Floating Point Arithmetic With VHDL

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floating point arithmetic with vhdl

Can anyone help me floting point arithmetic on fpga. I am using vhdl for coding. There is a floating point library that I am using. But I can not use exactly. I want to make this operation: x := 3.1415; y := 32.232434; z := x * y; how can I make this operations in " www.eda.org/fphdl " this library?
1 month ago

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Sanjay Kumar Basappa Miragi hi u need an library or an code which will perform this operation in xilinx or altera?
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Dave Blair likes this comment by Phil Duff Do you have suggestions to get the functionality of the FPGA design stable after any change?: Claudio, I think you're back on track now. The pictures look like getting data back into the FPGA on the falling edge is the right...
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Emre Kirkaya I am allready using library. And I can make a operation with this numbers. a = 01000010110001010110011001100110 b = 01000010101010110110011001100110 but I want to use a number like 3.1415.
1 month ago Like

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Francis O'Malley Hi Emre: Using the floating point arithmetic library you specifically mentioned (at www.eda.org/fphdl), have you downloaded "fixed_float_types_c.vhdl", "fixed_pkg_c.vhdl" and "float_pkg_c.vhdl" and analysed (compiled) them into a library called ieee_proposed? Then you can simply write: library ieee_proposed; use ieee.float_pkg.all; variable x, y, z : float32; begin x := to_float (3.1415, x); -- Uses x for the sizing only y := to_float (32.232434, y); z := x * y; This is explained in the user's guide at http://www.eda.org/fphdl/Float_ug.pdf
1 month ago Like 2

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Francis O'Malley

Emre Kirkaya Hi Francis O'Malley , Actually I tried to use your code but I could not synthesize. XST did not allow. How can I use the code. My code is;

Paul Wallace

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12/12/2012 7:21 PM

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library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all;

entity to_float is end to_float; architecture Behavioral of to_float is variable xf,yf,zf : float32; begin xf := to_float(input1,32); yf := to_float(input2,32); zf := xf * yf; end Behavioral; And XST gave me these erors; ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/Users/Kk/CDwVHDL/tofloat/to_float.vhd" Line 17: Syntax error near ":=". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/Users/Kk/CDwVHDL/tofloat/to_float.vhd" Line 18: Syntax error near ":=". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/Users/Kk/CDwVHDL/tofloat/to_float.vhd" Line 19: Syntax error near ":=". How can I fix it?
1 month ago Like

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Emre Kirkaya actually input1 is 3.1415 and input2 is 2.

1 month ago Like Follow Emre

Francis O'Malley Hi Emre, With the "to_float" floating-point conversion function, you need to size the result based on the range of an argument, such as by passing the arrays represented by variables x and y, as follows: x := to_float (3.1415, x); y := to_float (2.0, y); or by passing the indices, as follows: x := to_float (3.1415, 8, -32); y := to_float (2.0, 8, -32); Hope this helps!
1 month ago Like

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Emre Kirkaya Hello. I can using the floating point librarry now. But i have a problem again. the problem is: library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.fixed_float_types.all; use ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all; use ieee_proposed.math_utility_pkg.all; entity deneme is Port ( a : in STD_LOGIC; b : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); z : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); end deneme; architecture Behavioral of deneme is begin process(a) variable bf,cf,zf : float32; variable d,e : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin d := "00000000000000000000000000000" & b;

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12/12/2012 7:21 PM

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e := to_slv(zf); z <= e(7 downto 0); end process; end Behavioral; I wrote this code for getting 3 bit std_logic_vector. And Iwant to convert floating point. and make "b*2.2" operation. But the result rounding. For example 2 * 2.2 should be 4.4 but result is 4. Another problem is: library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.fixed_float_types.all; use ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all; use ieee_proposed.math_utility_pkg.all; entity deneme is Port ( a : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); z1 : out float32); end deneme; architecture Behavioral of deneme is signal z1f,z2f : float32; begin z1f <= to_float(a,z1f); z1 <= z1f; end Behavioral; I think this code should be make converting float32 from std_logic_vector. But it doesnt. I am giving a = 00000000000000000000000000000010 (=2 in std _logic format) I think it should be "01000000000000000000000000000000" (=2 in float32) but result is; z1 = 00000000000000000000000000000010 (=2 in std _logic format) Where is the problem. Actually I wantto make converting std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) to float32, without rounding. How can I do this. Thanks.
4 days ago Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate

Francis O'Malley Hi Emre: I think the problem you're observing with "4.4" seemingly being rounded down to "4" is because of the following two lines: they really don't do what I think you intend them to do!
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e := to_slv(zf); z <= e(7 downto 0); Don't forget that float32 consists of a sign bit (+ or), a normalized exponent, and a fraction. And so when you assign to "z" the lowest 8 bits of "e" (the second line), you've effectively thrown away the sign bit, the 8 exponent bits, and the 15 most-significant bits of the 23 fraction bits! I suggest you rethink how you're going to use "e" (or "zf"), the result of the multiplication. Only you know about the requirements of the problem you're trying to solve, and the precision you want to retain in the computation. Also, in your first piece of code "b" should be in the process's sensitivity list: it should read "process(a,b)". The problems with your second piece of code also stem from not correctly interpreting the representation of floating point numbers. The floating point format is explained in David Bishop's "Floating point Package Users Guide" at http://www.eda.org/fphdl /Float_ug.pdf I have a feeling that what you're trying to do might benefit from using fixed-point arithmetic throughout, or at least a conversion to fixed point first of all. Then you can easily peel-off the top 8 bits (say) from the result. As David Bishop says on page 1 of that document, "There are many concepts in floating point that make it different from our common signed and unsigned number notations." Hope this helps!
4 days ago Like

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BTW, there's a handy calculator online for IEEE-754 Floating Point: http://www.hschmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html And Peter Ashenden's excellent book, "Digital Design: An Embedded Systems Approach Using VHDL" (2008) has useful information in Chapter 3 about floating point representation using VHDL.
4 days ago Like 1

David Bishop I'm the guy who wrote these pages. Just found out about this discussion form Mr. O'Malley. A few notes: XST can synthesize these packages, if you stick to the restricted subset. One thing it can't do is to convert real numbers into float (even for constants). So, you will have to do: constant PI : float32 := "01000000010010010000111111011010"; Next, remove the "math_utility_library" unless you are using Xilinx 9.0. Everything else is debugged with the "fixed_float_lib" for the types. in this line: z1f <= to_float(a,z1f); where "a" is a std_logic_vector and z1f is a float, this will be a type conversion. This will not do the signed conversion you want it to do. Do it this way: b : signed (4 downto 0); b <= "00010"; z1f <= to_float(b, z1f'high, -z1f'low); (need to do the conversion this way because of Xilinx).
3 days ago Like 1

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Emre Kirkaya I wrote a program as I understand from your comments. library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all; library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.fixed_float_types.all; use ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all; entity deneme is Port ( b : in signed(3 downto 0); z2 : out float32); end deneme; architecture Behavioral of deneme is signal z1f : float32; constant PI : float32 := "01000000010010010000111111011010"; begin z1f <= to_float(b, z1f'high, -z1f'low); z2 <= PI * z1f; end Behavioral; And XST gave me this error: ERROR:HDLParsers:808 - "C:/Users/Kk/CDwVHDL/fppppppp/deneme.vhd" Line 37. to_float can not have such operands in this context. I have to get the b data from outside(like switches).
3 days ago Like

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David Bishop First, some basic problems with this code. * Remove "std_logic_arith" and replace with "numeric_std". Std_logic_arith is not a standardized package. It should never be used.
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* be sure that you follow the directions for Xilinx at: http://www.vhdl.org/fphdl/xilinx_11.html Sounds like you never included the library into XST. The newest version of Xilinx uses a different interface, but there must still be a way to include the library.
3 days ago Like

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