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Business Intelligence concept Business Intelligence is a process of transforming data into information through iterative analysis and changing

it to business knowledge Gartner Group What is BI ? Basically Business Intelligence is a IT process understood by the management and presented with non-technical terminology. BI will give the possibility to analyze organizations data , forecast trends and evaluate various business questions like: What are my sales today, against last month and last year? Who are my customers? What are they purchasing ? The BI requires to gather all originations data in a predefined data storages and by data modeling, to present the data into easy for understood by the management objects like Revenue, Quarter sales , Customer categories etc The main aim of BI is to analyze large quantities of data and by presented those data into easy for understood pieces of information to lead the management to take the right decisions. SBC BI model

BI Team Expertise

Oracle 10g DB administration OLAP and PL/SQL development Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition 10g Oracle BI Publisher 10.1.2 Oracle Application Server AS10g Business Objects Data Modeling Web development : PL/SQL, Oracle Application Express, ASP, JSP, PHP BI Project Management

BI Product List ->Banking Operational Reports ->Banking Management Reports -> Banking Key Performance Indicators -> Banking Balanced Score Cards -> Employee Sales Performance -> Banking Product Performance -> Marketing Banking Products Banking Operational Reports The Operational Reporting System contains data from all source IS loans, deposits, payments , customers, teller transactions etc.. The main purpose of this system is to provide initial data input, process and output control supplementing the source IS. Addressed to large audience in the banking organizations : managers, front office and back office personnel, cash tellers Easy to operate web based interface with print , download, sent and other options. Cash and non-cash daily transaction reports Loans and deposits reports Payment and collections reports SWIFT reports Customer reports Customer loan files Account statements

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Banking Management Reports The banking management reports are oriented towards analysis and forecasting the banking performance, entirely based on BI concept where non-technical end user can easily generate and create various reports to answer daily business questions. The reports are aimed to mid, and high ranking management within the bank organization. The core is to analyze Key Performance Indicators and thus taking the right decisions.

Banking Key Performance Indicators [NEW] Main function: Track business performance (quantitative key indicators) A number of key indicators covering main business profit / expense lines Retail, Corporate, Investment business lines Areas : Attracted Resources, Loans Extended etc Time series analysis Drill trough, up and down Easy to operate web based interface with print , download, sent , event alerts and other options. Request more information .. Banking Balanced Score Cards[NEW] Main function: Track overall business performance (quantity and quality key indicators) A number of key indicators covering main business profit / expense lines Retail, Corporate, Investment business lines Track customer satisfaction ( quality of the service) Time series analysis Drill trough, up and down Easy to operate web based interface with print , download, sent , event alerts and other options. Request more information ..

Employee Sales Performance[NEW] Main function: Track individual performance on all levels Incentive schemas KPI and Balanced Score Cards Retail, Corporate, Investment business lines Time series analysis Drill trough, up and down Easy to operate web based interface with print , download, sent , event alerts and other options. Request more information ..

Banking Product Performance[NEW] Main function: Track bank product performance KPI and Balanced Score Cards Retail, Corporate, Investment business lines Time series analysis Drill trough, up and down Easy to operate web based interface with print , download, sent , event alerts and other options. Request more information ..

Marketing Banking Products[NEW] Main function: Customer analysis , segments analysis, socio-economic analysis Market baskets of products, Cross sells and up-sells product analysis Dimensional design Drill trough, up and down Easy to operate web based interface with print , download, sent , event alerts and other options. Request more information ..

BI Demo Center The BI Demo center is the front line shop window for BI software products. Its main purpose is to serve as a Proof of Concept when end users require information about BI products. By various types of presentations, demonstrations and hands-on training , the BI Demo Center will give information and knowledge about Sirmas BI Product Portfolio and will attempt to answer all end-user questions regarding purchasing and implementation of BI software products. BI demo centre events schedule - summer 2008 Dates Product demonstration Day program Presentation types [Presentation] [Demonstration] [Hands on Training] Remarks

Request Demo session From :. Organization Request BI Products Demonstration . . . . . SUBMIT , CANCEL

BI White Papers 1. White Paper Oracle BI EE.pdf

BI Presentations 1. Building Information Architectures on Oracle BI EE v2.pdf

BI Press Release 1. Sirma_in_Account.pdf BI Career Center 1. Experienced BI professionals, BI Team, Ref BI001-08 - Please submit a detailed CV highlighting most relevant to BI software experience. 2. Summer internship program 2008 , BI Team, Ref No BI002-08

The summer internship program aims to recruit, select and train suitable young IT students for the needs of Sirma BI Team. This team develops software solutions on the basis of Business Intelligence concept for banking and financial institutions. Our young future colleagues will get acquainted the profession of System/Business Analysts , for which they will receive initial knowledge and skills as well as possibility to apply in practice the skills learned in various BI projects.

The program contains training and tasks performance. The training areas are : -System Analysis and Design -Oracle SQL Training -Oracle Database Fundamentals -Oracle Data warehouse Fundamentals -Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Suite

-Software project management for implementation of banking and financial software. During the internship program , the creative thinking will be encouraged in solving various tasks. Ideas for science research work will be encouraged also in the area of Business Intelligence or application of BI solution for science and master research works.

Duration 3 months with possibility for contract employment as System or Business


- Suitable IT university qualification - 4th or 5th university grade completed or masters degree study - Communication skills and team work - Good knowledge of English language - Creative and science thinking

Application process
-Short CV - (1 Page) -Interview Please submit a CV *.doc or *.pdf

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