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06 February 2013

Members of the media are cordially invited to the Opening address of the Workshop on "Quality of Higher Education" by HE Dr Myo Myint, Unity Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar on Friday 8 February from 09.00h at the Traders Hotel in Yangon Background Information The aim of this 1 day event is to contribute to improvements of the quality of higher in education in Myanmar. More specifically it aims to stimulate international partnerships and regional cooperation in this important field by providing a forum for information exchange and dialogue in areas pertaining to the quality of higher education, such as: overall strategy, quality assurance, teaching and learning methods and, ultimately, the enhancement of students' qualifications. Please see the attached programme for further details on topics of discussion and speakers. Media participants are also cordially invited to join the coffee break.

Media please RSVP to confirm your attendance at or by 8 February, 08:00 am.

Delegation of the European Union to Thailand, 19th Fl., Kian Gwan House 2, 140/1 Wireless Road, Bangkok, 10330 Tel (+66) 2 305 2600/2700 Fax (+66 ) 2 255 9113 E-mail: Web:

Quality of Higher Education Workshop Programme Outline (draft) Day 1 08.30 09.00 09.00 09.15 Registration Welcome address
HE Dr. Myo Myint, Union Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

09.15 09.25

Welcome Address
HE Mr. Thierry Mathou, Ambassador, Representing the EU Presidency, Embassy of France (tbc)

09.25 09.35

Opening address
HE Mr. David Lipman, Ambassador-Head of Delegation of the European Union for Myanmar

09.35 09.40 09.40 10.05 10.05 10.30

Photo session Coffee break Education policy and targets in the Union of Myanmar From strategy to quality assurance (QA)
Dr. Hla Htay, Rector, Dagon University

10.30 10.55

Quality and Quality Assurance framework in Europe Policy framework, implications (European Higher Education Area)
Ms. Nathalie Lugano, Deputy Director, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), Brussels, Belgium

10.55 11.20

Quality and Quality Assurance in the ASEAN Collaboration agreements and impact (subtitle to be confirmed)
Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, Director of Office of Quality Management, ASEAN University Network (AUN); Chief QA Officer, National University of Singapore, Singapore

11.20 12.10

Quality and Quality Assurance key challenges (panel session) Policy implications, university responsibilities and impact
5 panellists and Chair person HE Dr. Myo Myint, Union Deputy Minister/U Zaw Htay, Director General, Department of Higher Education Lower Myanmar; Dr. Hla Htay, Rector, Dagon University; Ms. Nathalie Lugano, Deputy Director, ENQA, Brussels, Belgium; Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, AUN and NUS, Singapore; Prof. Zita Binti Mohd Fahmi, Executive Secretary, ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) and Malaysian Qualifications Agency, Malaysia.

12.10 13.00 13.00 13.25

Lunch Lessons learnt from quality assurance actions

Dr. Marc Wilde, Head of Section, Joint Higher Education Management Programmes (DIES), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn, Germany

13.25 13.50

Lessons learnt from a quality improvement project

Prof Jean-Charles Chabanne, IUFM, Teacher Training Institute, Montpellier 2 University, France

Delegation of the European Union to Thailand, 19th Fl., Kian Gwan House 2, 140/1 Wireless Road, Bangkok, 10330 Tel (+66) 2 305 2600/2700 Fax (+66 ) 2 255 9113 E-mail: Web:

13.50 14.10 14.10 14.15 14.15 15.15 15.15 15.40 15.40 16.50 16.50 17.00

Discussion; questions and answers Introduction to break-out session (what do to improve, action planning) Break-out session Coffee break Break-out session Closing Remarks Day 1
Ms Katrin Fruehinsfeld, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Yangon

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quality of Higher Education Workshop Programme Outline (draft) Day 2 08.45 09.00 09.00 09.05 09.05 10.00 Arrival Opening remarks
Mr. Kevin Mackenzie, Director, British Council (BC), Yangon

Improvement of higher education quality institutional level Panel presentations on university qualifications and quality management (cross-cutting: teaching/learning methodology, qualification frameworks, stakeholder needs and student applicability)
3 presentations of 15 minutes duration followed by panel discussion and Q&A Chair Person & Moderator Prof. Dr. Tin Tun, Rector, University of Yangon; Prof. Jean-Charles Chabanne, IUFM, Montpellier 2 University, France; Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas, University of Cologne, Germany, University of Yangon, and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Yangon.

10:00 10.25 10.25 11.50

Coffee break Improvement of higher education quality implementation Panel presentation on educational strategy implications implementation and management)


3-4 presentations of 15 minutes duration followed by panel discussion and Q&A Chair Person and Moderator Dr Myo Thein Gyi, Director General, Department of Myanmar Education Research Bureau; Dr. Kay Lwin Tun, Assis Lecture and QA Officer, Dept. of Zoology, Yangon University; Prof. Kenneth King, Emeritus Professor, University of Edinburgh, UK; Prof. Zita Binti Mohd Fahmi, Executive Secretary, AQAN and Malaysian Qualifications Agency, Malaysia

11.50 12.00

Closing remarks
HE Prof. Dr. Ba Shwe Union Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education - tbc

Delegation of the European Union to Thailand, 19th Fl., Kian Gwan House 2, 140/1 Wireless Road, Bangkok, 10330 Tel (+66) 2 305 2600/2700 Fax (+66 ) 2 255 9113 E-mail: Web:

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