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Four Fantastic Years

Shirley Nicole G. Apolonio It is my first morning of high school. I have nine new notebooks, a nervous smile, and my new uniform that I hated. Some old friends and classmates I said Hi to and a couple of new people to make friends with. I was also seated between two girls, a charismatic one, friendly and talkative on my left and the other one kept to herself at first until we were asked to introduce ourselves the whole day, over and over and over again. Having a few new friends was mainly the reason I survived my Freshman Year. I made it through the hard weeks of school without a nuclear breakdown because of my friends. My friends who helped me kick start my incredible adventures in High School for the next three years. A lot of people say that High School is where you can find that part of you that youve never dared to look at before. And I also wished that it would be as cool as it is on television. I know when I started to mind my studies a lot less and started thinking that homework is not an option. My bed began sending serious nap rays and I cant help myself. The fluffy pillows and warm comforter were more powerful than I am. I have no choice but to forget schoolwork and just snuggle under the covers. I forgot that I was supposed to get the best grades that I can possibly get but then I started to live more. Maybe I was getting close to that part of me that Ive never dared to find before. My junior year carried the best experiences of my entire life. First crush. Tropical. The best Christmas party. Love teams. First prom. The poems we studied in English. Geometry. Chemistry. The tests I failed. The Congo performance with rain. The airplane in The Congo. Poker faces. Wacky faces. The term GC. Soldado Verde. Alab Emerald. I learned to Carpe diem quam minimum credulo postero (Seize the day, putting as little trust as possible in the future) Im glad Im having a vivid and extraordinary senior year so far. The year that serves as a prologue to the real novel, college life. I can get use to being busy most of the time. Who knew that its kind of fun cramming until three am just to finish a major project or to study for the Periodic Exam. But living the life of a senior is really no joke. This is the perfect time when you need to grow up and mature. When you start thinking about your college applications and the huge reality that lies ahead. At the same time my last year in high school is supposed to be as blast-easy and as fun as it could be. I need to make my last year matter. Imagine four years. Four years, countless dramas, heartbreaks, disappointments, exaggerated math problems, physics, karaoke parties, hangovers, falling asleep in class, LCD lectures, photo shoots, back-breaking practices, Promthree months until graduation and not everyone gets a medal when they get out. But everything you do here counts. High School.

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