Maths Rubrics K-6

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MohmoieS - EorIy Sog 1

Early Stage 1
WhoIe Number NES1.1 Counts to 30, & orders, reads & represents numbers in the range of 0 to 20.

Number key ideas

Count Forwards to 30, from a given number

Limited Understanding
can count forwards to 10 from a given number Counts backwards from a given number range 0 to 5

Basic Understanding
Count Forwards to 20, from a given number

Sound Understanding
Count Forwards to 30, from a given number Counts backwards from a given number range 0 to 20 Compare, order, read and represent numbers to at Ieast 20
Reads and uses ordinaI numbers to at Ieast 10th .

High Understanding Understanding

Count Forwards Forwards to 50, from a a given number Counts backwards from from a given number number range 0 to 40 100 Compare, order, read and represent numbers to at Ieast 50
Reads and uses ordinaI numbers to to at Ieast 20th . Knows the vaIue of AustraIian coins. Takes part of a group away to modeI subtraction to 20 Compares groups to determine how many more up to 10 with no concrete materiaIs Can record


Count to 100, from given number Counts backwards a given range 0 to Compare, order, read and represent numbers to at Ieast 100
Reads and uses ordinaI numbers at Ieast 50th . Makes combinations of Takes part of a group away to modeI beyond 20 Compares groups to determine many more up 20 with no concrete Can record

Counts backwards from a given number range 0 to 20

Compare, order, read and represent numbers to at Ieast 20

Counts backwards from a given number range 0 to 10 Compares, orders, Compare, order, reads and read and represents numbers represent to 5 numbers to at Ieast 10
Reads and uses ordinaI numbers to at Ieast 3rd. Does not use the Ianguage of money at aII. Reads and uses ordinaI numbers to at Ieast 5th .

Read & use ordinaI names to at Ieast tenth

Use the Ianguage of money

Use the Ianguage of money with

teacher assistance

Use the Ianguage of money Combines groups to modeI

Takes part of a group away to modeI subtraction subtraction to 10 Compares groups to determine how how many more up to to 10 with concrete materiaIs materiaIs Can record

Addition & Subtraction NES1.2 Combines, separates & compares coIIections of objects, describes using many

Combine groups to modeI addition

Combines groups to modeI addition to 5 with teacher assistance. Takes part of a group away to modeI subtraction to 5 with teacher assistance. Can not compare groups to determine how many more. Can record addition and subtraction informaIIy up to 5 with teacher assistance.

Combines groups to modeI addition up to

10 with teacher assistance Takes part of a group away to modeI subtraction to 10 with teacher assistance. Compares groups to determine how many more up to 5 with concrete materiaIs. Can record addition and subtraction

Compare groups to determine how more'

Record addt'n & Subt'n informaIIy

MuItipIication & Division NES1.3 Groups, shares & counts coIIections of objects, describes using everyday Ianguage & records using informaI methods.

ModeI equaI groups or rows

Can not modeI equaI groups or rows.

Can modeI equaI groups or rows .with teacher assistance

Can modeI equaI groups or rows

Group & share coIIections of groups equaIIy

Can not group and share coIIections of groups equaIIy. Can not record grouping and sharing informaIIy.

Record grouping & sharing informaIIy

Fractions & DecimaIs NES1.4 Describes haIves, encountered in everyday contexts, as 2 equaI parts of an object.

Divide an object into 2 equaI parts

Can not divide an object into 2 equaI parts. Can not recognize and describe haIves.

Recognise & describe haIves

Can group and share coIIections of groups equaIIy with teacher assistance Can record grouping and sharing informaIIy with teacher assistance Can divide an object into 2 equaI parts. with teacher assistance Can recognize and describe haIves.with teacher assistance

Can group and share coIIections of groups equaIIy Can record grouping and sharing informaIIy

Can recognize equaI numbers even when arranged differentIy. Knows that the grouping of 2 x 3 is the same as 3 x 2. Can expIain and demonstrate how an answer was obtained. Can recognize haIves and beginning to recognize quarters. Can describe a coIIection as about a haIf, more than a haIf or Iess than a haIf.

Can Answer maths probIems using concrete materiaIs

Can make patterns of 2's 5's and 10's.

Can recognize the symboIs x -:- =

Can divide an object into 2 equaI parts. Can recognize and describe haIves.

Can divide into haIves and quarters. Can describe a coIIection as about a haIf, more than a haIf or Iess than a haIf. Uses the fractions 1/2 and 1/4.

Early Stage 1
PAES1.1 Recognises, describes, creates &

Patterns and Algebra key ideas

Recogniz e, describe, create and


Basi c




Can rareIy, describe , create and continue repeating patterns

Can usuaIIy recogniz e, describe , create and continue repeating patterns Can usuaIIy continue simpIe number patterns that increase or decrease

Can recognize, describe , create and continue repeating patterns

Can recognize, describe , create and continue more intricate repeating patterns Begins to use a number Iine for simpIe number patterns

Can recognize, describe, create and continue patterns that increase or decrease in Can number patterns on number

size that represent

Continue simpIe number patterns Can rareIy increase or decrease continue simpIe number simpIe number patterns that increase or decrease Can continue

a patterns that Iine. increase or decrease

Use the term is the same as' to = sign describe equaIi ty of groups the

Uses the term is the same as' to describe equaIi ty of 2 simpIe groups

Uses the term is the same as' to describe equaIi ty of 2 groups with teacher assistance

Uses the term is the same as' to descr ibe equaIi ty of 2 groups

Can make 2 equaI groups

Uses the to record equaIity of number

and record.


Data key ideas

DES1.1 Represents & interprets data displays made from objects & pictures. CoIIect Data about students and their environment

with teacher assistance

CoIIects Data about students and their environment. Can sort objects into groups accord ing to very easy to see charac teristics. Organises

CoIIects Data about students and their environment. Can sort objects into groups accord ing to characteristics with teacher assistance. Organises actuaI objects or pictures of objects into rows or coIumns with teacher assistance

CoIIects Data about students

Gathers data about

Gathers and records using taIIy marks.

data and their concre te environment. materiaIs and Can sort begins to use objects into taIIy marks to groups represe nt them. accord ing to charac teristics.

Organise actuaI objects or pictures of objects into data dispIays

Organises actuaI objects or pictures of objects into rows or coIumns

Organises rows or coIumns using informa tion from a taIIy sheet with teacher assistance.

Organises or coIumns using

rows actuaI objects or pictures of objects into informa tion taIIy

Interpret data dispIays made from objects and pictures

rows or coIumns when working in groups with teacher assistance Can not answer simpIe

from a sheet.

Interprets data dispIays made from objects and pictures

Interprets data dispIays made from objects and pictures.

Interprets bar graphs without objects and pictures with

Interprets graphs objects and pictures.

bar without questions about data

dispIays made from objects and pictures with teacher assistance.

with teacher assistance.

teacher assistance.

Measurement key ideas

Length MES1.1 Describes length & and distance using everyday language & the compares lengths using direct comparison.

Identify & descri be the attribute of Iength

Identifies & an obvious difference of Iength with teacher assistance

Identifies & describes an obvious difference of Iength

Identifies & describes Ionger and shorter.

Identifies and describes the Iength of an object using formaI units

Identifies describes Iength of an object using formaI units

Compa re Iengths directIy by pIacing objects side by side and aIigning ends Iengths

Compa res Iengths directIy by pIacing objects side by

Compa res Iengths directIy by pIacing objects side by side and aIigning ends of obviousIy different objects.

Compa res Compa res and Compa res and Iengths directIy orders 2 or orders 2 by pIacing more Iengths or objects side by distances using side and aIigning en ds informaI units of measu rement. or distances using units of

formaI side and aIigning ends of measu rement. obviousIy different objects with teacher assistance. Records compariso ns distances informaI Iy by
Area MES1.2 the Describes area using everyday language & m compares areas using direct comparison.

Record comparisons informaIIy Iengths

Record s compar isons informaIIy by drawing, tracing or cutting and pasting with teacher assistance. Can answer simpIe questions

Record s compar isons informaI Iy by drawing, tracing or cutting and pasting.

Records Iengths and distances using informaI units of measu rement

Records and using abbrev iation for metre.

drawing, tracing or cutting and pasting in smaII groups with teacher assistance. Can answer simpIe questions

Identify and describe the attribute of informa I area and

Identifies and describe the attribute of

Compa res the surfaces of 2 areas and

Uses units to measure

about which area area is bigger surface. or smaIIer with teacher assistance. With obviousIy different sizes.

about which area is bigger or smaIIer. With obviousIy different sizes.

area by covering the surface compIeteIy with smaIIer shapes.

answers questions on which is bigger or smaIIer.

record the of a

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Estimate the Iarger of 2 areas & compare using direct comparison

Can order 2 areas into bigger and smaIIer with teacher assistance.

Can order 2 areas into bigger and smaIIer.

Estimates the Iarger of 2 areas & compares using direct comparison .

Record comparisons informaIIy

Records compariso ns informaIIy as bigger or smaIIer with teacher assistance.

Records compariso ns informaIIy as bigger or smaIIer

Records compar isons informaIIy as smaII, bigger, biggest.

Volume & Capacity MES1.3 - Compares capacities of containers and the volumes of objects or substances using direct comparison.

Identify and describe the attributes of voIume & capacity

Begins to Can identify identify that V is that V is the the amount of amoun t of space an space an object object occupies and occupies and that C is the that C is the amount that an amount that an object can object can hoId with hoId with teacher teacher assistance and assistance and whiIe working whiIe working with concrete with concrete materiaIs materiaIs

Can identify that V is the amoun t of space an object occupies and that C is the amount that an object can hoId . Uses appropriate Ianguage eg fuII, haIf fuII, empty.

Demons trates Estimates, unders tanding compares and by using orders 2 or comparative more areas Ianguage to using informaI describe the units of difference measu rement. between 2 areas. Records areas Records the informaIIy and area of a makes their surface by own drawing or referrin g to the cutting and number or type pasting an area of units used that is bigger or Eg the area of smaIIer. the surface is 20 tiIes. Estimates V or Knows the C using formaI units appropriate that are used informa I units. for V and C

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Compa re the capac ities of 2 containers using direct comparison

Compa res the Compa res the capaci ties of 2 capaci ties of 2 containers containers using direct using direct comparison compar ison and uses simpIe and uses simpIe comparative comparative Ianguage. Eg Ianguage. Eg Iots, IittIe with Iots, IittIe teacher assistance. Compa res the Compa res the voIumes of 2 voIumes of 2 containers containers using direct using direct comparison compar ison and uses simpIe and uses simpIe comparative comparative Ianguage. Eg Ianguage. Eg big, smaII with big, smaII teacher assistance Uses simpIe drawings, to compare V & C with teacher assistance. Uses simpIe drawings, to compare V & C

Compa res the capaci ties of 2 containers using direct compar ison and uses comparative Ianguage.

Compa res the capaci ties of more than 2 containers using direct compar ison and uses comparative Ianguage

Uses informaI units to measu re and compare the capaci ties of 2 containers.

Compa re the voIumes of 2 objects using direct comparison

Compa res the voIumes of 2 objects using direct compar ison and uses comparative Ianguage.

Compa res and orders the voIumes of 2 or more objects by packing and stacking.

Uses informaI units to measu re and compare the voIume of 2 containers.

Record comparisons informaIIy

Uses drawings, numbers and or words to compare V & C

Records comparisons of 2 or more objects using simpIe informaI units.

Records measu rements of 2 or more objects by referrin g to the type and number of informa I units.

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Mass MES1.4 Compares the masses of 2 objects and describes mass using everyday language.

Identify and describe the attribute of mass

Compa re the masses of 2 objects by pushing, puIIing, or hefting or using an equaI arm baIance

Record comparisons informaIIy

Time MES1.5 Sequences events & uses everyday language to describe the duration of activities.

Describe the duration of events using everyday Ianguage

Sequence events in time

Identifies and Begins to use Uses terms such describe the terms such as as kiIo and attribute of kiIo and gram gram mass as the amoun t of matter in an object Identifies simpIe Identifies simpIe Compa res the BaIances an Compari ng masses by masses by masses of 2 equaI arm and orderi ng pushing, pushing, objects by baIance. masses then puIIing, or puIIing, or pushing, checking using hefting or using hefting or using puIIing, or a baIa nce. an equaI arm an equaI arm hefting or using baIance whiIe baIance an equaI arm working in baIance groups with teacher assistance. Records Records Records Begins to use Records mass compariso ns compariso ns compariso ns formaI units measu rements informaIIy using informaIIy using informaIIy using such as kiIo and using formaI drawings to drawings to drawings and gram. units such as record mass record mass words to record kiIo and gram. compariso ns compariso ns mass informaIIy in informaIIy. compariso ns groups with informaIIy. teacher assistance. Uses s terms to Uses simpIe Describes the Estimates and Uses informaI describ e day / terms to duration of measures the units to night/ describ e day / events using duration of an measu re and night/ everyday event compare the Lunch / dinner Ianguage Iong time duration of an Short time. event. Sequenc es 2 Sequen ces 2 Sequen ces 2 Sequen ces 3 Uses a time Iine events in time events in time events in time events in time to record 3 Day Day First First events in a day. Night with night next Next teacher After that assistance

Begins to use informaI Ianguage such as heavy, Iight.

Unders tands and uses informaI Ianguage such as heavy, Iight.

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recaIIs the

Name days of the week and seasons recaIIs the

Names, and orders days of the week with teacher assistance

Names, recaIIs and orders the days of the week


Names, recaIIs and orders the days of the week and seasons

Names, recaIIs and orders the days of the week, seasons and months

Names, and orders days of the week, and months. Can identify day and date on a caIendar TeIIs and records o cIock and 1/2 past time on digitaI & anaIog cIocks

TeII time on the hour on digitaI & anaIog TeIIs o cIock cIocks time on anaIog cIocks with teacher assistance

TeIIs o cIock time on anaIog cIocks

TeIIs o cIock time on digitaI & anaIog cIocks

Three Dimensional space SGES1.1 Manipulates, sorts & represents 3D objects & describes them using everyday language.

Space & Geometry key ideas

ManipuIa te & sort 3D objects in the Manipu Iates environment

3D objects in the environment


Describe features of 3D objects using 1 everyday Ianguage 3D

Descri bes feature of a object using

ManipuIates & sorts 3D objects in the environment with teacher suppor t Descri bes 1-2 features of a 3D object using everyday Ianguage

TeIIs o cIock time on digitaI & anaIog cIocks and begins to teII 1/2 past

ManipuIates & sorts 3D objects in the environment

Descri bes 3 features of 3D objects using everyday Ianguage Yes/No ManipuIates,

ManipuIa tes, sorts and cIassifies famiIiar 3D objects in the environment Descri bes 4 features of 3D objects using everyda y Ianguage

ManipuIa tes, sorts and cIassifies 3D objects in the environment Descri bes 5 features of objects using everyday Ianguage

Manipu Iates ManipuIa tes, sorts, cIassifies & describes 2D shapes with teacher suppor t ManipuIa tes, sorts, describes 2D shapes

Two dimensional space SGES1.2 Manipulates, sorts cIassifies & describes representations of 2D

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Identify & name circIes, squares, triangIes and rectangIes in pictures & the environment, & presented in differen t orientations

Identifies and names one shape in pictures and the environment

Identifies & names circIes, squares, triangIes and rectangIes in pictures & the environment, & presented in different orientations with teacher suppor t

Identifies & names circIes, squares, triangIes and rectangIes in pictures & the environment, & presented in different orientations

Identifies & names circIes, squares, triangIes, rectangIes and hexago ns in pictures & the environment, & presented in different orientations

Identifies & names circIes, squares, triangIes, rectangIes, rhombu ses and hexago ns in pictures & the environment, & presented in different orientations

Represen t 2D shapes using a variety of materiaIs Identify & draw straight and curved Iines
Position SGES1.3 Uses everyday language to describe position & give & follow simple directions.

Yes/No Yes/No Gives or foIIows simpIe directions with signific ant teacher suppor t Gives or foIIows simpIe directions with teacher suppor t Gives & foIIows simpIe directions Represe nt the position of objects using modeIs or with some teacher assistance Represe nt the position of objects using modeIs and drawings with teacher assistance

Give & foIIow simpIe directions

Use everyday Ianguage to describe position


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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Mid Stage 1
Whole Number NS1.1 Counts, orders reads & represents 2 and 3

Number key ideas Count Forwards & backwards by ones,

Limited Count forwards forwards by ones, twos backwards and fives 0-20

Basic Count and by ones twos and fives 0-20

Count forwards & backwards by tens, on and off the decade Count forwards forwards by tens on the backwards Read and represe nt two digit numbers with teacher assistance Count and Read, order and represe nt two digit numbers

Read, order & represent two & three digit numbers

Read & use the ordinaI names to at Ieas t thirty-first'

Read and use the ordinaI names to tenth

Sort, order & count money using face vaIue is

Recognis es some coin and note denominations

Read and use the ordinaI names to twentieth with some teacher assistance Begins to sort, order and count money using face vaIue. Recognis es some coin and note denominations

Sound Count forwards and backwards by ones, twos and fives beyond 20 using visuaI aides Count forwards and backwards by tens, on and off the decade using visuaI aides Read, order and represe nt two and three digit numbers with some teacher assistance Read and use the ordinaI names to thirtyfirst with teacher assistance Sort, order and count money using face vaIue with teacher assistance. Recognis es most coin and note

High Count forwards and backwards by ones, twos and fives independentIy

Outstanding Count forwards and backwards by ones, twos and fives from any given number to 100

Count forwards Count forwards and backwards and backwards by tens, on and by tens on and off the decade off the decade independentIy from any given number to 100 Read, order Read and and represe nt represen t two, two and three three and four digit numbers digit numbers independentIy with some teacher assistance Independen tIy Read and use read and use the ordinaI the ordinaI names beyond names to thirty- thirty-first with first teacher assistance Independen tIy Sort, order and sort, order and count money count money using face using face vaIue. vaIue. Determine Recognis es aII whether there coin and note denominations. enough money to buy a particuIar item

MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Addition and ModeI addition and subtraction using Subtraction NS1.2 concrete materiaIs Uses a range of mental strategies & informal recording methods for addition & subtraction involving 1 and 2 digit numbers.

DeveIop a range of mentaI strategies and informaI recording methods for addition & subtraction

Record number sentences using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words

Multiplication & Division NS1.3 - Uses a range of mental strategies & concrete materials for multiplication & division.

Rhythmic & skip count by ones, twos, fives & tens

DeveIop and describe a range of mentaI strategies and informaI recording methods for addition and subtraction Record number Record number Independen tIy Independen tIy Record number sentences using sentences using record number record number sentences and drawings drawings, sentences using sentences using aIgorithms numera Is and drawings, drawings, using drawings, symboIs with numera Is and numeraI s, numeraI s, teacher symboIs symboIs and symboIs and assistance words words Rhythmic and Rhythmic and Rhythmic and Independen tIy Independen tIy skip count by skip count by skip count by rhythmic and rhythmic and ones, twos and ones, twos and ones, twos, fives skip count by skip count by tens using tens and tens using ones, twos, fives ones, twos, visuaI some visuaI and tens fives, tens and aides aides threes
ModeI and use one strategy for muItipIication with teacher assistance ModeI and use one of the foIIowing strategies for muItipIication arrays, equaI groups, repeated addition ModeI and use a Iimited number of strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups and repeated addition IndependentIy modeI and use strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups and repeated addition Begins to use informaI written and mentaI strategies for muItipIication of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers

ModeI addition and subtraction to 10 using concre te materiaIs with teacher assistance Uses one mentaI strategy and informaI record ing method for addition

ModeI addition and subtraction to 10 using concrete materiaIs

Independen tIy modeI addition and subtraction to 20 using concre te materiaIs Uses a Iimited range of mentaI strategies and informaI record ing methods for addition and subtraction

Independen tIy modeI addition and subtraction beyond 20 using concrete materiaIs DeveIop a range of mentaI strategies and informaI recording methods for addition and subtraction

ModeI addition and subtraction to 100 using concrete materiaIs

Uses one mentaI strategy and informaI record ing method for addition and subtraction

ModeI & use strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups & repeated addition

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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

ModeI & use strategies for division incIudin g sharing, arrays & repeated subtraction ModeI and use one of the foIIowing strategies for division sharing, arrays with teacher assistance Record using either drawings or numeraIs and symboIs with teacher assistance ModeI and use one of the foIIowing strategies for division sharing, arrays ModeI and use a Iimited number of strategies for division incIuding sharing, arrays and repeated subtraction Record using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs and words with teacher assistance ModeI and describe a haIf or a quarter of a whoIe object using concrete materiaIs ModeI and use strategies for division incIuding sharing, arrays and repeated subtraction Begins to use informaI written and mentaI strategies for division incIuding sharing, arrays and repeated subtraction Independen tIy record using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs, words. Begin to use formaI aIgorithm ModeI and describe a haIf, quarter and eighth of a whoIe object with some teacher assistance
ModeI and describe a haIf, quarter and eighth of a coIIection of objects with some teacher assistance

Record using drawings, numera Is, symboIs & words

Record using drawings, numera Is and symboIs

Independen tIy record using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs and words

Fractions & Decimals ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of NS1.4 - Describes & a whoIe object models halves & quarters, of objects & collections, occurring in everyday situations.

ModeI a haIf of an object using concre te materiaIs with teacher assistance

ModeI and describe a haIf or a quarter of a whoIe object using concrete materiaIs with teacher assistance
ModeI and describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIection of objects using concrete materiaIs with teacher assistance

Independen tIy modeI and describe a haIf or a quarter of a whoIe object

ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIec tion of objects

ModeI a haIf of a coIIection of objects using concrete materiaIs with teacher assistance

ModeI and describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIection of objects using concrete materiaIs

IndependentIy modeI and describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIection of objects

Use fraction notation and

Uses fraction notation with teacher assistance

Uses fraction notation and with significant teacher assistance

Uses fraction notation and with some teacher assistance

Uses fraction notation and independentIy

Uses fraction notation with denomi nators 2, 4 and 8

Money concep ts are deveIoped in WhoIe Numbers

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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Mid Stage 1 Chance NS1.5 Outstanding
Recognises & describes the the element of chance in everyday events.

Number key ideas continued Recognise the eIement of chance in famiIiar daiIy activities

Limited UnabIe to recogn ise the eIement of to chance in the famiIiar daiIy activities

Basic Requir es teacher assistance recogn ise eIement of chance in famiIiar daiIy

Sound Sometimes recognises the eIement of chance in famiIiar daiIy activities

High ConsistentIy recogn ise the eIement of chance in famiIiar daiIy activities Recognise eIement of chance in famiIiar and unfamiIiar situations

Use famiIiar Ianguage to describe the eIement of chance Patterns & Algebra key ideas
PAS1.1 - Recognises, describes, creates & continues repeating patterns & number


Create, represen t & continue a variety

BuiId number reIationships by reIating addition & subtraction facts to at Ieast 20

Recognise describe and continue repeating patterns and a Iimited range of number patterns that increase by 1's or 2's using visuaI aides BuiId addition facts to 10 and begin to make whoIe number combinations with teacher assistance.

Make generaIizations about number reIationships

Use concrete materiaIs to make some number combinations to 10 with teacher

Recognise, describe and continue repeating patterns and number patterns that increase or decrease by 1's or 2's using visuaI aides BuiId addition facts to 10. ReIate addition and subtraction facts to 10 with teacher assistance. Begin to make whoIe number combinations Use concrete materiaIs to make some number combinations to 10

Use the equaIs sign to record equivaIent number reIationships

Recognise, describe,create and continue repeating patterns and number patterns that increase or decrease by 1's, 2's, or 10's BuiId addition facts to 20. ReIate addition and subtraction facts to 10. Make whoIe number combinations for individuaI numbers Make some whoIe number combinations for individuaI numbers to 20 and begin to make generaIizations: Eg-adding zero doesn't change the number

Create, represent Create, represent and continue a and continue a variety of number variety of number patterns and suppIy patterns and suppIy missing eIements. missing eIements. Increasing or Increasing or decreasing by 1's, decreasing by 1's, 2's, 5's or 10's 2's, 3's, 4's 5's, 10's and beyond BuiId addition facts BuiId addition facts to 20 and to 20 and beyond. reIate addition and ReIate addition subtraction facts to and subtraction 20. facts for numbers Make aII possibIe beyond 20. whoIe number combinations to 20 IndependentIymak e aII possibIe whoIe number combinations for numbers individuaI numbers to 20 and make Make aII possibIe whoIe number combinations for individuaI beyond 20 and make

Yes/No Eg ( 52 = 43 )

DS1.1 Gathers & organizes data, displays data using columns & picture graphs, & interprets the results. Independen tIy

Data key ideas Gather & record data using taIIy marks, words or symboIs DispIay the data using concrete materiaIs & pictoriaI representations DispIay data using concrete materiaIs with DispIay data using concrete materiaIs and


DispIay data using concrete materiaIs and

Independen tIy dispIay data using concrete dispIay data pictoriaI

in form teacher assistance pictoriaI pictoriaI materiaIs and represen tations represe ntations pictoriaI with significant with some represe ntations teacher teacher assistance assistance Yes/No

Use objects or pictures as symboIs to represen t other objects, using one-toone correspondence Interpret informa tion presented in Independen tIy picture graphs & coIumn graphs

Interpret informa tion presented in picture graphs with teacher assistance

Interpret informa tion presented in picture graphs

Interpret informa tion presented in picture graphs and coIumn graphs with some teacher assistance

Independen tIy interpret informa tion presented in picture graphs and coIumn graphs interpret informa tion presented in coIumn Begin to interpret data presented in a simpIe tabIe


Length MS1.1 Estimates, measures, compares & records lengths & distances using informal units, metres & gives

Measurement key ideas Use informaI units to estimate & measure Iength & distance by pIacing informaI units end-to-end without gaps or

Needs significant teacher assistance to seIect appropriate informaI units to estimate and measure Iength/distancean d to pIace them for accurate

Sometimes seIects appropriate informaI units to estimate and measure Iength and distance. Needs teacher assistance to correctIy pIace units to measure Iength and

ConsistentIy seIects appropriate informaI units to estimate and measure Iength and distances. Needs some teacher assistance to correctIy pIace units to measure Iength and

ConsistentIy seIects appropriate informaI units to estimate and measure Iengths and distances. CorrectIy pIaces units to measure Iength and distance AccurateIy.


reasonabIe estimates of distance and Iength. ConsistentIy appropriate informaI units to measure Iength and distance correctIy pIaces


and measuring.


distance accurateIy


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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Recognise the need for metres & centimeters, & use them to estimate & measu re Iength & distance
Needs significant teacher assistance to estimate and measure Iength and distance using metres and cm Needs teacher assistance to estimate and measure Iength and distance using metres and cm Describes the need for metres and cm. Needs some teacher assistance to accurateIy estimate and measure Iength and distance Describes the need for metres and cm. AccurateIy uses metres and cm to estimate and measure Iength and distance Describes the need for metres and cm and recognises the need for a smaIIer unit. AccurateIy measures distance using metres and cm

Record measuremen ts by referring to the number & type of informaI or formaI units used Mid Stage 1
Area MS1.2 Estimates, measures, compares & records areas using informal units.


Measurement key ideas continued Use appropria te informaI units to estimate & measure area



Sound Yes/No Compa re and order the area of 2-3 simiIar shapes with IittIe teacher assistance Yes/No



area of

Compa re the Compa re and area of 2 simiIar order the area shapes with of 2 simiIar teacher shapes with assistance some teacher assistance

Independen tIy Independen tIy compare and compare and order the area order the of 2 or more simiIar shapes of a variety different shapes

Volume & Capacity MS1.3 - Estimates, measures, compares & records volumes

Record measuremen ts by referring to the number & type of informaI units used Use appropria te informaI units to estimate & measure voIume & capacity Compa re & order the capacities of two or more containers & the voIumes of and two or more modeIs or objects Compa re the capacities voIumes of 2 simiIar shaped Compa re and order the capacities and voIumes of 2 simiIar shaped


Compa re and Independen tIy Independen tIy order the compare and compare and capacities and order the order the voIumes of 2-3 capacities and capaci ties simiIar shaped containers with IittIe teacher assistance voIumes of 2 or more simiIar shaped containers voIumes of variety of different shaped

and a

containers with some teacher assistance


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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Record measuremen ts by referring to the number & type of informaI units used
Mass MS1.4 Estimates, measures, compares & records the masses of 2 or more objects using informal units.


Estimate & measure the mass of an object using an equaI arm baIance & appropria te informaI units Compa re & order two or more objects according to mass Needs Needs some significant teacher teacher assistance to assistance to compare the compare the mass of 2 simiIar mass of 2 simiIar sized objects sized objects where the where the difference in difference in mass is obvious. mass is obvious. Uses the words Uses the words heavier, Iighter heavier, Iighter


Record measuremen ts by referring to the number and type of informaI units used
Time MS1.5 Compares the duration of events using informal methods & reads clocks on the half hour.

Compa res and orders the mass of 2-3 simiIar sized objects where the difference in mass is obvious with IittIe teacher assistance. Use the words heavier, heavies t, Iighter, Iightest Yes/No

Independen tIy compares and orders the mass of 2-3 objects where the difference in mass is not obvious. Uses appropriate terminoIogy

IndependentIy compares and orders the mass of more than 3 objects which may vary in size and shape and where the difference in mass is not obvious. Uses appropriate terminoIogy

Use informaI units to measure and compare the duration of events

Describes famiIiar activities as taking a short time or a Iong time to be compIeted Eg- brushing teeth

SeIects appropriate informaI repeated units to estimate and measu re the duration of an event with teacher assistance

Estimates and measu res the duration of an event using repeated informa I units with IittIe teacher assistance

Independen tIy uses repeated informaI units to measu re and compare the duration of events

Independen tIy uses repeated informaI units to measu re and compare the duration of events. Recognis es the need for formaI units to measu re time

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Name and order the months and seasons of the year Name some of the months and seasons of the year with teacher assistance Name most of Name and the months and order the seasons with months and teacher seasons of the assistance year with teacher assistance Independen tIy name and order the months and seasons of the year. RecaII the number of days in each month using visuaI days aides Identify the day and date on a caIendar TeII time on the hour and haIf-hour on digitaI and anaIog cIocks Yes/No TeII time on the TeII time on the TeII time on hour on an hour and haIf hour and anaIog cIock hour on an haIf-hour on anaIog cIock digitaI and anaIog cIock with some teacher assistance. Use the terms hour, minute and second Limited
Recognise 1-2 3D shapes and use everyday Ianguage to describe them

Independen tIy name and order the months and seasons. Name the months of season. RecaII the number of in each month


Mid Stage 1
Three Dimensional Space SGS1.1 Sorts, describes & represents 3D objects including cones, cylinders, spheres & prisms, & recognizes them in pictures & in the

Space & Geometry key ideas Name, describe, sort & modeI cones, cubes, cyIinder s, spheres & prisms

Basi c


Name and sort Name, sort and two 3D shapes with modeI at Ieast name, sort and IndependentIy teacher assistance. three 3D shapes. modeI cones, name, sort and Use everyday Use terms edges, spheres, prisms and modeI cones, Ianguage to faces and corners cyIinders. spheres, prisms, describe 3D shapes when describing 3D Use the terms cyIinders and shapes edges, faces and pyramids. corners when Describe 3D describing 3D shapes shapes using termsedges, faces and corners.

the Independen tIy Independen tIy teII time on the teII time on the hour and hour and haIfhaIf-hour on hour on digitaI digitaI and and anaIog anaIog cIock. cIock. Use the terms Begin to hour, minute discuss reIationship and second between second s, minutes and hours High IndependentIy Outstanding

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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Recognise 3D objects in pictures & the environment, & presented in different orientations
Recognise 1-2 3D objects in pictures & the environment with teacher assistance Recognises two 3D objects in pictures & the environment Recognise at Ieast three 3D objects in pictures & the environment & presented in different orientations with teacher assistance IndependentIy recognize four 3D objects in pictures & the environment & presented in different orientations IndependentIy recognize more than four 3D objects in pictures & the environment & presented in different orientations.

Recognise that 3D objects Iook different from different views

Two Dimensional Identify, name, compare & represent Space SGS1.2 hexagon s, rhombuses and trapeziums Manipulates, sorts, presented in different orientations represents, describes & explores various 2 D shapes.


Identify and name some 2D shapes with teacher assistance

Identify and name some 2D shapes

Identify, name, compare and represent hexago ns, rhombu ses and trapeziu ms

Independen tIy identify, name, compare & represent hexago ns, rhombu ses and trapeziums in different orientations

Make tesseIIa ting designs using fIips, sIides & turns

Identify tesseIIating shapes with teacher assistance

Identify tesseIIating shapes

Make tesseIIating shapes using fIips, sIides and turns with some teacher assistance

Make tesseIIating designs using fIips, sIides and turns

Independen tIy identify, name, compare and represent hexago ns, rhombu ses and trapeziums in different orientations. Identify and name pentagons and octagons Independen tIy make tesseIIating designs using fIips, sIides and turns. Experiment with refIecting, transIating or rotating shapes to make tesseIIating designs.

Identify a Iine of symmetry


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MohmoieS - Mid Sog 1 (Yor 1)

Identify & name paraIIeI, verticaI & horizontaI Iines Identify paraIIeI, Identify paraIIeI, verticaI or verticaI or horizontaI Iines horizontaI Iines with teacher assistance Identify & name paraIIeI, verticaI & horizontaI Iines with teacher assistance Yes/No Independen tIy identify & name paraIIeI, verticaI & horizontaI Iines

Identify corners as angIes

Compa re angIes by pIacing one angIe on top of another

Position SGS1.3 Represents the position of objects using models & drawings & describes using everyday language.


Represen t the position of objects using modeIs & drawings

Represe nt the position of objects using modeIs or drawings with significant teacher assistance

Represe nt the position of objects using modeIs or with some teacher assistance

Represe nt the position of objects using modeIs and drawings with teacher assistance

Independen tIy represent the position of objects using modeIs and drawings

Independen tIy represent the position of objects using modeIs and drawings. Begin to use simpIe maps and grids to represent position with teacher assistance

Describe the position of objects using everyd ay Ianguag e, incIuding Ieft' & right'


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Mo hmoieS - L or Sog 1 (Yor Z)

Later Stage 1
Whole Number NS1.1 Counts, orders reads & represents 2 and 3

Number key ideas Count Forwards & backwards by ones,

Count forwards & backwards by tens, on and off the decade and

given Read, order & represent two & 1000 three digit numbers

Limited Counts forwards & backwards by ones & twos with teacher assistance. independentIy. Count forwards & backwards by tens on the decade with teacher assistance. Read, order & represe nt two

Basi c Sound Counts Counts forwards & forwards & backwards by backwards by ones, twos & ones, twos & fives with visuaI fives aides. Count forwards & backwards by tens, on and off the decade with visuaI aides. Read, order & represe nt two & three digit numbers with teacher Count forwards & backwards by tens, on and off the decade independentIy. Read, order & represe nt two & three digit numbers independentIy.

High Counts forwards & backwards by ones, twos & fives from any given number to 100. Count forwards & backwards by tens, on and off the decade from any given number to 100. Read, order & represen t two, & three digit numbers independentIy and 4 digit numbers with teacher assistance. Read & use the ordinaI names beyond 'thirtyfirst' with some assistance.

Outstanding Counts forwards & backwards by ones, twos & fives from any given number up to 1000. Count forwards & backwards by tens, on off the decade from any number to Read, order & represen t two, three & four digit numbers independentIy.

Read & use the ordinaI names to at Ieas t thirty-first'

thirtySort, order & count money using face vaIue

Read & use the Read & use the ordinaI names ordinaI names to at Ieast to at Ieast twentieth' with thirty-firs t' with teacher teacher assistance. assistance. Recognis es Sort, order & most coin and count money note using face denominations, vaIue with and is teacher beginning to assistance. Sort, order & count money using face

Read & use the ordinaI names to at Ieast thirty-firs t'

Read & use ordinaI names beyon d first' independentIy. Sort, order & count money using face vaIue, and find correct change when buying particuIar item.

Sort, order & count money using face vaIue independentIy.

Sort, order & count money using face vaIue, and determine whether there is enough money to buy a

particuIar item.

Mo hmoieS - L or Sog 1 (Yor Z)

Addition and ModeI addition and subtraction using Subtraction NS1.2 concrete materiaIs Uses a range of mental strategies & informal recording methods for addition & subtraction involving 1 and 2 digit numbers.

ModeI addition and subtraction using concrete materiaIs with numbers to 10. Uses one mentaI strategy and informaI record ing method for addition & subtraction.

ModeI addition and subtraction using concrete materiaIs with numbers to 20. Uses a Iimited range of mentaI strategies and informaI record ing methods for addition & subtraction.

DeveIop a range of mentaI strategies and informaI recording methods for addition & subtraction

ModeI addition and subtraction using concrete materiaIs with numbers beyond 20. DeveIops a range of mentaI strategies and informaI record ing methods for addition & subtraction.

ModeI addition and subtraction using concrete materiaIs with numbers to 100. DeveIops and describes a range of mentaI strategies and informaI recording methods for addition & subtraction

ModeI addition and subtraction with trading, with numbers to 100. DeveIops a range of mentaI strategies and informaI recording methods for addition & subtraction, and adapts them to other mathematicaI areas. Eg, fractions. Record number sentences and aIgorithms using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words independentIy. Rhythmic & skip count by ones, twos, fives, tens and threes, and appIies skip counting to muItipIication and addition probIems.

Record number sentences using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words

Record number sentences using drawings, numera Is and symboIs with teacher assistance.

Multiplication & Division NS1.3 - Uses a range of mental strategies & concrete materials for multiplication & division.

Rhythmic & skip count by ones, twos, fives & tens

Record number sentences and aIgorithms using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words with some teacher assistance. Rhythmic & skip Rhythmic & skip Rhythmic & skip Rhythmic & skip count by ones, count by ones, count by ones, count by ones, twos & tens. twos, fives & twos, fives & twos, fives, tens tens with some tens & threes teacher independentIy. independentIy. assistance.

Record number sentences using drawings, numera Is and symboIs independentIy.

Record number sentences using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words independentIy.

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Mo hmoieS - L or Sog 1 (Yor Z)

ModeI & use strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups & repeated addition ModeI and use one of the foIIowing strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups & repeated addition. ModeI & use one of the foIIowing strategies for division incIuding sharing, arrays or repeated subtraction with teacher assistance. Record using either drawings, numeraI s, symboIs or words with teacher assistance. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a whoIe object using concrete materiaIs and/or teacher assistance. ModeI & use a Iimited number of strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups & repeated addition. ModeI & use a Iimited number of strategies for division incIuding sharing, arrays & repeated subtraction. ModeI & use strategies for muItipIication incIuding arrays, equaI groups & repeated addition independentIy. ModeI & use strategies for division incIuding sharing, arrays & repeated subtraction independentIy. Begins to use informaI written and mentaI strategies for muItipIication of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. Uses informaI written and mentaI strategies for muItipIication of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers.

ModeI & use strategies for division incIudin g sharing, arrays & repeated subtraction

Record using drawings, numera Is, symboIs & words

Fractions & Decimals ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of NS1.4 - Describes & a whoIe object models halves & quarters, of objects & collections, occurring in everyday situations.

Record using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words with teacher assistance. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a whoIe object using concrete materiaIs.

Record using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words independentIy. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a whoIe object independentIy.

Begins to use informaI written and mentaI strategies for division and modeIs and uses sharing, arrays & repeated subtraction independentIy. Record using drawings, numeraI s, symboIs & words and formaI aIgorithm. ModeI & describe a haIf or, a quarter of and eighths of a whoIe object with some teacher assistance.

Uses informaI written and mentaI strategies for division and modeIs and uses sharing, arrays & repeated subtraction independentIy. Record using formaI aIgorithm.

ModeI & describe a haIf or, a quarter of and eighths of a whoIe object independentIy.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Mo hmoieS - L or Sog 1 (Yor Z)

ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIec tion of objects ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIection of objects using concre te materiaIs and/or teacher assistance. Use fraction notation and with significant teacher assistance. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIection of objects using concrete materiaIs. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter of a coIIection of objects independentIy. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter or eighths of a coIIection of objects with some teacher assistance. Uses fraction notation with denomi nators 2, 4 and 8. ModeI & describe a haIf or a quarter or eighths of a coIIection of objects independentIy

Use fraction notation and

Use fraction notation and with some teacher assistance.

Use fraction notation and independentIy.

Uses fraction notation with denomi nators 2, 4, 8 and 10.

Money concepts are deveIoped in WhoIe Numbers Later Stage 1

Chance NS1.5 Recognises & describes the element of chance in everyday events.

Number key ideas continued Recognise the eIement of chance in famiIiar daiIy activities

Limited Is beginning to recogn ise the eIement of chance in famiIiar daiIy activities with teacher assistance.

Basi c Sound Recognis es the ConsistentIy eIement of recognises the chance in eIement of famiIiar daiIy chance in activities with famiIiar daiIy teacher activities. assistance. Yes/No

High Recognises the element of chance in most familiar and unfamilia r

Outstanding ConsistentIy recognises the eIement of chance in famiIiar and unfamiIiar

Use famiIiar Ianguage to describe the eIement of chance Patterns & Algebra key ideas Create, represen t & continue a variety of number patterns & suppIy missing
Recognise, describe, create and continue repeating patterns and number patterns that increase or decrease by 1's, 2's, or 10's with teacher assistance. Recognise, describe, create and continue repeating patterns

PAS1.1 - Recognises, describes, creates & continues repeating patterns patterns & number

Recognise, Recognise, Recognise, describe, create describe, create describe, create and continue and continue and continue repeating patterns repeating patterns repeating and number patterns that increase or decrease by 1's, and number patterns that increase or decrease by number.

and number and number patterns that patterns that increase or increase or decrease by 1's, 2's decrease by 1's, or 10's 2's, 5's or 10's .

any 2's, 3's, 5's or 1 0's.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Mo hmoieS - L or Sog 1 (Yor Z)

BuiId number reIationships by reIating number addition & subtraction facts to at Ieast by 20 BuiId reIationships reIating addition & subtraction facts to at 10. Make generaIizations about number reIationships Make some whoIe number combin ations for individuaI numbers to 10 and begin to make generaIis ations Eg-adding zero does n't change the number with teacher assistance. Use the equaIs sign to record equivaIent number reIationships Data key ideas Gather & record data using taIIy marks reIating addition & subtraction facts to at Ieast 20 with teacher assistance. Make some whoIe number combin ations for individuaI numbers to 20 and begin to make generaIis ations: Eg-adding zero does n't change the number reIationships by reIating addition & subtraction reIating reIating addition & addition & subtraction subtraction facts to at Ieast facts to at 100. Independen tIy make aII possibIe whoIe number combin ations for individuaI number to and make BuiId number reIationships by Independen tIy BuiId number BuiId number BuiId number reIationships by reIationships


Ieast Ieast

facts to at Ieast 50. 20. Make some Independen tIy whoIe number make aII combin ations possibIe whoIe for individuaI number numbers to 20 combin ations and make for individuaI generaIis ations: number to 50 Eg-adding zero does n't change the number and make generaIiz ations: Eg-adding zero does n't change the number

100 : generaIiz ations:

Eg-adding zero does n't change the number


DS1.1 Gathers & organizes data, displays data using columns & picture graphs, &

Gathers data using taIIy

Gathers and records data using taIIy marks with teacher assistance.

Independen tIy gathers and records data using taIIy marks.

Independen tIy gathers and records data using taIIy marks, and begins to anaIyse the data.

Independen tIy gathers and records data using taIIy marks, data and transfers informa tion into graph form.


DispIay the data using concrete materiaIs & pictoriaI representations


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Mo hmoieS - L or Sog 1 (Yor Z)

Use objects or pictures as symboIs to Yes/No represen t other objects, using one-toone correspondence Interpret informa tion presented in Yes/No picture graphs & coIumn graphs Measurement key ideas Use informaI units to estimate & measure Yes/No Iength & distance by pIacing informaI units end-to-end without gaps or overIaps Recognise the need for metres & Uses cm or m Independen tIy Independen tIy centimeters, & use them to estimate & to estimate & uses cm or m to uses cm and m measu re Iength & distance measu re Iength estimate & to estimate & & distance with measu re Iength measu re Iength teacher & distance. assistance.

Length MS1.1 Estimates, measures, compares & records lengths & distances using informal units, metres & centimetres.

Independen tIy uses cm and m m to estimate, measu re and compare Iength & distance.

Independen tIy uses cm and to estimate, measu re, sort, order and compare Iength & distance.

Record measuremen ts by referring to the number & type of informaI or formaI units used


Later Stage 1
Area MS1.2 Estimates, measures, compares & records

Measurement key ideas continued Use appropria te informaI units to estimate & measure area Compa re & order two or more areas



Sound Yes/No Independen tIy compare and order two or more areas. Independen tIy Independen tIy compar e, order compar e, order and sort two or and sort two more areas. more areas using formaI units.


Compa res and orders two areas with teacher assistance.

Compa res and orders two areas.

Record measurements by referring to the number & type of informaI units used

Yes/ No

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Volume & Capacity MS1.3 - Estimates, measures, compares & records volumes & capacities using informal units.

Use appropria te informaI units to estimate & measure voIume & capacity Compa re & order the capacities of two or more containers & the voIumes of two or more modeIs or objects Compa re & order the capaci ties of two containers & the voIumes of two modeIs or objects with teacher assistance. Compa re & order the capaci ties of two containers & the voIumes of two modeIs or objects.

Yes/ No

Record measuremen ts by referring to the number & type of informaI units used
Mass MS1.4 Estimates, measures, compares & records the masses of 2 or more objects using informal units.

Independen tIy compare & order the capaci ties of three containers & the voIumes of three modeIs or objects Yes/No

Independen tIy compare & order the capaci ties of four containers & the voIumes of four modeIs or objects

Independen tIy compare & order the capaci ties of five containers & the voIumes of five modeIs or objects

Estimate & measure the mass of an object using an equaI arm baIance & appropria te informaI units Compa re & order two or more objects according to mass Compa re & order two objects according to mass with teacher assistance. Compa re & order two objects according to mass


Compa re & order three objects according to mass

Compa re & order four objects according to mass

Compa re & order five objects accord ing to mass

Record measuremen ts by referring to the number and type of informaI units used
Time MS1.5 Compares the duration of events using informal methods & reads clocks on the half hour.


Use informaI units to measure and compare the duration of events Name and order the months and seasons of the year Identify the day and date on a caIendar TeII time on the hour and haIf-hour on digitaI and anaIog cIocks TeII time on the hour on digitaI and anaIog cIocks with teacher assistance. TeII time on the hour on digitaI and anaIog cIocks

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Independen tIy teII time on the hour and haIfhour on digitaI and anaIog cIocks TeII time on the hour, haIf-hou r, quarter to and quarter past on digitaI and anaIog cIocks. TeII time to the minute on digitaI and anaIog cIocks.

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Later Stage 1
Three Dimensional Space SGS1.1 Independen tIy Sorts, describes & represents 3D objects including cones, cylinders, sort, spheres & prisms, & recognizes them in modeI pictures & in the environment.

Limited Name, sort & modeI cones, cubes, cyIinders , spheres & prisms with significant teacher assistance.

Basi c Independen tIy name, sort & modeI cones, cubes , cyIinders , spheres & prisms.

Sound Independen tIy name, describe, sort & modeI cones, cubes, cyIinder s, spheres & prisms. Yes/No

High Independen tIy name, describe, sort, modeI & sketch cones, cubes, cyIinder s, spheres & prisms.


name, describe, sketch & cones, cubes, cyIinder s, spheres, & pyramids.


Independen tIy name,

Two Dimensional Space SGS1.2 Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes & explores various 2 D


Identify, name & compare hexago ns, rhombu ses and trapeziu ms presented in different orientations

Identify, name & compare hexago ns, rhombu ses and trapeziu ms presented in different orientations

Independen tIy identify, name,

Independen tIy identify, name, identify,

compare & compare & compare & represent represent represent hexago ns, hexago ns, hexago ns, rhombu ses and rhombu ses, rhombu ses, trapeziu ms trapeziums & trapezium s, presented in paraIIeIograms different orientations presented in different orientations pentagons & octagons presented in different orientations

paraIIeIograms, fIips,

Make tesseIIa ting designs using sIides & turns Identify a Iine of symmetry Yes/No Identify & name paraIIeI, verticaI with teacher assistance.

& horizontaI Iines Yes/No

Space & Geometry key ideas Name, describe, sort & modeI cones, cubes, cyIinder s, sphere s & prisms


Recognise 3D objects in pictures & the environment, & presented in different orientations Recognise that 3D objects Iook different from different views Identify, name, compare & represent hexagon s, rhombuses and trapeziums

Identify corners as angIes


Compa re angIes by pIacing one angIe on top of another

Position SGS1.3 Represents the position of objects using models & drawings & describes using everyday language.


Represen t the position of objects using modeIs & drawings Describe the position of objects using everyd ay Ianguag e, incIuding Ieft' & right'



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Mo h moieS - EorIy Sog Z (Yor 3)

Early Stage 2
Whole Number NS2.1 Counts, orders, reads & records numbers up to 4 digits.

Number key ideas

Count Forwards & backwards by tens or

Counts forwards & backwards by tens and hundreds, on the decade, with assistance Reads, orders and represents two and three digit numbers with teacher assistance

Basi c
Counts forwards & backwards by tens and hundreds, on and off the decade, to 100




Counts forwards Counts forwards & backwards by & backwards by tens and tens or hundreds, hundreds, on on and off the and off the decade, decade, to 1000 independentIy

Use pIace vaIue to read, represent & order numbers up to four digits

Reads, orders & Reads, orders represents two, and represents three and four two & three digit digit numbers numbers, and with teacher four digits with assistance some assistance

Counts forwards & backwards by tens, hundreds and thousands, on and off the decade, independentIy Uses pIace vaIue Uses pIace vaIue to read, to read, represent & order represent & number up to order four digits number up to independentIy five digits

Money concepts are deveIoped further in Fractions & DecimaIs

Addition and to Subtraction NS2.2 most - Uses mental & written strategies for addition & subtraction

Use a range of mentaI strategies for addition Uses one mentaI & subtraction invoIving two, three & four digit strategy onIy for numbers addition and subtraction of two digit numbers with

ExpIain and record methods for adding & subtracting formaI

ExpIains and records simpIe sums using concrete materiaIs with assistance

addends, on

Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction

ReIies whoIIy teacher assistance to written for two or more digits

use aIgorithm aIgorithm

Uses one mentaI strategy for addition and subtraction with some assistance (or two strategies for either add or subtract onIy) for two digit number ExpIains and records informaI methods for adding and subtracting one & two digit numbers with some assistance Uses formaI written aIgorithm

Uses two or three mentaI strategies for addition & subtraction independentIy for two and three digit numbers

Uses a range of mentaI strategies for addition & subtraction invoIving two, three, and four digit numbers independentIy Sound expIains and records one formaI method for adding and subtracting independentIy Uses a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction independentIy with trading to three digits

High abIe seIect the appropriate strategy for a variety of probIems

ExpIains and records informaI methods for adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers independentIy Uses written aIgorithm for addition with trading; teacher assistance for subtraction with trading to three digits

ExpIains and records 2 methods for addition and subtraction (equaI decomposition) Uses a formaI written for addition & subtraction independentIy with trading to three or more digits

Multiplication & Division DeveIop mentaI faciIity for number facts up NS2.3 - Uses mental & to 10 x 10 written strategies for multiplication & division.

RecaIIs number Limited 2x facts for up to 0x, and 5x tabIes 1x and 10x tabIes

Basic 3x, 4x and 6x tabIes

Demonstrates mentaI faciIity for aII number facts up to 10 x 10 independentIy

Demonstrates mentaI faciIity for number facts beyond 10 x 10

Find muItipIes & squares of numbers Interpret remainders in division probIems Determine factors for a given number Use mentaI and informaI written strategies for muItipIying or dividing a two digit number by a one digit operator

YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO ModeIs and uses most Stage 1 strategies for muItipIying and dividing (arrays, equaI groups, repeated addition, sharing, repeated subtraction) ModeIs & describes a haIf or, a quarter of and eighths of a whoIe object with some teacher assistance. ModeIs & describes a haIf or a quarter or eighths of a coIIection of objects with some teacher assistance. YES / NO ModeIs and uses Stage 1 strategies for muItipIying and dividing independentIy. Beginning to use mentaI and informaI strategies. ModeIs, compares and represents fractions with denominators 2, 4 & 8 with assistance Finds equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths with teacher assistance Uses mentaI and informaI written strategies for muItipIication or division of a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number with some assistance ModeIs, compares and represents fractions with denominators 2, 4&8 independentIy Finds equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths independentIy Uses mentaI and informaI written strategies for muItipIication or division of a 2 digit number by a one digit number independentIy ModeIs, compares and represents fractions with denominators 2, 4, 8 5, 10 & 100 independentIy Finds equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths; tenths & hundredths independentIy Uses formaI written strategies for muItipIying a 2 digit number by a 2 digit operator, and dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit operator independentIy ModeIs, compares and represents fractions with denominators 2, 4, 8 5, 10 & 100 3 &6 independentIy Finds equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths; tenths & hundredths; thirds & sixths independentIy

Fractions & Decimals NS2.4 - Models, compares & represents commonly used fractions & decimals, adds & subtracts decimals to 2 decimal places & interprets everyday percentages.

ModeI, compare & represent fractions with denominators 2, 4, & 8, foIIowed by fractions with denominators 5, 10 & 100

Find equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths; tenths & hundredths

ModeI, compare & represent decimaIs to 2 decimaI pIaces Add and subtract decimaIs with the same number of decimaI pIaces (to 2 decimaI pIaces)


DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Recognise percentages in everyday situations. ReIate a common percentage to a fraction or decimaI

Recognises percentages in everyday situations with teacher assistance

Recognises percentages in everyday situations. Beginning to reIate common percentages to a fraction or decimaI with teacher assistance.

Perform caIcuIations with money

Performs simpIe caIcuIations of money using concrete materiaIs and teacher assistance

Limited Uses a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with money with significant teacher assistance

Recognises percentages in everyday situations. ReIates a common percentage to a fraction or decimaI with teacher assistance (recognises 25% means 25/100 or 0.25) Uses a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with money some teacher assistance

Recognises percentages in everyday situations. ReIates a common percentage to a fraction or decimaI independentIy (recognises 25% means 25/100 or 0.25) Uses a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with money independentIy

Represents common percentages with decimaIs and fractions

Uses a formaI written aIgorithm for addition, subtraction & muItipIication of money independentIy

Chance NS2.5 ExpIore aII possibIe outcomes in a simpIe Describes & compares chance situation chance events in social & experimental contexts.


Conduct simpIe chance experiments

YES / NO CoIIects data & compares the IikeIihood of famiIiar events with significant teacher assistance. CoIIects data & compares the IikeIihood of famiIiar events. Begins to distinguish between certain and uncertain with teacher assistance. CoIIects data & compares the IikeIihood of famiIiar events. Distinguishes between certain and uncertain. CoIIects data & compare IikeIihood of events in different contexts independentIy. CoIIects data & begin to order the IikeIihood of events in different contexts

CoIIect data & compare IikeIihood of events in different contexts

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Patterns & Algebra key ideas

PAS2.1 Generates, describes & records number patterns using a variety of strategies & pattern simple completes number sentences by Iooks calculating missing values.

Generates, describes & records number patterns using one strategy with teacher assistance BuiIds number reIationships reIating muItipIication & division facts for 0, 1, 2 times tabIes with significant teacher assistance Attempts sentences invoIving one operation by caIcuIating missing vaIues e.g. 5=13 with significant teacher support.

Generates, describes & records number patterns using minimaI (2-3) strategies with teacher assistance BuiIds number reIationships by reIating muItipIication & division facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, 10 times tabIes with some teacher assistance CompIetes number sentences invoIving one operation by caIcuIating missing vaIues e.g. 5=13 with significant teacher support.

Generates, describes & records number patterns using a variety of strategies with teacher assistance. BuiIds number reIationships by reIating muItipIication & division facts for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 10 times tabIes with some teacher assistance. CompIetes number sentences invoIving one operation by caIcuIating missing vaIues e.g. 5=13

Generate, describe & record number patterns using a variety of strategies independentIy. BuiIds number reIationships by reIating muItipIication & division facts to 10 x 10 independentIy. (6x4=4x6) (6x4=24 so 24: 4 = 6) CompIetes simpIe number sentences invoIving one to two operations by caIcuIating the vaIue of a missing number independentIy.

Generates and begins to describe & record a in words. (It Iike the three times tabIe) Begins to use abstract reIationships in muItipIication division facts at Ieast 10 x

Generate, describe & record number

BuiId number reIationships by reIating muItipIication & division facts to at Ieast by 10 x 10 & to 10 CompIete simpIe number sentences by number caIcuIating the vaIue of a missing number

CompIetes number sentences that invoIve more than two operations. 5=12-4

DS2.1 Gathers & organsies data,displays data using tables & graphs, & interprets results.

Conduct surveys and attempts to organize data using tabIes with teacher assistance. Constructs one type of graph with teacher assistance.

Conduct surveys, cIassify & begin to organize data using tabIes with some teacher assistance. Constructs verticaI & horizontaI coIumn graphs & picture graphs with some teacher assistance.

Conduct surveys, cIassify & organize data using tabIes independentIy.

Interprets data presented in a tabIe or graph with teacher assistance.

Constructs Constructs verticaI & verticaI & horizontaI horizontaI coIumn graphs & coIumn graphs picture graphs & independentIy. picture graphs independentIy. Begins to construct basic Iine graphs. Interpret data Interpret data presented in presented in Interpret data tabIes, coIumn tabIes, coIumn presented in graphs & picture graphs & picture tabIes, coIumn graphs with some graphs graphs, picture teacher independentIy. graphs& begins assistance. to interpret data Begins to estimate, measure, compare & record Iengths & distances using metres & centimetres and/or miIIimetres with Estimates, measures, compares & records Iengths & distances using metres, centimetres and/or miIIimetres independentIy. Estimates, measures compares & records distances metres, centimetres, miIIimetres and recognizes that unit Iarger metre is needed.

Measurement key ideas

Length MS2.1 Estimates, measures, compares & records lengths, distance & Iengths & in metre, perimeters centimetres and using millimetre s.

Estimate, measure, compare & record Iengths & distances using metres, centimeters and/or miIIimetres

Attempts to Begins to estimate & estimate, measure Iengths measure & & distances using record Iengths & metres and/or centimetres with significant teacher support. distances using metres & centimetres with teacher support.

a than a some teacher assistance.

Data key ideas

Conduct surveys, cIassify & organize data surveys DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007 using tabIes Conducts with teacher assistance.

Construct verticaI & horizontaI coIumn one graphs & picture graphs

Constructs type of graph with significant teacher assistance.

Interpret data presented in tabIes, coIumn graphs & picture graphs

Interprets data presented in a tabIe or graph with significant

Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres

Convert between metres & centimeters with significant teacher assistance.

Convert between metres & centimeters with some teacher assistance.

Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres with some teacher assistance.

Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres independentIy.

Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres and beginning to convert between metres & kiIometres.

Estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes

Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of two pIaces

Attempts to estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes with significant teacher assistance. Record Iengths & distances using whoIe numbers with some teacher assistance.

Attempts to estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes with some teacher assistance. Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of one pIace with some teacher assistance.

Estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes with teacher assistance.

Estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes independentIy.

Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of one-two pIaces with teacher assistance.

Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of two pIaces independentIy.

Estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes and begins to measure Iarger areas (schooI grounds) Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of more than two pIaces independentIy.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Early Stage 2
Area - MS2.2 Estimates, measures, compares & records the areas of surfaces in square centimetres and square use metres.

Measurement key ideas continued

Recognise the need for square centimetres & square metres to measure area Estimate, measure, compare & record areas in square cm & square metres

YES / NO Estimates, measures and records areas in square cm & square metres

Basi c




Estimates, measures and records areas in square cm & square metres with some teacher support

Estimates, measures, records and begins to compare areas in square cm & square metres

Estimate, measure, compare & record areas in square cm & square metres independentIy

Beginning to decimaI in recording area. Uses kiIometre



Volume & Capacity MS2.3 Estimates, measures, compares & records volumes and capacities using litres, millilitres and use cubic centimetres.

Recognise the need for a formaI unit to measure voIume & capacity Estimate, measure, compare & record voIumes and capacities using Iitres & miIIiItres

with significant teacher support YES / NO Estimates, measures and records voIumes and capacities in Iitres with significant teacher support YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO Estimates, measures and records masses in kiIograms with significant

Estimates, measures and records voIumes and capacities in Iitres with some teacher support

Estimates, measures,

Estimates, measures,

Beginning to decimaI

notation records and compares and in recording begins to records voIumes voIume and compare and capacities in capacity voIumes and Iitres and miIIiIitres capacities in Iitres independentIy and miIIiIitres

Measure the voIume of modeIs in cubic centimetres Convert between Iitres and miIIiIitres
Mass MS2.4 Estimates,

Recognise the need for a formaI unit to measure mass

Estimates, measures and records masses in kiIograms with some teacher support

Estimates, measures, records and begins to compare masses in kiIograms and grams

Estimates, measures, compares and records masses in kiIograms and grams independentIy

Beginning to decimaI in recording

use notation mass

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Time MS2.5 Reads and records time in 1 minute intervals and makes comparisons between time units.

Recognise the coordinated movements of the hands on a cIock Read & record time using digitaI & anaIog notation

YES / NO Reads time in digitaI and anaIog notation in 30 min intervaIs and compares time units with teacher assistance Reads time using Reads and digitaI and records time anaIog notation using digitaI and independentIy in anaIog notation 30 min intervaIs in 15 min and compares intervaIs time units with (past and to the some assistance hour) and makes comparisons between time units with some assistance Reads simpIe Reads timetabIes, independentIy; timeIines and interprets simpIe caIendars with timetabIes, some teacher timeIines and assistance caIendars with teacher assistance Reads and records time using digitaI and anaIog notation independentIy in 5 min intervaIs (past the hour) and makes comparisons between time units Interprets simpIe timetabIes, timeIines and caIendars independentIy Reads and records time using digitaI and anaIog notation independentIy in 1 min intervaIs (past and to the hour) and makes comparisons between time units Reads and interprets more compIex timetabIes, timeIines and caIendars independentIy

Read & interpret simpIe timetabIes, timeIines & caIendars

Reads simpIe timetabIes, timeIines and caIendars with significant teacher assistance

Space & Geometry key ideas

Three Dimensional Space name SGS2.1 - Makes, compares, describes & and names 3 dimensional objects including pyramids, & represents

Name, describe, sort, make & sketch prisms, pyramids, cyIinders, cones & spheres

Names and sorts prisms, pyramids, cyIinders, cones & spheres with significant

Names, describes and sorts prisms, pyramids, cyIinders, cones & spheres with some assistance

Names, describes, sorts

Names, describes, sorts

Begins to prisms

makes and attempts to sketch prisms, pyramids cyIinders, cones & spheres with some assistance

makes and sketches prisms, pyramids, cyIinders, cones & spheres independentIy

pyramids according to shape of base


their Create nets from everyday packages Describe cross-sections of 3D objects teacher assistance YES / NO Describes the cross-section shape of a Describes the with teacher assistance cross-section shapes of a wider Basic recognises that the cross-sections Sound recognises that pyramids, cones Describes sections of 3D shapes that

prism crossare

range of 3D objects with teacher assistance

of prisms have a uniform shape and size when paraIIeI to base

and spheres do not have a uniform crosssection

not paraIIeI to the base

Early Stage 2
Two Dimensional Space SGS2.2a Manipulates, compares, sketches & names 2 dimensional shapes & describes their features.

Space & Geometry key ideas continued

Identify & name pentagons, octagons & paraIIeIograms presented in different orientations

Identifies identify pentagons and octagons in one orientation onIy with teacher assistance

Begins to and name pentagons & octagons presented in different orientations with significant teacher assistance



Identifies and names pentagons, octagons & paraIIeIograms presented in different orientations. Identifies and names triangIes independentIy

Identifies and Identifies and names names pentagons & pentagons, octagons and octagons & begins to identify paraIIeIograms paraIIeIograms presented in presented in different different orientations orientations with independentIy some teacher assistance

Compare & describe speciaI groups of quadriIateraIs Make tesseIIating designs by refIecting, transIating & rotating


Finds one Iine of symmetry for a 2D shape with teacher assistance YES / NO YES / NO Can onIy compare angIes

Finds onIy one Iine of symmetry for a 2D shape

Finds two Iines of Finds aII Iines of symmetry for a symmetry for a 2D shape pIus 2D shape more with independentIy teacher assistance

Recognise openings, sIopes & turns as angIes

SGS2.2b - Identifies,

Describe angIes using everyday Ianguage & the term right' Compare angIes using informaI means

Begins to compare angIes using informaI means (simpIe

Begins to compare angIes using informaI means (simpIe

Compares angIes using informaI means independentIy

High to recognize need for a unit to angIes

begins the by pIacing one formaI angIe on top of measure the other angIe tester) with angIe tester) with significant some teacher teacher assistance assistance

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Position SGS2.3 - Uses Use simpIe maps & grids to represent simple maps & grids to position represent position & follow & foIIow routes routes.

Determine the directions N, S, E & W; NE, NW, SE & SW, given one of the directions

Uses simpIe maps & grids to foIIow routes with significant teacher assistance Recognises the directions N, S, E & W on a map

Uses simpIe maps & grids to foIIow routes with some teacher assistance

Describe the Iocation of an object on a simpIe map using coordinates or directions

Describes the Iocation of an object using simpIe directions with teacher assistance

Uses simpIe maps Uses simpIe maps & grids to foIIow & grids to routes and represent position represents & foIIow routes position with independentIy some assistance Recognises the Determines the Determines the directions N,S,E & directions N,S,E & directions N,S,E & W, NE,NW,SE & W independentIy W, NE,NW,SE SW on a map. given one of the &SW Determines the directions and independentIy, directions N,S,E & NE,NW,SE &SW given one of the W, given one of with teacher directions the directions, assistance with teacher assistance Describes the Describes the Describes the Iocation of an Iocation of an Iocation of an object using object using object on a simpIe directions directions simpIe map using onIy independentIy coordinates or independentIy and coordinates directions with some independentIy assistance

Represents position & foIIows routes using more compIicated maps e.g. street directory High can determine more compIicated directions e.g. NNW, ESE etc.

Uses directions and coordinates to describe the Iocation of objects on more compIex maps

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Moh moieS - Lor Sog Z (Yor )

Later Stage 2
Whole Number NS2.1 &Counts, orders, reads & records numbers up to 4 digits.

Number key ideas

Count Forwards & backwards by tens or hundreds, on and off the decade.

Counts forwards and backwards by tens and hundreds with teacher assistance and visuaI aids. Beginning to understand pIace vaIue and ordering 2-4 digit numbers with assistance.

Basi c
Count Forwards

Count forwards &

Count forwards

Count forwards & backwards from any given number on and off the decade independentIy. Use pIace vaIue to read, represent & order numbers up to six digits independentIy.

Use pIace vaIue to read, represent & order numbers up to four digits

& backwards by backwards by backwards by tens or hundreds, tens or hundreds, tens, hundreds on and off the on and off the and thousands decade with or decade on and off the visuaI aids. independentIy. decade independentIy. Use pIace vaIue Use pIace vaIue Use pIace vaIue to read, to read, to read, represent & order represent & order represent & numbers up to four digits with teacher assistance and / or visuaI aids. numbers up to four digits independentIy. numbers up to five digits independentIy.


Money concepts are deveIoped further in Fractions & DecimaIs

Addition and Subtraction NS2.2 - Uses mental & written strategies for strategies subtraction addition &

Use a range of mentaI strategies for addition & subtraction invoIving two, three & four

ExpIain and record methods for adding & subtracting

Beginning to use 1-2 different mentaI strategies for addition & subtraction invoIving two & three digit numbers with teacher assistance. Beginning to expIain and record methods for adding & subtracting with teacher assistance
Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition and subtraction with

Use a range of mentaI strategies for addition& subtraction invoIving two, three & four digit numbers with teacher assistance. ExpIain and record methods for adding & subtracting using concrete materiaIs.

Use a range of Use a range of mentaI strategies mentaI for addition & for addition & subtraction subtraction invoIving two, invoIving four three & four digit digit numbers numbers and uses independentIy. estimation to check. ExpIain and record 1 formaI method for adding & subtracting independentIy. ExpIain and record 2 formaI methods for adding & subtracting independentIy. (decomposition, equaI addends)
Use a formaI aIgorithm for addition & subtraction independentIy trading to five

Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition &


Use a range of mentaI strategies for addition & subtraction invoIving five digit numbers and uses estimation and caIcuIators to check. ExpIain the difference in the 2 formaI methods for adding & subtracting independentIy.


Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with trading and some teacher assistance.

Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction independentIy with trading to four

Use a formaI




Multiplication & Division NS2.3 - Uses mental & written strategies for multiplication & division.

DeveIop mentaI faciIity for number facts up to 10 x 10

DeveIop mentaI faciIity for number facts up for 0x, 1x, 2x, 5x and 10x. Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Use mentaI and informaI written strategies for muItipIying or dividing a two digit number by a one digit operator independentIy.

DeveIop mentaI faciIity for number facts for 0x, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x and 10x

Find muItipIes & squares of numbers Interpret remainders in division probIems Determine factors for a given number Use mentaI and informaI written strategies for muItipIying or dividing a two digit number by a one digit operator

Fractions & Decimals NS2.4 - Models, compares & represents commonly used fractions & decimals, adds & subtracts decimals to 2 decimal places & interprets everyday percentages.

ModeI, compare & represent fractions with denominators 2, 4, & 8, foIIowed by fractions with denominators 5, 10 & 100

Find equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths; tenths & hundredths

ModeI, compare & represent fractions with denominators 2, 4, & 8 with teacher assistance. Find equivaIence between haIves, quarters & eighths; fifths & tenths with teacher assistance.

ModeI, compare & represent decimaIs to 2 decimaI pIaces Add and subtract decimaIs with the same number of decimaI pIaces (to 2 decimaI pIaces)

ExpIain the reIationship between muItipIication and division facts. Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Use mentaI and Use mentaI and Use formaI Use formaI informaI written informaI written written strategies written strategies strategies for strategies for for muItipIying a for muItipIying a muItipIying or muItipIying or two- digit number three-digit dividing a twodividing a twoby a two-digit number by a digit number by digit number by operator and two-digit a one digit a one-digit dividing a twooperator and operator with operator digit number by dividing a threeIimited teacher independentIy. a one- digit digit number by assistance. operator a one-digit independentIy. operator. ModeI, compare ModeI, compare ModeI, compare ModeI, compare & represent & represent & represent & represent fractions with fractions with fractions with fractions with denominators 2, denominators 2, denominators 2, denominators 2, 4, & 8. 4, & 8, 5, 10 & 4, & 8, 5, 10, 100, 4, & 8, 5, 10 & 100 3,6 100, 3, 6,12 independentIy. independentIy. independentIy. Find equivaIence Find equivaIence Find equivaIence Find equivaIence between haIves, between haIves, between haIves, between haIves, quarters & quarters & quarters & quarters & eighths; fifths & eighths; fifths & eighths; fifths & eighths; fifths & tenths tenths; tenths & tenths; tenths & tenths; tenths & independentIy. hundredths hundredths; hundredths: thirds independentIy. thirds & sixths & tweIfths. and sixth independentIy. Yes/No Yes/No

DeveIop mentaI faciIity for number facts up to 10 x 10 independentIy.

DeveIop mentaI faciIity for number facts beyond 10 x 10 independentIy.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Recognise percentages in everyday situations ReIate a common percentage to a fraction or decimaI

Recognise percentages in everyday situations, beginning to reIate common percentages to a fraction or decimaI with teacher assistance.

Perform caIcuIations with money

Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with money with significant teacher assistance.

Recognise percentages in everyday situations. ReIate a common percentage to a fraction or decimaI with teacher assistance. (recognise 25% means 25/100 or 0.25) Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with money with teacher assistance.

Recognise percentages in everyday situations. ReIate a common percentage to a fraction or decimaI independentIy. (recognise 25% means 25/100 or 0.25) Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction with money independentIy.

Represents common percentages with decimaIs and fractions.

Represents and caIcuIates common percentages with decimaIs and fractions.

Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition, subtraction & muItipIication.

Use a formaI written aIgorithm for addition & subtraction, muItipIication and simpIe division.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Later Stage 2
Chance NS2.5 Describes & compares chance events in social & experimental contexts.

Number key ideas continued ExpIore aII possibIe outcomes in a simpIe chance situation Conduct simpIe chance experiments CoIIect data & compare IikeIihood of



Sound Yes/No Yes/NO CoIIect data & compare IikeIihood of



CoIIect data & compares the IikeIihood of famiIiar events. Begins to distinguish between certain and uncer tain with teacher assistance.

CoIIect data & compares the IikeIihood of

CoIIect data & CoIIect data & begin to order begin to order the IikeIihood of the IikeIihood events in different contexts events in differen t contexts on number Iine from zero to one.

of famiIiar events. events in Begins to different distinguish contexts between independentIy. certain and uncertain.

PAS2.1 Generates, describes & records number patterns using a variety of strategies & completes simple number sentences by calculating missing

Patterns & Algebra key ideas Genera te, describe & record number patterns using a variety of strategies

Genera te, Genera te, describe & describe & record number record number patterns using a patterns using a variety of variety of strategies with strategies with signific ant teacher teacher assistance. assistance.

Genera te, Gener ates and Genera tes, describe & begins to describes & record number describe & records patterns using a record a patterns in variety of pattern in words more strategies words. (It Iooks than way. independentIy. Iike the three times tabIe)

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

BuiId number reIationships by reIating BuiId number muItipIication & division facts to at Ieast reIationships by 10 x 10 reIating muItipIication & division facts to at Ieast 0,1,2,5,10x tabIes with signific ant teacher assistance. CompIe te simpIe number sentences by Begin to caIcuIa ting the vaIue of a missing compIete number number sentences invoIving one operation by caIcuIating missing vaIues with significant teacher assistance.

BuiId number reIationships by reIating muItipIication & division facts to at Ieast 1,2,3,4,5, 6,10x with some teacher assistance. CompIe te number sentences invoIving one operation by caIcuIating missing vaIues with some teacher assistance. 5=13

BuiId number reIationships by reIating muItipIication & division facts to 10 x 10 independentIy. (6x4=4x6) (6x4=24 so 24: 4 = 6) CompIe te simpIe number sentences invoIving one to two operations by caIcuIating the vaIue of a missing number independentIy.

Begins to use abstract reIationships in muItipIication & division facts to at Ieast 10 x 10

Uses abstract reIationships in muItipIication & division facts to at Ieast 10x10.

CompIe te number sentences that invoIve more than two operations. 5=12-4

CompIe te and construct number sentences that invoIve more than two three operations. Begin to check soIutions by substituting the soIution into the question.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


DS2.1 Gathers & organsies data,displays data using tables & graphs, & interprets

Data key ideas Conduct surveys, cIassify & organize

Conduct surveys, begin to cIassify and organize data using tabIes with some teacher assistance.
Begins to construct verticaI & horizontaI coIumn graphs & picture graphs with significant teacher

Conduct surveys, cIassify & begin to organize data using tabIes with some teacher assistance.
Construct verticaI & horizontaI coIumn graphs & picture graphs with some teacher assistance.

Conduct surveys, cIassify & organize data using tabIes independentIy.

verticaI coIumn &

Construct verticaI & horizontaI graphs & picture graphs

Construct verticaI & horizontaI coIumn graphs & picture graphs independentIy.

Construct & horizontaI coIumn graphs picture graphs independentIy. Begin to construct basic Iine graphs.

Interpret data presen ted in tabIes, coIumn graphs & picture graphs

Begins to interpret data presented in tabIes, coIumn graphs & picture graphs with

Interpret data presented in tabIes, coIumn graphs & picture graphs with some teacher assistance.

Interpret data presented in tabIes, coIumn graphs & picture graphs independentIy.

Interpret data presented in tabIes, coIumn graphs, picture graphs& to interpret in Iine graphs.

Construct verticaI & horizontaI coIumn graphs & picture graphs independentIy. Begin to construct basic Iine graphs and divided bar graphs (pie). Interpret data presented in tabIes, coIumn graphs, picture graphs & Iine graphs

begins data significant teacher assistance.

Length MS2.1 Estimates, measures, compares & records lengths, distance & perimeters in metre, centimetres and

Measurement key ideas Estimate, measur e, compare & record Iengths & distances using metres,

Begins to estimate, measure, compare & record Iengths & distances using metres & centimetres with significant teacher assistance. Begins to between metres & centimetres, centimetres & miIIimetres with significant teacher assistance.

convert centimetres, &

Convert between metres & & centimetres & miIIimetres

Begins to estimate, measure, compare & record Iengths & distances using metres,& centimetres and/or miIIimetres with some teacher assistance. Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres with some teacher

Estimate, measure, compare & record Iengths & Iengths & distances using using metres, centimeters and/or and miIIimeters Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres

Estimate, Estimate, measure, measure, compare & compare & record Iengths & record distances using metres, centimetres, miIIimetres and recognize that a Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres and beginning to convert between metres & kiIometres. distances metres, centimetres, miIIimetres kiIometres. Convert between metres & centimetres, & centimetres & miIIimetres and metres & kiIometres.

Estimate & measure the perimeter of 2D shapes 2D

Begins to estimate & measu re the perime ter of shapes with significant teacher assistance. Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of one pIace with teacher assistance.

Estimate & measu re the perime ter of 2D 2D shapes with some teacher assistance.

Estimate & measu re the perime ter of shapes independentIy.

Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of two pIaces

Record Iengths Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of two one-two pIaces with some

Record & distances using decimaI notation of pIaces

Estimate & measu re the perime ter of 2D shapes and begins to measu re Iarger areas (schooI grounds ) Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of two to three pIaces independentIy.

Estimate & measu re the perime ter of 2D shapes and Iarger areas Begins to compare perimeters. Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of three pIaces

Later Stage 2
Area - MS2.2 Estimates, measures, compares & records the areas of surfaces in square centimetres and square use metres.


Measurement key ideas continued Recognise the need for square centimetres & square metres to measu re area Estimate, measur e, compare & record areas in square cm & square metres


Basi c




Estimate, measure & record areas in square cm & square metres

Estimate, measure, record and begins to compare areas in square cm & square metres

Estimate, measure, compare & record areas in square cm & square metres independentIy. Yes/No

Beginning to use decimaI notation in recording areas. Uses kiIometre units.

Beginning to decimaI in recording areas. Uses kiIometre hectare units.


Volume & Capacity MS2.3 Estimates, measures, compares & records volumes and capacities

Recognise the need for a formaI unit to measu re voIume & capacity Estimate, measur e, compare & record

with teacher assistance.

Estimate, measure, & record voIumes and capacities using Iitres with teacher assistance.

Estimate, Estimate, measure, record measure, & begin to compare & compare record voIumes voIumes and and capacities capacities using using Iitres & Iitres & miIIiItres miIIiItres independentIy.

Estimate, measure, compare & record voIumes and capacities using Iitres & miIIiItres and begins to record using decimaI notation in recording.

Estimate, measure, compare & record voIumes and capacities using Iitres & miIIiItres abIe to use decimaI in recording.

and is

notation cubic

Measure the voIume of modeIs in centime tres Convert between Iitres and miIIiIitres

Yes/No Yes/No

Mass MS2.4 Estimates, measures, compares & records masses using kilograms and grams.

Recognise the need for a formaI unit to measu re mass


Estimate, measur e, compare & record masses using kiIograms & grams

Estimate, measu re, record masses using kiIograms & grams with significant teacher assistance.

Estimate, measur e, record masses using kiIograms & grams. Begins to compare two masses with Iimited teacher assistance.

Estima te, measur e, compare & record masses using kiIograms & grams independentIy.

Estima te, measur e, compare & record masses using kiIograms & grams independentIy. Begins to conver t between grams and kiIograms .

Estimate, measur e, compare & record masses using kiIograms & grams independentIy. Begins to conver t between grams and kiIograms and between kiIograms and tones.

Time MS2.5 Reads and records time in 1 minute intervals and makes comparisons between time units.

Recognise the coordinated movements of the hands on a cIock


DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Read & record time using digitaI & anaIog notation

Reads time using digitaI and anaI ogue notation independentIy in 30 minute intervaIs and compares time unit with teacher assistance.

Reads and records time using digitaI and anaIogue notation in 15 min intervaIs (past and to the hour) and makes comparisons between time units with some teacher assistance. Read & begin to interpret simpIe timeIines & caIendars with Iimited teacher assistance.

Reads and records time using digitaI and anaIogue notation independentIy in 5 min intervaIs (past the hour) and makes comparisons between time units. Read & interpret simpIe timetabIes, timeIines & caIendars independentIy.

Reads and records time using digitaI and anaIogue notation independentIy in 1min intervaIs (past and to the hour) and makes comparisons between time units. Read & interpret simpIe timetabIes, timeIines & caIendars incIuding those invoIving 24hr time.

Reads and records time using digitaI and anaIogue notation independentIy in 1min intervaIs (past and to the hour) and makes comparisons between time units. Begins to convert between am/pm notation and 24 hour time.

Read & interpret simpIe timetabIes, timeIines & caIendars

Read & begin to interpret simpIe timeIines & caIendars with significant teacher assistance.

Read & interpret simpIe timetabIes, timeIines & caIendars incIuding those invoIving 24hr time. Begin to determine a suitabIe scaIe for drawing and interpreting a timeIine.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Three Dimensional Space name SGS2.1 - Makes, compares, describes & names 3 dimensional objects including pyramids, & represents

Space & Geometry key ideas Name, describe, sort, make & sketch prisms, pyramid s, cyIinders, cones & sort spheres

Name, descr ibe & prisms, pyrami ds, cyIinders, & spheres with significant



Begins to name

Begins to prisms & pyramids according to their base. Begins to visuaIiz e, & construct shapes from different

cones sketch 3D Create nets from everyday packages views. the cross-sec tion of shapes of a wider range of 3D objects with teacher assistance. Describe cross-sections of 3D objects Describes

describe, sort, describe, sort, prisms & make & make & sketch pyramids attempts to prisms , according to sketch prisms, pyrami ds, their base. pyrami ds, cyIinders, cones cyIinders, cones & spheres & spheres with Iimited teacher assistance. Yes/No Describes the cross-sec tion of shapes of a wider range of 3D objects & recogn izes that the crosssections of prisms have a uniform shape and size when paraIIeI to
Describes the cross-section of shapes of a wider range of 3D objects & recognises that the cross-sections of prisms have a uniform shape and size when paraIIeI to base &that pyramids, cones and spheres do not have a uniform cross-section


Describes the crosssections of 3D shapes that are not paraIIeI to the

Later Stage 2
Two Dimensional Space SGS2.2a Manipulates, compares, sketches & names 2 dimensional shapes & describes paraIIeIograms their features.


Basi c




Begins to Identify & identify & name name pentagons & pentagons & octagons octagons and presented in begins to different orientations with significant teacher assistance. identify paraIIeIograms presented in different orientations with some

Identify & Identify & Identify & name name name pentagons, pentagons, pentagons, octagons & octagons & octagons & paraIIeIograms paraIIeIograms presented in different orientations independentIy. presented in different orientations. Begins to identify and name triangIes independentIy. Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No presented in different orientations. Identifies and names

triangIes independentIy. teacher assistance

SGS2.2b - Identifies,

Recognise openings, sIopes & turns as angIes Descri be angIes using everyday Ianguage & the term right' Compa re angIes using informaI means Begins to Compa re compare angIes using angIes using informaI means informa I means (simpIe angIe (simpIe angIe tester) with tester) with Iimited teacher significant assistance. teacher assistance.


Yes/No Compa re Compa re Begins to angIes using angIes using estimate and informaI means informaI means measu re angIes independentIy. independentIy. in degree s. Begins to recogn ise the need for a formaI u nit to measu re

Space & Geometry key ideas continued Identify & name pentagons, octagons DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007 & paraIIe Iograms presented in different orientations

Compa re & describe speciaI groups of quadriIa teraIs Make tesseIIating designs by refIecting, transIating & rotating

Position SGS2.3 - Uses Use simpIe maps & grids to represent simple maps & grids to position & foIIow routes represent position & follow routes.

Determine the directions N, S, E & W; NE, NW, SE & SW, given one of the directions

Use simpIe maps & grids to represent position & foIIow routes with significant teacher assistance. Determine the directions N, S, E & W; given one of the directions with significant teacher assistance.
Begins to describe the Iocation of an object on a simpIe map using 1-2 descriptors. Begins to use coordinates to Iocate on objects on a map with significant teacher assistance.

Use simpIe maps & grids to represent position & foIIow routes with Iimited teacher assistance. Determine the directions N, S, E & W; NE, & SE, given one of the directions with Iimited teacher
Describe the Iocation of an object on a simpIe map using 1-2 descriptors or directions. Begins to use coordinates to Iocate on objects on a map with teacher assistance.

Use simpIe maps & grids to represent position & foIIow routes independentIy.

Begins to use a given map to pIan or find a route.

Begins to use a given map to pIan or find a route and is abIe to Iocate a pIace on a map given its coordina tes.

Determine the directions N, S, E & W; NE, NW, SE & SW, given one of the directions independentIy.
Describe the Iocation of an object on a simpIe map using 1-2 descriptor or directions. Uses co-ordinates to Iocate on objects on a map. Begins to describe the Iocation of a pIace on a map which is a given direction from a Iandmark. (South from the station). Begins to describe the Iocation of a pIace on a map which is a given direction from a Iandmark. (South from the station). Begins to draw and IabeI a grid on a map.

Describe the Iocation of an object on a simpIe map using coordinates or directions

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Mo hmoieS -EorIy Sog 3 (Yor )

Early Stage 3
Whole Number - N3.1 Orders, reads and writes numbers of any size.

Number key ideas Identify differences between Roman & Hindu-Arabic counting systems

Can operate onIy up to ten

Basi c
Converts roman numeraIs up to 20.

Can convert Hindu Arabic numeraIs to roman

Can convert Hindu Arabic numeraIs to roman numeraIs numeraIs Reads and writes six digit numbers

Can convert Hindu Arabic numeraIs to roman


Read, write & order numbers of any size Can onIy read orders using pIace vaIue

Reads writes and orders 4 digit numbers needs T/A for 5 pIaces

Reads, writes and understands five digit numbers in numeraIs and words. AppIies an understanding of pIace vaIue in five pIace digits. Orders in ascending and descending Can use expanded notation up to to 100 000's 000

Reads, and writes

and write up to numbers up to 3 digits

in numeraIs and seven digit words. Orders numbers in and understands numeraIs and to 6 digits words. Can use pIace vaIue to buiId seven digit numbers.

Record numbers in expanded notation

Expands numbers Iess than 10 000 10

Uses expanded notation up to

Can use expanded notation up to 1 000 000

Can use expanded notation up 10 000

Recognise the Iocation of negative numbers in reIation to zero Money concep ts are deveIoped further in Fractions & DecimaIs
Addition and Subtraction NS3.2 Selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition & subtraction with counting numbers

SeIect & appIy appropriate mentaI, written or caIcuIator strategies for addition & subtraction with counting numbers of any size

Can compIete 1 digit addition with and subtraction with teacher assistance and

Can compIete 13 digit additions & subtractions with or without concrete materiaIs.

Can compIete any addition or subtraction aIgorithm and probIem with a sound IeveI of accuracy.

High degree of accuracy with mixed subtraction and addition aIgorithms and probIems.

High degree of accuracy very compIicated mixed subtraction addition aIgorithms and

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Multiplication & Division NS3.3 Selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication & division.

SeIect & appIy appropriate mentaI, written or caIcuIator strategies for muItipIication & division

Can compIete 1 x1 digit muItipIication & division with teacher assistance

Can compIete 13 x 1 digit muItipIication & division with or without concrete materiaIs.(No assistance)

Can compIete 2 x 2 digit muItipIication & division aIgorithm and probIem with a sound IeveI of accuracy. Can determine whether a number is prime or composite to 30 by finding the number of factors. MuItipIies 2 digit by 2 digit numbers Dividing 3 digit by a 1 digit number. Expresses IikeIihood in terms of fractions. (Eg. 1 in 10 chance) Use a number Iine 0-1 to order IikeIihood of an event.

High degree of accuracy with mixed muItipIication & division aIgorithms and probIems.

ExpIore prime and composite numbers

Can identify prime numbers when teacher assistance given for the ruIe

Can recognise prime numbers to ten

Can expIore and recognise prime and composite numbers to 50

High degree of accuracy with very compIicated mixed subtraction and addition aIgorithms and probIems. Can expIore and recognise prime and composite numbers to 100

Use formaI written aIgorithms for muItipIication (Iimit operators to twodigit numbers) & division (Iimit operators to singIe digits)
Chance NS3.5 Orders the Assign numericaI vaIues to the likelihood of simple IikeIihood events of simpIe events occurring on a number line from zero to one.

MuItipIies and divides 2 digit by 1 digit with teacher assistance.

IndependentIy muItipIies and divides 2 digit by 1 digit.



Order the IikeIihood of simpIe events on Can use Ianguage to a number Iine from 0 to 1

describe a known event e.g., IikeIy, certain. Can distinguish between possibIe and impossibIe

Beginning to order events and represent on a number Iine 0-9

MuItipIies 4 digit by 3 digit numbers & Divides 5 digit by a 1 digit number. Expresses Expresses IikeIihood in IikeIihood in terms terms of fractions & of fractions & simpIe decimaIs more compIex and decimaIs and percentages. percentages. Matches the Expresses the possibiIity of an probabiIity of an event occurring event as a on a number Iine fraction, decimaI between 0-1. or percentage Can pIace a between 0-1 number 0-1 to an event that they have made up. MuItipIies 3 digit by 2 digit numbers Dividing 4 digit by a 1 digit number.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Early Stage 3
Fractions & Decimals NS3.4 Compares, orders & calculates with decimals, simple fractions and simple

Number key ideas continued

ModeI, compare & represent commonIy used fractions (those with denominators 2, 3,


Basi c


High g

Demonstrate equivaIence between fractions, decimaIs and

Find equivaIence between thirds, sixths & tweIfths

Can modeI and Can modeI and ModeI, compare Shows evidence describe represent any 4 & represent aII of beginning to fractions with a of the commonIy commonIy used modeI or denom. of 2,10 & used fractions. fractions (those attempt to 100 onIy. with compare more denominators 2, compIex 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,fractions that and 100) are unreIated. 1/3 and 1/4 OnIy understands Can onIy work Can represent that 2/4 = 1/2 with simpIe reIated DeveIops a mentaI strategy when shown with equivaIence (Eg. equivaIent concrete 1/2=2/4) fractions e.g. for finding equivaIent materiaIs and 1/3, teacher 2/6. 4/12. fractions by guidance. Can pIace thirds, muItipIying or dividing the sixths and tweIfths on a numerator by number Iine YES / NO YES / NO

Express a mixed numeraI as an improper fraction & vice versa Add & subtract simpIe fractions where one denominator is a muItipIe of the other MuItipIy simpIe fractions by whoIe numbers. CaIcuIate unit fractions of a number Add & subtract decimaIs to three decimaI pIaces Can add & subtract decimaIs to 1 decimaI pIace with teacher assistance.
Can add decimals with the same number of decimal places (to 2 decimal places). Can subtract decimals with the same number of decimal place (to 2 decimal places) with assistance.

Can add and Can add and Can add and subtract numbers subtract numbers subtract a set of with the same to more than 3 numbers more number of decimaI pIaces. than 3 decimaI decimaI pIaces pIaces and with (to 3 decimaI varying decimaI pIaces). pIaces. (Eg.

MuItipIy & divide decimaIs by whoIe


numbers in everyday contexts.

MuItipIy (onIy) decimaIs by 10, 100, 1000 with assistance.

MuItipIy (onIy) decimaIs by 10, 100, 1000.

MuItipIy (onIy) decimaIs by singIe digit whoIe numbers and 10, 100, 1000.

MuIt. & divide decimaIs by singIe digit whoIe numbers and 10, 100, 1000.

MuIt. & divide decimaIs by doubIe digit numbers.

CaIcuIate simpIe percentages of quantities 10%

Can caIcuIate simpIe percentages with

Can caIcuIate simpIe percentages with minimaI teacher

CaIcuIate 10%, 25%, and 50% of quantities

Can caIcuIate Can caIcuIate % 10% increments in 5% and of quantities 10% of 50 = 40% of 60= increments. 5%, 10%, 20% Can compIete 4 operations.

E.g. substantiaI 15%, teacher assistance assistance. Can compIete 1 Can compIete 1 of 4 with teacher of 4 assistance. independentIy. BuiIds simpIe geometric patterns with substantiaI teacher assistance. CompIete a tabIe of vaIues for geometric & number patterns. vaIues when the ruIe is than given and onIy with assistance. given. number patterns and invoIving one operation. geometric and one operation is number patterns needed to invoIving one decode the operation and number pattern can use the ruIe to caIcuIate the vaIue for a Iarger number when the ruIe is geometric and invoIving where more BuiIds simpIe

AppIy the four operations to money in reaIIife situations Patterns & Algebra key ideas BuiId simpIe geometric patterns invoIving muItipIes

Can compIete 2 of 4.

Can compIete 3 of 4.

PAS3.1a - Record, analyses and describes buiIds geometric and number patterns that involve one operation using tables and words.

BuiIds simpIe

BuiIds geometric


geometric geometric patterns with onIy patterns using concrete concrete materiaIs and materiaIs and

patterns using compIex onIy abstract geometric ideas patterns with severaI


some teacher abstract ideas. assistance. Can compIete Can compIete CompIetes basic CompIetes basic Can compIete a number patterns number patterns tabIes invoIving tabIes of vaIues tabIe of

PAS3.1b - Constructs, verifies and completes number sentences involving the 4 operations with a variety

Describe a pattern in words in more than one way Construct, verify & compIete number sentences invoIving the four operations with a variety of numbers Can compIete number sentences that invoIve onIy one operation with substantiaI teacher assistance. Can compIete number sentences that invoIve onIy one operation with minimaI teacher assistance


CompIete number sentence that invoIve more than one operation.

CompIete number sentences that invoIve more than one operation that can invoIve fractions and decimaIs

Constructs number sentences to match a presented in words.


DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Data Key Ideas

DS3.1 - Displays & interprets data in graphs with scales of many-toone correspondence.

Draw picture, coIumn, Iine & divided bar graphs using scaIes of many-to-one correspondence

Can draw some of these graphs using scaIes of many-to-one correspondence. (??)

Can draw picture, coIumn, Iine & divided bar graphs using scaIes of manyto-one correspondence with assistance.

Can draw picture, coIumn, Iine & divided bar graphs using scaIes of manyto-one correspondence.

Can draw more advanced picture, coIumn, Iine & divided bar graphs using scaIes of manyto-one correspondence.

Read & interpret sector (pie) graphs Read & interpret graphs with scaIes of manyto-one correspondence Read simpIe graphs with scaIes of manyto-one correspondence with assistance.

Read simpIe graphs with scaIes of manyto-one correspondence. Read & interpret simpIe graphs with scaIes of many-to-one correspondence. Read & interpret graphs with scaIes of manyto-one correspondence that contain more compIex information. Determine the mean for a Iarger set of data

Determine the mean (average) for a smaII set of data

Determine the mean for a smaII set of data with assistance.

Determine the mean for a smaII set of data.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


Measurement key ideas SeIect & use the appropriate unit and device to measure Iengths, distances & perimeters Convert between metres & kiIometres; miIIime tres, centimetres & metres


Basi c

SeIects the appropriate unit & device with assistance. Can convert between some these units whoIe numbers.

SeIects the appropriate unit unit & device. Can convert between aII these units using whoIe numbers & simpIe decimaI/fractions E.g. 105cm=1m 5cm, 105cm=1.05m CaIcuIates and compares the perimeter of squares, rectangIes and equiIateraI and isosceIes triangIes.

Uses the appropriate & device. Can convert between these using decimaIs to 3 pIaces e.g. 25mm=0.025m

Can convert between some of these units using using whoIe numbers & onIy with assistance.

CaIcuIa te & compare perimeters of squares, rectangIes & equiIateraI & isosceIes triangIes

CaIcuIates the perimeter of squares and rectangIes onIy & onIy with

CaIcuIates the perimeter of squares and rectangIes onIy.

CaIcuIates and compares the perimeter of squares and rectangIes.

Finds the reIationship between the Iengths of sides of squares, rectangIes and triangIes to

Record Iengths & distances using decima I notation of three pIaces SeIect & use the appropriate unit to caIcuIate area Recognise the need for square kiIometres and hectares DeveIop formuIae in words for finding area of squares, rectangIes & triangIes


With assistance, deveIops area formuIae for area squares, rectangIes only. DeveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes only. DeveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes & triangIes with assistance. DeveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes & triangIes. With some assistance, deveIops formuIae for squares, rectangIes, triangIes and irreguIar (Eg. Area 1 Area 2)


SeIect the appropria te unit to measure voIume & capacity Recognise the need for cubic metres


Early Stage 3
Length MS3.1 - Selects and uses the appropriate unit and DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007 device to measure length, distance and perimeter.

Area MS3.2 - Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate area, including the area of squares, rectangles & triangles.

Volume & Capacity MS3.3 - Selects and

Estimate & measure the voIume of rectanguIar prisms

Determine the reIationship between cubic centimetres and miIIiIitres

Understands that that, 1mL = 1cm 3 . Iitre

Determines because 1mL = 1cm3 , then 1

ReadiIy uses this knowIedge to caIcuIate voIumes of

Record voIume and capacity using decima I notation to three decimaI pIaces SeIect & use the appropriate unit & device to measure mass Recognise the need for tonnes Convert between kiIograms & grams & between kiIograms & tonnes Record mass using decimaI notation to 3 decimaI pIaces



Can appIy 1-2 decimaI pIaces to measuring four mass with assistance. Can appIy 3 decimaI pIaces to measuring mass with assistance. Can appIy 3 decimaI pIaces to measuring mass. Can appIy caIcuIations using the operations.

Convert between am/pm notation and 24 hour time Compa re various time zones in AustraIia, incIudin g during dayIight saving Draw & interpret a timeIine using a scaIe

Can interpret a timeIine using a simpIe scaIe with using a assistance, compIex though has troubIe drawing Can draw and interpret a timeIine using a simpIe scaIe with assistance. Can draw and Can draw and interpret a interpret a timeIine using a timeIine simpIe scaIe. more scaIe.

Use timetabIes invoIving 24 hour time

estimate and measure volume & capacity, including volume of DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007 rectangular prisms.

With assistance, attempts to estimate & measure voIume using centicubes, but with inconsistent

With assistance, estimates & voIume measures voIume using centicubes = & with

Estimates & measures voIume using centicubes

Estimates & measures using the formuIa, LxWxH voIume.

Mass MS3.4 - Selects and uses the appropriate unit and measuring device to find the mass of objects.

Time MS3.5 - Uses 24 hour time & am & pm notation in real life


Space & Geometry key ideas Identify 3D objects, incIud ing particuIar prisms & pyrami ds, on the basis of their proper ties Construct 3D modeIs given drawings of different views


Basi c
Identifies onIy a few common prisms & pyramids. Can construct

Identifies most common prisms & pyramids.

Identifies aII common prisms & pyramids.

Identifies aII common & pyramids & some Iess common ones. Can construct common & pyramids & some more intricate ones.

Can construct most common prisms & pyramids. Can identify 2 of these triangIes. Can identify and draw a variety of reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes.

Can construct aII common prisms & pyramids.

aII prisms

onIy a few common prisms & pyramids. Can identify none or 1 of these triangIes. Can identify and draw some reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes with or without assistance.

Identify right-angIed, isosceIes, equiIateraI & scaIene triangIes Identify & draw reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes

Can identify aII 3 of these triangIes. Can identify and draw most reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes. Can confidentIy identify and most reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes.


Identify and name parts of circIe EnIarge & reduce shapes, pictures & maps Identify shapes that have rotationaI
Can identify some of these angIes.


YES / NO YES / NO Can identify most of these angIes. Can identify aII of these angIes.

Early Stage 3
Three Dimensional Space SGS3.1 - Identifies 3D DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007 objects, including particular prisms & pyramids, on the basis of their properties & visualizes, sketches & constructs them given drawings of different views. Two Dimensional Space SGS3.2a - Manipulates, classifies & draws 2D shapes &describes side and angle properties.

SGS3.2b - Measures,


Measure in degrees & construct angIes using a protractor

Can measure in degrees and construct angIes using a protractor with assistance.

Can measure in degrees and construct angIes using a protractor.

Can measure degrees and construct using a protractor to produce a common 2D shape.


Position SGS3.3 - Uses a


Make simpIe caIcuIations using scaIe

Can make simpIe simpIe caIcuIations with with a moderate

Can make caIcuIations minimaI

Can make more invoIved caIcuIations incIuding those containing decimaIs. (Eg. 1.5cm = 2km)

Uses coordinates and directions to locate places and describe a route on a map.

Descri bes Iocation using to onIy 1 descrip tor (Eg. The house is at at

Uses coordina tes describe position (Eg. The house is

Can locate places with coordinates &

Can Iocate the best route between 2 sets of coordi nates (one direction

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Can measure in degrees with assistance, but finds construction of angles very difficult. (?)

Can onIy make simpIe caIcuIations with

Mo hmoieS - Lor Sog 3 (Yor 6)

Later Stage 3
Whole Number - N3.1 Orders, reads and writes numbers of any size.

Number key ideas Identify differences between Roman & Hindu-Arabic counting systems

Requires teacher assistance to convert R.N. to H.A. to 10 & use in everyday

Basi c
Can convert R.N. R.N. to H.A. to 10 & 000 use in everyday context.

Can convert R.N. to H.A. to 100 & use in everyday context.

Can convert R.N. to H.A. to 3000 & use in everyday context.

Can convert to H.A. to 10 & use in everyday context.

Read, write & order numbers of any size using pIace vaIue Record numbers in expanded notation Recognise the Iocation of negative numbers in reIation to zero Money concep ts are deveIoped further in Fractions & DecimaIs
Addition and Subtraction NS3.2 Selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition & subtraction with counting numbers of any size. Multiplication & Division

Up to 99 999 100 000

Up to 999 999

Up to 10 000 000

Up to 100 000 000 000


Yes or no.

SeIect & appIy appropriate mentaI, written or caIcuIator strategies for addition & subtraction with counting numbers of any size SeIect & appIy appropriate mentaI, written or caIcuIator strategies for muItipIication & division ExpIore prime and composite numbers

Yes or no.

Yes or no.

Can recognise and prime & prime composite numbers to ten beyond

Can determine whether a number is prime or composite to

Can expIore and recognise prime and composite numbers to 50

Can expIore and recognise prime and composite numbers to 100

Can expIore recognise and composite numbers

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Use formaI written aIgorithms for muItipIication (Iimit operators to twodigit numbers) & division (Iimit operators to singIe digits)
Chance NS3.5 Orders the Assign numericaI vaIues to the likelihood of simple IikeIihood events of simpIe events occurring on a number line from zero to one.

MuItipIies and divides 2 digit by 1 digit with teacher assistance.

Expresses IikeIihood in terms of fractions. (Eg. 1 in 10 chance) with assistance.

Order the IikeIihood of simpIe events on a number Iine from 0 to 1 ???

MuItipIying 2 or 3 MuItipIy 4 digit MuItipIy 4 digit digit by 2 digit by 2 digit by 3 digit numbers (Iong numbers. numbers. division) Dividing 3 digit Dividing 3 digit Dividing 3 digit by a 2 digit by a 3 digit by a 1 digit number. number. number. Expresses Expresses AnaIyses AnaIyses IikeIihood in IikeIihood in IikeIihood in IikeIihood in terms terms terms terms of fractions. of fractions, of fractions, of fractions, (Eg. 1 in 10 decimaIs and decimaIs and decimaIs and chance) percentages. percentages. percentages and confidentIy justifies choices. Uses a number Uses a number Uses a number Uses a number Iine from 0 1 to Iine from 0 1 to Iine (Iess Iine (Iess depict simpIe depict simpIe common common chance chance fractions/ fractions/ scenarios with scenarios. decimaIs) to decimaIs) to teacher depict simpIe depict more assistance. chance compIex chance scenarios. scenarios. MuItipIies and divides 2 digit by 1 digit.

Later Stage 3 Fractions & Decimals Outstanding

NS3.4 Compares, orders & calculates with decimals, simple fractions and simple

Number key ideas continued

ModeI, compare & represent commonIy used fractions (those with denominators 2, 3,

ModeIs, compares & represents fractions (denom. 2,3,4, 10, 100) with teacher assistance.

Basi c



ModeIs, ModeIs, ModeIs, ModeIs, compares & compares & compares & compares & represents represents represents represents fractions (denom. fractions (denom. fractions with fractions with 2,3,4, 10, 100). 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12, more compIex more 100) denominators. denominators and


numerators.. Find equivaIence between thirds, sixths & tweIfths Express a mixed numeraI as an improper fraction & vice versa Add & subtract simpIe fractions where one denominator is a muItipIe of the other MuItipIy simpIe fractions by whoIe numbers. CaIcuIate unit fractions of a number MuItipIy & divide decimaIs by whoIe divide numbers in everyday contexts. decimaIs decimaIs by 10, 100, 1000. decimaIs by singIe digit whoIe decimaIs by singIe digit whoIe decimaIs by doubIe digit decimaIs by simpIe Yes or no. Yes or no. Yes or no. Yes or no. MuItipIy (onIy) MuItipIy (onIy) MuIt. & divide MuIt. & divide MuIt. &

numbers and 10, 100, 1000.

numbers and 10, 100, 1000.

whoIe numbers.

(eg. 0.1)

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Add & subtract decimaIs to three decimaI pIaces

CaIcuIate simpIe percentages of quantities

Add & subtract decimaIs to 1-2 decimaI pIaces with assistance. Can caIcuIate %age in the most basic amounts onIy (ie. 10%, 50%) & onIy with assistance.

Add & subtract decimaIs to 1- 2 5

Add & subtract Add & subtract decimaIs to three decimaIs to 4-

Can caIcuIate Can caIcuIate %age in the most 10% increments basic amounts of quantities onIy (ie. 10%, 10% of 50 = 50%) 40% of 60=

AppIy the four operations to money in reaIIife situations

Can onIy compIe te 1or 2 operations

Can compIete 3 operations

Can compIete 4 operations

Can caIcuIate % in 5% and 10% incremen ts. E.g. 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% of Can compIete 4 operations with more demanding
BuiIds geometric patterns using onIy abstract ideas ReadiIy

Patterns & Algebra key ideas buiIds PAS3.1a - Record, BuiId simpIe geometric patterns invoIving analyses and muItipIes describes geometric functions. and number patterns that involve one operation using tables and words. CompIete a tabIe of vaIues for geometric & than number patterns

BuiIds simpIe geometric patterns with onIy concrete materiaIs and extensive teacher assistance. CompIetes a tabIe of vaIues invoIving geometric and number patterns invoIving one operation with teacher assistance.

BuiIds simpIe

BuiIds simpIe

geometric geometric patterns with onIy patterns using concrete concrete and materiaIs and abstract some teacher assistance. CompIetes a tabIe of vaIues invoIving geometric and number patterns invoIving one operation. materiaIs.

compIex geometric patterns with severaI

CompIetes a tabIe of vaIues invoIving

Can compIete a Can compIete a tabIe of vaIues tabIe of vaIues where more than where more one operation is needed to decode the number pattern and fractions invoIved.

geometric and one operation is number patterns needed to invoIving one decode the operation and number pattern can use the ruIe to caIcuIate the vaIue for a Iarger number Yes or no.


PAS3.1b Constructs, equivaIentand verifies completes number sentences involving the 4 operations

Construct, verify & compIete number sentences invoIving the four operations with

CompIete number sentences that invoIve one operation (whoIe numbers onIy). Can identify the inverse operation. (ALL

CompIete number sentences that invoIve one operation (whoIe numbers onIy). Can

CompIete number sentences that invoIve more than one operation (whoIe numbers

CompIete number sentences that invoIve more than one operation and can invoIve

Recognise & use simpIe aIgebraic equations. E.g. : x x y y y=

2x 3y identify the inverse operation. onIy). Can identify the inverse operation. fractions and decimaIs.

Add & subtract decimaIs to more than 5 decimaI pIaces.

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

Can caIcuIate % in unusuaI amoun ts E.g. 12%, 47%

DS3.1 - Displays & interprets data in graphs with scales of many-to-one read correspondence. sector that

Data key ideas Draw picture, coIumn, Iine & divided bar graphs using scaIes of many-to-one correspondence Read & interpret sector (pie) graphs read & simpIe


Begins to interpret sector (pie)

Begins to read & interpret interpret simpIe sector (pie)

Read & simpIe sector (pie) graphs.

Begins to read & interpret sector (pie) graphs that contain more compIex information. Read & interpret graphs with scaIes of manyto-one correspondence that contain more compIex information. Determine the mean for a Iarger set of data

ConfidentIy & interpret (pie) graphs contain more compIex information.

Read & interpret graphs with scaIes of manyinterpret to-one correspondence

Read simpIe graphs with scaIes of manyto-one correspondence

Read & simpIe graphs with scaIes of many-to-one correspondence


Determine the mean (average) for a smaII set of data smaII

Determine the mean for a

Determine the mean for a & more compIex set of data

Later Stage 3 Length MS3.1 Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure &

Measurement key ideas SeIect & use the appropriate unit and device to measure Iengths, distances & perimeters Convert between metres &



Sound SeIects the appropriate unit

High Uses the appropriate unit

Outstanding Can justify the use of this unit

Can convert between some of these units using whoIe numbers & onIy with

& device. & device. device. Can convert Can convert Can convert Can convert between some of between aII between these between these these units using these units using using decimaIs to using whoIe numbers. whoIe numbers & 3 pIaces e.g. simpIe 25mm=0.025m decimaI/fractions E.g. 105cm=1m 5cm, 4 pIaces e.g.

decimaIs to 25cm=0.0025km assistance.


DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007

CaIcuIate & compare perimeters of squares, CaIcuIates the rectangIes & equiIateraI & isosceIes triangIes perimeter of squares and rectangIes onIy.

CaIcuIates and compares the perimeter of squares and rectangIes.

Area MS3.2 - Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate area, including the area of squares, rectangles & triangles.

Record Iengths & distances using decimaI notation of three pIaces SeIect & use the appropriate unit to caIcuIate area Recognise the need for square kiIometres and hectares DeveIop formuIae in words for finding area of squares, rectangIes & triangIes

CaIcuIates and compares the perimeter of squares, rectangIes and equiIateraI and isosceIes triangIes. Yes or no. Yes or no.

Finds the Uses the formuIas reIationship (LxB & 1/2BxH) to between the find areas of Iengths of sides of simpIe irreguIar squares, shapes.

DeveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes only.

DeveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes & triangIes with assistance.

DeveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes & triangIes.

With some assistance, deveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes, triangIes and irreguIar shapes. (Eg. Area 1

IndependentIy deveIops area formuIae for squares, rectangIes, triangIes and irreguIar (Eg. Area 1 Area 2)


Volume & Capacity MS3.3 - Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate and measure volume & capacity, including volume voIume of rectangular prisms. =

SeIect the appropriate unit to measure voIume & capacity Recognise the need for cubic metres Estimate & measure the voIume of With assistance, attempts to estimate & measure voIume using centicubes, but with inconsistent accuracy. Determine the reIationship between With assistance, estimates & measures voIume using centicubes & with reasonabIe accuracy.

Yes or no. Yes or no. Estimates & measures voIume using centicubes Estimates & measures using the formuIa, LxWxH voIume. Estimates & measures any of the parts of the formuIa where one of them is removed Eg. L(2cm)x W(?)x H(3cm)= V(24cm3) what is the width? ReadiIy uses this knowIedge to caIcuIate voIumes of

cubic that,

Understands that centimetres and miIIiIitres 1mL = 1cm 3 .

Determines because 1mL = 1cm3 , then 1 = 1000cm3 .


Record voIume and capacity using decimaI notation to three decimaI pIaces

Can appIy 1-2 decimaI pIaces to measuring capacity and voIume with assistance.

Can appIy 3 decimaI pIaces to measuring capacity and voIume with assistance.

Can appIy 3 decimaI pIaces to measuring capacity and voIume

Can appIy caIcuIations using the four operations.

Can soIve more compIex probIems invoIving capacity & voIume to 3 or more decimaI pIaces.

Mass MS3.4 Selects and uses the appropriate unit and measuring device to find the mass of objects. more

SeIect & use the appropriate unit & device to measure mass Recognise the need for tonnes Convert between kiIograms & grams & between kiIograms & tonnes Record mass using decimaI notation to 3 decimaI pIaces

Yes or no. Yes or no. Yes or no. Can appIy 1-2 decimaI pIaces to measuring mass with assistance. Can appIy 3 decimaI pIaces to measuring mass with assistance. Yes or no. Yes or no. Can interpret a timeIine using a Can draw and interpret a timeIine using a simpIe scaIe with assistance. Can draw and interpret a timeIine using a simpIe scaIe. Can draw and interpret a timeIine using a more compIex scaIe. Can anaIyse answer inferentiaI questions any given timeIine. Can appIy 3 decimaI pIaces to measuring mass. Can appIy caIcuIations using the four operations. Can soIve compIex probIems invoIving 3 or more decimaI pIaces.

mass to Time MS3.5 - Uses 24 hour time & am & pm

Convert between am/pm notation and 24 hour time Compare various time zones in AustraIia, incIuding during dayIight saving Draw & interpret a timeIine using a scaIe

and compIex simpIe scaIe with assistance, about though has troubIe drawing one. Use timetabIes invoIving 24 hour time

Yes or no. (??)

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007


Construct 3D modeIs given drawings of aII different views. prisms

Can construct onIy a few

Can construct most common

Can construct common

High Identifies aII common prisms & pyramids & some Iess common ones. Can construct aII

Outstanding Identifies aII common prisms & pyramids & a variety of Iess common ones. Can construct common prisms & pyramids & a variety of more intricate ones.

Identify right-angIed, isosceIes, equiIateraI & Can identify Can identify 2 of scaIene triangIes none or 1 of these triangIes. these triangIes. Identify & draw reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes Can identify and Can identify and confidentIy draw some reguIar & reguIar irreguIar 2D 2D shapes with or without assistance. Identify and name parts of circIe shapes. irreguIar 2D draw a variety of reguIar &

common prisms & pyramids & some more intricate ones. Can identify aII 3 of these triangIes. Can identify and Can confidentIy identify and draw most reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes.

Can identify and draw any & irreguIar shape.

draw most reguIar & irreguIar 2D shapes.

Yes or No.

EnIarge & reduce shapes, pictures & maps

Yes or No.

Identify shapes that have rotationaI symmetry SGS3.2b - Measures, constructs & classifies angles. CIassify angIes as right, acute, obtuse, refIex, Can identify straight or a revoIution some of these angIes. Can identify most of these angIes.

Yes or No.

Can identify aII of these angIes.

Space & Geometry key ideas Later Stage 3 Three Dimensional Identify 3D objects, incIuding Space SGS3.1 particuIar DeveIoped 3D aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI 2007 prisms & pyramids, on the basis of Identifies by objects, including particular prisms & pyramids, on the basis of their properties & visualizes, sketches & constructs them given drawings of different views. Two Dimensional Space SGS3.2a Manipulates,

Limited Identifies onIy a few common prisms prisms &

Basic Identifies most common prisms & pyramids.

Sound Identifies aII common & pyramids.

Measure in degrees & construct angIes in using a protractor angIes

Can measure in degrees with assistance, but finds construction of angles very difficult. (?)

Can measure in degrees and construct angIes using a protractor with assistance.

Can measure in degrees and construct angIes using a protractor.

Can measure degrees and construct using a protractor to produce a common 2D shape.

Can measure in degrees and construct angIes using a protractor to produce any 2D shape. (?)

Position SGS3.3 - Uses a variety of mapping skills .

Interpret scaIes on maps & pIans Yes or No Make simpIe caIcuIations using scaIe Can onIy make simpIe caIcuIations with Can make advanced caIcuIations incIuding those containing decimaIs to 2 or more pIaces. (Eg. = 2.79km)

Can make simpIe caIcuIations with a moderate amount of assistance.

Can make simpIe caIcuIations with minimaI assistance.

Can make invoIved caIcuIations incIuding those containing decimaIs. (Eg. 1.5cm = 2km)


Uses coordinates & directions to Iocate pIaces & describe a route on a map.

Descri bes Iocation using onIy 1 descrip tor (Eg. The house is at the top)

Uses coordi nates to describe position (Eg. The house is at E5)

Can locate places with coordinates &

Can Iocate the best route between 2 sets of coordinates (one direction onIy)

Can Iocate the best route between 2 sets of coordi nates (muItipIe directions)

DeveIoped by aII staff at SackviIIe Street PubIic SchooI


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