2013-01-21 Norman Downes HOA Board Minutes

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Norman Downes Homes Association Board Meeting Minutes Barry Smith residence January 21, 2013

President: Barry Smith Treasurer: Susan Holland Vice President: Rob Welch Secretary: Peter Van Arsdale Attending: Barry Smith, Andy Miller, Sam Carr, Rick Austin, Bill Smith, Susan Holland, Peter Van Arsdale, Mark Carter Treasurer's Report: Susan Holland Water bill is $3,039 for 2012 indicating serious problem with entrances irrigation. Assessment is low by $4,255 Treasurer moves to not fund reserves due to low collection, second by Miller. Passed unanimously Miller moves for treasurer to assess transfer fee of $150 for transfers. Passed unanimously Treasurer proposes to change insurance agents to Joe Dreher Insurance Agency. Motion passed unanimously. Financial report attached Bill Smith motion to accept report, second Miller. Passed unanimously. Committee Reports Web Development: Rick Austin Website security improvements for Board. Notifications to be implemented Pool Operations: Rob Welch No report. Question about date to turn on the phone? Question about decking repairs? Should we consider a meeting room addition to pool in yard for social events? Tennis Operations: Mark Carter Return to one port-a-potty from two last year Assessing leagues $25 for non-members dropped so that NDHA can field a team. Moved by B. Smith, second Carr, Passed unanimously. No major repairs anticipated for 2013 General Maintenance: Sam Carr Sign project 18 signs and brackets estimated $2,500. Dam inspection scheduled for last Tuesday cancelled due to weather Landscape Maintenance: Andy Miller Landscaping this time of year dormant. Water usage noted above will be researched

Lake Recreation: Bill Smith No report. Barry Smith suggest tree removal project be investigated and proposal developed Driveway erosion needs to be investigated and proposal developed to repair drive Development: Barry Smith New quote needed to remove silt under new environmental restrictions Need to obtain quotes for tennis property gate Need to investigate front entrance marque improvement Social Events: Holland suggests that the Board support three activities per year o Spring garage sale April 27th th o July 4 barbecue July 4th th o Halloween party October 26 Barry Smith made a motion for the board to support the 3 events as noted above. Passed unanimously. The board agreed to give the neighborhood ample notice of 3 weeks prior to each event. Susan Holland will place an insert with the 3 events in the next mailing of invoices. Old Business Board election results and budget approval: Budget approval 60 votes, disapproval 7 Austin, Carr and Miller elected Review of previous minutes Not available Next Board meeting scheduled for March 11th Adjourn at 9PM

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