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Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 34 (2000) 309}320

Heat transfer analyses by "nite element and boundary element methods. A bibliography (1997}1998)
Jaroslav Mackerle
Linkoping Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden ( (

Abstract This bibliography contains references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with "nite element and boundary element analyses of heat transfer problems that were published in 1997}1998. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction This bibliography provides a list of references on "nite element and boundary element methods applied to the analysis of heat transfer problems. General solution techniques as well as problemspeci"c applications are included. The entries have been retrieved from the author's database, MAKEBASE. They are grouped into two main sections: } "nite elements } boundary elements The references have been published in scienti"c journals, conference proceedings, and theses/dissertations between 1997}1998 [1}198,211}256]. Some previously published papers, reviews and books on the "nite element and boundary element analysis of heat transfer problems in general can be found in entries [199}210] of the Finite element methods section and in [257}265] of the Boundary element methods section of this bibliography, respectively. The references are sorted in each category alphabetically according to the "rst author's name. The main topics include: steady-state and transient heat transfer problems in 2-D and 3-D; convection, conduction, radiation; nonlinear conduction; nonlinear conduction in anisotropic medium; inverse heat conduction; transient heat conduction with phase-change; mixed convection and moisture transfer; forced convection; thermocapillary convection; conduction}convection; di!usion}convection; conduction}convection}radiation; chemical heat transfer; cooling; melting; boiling; heat #ow in random conditions; cyclic heat transfer; laminar and turbulent heat transfer;
0168-874X/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 8 7 4 X ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 4 0 - 2


J. Mackerle / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 34 (2000) 309}320

coupled heat and mass transfer; freeze-drying process; bioheat transfer; incompressible thermal #ows; heat transfer parameter measurements; parameter identi"cation; probabilistic analysis; adaptive methods; sensitivity analysis and optimal design; mathematical aspects of heat transfer problems. Heat transfer analyses are concerned: welding- resistance, friction, di!usion; soldering; brazing; heat treatment processes; quenching; hot die forging; molding; injection molding; rolling; casting; mold-"lling; heat exchange between workpiece and die; electrical and heat processes; thermal management applications; blown "lm extrusion; polymer curing; wood drying; crystal growth; vacuum glazing; spray deposition; laser irradiation; thermal food processes; heat transfer in composites, soils, porous materials, fractured rocks, aluminum alloys, heterogeneous materials. Basic and applied structures: tubes and pipes; tube bundles; tube bundles immersed in water; cylindrical annuli; annular ducts; channels with a ba%e; porous enclosures; porous heat exchangers; energy storage exchangers; outdoor enclosures; condensers and evaporators; thermal conductors; boilers; superheaters; rotary ovens; industrial furnaces; electronic packaging; laser diodes; cryogenic laser radiometers; X-ray lithography; aeroengine bearing chambers; turbines and components; buildings; fenestration products; pavements; engine cooling systems; combustion engine simulations; spindle cooling systems; cooling analysis in reactors; applications in aerospace industry. References Finite element methods: Papers in journals/conference proceedings and theses
[1] B. Abu-Hijleh, Convection heat transfer from a laminar #ow over a 2-D backward facing step with asymmetric and orthotropic porous #oor segments, Numer. Heat Transfer A 31 (3) (1997) 325}335. [2] C. Ageorges et al., Characteristics of resistance welding of lap shear coupons, Part I: Heat transfer, Composites Part A 29 (8) (1998) 899}909. [3] O.P. Agrawal, X. Lin, Probabilistic study of a porous heat exchanger, 30th National Heat Transfer Conference HTD 311, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. 65}71. [4] M. Ainsworth et al., Post-processing with computable error bounds for the "nite element approximation of a nonlinear heat conduction problem, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 17 (4) (1997) 547}561. [5] M.R. Amin, Conjugate forced convection heat transfer in tubes with obstruction, J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer 12 (1) (1998) 114}116. [6] A. Anju, M. Kawahara, Comparison of sensitivity equation and adjoint equation methods for parameter identi"cation problems, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 40 (6) (1997) 1015}1024. [7] Q. Bai, Y. Fujita, Finite element analysis for inverse heat conduction problems, Trans. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng. Ser B 63 (608) (1997) 1320}1326. [8] Q. Bai, Y. Fujita, Finite element analysis for inverse heat conduction problems, Heat Transfer Jpn. Res. 26 (6) (1997) 345}359. [9] B.R. Baliga, Control-volume "nite element methods for #uid #ow and heat transfer, in: W.J. Minkowycz (Ed.), Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis, London, 1997, pp. 97}136. [10] C. Basaran, R. Chandaroy, Finite element simulation of the temperature cycling tests, IEEE Trans. Component Pack. Manuf. Technol. 20 (4A) (1997) 530}536. [11] S. Benedek, D.A. Drew, Analytical study for determining the dynamics of a boiling boundary in a channel, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (18) (1998) 2735}2742. [12] A. Benjamin et al., Evaluation of conductive, radiative, chemical, and convective heat transfer in complex systems using a fast-running implicit, lumped formulation, 30th National Heat Transfer Conference HTD 311, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. 95}106.

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[13] A. Bernhardt, D. Vettor, Advanced cooling system for closure molds, 56th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Atlanta, 1, 1998, pp. 852}856. [14] B.F. Blackwell et al., Formal method for computing thermal conductors for arbitrary, complex geometry, 30th National Heat Transfer Conference HTD 311, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. 31}42. [15] D.E. Bohn et al., Application of a conjugate #uid #ow and heat transfer method in the thermal design process of a convection-cooled turbine nozzle vane, ASME Asia Congress Exhibition, Singapore, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. AA}6. [16] S. Budaraju et al., Mixed convective heat and moisture transfer from a horizontal furry cylinder in a transverse wind, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 (10) (1997) 2273}2281. [17] P. Carlsson, B. Esping, Optimization of the wood drying process, Struct. Optim. 14 (4) (1997) 232}241. [18] P. Cerisier et al., Thermal in#uence of boundaries on the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (21) (1998) 3309}3320. [19] D.H. Chang et al., Analysis of transient heat conduction with phase change in a spray deposited body, TMS Annual Meeting on Solidi"cation, San Antonio, 1998, pp. 497}508. [20] J.G. Chang, C.I. Weng, Numerical modelling of twin-roll casting by the coupled #uid #ow and heat transfer model, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 40 (3) (1997) 493}509. [21] J.G. Chang, C.I. Weng, Analysis of #ow and heat transfer in twin-roll strip casting process, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (2) (1998) 475}487. [22] A.R. Chaudhuri et al., Modelling of steam surface condenser using "nite element methods, Commun. Numer. Methods Eng. 13 (12) (1997) 909}921. [23] D. Chen et al., Numerical simulation of solidi"cation and heat transfer in meniscus zone during continuous casting, Iron Steel (Peking) 32 (8) (1997) 26}29. [24] J.R. Chen et al., Study on heat conduction with variable phase transformation composition during quench hardening, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 63 (1/3) (1997) 554}558. [25] H. Cheng et al., Finite element analysis of temperature "eld with phase transformation and nonlinear surface heat transfer coe$cient during quenching, Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (1) (1998) 15}20. [26] M. Colla et al., Finite-element analysis of a rotary oven for bread, Comput. Struct. 64 (5/6) (1997) 1097}1112. [27] J.V. Daurelle et al., Modeling of coupled heat and mass transfer with phase change in a porous medium: application to superheated steam drying, Numer. Heat Transfer A 33 (1) (1998) 39}63. [28] J.M. De Araujo, A.M. Awruch, Cracking safety evaluation on gravity concrete dams during the construction phase, Comput. and Struct. 66 (1) (1998) 93}104. [29] C. Delle Site et al., In#uence of fouling on the heat transfer characteristics of boiler tubes: a comparison between a numerical simulation and an industrial test case, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition AES 37, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. 271}278. [30] K. Dems, Z. Mroz, Sensitivity analysis and optimal design of external boundaries and interfaces for heat conduction systems, J. Therm. Stress. 21 (3/4) (1998) 461}488. [31] C.P. Desai et al., Heat transfer optimization within open-ended annular cavities, J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer 11 (1) (1997) 121}124. [32] K.J. Dowding et al., Application of sensitivity coe$cients for heat conduction problems, 7th Joint Thermophysics Heat Transfer Conference HTD 357}2, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 317}327. [33] S. Du et al., Finite element analysis of frictionally excited thermoelastic instability, J. Therm. Stress. 20 (2) (1997) 185}201. [34] Z. Dudas, T.S. Do, Simulation of time dependent electrical and heat processes, 1st Conference Mechanical Engineering, GEPESZET '98, Budapest, 1998, pp. 79}83. [35] W. Dziubdziela, A. Sluzalec, Matrix equation of heat #ow in random conditions, Commun. Numer. Methods Eng. 13 (5) (1997) 337}342. [36] R.I. El-Ghanam, Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer in concentric and eccentric horizontal cylindrical annuli, J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 44 (5) (1997) 945}960. [37] G. Fabbri, Heat transfer optimization in "nned annular ducts under laminar #ow conditions, Heat Transfer Eng. 19 (4) (1998) 42}54.


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[38] M. Feistauer et al., Convergence of a combined "nite volume-FEM for nonlinear convection-di!usion problems, Numer. Methods PDE 13 (2) (1997) 163}190. [39] B. Feron et al., Optimized cooling and gauge tolerances in blown "lm extrusion, Polym. Eng. Sci. 37 (5) (1997) 876}881. [40] S. Frey et al., Classical Galerkin shortcomings on the steady heat conduction simulation in a plate with thermal source, Mech. Res. Commun. 25 (5) (1998) 561}567. [41] L. Fu, L. Duan, Coupled deformation and heat #ow analysis by "nite element method during friction welding, Weld. J. 77 (5) (1998) 202}207. [42] F.L.A. Ganzevles, C.W. Van der Geld, The shape factor of conduction in a multiple channel slab and the e!ect of non-uniform temperatures, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 (10) (1997) 2493}2498. [43] M. Gierzynska-Dolna, P. Lacki, The e!ect of hardening layers and technological lubricants on heat exchange between workpiece and die, Comput. Struct. 72 (1/3) (1999) 165}175. [44] A. Glahn et al., Local and mean heat transfer coe$cients along the internal housing walls of aero engine bearing chambers, 1997 International Gas Turbine Aeroengine Congress Exposition, Orlando, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. GT}261. [45] Z.X. Gong, A.S. Majumdar, Finite element analysis of cyclic heat transfer in a shell-and-tube latent heat energy storage exchanger, Appl. Thermal Eng. 17 (6) (1997) 583}592. [46] Z.X. Gong, A.S. Majumdar, Flow and heat transfer in convection-dominated melting in a rectangular cavity heated from below, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (17) (1998) 2573}2580. [47] Z.X. Gong, A.S. Majumdar, Finite element model for convection-dominated melting and solidi"cation problems, Int. J. Numer Methods Heat Fluid Flow 8 (4) (1998) 393}408. [48] H.S. Gopalakrishna, M.L. Lai, Finite element heat transfer analysis of viscoelastic damper for wind applications, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 77}78 (1998) 283}295. [49] Y.T.K. Gowda et al., Finite element analysis of mixed convection over in-line tube bundles, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (11) (1998) 1613}1619. [50] B. Gri$th et al., Improving computer simulations of heat transfer for projecting fenestration products: using radiation view-factor models, ASHRAE Trans. 104 (1) (1998) 845}854. [51] M. Gritsch et al., Heat transfer coe$cient measurements of "lm-cooling holes with expanded exits, International Gas Turbine Aeroengine Congress Exhibition, Stockholm, 1998, pp. GT}28. [52] Z. Guo, N.K. Anand, Three-dimensional heat transfer in a channel with a ba%e in the entrance region, Numer. Heat Transfer A 31 (1) (1997) 21}35. [53] Z. Guo et al., Combined heat transfer in #oating zone growth of large silicon crystals with radiation on di!use and specular surfaces, J. Crystal Growth 194 (3/4) (1998) 321}330. [54] S.H. Hahn et al., Global analysis of heat transfer in Si CZ furnace with specular and di!use surfaces, J. Crystal Growth 191 (3) (1998) 413}420. [55] Y. Haitian, A new approach of time stepping for solving transfer problems, Commun. Numer. Methods Eng. 15 (5) (1999) 325}334. [56] J. Hartikainen, M. Mikkola, Thermomechanical model for heat and mass transfer in freezing soil, 10th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Tallinn, 1997, pp. 318}320. [57] T.D. Hien, M. Kleiber, Stochastic "nite element modelling in linear transient heat transfer, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 144 (1/2) (1997) 111}124. [58] T.D. Hien, M. Kleiber, On solving nonlinear transient heat transfer problems with random parameters, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 151 (3/4) (1998) 287}299. [59] S. Ho, E.J. Lavernia, The e!ect of heat transfer coe$cient on thermal residual stresses in spray deposited materials, Scri. Mater. 36 (3) (1997) 283}290. [60] Z.M. Hu et al., The interfacial heat transfer coe$cient in hot die forging of titanium alloy, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part C 212 (6) (1998) 485}496. [61] G.J. Hulbert et al., Determination of convective heat transfer coe$cients using 2D MRI temperature mapping and "nite element modeling, J. Food Eng. 34 (2) (1997) 193}201. [62] N. Ichikawa et al., Numerical analysis of transient heat transfer and temperature response in a metal during a laser irradiation, Laser Inst. Amer., ICALEO'97, 83 (1) (1997) C216}225.

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[63] F. Ilinca et al., Finite element simulation of turbulent heat transfer in mold-"lling problems, 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition HTD 361}5, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 47}54. [64] P.A. Intemann, M. Kazmierczak, Heat transfer and ice formations deposited upon cold tube bundles immersed in #owing water, I- Convection analysis, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 (3) (1997) 557}572. [65] P.A. Intemann, M. Kazmierczak, Heat transfer and ice formations deposited upon cold tube bundles immersed in #owing water, II- Conjugate analysis, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 (3) (1997) 573}588. [66] M. Isreb, Superheater minimum stress unit start-up option of coal-"red power plants, Comput. Struct. 62 (5) (1997) 865}875. [67] J.K. Jaqueway, R.J. Pistor, Redesign of the MS600 1 "rst stage bucket for improved cooling and extended life, 1997 International Gas Turbine Aeroengine Congress Exposition, Orlando, ASME, New York, 1997, pp. GT-312. [68] B.C. Johnson et al., Heat transfer analysis and modeling of a cryogenic laser radiometer, J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer 12 (4) (1998) 575}581. [69] B. Joiner et al., Validation methodology for detailed "nite element thermal models, 1st Annual International Systems Packaging Symposium, San Diego, 1997, pp. 260}266. [70] S.C. Joshi et al., A numerical approach to the modeling of polymer curing in "bre-reinforced composites, Composite Sci. Technol. 59 (7) (1999) 1003}1013. [71] T.C. Jue, Numerical analysis of thermosolutal Marangoni and natural convection #ows, Numer. Heat Transfer A 34 (6) (1998) 633}652. [72] K. Kamakura, H. Ozoe, Double-di!usive natural convection in a rectangle with horizontal temperature and concentration gradient resulting in cooperating buoyancy, J. Mater. Process. Manuf. Sci. 5 (3) (1997) 183}196. [73] R.R. Kamath, P.F. Mead, Procedure for evaluation of thermal management requirements in a laser diode structure, Microelectron. Reliab. 37 (12) (1997) 1817}1823. [74] M. Kaminski, T.D. Hien, Probabilistic homogenization of the heat conduction problems in "ber composites, 6th International Conference on Computer Methods Compos. Mater., Montreal, CMP, 1998, pp. 307}317. [75] C.G. Kang, Y.D. Kim, Model experiments for the determination of the heat transfer coe$cient and transition thermal analysis in the direct rolling process, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 84 (1/3) (1998) 210}224. [76] J.A. Keeney, B.R. Bass, Fracture analysis of the NESC-1 spinning cylinder experiment, J. Pressure Vessel Technol., ASME 119 (1) (1997) 52}56. [77] C.K. Kim et al., Calculation of transient temperature "elds with "nite elements in unstructured space and time dimensions, JSME Int. J., Ser. B 40 (1) (1997) 121}125. [78] J.W. Klett et al., Finite-element modeling of heat transfer in carbon/carbon composites, Composite Sci. Technol. 59 (4) (1999) 593}607. [79] O. Kolditz, C. Clauser, Numerical simulation of #ow and heat transfer in fractured crystalline rocks: application to the hot dry rock site in Rosemanowes (UK), Geothermics 27 (1) (1998) 1}23. [80] I. Kreja, B.B. Budkowska, Fixed "nite element model of heat transfer with phase change- Part II: Analysis of numerical examples, Int. J. O!shore Polar Eng. 7 (3) (1997) 226}232. [81] M. Krizek, L. Liu, Finite element approximation of a nonlinear heat conduction problem in anisotropic media, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 157 (3/4) (1998) 387}397. [82] B.V. Kumar et al., Free convection heat transfer from an isothermal wavy surface in a porous enclosure, Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 28 (4) (1998) 633}661. [83] G. Labonia et al., A numerical study of the e!ect of free surface deformation on buoyancy and thermocapillary convection, J. Comput. Phys. 132 (1) (1997) 34}50. [84] J. Lau, T. Chen, Cooling assessment and distribution of heat dissipation of a cavity down plastic ball grid array package NuBGA, 1997 International Symposium on Microelectr., IMAPS, Reston, VA, 1997, pp. 482}493. [85] L. Laurenti et al., Multidimensional transient conduction analysis by generalized transfer function tables, J. Heat Transfer, ASME 119 (2) (1997) 238}241. [86] R.C.P. Leal-Toledo et al., Least-squares formulation for stationary and transient heat equation, 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, 1998, pp. 89. [87] S.C. Lee et al., Finite element solutions of laminar and turbulent #ows with forced and mixed convection in an air}cooled room, Numer. Heat Transfer 31 (5) (1997) 529}550.


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[88] W.S. Lee et al., Finite element analysis of the #ow and heat transfer of solid particles in moving beds, Int. J. Energy Res. 22 (13) (1998) 1145}1155. [89] B.Q. Li, Numerical simulation of #ow and temperature evolution during the initial phase of steady state solidi"cation, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 71 (3) (1997) 402}413. [90] L.J. Li et al., Turbulent heat transfer to near-critical water in a heated curved pipe under the conditions of mixed convection, 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition HTD 361}1, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 101}108. [91] M.P.M.A. Limpens et al., Combined radiation and convection modelling in an industrial furnace, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference PVP 377, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 109}115. [92] C.X. Lin, M.A. Ebadian, Developing turbulent convective heat transfer in helical pipes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 (16) (1997) 3861}3873. [93] A. Lipchin, R. A. Brown, Hybrid "nite element/"nite volume method for integrated hydrodynamic thermal capillary analysis of turbulence and heat transfer of Czochralski crystals, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference PVP 377, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 217}222. [94] G.H. Little, A.G. Kamtekar, The e!ect of thermal properties and weld e$ciency on transient temperatures during welding, Comput. Struct. 68 (1/3) (1998) 157}165. [95] D.S. Liu, T.C. Lee, Solid #uid coupling computing method for design high speed spindle cooling system, 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition PVP 381, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 215}222. [96] L.P. Liu, M. Krizek, Finite element analysis of a radiation heat transfer problem, J. Comput. Math. 16 (4) (1998) 327}336. [97] Y. Liu, R.D. Reitz, Modeling of heat conduction within chamber walls for multidimensional internal combustion engine simulation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (6/7) (1998) 859}869. [98] Y. Liu et al., Coupled conduction-convection problem for an underground rectangular duct containing three insulated cables, Numer. Heat Transfer Part A 31 (4) (1997) 411}431. [99] Y. Liu et al., Three-dimensional coupled conduction-convection problem for three chips mounted on a substrate in an enclosure, Numer. Heat Transfer A 32 (2) (1997) 149}167. [100] Y. Liu et al., A coupled conduction convection and radiation problem for three insulated cables suspended in air, Comput. Mech. 22 (4) (1998) 326}336. [101] Y.N. Liu, E. Kannatey-Asibu, Finite element analysis of heat #ow in dual-beam laser welded tailored blanks, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., ASME 120 (2) (1998) 272}278. [102] M. Lo%er, D. Buck, Glazing edge-seal using foamglass as spacer and frameless window design, Sol. Energy 61 (5) (1997) 303}312. [103] H. Lu, Galerkin and weighted Galerkin methods for a forward backward heat equation, Numer. Math. 75 (3) (1997) 339}356. [104] T.J. Lu, C. Chen, Thermal transport and "re retardance properties of cellular aluminium alloys, Acta Mater. 47 (5) (1999) 1469}1485. [105] C. Luzzatto et al., New concept composite heat exchanger to be applied in high-temperature industrial processes, Appl. Thermal Eng. 17 (8/10) (1997) 789}797. [106] P. Majumdar, A. Marchertas, Heat, moisture transport, and induced stresses in porous materials under rapid heating, Numer. Heat Transfer A 32 (2) (1997) 111}130. [107] M. Mamou et al., Galerkin "nite element study of the onset of double-di!usive convection in an inclined porous enclosure, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (11) (1998) 1513}1529. [108] M.T. Manzari et al., Mixed approach to "nite element analysis of hyperbolic heat conduction problem, Int. J. Numer. Methods Heat Fluid Flow 8 (1) (1998) 83}96. [109] F. Marcotullio, F. De Monte, Stability analysis of a "nite element condensation technique for inverse heat conduction problems, 2nd International Conference on Inverse Prob. Eng., Le Croisic, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 523}530. [110] M.J. Marongiu et al., Numerical studies on enhanced thermal management of outdoor enclosures using natural convection in open channels on external walls, 32nd Intersoc. Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, 1997, pp. 1889}1894.

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Boundary element methods: Papers in journals/conference proceedings and theses

[211] N.M. Al-Najem et al., Two dimensional steady-state inverse heat conduction problems, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer 25 (4) (1998) 541}550. [212] A.H.H. Ali et al., Numerical study on laminar #ow forced-convection heat transfer for air in a channel with o!set plates heated by radiation heat #ux, Int. J. Numer. Methods Heat Fluid Flow 8 (5/6) (1998) 539}558.

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[239] N.J. Mariani et al., Boundary element method formulation for evaluating conductive heat transfer rates in particulate systems, Numer. Heat Transfer B 31 (4) (1997) 459}476. [240] T.J. Martin, G. S. Dulikravich, Inverse determination of boundary conditions in multi-domain heat transfer problems, BETECH XII, Knoxville, 1997, pp. 99}110. [241] T.J. Martin, G.S. Dulikravich, Inverse determination of steady heat convection coe$cient distributions, J. Heat Transfer, ASME 120 (2) (1998) 328}334. [242] K. Momose et al., Fredholm-type boundary integral expression of forced convection heat transfer and its application to convection-conduction conjugate heat transfer, JSME Int. J., Ser. B 40 (3) (1997) 447}453. [243] N. Neimarlija et al., The BEM analysis of heat transfer in technological process of drawing wire, Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements 20 (3) (1997) 261}267. [244] A.J. Nowak, BEM approach to inverse thermal problems, Adv. Boundary Elements Ser. 1, 1997, pp. 259}298. [245] O.O. Onyejekwe, Solution of nonlinear transient conduction equation by a modi"ed boundary integral procedure, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer 25 (8) (1998) 1189}1202. [246] S.J. Park, T.H. Kwon, Thermal and design sensitivity analyses for cooling system of injection mold, Part 1: Thermal analysis, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., ASME 120 (2) (1998) 287}295. [247] S.J. Park, T.H. Kwon, Thermal and design sensitivity analyses for cooling system of injection mold, Part 2: Design sensitivity analysis, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., ASME 120 (2) (1998) 296}305. [248] S.J. Park, T.H. Kwon, Optimization method for steady conduction in special geometry using a boundary element method, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 43 (6) (1998) 1109}1126. [249] H. Power, On the existence of Kassab and Divo's generalized boundary integral equation formulation for isotropic heterogeneous steady state heat conduction problems, Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements 20 (4) (1997) 341}345. [250] Z.H. Qiu, H. Power, Application of BEM to coupled heat, mass and charge transfer, 2nd European BEM Symposium, Southampton, CMP, 1998, pp. 211}222. [251] B. Sun et al., Modi"ed boundary element method for radiative heat transfer analyses in emitting, absorbing and scattering media, Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements 21 (2) (1998) 93}104. [252] B. Vick et al., Freezing and melting with multiple phase fronts along the outside of a tube, J. Heat Transfer, ASME 120 (2) (1998) 422}429. [253] N. Wagner, P. Ruge, Diskontinuitaten in Eckpunkten bei BEM-Formulierungen, ZAMM 79 (S2) (1999) 585}586. [254] W. Xu et al., Inverse method to predict temperature and heat #ux distribution in a cutting tool, J. Heat Transfer, ASME 119 (3) (1997) 655}659. [255] M. Zerroukat, L.C. Wrobel, Boundary element method for multiple moving boundary problems, J. Comput. Phys. 138 (2) (1997) 501}519. [256] Z.J. Zuo, A. Faghri, Boundary element approach to transient heat pipe analysis, Numer. Heat Transfer A 32 (3) (1997) 205}220.

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