Test For Genuine Honey

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TEST FOR GENUINE HONEY 1) Observation: The substance turned blue-black after adding I2 solution 2) Why should the

bath be maintained at 40 degree Celsius? We need to keep the temperature constant; therefore the water bath should be regulated to a temperature of 40 degree Celsius because this is the optimum temperature of most biological molecules. 3) If the sample turned blue or blue black upon addition of I2 solution, is the honey genuine or not? Starch, a carbohydrate, can be identified by a positive iodine test. A few drops of iodine solution are added to a raw or boiled sample of the substance suspected of containing starch. If starch is present, the substance will turn blue-black in the area where the iodine solution touches it. Substances with very small amounts of starch will turn faint blue or greenish instead of blue-black. Many biodegradable materials have high starch content. These materials can be identified with the iodine test.

ANIMAL PEROXIDSASE 1. Observations: The control test curdled and the milk part solidified and mix through with the methylene blue, while the two more test tubes that are not boiled has two parts visible there is precipitate and a residue settled. 2. What is anaerobic oxidation? In your observation which is the hydrogen acceptor in the experiment , methylene blue or milk? Answer: It is an oxidation without any air.The Hydrogen acceptor is the milk part because a s we observed the milk has been reduced. 3. Is oxidase destroyed by boiling? Answer: YES

POTATO PEROXIDASE 1. Observation: When we used the boiled potato extract, just the second test tube containing the pyragallol and H2O2 reacted. It shows that the enzymes undergone denaturation. 2. Is peroxidase destroyed by boiling? Yes, once the potato reaches a high enough temperature, the peroxidase enzyme will be denatured and no longer be able to breakdown substrates.

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