: the scholars, the rulers, and [his Muslim] brothers. Whoever undervalues the scholars will lose his afterlife, whoever undervalues the rulers will lose his worldly life, and whoever undervalues his brothers loses his good character and conduct. Al-Dhahab, Siyar Alam Al-Nubala`17:251.

[6] Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisi said: "Know that not everyone is suitable to be your friend. You must verify that this potential friend has the neccessary characteristics that make friendship with him something to be desired. The one you seek to befriend must have five characteristics: He must be intelligent, as there is no good in befriending an idiot, as he will only harm you when he wants to benefit you. By intelligent, we mean one who understands things as they are, either on his own, or if they are explained to him; He must have good manners, and this is a must. One who is simply intelligent might be overcome by anger or desire, and obey his desire. Thus, there would be no benefit in befriending him; He must not be a fasiq, as such a person would not fear Allah, and whoever does not fear Allah cannot be trusted; He must not be an innovator, as his abundance of innovation is feared from befriending him; He should not be eager for the dunya." ['Mukhtasar Minhaj al-Qasidin'; p. 126-132]

[7] If a person is intelligent and pious His piety occupies him from the sins of others Just like the ill one is kept preoccupied From the sickness of others by his own sickness poetry from the Diwan of Imam al-Shafii (rahimahullah)

[8] Imam Abu Dawud himself has stated: From this book of mine(Sunan Abu Dawud) four (4) hadith are sufficient for an intelligent and insightful person. They are: Deeds are to be judged only by intentions.

Part of a man's good observance of Islam is that he leaves alone that which does not concern him. None of you can be a believer unless you love for your brother that which you love for yourself. The permitted (halal) is clear, and the forbidden (haram) is clear, between these two are doubtful matters. Whosoever abstains from these doubtful matters has saved his religion.

[9] Al-Imaam Abu Haatim Ibn Hibbaan Al-Bustee said in his book entitled Rawdat-ulUqalaa wa Nuzhat-ul-Fudalaa: Stated Ibn Hibbaan (d.354H) in Rawdatul-Uqalaa (p. 118), The obligation upon the intelligent person is that he abandons accompanying the ahmaq and associating and living with the nawkaa (stupid and foolish ones) meaning the hamqaa (idiots, imbeciles). Likewise, it is obligatory upon him to stick to accompanying the intelligent and clever ones, to be close with those who are astute and sensible. That is because even if you do not attain a portion of his intelligence, you will still be considered as being with him. And as for the ahmaq, even if you are not deemed as having his humq (stupidity), you will be disgraced by being close with him. [10] Ibn Hibbaan said: The tongue of the intelligent person is behind his heart so that when he wants to say something he consults his heart. If it is thought that he should speak he does so, but if not he remains silent. However, the ignorant persons heart is on the tip of his tongue so he speaks without thinking. And whoever does not guard his tongue does not understand his religion (Islaam). [11] Abu Hatim(ibn Hibbaan): intelligence is fortune, and with it, ghurbah (strangeness) is made pleasing to a person and it drives away poverty. Theres no wealth more virtuous than intellect and no-ones religion is complete until his intellect is complete. And truthful was he who said, The best that Allah has given to a person is his intellect, For there is nothing that can compare to it. If the Most Merciful completes for a person his intelligence, Then indeed his character and goals have been completed. A man only lives among people by his intellect And his knowledge only runs according to his intelligence

And among people, a man only increases in the wealth of his intelligence When in reality, from a lack of wealth he is suffering.

[12] Ibn Aamir: I said to Ataa ibn Abi Rabaah [1], O Abu Muhammad! Whats the best that a servant (of Allah) can be given? He said, intellect from Allah. [13] Abu Hatim: intelligence is the cure of the heart, the tool of the Mujtahidin (scholars), the seeds for the Hereafters harvest, the crown of the believer in this world and his preparation for any calamities,. Whoever lacks intellect, then gaining power in the land will never increase him in honour, nor will wealth ever raise him in status. Indeed, there is no intelligence in the one who is heedless of his Akhira (Hereafter) because of the delights he finds in his Dunya and just as the worst of illness is Jahl (ignorance), the worst of poverty is lack of intellect. [14] It was said to Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak: What is the best that man has been given? He said, The honour of intellect. It was said, And if he doesnt have that? He said, A good character, And if he doesnt have that? A righteous companion to give him advice. And if not that? Long periods of silence which he observes. And if not that? He said, Then a quick death! [15]Narrated from Dalaj: I heard Muawiya ibn Qura [2] say, Truly, there are people who perform Hajj and Umrah, they fight in the Way of Allah, pray and fast, but on the Day of Judgement, theyll only be given according to (the soundness of) their intellect. [16] Abu Hatim: The wise one never looks down upon or despises anyone; For whoever despises the ruler, he corrupts his worldly life, whoever despises the righteous, corrupts his Deen, whoever despises his brothers, his self-respect ceases and whoever despises the general masses, his protection dies away. [17] Abdul-Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Muqatili recited: Whoever possesses knowledge but has no wealth, Is like one possessing feet without any sandals. And whoever possesses wealth but has no intellect, Is like one possessing sandals but has no feet!

[18] Abu Hatim Ibn Hibban: The wise one never fights without preparation, nor does he argue without evidence, nor does he wrestle without strength, because its by wisdom and intellect that souls live (to their fullest) and hearts are lighted up. Its by intelligence that matters come to pass and this world is built up.

[19] It is also narrated from Muhammad ibn Abi Malik al-Ghazi that he said: I heard my father say, Sit in the company of the intelligent ones, be they your friends or your enemies for great minds only add to minds. (i.e. youll benefit from their wisdom and intelligence) [20] Abu Hatim: The intelligent person must never be deluded by this world and its dazzles, its beauty and splendors, such that he occupies himself with it as opposed to occupying himself with the eternal Hereafter and the everlasting delight (of Paradise). Rather, he should place the world where Allah has placed it because its end will no doubt perish. Its civilizations shall become ruins, its inhabitants shall die, its magnificence will depart and its greenery will be destroyed. There will remain no arrogant leader in command and no poor and humiliated one, except that the glass of death shall pass over them. Then they will depart to the dust where they will become worn out until they return to what they were in the beginning; ruins (i.e. dust). Then the Knower of the Unseen (Allah) shall inherit the earth and all that is upon it. Thus the intelligent one never places his reliance on a home of this description and he cannot find tranquility in a world like this for indeed what lies in store for him is that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and has never occurred to the human mind. So he holds back by abandoning this small and diminutive world and instead takes pleasure in that superior and abundant world. [21] It is obligatory for every intelligent person to always remain quiet until it becomes necessary for him to speak. Because how often it is that one regrets what he has said after he has said it, but how seldom it is that one regrets what he has said if he remained quiet. And the people who remain unhappy the longest and suffer the greatest trials are those who are afflicted with a loose tongue and a hard heart. (Page 45). [22] It is obligatory for the intelligent person to use his ears twice as much as he uses his mouth, and to realize that he was given two ears and only one mouth so that he might listen more than he speaks. That is because if he speaks he may regret what he said, but if he remains quiet then he will (have nothing to) regret. After all it is easier to take back what you have never said, however once a word has been spoken it owns its speaker but if it is never spoken it remains the property of the one who never spoke it. (Page 47). [23] The tongue of the intelligent person is behind his heart so that when he wants to say something he consults his heart. If it is thought that he should speak he does so, but if not he remains silent. However, the ignorant persons heart is on the tip of his tongue so he speaks without thinking. And whoever does not guard his tongue does not understand his religion (Islaam). (Page 49). [24] It is obligatory upon the intelligent person not to search for the faults of others, and to busy himself with trying to correct his own faults. Verily, he who busies himself with his own faults rather than the faults of others will have peace of body and mind. Every time he realizes one of his own faults, the similar faults of his brother have less importance to him. However, he who busies himself with the faults of others instead of his own, tires himself out, and his heart becomes blind (to his own faults), and he begins to make excuses for not correcting his own faults. (Page 131). [25] Spying is one of the branches of hypocrisy, and thinking the best (of others) is one of the branches of faith. The intelligent person thinks the best of his brothers, and is personally concerned about the grievances and sorrows of his brother. However the ignorant person assumes the worst about his brothers and is unconcerned about the grievances and sorrows of

his brother.( Page 133) [26]"The intelligent persons tongue is behind his heart: when he wants to speak, he first thinks. If [his words] will be in his favor, he says them, and if they will be against him, he does not speak. And the ignorant persons heart is behind his tongue: when he merely thinks of saying something, he says it, whether it is for or against him." This is a saying of Al-Hasan Al-Basr Allh have mercy on him. In Ab Bakr Al-Daynr, Al-Mujlasah wa Jawhir Al-Ilm article 2049. [27] Qatdah (rahimahullh) would say, Men are of three types: A man, half a man and no man. The man is the one from whose opinion and intelligence there is benefit. The half man is the one who questions the intelligent and practices according to their opinion. The no man is the one who has no intelligence nor opinion nor does he ask anyone else. [28] Wahb ibn Munabbih (rahimahullh) said, Whoever claims to be intelligent but his attention is not geared towards the Afterlife, then he is a liar. [29] : Wahb ibn Munabbih (Rahimahullah) said, Whoever claims to be intelligent but his attention is not geared towards the Afterlife, then he is a liar. ________________________________ References 1] Ataa ibn Aslam ibn Safwan ibn Abi Rabah, a Tabii from the major scholars (d. 114AH) 2] Muawiya ibn Qura al-Muzni al-Basri, a muhaddith from the Tabiin (d. 113AH) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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