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CAE 112 Introduction to Engineering II (Surveying) COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2013

INSTRUCTOR Professor: Javier Rodriguez, P.E. Telephone: (305) 546-7335 E-mail: Class Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00 7:40 pm Office Hours: Thursdays, after class REQUIRED TEXT BOOK Text: Crawford, W.G. (1995) Construction Surveying and Layout, 3rd edition Creative Construction Publishing, West Lafayette, IA ISBN 978-0-9647421-1-6 (required) A hand calculator with trigonometric functions and a surveying field notebook are also required for this course. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance is expected at all class sessions. Roll will be taken before each class and field exercise. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Acts of academic misconduct, e.g., cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, etc., will not be tolerated. A student found to be engaging in such behavior will be charged with academic misconduct. Consequences can range from receipt of a failing grade in the class to expulsion from the University. CONDUCT/GRADING Assignments will consist of reading, field and written work, and are expected to be completed by the dates indicated in the syllabus. There will be one mid-term and one final exam, as well as multiple unannounced quizzes. Make-up quizzes/examinations will not be given unless absence is approved ahead of time by the instructor or in the event of a verifiable illness or emergency. Oral presentations may be assigned throughout the semester. The grade for the course will be based upon the students understanding of the course material as evidenced by his/her performance on the examinations, assignments, field work and class participation. Any student may request to be excused from a class or examination to observe a religious holiday for their faith. Alternative examination periods will be provided. Weighting of the various parts of the course are as follows: Quizzes Mid-Term Exam 02/05/13 Field Work & Notebook Homework Final Exam 02/28/13 6% 30% 26% 8% 30%

These weights may be changed by the instructor to reflect a revised emphasis place on individual Components of the course. Please note that field work cannot be made up under any circumstances. Individuals missing a field session with an excused absence will not be penalized and will be graded on the remainder of the work. Individuals missing a

field session with a non excused absence will receive a zero for that session. Missing three or more field sessions will result in a failing grade for the course. Students are required to provide the instructor with their e-mail addresses no later than the second class session. Students may obtain an e-mail address and access to the internet at no charge through the university.

DATE 01/15/13 01/17/13 01/22/13 01/24/13 01/29/13 01/31/13 02/05/13 02/07/13 02/12/13 02/14/13 02/19/13 02/21/13 02/26/13 02/28/13

TOPIC Class: Introduction Class Outline, Math Review, Field Notes Class: Distance Measurement Chaining Field exercise: Determining Pace Class: Property Surveys Field exercise: Chaining on Level Ground Class: Difference in Elevations Leveling Field Exercise: Using the Level Class: Leveling Applications Borrow Pit Field Exercise: Differential Leveling Class: Total Station Introduction Field Exercise: Grid Leveling Class: MidTerm Exam Class: Exam (overview), Angles Horizontal Field exercise: Horizontal Angles Class: Traverse Angle Adjustments, Directions, Latitudes/Departures, Coordinates, Inverse, Area Class: Horizontal Curves Field exercise: Setting up a Control Traverse Class: Topographic Surveys Field exercise: Layout of Horizontal Curves Field exercise: Topographic Survey Class: Vertical Curves Field exercise: Make-Up Session Class: Final Exam

ASSIGNMENT Homework Assignment # 1 Homework Assignment # 2

Study for MidTerm Exam

Homework Assignment # 3

Field Notebook Due

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