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INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES WHAT is R-E-C-R-E-A-T-I-O-N? Recreation is an activity of leisure.

Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun". The term recreation implies participation to be healthy refreshing mind and body. The term recreation appears to have been used in English first in the late 14th century, first in the sense of "refreshment or curing of a sick person", and derived from Old French, in turn from Latin (re: "again", creare: "to create, bring forth, beget). Indoor Recreational Activities Indoor activities are also a part of the recreation programme. The word literally tells us that indoor recreation activities are undertaken on the comfort of ones home or more specifically indoor and they are to recreate the mind and soul. For such indoor recreation activities, there are well-established clubs or recreation centers that have well-equipped indoor leisure facilities, which cater for sports activities for all ages and abilities, but it can be done just at home for simple activities. List of Indoor Recreational Activities 1. Table games: Bingo, Uno & Trouble 2. Hobbies and Crafts: Woodworking, Photography, Needlework/Sewing, Collecting, Drawing & Painting 3. Computer Games 4. Electronic Games: Play station, Nintendo 5. Reading: Books, Books on Tape, Ebook 6. Physical Fitness: Fitness walking, Swimming, Roller-skating, Weight Training, Aerobics 7. Lifetime Skills: Bowling, Pool, Ping Pong, Football, Darts, Air Hockey, Racquet Sports, Climbing Wall / Rock Climbing 8. Dance

BENEFITS OF INDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION Anything that gives you peace of mind and happiness is deemed recreation. The world is moving at a fast pace and the need for recreation has been doubled. After the tiring schedule of workplace, people run short of energy, resulting in poor performance both official and domestic. An activity that a person would love would put them on track to pursue the serious goals in life. Indoor Recreation provides an ideal opportunity to explore and develop a full range of abilities. We develop the majority of our physical, social, creative, intellectual and spiritual perspectives at an early age carefully planned and balanced recreation for children delivers the potential of our citizens through play, culture and the arts, leisure learning, sport and travel. BENEFITS 1 ) Helps You Relax Recreational activities help you relax and give soothing effect to your nerves. It helps you release the tension and maintain equilibrium. It is one of the best relaxation techniques to help you get back to work in full form. 2 ) Reduces Stress- Are you feeling stress lately? Do late hours get out the best in you. If tension is taking its toll on you then recreation activities are best for you. 3 ) Impacts Your Health- Recreational activities have a very good impact on your health. It is an excellent medicine for ailments which cannot be cured by any other manner. It is a natural way to stay fit and healthy in life. 4 ) Social Benefits- It helps you meet like minded people and develop a favorable rapport. People who share common interest makes a joyful group that help each other to promote themselves. Importance of recreation gets reflected in the status you build for yourself. 5 ) Refresh the Senses- Feeling dumb? Recreation is the important and best activity to refresh you senses and prepare you for the next battle. It rejuvenates your senses and makes you feel light again. 6 ) Refills the Energy- Recreation activities are best mechanism to refill your energy and make you feel alive again. It is best way to charge you up when you feel exhausted and drained out. 7 ) Quality of Life- Recreational activities help you build self esteem and confidence. It helps you enhance the quality of life by building a positive self image. 8 ) Effective Time Utilization- When your body is at the best of its form both in terms of health and energy, recreational activities helps you utilize your time effectively. The effort you put in a certain task is way below what you could have possibly put without any recreational activity. 9 ) Sharpen Skills- The value and benefit of recreational activities is best seen in the form of skills that gets developed and sharpened over the period of time. You not only are inclined to learn more things but are also motivated to be at your best. 10) New Avenues- It has happened to people and it can help you too. People who enjoy it to the best of its form have developed a career in one form or the other. Other Benefits (cont.) >Boost the immune system which further helps reduction in disease risk and early death. >Increases positive moods, and make an individual less prone to obesity >Lower incidence of depression and anxiety. >Recreation reduces self-destructive behavior and negative social activity in youth. >Recreation promotes social bonds by uniting families, building cultural tolerance and supporting seniors and individuals with disabilities. >Recreation reduces isolation, loneliness and alienation. Thus, enhances self-esteem. CONCLUSION Being able to relax, rest and revitalize through different recreation are essential to be able to manage stress in todays busy and demanding world. This will also serve as the medium where individual can gain personal life satisfaction. Get involve to healthy recreational activities and you will not regret because benefits are rewarding. Recreation feels like a rain shower during scorching heat. Recreation is the time to be together with your friends and family and to have fun. Devoting some time for recreation helps in staying healthy and achieving a peace of mind. Recreational activities serve as a way of relaxing and as researches have shown recreation on a daily basis reduces risks of diabetes and hypertension and it improves mental and physical health and improves the quality of life.

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