Stage 1 Student Rubric Exposition

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PURPOSE: To argue a case for or against a particular position

D Basic
Planning Finds and selects relevant information I have a title and made a plan.

C Sound
I have written a plan. It has a title. It has some key words.

B High
I have written a plan. It has a title. It has key words. My plan includes two points I have written a statement of position I have written one or two supporting points including reasons I have written a reinforcement of position statement. I have logically sequenced my arguments I have used some general nouns I have included some technical language I have used several connectives I have used one or two thinking verbs I usually use full stops and capital letters I have used some simple, compound and complex sentences. I can use the correct tense to argue my point I have checked my draft and made some corrections.

A Outstanding
I have written a plan. It has a title. It has key words. My plan includes several points

Other things to remember. Have I edited my work? Do I have an introduction?

Organisation of Text statement position supporting points reinforcement of position statement

I have written some information.

I have written a statement of position. I have written one or two supporting points. I have attempted to write reinforcement of position statement

I have written a statement of position I have written several supporting points including reasons I have written a comprehensive reinforcement of position statement. I have organised my information into paragraphs.

Have I argued my thoughts on the issue? Have I given reasons? Have I used the correct tense? Have I included a reinforcement of position statement?

Language: high modality language technical words thinking verbs connectives

I have used simple language.

I have used some general nouns I have tried to include technical language I have used some connectives I have a thinking verb I have included one or two full stops and capital letters. I have written one or two sentences

I have used descriptive language. I have used appropriate technical language I have used a variety of connectives I have used a variety thinking verbs

Grammatical Features sentences punctuation present tense

I have written simple sentences. I have used some full stops and capitals.

I have used all punctuation correctly. I consistently use a mix of simple, compound and complex sentences. I consistently use the correct tense to argue my point

Editing/ Proof Reading

I havent checked it.

I have checked my draft and made a few corrections.

I have checked my draft and made many corrections.

Stage 1 West Pennant Hills P.S.

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