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Categories of Periodicals.

The classification of periodicals for purpose of study is made by their origin,they are as follows; 1.Learned Societies, Academic Bodies:- The periodicals as a form of literature owes its origin to the learned society and since the earliest days such societies have been responsible for significant proportion of total . eg ; Journals of Physics,Chemistry. The main purpose of such periodicals is to furnish an opportunity for authors to publish the result of their investigations and perhaps the majority of titles in this group are research journals,but there are also number of secondary journals issued by the societies,frequently allongside a primary journal. 2.Governmental Bodies:-As the role played by government,both national and internation,in our lives increases,so does the volume of official publication particularly in science and technology,where vast sums of public money are currently being spent on research some of these publications are periodicals. eg: plant pathology(Ministry of Agriculture) World Health Organisation(WHO) 3.Independent Research Institutes:-A small but interesting group of periodicals emanates from research institutes that are basically of independent foundation.They may have been established with a particular subject orientatio or particular role to play. Example:-Polar record, Battle Memorial Institute, Columbas,Onio Indian Journal of Psychiatry,NIMHANS,Banglore. 4.Professional Bodies:- As a category bodies like the institute of chemistry much of their work (and the periodical they produce) is indistiguishable,Nevertheless,it is possible to consider them separately as disseminates of scientific and technological literature.In broad terms it can be said that the concern of the learned society is the promotion of its subjects.

Periodicals in this category can range from primary research journals and some are little more than news bulletins. Example: Mathematical gazette(Mathematical Association) Plastic and Polymers(Plastic Institute) 5.Commercial Publishers: Majority of periodicals in science and technology are produced as a business venture by commercial publishing house . Science they must make a profit to survive, the titles are understandable heavily concentrated at the applied,industrial and commercial,technical and trade end of the spectrum. Example: Paint Technology,Electrical and Radio Trading etc.. The commercial publishers periodicals are sub divided into; 1.Learned and research periodicals: This is very similar to the first categories of periodical i.e. learned socities, Academic bodies. Here considerable efforts will be made to ensure the standards and it is usual for each journal to have an editorial board of eminent scientists. Example: Journal of Molecular Biology. 2.Technical Journals: These are closely linked with the needs of industry. Their role is digest, interpret and comment as well as to inform to practicing chemist,working engineers etc.commonly they contain illustrated papers on new process equipment, products and materials.The fact that they are academic than research journals. 3.Trade journals: This kind of journals are particularly useful for market news(commodity and share price),and general trade announcements.A Large number of weekly bulletins are , Example: Wool Record, Machinery Market etc.. 5.Industrial and commercial firms: Large number of house journals issued primarily for advertising purposes by manufacturers and dealers and public corporations. Example: Educational Focus(Baush and Lomb Optical Camp),Laboratory(Fisher scientific Camp)like other forms of trade literature, however they often contain information value which may be

unobtainable elsewhere.

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