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Rancocas Valley Regional High School Mt.

Holly, New Jersey

Senior Class Trip


Dear Senior, We are very glad that you can participate in the Senior Class Trip to Florida. We hope that it will be both an enjoyable and educational experience that you will long remember as one of the highlights of your high school years. The itinerary has been planned to give you several different activities to enjoy and learn from. This guidebook has been prepared to help you with your plans for the trip and, once the trip is underway, to help you get the most out of it. Both you and your parents/guardians must read the booklet to become familiar with the information it contains. There are also special forms associated with it that must be completed and returned to the school in preparation for the trip. Be sure that you have all of them and return them by the date specified on them. There are also three copies of the trip itinerary. At least one of these should be hung up at home so that parents/guardians will be able to follow your activities and know where you are should they need to reach you in an emergency. The others are for you to keep with you, so you will know your schedule for each day of the trip. We look forward to sharing this trip with you. Our purpose in being with you is to ensure that your welfare is protected and to help you with whatever may arise once we are on the trip. We want you to have a good as well as a safe time, and we are counting on you to cooperate with us in that effort. If you have any questions or concerns before departure, please contact any one of us. We will do whatever we can to get you the information you may need.
Mark Haines Bill Booth Adam Dempsey Roger Clark Ron McIntosh Dave Aupperle Lynn Hoyer Alicia Rennie Jen Rosenthal Eva Bratty Jen Gerry Karen Carlson Julie Thornton Amanda Morey

Trip Chaperones

Dear Parent/Guardian and Senior: This information packet has been prepared for you in the hope that it will both answer questions and/or concerns you may have about the Senior Class Trip as well as remind you of the very serious responsibilities that go along with participation in such an event. Please read everything that you find here. The trip booklet itself (with Mickey on the front) has been arranged in such a way that the last several pages can be detached from the rules/regulations part of the booklet. These last pages consist of the packing lists and three copies of the trip itinerary. By defining these, seniors can keep the packing lists handy as they put things into their suitcases and carry-ons. The multiple copies of the itinerary can be posted at home, taken to work, and otherwise put in a handy place so those at home can track the classes whereabouts while the trip is in progress. Together with, but separate from, the booklets are the various forms that need to be filled out and returned before the trip gets underway. Instructions for them are attached to or included on the sheets. The important thing about all of them is to be sure that they are all completed and back to Mrs. Rosenthal no later than January 27th .

Be sure you have set aside Wednesday, February 13th at 7 P.M. for the student/parent meeting in the new Performing Arts Center.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about the trip, please feel free to contact Mrs. Rosenthal or Mr. McIntosh at the school (267-0830).

RANCOCAS VALLEY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL MT. HOLLY, NEW JERSEY SENIOR CLASS TRIP OPENING STATEMENT It should be understood by all members of the Senior Class and their parents/guardians that this is a school trip, entirely under school supervision and school rules. Each student will be held personally responsible for his/her conduct on this trip. The school expects that the seniors going to Orlando, Florida, will have a good time. However, for the welfare of everyone concerned, certain guidelines must be insisted upon. In short, everyone is expected to act maturely and with consideration for the rights and privileges of others. Everyone is also expected to obey the law. Those who violate ANY of the rules must understand that they will face serious consequences for their actions. THE FOLLOWING GENERAL GUIDELINES WILL BE INSISTED UPON: 1. Students are expected to cooperate fully with all authorized chaperones. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN THE STUDENT BEING SENT HOME FROM FLORIDA, suspension from school, and/or exclusion from remaining trip and senior activities. If it becomes necessary for a student to be sent home, the parents/guardians will be duly notified and directly responsible for all expenses and transportation costs incurred. 2. Any student detained by security personnel in any park visited, whether charges are filed or not, will be excluded from all remaining trip activities and/or sent home at the student's expense. 3. ACCORDANCE WITH BOARD POLICY, POSSESSION AND/OR USE OF ANY DRUG (INCLUDING ALCOHOL) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES. IF A STUDENT BECOMES INVOLVED WITH ANY DRUG WHILE ON THE CLASS TRIP, HE/SHE WILL BE SENT HOME AT HIS/HER EXPENSE INCLUDING ANY RELATED MEDICAL COSTS. HE/SHE MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN REMAINING SENIOR ACTIVITIES, SUCH AS THE PROM, CLASS NIGHT, AND GRADUATION. THE STUDENT MAY ALSO BE ON PROBATION FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. 4. SCHOOL RULES REGARDING SMOKING WILL ALSO BE IN EFFECT ON THE TRIP. This is in the students best interest as well as in the interest of all others on the trip and those sharing facilities/activities with the group. Disney World has been designated a "smoke-free environment." Smoking is permitted only in specific "smoking areas." Lines and attractions and other areas of the parks will be patrolled. You will also be staying in a smoke-free room at the motel. No-smoking IS essential there WHERE THE SAFETY OF EVERYONE IS THE PRIMARY CONCERB. Leave your cigarettes at home. 5. THOSE STUDENTS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER MUST FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE TRIP. 6. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS UNDERSTAND THAT THE LAWS IN FLORIDA ARE VERY STRICTLY ENFORCED. IF SECURITY PERSONNEL OR POLICE CATCH ANY STUDENT BREAKING LOCAL LAWS (SHOPLIFTING, PUBLIC DRINKING OR DRUG USE, VANDALISM, ETC.), HE/SHE WILL BE ARRESTED. AUTHORITIES WILL NOTIFY THE CHAPERONES AND THE STUDENTS PARENTS/GUARDIANS. PARENTS WILL BE EXPECTED TO COME TO FLORIDA AND TO TAKE PERSONAL CUSTODY OF THEIR CHILD. CHAPERONES CANNOT AND WILL NOT LEGALLY ACT ON A STUDENTS BEHALF IN THE CASE OF AN ARREST. ONCE THE POLICE HAVE ACTED AGAINST A STUDENT, THAT STUDENTS TRIP IS OVER. THE STUDENT AND HIS/HER PARENTS WILL TRAVEL HOME AT THEIR EXPENSE. IN ADDITION TO LEGAL PENALTIES AND SCHOOL PENALTIES LISTED IN #3 ABOVE, THE SCHOOL BOARD MAY IMPOSE FURTHER DISIPLANARY ACTIONS. THIS IS A SERIOUS WARNING. STUDENTS MUST BE SMART


7. Students must maintain due respect for the property of other students, the motel, the transportation company, and the public. ANY DAMAGES WILL BE PAID FOR BY THE PERSON(S) INVOLVED. It is therefore every student's responsibility to check for damage on the plane, the busses, and in the motel rooms AS SOON AS HE/SHE ENTERS ANY OF THESE, he or she should report any damage he/she finds to the closest chaperone. This is the only way students can avoid being charged for such damages. 8. Everyone must appear at specified times for everything listed on the itinerary or added by the chaperones. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN SEVERE PENALTIES. Busses WILL NOT wait. 9. Students must participate in every activity on the itinerary. NO ONE MAY LEAVE AN ACTIVITY LOCATION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. NO ONE CAN REMAIN AT THE HOTEL. Anyone who leaves a scheduled activity site without permission will be sent home at his/her expense. 10. Students needing medical attention or assistance of any kind from a chaperone should report to a FIRST AID STATION or GUEST RELATIONS. Both are located in each of the Disney World areas as well as in other places included on the itinerary. Chaperones will check in with the first aid stations at least once every hour. In the event of an emergency, security personnel can locate chaperones immediately. If it becomes necessary to obtain the series of a physician, or if it becomes necessary to hospitalize a student because of illness or disability, the parent/guardian will be notified as soon as possible and will be responsible for any expenses incurred. 11. ALL STUDENTS GOING ON THE TRIP MUST TURN IN MEDICAL SLIPS AND A PERMISSION SLIP to Mr. Haines. No students may go on the trip unless these forms are completed and turned in by the specified deadline. Specific medical needs that chaperones should be aware of can be noted on the medical sheet. 12. Boys may not visit in girls' rooms, and girls may not visit in boys' rooms. Co-ed socializing MUST be conducted outside the rooms. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANY REASON. 13. Curfew time will be between 10pm and 11pm each night unless otherwise specified. CURFEW MEANS THAT STUDENTS ARE IN THEIR ASSIGNED ROOMS WITH DOORS AND CURTAINS CLOSED. It is realized that all lights will not be out at curfew, but it would be wise for students to get to sleep as soon as possible because of the early wake-up time and each days busy schedule. Chaperones will be on patrol until such time as the hotel security personnel come on duty to relieve them. Violations of curfew will be considered a violation of the rules and result in serious disciplinary action. Anyone leaving the assigned hotel area without permission will be sent home at his/her expense. 14. Students are encouraged to bring and use cell phones on the trip. We discourage using the hotel phones as they are very expensive. 15. ABOVE ALL, STUDENTS SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE CHECKED INTO THE HOTEL, VISITING THE ATTRACTIONS, AND EATING IN THE SAME PLACES AS THEY WILL BE GOING. THE OUTSIDE INDIVIDUALS DESERVE COURTESY AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY THEIR TIME AT THESE PLACES. STUDENTS MUST NOT DO ANYTHING THAT WILL INTERFERE WITH THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THEY MUST EXERCISE GOOD JUDGMENT AT ALL TIMES. THIS INCLUDES RUNNING AND SCREAMING AT THE HOTEL. BOTH ARE ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN.


1. DEPARTING PROCEDURES Seniors will be responsible for bringing their ONE large suitcase to the school between 2:00-4:00 P.M. on Monday, March 4, 2013. The luggage will be inspected by chaperones and police K-9 units and tagged. It will then be loaded onto a truck for transport to Philadelphia Airport where it will be secured until departure time on Tuesday. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET AT THIS LUGGAGE ONCE IT LEAVES THE SCHOOL UNTIL THEIR ARRIVALAL AT THE HOTEL LATE TUESDAY NIGHT. Be certain that nothing you will need before that time is packed in that suitcase. Money, personal items, medications, etc. SHOULD GO IN THE CARRYON BAG. All students going on the trip will meet in the CAFETERIA on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at the designated time.( HOWEVER, IF A STUDENT FEELS ILL ON THE DAY OF DEPARTURE, HE/SHE SHOULD NOT GO ON THE TRIP. A PARENT/GUARDIAN SHOULD NOTIFY MRS. ROSENTHAL AT 609-267-0837 x3214 or (609)-980-6112 NO LATER THAN 4:00 A. M.) Students will bring their carry-on bags to the cafeteria when they report. Chaperones and police K-9 units will inspect all bags before students board the busses for Philadelphia Airport. Busses will depart from RVRHS for Philadelphia International Airport. DO NOT MISS THE BUS! THE BUSSES WILL NOT WAIT IF YOU COME LATE. LUGGAGE Students are allowed ONE piece of luggage to check and ONE carry-on bag. THE CARRY-ON BAG MUST BE SMALL ENOUGH TO FIT BENEATH THE SEAT ON THE PLANE. Book bags are ideal! WHAT TO WEAR FOR THE TRIP TO ORLANDO Since students will not be checking into the hotel or have access to their luggage until after the evenings activities, they should dress for the activities listed on the itinerary for the first day. Clothing should be comfortable and suitable for whatever activity is listed. Clothing that displays inappropriate symbols and/or writing, or is otherwise in poor taste is not acceptable. Since evenings can be quite cool in Florida, it is recommended that clothing be layered. Having a sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket and long pants to put over what you may already be wearing is a good idea. These things can be stored in lockers for a fee. This fee will get you through the entire day and will be partly refunded when you return your key. WEATHER IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA Expect temperatures to range from 50 degrees to 80 degrees during the day. The evening will probably be cool and the days warm. Students should remember that it rains easily and at any time in Florida. Though we certainly hope that this will not happen, students should be prepared just in case with ponchos, extra shoes, and umbrellas each day. These can be stored in lockers at the parks. Check the weather channel or the Internet for up-to-date weather information prior to the trip. CLOTHING Informal, but tasteful, attire is suggested at all times. The secret to an enjoyable time is to dress comfortably and bring comfortable shoes for LOTS of walking. STUDENTS SHOULD BRING CLOTHES FOR TWO SEASONS, SPRING AND SUMMER. IF THEY PACK ONLY SUMMER THINGS, THEY RUN THE RISK OF BEING VERY UNCOMFORTABLE FOR A LARGE PORTION OF THE TRIP IF THE WEATHER REMAINS COOL. ( A suggested packing list is included in this booklet to help students have all the things they will need to be comfortable on the trip. )





6. MONEY Students will need enough money to cover five meals (usually lunch) and any snacks they wish to purchase at the attractions. We suggest $150 as a BARE MINIMUM for meals and snacks. Students with larger appetites are encouraged to bring perhaps $15-25 more in case the costs run a little higher. SOUVENIRS WILL BE ADDITIONAL. Travelers checks are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. There are ATM machines in most locations, and most credit cards are generally accepted, but it would be best not to depend on credit cards for everything because there may be times when you cannot use them. Students should be careful TO BUDGET whatever money they bring with them so that they will have enough to last through the trip. STUDENTS ARE ADVISED NOT TO SPEND EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS THE FIRST DAYS OF THE TRIP. There will be plenty of time to purchase souvenirs throughout the trip, and PRICES ARE THE SAME IN ALL AREAS OF THE DISNEYWORLD COMPLEX & UNIVERSAL STUDIOS. 7. ACTIVITY COSTS Entry fees to activities listed on the itinerary are covered in the basic cost of the trip. Additional items, such as boat rentals, are extra. IN ADDITION TO RENTAL FEES, A VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE IS ALSO REQUIRED for boat rentals. Rentals are expensive. Plan accordingly. 8. SUNBURN WARNING Everyone has heard the warning before that the sun in Florida is "different" from the sun here. People may choose not to believe it, but IT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE. The sun is much hotter and burns the skin MUCH MORE QUICKLY than students (even those who tan easily) often realize. We therefore REQUIRE students to bring AND USE a SUN BLOCK, not just a sun screen or a tanning solution. A minimum of #15 SPF sunblock is recommended. TANNING OIL IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING TO USE, SO LEAVE THAT AT HOME. Students who allow themselves to be badly burned WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO STAY IN THEIR ROOMS OR ELSEWHERE DURING THE TRIP. ALL STUDENTS WILL HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN WHATEVER EVENTS ARE SCHEDULED, REGARDLESS OF SUNBURN. EACH YEAR A FEW STUDENTS SUFFER TERRIBLY FOR NOT HEEDING THIS WARNING. IT IS INTENDED TO BE A VERY SERIOUS ONE THAT WE HOPE EACH STUDENT AND HIS/HER PARENTS/GUARDIANS WILL TAKE PRECAUTIONS AGAINST IN PREPARING FOR THE TRIP. 9. MOTION SICKNESS Students who have experienced this problem on other flights or forms of transportation should take every precaution against it for the trip to and from Florida. Students who have never flown before may want to consider taking medication before they travel. This could make the flights down and back more pleasant for them. Anyone who is subject to motion sickness is STRONGLY URGED to take precautions against it for many of the attractions in the Disney & Universal Studios complexes as well. SEVERAL OF THE ATTRACTIONS GIVE THE ILLUSION OF TRAVELING, AND THEY WILL HAVE THE SAME EFFECT -- SOMETIMES A MAGNIFIED ONE -- ON PEOPLE WHO ARE PRONE TO MOTION SICKNESS. It is wise to be prepared for this possibility so that the trip can be fully enjoyed without the unpleasantness motion sickness can bring. ATTRACTIONS THAT HAVE THIS POSSIBILITY POST OR ANNOUNCE WARNINGS REGARDINGING MOTION SICKNESS. THE WARNINGS ARE MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Chaperones can also advise students about "wild" rides. 10. HOTEL ETIQUETTE As much as you may think that this is something that does not need your attention, we have discovered from past trips that it is at the hotel where almost all of the serious behavior problems occur. It is because of infractions made here that some students in the past have had to sit out from some of the planned activities. In an effort to head this off before the trip gets underway, we are devoting a separate section to your conduct at the hotel. Read it carefully so that you know and understand the information presented. This will prevent you from getting into

difficulty during the time you spend at the hotel. As with all of the other rules and regulations presented in this booklet, there can be absolutely no exceptions to the points listed here.

General information:
You will be staying at a Disney hotel that is open to and occupied by members of the general public. This means that there will be regular, normal people there, not just high school seniors. Only your best, most courteous, and respectful behavior is acceptable. This means: 1. You cannot and will not run around the walkways, grounds, pool, or any other area at any time during your stay. 2.You must and will keep your voice at a reasonable level, preferably a low one, especially when you return to the hotel later at night after each days activities. 3. You cannot and will not slam doors, throw anything, or yell from room to room. 4. You cannot and will not use obscene, profane, or otherwise offensive language. 5. You cannot and will not make calls from room to room anytime after midnight ( and it is very likely that the phones will be turned off anyway). Contact a chaperone for emergencies. 6. You cannot and will not make excessive noise while you are in your room. This includes maintaining a reasonable sound level on televisions, radios, etc. This is a critical point because your room may be next to, above, or below one that is occupied by someone other than RV people, including young children. 7. You cannot smoke for safety reasons and in respect of other patrons, including your own roommates. The rooms are designated "Smoke-Free." Besides this is a violation of school rules and is a punishable offense. 8. You must and will have shoes or some other kind of footwear on your feet at all times except when you are in your bed, the shower, bathtub or in the pool. 9. You must respect your roommates in regards to playing music, running appliances, having lights on late, talking on the phone, sharing the bathroom, etc.

About the hotel pool:

The pool that is designated for our use may be used only with permission from the chaperones and only when at least 2 chaperones are on duty there. There are some very specific rules regarding the use of the pool that you must follow If you use the pool: 1. If you cannot swim, do not go in the pool. 2. You have to and will abide by the hours for use established by the hotel management. If the pool is closed, its closed...period, end of discussion. 3. You cannot and will not horse around. This means there is absolutely... a. no running b. no dunking or throwing/ pushing anyone (especially chaperones) into the pool c. no diving d. no screaming or yelling e. no climbing over fences - use the gates f. no throwing any objects except those designed exclusively for pool use g. no using of anything glass or otherwise breakable anywhere in the pool area 4. As with any crowded pool, keep a good eye on friends. If you see or hear that someone is having difficulty in the water, offer help if you can give it without jeopardizing yourself or yell for help immediately. Chaperones will be at the pool. 5. You must wear a bathing suit as opposed to clothing in the pool. Anything with metal, such as zippers or unusually long string ties/cords is NOT safe and therefore NOT permitted in the pool. TWO ADDITIONAL CRITICAL REMINDERS ABOUT THE HOTEL: 1. DO NOT OPEN YOUR ROOM DOORS TO ANYONE EXCEPT A CHAPERONE OR SOME ONE WHO IS WITH A CHAPERONE. DO THIS ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE LOOKED THROUGH THE DOOR PEEP-HOLE OR AT THE WINDOW. KEEP YOUR DOOR SECURELY LOCKED WHILE YOU ARE IN THE ROOM.

Even if someone knocks and identifies himself/herself as hotel personnel, a repair person of any description, or even a security guard, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. Go to your phone and call the room of one the chaperones or the front desk. Be sure that you have the chaperones' room numbers so that you can do this. TRUST NO ONE that you do not know no matter how official he/she may sound nor how amusing he/she may seem to be. 2. NO ONE is permitted to order take-out food after curfew. If you do, you will pay for it, but you will not receive it. Room doors will be opened to NO ONE EXCEPT THE CHAPERONES ONCE CURFEW IS IN EFFECT. This is why you are being told to bring snacks with you so that you'll have all that you need while you are in your rooms. 11. APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE Because seniors are considered responsible, mature individuals, it is expected that the way in which they conduct themselves in public will reflect this maturity. This includes the language they use every day. Just because radio, television, the movies, other forms of entertainment, as well as those with whom we regularly associate seem to promote profanity and obscenity, this does not make the use of such language acceptable. Students will therefore be expected to completely avoid using language that would be offensive to anyone in the general public. Because you will be among families, small children, and older adults who will be listening to what you say and watching what you do, you must be very careful about what you say and do. This will be especially important for those of you who regularly use offensive language. For the duration of this trip, and hopefully well beyond, YOU CANNOT AND WILL NOT USE OBSCENE AND/OR PROFANE LANGUAGE. Just as with any of the other rules established here for you, and just as it would be if someone reported you to the disciplinary office at school, there will be consequences for your actions. SIMPLY USE GOOD TASTE AND GOOD JUDGMENT AT ALL TIMES. This is how it works in the real world. You will be a part of the real world when you are on this trip. Your behavior, including your actions and your language, should be your best at all times. Others are listening and paying attention even when you may think they are not. Absolutely no one appreciates loud, offensive individuals no matter how much you may personally think otherwise. People will treat you and respond to you just as you treat and respond to them. Behaving any other way is not "cool," and it is certainly not mature. Leave the bad attitude, the bad habits, and the bad language at home. If you take any other approach, you will be asking for trouble.



CLOTHING ITEMS _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ watch 1 pair pajamas toothbrush 1 bath robe 2-3 pairs sneakers,or other comfortable shoes (youll be walking lots & shoes take a long time to dry if it rains) lip ice/chapstick for sun 5-6 shirts/tops, some with sleeves 1-3 sweaters/sweatshirts 1 jacket 2 pairs sweats/jeans 4 pairs shorts 4-5 pairs of socks 5-7 changes of underwear bathing suit & beach shirt/top 1 beach towel 1 poncho/rain jacket. 1-2 pairs sunglasses 1 compact or fold-up umbrella 1 teddy bear (optional) pepto-bismol pills, Imodium, etc. SNACKS!!!! _____ _____ _____ small tube toothpaste comb/brush razor OTHER NECESSITIES ____ _____ alarm clock 1 pair slippers/flip-flops

_____ _____

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

sun block (#15 or higher) skin lotion Solarcaine deodorant aspirin/tylenol motion sickness medication tissues contact lens necessities 1 hat/cap/visor Extra Batteries feminine hygiene needs camera band-aids

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

______ zip-lock or other plastic storage bags



YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES BEFORE THE TRIP STARTS: Taking care of final details about the trip: 1. 2. 3. Be sure your trip balance is paid in full. (See Ms. Hoyer if you have any questions on this.) If you have earned credit from fund-raising projects and want this amount for spending money on the trip, see Mrs. Carlson and Mr. Auperle. If you will require prescription medicine of any kind while you are on the trip, make the necessary arrangements to get the prescriptions refilled if necessary in plenty of time for the trip. Questions of any kind regarding the trip should be directed to Mrs. Rosenthal in A 231.


Getting ready to miss four days of school: 1. 2. 3. School continues for everyone who is not going on the trip, so you will be missing a considerable amount of work that must be made up, preferably before you go on the trip. It is your responsibility to find out what you will be missing and get it made up BEFORE you leave for Florida. Some teachers may even schedule tests for days that youll miss. BY ALL MEANS ASK TO TAKE THESE TESTS BEFORE YOU LEAVE. You might not be allowed to take them later. It is also your responsibility to know what will be assigned and covered during your absence so that you will be prepared for class when you return. The trip is NOT an excuse for missing or not knowing about ANY of your work. You will be able to enjoy yourself more if you leave knowing the work is finished, and you will not risk losing credit for it. The block schedule makes this especially important.

4. 5.

Getting things together for the trip: Large Suitcase: 1. You are permitted to have ONE LARGE SUITCASE that will be inspected in your presence by the chaperones, inspected by the police K-9 unit, and then loaded for transport to the airport. Start deciding NOW what you want to take with you on the trip. Use the SUGGESTED PACKING LIST in this booklet to help you organize this process. Set these items out see what you have, and decide what youll need to get. Go out and get these items NOW so that you wont be rushing around at the last minute. Pack your suitcase during the week before the trip. That way youll know everything is in order, and you will have plenty of time to add the last minute things youve forgotten.

2. 3. 4.

Do NOT pack money or medication in your suitcase. Keep these in what you carry on the plane. You will not be able to get to your luggage once it is checked at school on Monday evening. You will not see your luggage until you get to the hotel LATE Tuesday night.

Carry-On Bag 1. You are also permitted to have ONE SMALL BAG that you can carry on the plane with you. The airlines are very strict about the carry-on now. IT MUST FIT UNDER YOUR SEAT. IF IT DOES NOT, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO TAKE IT ON THE PLANE. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. Give special attention to this bag. Like your large suitcase, it will also be inspected by the chaperones and the K-9 dogs. It is the only luggage you will have access to while you are in flight. Be sure to pack every essential item youll need for that day and evening in it so you can get what you need from it. Be sure to put any medication you need in this bag as well as extra money, travelers checks, and any other important items you are taking on the trip. You should also remember to pack snacks in it so that you can eat on the way to Disney World. 2. It is NOT a good idea to travel with valuable jewelry, so leave it at home. Other considerations: 1. A PHOTO ID is REQUIRED (a driver's license is preferred). If you do not have a license, you can you can get a state ID at the Motor Vehicle Agency in Mt. Holly or other government-issued identification. You cannot board a plane without a photo ID. All students over the age of 18 MUST have a government issued ID. In addition, it is a good idea to bring your school ID. 2. Carry only small amounts of cash at one time. Use travelers checks and cash them as you need them. If you have not used travelers checks before, be familiar with how to use them. The bank where you get them can easily explain the process to you. If no one does, ask someone before you leave the bank. Chaperones can help. 3. Be sure to get a good nights sleep before the day of the trip. The excitement of traveling, plus the busy agenda, will tire you out. You will need all of your energy for the long days that follow. DON'T START OUT TIRED!!! Phone chain/Relaying information from Florida: When we arrive in Florida we will instruct all students to call home to verify their arrival and will do the same when we arrive in Philadelphia for the return flight. Students without a cell phone will be provided with one to make these two calls. If a situation arises that warrants a mass communication to all parents, a computer-generated message will be sent to all students homes.

If some emergency prevents you from arriving at school in time for check-in on Tuesday morning, call Mrs. Rosenthal by 4:00A.M. If you are sick on Tuesday morning, call Mrs. Rosenthal by 4:00 A.M. The number to call for either situation is: 609-980-6112 or 267-0837, ext 3214.



Recommended Packing List & Checklist for CARRY-ON BAG
Note: In case there is any question, a CARRY-ON BAG is something like a backpack or book bag. If you are planning on carrying something other than one of those, whatever it is you do carry must not be any larger than a backpack or book bag. It absolutely has to fit beneath the seat in front of you on the plane. Do NOT plan to bring anything larger. The airline will not permit you to use it. Also remember that you can have ONLY ONE carry-on bag.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1 pair super comfortable shoes sweatshirt/jacket/sweater umbrella/rain gear sunglasses hat/visor sweatpants or other long pants change of underwear any prescription medication bathing suit & plastic bag a pair of shorts (if you are planning to wear long pants for the trip down) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____

money/travelers checks watch Tylenol/aspirin Camera motion sickness medication Kleenex band-aids ipod bag lunch for 1st day backpack photo ID

Lockers are available at all of the parks. You can check larger bags into them and then carry with you only what you will immediately need. Locker fees will cover all four Disney parks; the cost is generally about $7.00 with a $2.00 refund when you return the key at the end of the day.

All seniors must meet the requirements for the Student In Good Standing Policy to participate. Full refunds will only be given if another student takes your place.


Rancocas Valley Regional High School recognizes that participation in activities is an important part of a students school experience. There are many academic expectations in addition to social activities that enhance a students high school career. We support these social events as privileges for students who have demonstrated good attendance, academic achievement, and appropriate behavior throughout the school year.

Seniors must meet the eligibility requirements listed below to earn parking privileges on campus and to participate in the Senior Class Trip, any Class Prom as a guest or member of the class, and Project Graduation: 1. Attendance No more than 13 unauthorized absences prior to the date of the privilege or event. 2. Discipline No more than 3 out-of-school or 3 in-school suspensions or any single offense deemed especially serious by the Superintendent prior to the date of the privilege or event. 3. Fines All fines must be paid in full 10 days prior to the privilege or event. Prom tickets cannot be purchased or parking permit issued unless all fines are paid. Please note: If, you are not permitted to participate because of this policy, there are no refunds for money paid for the Senior Class Trip.

About the permission & medical...

Enclosed with your packet are the required slips that all seniors going on the trip must have filled out and turned in before they have clearance to go on the trip. These forms include: a Parent/Guardian Permission Slip which must be signed by a parent/guardian even if the student is 18 years old or older. This also includes the Student's Commitment, which seniors must sign.

a Medical Emergency Information Sheet which must be completed fully with referral sheet attached if applicable

a Medical and Medication Information Form which has 2 sides and must be signed even if the student is currently taking no medication

All of these forms must be returned no later than January 28th . Students should hand-deliver the forms to Mrs. Rosenthal in A 231. Be sure that EVERYTHING is completely filled out and signed wherever signatures are required. Check both sides of each form.



THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN. NO SENIOR MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE TRIP WITHOUT A PROPERLY SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION SLIP I have read and understood ALL of the information (the suggestions, rules, regulations, and penalties) contained in the trip booklet. I give my son/daughter permission to participate in the trip, and I take FULL responsibility for his/her conduct.

_________________________________ (Parent/Guardian PRINTED Name)

______________________________ (Son's/Daughter's PRINTED Name)

_________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)

___________________ (Date)


STUDENTS COMMITMENT I have read and I understand ALL of the information (the suggestions, rules, regulations, and penalties) contained in the trip booklet. I will do my part to see that those guidelines are followed for my own welfare, as well as for the welfare of everyone involved with the trip. I fully realize that ANY violation of the specified rules will result in not participating in the prom and project graduation, as well as my having to be sent home at my own/my parent's/my guardian's expense. I pledge my full cooperation to my parent/guardian as well as to the chaperones for the trip. ________________________________________________________ (Student's Printed Name) ________________________________________________________ (Student's Signature) (Date)
Contact Mrs. Rosenthal, Trip coordinator should you have any questions at 267-0830


MEDICAL AND MEDICATION INFORMATION FORM STUDENT:_________________________________________ CHECK THE APPROPRIATE INFORMATION: _______ My son/daughter does not have any known chronic conditions and should not need to take medication of any kind. My son/daughter does have a chronic condition(s) which require(s) him/her to take the following: SCHEDULE OTHER



My son/daughter has the following health/medical problem(s): __________________________________________________________________ a. _____ requires the following care and/or medication (prescribed or unprescribed): ____________________________________________________________ _____ does not require any medication


My son/daughter is allergic to the following things (including medications of any kind): _________________________________________________________________ a. _____ requires the following care and/or medication (prescribed or unprescribed) ____________________________________________________________ _____ does not require any medication


My son's/daughter's medication will be kept _________________________ (indicate: in his/her room, suitcase, handbag, etc., or on him/herself.


I ______________________request(s) that ______________________________ (PRINT PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME) (PRINT STUDENT NAME) be allowed to carry and self-administer the medication(s) indicated on this sheet , including any additional over-the-counter medication(s), as needed while on the Senior Class Trip. Any other medication needed during the trip that is not included on this form must be brought to the attention of the trip advisors before it is/they are purchased and/or self-administered. I release the school board and the class trip personnel from any liability.

Parent/Guardian signature: ________________________Date: __________________

Parent/Guardian PRINTED name:____________________________________________

Please list or attach any other pertinent information not already included on the medical/medication or insurance sheets.


Student's Name Clearly Printed:___________________________________________ Birth Date______________ Parent/Guardian's Name Clearly Printed:___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Full Address_____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone #s________________Home___________________Cell (1) _________________Cell (2)_________________Work (1)_________________Work (2) Best time to call Parent/Guardian at Home______________, at Work____________
I authorize school or appropriately trained personnel to administer first aid to my son/daughter if necessary. In the event that he/she suffers injury or illness that requires a physicians care, I understand that chaperones will notify me as soon as possible to obtain my permission for treatment. If I cannot be reached, I give authorization to act in my behalf to the following individuals:

Name: _______________________ Home Phone: ________________ Cellular Phone: _________________ Name: ________________________ Home Phone: _________________ Cellular Phone: _________________

Relationship: _____________________________ Work Phone: _____________________________

Relationship: _____________________________ Work Phone: _____________________________

Parent/Guardian Printed Name: __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________ Date: ______________

Please provide the following medical insurance information:

Insurance Carrier's Name: _______________________Phone # ____________________ Insured's (Parent's/Guardian's) full name(s):____________________________________ Policy identification number: _____________Group number: ____________________ Prescription Plan Carrier_____________________Phone #_____________________ Prescription Plan Insured's Name_______________Policy #________________________
Any other code or plan identification number(s)/information (such as student's insurance number):

Rancocas Valley Regional High School

2013 Senior Class Trip Itinerary

March 5-9, 2013 Lodging at The Disney All Star Sports Resort (407) 939-5000 Monday, March 4 2:00-4:00 Report to cafeteria to drop off your 1 large suitcase and have it inspected and tagged by chaperones. Tuesday, March 5 3:30 am (Group 1 US Air Flt # 1) Report to Main Gym for carry-on bag inspection. 4:15 am (Group 2 AirTran Flt # 2) Report to Main Gym for carry-on bag inspection. 5:15 am (Group 3 Southwest Flt # 3) Report to Main Gym for carry-on bag inspection. 4:15 am (Group 1 Us Air Flt # 1) departs for Philadelphia Airport. 5:15 am (Group 2 AirTran Flt# 2) departs for Philadelphia Airport. 6:15 am (Group 3 Southwest Flt# 3) departs for Philadelphia Airport. 6:50 am Group1 departs for Orlando (Us Air Flt # 1633) 8:00 am Group 2 departs for Orlando (Air Tran Flt # 1940) 9:00 am Group 3 departs for Orlando (Southwest Flt #221) 9:20 am Group 1 arrives in Florida transfer to Disneys Animal Kingdom 10:30 am Group 2 arrives in Florida - transfer to Disneys Animal Kingdom 11:40 am Group 3 arrives in Florida - transfer to Disneys Animal Kingdom (Luggage transferred directly to hotel by Disney Magical Express). (Meal coupon provided) 4:00 pm Disney busses to Epcot 9:00 pm Illuminations Laser Light Show (Epcot) 9:30-10:30 pm Disney busses to hotel for check in/luggage pick up/swimming 11:00 pm Curfew Wednesday, March 6 8:30 am Wake-up call 9:30 am Disney busses to Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, or Animal Kingdom (Meal coupon provided). 1:30-3:30 Courtesy Time at All-Star Sports Resort 8:00 pm Disneys Wishes Fireworks (Magic Kingdom) 9:30 pm Disney busses to hotel 10:00 pm Swimming 11:00 pm Curfew Thursday, March 7 7:15 am Wake-up call 8:15 am Charter Busses to Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure (choice of 1 park) (Group photo taken upon arrival at Universal Globe) (Meal coupon provided) 7:00 pm Charter Bus Transfer to Downtown Disney Admission to Disney Quest with

Disney park pass. * Dont forget to bring it with you!! 9-11:00 pm Disney busses to hotel 11:00 pm Curfew Friday, March 8 8:30 am Wake-up call 9:30 am Disney busses to Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, or Animal Kingdom ($50 Dining Card Provided) 1:30-3:30 Courtesy time at All Star Sports Resort 7:00 pm Fantasmic (Hollywood Studios) 9:00 pm Disney busses to hotel 10:00 Swimming 11:00 pm Curfew pack for departure the next day!! Saturday, March 9 7:00 am Wake-up call 8:30 am Room Check-Out 9:30 am Disney Busses to Typhoon Lagoon or Downtown Disney (meal coupon provided) 3:00 pm Groups 2 & 3 (Southwest and Air Tran) Charter busses to The Orlando Airport 4:45 pm Group 1 (US Air) Charter busses to The Orlando Airport 6:00 pm Air Tran Flt #1637 departs for Philadelphia 6:10 pm Southwest Flt # 142 departs for Philadelphia 7:35 pm Us Air Flt # 1608 departs for Philadelphia 8:20 pm Group 2 Air Tran Flt Arrives in Philadelphia 8:30 pm Group 3 Southwest Flt Arrives in Philadelphia 9:56 pm Group 1 Us Air Flt Arrives in Philadelphia 10:20 pm Group 2 Air Tran Flt Arrives in Philadelphia 10:30 pm Group 3 Southwest Flt Arrives in Mt. Holly 11:45 pm Group 1 Us Air Flt Arrives in Mt. Holly **************All times are approximate**********************

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