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Virtual TimeClock

Administrator Quick Reference

Virtual TimeClock Network Edition

Your time clock program consists of a user status window and an administration window. The user status window is used by employees to start work, stop work, change activities, open their mailbox, or print their timecard. Employees can access their user status window via several different interfaces, like selecting their name from an in & out list, using a numeric PIN, an alphanumeric passcode, or an individual interface that creates a personal time clock. The administration window is used by managers and administrators to edit timecards, print reports, export payroll data, close payroll periods, and congure your time clock. The administration window is only available from the Pro Client.

Turning Administration On & Off

Administration can be turned on and off from the File menu.

Whats In This Quick Reference?

Administration Overview ...............................................................................................................3

Administrative Actions Editing Timecards (adding manual & leave entries, editing & deleting entries) .................3 Printing Timecards (running reports & editing report favorites) .........................................5 Exporting (exporting report & payroll data) ........................................................................5 Closing Periods (end-of-period procedures) ......................................................................6 Messaging (sending & receiving messages) .....................................................................6

Conguration Overview ................................................................................................................7

People Conguration Users (creating & importing users, making users inactive) ...............................................8 Schedules & Shifts (setting clock in & out restrictions, assigning shifts) ..........................9 Leave Awards (adding leave awards & categories, leave carryover) .............................10 Departments (creating & assigning departments) ..........................................................10 Overtime (assigning daily & weekly overtime rules) .......................................................11 Auto Time Deductions (creating & assigning time deduction rules) ...............................11

Groups Conguration Display Groups (changing interfaces, assigning user & manager access) .....................12 Activities (creating & making inactive) .............................................................................13 Out Memos (creating) ......................................................................................................13 Breaks & Lunches (setting break & lunch limits) .............................................................14 Report Writer (creating & customizing reports) ...............................................................14

System Conguration Payroll Period (payroll frequency & reopening periods) .................................................16 Time & Rounding (time source & rounding options) .......................................................16 Security (disabling passwords, viewing active administrators & managers) ..................17 Company & Registration (registration & license information) .........................................17 Program Logs (audit, backup, error & information logs) .................................................18

Data Conguration Database (viewing database details, troubleshooting & backing up) .............................18 Server Connection (viewing server & connection information) .......................................19

Assistance & Support Virtual TimeClock Help (introductory & annual support, pay per call & self help) ............20

Note: Program screenshots alternate between Mac and Windows editions of Virtual TimeClock 12. While your Virtual TimeClock software may look slightly different from a particular image, all controls and buttons are functionally the same.

Administrative Actions
The administration window consists of an administrative toolbar and an in & out list of users showing their current status. Each administrative action is discussed below.

Editing Timecards
Adding manual entries Sometimes youll need to record timecard entries manually, like to give a worker credit for time worked offsite or when they forget to clock in. Click Add Entries.

Manual entries are agged with an A on timecard reports.

Adding leave entries You can add leave entries for holidays, personal time, sick leave, vacation, or any leave category youve created. Click Add Leave.

Leave awards and categories can be added in the Congure window.

Editing & deleting entries Entries can be selected by worker for any date range. Once the selected entries have been displayed, you can modify or delete them. Click Edit Entries.

Modied entries are agged with an M on timecard reports.

Printing Timecards
Virtual TimeClock comes with built-in reports that allow you to print employee timecards by activity, department, leave category, shift, or worker. You can also print summary reports for management, accounting, or payroll entry. Click the Reports menu. Program reports User contact lists, telephone lists, and prole reports can also be printed from the Reports menu. Editing report favorites Reports that you run often can be added to the toolbar so theyre easy to nd and print. Click My Reports.

Timecard Detail is the default worker timecard.

Timecard reports can be customized in the Congure window.

Exporting reports Timecard reports can be exported to a text le for analysis or imported into your payroll program by clicking Export Reports. Click the Setup button in the Export window to change the le format and select what elds to export. Exporting payroll Employee hours can be imported into several popular payroll programs by clicking Export Payroll. Follow the payroll integration guides available from for help with setting up payroll integration.

Closing Periods
Closing the payroll period will automatically advance the current period to the next one based on your payroll frequency (how often you get paid). End-of-period procedures Most businesses follow these steps to close a payroll period: Review employee timecards Edit employee hours Process payroll Close payroll period Why closing payroll periods is important Virtual TimeClock will use the stored totals from a closed payroll period when running timecards rather than recalculating the totals again based on the current settings for each employee. This is important since wages, overtime, and time deduction rules may have changed. Click Close Period.

If youve never closed a payroll period, verify your payroll settings in the Congure window.

Messaging functions like a simple, self-contained email system. Workers can use messaging to notify managers of a missed punch time or request a day off. Managers can communicate directly with workers or broadcast notices of meetings or other company information. Click Messaging to open your mailbox.

The Congure window is where you set up and customize your time clock. Conguration settings are grouped in the categories shown below. People Use these settings to create and edit time clock users, create shifts & schedules, assign leave awards, create and assign departments, congure and assign overtime rules, and create and assign auto time deductions. Groups Use these settings to create and edit display groups, create activities, create out memos, congure breaks & lunches, and customize report options. System Use these settings to dene your payroll period, set time & rounding rules, congure global security settings, view your company registration information, and review program logs. Data Use these settings to view database and server connection information.

Virtual TimeClock users include employees who use the time clock to punch in and out, managers who need to monitor their worker's activities, and time clock administrators who have unlimited access to all time clock functions. Users can be added manually or imported.

Each user must have a rst and last name. All other information is optional and can be added anytime. Click the Notes tab to record things like safety training, wage history, and employee reviews.

Importing users Users can be imported from a CSV or QuickBooks IIF le. Click Add, then Import Users and follow the instructions for creating the import le. Groups Users must be assigned to at least one display group in order to clock in and out. Managers can be assigned to multiple display groups as both a display group user and a display group manager. Administrators only need to be assigned to a display group if theyll be keeping track of their time. Password When using the in & out board display group interface, new users will be prompted to create a password the rst time they select their name. When using the PIN or Passcode entry interfaces, the users rst password will have to be created for them. Making users inactive Making a user inactive will remove the employee from all display groups, but youll still be able to view their timecard history. Deleting the user will also delete their entire timecard history.

Schedules & Shifts

Shifts control when employees are allowed to clock in and out. Employees can clock in early as a courtesy before actually starting work or clock out after their shift ends. You can also prevent early clock ins and late clock outs within a user-dened grace period.

Setting up shifts Setting up shifts is a two-step process: First, create the new shift and dene your restrictions. Second, assign a shift to the user schedule for each day of the week.

All automatic clock outs record the stop time as the shift end time.

Each worker can have a different shift rule for each day of the week.

Leave Awards
Leave benets can be accrued as annual or calculated awards. There are several built-in leave reports available from the Reports menu. Adding leave awards Select a leave category and assign either an annual award or a calculated award based on hours worked. Leave carryover Leave balances can be carried over from a previous benet year and entered into the Carryover Hours eld for each leave category.

New leave categories can be added from the toolbar.

Run the Accrued and Used Leave report to nd out how much leave each user has remaining at the end of their benet year.

Departments allow users to be grouped by role, shift, or location so you can run reports for labor costing and productivity analysis. The department assigned to the user receives credit for all activities performed by that user. If your employees perform work for multiple departments, you may want to use activities to track their time instead.


You can set the rate of credit that is given for every hour worked. If no overtime rule is assigned to a worker, then all daily and weekly hours are calculated as regular hours worked.

Since you can assign a different overtime rule to each user, its easy to place employees on alternative work schedules.

The global overtime settings located on the toolbar are for non standard business practices and are not frequently changed.

Auto Time Deductions

Auto time deductions allow you to automatically deduct a break from employee timecards without requiring employees to clock out.

You can automatically deduct lunch breaks from your warehouse workers, but require others to clock in and out for lunch breaks.


Display Groups
Display groups allow you to set what program rules are in use for each time clock. This makes it easy to view and manage time clock users by department or location, especially when using networked time clocks. Benets of display groups Use display groups to: Limit what activities and out memos workers can select when recording time Control user and manager access to program features Choose what reports users and managers can view and print Set the default activity, out memo, and worker timecard for the group Change the time clock interface from an in & out board to PIN entry, Passcode entry, or individual time clock

Users and managers can be assigned to more than one display group.

TimeClock Users is the default program display group.

Group password Although a group password is not required for a client login, its a good idea to set one up if youre looking for additional security. With an individual interface, a user password is always required to login. Changing display groups You can log out from the current display by choosing Server Connection from the Congure menu in Pro Client and from the File menu in User Client. Once disconnected, you can select a different display group to login to.


All time clock entries are recorded with an activity, which allows employees to assign time to specic tasks, jobs, projects, functions, or locations. Activity status The activity status determines when an activity can be selected. Most activities should be available when clocking in but some activities should only be available when adding manual entries, like when giving a worker credit for travel time or offsite training.

New activities can be added on-the-y when starting work or changing activities.

Only paid activities are included in the total hours worked for each employee.

Out Memos
Out memos are temporary notes that are left when an employee stops working and are not included on employee timecards.

Users can create a one-time custom memo when stopping work, like Back by 3 PM.

The ability to create custom memos is a user action that needs to be enabled for the display group.


Breaks & Lunches

Going on break or taking a lunch automatically records a stop time for the existing activity. Choose a new activity or continue an existing one when returning. Setting break limits Since only paid breaks and lunches are included in the total hours worked for each employee, you can limit paid breaks and lunches until a maximum time threshold is reached.

Report Writer
The built-in Report Writer allows you to create, copy, and customize timecard reports.

If you have a default report that youve customized and wish to keep, change the report name before restoring default reports.


Selection & Sort Click the Selection & Sort button to choose what timecard entries are to be selected, and how they are to be grouped and sorted for each timecard report. Report Options Click the Report Options button to include subtotals, gross wages, leave and activity summaries, employee identication numbers, social security numbers, timecard notes, optional report columns, and signature lines.

You can customize your worker signature line by clicking the Signature Text button.

Font & Layout Click the Font & Layout button to change the page layout for each timecard report, including margins, font size, line spacing, font, and the orientation of the report. Restoring default reports You can restore the original settings of the default reports if they are lost through customization or accidentally deleted.


Payroll Period
The payroll period settings dene your payroll period frequency (how often you get paid) and allow you to set your current payroll period.

Reopening a closed payroll period If a payroll period is closed early, any new entries for the closed period are recorded but not totaled when timecards are printed. You also cant edit entries until the period is reopened.

Time & Rounding

These settings control where the time clock gets its time stamp and how start and stop times are rounded on timecards.

Start and stop times can be rounded to the nearest tenth (6 minute intervals) or quarter hour (15 minute intervals).


Password protecting administrative features will prevent employees from editing their own timecards, overriding shift restrictions, and buddy punching.

Users can change their passwords from the Actions menu of their User Status window.

Company & Registration

The registered company name and address will appear on the top of all reports. The name and address can only be changed with a valid license key.


Program Logs
Audit logs Use the audit logs to view modications to timecards, when manual entries are added, and when payroll periods are closed. Audit logs from all clients are available from the Virtual TimeClock Server Manager. Backup logs Backups are performed and scheduled from the Virtual TimeClock Server Manager. Error logs The error logs may help in determining the events surrounding an unexpected program termination or other uncharacteristic program behavior. Information logs The information logs record general program information.

Virtual TimeClock uses an embedded SQL database engine that manages your company data le which contains all user information, timecard entries, messages, and conguration settings. Troubleshooting If Virtual TimeClock begins to produce unexpected results, the rst thing to do is quit and restart the program. If that doesnt resolve the problem, shut down and restart the computer and then test the functionality of Virtual TimeClock again. If the above steps dont help, you can verify your database le is in good working order and reindex the database tables from the Virtual TimeClock Server Manager.


Backing up The built-in backup utility allows you to easily and quickly perform a one-time manual backup, or schedule daily or repeating backups. Backups are performed and scheduled from the Virtual TimeClock Server Manager.

Its important to periodically check the program logs to verify your backup is successful.

Dont store backup les on the same hard disk as your database or a single disaster can wipe out all your data.

Moving and restoring your time clock data You may need to restore your database from a backup le for a variety of reasons. The two most common are hardware failure and needing to move Virtual TimeClock Server to another computer.

Server Connection
This control panel allows you to view current server and connection information. You can also logout of your current display group.


Assistance & Support

Go to the Help menu and choose Technical Support Resources to contact a member of our technical support team. You can also reach us toll free at 1-888-207-0005. Introductory support You will automatically receive 30 days of introductory support with your new software license. Annual support Get the answers you need when you need them from our expert technical support team by enrolling your licenses in our Software Maintenance and Support program. Contact a member of our technical support team for enrollment details. Pay per call If you need technical assistance, you can purchase a one-time support incident to get the help you need. Contact a member of our technical support team for pricing and priority assistance. Self help A variety of self help options are available on our website. Go to the Help menu and choose Technical Support Resources to download training guides and documentation, view frequently asked questions, and search our current support blog.

Copyright 1986-2012 Redcort Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Virtual TimeClock and Virtual TimeClock Pro are registered trademarks of Redcort Software, Inc. All other names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders in the United States and other countries. Version 12.1.1# # # # # # # # Revised 04.23.12


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